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       + Welcome to the 4get API documentation +
  • Terms of use Do NOT misuse the API. Misuses can include... ::

      1. Serp SEO scanning
      2. Intensive scraping
      3. Any other activity that isn't triggered by a human
      4. Illegal activities in Canada
      5. Constant "test" queries while developping your program
         (please cache the API responses!)

    Examples of good uses of the API ::

      1. A chatroom bot that presents users with search results
      2. Personal use
      3. Any other activity that is initiated by a human

    If you wish to engage in the activities listed under "misuses", feel free to download the source code of the project and running 4get under your own terms. Please respect the terms of use listed here so that this website may be available to all in the far future.

    P.s fuck whoever botted my site for months on end, choke on my dick lol!!!!

    Get your instance running here :: https://git.lolcat.ca/lolcat/4get


  • Passes Depending of the instance, you may need to provide a "pass" token in the cookies of your request. These can be obtained from solving a captcha which will allow you to make 100 requests in the next 24 hours. In the future, you will be able to ask the serber maintainer for a "pass" which will allow you to bypass the captcha requirement.

    The captcha doesn't need javascript to work.

  • Decode the data All payloads returned by the API are encoded in the JSON format. If you don't know how to tackle the problem, maybe programming is not for you.

    All of the endpoints use the GET method.

  • Check if an API call was successful All API responses come with an array index named "status". If the status is something else than the string "ok", something went wrong. You can supply the content of the "status" string back to your application to inform the user of what went wrong.

    The HTTP code will be 429 if your pass is invalid. It is set to 200 otherwise.

  • Get the next page of results All API responses come with an array index named "npt". To get the next page of results, you must make another API call with &npt.

    Example ::

      + First API call
      + Second API call
          /api/v1/web?npt=ddg1._rJ2hWmYSjpI2hsXWmYajJx < ... >

    You shouldn't specify the search term, only the &npt parameter suffices.

    The first part of the token before the dot (ddg1) refers to an array position on the serber's memory. The second part is an encryption key used to decode the data at that position. This way, it is impossible to supply invalid pagination data and it is impossible for a 4get operator to peek at the private data of the user after a request has been made.

    The tokens will expire as soon as they are used or after a 15 minutes inactivity period, whichever comes first.

  • Beware of null values! Most fields in the API responses can return "null". You don't need to worry about unset values.

  • API Parameters To construct a valid request, you can use the 4get web interface to craft a valid request, and replace "/web" with "/api/v1/web".

  • "date" and "time" parameters "date" always refer to a calendar date. "time" always refer to the duration of some media.

    They are both integers that uses seconds as its unit. The "date" parameter specifies the number of seconds that passed since January 1st 1970.

           ______          __            _       __      
          / ____/___  ____/ /___  ____  (_)___  / /______
         / __/ / __ \/ __  / __ \/ __ \/ / __ \/ __/ ___/
        / /___/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / /_(__  ) 
       /_____/_/ /_/\__,_/ .___/\____/_/_/ /_/\__/____/  
  • /ami4get Tells you basic information about the 4get instance. CORS requests are allowed on this endpoint.

  • /api/v1/web

    • &extendedsearch When using the ddg(DuckDuckGo) scraper, you may make use of the &extendedsearch parameter. If you need rich answer data from additional sources like StackOverflow, music lyrics sites, etc., you need to specify the value of (string)"true".

      The default value is "false" for API calls.

    • Parse the "spelling" The array index named "spelling" contains 3 indexes ::

            type:         "including"
            using:        "4chan"
            correction:   '"4cha"'

      The "type" may be any of these 3 values. When rendering the autocorrect text inside your application, it should look like what follows right after the parameter value ::

        no_correction    <Empty>
        including        Including results for %using%. Did you mean
        not_many         Not many results for %using%. Did you mean

      As of right now, the "spelling" is only available on "/api/v1/web".

    • Parse the "answer" The array index named "answer" may contain a list of multiple answers. The array index "description" contains a linear list of nodes that can help you construct rich formatted data inside of your application. The structure is similar to the one below:

      answer: 0: title: "Higurashi" description: 0: type: "text" value: "Higurashi is a great show!" 1: type: "quote" value: "Source: my ass"

      Each "description" node contains an array index named "type". Here is a list of them:

        + title
        + quote
        + code
        + image
        + audio

      Each individual node prepended with a "+" should be prepended by a newline when constructing the rendered description object.

      There are some nodes that differ from the type-value format. Please parse them accordingly ::

        + link
            type:     "link"
            url:      "https://lolcat.ca"
            value:    "Visit my website!"
        + image
            type:    "image"
            url:     "https://lolcat.ca/static/pixels.png"
        + audio
            type:    "audio"
            url:     "https://lolcat.ca/static/whatever.mp3"

      The array index named "table" is an associative array. You can loop over the data using this PHP code, for example ::

        foreach($table as $website_name => $url){ // ...

      The rest of the JSON is pretty self explanatory.

  • /api/v1/images All images are contained within "image". The structure looks like below ::

              title: "My awesome Higurashi image"
                      url: "https://lolcat.ca/static/profile_pix.png"
                      width: 400
                      height: 400
                      url: "https://lolcat.ca/static/pixels.png"
                      width: 640
                      height: 640
                      url: "https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.VBM3BQg
                      width: 194
                      height: 160

    The last image of the "source" array is always the thumbnail, and is a good fallback to use when other sources fail to load. There can be more than 1 source; this is especially true when using the Yandex scraper, but beware of captcha rate limits.

  • /api/v1/videos The "time" parameter for videos may be set to "_LIVE". For live streams, the amount of people currently watching is passed in "views".

  • /api/v1/news Just make a request to "/api/v1/news?s=elon+musk". The payload has nothing special about it and is very self explanatory, just like the endpoint above.

  • /api/v1/music Each entry under "song" contains a array index called "stream" that looks like this ::

      endpoint: sc
      url: https://api-v2.soundcloud <...>

    When the endpoint is something else than "linear", you MUST use the specified endpoint. Otherwise, you are free to handle that json+m3u8 crap yourself. If the endpoint is equal to "linear", the URL should return a valid HTTP audio stream. To access the endpoint, you must add the following prefix in your request, like so:

  • /favicon Get the favicon for a website. The only parameter is "s", and must include the protocol for fetching in case the favicon is not cached yet.

    Example ::


    If we had to revert to using Google's favicon cache, it will throw an error in the X-Error header field. If Google's favicon cache also failed to return an image, or if you're too retarded to specify a valid domain name, a default placeholder image will be returned alongside the "404" HTTP error code.

  • /proxy Get a proxied image. Useful if you don't want to leak your user's IP address. The parameters are "i" for the image link and "s" for the size.

    Acceptable "s" parameters:

      portrait     90x160
      landscape    160x90
      square       90x90
      thumb        236x180
      cover        207x270
      original     <Original resolution>

    You can also ommit the "s" parameter if you wish to view the original image. When an error occurs, an "X-Error" header field is set.

  • /audio/linear Get a proxied audio file. Does not support "Range" headers, as it's only used to proxy small files (hence why it's called linear DUH)

    The parameter is "s" for the audio link.

  • /audio/sc Get a proxied audio file for SoundCloud. Does not support downloads trough WGET or CURL, since it returns 30kb~160kb "206 Partial Content" parts, due to technical limitations that comes with converting m3u8 playlists to seekable audio files. If you use this endpoint, you must support these 206 codes and also handle the initial 302 HTTP redirect. I used this method as I didn't want to store information about your request needlessly. This method also allows noJS users to access the files.

    The parameter is "s" for the SoundCloud JSON m3u8 abomination. It does not support "normal" SoundCloud URLs at this time.

  • /audio/spotify Get a proxied Spotify audio file. Accepts a track ID for the "s" parameter. Will only allow you to fetch the 30 second preview since I don't feel like fucking with cookies and accounts every fucking living moment of my life. You must handle the initial 302 redirect to the /audio/linear endpoint.

  • Appendix If you have any questions or need clarifications, please send an email my way to will at lolcat.ca