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synced 2025-03-05 20:31:20 -05:00
* 🐛 Fix token sets selection representation in exported theme * 🐛 Fix the loss of token set order * 🐛 Change data shape according to internal representaion * 🐛 Persist sets order on import according to metadata * 🐛 Add fallback for nil values * 🐛 Fix test assertions accoding to the exported json format * 🐛 Make `:is-source` optional * ♻️ Fix test description * ♻️ Remove outdated comment
117 lines
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117 lines
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(ns frontend-tests.tokens.style-dictionary-test
[app.common.transit :as tr]
[app.common.types.tokens-lib :as ctob]
[app.main.ui.workspace.tokens.style-dictionary :as sd]
[beicon.v2.core :as rx]
[cljs.test :as t :include-macros true]
[promesa.core :as p]))
(t/deftest resolve-tokens-test
(t/testing "resolves tokens using style-dictionary from a ids map"
(let [tokens (-> (ctob/make-tokens-lib)
(ctob/add-set (ctob/make-token-set :name "core"))
(ctob/add-token-in-set "core" (ctob/make-token {:name "borderRadius.sm"
:value "12px"
:type :border-radius}))
(ctob/add-token-in-set "core" (ctob/make-token {:value "{borderRadius.sm} * 2"
:name "borderRadius.md-with-dashes"
:type :border-radius}))
(-> (sd/resolve-tokens+ tokens)
(fn [resolved-tokens]
(t/is (= 12 (get-in resolved-tokens ["borderRadius.sm" :resolved-value])))
(t/is (= "px" (get-in resolved-tokens ["borderRadius.sm" :unit])))
(t/is (= 24 (get-in resolved-tokens ["borderRadius.md-with-dashes" :resolved-value])))
(t/is (= "px" (get-in resolved-tokens ["borderRadius.md-with-dashes" :unit])))
(t/deftest process-json-stream-test
(t/testing "process simple color token value"
(let [json (-> {"core" {"color" {"$value" "red"
"$type" "color"}}
"$metadata" {"tokenSetOrder" ["core"]}}
(tr/encode-str {:type :json-verbose}))]
(->> (rx/of json)
(rx/subs! (fn [tokens-lib]
(t/is (instance? ctob/TokensLib tokens-lib))
(t/is (= "red" (-> (ctob/get-set tokens-lib "core")
(ctob/get-token "color")
(t/deftest reference-errros-test
(t/testing "Extracts reference errors from StyleDictionary errors"
;; Using unicode for the white-space after "Error: " as some editors might remove it and its more visible
(t/is (=
["Some token references (2) could not be found."
"foo.value tries to reference missing, which is not defined."
"color.value tries to reference missing, which is not defined."]
(sd/reference-errors "Error:\u0020
Reference Errors:
Some token references (2) could not be found.
foo.value tries to reference missing, which is not defined.
color.value tries to reference missing, which is not defined.")))
(t/is (nil? (sd/reference-errors nil)))
(t/is (nil? (sd/reference-errors "none")))))
(t/deftest process-empty-json-stream-test
(t/testing "processes empty json string"
(->> (rx/of "{}")
(rx/subs! (fn [tokens-lib]
(t/is (instance? ctob/TokensLib tokens-lib))
(t/deftest process-invalid-json-stream-test
(t/testing "fails on invalid json"
(->> (rx/of "{,}")
(fn []
(throw (js/Error. "Should be an error")))
(fn [err]
(t/is (= :error.import/json-parse-error (:error/code (ex-data err))))
(t/deftest process-non-token-json-stream-test
(t/testing "fails on non-token json"
(->> (rx/of "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}")
(fn []
(throw (js/Error. "Should be an error")))
(fn [err]
(t/is (= :error.import/invalid-json-data (:error/code (ex-data err))))
(t/deftest process-missing-references-json-test
(t/testing "fails on missing references in tokens"
(let [json (-> {"core" {"color" {"$value" "{missing}"
"$type" "color"}}
"$metadata" {"tokenSetOrder" ["core"]}}
(tr/encode-str {:type :json-verbose}))]
(->> (rx/of json)
(fn []
(throw (js/Error. "Should be an error")))
(fn [err]
(t/is (= :error.import/style-dictionary-reference-errors (:error/code (ex-data err))))