Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost.git synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00

Refactored ghost head helper

closes #6186
- Refactored ghost head helper to use the new metadata functions.
- Fix issue where tag should output description if missing meta description.
- Add test for tag description.
- Updated tests to look for author urls with a tailing backslash
- Fix author to output meta description first and then bio if missing.
This commit is contained in:
JT Turner 2016-01-27 08:58:27 -08:00
parent 6095300f40
commit 06d91ce046
4 changed files with 72 additions and 306 deletions

View file

@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ function getDescription(data, root) {
} else if (_.contains(context, 'home')) {
description = config.theme.description;
} else if (_.contains(context, 'author') && data.author) {
description = data.author.bio;
description = data.author.meta_description || data.author.bio;
} else if (_.contains(context, 'tag') && data.tag) {
description = data.tag.meta_description;
description = data.tag.meta_description || data.tag.description;
} else if ((_.contains(context, 'post') || _.contains(context, 'page')) && data.post) {
description = data.post.meta_description;

View file

@ -6,26 +6,18 @@
// We use the name ghost_head to match the helper for consistency:
// jscs:disable requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers
var hbs = require('express-hbs'),
moment = require('moment'),
_ = require('lodash'),
Promise = require('bluebird'),
config = require('../config'),
filters = require('../filters'),
api = require('../api'),
assetHelper = require('./asset'),
urlHelper = require('./url'),
meta_description = require('./meta_description'),
meta_title = require('./meta_title'),
excerpt = require('./excerpt'),
tagsHelper = require('./tags'),
imageHelper = require('./image'),
labs = require('../utils/labs'),
var getMetaData = require('../data/meta'),
hbs = require('express-hbs'),
escapeExpression = hbs.handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression,
SafeString = hbs.handlebars.SafeString,
_ = require('lodash'),
api = require('../api'),
filters = require('../filters'),
assetHelper = require('./asset'),
config = require('../config'),
Promise = require('bluebird'),
labs = require('../utils/labs'),
api = require('../api');
function getClient() {
if (labs.isSet('publicAPI') === true) {
@ -37,12 +29,10 @@ function getClient() {
secret: client.secret
return {};
return {};
return Promise.resolve({});
function writeMetaTag(property, content, type) {
@ -50,234 +40,26 @@ function writeMetaTag(property, content, type) {
return '<meta ' + type + '="' + property + '" content="' + content + '" />';
function getImage(props, context, contextObject) {
if (context === 'home' || context === 'author') {
contextObject.image = contextObject.cover;
props.image = imageHelper.call(contextObject, {hash: {absolute: true}});
if (context === 'post' && contextObject.author) {
props.author_image = imageHelper.call(contextObject.author, {hash: {absolute: true}});
function getPaginationUrls(pagination, relativeUrl, secure, head) {
var trimmedUrl, next, prev,
trimmedUrlpattern = /.+(?=\/page\/\d*\/)/,
tagOrAuthorPattern = /\/(tag)|(author)\//;
trimmedUrl = relativeUrl.match(trimmedUrlpattern);
if (pagination.prev) {
prev = (pagination.prev > 1 ? '/page/' + pagination.prev + '/' : '/');
prev = (trimmedUrl) ? trimmedUrl + prev : prev;
head.push('<link rel="prev" href="' +
config.urlFor({relativeUrl: prev, secure: secure}, true) + '" />'
if (pagination.next) {
next = '/page/' + pagination.next + '/';
if (trimmedUrl) {
next = trimmedUrl + next;
} else if (tagOrAuthorPattern.test(relativeUrl)) {
next = relativeUrl.slice(0, -1) + next;
head.push('<link rel="next" href="' +
config.urlFor({relativeUrl: next, secure: secure}, true) + '" />'
return head;
function addContextMetaData(context, data, metaData) {
// escaped data
metaData.metaTitle = hbs.handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(metaData.metaTitle);
metaData.metaDescription = metaData.metaDescription ? hbs.handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(metaData.metaDescription) : null;
if (context === 'author') {
metaData.authorUrl = hbs.handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(blog.url + '/author/' + data.author.slug);
metaData.ogType = 'profile';
} else if (context === 'post') {
metaData.publishedDate = moment(data.post.published_at).toISOString();
metaData.modifiedDate = moment(data.post.updated_at).toISOString();
metaData.authorUrl = hbs.handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(blog.url + '/author/' + data.post.author.slug);
metaData.ogType = 'article';
return metaData;
function initMetaData(context, data, results) {
var metaData = {
url: results.url,
canonicalUrl: results.canonicalUrl,
metaDescription: results.meta_description || null,
metaTitle: results.meta_title,
coverImage: results.image,
authorImage: results.author_image,
publishedDate: null,
modifiedDate: null,
tags: null,
card: 'summary',
authorUrl: null,
ogType: 'website',
keywords: null,
blog: blog,
title: blog.title,
clientId: results.client.id,
clientSecret: results.client.secret
if (!metaData.metaDescription) {
if (context === 'post') {
metaData.metaDescription = excerpt.call(data.post, {hash: {words: '40'}}).string + '...';
} else if (context === 'tag') {
metaData.metaDescription = data.tag.description ? data.tag.description : null;
return addContextMetaData(context, data, metaData);
function getStructuredData(metaData) {
var structuredData;
if (metaData.coverImage) {
metaData.card = 'summary_large_image';
structuredData = {
'og:site_name': metaData.title,
'og:type': metaData.ogType,
'og:title': metaData.metaTitle,
'og:description': metaData.metaDescription,
'og:url': metaData.canonicalUrl,
'og:image': metaData.coverImage,
'article:published_time': metaData.publishedDate,
'article:modified_time': metaData.modifiedDate,
'article:tag': metaData.tags,
'twitter:card': metaData.card,
'twitter:title': metaData.metaTitle,
'twitter:description': metaData.metaDescription,
'twitter:url': metaData.canonicalUrl,
'twitter:image:src': metaData.coverImage
return structuredData;
// Creates the final schema object with values that are not null
function trimSchema(schema) {
var schemaObject = {};
_.each(schema, function (value, key) {
if (value !== null && value !== undefined) {
schemaObject[key] = value;
return schemaObject;
function getPostSchema(metaData, data) {
var schema = {
'@context': 'http://schema.org',
'@type': 'Article',
publisher: metaData.title,
author: {
'@type': 'Person',
name: data.post.author.name,
image: metaData.authorImage,
url: metaData.authorUrl,
sameAs: data.post.author.website || null,
description: data.post.author.bio || null
headline: metaData.metaTitle,
url: metaData.url,
datePublished: metaData.publishedDate,
dateModified: metaData.modifiedDate,
image: metaData.coverImage,
keywords: metaData.keywords,
description: metaData.metaDescription
return trimSchema(schema);
function getTagSchema(metaData, data) {
var schema = {
'@context': 'http://schema.org',
'@type': 'Series',
publisher: metaData.title,
url: metaData.url,
image: metaData.coverImage,
name: data.tag.name,
description: metaData.metaDescription
return trimSchema(schema);
function getAuthorSchema(metaData, data) {
var schema = {
'@context': 'http://schema.org',
'@type': 'Person',
sameAs: data.author.website || null,
publisher: metaData.title,
name: data.author.name,
url: metaData.authorUrl,
image: metaData.coverImage,
description: metaData.metaDescription
return trimSchema(schema);
function getHomeSchema(metaData) {
var schema = {
'@context': 'http://schema.org',
'@type': 'Website',
publisher: metaData.title,
url: metaData.url,
image: metaData.coverImage,
description: metaData.metaDescription
return trimSchema(schema);
function chooseSchema(metaData, context, data) {
if (context === 'post') {
return getPostSchema(metaData, data);
} else if (context === 'home') {
return getHomeSchema(metaData);
} else if (context === 'tag') {
return getTagSchema(metaData, data);
} else if (context === 'author') {
return getAuthorSchema(metaData, data);
function finaliseStructuredData(structuredData, tags, head) {
_.each(structuredData, function (content, property) {
function finaliseStructuredData(metaData) {
var head = [];
_.each(metaData.structuredData, function (content, property) {
if (property === 'article:tag') {
_.each(tags, function (tag) {
if (tag !== '') {
tag = hbs.handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(tag.trim());
head.push(writeMetaTag(property, tag));
_.each(metaData.keywords, function (keyword) {
if (keyword !== '') {
keyword = escapeExpression(keyword);
} else if (content !== null && content !== undefined) {
head.push(writeMetaTag(property, content));
return head;
function finaliseSchema(schema, head) {
head.push('<script type="application/ld+json">\n' + JSON.stringify(schema, null, ' ') +
'\n </script>\n'
return head;
function getAjaxHelper(clientId, clientSecret) {
return '<script type="text/javascript" src="' +
assetHelper('shared/ghost-url.js', {hash: {minifyInProduction: true}}) + '"></script>\n' +
@ -289,90 +71,62 @@ function getAjaxHelper(clientId, clientSecret) {
ghost_head = function (options) {
function ghost_head(options) {
// if error page do nothing
if (this.code >= 400) {
// create a shortcut for theme config
blog = config.theme;
/*jshint unused:false*/
var self = this,
useStructuredData = !config.isPrivacyDisabled('useStructuredData'),
var metaData = getMetaData(this, options.data.root),
head = [],
safeVersion = this.safeVersion,
props = {},
title = hbs.handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(blog.title),
context = self.context ? self.context[0] : null,
contextObject = _.cloneDeep(self[context] || blog);
context = this.context ? this.context[0] : null,
useStructuredData = !config.isPrivacyDisabled('useStructuredData'),
safeVersion = this.safeVersion;
// Store Async calls in an object of named promises
props.url = urlHelper.call(self, {hash: {absolute: true}});
props.canonicalUrl = config.urlJoin(config.getBaseUrl(false),
urlHelper.call(self, {hash: {absolute: false}}));
props.meta_description = meta_description.call(self, options);
props.meta_title = meta_title.call(self, options);
props.client = getClient();
getImage(props, context, contextObject);
// Resolves promises then push pushes meta data into ghost_head
return Promise.props(props).then(function (results) {
return getClient().then(function (client) {
if (context) {
var metaData = initMetaData(context, self, results),
tags = tagsHelper.call(self.post, {hash: {autolink: 'false'}}).string.split(',');
// If there are tags - build the keywords metaData string
if (tags[0] !== '') {
metaData.keywords = hbs.handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(tagsHelper.call(self.post,
{hash: {autolink: 'false', separator: ', '}}
// head is our main array that holds our meta data
head.push('<link rel="canonical" href="' + metaData.canonicalUrl + '" />');
head.push('<link rel="canonical" href="' +
escapeExpression(metaData.canonicalUrl) + '" />');
head.push('<meta name="referrer" content="origin" />');
// Generate context driven pagination urls
if (self.pagination) {
getPaginationUrls(self.pagination, self.relativeUrl, self.secure, head);
if (metaData.previousUrl) {
head.push('<link rel="prev" href="' +
escapeExpression(metaData.previousUrl) + '" />');
if (metaData.nextUrl) {
head.push('<link rel="next" href="' +
escapeExpression(metaData.nextUrl) + '" />');
// Test to see if we are on a post page and that Structured data has not been disabled in config.js
if (context !== 'paged' && context !== 'page' && useStructuredData) {
// Create context driven OpenGraph and Twitter meta data
structuredData = getStructuredData(metaData);
// Create context driven JSONLD object
schema = chooseSchema(metaData, context, self);
// Formats structured data and pushes to head array
finaliseStructuredData(structuredData, tags, head);
head.push.apply(head, finaliseStructuredData(metaData));
// Formats schema script/JSONLD data and pushes to head array
finaliseSchema(schema, head);
head.push('<script type="application/ld+json">\n' +
JSON.stringify(metaData.schema, null, ' ') +
'\n </script>\n');
if (metaData.clientId && metaData.clientSecret) {
head.push(getAjaxHelper(metaData.clientId, metaData.clientSecret));
if (client && client.id && client.secret) {
head.push(getAjaxHelper(client.id, client.secret));
head.push('<meta name="generator" content="Ghost ' + safeVersion + '" />');
head.push('<meta name="generator" content="Ghost ' +
escapeExpression(safeVersion) + '" />');
head.push('<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="' +
title + '" href="' + config.urlFor('rss', {secure: self.secure},
true) + '" />');
}).then(function () {
escapeExpression(metaData.blog.title) + '" href="' +
escapeExpression(metaData.rssUrl) + '" />');
return api.settings.read({key: 'ghost_head'});
}).then(function (response) {
return filters.doFilter('ghost_head', head);
}).then(function (head) {
var headString = _.reduce(head, function (memo, item) { return memo + '\n ' + item; }, '');
return new hbs.handlebars.SafeString(headString.trim());
return new SafeString(head.join('\n ').trim());
module.exports = ghost_head;

View file

@ -38,6 +38,18 @@ describe('getMetaDescription', function () {
description.should.equal('Best tag ever!');
it('should return data tag description if no meta description for tag', function () {
var description = getMetaDescription({
tag: {
meta_description: '',
description: 'The normal description'
}, {
context: ['tag']
description.should.equal('The normal description');
it('should return data post meta description if on root context contains post', function () {
var description = getMetaDescription({
post: {

View file

@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ describe('{{ghost_head}} helper', function () {
rendered.string.should.match(/"@type": "Person"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"sameAs": "http:\/\/authorwebsite.com"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"publisher": "Ghost"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"url": "http:\/\/testurl.com\/author\/AuthorName"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"url": "http:\/\/testurl.com\/author\/AuthorName\/"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"image": "http:\/\/testurl.com\/content\/images\/author-cover-image.png"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"name": "Author name"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"description": "Author bio"/);
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ describe('{{ghost_head}} helper', function () {
rendered.string.should.match(/"@type": "Person"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"name": "Author name"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"image\": \"http:\/\/testurl.com\/content\/images\/test-author-image.png\"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"url": "http:\/\/testurl.com\/author\/Author"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"url": "http:\/\/testurl.com\/author\/Author\/"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"sameAs": "http:\/\/authorwebsite.com"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"description": "Author bio"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"headline": "Welcome to Ghost"/);
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ describe('{{ghost_head}} helper', function () {
rendered.string.should.match(/"@type": "Person"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"name": "Author name"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"image\": \"http:\/\/testurl.com\/content\/images\/test-author-image.png\"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"url": "http:\/\/testurl.com\/author\/Author"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"url": "http:\/\/testurl.com\/author\/Author\/"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"sameAs": "http:\/\/authorwebsite.com"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"headline": "Welcome to Ghost &quot;test&quot;"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"url": "http:\/\/testurl.com\/post\/"/);
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ describe('{{ghost_head}} helper', function () {
rendered.string.should.match(/"@type": "Person"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"name": "Author name"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"image\": \"http:\/\/testurl.com\/content\/images\/test-author-image.png\"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"url": "http:\/\/testurl.com\/author\/Author"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"url": "http:\/\/testurl.com\/author\/Author\/"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"sameAs": "http:\/\/authorwebsite.com"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"headline": "Welcome to Ghost"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"url": "http:\/\/testurl.com\/post\/"/);
@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ describe('{{ghost_head}} helper', function () {
rendered.string.should.match(/"@type": "Person"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"name": "Author name"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"url": "http:\/\/testurl.com\/author\/Author"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"url": "http:\/\/testurl.com\/author\/Author\/"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"sameAs": "http:\/\/authorwebsite.com"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"headline": "Welcome to Ghost"/);
rendered.string.should.match(/"url": "http:\/\/testurl.com\/post\/"/);