mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 07:41:43 -05:00
377 lines
9.4 KiB
Executable file
377 lines
9.4 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env node
import getopts from "getopts";
import { promises as fs, createReadStream } from "fs";
import gt from "gettext-parser";
import l from "lodash";
import path from "path";
import readline from "readline";
const baseLocale = "en";
async function* getFiles(dir) {
// console.log("getFiles", dir)
const dirents = await fs.readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true });
for (const dirent of dirents) {
let res = path.resolve(dir, dirent.name);
res = path.relative(".", res);
if (dirent.isDirectory()) {
yield* getFiles(res);
} else {
yield res;
async function translationExists(locale) {
const target = path.normalize("./translations/");
const targetPath = path.join(target, `${locale}.po`);
try {
const result = await fs.stat(targetPath);
return true;
} catch (cause) {
return false;
async function readLocaleByPath(path) {
const content = await fs.readFile(path);
return gt.po.parse(content, "utf-8");
async function writeLocaleByPath(path, data) {
const buff = gt.po.compile(data, { sort: true });
await fs.writeFile(path, buff);
async function readLocale(locale) {
const target = path.normalize("./translations/");
const targetPath = path.join(target, `${locale}.po`);
return readLocaleByPath(targetPath);
async function writeLocale(locale, data) {
const target = path.normalize("./translations/");
const targetPath = path.join(target, `${locale}.po`);
return writeLocaleByPath(targetPath, data);
async function* scanLocales() {
const fileRe = /.+\.po$/;
const target = path.normalize("./translations/");
const parent = path.join(target, "..");
for await (const f of getFiles(target)) {
if (!fileRe.test(f)) continue;
const data = path.parse(f);
yield data;
async function processLocale(options, f) {
let locales = options.locale;
if (typeof locales === "string") {
locales = locales.split(/,/);
} else if (Array.isArray(locales)) {
} else if (locales === undefined) {
} else {
console.error(`Invalid value found on locales parameter: '${locales}'`);
for await (const { name } of scanLocales()) {
if (locales === undefined || locales.includes(name)) {
await f(name);
async function processTranslation(data, prefix, f) {
for (let key of Object.keys(data.translations[""])) {
if (key === prefix || key.startsWith(prefix)) {
let value = data.translations[""][key];
value = await f(value);
data.translations[""][key] = value;
return data;
async function* readLines(filePath) {
const fileStream = createReadStream(filePath);
const reader = readline.createInterface({
input: fileStream,
crlfDelay: Infinity,
let counter = 1;
for await (const line of reader) {
yield [counter, line];
const trRe1 = /\(tr\s+"([\w\.\-]+)"/g;
function getTranslationStrings(line) {
const result = Array.from(line.matchAll(trRe1)).map((match) => {
return match[1];
return result;
async function deleteByPrefix(options, prefix, ...params) {
if (!prefix) {
console.error(`Prefix undefined`);
await processLocale(options, async (locale) => {
const data = await readLocale(locale);
let deleted = [];
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data.translations[""])) {
if (key.startsWith(prefix)) {
delete data.translations[""][key];
await writeLocale(locale, data);
`=> Processed locale '${locale}': deleting prefix '${prefix}' (deleted=${deleted.length})`,
if (options.verbose) {
for (let key of deleted) {
console.log(`-> Deleted key: ${key}`);
async function markFuzzy(options, prefix, ...other) {
if (!prefix) {
console.error(`Prefix undefined`);
await processLocale(options, async (locale) => {
let data = await readLocale(locale);
data = await processTranslation(data, prefix, (translation) => {
if (translation.comments === undefined) {
translation.comments = {};
const flagData = translation.comments.flag ?? "";
const flags = flagData.split(/\s*,\s*/).filter((s) => s !== "");
if (!flags.includes("fuzzy")) {
translation.comments.flag = flags.join(", ");
`=> Processed '${locale}': marking fuzzy '${translation.msgid}'`,
return translation;
await writeLocale(locale, data);
async function rehash(options, ...other) {
const fileRe = /.+\.(?:clj|cljs|cljc)$/;
// Iteration 1: process all locales and update it with existing
// entries on the source code.
const used = await (async function () {
const result = {};
for await (const f of getFiles("src")) {
if (!fileRe.test(f)) continue;
for await (const [n, line] of readLines(f)) {
const strings = getTranslationStrings(line);
strings.forEach((key) => {
const entry = `${f}:${n}`;
if (result[key] !== undefined) {
} else {
result[key] = [entry];
await processLocale({ locale: baseLocale }, async (locale) => {
const data = await readLocale(locale);
for (let [key, val] of Object.entries(result)) {
let entry = data.translations[""][key];
if (entry === undefined) {
entry = {
msgid: key,
comments: {
reference: val.join(", "),
flag: "fuzzy",
msgstr: [""],
} else {
if (entry.comments === undefined) {
entry.comments = {};
entry.comments.reference = val.join(", ");
const flagData = entry.comments.flag ?? "";
const flags = flagData.split(/\s*,\s*/).filter((s) => s !== "");
if (flags.includes("unused")) {
flags = flags.filter((o) => o !== "unused");
entry.comments.flag = flags.join(", ");
data.translations[""][key] = entry;
await writeLocale(locale, data);
const keys = Object.keys(data.translations[""]);
console.log(`=> Found ${keys.length} used translations`);
return result;
// Iteration 2: process only base locale and properly detect unused
// translation strings.
await (async function () {
let totalUnused = 0;
await processLocale({ locale: baseLocale }, async (locale) => {
const data = await readLocale(locale);
for (let [key, val] of Object.entries(data.translations[""])) {
if (key === "") continue;
if (!used.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
const entry = data.translations[""][key];
if (entry.comments === undefined) {
entry.comments = {};
const flagData = entry.comments.flag ?? "";
const flags = flagData.split(/\s*,\s*/).filter((s) => s !== "");
if (!flags.includes("unused")) {
entry.comments.flag = flags.join(", ");
data.translations[""][key] = entry;
await writeLocale(locale, data);
console.log(`=> Found ${totalUnused} unused strings`);
async function synchronize(options, ...other) {
const baseData = await readLocale(baseLocale);
await processLocale(options, async (locale) => {
if (locale === baseLocale) return;
const data = await readLocale(locale);
for (let [key, val] of Object.entries(baseData.translations[""])) {
if (key === "") continue;
const baseEntry = baseData.translations[""][key];
const entry = data.translations[""][key];
if (entry === undefined) {
// Do nothing
} else {
entry.comments = baseEntry.comments;
data.translations[""][key] = entry;
for (let [key, val] of Object.entries(data.translations[""])) {
if (key === "") continue;
const baseEntry = baseData.translations[""][key];
const entry = data.translations[""][key];
if (baseEntry === undefined) {
delete data.translations[""][key];
await writeLocale(locale, data);
const options = getopts(process.argv.slice(2), {
boolean: ["h", "v"],
alias: {
help: ["h"],
locale: ["l"],
verbose: ["v"],
stopEarly: true,
const [command, ...params] = options._;
if (command === "rehash") {
await rehash(options, ...params);
} else if (command === "sync") {
await synchronize(options, ...params);
} else if (command === "delete") {
await deleteByPrefix(options, ...params);
} else if (command === "fuzzy") {
await markFuzzy(options, ...params);
} else {
console.log(`Translations manipulation script.
How to use:
./scripts/translation.js <options> <subcommand>
Available options:
--locale -l : specify a concrete locale
--verbose -v : enables verbose output
--help -h : prints this help
Available subcommands:
rehash : reads and writes all translations files, sorting and validating
sync : synchronize baselocale file with all other locale files
delete <prefix> : delete all entries that matches the prefix
fuzzy <prefix> : mark as fuzzy all entries that matches the prefix