- We had an incident where a migration file was misnamed.
- This is caused by using slimer with spaces rather than hyphens
- We didn't imagine this case when writing the regex for matching filenames
- However, now we know it, it's easy to tweak the regex to match this case
- This requires adding an override to the one badly named file
- Keeping overrides inside the file means the context of why a rule isn't firing is present inline when modifying a file
- This makes it easier to maintain files, at the cost of needing to search to find all overrides
refs 2fa3985d42
- Running tests with error logging set to "error" lever, produced a massive amounts of errors related to failed Stripe keys. Making it hard to look through the output.
- When Ghost is running in teste environment by default it is configured with an invalid Stripe key that looks like `sk_test***`. In this case the Members migrations runs creating requiest to Stripe, which fail.
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1469
With multiple newsletters, members will now be able to subscribe to one or more newsletters on the site. Previously, the subscription to default newsletter for a member was controlled via a single boolean `subscribed` column on the member table.
This change allows mapping multiple newsletters to a member via new pivot table that stores relation between a member and newsletter.
- adds new `members_newsletters` pivot table
- update tests
- if we add a column with a foreign key reference, the `down` migration
will try to remove that column
- you can't remove a column without deleting the foreign key reference
- our migration utils didn't take that into account and there's nothing
in Knex to do this for us
- this commit deletes the foreign key before removing the column if we
have one referenced in the column spec
- also updates the code to pass the column spec into the util
refs 7172db74b0 (r70370252)
- The changes referenced above changed fixtures without taking "test fixtures" in "test/utils/fixtures/fixtures.json" into account. This fix is only cosmetical to unlutter the test output with logging level set to "error". Once the referenced comment is answered a proper fix should be applied here
- this commit removes the colons from the log messages to make each
line flow easier when you're reading it
- also removes a couple of superfluous words that aren't needed
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/449
- Once we deprecate site.lang use in favor of site.locale this helper will need inspection for potentially breaking change. Left a note to come back to it once it's time
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1463
- Allow admins to perform all newsletter operations
- We can adjust and be more permissive in the future if needed
- Added the tests back as permissions are configured correctly now
refs TryGhost/Team#1458
refs TryGhost/Team#1459
refs TryGhost/Team#1372
- Added a new stats service, which is divided into several categories. Currently only the 'members' category for member related stats.
- When there are missing or corrupt members status events in the DB, the totals returned by the old member stats endpoint (`/members/stats/count`) were wrong. This is fixed in the new service by counting in reverse order and starting with the actual totals.
- New Stats API, with the new `/stats/members/count-history` endpoint.
- This new endpoint also returns the paid deltas -> dashboard 5.0 will show subscribed and canceled paid members for each day
- Includes tests for the new stats service and endpoint
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1463
- This enables listing, creating and editing newsletters
- The tests are commented out as the permissions will be added in a follow-up commit
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/213
- our `knex` dependency has been out of date for a while so my aim was
to bring it up to date
- this required also switching `sqlite3` to `@vscode/sqlite3` because
knex switched the default sqlite driver
- this commit also bumps knex-migrator and switches to a mock-knex fork
until Knex 1.0 support has been merged
- also updates an error message to handle a new code in SQLite
refs: https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/245
- The default behaviour of a serializer is to call a mapper for each object
- Instead of all the boilerplate code we had in the snippets serializer, all we need is a single mapper function
- Added tests for the mapper function as well
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1433
- The `default` property stores whether a newsletter is set as default by the admin
- The `status` property stores whether a newsletter is archived or not
- The `recipient_filter` property is only storing whether a newsletter is "paid-only" or not for now, although it can be expanded to more specific filters in the future
- The `subscribe_on_signup` property stores whether a new member should be automatically signed up to the newsletter
- The `sort_order` property enables displaying the newsletter list in an order chosen by the admins
refs: https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1446
- These endpoints are unused, so they are safe to remove
- We're starting to remove as much unused & unnecessary code as possible to try to reduce the codebase and increase test coverage
refs: https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/245
refs: https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/commit/73f91a524
- we don't need this serializer because the default serializer will do the same thing
- commit 73f91a524 fixes the logic so that the default serializer is called as a fallback
even though the email_preview serialzier exists, as there's no matching method name
- sadly the route name here is wrong, it should be email_previews plural, but the response format is correct
to make this work we have to fix the docName and rename the serializer
refs: https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/245
- .all methods are fallback serializers not to be run as well as a custom serializer
- The default serializer is also a fallback
- The "All" file with before and after are global hooks that _always_ get run as well as other serializers
- There's a lot of room for further improvement here especially with naming but this logic makes more sense
for the usecases AND doesn't affect v2 & v3 etc. We can do another pass after 5.0
refs: https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/245
- There are several serializers which are "passthroughs" that return the response from the query
function as-is.
- The intention here is to make them all look consistent so they're easy to spot and understand what they do
refs: 0ef5a5c97a
- As per the previous commit, our mixed filename casing inadvertently resulted in a bug
- The casing in the codebase is meant to be kebab-case always, so fixing this everywhere that's relevant to the API whilst there's a good reason
refs: https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/245
refs: https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1360
- As a result of my changes in https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/commit/3bd4d098 the members connect endpoint had started returning JSON
- This is because the members connect endpoint relied on the old default behaviour of the serializer being to return no response, whereas now it does our default JSON response format
- I had written a tool to iterate over all endpoints and ensure that they all had explicit serializers before changing the default behaviour, but it missed this endpoint due to the snake case naming
- I have double checked and this was the only missed endpoint, the only other one was member_signin_urls.permissions but that was not a true endpoint and was removed in https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/commit/202696382
- Note: the snapshot file for this test was generated from running the test against https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/commit/e6b92aed9 - one commit before I added the new default behaviour.
- Without the new serializer this test fails on main
- With the new serialzier, this test passes again, showing the response format has gone back to what we expect
- This doesn't affect permissions, only permissions inside an endpoint config block does that
- Rather it creates an extra unused "endpoint" called member_signin_urls.permissions
- same as https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/commit/b53296c4d
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/254
- it's useful for us to know how long it takes the theme service to
init, especially as it is dealing with a lot of user-provided files
outside of the Ghost codebase
refs https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1647599592576139
refs https://ghost.slack.com/archives/C02G9E68C/p1647620250625909
Issue: `Cannot destructure property 'fromRegex' of 'this.redirectsredirectId]' as it is undefined.` is being thrown, only when running all tests.
Cause: duplicate redirects are added to a redirectManager, and not cleared correctly in the redirectManager, which throws an error when removing one of the duplicate redirects.
Because the same redirectManager is used, multiple event listeners are connected to the same redirectManager. So when the offer service has been initialised multiple times, multiple listeners are added, which create a redirect for every newly created offer... to the same redirectManager.
So there are three possible fixes for the same problem (would be best to fix them all):
- Create a new redirectManager every time the offer service is initialised
- Figure out a way to remove DomainEvents subscribers between tests
- Don't add the same redirect id multiple times to redirectIds in addRedirect from the express-dynamic-redirects package
This commit contains a fix for the first solution.
It also moved the offers service initialising before the frontend (to `initServicesForFrontend`)
With tiers going GA, this change brings a massive visual overhaul to Portal for almost all pages and flows, along with adding consistency between different multiple tier flows. It also overhauls the tests to match our new UI/UX for Portal.
refs: https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/245
- we don't need this serializer because the default serializer will call the authors mapper
- added an author mapper which is just an alias for users. I did this in a named file, not in index.js
- because we want to change the api framework to load files automatically without needing index files.
- makes sense to hold off that deeper change until we only have one api version else we have to change old APIs
refs: https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/245
- we don't need this serializer because the default serializer will call the tags mapper
- for now I've changed, rather than removed the tag serializer test as this shows default works the same!
refs: https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/245
- There's no need for a mapper or serializer as labels uses the default behaviour
- Added a full suite of tests, consolidating from regression and using the new framework to prove nothing is broken
- settings cache was appearing as untested because we use rewire!
- rewire was totally unnecessary in this case, so I removed it
- updated to 100% test coverage whilst there, including removing one unreachable branch
- commented some undesirable behaviour I found whilst trying to reach all branches
- I don't want to change the behaviour to return false correctly without having a reason beyond improving coverage