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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns app.browser
["generic-pool" :as gp]
["generic-pool/lib/errors" :as gpe]
["playwright" :as pw]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.config :as cf]
[app.util.object :as obj]
[promesa.core :as p]))
(l/set-level! :trace)
(def TimeoutError gpe/TimeoutError)
(def default-timeout 30000)
(def default-viewport-width 1920)
(def default-viewport-height 1080)
(def default-user-agent
(str "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 "
"(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36"))
(defn create-cookies
[uri {:keys [name token] :or {name "auth-token"}}]
(let [domain (str (:host uri)
(when (:port uri)
(str ":" (:port uri))))]
#js [#js {:domain domain
:path "/"
:name name
:value token}]))
(defn nav!
([page url] (nav! page url nil))
([page url {:keys [wait-until timeout] :or {wait-until "networkidle" timeout 20000}}]
(.goto ^js page (str url) #js {:waitUntil wait-until :timeout timeout})))
(defn sleep
[page ms]
(.waitForTimeout ^js page ms))
(defn wait-for
([locator] (wait-for locator nil))
([locator {:keys [state timeout] :or {state "visible" timeout 10000}}]
(.waitFor ^js locator #js {:state state :timeout timeout})))
(defn screenshot
([frame] (screenshot frame {}))
([frame {:keys [full-page? omit-background? type quality path]
:or {type "png" full-page? false omit-background? false quality 95}}]
(let [options (-> (obj/new)
(obj/set! "type" (name type))
(obj/set! "omitBackground" omit-background?)
(cond-> path (obj/set! "path" path))
(cond-> (= "jpeg" type) (obj/set! "quality" quality))
(cond-> full-page? (-> (obj/set! "fullPage" true)
(obj/set! "clip" nil))))]
(.screenshot ^js frame options))))
(defn emulate-media!
[page {:keys [media]}]
(.emulateMedia ^js page #js {:media media})
(defn pdf
([page] (pdf page {}))
([page {:keys [scale path page-ranges]
:or {page-ranges "1"
scale 1}}]
(.pdf ^js page #js {:path path
:scale scale
:pageRanges page-ranges
:printBackground true
:preferCSSPageSize true})))
(defn eval!
[frame f]
(.evaluate ^js frame f))
(defn select
[frame selector]
(.locator ^js frame selector))
(defn select-all
[frame selector]
(.$$ ^js frame selector))
(defonce pool (atom nil))
(defonce pool-browser-id (atom 1))
(def browser-pool-factory
(letfn [(create []
(p/let [opts #js {:args #js ["--font-render-hinting=none"]}
browser (.launch pw/chromium opts)
id (swap! pool-browser-id inc)]
(l/info :origin "factory" :action "create" :browser-id id)
(unchecked-set browser "__id" id)
(destroy [obj]
(let [id (unchecked-get obj "__id")]
(l/info :origin "factory" :action "destroy" :browser-id id)
(.close ^js obj)))
(validate [obj]
(let [id (unchecked-get obj "__id")]
(l/info :origin "factory" :action "validate" :browser-id id :obj obj)
(p/resolved (.isConnected ^js obj))))]
#js {:create create
:destroy destroy
:validate validate}))
(defn init
(let [opts #js {:max (cf/get :browser-pool-max 5)
:min (cf/get :browser-pool-min 0)
:testOnBorrow true
:evictionRunIntervalMillis 5000
:numTestsPerEvictionRun 5
;; :acquireTimeoutMillis 120000 ; 2min
:acquireTimeoutMillis 10000 ; 10 s
:idleTimeoutMillis 10000}]
(l/info :hint "initializing browser pool" :opts opts)
(reset! pool (gp/createPool browser-pool-factory opts))
(p/resolved nil)))
(defn stop
(when-let [pool (deref pool)]
(l/info :hint "finalizing browser pool")
(.drain ^js pool)
(.clear ^js pool))))
(defn- ex-ignore
(p/handle p (constantly nil)))
(defn- translate-browser-errors
(if (instance? TimeoutError cause)
(ex/raise :type :internal
:code :timeout
:hint (ex-message cause)
:cause cause)
(p/rejected cause)))
(defn exec!
[config handle]
(letfn [(handle-browser [browser]
(p/let [id (unchecked-get browser "__id")
context (.newContext ^js browser config)]
(l/trace :hint "exec:handle:start" :browser-id id)
(p/let [page (.newPage ^js context)
result (handle page)]
(.close ^js context)
(l/trace :hint "exec:handle:end" :browser-id id)
(on-acquire [pool browser]
(-> (handle-browser browser)
(p/then (fn [result]
(.release ^js pool browser)
(p/catch (fn [cause]
(ex-ignore (.destroy ^js pool browser))
(p/rejected cause))))))]
(when-let [pool (deref pool)]
(-> (p/do! (.acquire ^js pool))
(p/then (partial on-acquire pool))
(p/catch translate-browser-errors)))))