no issue
- the analytice-node v4 update contains a breaking change that throws an
exception if the message is over 32kb
- I'm pretty sure we won't hit this, but it's good to track these errors
anyway and stop Ghost from bombing out if there's an issue
- this commit wraps the tracking call and adds Sentry + logging to the
- testing happy path
- mock github api request with redirect to zip-file download endpoint
- theme is installed with a name of the github repo
- response matches a theme upload response
refs 0f59537b96
refs 303046bc0a
- When the referenced changes were introduced they did not take into account upcoming engine versions and provided little guidance about what other areas might need to be checked and changed
- The last referenced commit shows an approximate scale of changes that might be beened when frontend engine defaults are modified in the future
- The snake case pattern is used in all the rest of test suite file names
- Cleaned up these two files as they were sticking out in the folder I was touching
- Continued work started in referenced commit in making sites_spec more manageable.
- Extracted out separate v2/v3/canary specs for each site configuration
- Now these files are easily diff'able and introducing new API version would include copying a file over instead of adding up to a gigantic file
- The aim is to split site test suite into separate files v2/v3/v4 after this move
- It is hard to grep or diff the file of this size.
- Having separate files per ghost-api engine will allow tracking changes between different API versions in the future
- It's a continuation of work started in refed commit
no issue
- The site_spec is a catch all suite with too many moving parts. While adding a new tests suite for v4 frontend configuration it felt overwhelming to add hundreds of lines to a >5000 line monstrocity
- we've introduced backwards-compatible changes to rendering in 3.0 such as srcset and sizes which will only have taken effect on posts created or edited since the changes were made
- 4.0 brings additional changes such as image card width/height
- re-generating the `html` field of all posts from the `mobiledoc` brings all content up to latest rendering output
- Continuing cleanup and clarification of the boot process
- By locating requires and inits more closely together its easier to see what happens where and to get timings
- Improved consistency of the debug begin/end statements
- Added "Step" comments to the main process
- Inlined the mountGhost function, for readability and consistency with the other steps
The initial implementation was just to get us going with the dashboard
but the requirements have changed now, rather than updating the code we
allow to pass the `limit` options so the Admin can choose how many
events to display.
- There is now one true way to start Ghost - you create a server, and then call start with an express app
- We may well expand this again to improve testing pathways in future, but it will be done with a bit more clarity about expectations
- moved logging variable outside of the try-catch block, so it doesn't need a 2nd require
- I was considering having config,logging etc shared components required in a function together, but it's less readable
- Having a try-catch for loading shared components before main boot is also confusing
- This is simplest and most readable IMO
refs dd715b33dc
- this is the last event that is used to trigger part of the standard boot process
- events make the code harder to read/reason about
- the urlservice is one of the most core and critical components in Ghost, possibly the biggest consumer of time and memory
- we want to have the work it is doing front and center so that we can improve it
- adds an error handler that will rename the backup folder to the original name if the newly uploaded theme wasn't saved successfully
- Mailgun responds to an email send with a provider id in the format `<>` but everywhere else it's used in their API it uses the format ``
- updates email batch save to strip the brackets, and migration removes brackets from existing records so we no longer have to add special handling for the stored id any time we use it
refs b1a98b0b67
- note: I already replaced server.start with themes.ready in the above commit
- events make the code harder to read/reason about
- long term it would be nice to have a concept of hooks for services, but for now explicit is clearer