no related issue
- Updates package.json packages, adding express middleware packages
that have been broken into their own modules
- Updates controllers/frontend.js to use the new Layer object that Express 4.0
has. Requires some monkey-patching as the Layer object isn't explicitly
surfaced, however it should be safe to do.
- Moved the setup of routes into middleware/index.js because they need to
be added as a middleware function before the 404 and 500 handlers. This is
no longer possible with the old app.use(app.router) as that has been removed.
- Cleaned up middleware/index.js to make it compatible with Express 4.0.
- Simplified the way themes are activated and enabled when they are activated.
The new handling is simpler, yet should still cover all the use cases that
previously existed.
- The entire flow of activating a theme through middleware should be a little
more centralized, letting it be easier to read and maintain.
- Moved every routes/*.js file to use an individual express.Router() instance.
* Mailer now only handles sending email and initializing settings. Instead of adding new notifications there, it just sets flags on its own object.
* Mailer now checks for the presence of "to". If there is none, it fails. You should really pass a full mail object complete with "to", "subject" and "html", otherwise it's partial content.
* Therefore Mail API doesn't check for the existence of the "to", and doesn't get the email from settings and substitute that
* index.js now has a method that adds the notifications. I figured adding those THERE is probably better than individually in every module. It is, as the comments say, can be made extensible
No issue
-remove any existing listeners on the SIGINT event during
the ghost bootstrap process. handles an issue during testing
where node was warning about too many listeners.
No issue
-inject popover:service into modal component delete post
controller so popover close can be triggered as part of
the delete action
-remove unnecessary 'needs' from the delete post controller
-wire up delete post action in ember admin
-refactor ember modal dialog
-override RESTAdapter.deleteRecord to workaround Ember expecting
an empty response body on DELETEs
-update slug API to handle users and apps in addition to
posts and tags
-update existing tests
-add new functional tests for slug endpoint on http api