no issue
- When importing large batches of members we should not allow for unlimited amount of parallel requests created as this might lead to connection pool problems and reaching API rate limits (for example Stripe API is limited to 100 req/s)
no issue
- New fields that are accepted through members CSV import endpoint are:
- `subscribed_to_emails` - corresponds to `subscribed` flag in API
- `stripe_customer_id` - links existing Stripe customer to created member
- `complimentary_plan` - flag controlling "Complimentary" plan subscription creation for imported member
- Noteworthy exception in field naming - `subscribed_to_emails` that corresponds to `subscribed` API flag present on members resources. It's a special case of CSV format, where users can be less technical it's more explicit to what the flag does (also the same naming is applied in the Admin UI)
- Failing to either link Stripe customer or assign "Complimentary" subscription to imported member behaves in a transaction-like manner - imported record is not created in the database. This is needed to be able to retry imports when it fails for reasons like connectivity failure with Stripe or Stripe miss-configuration.
- To avoid conflicts with linking same Stripe customer to multiple members there is a special handling for duplicate `stripe_customer_id` fields. Records with duplicates are removed from imported set.
no issue
- We need a way to simulate "premium" membership without any payment from members' side. For this new "Complimentary" plan is introduced
- Allows `comped` flag as an input only on `PUT /members/:id` endpoint which sets free subscriptions based on "complimentary" plan on the member
- Added `comped` flag to members endpoint responses
- Bumped members-api to 0.12.0. This version supports new set/cancel complimentary subscription methods
- As members module has become a core part it makes sense to follow the same principles as in all other controllers and use the model directly instead of calling external services.
- Bumped @tryghost/members-api to 0.11.1 . New stripe-specific methods used in controllers are available starting with this version
- Exposing these new methods is a little hacky because there are no relationships setup on members_* tables. Left notes for future improvements once relations are introduced.
- We don't allow for chaging member's emails at the moment. For this reason had to modify JSON schema a little. It doesn't support OO inheritence: "This shortcoming is perhaps one of the biggest surprises of the combining operations in JSON schema: it does not behave like inheritance in an object-oriented language. " (ref.
no issue
- This includes the interface change for members-api constructor - now accepts the member's model instead of proxy methods. These methods have been moved ton @tryghost/members-api in favor of using the model directly (ref:
- Moved error handling from the service layer to controller
- Bumped @tryghost/member-api package to 0.10.0
The members export admin API by default paginates the result and only returns upto 15 members. This allows passing `limit` param to the API and allows passing `limit=all` to fetch all members in result.
no issue
- Improved error handling for member creation. We should be returning 422s instead of 500 when possible
- Wrapped `members.add` method with Bluebird promise. Wrapping is needed to be able to use `.reflect()` in CSV export method
- Added proper members CSV fixture
no issue
- Added Regression full test coverage for members Admin API
- Added `POST /members` endpoint
- Added members schema definition + validation
- Added ability to pass through send_email/emal_type options to members API