-Removed all of the /*jshint expr:true*/ comments from the tests
-Removed all of the should.equal(true, true) statements from the tests
-Removed should from the greenkeeper ignores
no issue
- request is quite a heavy dependency
- we were only using request in 3 places: a test, storing contrib images in the gruntfile & the gravatar lookup
- all 3 are relatively simple to do with the http/https module
- refactored all 3, removed request
refs #5091
- Move renderChannel to own file
- Update channel config to have get/list methods
- Move main routes to be generated based on the list of channels
- Move RSS routes to be subroutes of channels
- Move redirect301 to be a shared util
- Add full test coverage
- Split frontend route tests into frontend & channels
refs #6301
- Don't hardcode the model fields in utils/api -> use the schema + modify the lists
= We can now easily see what the differences between the schema and the API result are
- Don't hardcode the default DB version in the import/export tools
= We don't have to update this every time we update the database version
no issue
Including app fields along with tags & authors was a preoptimisation.
We don't use them yet, and having them results in database calls that are unnecessary.
- No longer necessary to initialize via async init().
- Adds a startup-check for mail configuration.
- Creates a notification in the admin client if
mail transport is "direct" and sending a message fails.
-upgraded should.js to the latest version (8.2.1)
-Changed the tests so that they comply with the breaking changes introduced in the new version of should.js
-Installs the package should-http so can be used
-Installs the package should-sinon so that can be used
- Refactored ghost head helper to use the new metadata functions.
- Fix issue where tag should output description if missing meta description.
- Add test for tag description.
- Updated tests to look for author urls with a tailing backslash
- Fix author to output meta description first and then bio if missing.
refs #6301
- In the migration folder, commands.js changed to builder.js to resolve conflict with the 'commands' inside data/utils/clients/.
- a new data/schema/ folder has been added to hold all the code related to the database schema
- data/utils/clients have been moved to data/schema/clients
- data/utils/index.js has become data/schema/commands.js
- data/schema.js has been split, the definition of the DB schema stays put, the additional checks have moved to data/schema/checks.js
- data/validation/index.js has become data/schema/versioning.js
- data/fixtures has moved to data/migration/fixtures
- data/default-settings.json has moved to data/schema/default-settings.json
- trim trailing slashes before comparing URLs in navigation helper
- add test case to make sure nav-current is appended regardless of trailing slash presence
issue #6186
- Moved asset helper logic to a asset url function.
- Created author image function to be used in ghost_head helper.
- Created author url function to be used in the ghost_head helper.
- Created canonical url function to be used in the ghost_head helper.
- Moved meta_description helper logic to a function.
- Moved excerpt helper logic to a function.
- Created an index in data/meta to be used in ghost_head helper to get all data.
- Created keyword function to be used in the ghost_head helper.
- Created modified data function to be used in the ghost_head helper.
- Created next url function to be used in the ghost_head helper.
- Created ogType function to be used in the ghost_head helper.
- Created previous url function to be used in the ghost_head helper.
- Created published data function to be used in the ghost_head helper.
- Created rss url function to be used in the ghost_head helper.
- Created schema function to be used in the ghost_head helper.
- Created structured data function to be used in the ghost_head helper.
- Moved meta_title helper logic to a title function.
- Moved url helper logic to a url function.
- Wrote tests for all the new functions
This is just the first step. I plan on refactoring the ghost head to use these new functions.
- Remove unneeded Promise.promisify in mailer
- Remove noEmailTransportConfigured error as not relevant anymore (Direct is default)
- Clone message argument in mailer.send
- Move test from api_mail_spec to mail_spec
- Add default mail title test
issue #6270
- Exposed getBaseUrl on the config class.
- Fix formatting config index as array was more then 140 characters long.
- Updated getBaseUrl to handle secure by replacing http with https if true.
- Fixed ghost_head helper to output canonical base url no https.
- Fixed ghost_head helper to set secure correctly for the rss link.
- Fixed navigation helper to pass secure in each nav item, so that urlFor can u$
- Fixed {{url}} to pass secure correctly to config.urlFor.
- Fixed test to use urlSSL over https besides for canonical.
- Add tests for {{url}} and to make sure they output https for absolute and secure.
- Update twitter and og url to use the canonical url.
- Added createImageNodeFromDatum to BaseSiteMapGenerator
- Refactor some defaults code that was unnecessary
- Add tests for posts, tags, users and posts with images
- curly braces and back-tick should also be replaced with a dash
- other symbols and chars in ascii table are either removed or replace
- not all the replacements are sensible, but better than having odd chars in the slug for now
- GQL has a bug where literals starting with numbers are incorrectly parsed
- Using strings instead of literals is a workaround, but is probably safer anyway