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synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
Added changelog generation to build in gruntfile
Fixes #291 Incorporated new task into gruntfile which generates a markdown formatted changelog from the git commit messages of the last 14 git tags, corresponding to two weeks of nightly releases. The changelog is saved in __dirname/CHANGELOG.md. At this stage, the code is a fair bit too complex to be left in the gruntfile and should be split out into a separate module, but this is a first bash at the function which can be improved later. Additionally, several additions have been made to the generator to improve reliability: - Now generates changelog based on log output with --graph (thx hannah) - Grabs tag refs from git - Added changelog to gitignore - Added message for builds without any changes - Ignores any commits which have not been incorporated into a build
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 259 additions and 2 deletions
@ -36,4 +36,7 @@ projectFilesBackup
# Changelog, which is autogenerated, not committed
@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
var path = require('path'),
when = require('when'),
semver = require("semver"),
fs = require("fs"),
path = require("path"),
spawn = require("child_process").spawn,
buildDirectory = path.resolve(process.cwd(), '.build'),
distDirectory = path.resolve(process.cwd(), '.dist'),
configureGrunt = function (grunt) {
@ -34,7 +39,9 @@ var path = require('path'),
// allow unused parameters
unparam: true,
// don't require use strict pragma
sloppy: true
sloppy: true,
// allow bitwise operators
bitwise: true
files: {
src: [
@ -300,9 +307,253 @@ var path = require('path'),
// Generate Docs
grunt.registerTask("docs", ["groc"]);
/* Generate Changelog
* - Pulls changelog from git, excluding merges.
* - Uses first line of commit message. Includes committer name.
grunt.registerTask("changelog", "Generate changelog from Git", function () {
// TODO: Break the contents of this task out into a separate module,
// put on npm. (@cgiffard)
var done = this.async();
function git(args, callback, depth) {
depth = depth || 0;
if (!depth) {
grunt.log.writeln("git " + args.join(" "));
var buffer = [];
spawn("git", args, {
// We can reasonably assume the gruntfile will be in the root of the repo.
cwd : __dirname,
stdio : ["ignore", "pipe", process.stderr]
}).on("exit", function (code) {
// Process exited correctly but we got no output.
// Spawn again, but make sure we don't spiral out of control.
// Hack to work around an apparent node bug.
// Frustratingly, it's impossible to distinguish this
// bug from a genuine empty log.
if (!buffer.length && code === 0 && depth < 20) {
return setImmediate(function () {
git(args, callback, depth ? depth + 1 : 1);
if (code === 0) {
return callback(buffer.join(""));
// We failed. Git returned a non-standard exit code.
grunt.log.error('Git returned a non-zero exit code.');
// Push returned data into the buffer
}).stdout.on("data", buffer.push.bind(buffer));
// Crazy function for getting around inconsistencies in tagging
function sortTags(a, b) {
a = a.tag;
b = b.tag;
// NOTE: Accounting for different tagging method for
// 0.2.1 and up.
// If we didn't have this issue I'd just pass rcompare
// into sort directly. Could be something to think about
// in future.
if (semver.rcompare(a, "0.2.0") < 0 ||
semver.rcompare(b, "0.2.0") < 0) {
return semver.rcompare(a, b);
a = a.split("-");
b = b.split("-");
if (semver.rcompare(a[0], b[0]) !== 0) {
return semver.rcompare(a[0], b[0]);
// Using this janky looking integerising-method
// because it's faster and doesn't result in NaN, which
// breaks sorting
return (+b[1] | 0) - (+a[1] | 0);
// Gets tags in master branch, sorts them with semver,
function getTags(callback) {
git(["show-ref", "--tags"], function (results) {
results = results
.filter(function (tag) {
return tag.length && tag.match(/\/\d+\.\d+/);
.map(function (tag) {
return {
"tag": tag.split(/tags\//).pop().trim(),
"ref": tag.split(/\s+/).shift().trim(),
// Parses log to extract commit data.
function parseLog(data) {
var commits = [],
commitRegex =
new RegExp(
"\\n*[|\\*\\s]*commit\\s+([a-f0-9]+)" +
"\\n[|\\*\\s]*Author:\\s+([^<\\n]+)<([^>\\n]+)>" +
"\\n[|\\*\\s]*Date:\\s+([^\\n]+)" +
"\\n+[|\\*\\s]*[ ]{4}([^\\n]+)",
// Using String.prototype.replace as a kind of poor-man's substitute
// for a streaming parser.
function (wholeCommit, hash, author, email, date, message) {
// The author name and commit message may have trailing space.
author = author.trim();
message = message.trim();
// Reformat date to make it parse-able by JS
date =
"$1, $2 $3 $5 $4 $6"
"hash": hash,
"author": author,
"email": email,
"date": date,
"parsedDate": new Date(Date.parse(date)),
"message": message
return null;
return commits;
// Gets git log for specified range.
function getLog(to, from, callback) {
var range = from && to ? from + ".." + to : "",
args = [ "log", "master", "--no-color", "--no-merges", "--graph" ];
if (range) {
git(args, function (data) {
// Run the job
getTags(function (tags) {
var logPath = path.join(__dirname, "CHANGELOG.md"),
log = fs.createWriteStream(logPath),
commitCache = {};
function processTag(tag, callback) {
var buffer = "",
peek = tag[1];
tag = tag[0];
getLog(tag.tag, peek.tag, function (commits) {
// Use the comparison with HEAD to remove commits which
// haven't been included in a build/release yet.
if (tag.tag === "HEAD") {
commits.forEach(function (commit) {
commitCache[commit.hash] = true;
return callback("");
buffer += "## Release " + tag.tag + "\n";
commits = commits
.filter(function (commit) {
// Get rid of jenkins' release tagging commits
// Remove commits we've already spat out
return (
commit.author !== "TryGhost-Jenkins" &&
.map(function (commit) {
buffer += "\n* " + commit.message + " (_" + commit.author + "_)";
commitCache[commit.hash] = true;
if (!commits.length) {
buffer += "\nNo changes were made in this build.\n";
callback(buffer + "\n");
// Get two weeks' worth of tags
tags.unshift({"tag": "HEAD"});
tags =
.slice(0, 14)
.map(function (tag, index) {
return [
tags[index + 1] || tags[index]
log.write("# Ghost Changelog\n\n");
log.write("_Showing " + tags.length + " releases._\n");
function (prev, tag, idx) {
return when.promise(function (resolve) {
processTag(tag, function (releaseData) {
resolve(prev + "\n" + releaseData);
}, "")
.then(function (reducedChangelog) {
/* Nightly builds
* - Do our standard build steps (sass, handlebars, etc)
* - Bump patch version in package.json, commit, tag and push
* - Generate changelog for the past 14 releases
* - Copy files to build-folder/#/#{version} directory
* - Clean out unnecessary files (travis, .git*, .af*, .groc*)
* - Zip files in build folder to dist-folder/#{version} directory
@ -314,6 +565,7 @@ var path = require('path'),
@ -325,6 +577,7 @@ var path = require('path'),
@ -333,6 +586,7 @@ var path = require('path'),
Add table
Reference in a new issue