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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns common-tests.helpers.files
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.features :as ffeat]
[app.common.files.changes :as cfc]
[app.common.files.validate :as cfv]
[app.common.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
[app.common.types.file :as ctf]
[app.common.types.page :as ctp]
[app.common.types.pages-list :as ctpl]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[common-tests.helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
;; ----- Files
(defn sample-file
[label & {:keys [page-label name] :as params}]
(binding [ffeat/*current* #{"components/v2"}]
(let [params (cond-> params
(assoc :id (thi/new-id! label))
(assoc :page-id (thi/new-id! page-label))
(nil? name)
(assoc :name "Test file"))
file (-> (ctf/make-file (dissoc params :page-label))
(assoc :features #{"components/v2"}))
page (-> file
(with-meta file
{:current-page-id (:id page)}))))
(defn validate-file!
([file] (validate-file! file {}))
([file libraries]
(cfv/validate-file-schema! file)
(cfv/validate-file! file libraries)))
(defn apply-changes
[file changes]
(let [file' (ctf/update-file-data file #(cfc/process-changes % (:redo-changes changes) true))]
(validate-file! file')
;; ----- Pages
(defn sample-page
[label & {:keys [] :as params}]
(ctp/make-empty-page (assoc params :id (thi/new-id! label))))
(defn add-sample-page
[file label & {:keys [] :as params}]
(let [page (sample-page label params)]
(-> file
(ctf/update-file-data #(ctpl/add-page % page))
(vary-meta assoc :current-page-id (:id page)))))
(defn get-page
[file label]
(ctpl/get-page (:data file) (thi/id label)))
(defn current-page-id
(:current-page-id (meta file)))
(defn current-page
(ctpl/get-page (:data file) (current-page-id file)))
(defn switch-to-page
[file label]
(vary-meta file assoc :current-page-id (thi/id label)))
;; ----- Debug
(defn dump-tree
"Dump a file using dump-tree function in common.types.file."
[file & {:keys [page-label libraries] :as params}]
(let [params (-> params
(or {:show-ids true :show-touched true})
(dissoc page-label libraries))
page (if (some? page-label)
(:id (get-page file page-label))
(current-page-id file))
libraries (or libraries {})]
(ctf/dump-tree file page libraries params)))
(defn pprint-file
"Pretry print a file trying to limit the quantity of info shown."
[file & {:keys [level length] :or {level 10 length 1000}}]
(pprint file {:level level :length length}))
(defn dump-shape
"Dump a shape, with each attribute in a line."
(println "{")
(doseq [[k v] (sort shape)]
(when (some? v)
(println (str " " k " : " v))))
(println "}"))
(defn- stringify-keys [m keys]
(let [kv (-> (select-keys m keys)
(assoc :swap-slot (when ((set keys) :swap-slot)
(ctk/get-swap-slot m)))
(assoc :swap-slot-label (when ((set keys) :swap-slot-label)
(when-let [slot (ctk/get-swap-slot m)]
(thi/label slot))))
pretty-uuid (fn [id]
(let [id (str id)]
(str "#" (subs id (- (count id) 6)))))
format-kv (fn [[k v]]
(uuid? v)
(str k " " (pretty-uuid v))
(str k " " v)))]
(when (seq kv)
(str " [" (apply str (interpose ", " (map format-kv kv))) "]"))))
(defn- dump-page-shape
[shape keys padding show-refs?]
(println (str/pad (str padding
(when (and (:main-instance shape) show-refs?) "{")
(thi/label (:id shape))
(when (and (:main-instance shape) show-refs?) "}")
(when (seq keys)
(stringify-keys shape keys)))
{:length 50 :type :right})
(if (nil? (:shape-ref shape))
(if (and (:component-root shape) show-refs?)
(str "# [Component " (thi/label (:component-id shape)) "]")
(if show-refs?
(str/format "%s--> %s%s"
(cond (:component-root shape) "#"
(:component-id shape) "@"
:else "-")
(if (:component-root shape)
(str "[Component " (thi/label (:component-id shape)) "] ")
(thi/label (:shape-ref shape)))
(defn dump-page
"Dump the layer tree of the page, showing labels of the shapes.
- keys: a list of attributes of the shapes you want to show. In addition, you
can add :swap-slot to show the slot id (if any) or :swap-slot-label
to show the corresponding label.
- show-refs?: if true, the component references will be shown."
[page & {:keys [keys root-id padding show-refs?]
:or {keys [:name :swap-slot-label] root-id uuid/zero padding "" show-refs? true}}]
(let [lookupf (d/getf (:objects page))
root-shape (lookupf root-id)
shapes (map lookupf (:shapes root-shape))]
(doseq [shape shapes]
(dump-page-shape shape keys padding show-refs?)
(dump-page page
:keys keys
:root-id (:id shape)
:padding (str padding " ")
:show-refs? show-refs?))))
(defn dump-file
"Dump the current page of the file, using dump-page above.
Example: (thf/dump-file file :keys [:name :swap-slot-label] :show-refs? false)"
[file & {:keys [] :as params}]
(dump-page (current-page file) params))