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(ns uxbox.ui.workspace.base
(:require [beicon.core :as rx]
[cats.labs.lens :as l]
[uxbox.rstore :as rs]
[uxbox.state :as s]
[uxbox.data.projects :as dp]
[uxbox.util.lens :as ul]
[uxbox.ui.util :as util]
[goog.events :as events])
(:import goog.events.EventType))
;; Lenses
(def ^:static project-state
(as-> (ul/dep-in [:projects-by-id] [:workspace :project]) $
(l/focus-atom $ s/state)))
(def ^:static page-state
(as-> (ul/dep-in [:pages-by-id] [:workspace :page]) $
(l/focus-atom $ s/state)))
(def ^:static pages-state
(as-> (ul/getter #(let [pid (get-in % [:workspace :project])]
(dp/project-pages % pid))) $
(l/focus-atom $ s/state)))
(def ^:static workspace-state
(as-> (l/in [:workspace]) $
(l/focus-atom $ s/state)))
;; Scroll Stream
(defonce ^:private scroll-bus (rx/bus))
(defonce scroll-s (rx/dedupe scroll-bus))
(defonce top-scroll-s
(->> scroll-bus
(rx/map :top)
(defonce left-scroll-s
(->> scroll-bus
(rx/map :left)
(defonce top-scroll (rx/to-atom top-scroll-s))
(defonce left-scroll (rx/to-atom left-scroll-s))
;; Mouse Position Stream
;; (defn- coords-delta
;; [[old new]]
;; (let [[oldx oldy] old
;; [newx newy] new]
;; [(* 2 (- newx oldx))
;; (* 2 (- newy oldy))]))
;; (def ^{:doc "A stream of mouse coordinate deltas as `[dx dy]` vectors."}
;; delta
;; (s/map coords-delta (s/partition 2 client-position)))
(defonce mouse-bus (rx/bus))
(defonce mouse-s (rx/dedupe mouse-bus))
(defonce mouse-position (rx/to-atom (rx/throttle 50 mouse-s)))
(defn- mouse-mixin-did-mount
(letfn [(on-mousemove [event]
(let [canvas (util/get-ref-dom own "canvas")
brect (.getBoundingClientRect canvas)
offset-x (.-left brect)
offset-y (.-top brect)
x (.-clientX event)
y (.-clientY event)]
(rx/push! mouse-bus [(- x offset-x)
(- y offset-y)])))]
(let [key (events/listen js/document EventType.MOUSEMOVE on-mousemove)]
(js/console.log "mouse-mixin-did-mount" key)
(assoc own ::eventkey key))))
(defn- mouse-mixin-will-unmount
(let [key (::eventkey own)]
(events/unlistenByKey key)
(dissoc own ::eventkey)))
(defn- mouse-mixin-transfer-state
[old-own own]
(let [key (::eventkey old-own)]
(assoc own ::eventkey key)))
(def ^:static mouse-mixin
{:did-mount mouse-mixin-did-mount
:will-unmount mouse-mixin-will-unmount
:transfer-state mouse-mixin-transfer-state})
;; Constants
(def viewport-height 3000)
(def viewport-width 3000)
(def document-start-x 50)
(def document-start-y 50)