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(ns uxbox.tests.helpers
(:refer-clojure :exclude [await])
(:require [clj-http.client :as http]
[buddy.hashers :as hashers]
[buddy.core.codecs :as codecs]
[catacumba.serializers :as sz]
[mount.core :as mount]
[datoteka.storages :as st]
[suricatta.core :as sc]
[uxbox.services.auth :as usa]
[uxbox.services.users :as usu]
[uxbox.util.transit :as t]
[uxbox.migrations :as umg]
[uxbox.media :as media]
[uxbox.db :as db]
[uxbox.config :as cfg]))
(def +base-url+ "http://localhost:5050")
(defn state-init
(let [config (cfg/read-test-config)]
(-> (mount/only #{#'uxbox.config/config
(mount/swap {#'uxbox.config/config config})
(defn database-reset
(fn []
(with-open [conn (db/connection)]
(let [sql (str "SELECT table_name "
" FROM information_schema.tables "
" WHERE table_schema = 'public' "
" AND table_name != 'migrations';")
result (->> (sc/fetch conn sql)
(map :table_name))]
(sc/execute conn (str "TRUNCATE "
(apply str (interpose ", " result))
" CASCADE;"))))
(st/clear! uxbox.media/media-storage)
(st/clear! uxbox.media/assets-storage))))))
(defmacro await
(deref ~expr)
(catch Exception e#
(.getCause e#))))
(defn- strip-response
[{:keys [status headers body]}]
(if (= (get headers "content-type") "application/transit+json")
[status (-> (codecs/str->bytes body)
[status body]))
(defn http-get
([user uri] (http-get user uri nil))
([user uri {:keys [query] :as opts}]
(let [headers (when user
{"Authorization" (str "Token " (usa/generate-token user))})
params (merge {:headers headers}
(when query
{:query-params query}))]
(strip-response (http/get uri params))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
(strip-response (ex-data e)))))))
(defn http-post
([uri params]
(http-post nil uri params))
([user uri {:keys [body] :as params}]
(let [body (-> (t/encode body)
headers (merge
{"content-type" "application/transit+json"}
(when user
{"Authorization" (str "Token " (usa/generate-token user))}))
params {:headers headers :body body}]
(strip-response (http/post uri params))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
(strip-response (ex-data e)))))))
(defn http-multipart
[user uri params]
(let [headers (merge
(when user
{"Authorization" (str "Token " (usa/generate-token user))}))
params {:headers headers
:multipart params}]
(strip-response (http/post uri params))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
(strip-response (ex-data e))))))
(defn http-put
([uri params]
(http-put nil uri params))
([user uri {:keys [body] :as params}]
(let [body (-> (t/encode body)
headers (merge
{"content-type" "application/transit+json"}
(when user
{"Authorization" (str "Token " (usa/generate-token user))}))
params {:headers headers :body body}]
(strip-response (http/put uri params))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
(strip-response (ex-data e)))))))
(defn http-delete
(http-delete nil uri))
([user uri]
(let [headers (when user
{"Authorization" (str "Token " (usa/generate-token user))})
params {:headers headers}]
(strip-response (http/delete uri params))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
(strip-response (ex-data e)))))))
(defn- decode-response
[{:keys [status headers body] :as response}]
(if (= (get headers "content-type") "application/transit+json")
(assoc response :body (-> (codecs/str->bytes body)
(defn request
[{:keys [path method body user headers raw?]
:or {raw? false}
:as request}]
{:pre [(string? path) (keyword? method)]}
(let [body (if (and body (not raw?))
(-> (t/encode body)
headers (cond-> headers
body (assoc "content-type" "application/transit+json")
raw? (assoc "content-type" "application/octet-stream")
user (assoc "authorization"
(str "Token " (usa/generate-token user))))
params {:headers headers :body body}
uri (str +base-url+ path)]
(let [response (case method
:get (http/get uri (dissoc params :body))
:post (http/post uri params)
:put (http/put uri params)
:delete (http/delete uri params))]
(decode-response response))
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
(decode-response (ex-data e))))))
(defn create-user
"Helper for create users"
[conn i]
(let [data {:username (str "user" i)
:password (str "user" i)
:metadata (str i)
:fullname (str "User " i)
:email (str "user" i "@uxbox.io")}]
(usu/create-user conn data)))
(defmacro try-on
[& body]
(let [result# (do ~@body)]
[nil result#])
(catch Throwable e#
[e# nil])))
(defn exception?
(instance? Throwable v))
(defn ex-info?
(instance? clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo v))
(defn ex-of-type?
[e type]
(let [data (ex-data e)]
(= type (:type data))))
(defn ex-with-code?
[e code]
(let [data (ex-data e)]
(= code (:code data))))