refs #1833
- modified config.urlFor to handle tag pages
- modified {{#tags}} handlebars helper to autolink to
tag pages. Additional autolink="false" parameter can
be used to deactivate autolinking
- modified url handlebars helper to handle tags
- added isTag function to schema
- added unit test for additional urlFor functionality
- added unit test for {{#tags}} helper modifications
- added unit test for url handlebards helper
- uses express’ Route object to create RegExp’s
that we use to check the incoming path
- refactored structure of fronted controller single
tests to be easier to read
- amend regex to incorporate new allowed permalink
ghost as a npm module
- modifies main script file to allow it to
take in an options object that currently
supports an express instance or a config file path
- added tests
addresses #1789, #1364
- Moves ./core/server/loader -> ./core/bootstrap.
The bootstrap file is only accessed once during startup,
and it’s sole job is to ensure a config.js file exists
(creating one if it doesn’t) and then validates
the contents of the config file.
Since this is directly related to the initializing
the application is is appropriate to have
it in the ./core folder, named bootstrap as that
is what it does.
This also improves the dependency graph, as now
the bootstrap file require’s the ./core/server/config
module and is responsible for passing in the validated
config file.
Whereas before we had ./core/server/config
require’ing ./core/server/loader and running its
init code and then passing that value back to itself,
the flow is now more straight forward of
./core/bootstrap handling initialization and then
instatiation of config module
- Merges ./core/server/config/paths into
This flow was always confusing me to that some config
options were on the config object, and some were on
the paths object.
This change now incorporates all of the variables
previously defined in config/paths directly
into the config module, and in extension,
the config.js file.
This means that you now have the option of deciding
at startup where the content directory for ghost
should reside.
- broke out loader tests in config_spec to bootstrap_spec
- updated all relevant files to now use config().paths
- moved urlFor and urlForPost function into
- instead of putting author in feedOptions of node-rss, it was moved to itemOptions
- supplying author: user ? : null in itemOptions will still result to creating a dc:creator tag inside item tags so the info needed to have the author is still there like before
- node-rss should however still fix this quirk to not have that nasty author tag in channel tag when you supply author in feedOptions
no issue
- added check that a combination of email + expires is rejected after
10 attempts
- changed comparison to time independent method
Thanks to @chiiph for reporting this issue!
- moved admin theme static resource service above 'checkSSL', otherwise
when forceAdminSSL is true it will try to redirect them to HTTPS, and
error pages will be unstyled
- adding server.enable('trust proxy') to let connect framework do the work
of detecting X-Forwarded-Proto header
- replacing explicit checking for the X-Forwarded-Proto header with just
'' boolean check
* Move styling for `#signup`, `#forgotten`, `#reset`, `#login`, `#usermenu` and `#notifications` to classes
No IDs have been added or removed, so any events shouldn't be affected and it passes all tests.
issue #2015
- this is another little workaround / improvement to try to reduce the number of people who end up with a published post with no published_at set
- I assume we need to complete #1655 to fix this properly
- resolves errors when attempting to start Ghost without the active theme present
- the frontend will render a 500 error page safely
- issues with themes that have an error template are resolved separately in #2018
fixes#1964, fixes#1975
- Issues with partial handling which caused #1964 have been part fixed by handlebars, part worked around by express-hbs, we must use `registerPartials` to ensure partials are handled correctly.
- Issue with error handling which caused #1975 has also been fixed in express-hbs, which now catches the error from handlebars and passes it to express so that we can handle the error with an error page.
- added builtFilesExist function to check for files during startup.
If built files do not exist Ghost startup is stopped and a link
to the documentation is displayed.
- exported a scriptFiles object from server/helpers.
- added a builtScriptPath to the paths module.
- removed "js-msg" about missing javascript from the UI.