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[ci] release (#8861)
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2023-10-23 17:22:50 +08:00

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Raw Blame History



Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #8808 2993055be Thanks @delucis! - Adds support for an --outDir CLI flag to astro build

  • #8502 c4270e476 Thanks @bluwy! - Updates the internal shiki syntax highlighter to shikiji, an ESM-focused alternative that simplifies bundling and maintenance.

    There are no new options and no changes to how you author code blocks and syntax highlighting.

    Potentially breaking change: While this refactor should be transparent for most projects, the transition to shikiji now produces a smaller HTML markup by attaching a fallback color style to the pre or code element, instead of to the line span directly. For example:


    <code class="astro-code" style="background-color: #24292e">
        <span class="line" style="color: #e1e4e8">my code</span>


    <code class="astro-code" style="background-color: #24292e; color: #e1e4e8">
        <span class="line">my code<span>

    This does not affect the colors as the span will inherit the color from the parent, but if you're relying on a specific HTML markup, please check your site carefully after upgrading to verify the styles.

  • #8798 f369fa250 Thanks @Princesseuh! - Fixed tsconfig.json's new array format for extends not working. This was done by migrating Astro to use tsconfck instead of tsconfig-resolver to find and parse tsconfig.json files.

  • #8620 b2ae9ee0c Thanks @Princesseuh! - Adds experimental support for generating srcset attributes and a new <Picture /> component.

    srcset support

    Two new properties have been added to Image and getImage(): densities and widths.

    These properties can be used to generate a srcset attribute, either based on absolute widths in pixels (e.g. [300, 600, 900]) or pixel density descriptors (e.g. ["2x"] or [1.5, 2]).

    import { Image } from 'astro';
    import myImage from './my-image.jpg';
    <Image src={myImage} width={myImage.width / 2} densities={[1.5, 2]} alt="My cool image" />
      srcset="/_astro/my_image.hash.webp 1.5x, /_astro/my_image.hash.webp 2x"
      alt="My cool image"

    Picture component

    The experimental <Picture /> component can be used to generate a <picture> element with multiple <source> elements.

    The example below uses the format property to generate a <source> in each of the specified image formats:

    import { Picture } from 'astro:assets';
    import myImage from './my-image.jpg';
    <Picture src={myImage} formats={['avif', 'webp']} alt="My super image in multiple formats!" />

    The above code will generate the following HTML, and allow the browser to determine the best image to display:

      <source srcset="..." type="image/avif" />
      <source srcset="..." type="image/webp" />
      <img src="..." alt="My super image in multiple formats!" />

    The Picture component takes all the same props as the Image component, including the new densities and widths properties.

Patch Changes

  • #8771 bd5aa1cd3 Thanks @lilnasy! - Fixed an issue where the transitions router did not work within framework components.

  • #8800 391729686 Thanks @lilnasy! - Fixed an issue where attempting to assign a variable onto locals threw an error.

  • #8795 f999365b8 Thanks @bluwy! - Fix markdown page charset to be utf-8 by default (same as Astro 2)

  • #8810 0abff97fe Thanks @jacobthesheep! - Remove network-information-types package since TypeScript supports Network Information API natively.

  • #8813 3bef32f81 Thanks @martrapp! - Save and restore focus for persisted input elements during view transitions

  • Updated dependencies [c4270e476]:

    • @astrojs/markdown-remark@3.3.0


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • #8680 31c59ad8b Thanks @bluwy! - Fix hydration on slow connection

  • #8698 47ea310f0 Thanks @Princesseuh! - Use a Node-specific image endpoint to resolve images in dev and Node SSR. This should fix many issues related to getting 404 from the _image endpoint under certain configurations

  • #8706 345808170 Thanks @bluwy! - Fix duplicated Astro and Vite injected styles


Minor Changes

  • #8696 2167ffd72 Thanks @matthewp! - Support adding integrations dynamically

    Astro integrations can now themselves dynamically add and configure additional integrations during set-up. This makes it possible for integration authors to bundle integrations more intelligently for their users.

    In the following example, a custom integration checks whether @astrojs/sitemap is already configured. If not, the integration adds Astros sitemap integration, passing any desired configuration options:

    import sitemap from '@astrojs/sitemap';
    import type { AstroIntegration } from 'astro';
    const MyIntegration = (): AstroIntegration => {
      return {
        name: 'my-integration',
        'astro:config:setup': ({ config, updateConfig }) => {
          // Look for sitemap in user-configured integrations.
          const userSitemap = config.integrations.find(
            ({ name }) => name === '@astrojs/sitemap'
          if (!userSitemap) {
            // If sitemap wasnt found, add it.
              integrations: [sitemap({ /* opts */ }],
  • #8696 2167ffd72 Thanks @matthewp! - View transitions can now be triggered from JavaScript!

    Import the client-side router from "astro:transitions/client" and enjoy your new remote control for navigation:

    import { navigate } from 'astro:transitions/client';
    // Navigate to the selected option automatically.
    document.querySelector('select').onchange = (ev) => {
      let href = ev.target.value;
  • #8696 2167ffd72 Thanks @matthewp! - Route Announcer in <ViewTransitions />

    The View Transitions router now does route announcement. When transitioning between pages with a traditional MPA approach, assistive technologies will announce the page title when the page finishes loading. This does not automatically happen during client-side routing, so visitors relying on these technologies to announce routes are not aware when a page has changed.

    The view transitions route announcer runs after the astro:page-load event, looking for the page <title> to announce. If one cannot be found, the announcer falls back to the first <h1> it finds, or otherwise announces the pathname. We recommend you always include a <title> in each page for accessibility.

    See the View Transitions docs for more on how accessibility is handled.

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #8467 ecc65abbf Thanks @Princesseuh! - Add a new image.endpoint setting to allow using a custom endpoint in dev and SSR

  • #8518 2c4fc878b Thanks @Princesseuh! - Adds support for using AVIF (.avif) files with the Image component. Importing an AVIF file will now correctly return the same object shape as other image file types. See the Image docs for more information on the different properties available on the returned object.

  • #8464 c92e0acd7 Thanks @Princesseuh! - Add types for the object syntax for style (ex: style={{color: 'red'}})

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • #8324 0752cf368 Thanks @matthewp! - Prevent React hook call warnings when used with MDX

    When React and MDX are used in the same project, if the MDX integration is added before React, previously you'd get a warning about hook calls.

    This makes it so that the MDX integration's JSX renderer is last in order.


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • #8290 ef37f9e29 Thanks @matthewp! - Remove "experimental" text from the image config options, for docs and editor etc. text displayed.

  • #8290 ef37f9e29 Thanks @matthewp! - Prevent astro check cache issues

    astro check hits cache issues in 3.0 causing it never to work on the first try.

  • #8283 c32f52a62 Thanks @ematipico! - Add useful warning when deprecated options are still used.


Major Changes

  • #8188 d0679a666 Thanks @ematipico! - Remove support for Node 16. The lowest supported version by Astro and all integrations is now v18.14.1. As a reminder, Node 16 will be deprecated on the 11th September 2023.

  • #8188 364d861bd Thanks @ematipico! - Removed automatic flattening of getStaticPaths result. .flatMap and .flat should now be used to ensure that you're returning a flat array.

  • #8113 2484dc408 Thanks @Princesseuh! - This import alias is no longer included by default with astro:assets. If you were using this alias with experimental assets, you must convert them to relative file paths, or create your own import aliases.

    // src/pages/posts/post-1.astro
    - import rocket from '~/assets/rocket.png'
    + import rocket from '../../assets/rocket.png';
  • #8142 81545197a Thanks @natemoo-re! - Fixes for the class:list directive

    • Previously, class:list would ocassionally not be merged the class prop when passed to Astro components. Now, class:list is always converted to a class prop (as a string value).
    • Previously, class:list diverged from clsx in a few edge cases. Now, class:list uses clsx directly.
      • class:list used to deduplicate matching values, but it no longer does
      • class:list used to sort individual values, but it no longer does
      • class:list used to support Set and other iterables, but it no longer does
  • #8179 6011d52d3 Thanks @matthewp! - Astro 3.0 Release Candidate

  • #8188 80f1494cd Thanks @ematipico! - The build.split and build.excludeMiddleware configuration options are deprecated and have been replaced by options in the adapter config.

    If your config includes the build.excludeMiddleware option, replace it with edgeMiddleware in your adapter options:

    import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
    import netlify from "@astrojs/netlify/functions";
    export default defineConfig({
         build: {
    -        excludeMiddleware: true
         adapter: netlify({
    +        edgeMiddleware: true

    If your config includes the build.split option, replace it with functionPerRoute in your adapter options:

    import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
    import netlify from "@astrojs/netlify/functions";
    export default defineConfig({
         build: {
    -        split: true
         adapter: netlify({
    +        functionPerRoute: true
  • #8207 e45f30293 Thanks @natemoo-re! - Change the View Transition built-in animation options.

    The transition:animate value morph has been renamed to initial. Also, this is no longer the default animation.

    If no transition:animate directive is specified, your animations will now default to fade.

    Astro also supports a new transition:animate value, none. This value can be used on a page's <html> element to disable animated full-page transitions on an entire page.

  • #8188 c0de7a7b0 Thanks @ematipico! - Sharp is now the default image service used for astro:assets. If you would prefer to still use Squoosh, you can update your config with the following:

    import { defineConfig, squooshImageService } from 'astro/config';
    // https://astro.build/config
    export default defineConfig({
      image: {
        service: squooshImageService(),

    However, not only do we recommend using Sharp as it is faster and more reliable, it is also highly likely that the Squoosh service will be removed in a future release.

  • #8188 3c3100851 Thanks @ematipico! - Remove support for Astro.__renderMarkdown which is used by @astrojs/markdown-component.

    The <Markdown /> component was deprecated in Astro v1 and is completely removed in v3. This integration must now be removed from your project.

    As an alternative, you can use community packages that provide a similar component like https://github.com/natemoo-re/astro-remote instead.

  • #8019 34cb20021 Thanks @bluwy! - Remove backwards-compatible kebab-case transform for camelCase CSS variable names passed to the style attribute. If you were relying on the kebab-case transform in your styles, make sure to use the camelCase version to prevent missing styles. For example:

    const myValue = 'red';
    <!-- input -->
    <div style={{ '--myValue': myValue }}></div>
    <!-- output (before) -->
    <div style="--my-value:var(--myValue);--myValue:red"></div>
    <!-- output (after) -->
    <div style="--myValue:red"></div>
      div {
    -   color: var(--my-value);
    +   color: var(--myValue);
  • #8170 be6bbd2c8 Thanks @bluwy! - Remove deprecated config option types, deprecated script/style attributes, and deprecated image export from astro:content

  • #8188 7511a4980 Thanks @ematipico! - When using an adapter that supports neither Squoosh or Sharp, Astro will now automatically use an image service that does not support processing, but still provides the other benefits of astro:assets such as enforcing alt, no CLS etc to users

  • #7979 dbc97b121 Thanks @bluwy! - Export experimental dev, build, preview, and sync APIs from astro. These APIs allow you to run Astro's commands programmatically, and replaces the previous entry point that runs the Astro CLI.

    While these APIs are experimental, the inline config parameter is relatively stable without foreseeable changes. However, the returned results of these APIs are more likely to change in the future.

    import { dev, build, preview, sync, type AstroInlineConfig } from 'astro';
    // Inline Astro config object.
    // Provide a path to a configuration file to load or set options directly inline.
    const inlineConfig: AstroInlineConfig = {
      // Inline-specific options...
      configFile: './astro.config.mjs',
      logLevel: 'info',
      // Standard Astro config options...
      site: 'https://example.com',
    // Start the Astro dev server
    const devServer = await dev(inlineConfig);
    await devServer.stop();
    // Build your Astro project
    await build(inlineConfig);
    // Preview your built project
    const previewServer = await preview(inlineConfig);
    await previewServer.stop();
    // Generate types for your Astro project
    await sync(inlineConfig);
  • #8188 7d2f311d4 Thanks @ematipico! - Removed support for old syntax of the API routes.

  • #8085 68efd4a8b Thanks @bluwy! - Remove exports for astro/internal/* and astro/runtime/server/* in favour of astro/runtime/*. Add new astro/compiler-runtime export for compiler-specific runtime code.

    These are exports for Astro's internal API and should not affect your project, but if you do use these entrypoints, you can migrate like below:

    - import 'astro/internal/index.js';
    + import 'astro/runtime/server/index.js';
    - import 'astro/server/index.js';
    + import 'astro/runtime/server/index.js';
    import { transform } from '@astrojs/compiler';
    const result = await transform(source, {
    - internalURL: 'astro/runtime/server/index.js',
    + internalURL: 'astro/compiler-runtime',
      // ...
  • #7893 7bd1b86f8 Thanks @ematipico! - Implements a new scope style strategy called "attribute". When enabled, styles are applied using data-* attributes.

    The default value of scopedStyleStrategy is "attribute".

    If you want to use the previous behaviour, you have to use the "where" option:

    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export default defineConfig({
    +    scopedStyleStrategy: 'where',
  • #7924 519a1c4e8 Thanks @matthewp! - Astro's JSX handling has been refactored with better support for each framework.

    Previously, Astro automatically scanned your components to determine which framework-specific transformations should be used. In practice, supporting advanced features like Fast Refresh with this approach proved difficult.

    Now, Astro determines which framework to use with include and exclude config options where you can specify files and folders on a per-framework basis. When using multiple JSX frameworks in the same project, users should manually control which files belong to each framework using the include and exclude options.

    export default defineConfig({
      // The `include` config is only needed in projects that use multiple JSX frameworks;
      // if only using one no extra config is needed.
      integrations: [
          include: ['**/preact/*'],
          include: ['**/react/*'],
          include: ['**/solid/*'],
  • #8030 5208a3c8f Thanks @natemoo-re! - Removed duplicate astro/dist/jsx export. Please use the astro/jsx export instead

  • #8188 84af8ed9d Thanks @ematipico! - Remove MDX plugin re-ordering hack

  • #8180 f003e7364 Thanks @ematipico! - The scoped hash created by the Astro compiler is now lowercase.

  • #7878 0f637c71e Thanks @bluwy! - The value of import.meta.env.BASE_URL, which is derived from the base option, will no longer have a trailing slash added by default or when trailingSlash: "ignore" is set. The existing behavior of base in combination with trailingSlash: "always" or trailingSlash: "never" is unchanged.

    If your base already has a trailing slash, no change is needed.

    If your base does not have a trailing slash, add one to preserve the previous behaviour:

    // astro.config.mjs
    - base: 'my-base',
    + base: 'my-base/',
  • #8118 8a5b0c1f3 Thanks @lilnasy! - Astro is smarter about CSS! Small stylesheets are now inlined by default, and no longer incur the cost of additional requests to your server. Your visitors will have to wait less before they see your pages, especially those in remote locations or in a subway.

    This may not be news to you if you had opted-in via the build.inlineStylesheets configuration. Stabilized in Astro 2.6 and set to "auto" by default for Starlight, this configuration allows you to reduce the number of requests for stylesheets by inlining them into