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// # Gruntfile - Task automation for Ghost
// Run various tasks when developing for and working with Ghost
// Run `grunt --help` or visit https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/wiki/Grunt-Toolkit/ for usage instructions
var path = require('path'),
when = require('when'),
semver = require('semver'),
fs = require('fs'),
2014-02-05 00:40:30 -08:00
_ = require('lodash'),
spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
buildDirectory = path.resolve(process.cwd(), '.build'),
distDirectory = path.resolve(process.cwd(), '.dist'),
Improve bootstrap flow of a Ghost application addresses #1789, #1364 - Moves ./core/server/loader -> ./core/bootstrap. The bootstrap file is only accessed once during startup, and it’s sole job is to ensure a config.js file exists (creating one if it doesn’t) and then validates the contents of the config file. Since this is directly related to the initializing the application is is appropriate to have it in the ./core folder, named bootstrap as that is what it does. This also improves the dependency graph, as now the bootstrap file require’s the ./core/server/config module and is responsible for passing in the validated config file. Whereas before we had ./core/server/config require’ing ./core/server/loader and running its init code and then passing that value back to itself, the flow is now more straight forward of ./core/bootstrap handling initialization and then instatiation of config module - Merges ./core/server/config/paths into ./core/server/config This flow was always confusing me to that some config options were on the config object, and some were on the paths object. This change now incorporates all of the variables previously defined in config/paths directly into the config module, and in extension, the config.js file. This means that you now have the option of deciding at startup where the content directory for ghost should reside. - broke out loader tests in config_spec to bootstrap_spec - updated all relevant files to now use config().paths - moved urlFor and urlForPost function into ./server/config/url.js
2014-01-05 01:40:53 -05:00
bootstrap = require('./core/bootstrap'),
// ## Build File Patterns
// a list of files and paterns to process and exclude when running builds & releases
// It is taken from the .npmignore file and all patterns are inverted as the .npmignore
// file defines what to ignore, whereas we want to define what to include.
buildGlob = (function () {
/*jslint stupid:true */
return fs.readFileSync('.npmignore', {encoding: 'utf8'}).split('\n').map(function (pattern) {
if (pattern[0] === '!') {
return pattern.substr(1);
return '!' + pattern;
2013-09-18 19:45:21 +01:00
// ## Grunt configuration
configureGrunt = function (grunt) {
// load all grunt tasks
require('matchdep').filterDev(['grunt-*', '!grunt-cli']).forEach(grunt.loadNpmTasks);
var cfg = {
// Common paths to be used by tasks
paths: {
adminAssets: './core/client/assets',
build: buildDirectory,
releaseBuild: path.join(buildDirectory, 'release'),
dist: distDirectory,
releaseDist: path.join(distDirectory, 'release')
buildType: 'Build',
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
// ### Config for grunt-contrib-watch
// Watch files and livereload in the browser during development
watch: {
handlebars: {
files: ['core/client/tpl/**/*.hbs'],
tasks: ['handlebars']
sass: {
files: ['<%= paths.adminAssets %>/sass/**/*'],
tasks: ['sass:admin']
concat: {
files: [
tasks: ['concat']
livereload: {
files: [
// Theme CSS
// Theme JS
// Admin CSS
'<%= paths.adminAssets %>/css/*.css',
// Admin JS
options: {
livereload: true
express: {
// Restart any time client or server js files change
2013-10-23 20:58:28 +00:00
files: ['core/server.js', 'core/server/**/*.js'],
tasks: ['express:dev'],
options: {
//Without this option specified express won't be reloaded
nospawn: true
// ### Config for grunt-express-server
// Start our server in development
express: {
options: {
script: 'index.js',
output: 'Ghost is running'
dev: {
options: {
//output: 'Express server listening on address:.*$'
2013-08-29 11:04:33 +01:00
test: {
options: {
node_env: 'testing'
// ### Config for grunt-contrib-jshint
// JSHint all the things!
jshint: {
server: {
options: {
// node environment
node: true,
// browser environment
browser: false,
// allow dangling underscores in var names
nomen: false,
// don't require use strict pragma
strict: false,
sub: true,
eqeqeq: true,
laxbreak: true,
bitwise: true,
curly: true,
forin: true,
immed: true,
latedef: true,
newcap: true,
noarg: true,
noempty: true,
nonew: true,
plusplus: true,
regexp: true,
undef: true,
unused: true,
trailing: true,
indent: 4,
onevar: true,
white: true
files: {
src: [
client: {
options: {
"predef": {
"document": true,
"window": true,
"location": true,
"setTimeout": true,
"Ember": true,
"Em": true,
"DS": true,
"$": true
// node environment
node: false,
// browser environment
browser: true,
// allow dangling underscores in var names
nomen: false,
bitwise: true,
curly: true,
eqeqeq: true,
forin: true,
immed: true,
latedef: true,
newcap: true,
noarg: true,
noempty: true,
nonew: true,
plusplus: true,
regexp: true,
undef: true,
unused: true,
trailing: true,
indent: 4,
esnext: true,
onevar: true,
white: true
files: {
src: [
// Ignore files
shared: {
options: {
// node environment
node: true,
// browser environment
browser: false,
// don't require use strict pragma
strict: false,
// allow dangling underscores in var names
nomen: false,
bitwise: true,
curly: true,
eqeqeq: true,
forin: true,
immed: true,
latedef: true,
newcap: true,
noarg: true,
noempty: true,
nonew: true,
plusplus: true,
regexp: true,
undef: true,
unused: true,
trailing: true,
indent: 4,
onevar: true,
white: true
files: {
src: [
// Ignore files
// ### Config for grunt-mocha-cli
// Run mocha unit tests
mochacli: {
options: {
ui: 'bdd',
reporter: 'spec',
timeout: '15000'
unit: {
src: ['core/test/unit/**/*_spec.js']
model: {
src: ['core/test/integration/**/model*_spec.js']
2013-05-25 11:55:23 -05:00
client: {
src: ['core/test/unit/**/client*_spec.js']
server: {
src: ['core/test/unit/**/server*_spec.js']
shared: {
src: ['core/test/unit/**/shared*_spec.js']
perm: {
src: ['core/test/unit/**/permissions_spec.js']
migrate: {
src: [
storage: {
src: ['core/test/unit/**/storage*_spec.js']
integration: {
src: [
api: {
src: ['core/test/functional/api/*_test.js']
routes: {
src: ['core/test/functional/routes/*_test.js']
// ### Config for grunt-contrib-sass
// Compile all the SASS!
sass: {
admin: {
files: {
'<%= paths.adminAssets %>/css/screen.css': '<%= paths.adminAssets %>/sass/screen.scss'
2013-09-27 16:02:35 +01:00
compress: {
options: {
style: 'compressed'
files: {
'<%= paths.adminAssets %>/css/screen.css': '<%= paths.adminAssets %>/sass/screen.scss'
// ### config for grunt-shell
// command line tools
shell: {
// run bundle
bundle: {
command: 'bundle install'
// install bourbon
bourbon: {
command: 'bourbon install --path <%= paths.adminAssets %>/sass/modules/'
bower: {
command: path.resolve(__dirname + '/node_modules/.bin/bower install'),
options: {
stdout: true
// generate coverage report
coverage: {
2013-11-11 20:54:48 +00:00
command: function () {
// will work on windows only if mocha is globally installed
var cmd = !!process.platform.match(/^win/) ? 'mocha' : './node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha';
return cmd + ' --timeout 15000 --reporter html-cov > coverage.html ./core/test/blanket_coverage.js';
execOptions: {
env: 'NODE_ENV=' + process.env.NODE_ENV
// ### Config for grunt-contrib-handlebars
// Compile templates for admin client
handlebars: {
core: {
options: {
namespace: 'JST',
processName: function (filename) {
filename = filename.replace('core/client/tpl/', '');
return filename.replace('.hbs', '');
files: {
'core/client/tpl/hbs-tpl.js': 'core/client/tpl/**/*.hbs'
// ### Config for grunt-groc
// Generate documentation from code
groc: {
docs: {
options: {
'out': './docs/',
'glob': [
'except': [
// ### Config for grunt-contrib-clean
// Clean up files as part of other tasks
clean: {
release: {
src: ['<%= paths.releaseBuild %>/**']
test: {
src: ['content/data/ghost-test.db']
// ### Config for grunt-contrib-copy
// Prepare files for builds / releases
copy: {
dev: {
files: [{
cwd: 'bower_components/jquery/dist/',
src: 'jquery.js',
dest: 'core/built/public/',
expand: true
prod: {
files: [{
cwd: 'bower_components/jquery/dist/',
src: 'jquery.js',
dest: 'core/built/public/',
expand: true
release: {
files: [{
cwd: 'bower_components/jquery/dist/',
src: 'jquery.js',
dest: 'core/built/public/',
expand: true
}, {
expand: true,
src: buildGlob,
dest: '<%= paths.releaseBuild %>/'
2013-05-20 01:22:00 -03:00
// ### Config for grunt-contrib-compress
// Zip up builds / releases
compress: {
release: {
options: {
archive: '<%= paths.releaseDist %>/Ghost-<%= pkg.version %>.zip'
expand: true,
cwd: '<%= paths.releaseBuild %>/',
src: ['**']
2013-07-01 15:58:47 -05:00
// ### Config for grunt-contrib-concat
// concatenate multiple JS files into a single file ready for use
concat: {
dev: {
files: {
'core/built/scripts/vendor.js': [
// ToDo: Remove or replace
'core/built/scripts/helpers.js': [
'core/built/scripts/templates.js': [
'core/built/scripts/models.js': [
'core/built/scripts/views.js': [
prod: {
files: {
'core/built/scripts/ghost.js': [
// ToDo: Remove or replace
// ### Config for grunt-contrib-uglify
// minify javascript file for production
uglify: {
prod: {
files: {
'core/built/scripts/ghost.min.js': 'core/built/scripts/ghost.js'
// ## Custom Tasks
grunt.registerTask('setTestEnv', 'Use "testing" Ghost config; unless we are running on travis (then show queries for debugging)', function () {
process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.TRAVIS ? 'travis-' + process.env.DB : 'testing';
cfg.express.test.options.node_env = process.env.NODE_ENV;
grunt.registerTask('loadConfig', function () {
var done = this.async();
Improve bootstrap flow of a Ghost application addresses #1789, #1364 - Moves ./core/server/loader -> ./core/bootstrap. The bootstrap file is only accessed once during startup, and it’s sole job is to ensure a config.js file exists (creating one if it doesn’t) and then validates the contents of the config file. Since this is directly related to the initializing the application is is appropriate to have it in the ./core folder, named bootstrap as that is what it does. This also improves the dependency graph, as now the bootstrap file require’s the ./core/server/config module and is responsible for passing in the validated config file. Whereas before we had ./core/server/config require’ing ./core/server/loader and running its init code and then passing that value back to itself, the flow is now more straight forward of ./core/bootstrap handling initialization and then instatiation of config module - Merges ./core/server/config/paths into ./core/server/config This flow was always confusing me to that some config options were on the config object, and some were on the paths object. This change now incorporates all of the variables previously defined in config/paths directly into the config module, and in extension, the config.js file. This means that you now have the option of deciding at startup where the content directory for ghost should reside. - broke out loader tests in config_spec to bootstrap_spec - updated all relevant files to now use config().paths - moved urlFor and urlForPost function into ./server/config/url.js
2014-01-05 01:40:53 -05:00
bootstrap().then(function () {
grunt.registerTask('spawn-casperjs', function () {
var done = this.async(),
options = ['host', 'noPort', 'port', 'email', 'password'],
args = ['test']
.concat(grunt.option('target') || ['admin/', 'frontend/'])
.concat(['--includes=base.js', '--verbose', '--log-level=debug', '--port=2369']);
// Forward parameters from grunt to casperjs
_.each(options, function processOption(option) {
if (grunt.option(option)) {
args.push('--' + option + '=' + grunt.option(option));
cmd: 'casperjs',
args: args,
opts: {
cwd: path.resolve('core/test/functional'),
stdio: 'inherit'
}, function (error, result, code) {
/*jshint unused:false*/
if (error) {
/* Generate Changelog
* - Pulls changelog from git, excluding merges.
* - Uses first line of commit message. Includes committer name.
grunt.registerTask('changelog', 'Generate changelog from Git', function () {
// TODO: Break the contents of this task out into a separate module,
// put on npm. (@cgiffard)
var done = this.async();
function git(args, callback, depth) {
depth = depth || 0;
if (!depth) {
grunt.log.writeln('git ' + args.join(' '));
var buffer = [];
spawn('git', args, {
// We can reasonably assume the gruntfile will be in the root of the repo.
cwd : __dirname,
stdio : ['ignore', 'pipe', process.stderr]
}).on('exit', function (code) {
// Process exited correctly but we got no output.
// Spawn again, but make sure we don't spiral out of control.
// Hack to work around an apparent node bug.
// Frustratingly, it's impossible to distinguish this
// bug from a genuine empty log.
if (!buffer.length && code === 0 && depth < 20) {
return setImmediate(function () {
git(args, callback, depth ? depth + 1 : 1);
if (code === 0) {
return callback(buffer.join(''));
// We failed. Git returned a non-standard exit code.
grunt.log.error('Git returned a non-zero exit code.');
// Push returned data into the buffer
}).stdout.on('data', buffer.push.bind(buffer));
// Crazy function for getting around inconsistencies in tagging
function sortTags(a, b) {
a = a.tag;
b = b.tag;
// NOTE: Accounting for different tagging method for
// 0.2.1 and up.
// If we didn't have this issue I'd just pass rcompare
// into sort directly. Could be something to think about
// in future.
if (semver.rcompare(a, '0.2.0') < 0 ||
semver.rcompare(b, '0.2.0') < 0) {
return semver.rcompare(a, b);
a = a.split('-');
b = b.split('-');
if (semver.rcompare(a[0], b[0]) !== 0) {
return semver.rcompare(a[0], b[0]);
// Using this janky looking integerising-method
// because it's faster and doesn't result in NaN, which
// breaks sorting
2013-09-12 21:03:01 +01:00
/*jslint bitwise: true */
return (+b[1] | 0) - (+a[1] | 0);
// Gets tags in master branch, sorts them with semver,
function getTags(callback) {
git(['show-ref', '--tags'], function (results) {
results = results
.filter(function (tag) {
return tag.length && tag.match(/\/\d+\.\d+/);
.map(function (tag) {
return {
'tag': tag.split(/tags\//).pop().trim(),
'ref': tag.split(/\s+/).shift().trim()
// Parses log to extract commit data.
function parseLog(data) {
var commits = [],
commitRegex =
new RegExp(
'\\n*[|\\*\\s]*commit\\s+([a-f0-9]+)' +
'\\n[|\\*\\s]*Author:\\s+([^<\\n]+)<([^>\\n]+)>' +
'\\n[|\\*\\s]*Date:\\s+([^\\n]+)' +
'\\n+[|\\*\\s]*[ ]{4}([^\\n]+)',
// Using String.prototype.replace as a kind of poor-man's substitute
// for a streaming parser.
function (wholeCommit, hash, author, email, date, message) {
/*jshint unused:false*/
// The author name and commit message may have trailing space.
author = author.trim();
message = message.trim();
// Reformat date to make it parse-able by JS
date =
'$1, $2 $3 $5 $4 $6'
'hash': hash,
'author': author,
'email': email,
'date': date,
'parsedDate': new Date(Date.parse(date)),
'message': message
return null;
return commits;
// Gets git log for specified range.
function getLog(to, from, callback) {
var range = from && to ? from + '..' + to : '',
args = [ 'log', 'master', '--no-color', '--no-merges', '--graph' ];
if (range) {
git(args, function (data) {
// Run the job
getTags(function (tags) {
var logPath = path.join(__dirname, 'CHANGELOG.md'),
log = fs.createWriteStream(logPath),
commitCache = {};
function processTag(tag, callback) {
var buffer = '',
peek = tag[1];
tag = tag[0];
getLog(tag.tag, peek.tag, function (commits) {
// Use the comparison with HEAD to remove commits which
// haven't been included in a build/release yet.
if (tag.tag === 'HEAD') {
commits.forEach(function (commit) {
commitCache[commit.hash] = true;
return callback('');
buffer += '## Release ' + tag.tag + '\n';
commits = commits
.filter(function (commit) {
// Get rid of jenkins' release tagging commits
// Remove commits we've already spat out
return (
commit.author !== 'TryGhost-Jenkins' &&
.map(function (commit) {
buffer += '\n* ' + commit.message + ' (_' + commit.author + '_)';
commitCache[commit.hash] = true;
if (!commits.length) {
buffer += '\nNo changes were made in this build.\n';
callback(buffer + '\n');
// Get two weeks' worth of tags
tags.unshift({'tag': 'HEAD'});
tags =
.slice(0, 14)
.map(function (tag, index) {
return [
tags[index + 1] || tags[index]
log.write('# Ghost Changelog\n\n');
log.write('_Showing ' + tags.length + ' releases._\n');
function (prev, tag, idx) {
/*jshint unused:false*/
return when.promise(function (resolve) {
processTag(tag, function (releaseData) {
resolve(prev + '\n' + releaseData);
}, '')
.then(function (reducedChangelog) {
'Release task - creates a final built zip\n' +
' - Do our standard build steps (sass, handlebars, etc)\n' +
' - Generate changelog for the past 14 releases\n' +
' - Copy files to release-folder/#/#{version} directory\n' +
' - Clean out unnecessary files (travis, .git*, .af*, .groc*)\n' +
' - Zip files in release-folder to dist-folder/#{version} directory',
'Dev Mode; watch files and restart server on changes',
// ### Find out more about grunt task usage
'Outputs help information if you type `grunt help` instead of `grunt --help`',
function () {
console.log('Type `grunt --help` to get the details of available grunt tasks, or alternatively visit https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/wiki/Grunt-Toolkit');
// ### Running the test suites
grunt.registerTask('test-unit', 'Run unit tests (mocha)', ['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'loadConfig', 'mochacli:unit']);
grunt.registerTask('test-integration', 'Run integration tests (mocha + db access)', ['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'loadConfig', 'mochacli:integration']);
grunt.registerTask('test-functional', 'Run functional interface tests (CasperJS)', ['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'loadConfig', 'copy:dev', 'express:test', 'spawn-casperjs', 'express:test:stop']);
grunt.registerTask('test-api', 'Run functional api tests (mocha)', ['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'loadConfig', 'express:test', 'mochacli:api', 'express:test:stop']);
grunt.registerTask('test-routes', 'Run functional route tests (mocha)', ['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'loadConfig', 'express:test', 'mochacli:routes', 'express:test:stop']);
grunt.registerTask('validate', 'Run tests and lint code', ['jshint', 'test-routes', 'test-unit', 'test-api', 'test-integration', 'test-functional']);
// ### Coverage report for Unit and Integration Tests
grunt.registerTask('test-coverage', 'Generate unit and integration (mocha) tests coverage report', ['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'loadConfig', 'shell:coverage']);
// ### Documentation
grunt.registerTask('docs', 'Generate Docs', ['groc']);
// ### Tools for building assets
grunt.registerTask('init', 'Prepare the project for development', ['shell:bundle', 'shell:bourbon', 'shell:bower', 'default']);
// Before running in production mode
grunt.registerTask('prod', 'Build CSS, JS & templates for production', ['sass:compress', 'handlebars', 'concat', 'uglify', 'copy:prod']);
// When you just say 'grunt'
grunt.registerTask('default', 'Build CSS, JS & templates for development', ['update_submodules', 'sass:compress', 'handlebars', 'concat', 'copy:dev']);
module.exports = configureGrunt;