no issue
- ~10x speedup in processing time taken on each keypress when there are many images/image upload components in the editor
- edit DOM in memory before changing it in the page to avoid double-render
- keep upload components around and re-assign them on re-render, adding or removing an image will still re-generate everything
- adds a throttle to the preview rendering so that renders don't get queued up
- fixes occasional bug where uploading an image didn't update the markdown correctly due to a timing issue
no issue
- updates the `TrailingHistory` locationType so that trailing slashes aren't added to the end of URLs with parameters but instead matches how the server-side redirects to trailing-slash URLs
- before: `/subscribers?order=created_at/`
- after: `/subscribers/?order=created_at`
no issue
- moves the `NavItem` object from the navigation controller to an explicit `NavigationItem` model file
- adds a custom transform `navigation-settings` that transforms the navigation settings JSON string to/from an array of `NavigationItem` objects
- simplifies the `settings/navigation` controller as it no longer has to export it's own internal model and handle serialization and deserialization
This pattern should also help simplify the apps/slack integration code if implemented there.
no issue
- ensure that each validator instance gets it's own `errors` and `hasValidated` objects
- updates some uses of `ValidationEngine` that were relying on side-effects of the unintended reference sharing
- fixes issue with add subscriber modal displaying an error state after opening if it previously had errors when closing
no issue
- returns the promise/result from `loadNextPage` so that it's return value can be utilised in closure actions
- sets the `isLoading` property in `loadFirstPage` to match `loadNextPage` behaviour
- reset the `isLoading` property even if the request fails
- adds a `didReceivePaginationMeta` hook so that consumers of the mixin can use the metadata values without having to rely on observers
- eg. pulling the `total` into a separate property that can be manipulated when items are added/removed but still reset to the sever's total value the next time a page is loaded
- renames the `pagination-route` mixin to simply `pagination` as it's not tied to routes and works equally well in other objects that need to paginate an API resource
no issue
- moves existing mirage config into the `testConfig()` function to retain full mocks during testing
- configure mirage to passthrough all requests when in development mode
no issue
- replace deprecated `normalizeHash` with `normalize` in post serializer
- ensure we check for both `post` and `posts` properties as it will vary depending on the expected response type
- adds an action to update the title
- checks if the post title has changed and is a draft and sends a silent + background save action
- includes the action on the focus-out event on the post title
no issue
- adds `gh-image-uploader` that handles image uploads in a fully ember fashion and with no dependency on `uploader.js`
- adds `gh-image-uploader-with-preview` that can fully replace the old `gh-uploader`
- replace uses of `gh-uploader` in PSM & TSM with `gh-image-uploader-with-preview`
- updates the editor preview image handling to use the new `gh-image-uploader-with-preview` component
- updates the image upload modal to use `gh-image-uploader` (utilises the `saveButton=false` flag which means the preview has to be handled externally to avoid auto-replacement when typing a URL)
- removes all old `uploader.js` related code
- adds custom `RequestEntityTooLargeError` and `UnsupportedMediaTypeError` errors to our `ajax` service
no issue
- we already have similar behaviour in the `liquid-wormhole` (a dependency of `liquid-tether) but this is useful as a distinction for non-animated elements. It's also a dependency of the ember mobiledoc editor (used to render component-cards inline much the same way as this is used to render image upload components inline) and so we wouldn't really gain anything in filesize by forcing the use of `liquid-wormhole` instead