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Armand Philippot a46839a5c8
docs: update Vite links to use their new domain (#12117)
* docs: update Vite links to use their new domain

See https://github.com/withastro/docs/issues/9548

* update other links with the new Vite domain

* Create strange-cats-notice.md


Co-authored-by: Erika <3019731+Princesseuh@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-10-03 23:29:52 +02:00

34 KiB



Patch Changes

  • #11624 7adb350 Thanks @bluwy! - Prevents throwing errors when checking if a component is a React component in runtime


Patch Changes

  • #11571 1c3265a Thanks @bholmesdev! - BREAKING CHANGE to the experimental Actions API only. Install the latest @astrojs/react integration as well if you're using React 19 features.

    Make .safe() the default return value for actions. This means { data, error } will be returned when calling an action directly. If you prefer to get the data while allowing errors to throw, chain the .orThrow() modifier.

    import { actions } from 'astro:actions';
    // Before
    const { data, error } = await actions.like.safe();
    // After
    const { data, error } = await actions.like();
    // Before
    const newLikes = await actions.like();
    // After
    const newLikes = await actions.like.orThrow();


    To migrate your existing action calls:

    • Remove .safe from existing safe action calls
    • Add .orThrow to existing unsafe action calls
  • #11570 84189b6 Thanks @bholmesdev! - BREAKING CHANGE to the experimental Actions API only. Install the latest @astrojs/react integration as well if you're using React 19 features.

    Updates the Astro Actions fallback to support action={actions.name} instead of using getActionProps(). This will submit a form to the server in zero-JS scenarios using a search parameter:

    import { actions } from 'astro:actions';
    <form action={actions.logOut}>
      <!--output: action="?_astroAction=logOut"-->
      <button>Log Out</button>

    You may also construct form action URLs using string concatenation, or by using the URL() constructor, with the an action's .queryString property:

    import { actions } from 'astro:actions';
    const confirmationUrl = new URL('/confirmation', Astro.url);
    confirmationUrl.search = actions.queryString;
    <form method="POST" action={confirmationUrl.pathname}>


    getActionProps() is now deprecated. To use the new fallback pattern, remove the getActionProps() input from your form and pass your action function to the form action attribute:

    import {
    - getActionProps,
    } from 'astro:actions';
    + <form method="POST" action={actions.logOut}>
    - <form method="POST">
    - <input {...getActionProps(actions.logOut)} />
      <button>Log Out</button>


Minor Changes

  • #11234 4385bf7 Thanks @ematipico! - Adds a new function called addServerRenderer to the Container API. Use this function to manually store renderers inside the instance of your container.

    This new function should be preferred when using the Container API in environments like on-demand pages:

    import type { APIRoute } from 'astro';
    import { experimental_AstroContainer } from 'astro/container';
    import reactRenderer from '@astrojs/react/server.js';
    import vueRenderer from '@astrojs/vue/server.js';
    import ReactComponent from '../components/button.jsx';
    import VueComponent from '../components/button.vue';
    // MDX runtime is contained inside the Astro core
    import mdxRenderer from 'astro/jsx/server.js';
    // In case you need to import a custom renderer
    import customRenderer from '../renderers/customRenderer.js';
    export const GET: APIRoute = async (ctx) => {
      const container = await experimental_AstroContainer.create();
      container.addServerRenderer({ renderer: reactRenderer });
      container.addServerRenderer({ renderer: vueRenderer });
      container.addServerRenderer({ renderer: customRenderer });
      // You can pass a custom name too
        name: 'customRenderer',
        renderer: customRenderer,
      const vueComponent = await container.renderToString(VueComponent);
      return await container.renderToResponse(Component);


Minor Changes

  • #11144 803dd80 Thanks @ematipico! - The integration now exposes a function called getContainerRenderer, that can be used inside the Container APIs to load the relative renderer.

    import { experimental_AstroContainer as AstroContainer } from 'astro/container';
    import ReactWrapper from '../src/components/ReactWrapper.astro';
    import { loadRenderers } from 'astro:container';
    import { getContainerRenderer } from '@astrojs/react';
    test('ReactWrapper with react renderer', async () => {
      const renderers = await loadRenderers([getContainerRenderer()]);
      const container = await AstroContainer.create({
      const result = await container.renderToString(ReactWrapper);
      expect(result).toContain('Count: <!-- -->5');


Minor Changes

  • #11071 8ca7c73 Thanks @bholmesdev! - Adds two new functions experimental_getActionState() and experimental_withState() to support the React 19 useActionState() hook when using Astro Actions. This introduces progressive enhancement when calling an Action with the withState() utility.

    This example calls a like action that accepts a postId and returns the number of likes. Pass this action to the experimental_withState() function to apply progressive enhancement info, and apply to useActionState() to track the result:

    import { actions } from 'astro:actions';
    import { experimental_withState } from '@astrojs/react/actions';
    export function Like({ postId }: { postId: string }) {
      const [state, action, pending] = useActionState(
        0, // initial likes
      return (
        <form action={action}>
          <input type="hidden" name="postId" value={postId} />
          <button disabled={pending}>{state} ❤️</button>

    You can also access the state stored by useActionState() from your action handler. Call experimental_getActionState() with the API context, and optionally apply a type to the result:

    import { defineAction, z } from 'astro:actions';
    import { experimental_getActionState } from '@astrojs/react/actions';
    export const server = {
      like: defineAction({
        input: z.object({
          postId: z.string(),
        handler: async ({ postId }, ctx) => {
          const currentLikes = experimental_getActionState<number>(ctx);
          // write to database
          return currentLikes + 1;


Patch Changes

  • #10986 4d16381 Thanks @emish89! - Fixes incorrect peerDependencies for @types/react and @types/react-dom


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Minor Changes


Minor Changes


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Minor Changes

  • #10136 9cd84bd19b92fb43ae48809f575ee12ebd43ea8f Thanks @matthewp! - Changes the default behavior of transition:persist to update the props of persisted islands upon navigation. Also adds a new view transitions option transition:persist-props (default: false) to prevent props from updating as needed.

    Islands which have the transition:persist property to keep their state when using the <ViewTransitions /> router will now have their props updated upon navigation. This is useful in cases where the component relies on page-specific props, such as the current page title, which should update upon navigation.

    For example, the component below is set to persist across navigation. This component receives a products props and might have some internal state, such as which filters are applied:

    <ProductListing transition:persist products={products} />

    Upon navigation, this component persists, but the desired products might change, for example if you are visiting a category of products, or you are performing a search.

    Previously the props would not change on navigation, and your island would have to handle updating them externally, such as with API calls.

    With this change the props are now updated, while still preserving state.

    You can override this new default behavior on a per-component basis using transition:persist-props=true to persist both props and state during navigation:

    <ProductListing transition:persist-props="true" products={products} />


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Patch Changes

  • #9141 af43fb517 Thanks @lilnasy! - Fixes an issue where slotting self-closing elements (img, br, hr) into react components with experimentalReactChildren enabled led to an error.


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Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • #8188 d0679a666 Thanks @ematipico! - Remove support for Node 16. The lowest supported version by Astro and all integrations is now v18.14.1. As a reminder, Node 16 will be deprecated on the 11th September 2023.

  • #8179 6011d52d3 Thanks @matthewp! - Astro 3.0 Release Candidate

  • #7924 519a1c4e8 Thanks @matthewp! - Support for React Refresh

    The React integration now fully supports React Refresh and is backed by @vitejs/plugin-react.

    Also included in this change are new include and exclude config options. Use these if you want to use React alongside another JSX framework; include specifies files to be compiled for React and exclude does the opposite.

Patch Changes


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Patch Changes


Major Changes

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [6011d52d3]:
    • @astrojs/internal-helpers@0.2.0-rc.2


Minor Changes

  • #8082 16a3fdf93 Thanks @matthewp! - Optionally parse React slots as React children.

    This adds a new configuration option for the React integration experimentalReactChildren:

    export default {
      integrations: [
          experimentalReactChildren: true,

    With this enabled, children passed to React from Astro components via the default slot are parsed as React components.

    This enables better compatibility with certain React components which manipulate their children.


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies [2aa6d8ace]:
    • @astrojs/internal-helpers@0.2.0-beta.1


Major Changes

  • #7924 519a1c4e8 Thanks @matthewp! - Support for React Refresh

    The React integration now fully supports React Refresh and is backed by @vitejs/plugin-react.

    Also included in this change are new include and exclude config options. Use these if you want to use React alongside another JSX framework; include specifies files to be compiled for React and exclude does the opposite.


Major Changes

  • 1eae2e3f7 Thanks @Princesseuh! - Remove support for Node 16. The lowest supported version by Astro and all integrations is now v18.14.1. As a reminder, Node 16 will be deprecated on the 11th September 2023.


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #8082 16a3fdf93 Thanks @matthewp! - Optionally parse React slots as React children.

    This adds a new configuration option for the React integration experimentalReactChildren:

    export default {
      integrations: [
          experimentalReactChildren: true,

    With this enabled, children passed to React from Astro components via the default slot are parsed as React components.

    This enables better compatibility with certain React components which manipulate their children.


Patch Changes

  • #8075 da517d405 Thanks @SudoCat! - fix a bug where react identifierPrefix was set to null for client:only components causing React.useId to generate ids prefixed with null


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #7093 3d525efc9 Thanks @matthewp! - Prevent removal of nested slots within islands

    This change introduces a new flag that renderers can add called supportsAstroStaticSlot. What this does is let Astro know that the render is sending <astro-static-slot> as placeholder values for static (non-hydrated) slots which Astro will then remove.

    This change is completely backwards compatible, but fixes bugs caused by combining ssr-only and client-side framework components like so:

        <Component client:load>

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Major Changes


See changes in 2.0.0-beta.0

Major Changes


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Minor Changes

  • #5016 6efeaeb39 Thanks @matthewp! - Add support for mui

    This adds support for mui through configuration. Users will now not need to configure this library to get it to work.


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Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #4478 243525b15 Thanks @matthewp! - Uses startTransition on React roots

    This prevents hydration from blocking the main thread when multiple islands are rendering at the same time.


Minor Changes

  • #4478 243525b15 Thanks @matthewp! - Uses startTransition on React roots

    This prevents hydration from blocking the main thread when multiple islands are rendering at the same time.


Major Changes


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Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #3914 b48767985 Thanks @ran-dall! - Rollback supported node@16 version. Minimum versions are now node@14.20.0 or node@16.14.0.


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #3871 1cc5b7890 Thanks @natemoo-re! - Update supported node versions. Minimum versions are now node@14.20.0 or node@16.16.0.


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #3652 7373d61c Thanks @natemoo-re! - Add support for passing named slots from .astro => framework components.

    Each slot is be passed as a top-level prop. For example:

    // From .astro
      <h2 slot="title">Hello world!</h2>
      <h2 slot="slot-with-dash">Dash</h2>
    // For .jsx
    export default function Component({ title, slotWithDash, children }) {
      return (
          <div id="title">{title}</div>
          <div id="slot-with-dash">{slotWithDash}</div>
          <div id="main">{children}</div>


Patch Changes

  • #3455 e9a77d86 Thanks @natemoo-re! - Update client hydration to check for ssr attribute. Requires astro@^1.0.0-beta.36.


Patch Changes

  • #3337 678c2b75 Thanks @bholmesdev! - Fix: remove hydration failures on React v18 by exposing the "client" directive from Astro core.


Patch Changes


Minor Changes


Patch Changes

  • #2847 3b621f7a Thanks @tony-sull! - Adds keywords to the official integrations to support discoverability on Astro's Integrations site


Patch Changes

  • #2847 3b621f7a Thanks @tony-sull! - Adds keywords to the official integrations to support discoverability on Astro's Integrations site