3 KiB
{ http_port 2099 } localhost:2099 { root * /srv error /private* "Unauthorized" 410 error /threehundred* "Moved Permanently" 301 error /internalerr* "Internal Server Error" 500
handle_errors 500 3xx {
respond "Error code is equal to 500 or in the [300..399] range"
handle_errors 4xx {
respond "Error in the [400 .. 499] range"
{ "apps": { "http": { "http_port": 2099, "servers": { "srv0": { "listen": [ ":2099" ], "routes": [ { "match": [ { "host": [ "localhost" ] } ], "handle": [ { "handler": "subroute", "routes": [ { "handle": [ { "handler": "vars", "root": "/srv" } ] }, { "handle": [ { "error": "Moved Permanently", "handler": "error", "status_code": 301 } ], "match": [ { "path": [ "/threehundred*" ] } ] }, { "handle": [ { "error": "Internal Server Error", "handler": "error", "status_code": 500 } ], "match": [ { "path": [ "/internalerr*" ] } ] }, { "handle": [ { "error": "Unauthorized", "handler": "error", "status_code": 410 } ], "match": [ { "path": [ "/private*" ] } ] } ] } ], "terminal": true } ], "errors": { "routes": [ { "match": [ { "host": [ "localhost" ] } ], "handle": [ { "handler": "subroute", "routes": [ { "handle": [ { "body": "Error in the [400 .. 499] range", "handler": "static_response" } ], "match": [ { "expression": "{http.error.status_code} \u003e= 400 \u0026\u0026 {http.error.status_code} \u003c= 499" } ] }, { "handle": [ { "body": "Error code is equal to 500 or in the [300..399] range", "handler": "static_response" } ], "match": [ { "expression": "{http.error.status_code} \u003e= 300 \u0026\u0026 {http.error.status_code} \u003c= 399 || {http.error.status_code} in [500]" } ] } ] } ], "terminal": true } ] } } } } } }