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2025-02-05 17:43:01 +01:00

8577 lines
231 KiB

var qn = (t) => {
throw TypeError(t);
var Kn = (t, e, r) => e.has(t) || qn("Cannot " + r);
var at = (t, e, r) => (Kn(t, e, "read from private field"), r ? r.call(t) : e.get(t)), tn = (t, e, r) => e.has(t) ? qn("Cannot add the same private member more than once") : e instanceof WeakSet ? e.add(t) : e.set(t, r), fr = (t, e, r, n) => (Kn(t, e, "write to private field"), n ? n.call(t, r) : e.set(t, r), r);
const x = globalThis, {
Array: na,
ArrayBuffer: To,
Date: oa,
FinalizationRegistry: $t,
Float32Array: sa,
JSON: aa,
Map: $e,
Math: ia,
Number: Io,
Object: Tn,
Promise: ca,
Proxy: Ur,
Reflect: la,
RegExp: Xe,
Set: Dt,
String: _e,
Symbol: At,
Uint8Array: mn,
WeakMap: ze,
WeakSet: Ut
} = globalThis, {
// The feral Error constructor is safe for internal use, but must not be
// revealed to post-lockdown code in any compartment including the start
// compartment since in V8 at least it bears stack inspection capabilities.
Error: le,
RangeError: ua,
ReferenceError: Wt,
SyntaxError: ir,
TypeError: _,
AggregateError: rn
} = globalThis, {
assign: jr,
create: H,
defineProperties: B,
entries: me,
freeze: y,
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: ee,
getOwnPropertyDescriptors: Be,
getOwnPropertyNames: Nt,
getPrototypeOf: G,
is: Zr,
isFrozen: uu,
isSealed: du,
isExtensible: fu,
keys: Co,
prototype: zr,
seal: pu,
preventExtensions: da,
setPrototypeOf: wr,
values: Ro,
fromEntries: bt
} = Tn, {
species: nn,
toStringTag: Qe,
iterator: De,
matchAll: $o,
unscopables: fa,
keyFor: pa,
for: ha
} = At, { isInteger: ma } = Io, { stringify: No } = aa, { defineProperty: ga } = Tn, D = (t, e, r) => {
const n = ga(t, e, r);
if (n !== t)
throw _(
`Please report that the original defineProperty silently failed to set ${No(
return n;
}, {
apply: ue,
construct: Sr,
get: ya,
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: _a,
has: Oo,
isExtensible: va,
ownKeys: qe,
preventExtensions: ba,
set: Mo
} = la, { isArray: pt, prototype: ve } = na, { prototype: xr } = To, { prototype: jt } = $e, { prototype: Br } = RegExp, { prototype: cr } = Dt, { prototype: Ge } = _e, { prototype: Gr } = ze, { prototype: Lo } = Ut, { prototype: Vr } = Function, { prototype: Fo } = ca, { prototype: Do } = G(
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty-function, func-names
function* () {
), on = G(
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
), Uo = G(mn.prototype), { bind: gn } = Vr, P = gn.bind(gn.call), Q = P(zr.hasOwnProperty), et = P(ve.filter), ht = P(ve.forEach), Hr = P(ve.includes), Zt = P(ve.join), de = (
/** @type {any} */
), jo = (
/** @type {any} */
), Er = P(ve.pop), ne = P(ve.push), wa = P(ve.slice), Zo = P(ve.some), zo = P(ve.sort), Sa = P(ve[De]), xa = P(xr.slice), Ea = P(
// @ts-expect-error we know it is there on all conforming platforms
ee(xr, "byteLength").get
), ka = P(Uo.set), pe = P(jt.set), Ke = P(jt.get), Wr = P(jt.has), Pa = P(jt.delete), Aa = P(jt.entries), Ta = P(jt[De]), In = P(cr.add);
const Yn = P(cr.forEach), Cn = P(cr.has), Ia = P(cr[De]), Rn = P(Br.test), $n = P(Br.exec), Ca = P(Br[$o]), Bo = P(Ge.endsWith), Go = P(Ge.includes), Ra = P(Ge.indexOf);
const kr = P(Do.next), Vo = P(Do.throw), Pr = (
/** @type {any} */
), $a = P(Ge.search), Nn = P(Ge.slice), On = (
/** @type {(thisArg: string, splitter: string | RegExp | { [Symbol.split](string: string, limit?: number): string[]; }, limit?: number) => string[]} */
), Ho = P(Ge.startsWith), Na = P(Ge[De]), Oa = P(Gr.delete), z = P(Gr.get), Tt = P(Gr.has), he = P(Gr.set), qr = P(Lo.add), lr = P(Lo.has), Ma = P(Vr.toString), Wo = P(gn);
const qo = (
/** @type {any} */
), La = $t && P($t.prototype.register);
$t && P($t.prototype.unregister);
const Mn = y(H(null)), ke = (t) => Tn(t) === t, Kr = (t) => t instanceof le, Ko = eval, Ee = Function, Fa = () => {
throw _('Cannot eval with evalTaming set to "noEval" (SES_NO_EVAL)');
}, Je = ee(Error("er1"), "stack"), sn = ee(_("er2"), "stack");
let Yo, Jo;
if (Je && sn && Je.get)
if (
// In the v8 case as we understand it, all errors have an own stack
// accessor property, but within the same realm, all these accessor
// properties have the same getter and have the same setter.
// This is therefore the case that we repair.
typeof Je.get == "function" && Je.get === sn.get && typeof Je.set == "function" && Je.set === sn.set
Yo = y(Je.get), Jo = y(Je.set);
throw _(
"Unexpected Error own stack accessor functions (SES_UNEXPECTED_ERROR_OWN_STACK_ACCESSOR)"
const an = Yo, Da = Jo;
function Ua() {
return this;
if (Ua())
throw _("SES failed to initialize, sloppy mode (SES_NO_SLOPPY)");
const { freeze: ut } = Object, { apply: ja } = Reflect, Ln = (t) => (e, ...r) => ja(t, e, r), Za = Ln(Array.prototype.push), Jn = Ln(Array.prototype.includes), za = Ln(String.prototype.split), it = JSON.stringify, pr = (t, ...e) => {
let r = t[0];
for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n += 1)
r = `${r}${e[n]}${t[n + 1]}`;
throw Error(r);
}, Xo = (t, e = !1) => {
const r = [], n = (c, l, u = void 0) => {
typeof c == "string" || pr`Environment option name ${it(c)} must be a string.`, typeof l == "string" || pr`Environment option default setting ${it(
)} must be a string.`;
let d = l;
const f = t.process || void 0, h = typeof f == "object" && f.env || void 0;
if (typeof h == "object" && c in h) {
e || Za(r, c);
const p = h[c];
typeof p == "string" || pr`Environment option named ${it(
)}, if present, must have a corresponding string value, got ${it(
)}`, d = p;
return u === void 0 || d === l || Jn(u, d) || pr`Unrecognized ${it(c)} value ${it(
)}. Expected one of ${it([l, ...u])}`, d;
const o = (c) => {
const l = n(c, "");
return ut(l === "" ? [] : za(l, ","));
const s = (c, l) => Jn(o(c), l), i = () => ut([...r]);
return ut(i), ut({
getEnvironmentOption: n,
getEnvironmentOptionsList: o,
environmentOptionsListHas: s,
getCapturedEnvironmentOptionNames: i
const {
getEnvironmentOption: ce,
getEnvironmentOptionsList: hu,
environmentOptionsListHas: mu
} = Xo(globalThis, !0), Ar = (t) => (t = `${t}`, t.length >= 1 && Go("aeiouAEIOU", t[0]) ? `an ${t}` : `a ${t}`);
const Qo = (t, e = void 0) => {
const r = new Dt(), n = (o, s) => {
switch (typeof s) {
case "object": {
if (s === null)
return null;
if (Cn(r, s))
return "[Seen]";
if (In(r, s), Kr(s))
return `[${s.name}: ${s.message}]`;
if (Qe in s)
return `[${s[Qe]}]`;
if (pt(s))
return s;
const i = Co(s);
if (i.length < 2)
return s;
let c = !0;
for (let u = 1; u < i.length; u += 1)
if (i[u - 1] >= i[u]) {
c = !1;
if (c)
return s;
const l = de(i, (u) => [u, s[u]]);
return bt(l);
case "function":
return `[Function ${s.name || "<anon>"}]`;
case "string":
return Ho(s, "[") ? `[${s}]` : s;
case "undefined":
case "symbol":
return `[${_e(s)}]`;
case "bigint":
return `[${s}n]`;
case "number":
return Zr(s, NaN) ? "[NaN]" : s === 1 / 0 ? "[Infinity]" : s === -1 / 0 ? "[-Infinity]" : s;
return s;
try {
return No(t, n, e);
} catch {
return "[Something that failed to stringify]";
const { isSafeInteger: Ba } = Number, { freeze: Et } = Object, { toStringTag: Ga } = Symbol, Xn = (t) => {
const r = {
next: void 0,
prev: void 0,
data: t
return r.next = r, r.prev = r, r;
}, Qn = (t, e) => {
if (t === e)
throw TypeError("Cannot splice a cell into itself");
if (e.next !== e || e.prev !== e)
throw TypeError("Expected self-linked cell");
const r = e, n = t.next;
return r.prev = t, r.next = n, t.next = r, n.prev = r, r;
}, cn = (t) => {
const { prev: e, next: r } = t;
e.next = r, r.prev = e, t.prev = t, t.next = t;
}, es = (t) => {
if (!Ba(t) || t < 0)
throw TypeError("keysBudget must be a safe non-negative integer number");
const e = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
let r = 0;
const n = Xn(void 0), o = (d) => {
const f = e.get(d);
if (!(f === void 0 || f.data === void 0))
return cn(f), Qn(n, f), f;
}, s = (d) => o(d) !== void 0;
const i = (d) => {
const f = o(d);
return f && f.data && f.data.get(d);
const c = (d, f) => {
if (t < 1)
return u;
let h = o(d);
if (h === void 0 && (h = Xn(void 0), Qn(n, h)), !h.data)
for (r += 1, h.data = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), e.set(d, h); r > t; ) {
const p = n.prev;
cn(p), p.data = void 0, r -= 1;
return h.data.set(d, f), u;
const l = (d) => {
const f = e.get(d);
return f === void 0 || (cn(f), e.delete(d), f.data === void 0) ? !1 : (f.data = void 0, r -= 1, !0);
const u = Et({
has: s,
get: i,
set: c,
delete: l,
// eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/check-types
/** @type {typeof Symbol.toStringTag} */
]: "LRUCacheMap"
return u;
const { freeze: vr } = Object, { isSafeInteger: Va } = Number, Ha = 1e3, Wa = 100, ts = (t = Ha, e = Wa) => {
if (!Va(e) || e < 1)
throw TypeError(
"argsPerErrorBudget must be a safe positive integer number"
const r = es(t), n = (s, i) => {
const c = r.get(s);
c !== void 0 ? (c.length >= e && c.shift(), c.push(i)) : r.set(s, [i]);
const o = (s) => {
const i = r.get(s);
return r.delete(s), i;
return vr(o), vr({
addLogArgs: n,
takeLogArgsArray: o
const Ot = new ze(), U = (t, e = void 0) => {
const r = y({
toString: y(() => Qo(t, e))
return he(Ot, r, t), r;
const qa = y(/^[\w:-]( ?[\w:-])*$/), Tr = (t, e = void 0) => {
if (typeof t != "string" || !Rn(qa, t))
return U(t, e);
const r = y({
toString: y(() => t)
return he(Ot, r, t), r;
const Yr = new ze(), rs = ({ template: t, args: e }) => {
const r = [t[0]];
for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n += 1) {
const o = e[n];
let s;
Tt(Ot, o) ? s = `${o}` : Kr(o) ? s = `(${Ar(o.name)})` : s = `(${Ar(typeof o)})`, ne(r, s, t[n + 1]);
return Zt(r, "");
}, ns = y({
toString() {
const t = z(Yr, this);
return t === void 0 ? "[Not a DetailsToken]" : rs(t);
const re = (t, ...e) => {
const r = y({ __proto__: ns });
return he(Yr, r, { template: t, args: e }), /** @type {DetailsToken} */
/** @type {unknown} */
const os = (t, ...e) => (e = de(
(r) => Tt(Ot, r) ? r : U(r)
), re(t, ...e));
const ss = ({ template: t, args: e }) => {
const r = [t[0]];
for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n += 1) {
let o = e[n];
Tt(Ot, o) && (o = z(Ot, o));
const s = Pr(Er(r) || "", / $/, "");
s !== "" && ne(r, s);
const i = Pr(t[n + 1], /^ /, "");
ne(r, o, i);
return r[r.length - 1] === "" && Er(r), r;
}, br = new ze();
let yn = 0;
const eo = new ze(), as = (t, e = t.name) => {
let r = z(eo, t);
return r !== void 0 || (yn += 1, r = `${e}#${yn}`, he(eo, t, r)), r;
}, Ka = (t) => {
const e = Be(t), {
name: r,
message: n,
errors: o = void 0,
cause: s = void 0,
stack: i = void 0,
} = e, l = qe(c);
if (l.length >= 1) {
for (const d of l)
delete t[d];
const u = H(zr, c);
re`originally with properties ${U(u)}`
for (const u of qe(t)) {
const d = e[u];
d && Q(d, "get") && D(t, u, {
value: t[u]
// invoke the getter to convert to data property
}, Ce = (t = re`Assert failed`, e = x.Error, {
errorName: r = void 0,
cause: n = void 0,
errors: o = void 0,
sanitize: s = !0
} = {}) => {
typeof t == "string" && (t = re([t]));
const i = z(Yr, t);
if (i === void 0)
throw _(`unrecognized details ${U(t)}`);
const c = rs(i), l = n && { cause: n };
let u;
return typeof rn < "u" && e === rn ? u = rn(o || [], c, l) : (u = /** @type {ErrorConstructor} */
), o !== void 0 && D(u, "errors", {
value: o,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
})), he(br, u, ss(i)), r !== void 0 && as(u, r), s && Ka(u), u;
const { addLogArgs: Ya, takeLogArgsArray: Ja } = ts(), _n = new ze(), Jr = (t, e) => {
typeof e == "string" && (e = re([e]));
const r = z(Yr, e);
if (r === void 0)
throw _(`unrecognized details ${U(e)}`);
const n = ss(r), o = z(_n, t);
if (o !== void 0)
for (const s of o)
s(t, n);
Ya(t, n);
const Xa = (t) => {
if (!("stack" in t))
return "";
const e = `${t.stack}`, r = Ra(e, `
return Ho(e, " ") || r === -1 ? e : Nn(e, r + 1);
}, Ir = {
getStackString: x.getStackString || Xa,
tagError: (t) => as(t),
resetErrorTagNum: () => {
yn = 0;
getMessageLogArgs: (t) => z(br, t),
takeMessageLogArgs: (t) => {
const e = z(br, t);
return Oa(br, t), e;
takeNoteLogArgsArray: (t, e) => {
const r = Ja(t);
if (e !== void 0) {
const n = z(_n, t);
n ? ne(n, e) : he(_n, t, [e]);
return r || [];
const Xr = (t = void 0, e = !1) => {
const r = e ? os : re, n = r`Check failed`, o = (f = n, h = void 0, p = void 0) => {
const m = Ce(f, h, p);
throw t !== void 0 && t(m), m;
const s = (f, ...h) => o(r(f, ...h));
function i(f, h = void 0, p = void 0, m = void 0) {
f || o(h, p, m);
const c = (f, h, p = void 0, m = void 0, A = void 0) => {
Zr(f, h) || o(
p || r`Expected ${f} is same as ${h}`,
m || ua,
const l = (f, h, p) => {
if (typeof f !== h) {
if (typeof h == "string" || s`${U(h)} must be a string`, p === void 0) {
const m = Ar(h);
p = r`${f} must be ${Tr(m)}`;
o(p, _);
const d = jr(i, {
error: Ce,
fail: o,
equal: c,
typeof: l,
string: (f, h = void 0) => l(f, "string", h),
note: Jr,
details: r,
Fail: s,
quote: U,
bare: Tr,
makeAssert: Xr
return y(d);
const Y = Xr(), to = Y.equal, is = ee(
const cs = is.get;
const Qa = (t) => ue(cs, t, []) !== void 0, ei = (t) => {
const e = +_e(t);
return ma(e) && _e(e) === t;
}, ti = (t) => {
da(t), ht(qe(t), (e) => {
const r = ee(t, e);
Y(r), ei(e) || D(t, e, {
writable: !1,
configurable: !1
}, ri = () => {
if (typeof x.harden == "function")
return x.harden;
const t = new Ut(), { harden: e } = {
* @template T
* @param {T} root
* @returns {T}
harden(r) {
const n = new Dt();
function o(d) {
if (!ke(d))
const f = typeof d;
if (f !== "object" && f !== "function")
throw _(`Unexpected typeof: ${f}`);
lr(t, d) || Cn(n, d) || In(n, d);
const s = (d) => {
Qa(d) ? ti(d) : y(d);
const f = Be(d), h = G(d);
o(h), ht(qe(f), (p) => {
const m = f[
/** @type {string} */
Q(m, "value") ? o(m.value) : (o(m.get), o(m.set));
}, i = an === void 0 && Da === void 0 ? (
// On platforms without v8's error own stack accessor problem,
// don't pay for any extra overhead.
) : (d) => {
if (Kr(d)) {
const f = ee(d, "stack");
f && f.get === an && f.configurable && D(d, "stack", {
// NOTE: Calls getter during harden, which seems dangerous.
// But we're only calling the problematic getter whose
// hazards we think we understand.
// @ts-expect-error TS should know FERAL_STACK_GETTER
// cannot be `undefined` here.
// See https://github.com/endojs/endo/pull/2232#discussion_r1575179471
value: ue(an, d, [])
return s(d);
}, c = () => {
Yn(n, i);
}, l = (d) => {
qr(t, d);
}, u = () => {
Yn(n, l);
return o(r), c(), u(), r;
return e;
}, ls = (t, e, r, n, { warn: o, error: s }) => {
r || o(`Removing ${n}`);
try {
delete t[e];
} catch (i) {
if (Q(t, e)) {
if (typeof t == "function" && e === "prototype" && (t.prototype = void 0, t.prototype === void 0)) {
o(`Tolerating undeletable ${n} === undefined`);
s(`failed to delete ${n}`, i);
} else
s(`deleting ${n} threw`, i);
throw i;
}, us = {
// *** Value Properties of the Global Object
Infinity: 1 / 0,
NaN: NaN,
undefined: void 0
}, ds = {
// *** Function Properties of the Global Object
isFinite: "isFinite",
isNaN: "isNaN",
parseFloat: "parseFloat",
parseInt: "parseInt",
decodeURI: "decodeURI",
decodeURIComponent: "decodeURIComponent",
encodeURI: "encodeURI",
encodeURIComponent: "encodeURIComponent",
// *** Constructor Properties of the Global Object
Array: "Array",
ArrayBuffer: "ArrayBuffer",
BigInt: "BigInt",
BigInt64Array: "BigInt64Array",
BigUint64Array: "BigUint64Array",
Boolean: "Boolean",
DataView: "DataView",
EvalError: "EvalError",
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-float16array
Float16Array: "Float16Array",
Float32Array: "Float32Array",
Float64Array: "Float64Array",
Int8Array: "Int8Array",
Int16Array: "Int16Array",
Int32Array: "Int32Array",
Map: "Map",
Number: "Number",
Object: "Object",
Promise: "Promise",
Proxy: "Proxy",
RangeError: "RangeError",
ReferenceError: "ReferenceError",
Set: "Set",
String: "String",
SyntaxError: "SyntaxError",
TypeError: "TypeError",
Uint8Array: "Uint8Array",
Uint8ClampedArray: "Uint8ClampedArray",
Uint16Array: "Uint16Array",
Uint32Array: "Uint32Array",
URIError: "URIError",
WeakMap: "WeakMap",
WeakSet: "WeakSet",
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-iterator-helpers
Iterator: "Iterator",
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-async-iterator-helpers
AsyncIterator: "AsyncIterator",
// https://github.com/endojs/endo/issues/550
AggregateError: "AggregateError",
// *** Other Properties of the Global Object
Reflect: "Reflect",
// *** Annex B
escape: "escape",
unescape: "unescape",
// ESNext
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-source-phase-imports?tab=readme-ov-file#js-module-source
ModuleSource: "ModuleSource",
lockdown: "lockdown",
harden: "harden",
HandledPromise: "HandledPromise"
// TODO: Until Promise.delegate (see below).
}, ro = {
// *** Constructor Properties of the Global Object
Date: "%InitialDate%",
Error: "%InitialError%",
RegExp: "%InitialRegExp%",
// Omit `Symbol`, because we want the original to appear on the
// start compartment without passing through the permits mechanism, since
// we want to preserve all its properties, even if we never heard of them.
// Symbol: '%InitialSymbol%',
// *** Other Properties of the Global Object
Math: "%InitialMath%",
// ESNext
// From Error-stack proposal
// Only on initial global. No corresponding
// powerless form for other globals.
getStackString: "%InitialGetStackString%"
// TODO https://github.com/Agoric/SES-shim/issues/551
// Need initial WeakRef and FinalizationGroup in
// start compartment only.
}, fs = {
// *** Constructor Properties of the Global Object
Date: "%SharedDate%",
Error: "%SharedError%",
RegExp: "%SharedRegExp%",
Symbol: "%SharedSymbol%",
// *** Other Properties of the Global Object
Math: "%SharedMath%"
}, ps = [
// https://github.com/endojs/endo/issues/550
// Commented out to accommodate platforms prior to AggregateError.
// Instead, conditional push below.
// AggregateError,
typeof AggregateError < "u" && ne(ps, AggregateError);
const vn = {
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
length: "number",
name: "string"
// Do not specify "prototype" here, since only Function instances that can
// be used as a constructor have a prototype property. For constructors,
// since prototype properties are instance-specific, we define it there.
}, ni = {
// This property is not mentioned in ECMA 262, but is present in V8 and
// necessary for lockdown to succeed.
"[[Proto]]": "%AsyncFunctionPrototype%"
}, a = vn, no = ni, M = {
get: a,
set: "undefined"
}, Le = {
get: a,
set: a
}, oo = (t) => t === M || t === Le;
function ct(t) {
return {
// Properties of the NativeError Constructors
"[[Proto]]": "%SharedError%",
// NativeError.prototype
prototype: t
function lt(t) {
return {
// Properties of the NativeError Prototype Objects
"[[Proto]]": "%ErrorPrototype%",
constructor: t,
message: "string",
name: "string",
// Redundantly present only on v8. Safe to remove.
toString: !1,
// Superfluously present in some versions of V8.
// https://github.com/tc39/notes/blob/master/meetings/2021-10/oct-26.md#:~:text=However%2C%20Chrome%2093,and%20node%2016.11.
cause: !1
function Se(t) {
return {
// Properties of the TypedArray Constructors
"[[Proto]]": "%TypedArray%",
prototype: t
function xe(t) {
return {
// Properties of the TypedArray Prototype Objects
"[[Proto]]": "%TypedArrayPrototype%",
constructor: t
const so = {
E: "number",
LN10: "number",
LN2: "number",
LOG10E: "number",
LOG2E: "number",
PI: "number",
SQRT1_2: "number",
SQRT2: "number",
"@@toStringTag": "string",
abs: a,
acos: a,
acosh: a,
asin: a,
asinh: a,
atan: a,
atanh: a,
atan2: a,
cbrt: a,
ceil: a,
clz32: a,
cos: a,
cosh: a,
exp: a,
expm1: a,
floor: a,
fround: a,
hypot: a,
imul: a,
log: a,
log1p: a,
log10: a,
log2: a,
max: a,
min: a,
pow: a,
round: a,
sign: a,
sin: a,
sinh: a,
sqrt: a,
tan: a,
tanh: a,
trunc: a,
// See https://github.com/Moddable-OpenSource/moddable/issues/523
idiv: !1,
// See https://github.com/Moddable-OpenSource/moddable/issues/523
idivmod: !1,
// See https://github.com/Moddable-OpenSource/moddable/issues/523
imod: !1,
// See https://github.com/Moddable-OpenSource/moddable/issues/523
imuldiv: !1,
// See https://github.com/Moddable-OpenSource/moddable/issues/523
irem: !1,
// See https://github.com/Moddable-OpenSource/moddable/issues/523
mod: !1,
// See https://github.com/Moddable-OpenSource/moddable/issues/523#issuecomment-1942904505
irandom: !1
}, Cr = {
// ECMA https://tc39.es/ecma262
// The intrinsics object has no prototype to avoid conflicts.
"[[Proto]]": null,
// %ThrowTypeError%
"%ThrowTypeError%": a,
// *** The Global Object
// *** Value Properties of the Global Object
Infinity: "number",
NaN: "number",
undefined: "undefined",
// *** Function Properties of the Global Object
// eval
"%UniqueEval%": a,
isFinite: a,
isNaN: a,
parseFloat: a,
parseInt: a,
decodeURI: a,
decodeURIComponent: a,
encodeURI: a,
encodeURIComponent: a,
// *** Fundamental Objects
Object: {
// Properties of the Object Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
assign: a,
create: a,
defineProperties: a,
defineProperty: a,
entries: a,
freeze: a,
fromEntries: a,
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: a,
getOwnPropertyDescriptors: a,
getOwnPropertyNames: a,
getOwnPropertySymbols: a,
getPrototypeOf: a,
hasOwn: a,
is: a,
isExtensible: a,
isFrozen: a,
isSealed: a,
keys: a,
preventExtensions: a,
prototype: "%ObjectPrototype%",
seal: a,
setPrototypeOf: a,
values: a,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-array-grouping
groupBy: a,
// Seen on QuickJS
__getClass: !1
"%ObjectPrototype%": {
// Properties of the Object Prototype Object
"[[Proto]]": null,
constructor: "Object",
hasOwnProperty: a,
isPrototypeOf: a,
propertyIsEnumerable: a,
toLocaleString: a,
toString: a,
valueOf: a,
// Annex B: Additional Properties of the Object.prototype Object
// See note in header about the difference between [[Proto]] and --proto--
// special notations.
"--proto--": Le,
__defineGetter__: a,
__defineSetter__: a,
__lookupGetter__: a,
__lookupSetter__: a
"%UniqueFunction%": {
// Properties of the Function Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
prototype: "%FunctionPrototype%"
"%InertFunction%": {
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
prototype: "%FunctionPrototype%"
"%FunctionPrototype%": {
apply: a,
bind: a,
call: a,
constructor: "%InertFunction%",
toString: a,
"@@hasInstance": a,
// proposed but not yet std. To be removed if there
caller: !1,
// proposed but not yet std. To be removed if there
arguments: !1,
// Seen on QuickJS. TODO grab getter for use by console
fileName: !1,
// Seen on QuickJS. TODO grab getter for use by console
lineNumber: !1
Boolean: {
// Properties of the Boolean Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
prototype: "%BooleanPrototype%"
"%BooleanPrototype%": {
constructor: "Boolean",
toString: a,
valueOf: a
"%SharedSymbol%": {
// Properties of the Symbol Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
asyncDispose: "symbol",
asyncIterator: "symbol",
dispose: "symbol",
for: a,
hasInstance: "symbol",
isConcatSpreadable: "symbol",
iterator: "symbol",
keyFor: a,
match: "symbol",
matchAll: "symbol",
prototype: "%SymbolPrototype%",
replace: "symbol",
search: "symbol",
species: "symbol",
split: "symbol",
toPrimitive: "symbol",
toStringTag: "symbol",
unscopables: "symbol",
// Seen at core-js https://github.com/zloirock/core-js#ecmascript-symbol
useSimple: !1,
// Seen at core-js https://github.com/zloirock/core-js#ecmascript-symbol
useSetter: !1,
// Seen on QuickJS
operatorSet: !1
"%SymbolPrototype%": {
// Properties of the Symbol Prototype Object
constructor: "%SharedSymbol%",
description: M,
toString: a,
valueOf: a,
"@@toPrimitive": a,
"@@toStringTag": "string"
"%InitialError%": {
// Properties of the Error Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
prototype: "%ErrorPrototype%",
// Non standard, v8 only, used by tap
captureStackTrace: a,
// Non standard, v8 only, used by tap, tamed to accessor
stackTraceLimit: Le,
// Non standard, v8 only, used by several, tamed to accessor
prepareStackTrace: Le
"%SharedError%": {
// Properties of the Error Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
prototype: "%ErrorPrototype%",
// Non standard, v8 only, used by tap
captureStackTrace: a,
// Non standard, v8 only, used by tap, tamed to accessor
stackTraceLimit: Le,
// Non standard, v8 only, used by several, tamed to accessor
prepareStackTrace: Le
"%ErrorPrototype%": {
constructor: "%SharedError%",
message: "string",
name: "string",
toString: a,
// proposed de-facto, assumed TODO
// Seen on FF Nightly 88.0a1
at: !1,
// Seen on FF and XS
stack: Le,
// Superfluously present in some versions of V8.
// https://github.com/tc39/notes/blob/master/meetings/2021-10/oct-26.md#:~:text=However%2C%20Chrome%2093,and%20node%2016.11.
cause: !1
// NativeError
EvalError: ct("%EvalErrorPrototype%"),
RangeError: ct("%RangeErrorPrototype%"),
ReferenceError: ct("%ReferenceErrorPrototype%"),
SyntaxError: ct("%SyntaxErrorPrototype%"),
TypeError: ct("%TypeErrorPrototype%"),
URIError: ct("%URIErrorPrototype%"),
// https://github.com/endojs/endo/issues/550
AggregateError: ct("%AggregateErrorPrototype%"),
"%EvalErrorPrototype%": lt("EvalError"),
"%RangeErrorPrototype%": lt("RangeError"),
"%ReferenceErrorPrototype%": lt("ReferenceError"),
"%SyntaxErrorPrototype%": lt("SyntaxError"),
"%TypeErrorPrototype%": lt("TypeError"),
"%URIErrorPrototype%": lt("URIError"),
// https://github.com/endojs/endo/issues/550
"%AggregateErrorPrototype%": lt("AggregateError"),
// *** Numbers and Dates
Number: {
// Properties of the Number Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
EPSILON: "number",
isFinite: a,
isInteger: a,
isNaN: a,
isSafeInteger: a,
MAX_VALUE: "number",
MIN_VALUE: "number",
NaN: "number",
parseFloat: a,
parseInt: a,
prototype: "%NumberPrototype%"
"%NumberPrototype%": {
// Properties of the Number Prototype Object
constructor: "Number",
toExponential: a,
toFixed: a,
toLocaleString: a,
toPrecision: a,
toString: a,
valueOf: a
BigInt: {
// Properties of the BigInt Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
asIntN: a,
asUintN: a,
prototype: "%BigIntPrototype%",
// See https://github.com/Moddable-OpenSource/moddable/issues/523
bitLength: !1,
// See https://github.com/Moddable-OpenSource/moddable/issues/523
fromArrayBuffer: !1,
// Seen on QuickJS
tdiv: !1,
// Seen on QuickJS
fdiv: !1,
// Seen on QuickJS
cdiv: !1,
// Seen on QuickJS
ediv: !1,
// Seen on QuickJS
tdivrem: !1,
// Seen on QuickJS
fdivrem: !1,
// Seen on QuickJS
cdivrem: !1,
// Seen on QuickJS
edivrem: !1,
// Seen on QuickJS
sqrt: !1,
// Seen on QuickJS
sqrtrem: !1,
// Seen on QuickJS
floorLog2: !1,
// Seen on QuickJS
ctz: !1
"%BigIntPrototype%": {
constructor: "BigInt",
toLocaleString: a,
toString: a,
valueOf: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string"
"%InitialMath%": {
// `%InitialMath%.random()` has the standard unsafe behavior
random: a
"%SharedMath%": {
// `%SharedMath%.random()` is tamed to always throw
random: a
"%InitialDate%": {
// Properties of the Date Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
now: a,
parse: a,
prototype: "%DatePrototype%",
UTC: a
"%SharedDate%": {
// Properties of the Date Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
// `%SharedDate%.now()` is tamed to always throw
now: a,
parse: a,
prototype: "%DatePrototype%",
UTC: a
"%DatePrototype%": {
constructor: "%SharedDate%",
getDate: a,
getDay: a,
getFullYear: a,
getHours: a,
getMilliseconds: a,
getMinutes: a,
getMonth: a,
getSeconds: a,
getTime: a,
getTimezoneOffset: a,
getUTCDate: a,
getUTCDay: a,
getUTCFullYear: a,
getUTCHours: a,
getUTCMilliseconds: a,
getUTCMinutes: a,
getUTCMonth: a,
getUTCSeconds: a,
setDate: a,
setFullYear: a,
setHours: a,
setMilliseconds: a,
setMinutes: a,
setMonth: a,
setSeconds: a,
setTime: a,
setUTCDate: a,
setUTCFullYear: a,
setUTCHours: a,
setUTCMilliseconds: a,
setUTCMinutes: a,
setUTCMonth: a,
setUTCSeconds: a,
toDateString: a,
toISOString: a,
toJSON: a,
toLocaleDateString: a,
toLocaleString: a,
toLocaleTimeString: a,
toString: a,
toTimeString: a,
toUTCString: a,
valueOf: a,
"@@toPrimitive": a,
// Annex B: Additional Properties of the Date.prototype Object
getYear: a,
setYear: a,
toGMTString: a
// Text Processing
String: {
// Properties of the String Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
fromCharCode: a,
fromCodePoint: a,
prototype: "%StringPrototype%",
raw: a,
// See https://github.com/Moddable-OpenSource/moddable/issues/523
fromArrayBuffer: !1
"%StringPrototype%": {
// Properties of the String Prototype Object
length: "number",
at: a,
charAt: a,
charCodeAt: a,
codePointAt: a,
concat: a,
constructor: "String",
endsWith: a,
includes: a,
indexOf: a,
lastIndexOf: a,
localeCompare: a,
match: a,
matchAll: a,
normalize: a,
padEnd: a,
padStart: a,
repeat: a,
replace: a,
replaceAll: a,
// ES2021
search: a,
slice: a,
split: a,
startsWith: a,
substring: a,
toLocaleLowerCase: a,
toLocaleUpperCase: a,
toLowerCase: a,
toString: a,
toUpperCase: a,
trim: a,
trimEnd: a,
trimStart: a,
valueOf: a,
"@@iterator": a,
// Annex B: Additional Properties of the String.prototype Object
substr: a,
anchor: a,
big: a,
blink: a,
bold: a,
fixed: a,
fontcolor: a,
fontsize: a,
italics: a,
link: a,
small: a,
strike: a,
sub: a,
sup: a,
trimLeft: a,
trimRight: a,
// See https://github.com/Moddable-OpenSource/moddable/issues/523
compare: !1,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-is-usv-string
isWellFormed: a,
toWellFormed: a,
unicodeSets: a,
// Seen on QuickJS
__quote: !1
"%StringIteratorPrototype%": {
"[[Proto]]": "%IteratorPrototype%",
next: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string"
"%InitialRegExp%": {
// Properties of the RegExp Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
prototype: "%RegExpPrototype%",
"@@species": M,
// The https://github.com/tc39/proposal-regexp-legacy-features
// are all optional, unsafe, and omitted
input: !1,
$_: !1,
lastMatch: !1,
"$&": !1,
lastParen: !1,
"$+": !1,
leftContext: !1,
"$`": !1,
rightContext: !1,
"$'": !1,
$1: !1,
$2: !1,
$3: !1,
$4: !1,
$5: !1,
$6: !1,
$7: !1,
$8: !1,
$9: !1
"%SharedRegExp%": {
// Properties of the RegExp Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
prototype: "%RegExpPrototype%",
"@@species": M
"%RegExpPrototype%": {
// Properties of the RegExp Prototype Object
constructor: "%SharedRegExp%",
exec: a,
dotAll: M,
flags: M,
global: M,
hasIndices: M,
ignoreCase: M,
"@@match": a,
"@@matchAll": a,
multiline: M,
"@@replace": a,
"@@search": a,
source: M,
"@@split": a,
sticky: M,
test: a,
toString: a,
unicode: M,
unicodeSets: M,
// Annex B: Additional Properties of the RegExp.prototype Object
compile: !1
// UNSAFE and suppressed.
"%RegExpStringIteratorPrototype%": {
// The %RegExpStringIteratorPrototype% Object
"[[Proto]]": "%IteratorPrototype%",
next: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string"
// Indexed Collections
Array: {
// Properties of the Array Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
from: a,
isArray: a,
of: a,
prototype: "%ArrayPrototype%",
"@@species": M,
// Stage 3:
// https://tc39.es/proposal-relative-indexing-method/
at: a,
// https://tc39.es/proposal-array-from-async/
fromAsync: a
"%ArrayPrototype%": {
// Properties of the Array Prototype Object
at: a,
length: "number",
concat: a,
constructor: "Array",
copyWithin: a,
entries: a,
every: a,
fill: a,
filter: a,
find: a,
findIndex: a,
flat: a,
flatMap: a,
forEach: a,
includes: a,
indexOf: a,
join: a,
keys: a,
lastIndexOf: a,
map: a,
pop: a,
push: a,
reduce: a,
reduceRight: a,
reverse: a,
shift: a,
slice: a,
some: a,
sort: a,
splice: a,
toLocaleString: a,
toString: a,
unshift: a,
values: a,
"@@iterator": a,
"@@unscopables": {
"[[Proto]]": null,
copyWithin: "boolean",
entries: "boolean",
fill: "boolean",
find: "boolean",
findIndex: "boolean",
flat: "boolean",
flatMap: "boolean",
includes: "boolean",
keys: "boolean",
values: "boolean",
// Failed tc39 proposal
// Seen on FF Nightly 88.0a1
at: "boolean",
// See https://github.com/tc39/proposal-array-find-from-last
findLast: "boolean",
findLastIndex: "boolean",
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-change-array-by-copy
toReversed: "boolean",
toSorted: "boolean",
toSpliced: "boolean",
with: "boolean",
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-array-grouping
group: "boolean",
groupToMap: "boolean",
groupBy: "boolean"
// See https://github.com/tc39/proposal-array-find-from-last
findLast: a,
findLastIndex: a,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-change-array-by-copy
toReversed: a,
toSorted: a,
toSpliced: a,
with: a,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-array-grouping
group: a,
// Not in proposal? Where?
groupToMap: a,
// Not in proposal? Where?
groupBy: a
"%ArrayIteratorPrototype%": {
// The %ArrayIteratorPrototype% Object
"[[Proto]]": "%IteratorPrototype%",
next: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string"
// *** TypedArray Objects
"%TypedArray%": {
// Properties of the %TypedArray% Intrinsic Object
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
from: a,
of: a,
prototype: "%TypedArrayPrototype%",
"@@species": M
"%TypedArrayPrototype%": {
at: a,
buffer: M,
byteLength: M,
byteOffset: M,
constructor: "%TypedArray%",
copyWithin: a,
entries: a,
every: a,
fill: a,
filter: a,
find: a,
findIndex: a,
forEach: a,
includes: a,
indexOf: a,
join: a,
keys: a,
lastIndexOf: a,
length: M,
map: a,
reduce: a,
reduceRight: a,
reverse: a,
set: a,
slice: a,
some: a,
sort: a,
subarray: a,
toLocaleString: a,
toString: a,
values: a,
"@@iterator": a,
"@@toStringTag": M,
// See https://github.com/tc39/proposal-array-find-from-last
findLast: a,
findLastIndex: a,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-change-array-by-copy
toReversed: a,
toSorted: a,
with: a
// The TypedArray Constructors
BigInt64Array: Se("%BigInt64ArrayPrototype%"),
BigUint64Array: Se("%BigUint64ArrayPrototype%"),
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-float16array
Float16Array: Se("%Float16ArrayPrototype%"),
Float32Array: Se("%Float32ArrayPrototype%"),
Float64Array: Se("%Float64ArrayPrototype%"),
Int16Array: Se("%Int16ArrayPrototype%"),
Int32Array: Se("%Int32ArrayPrototype%"),
Int8Array: Se("%Int8ArrayPrototype%"),
Uint16Array: Se("%Uint16ArrayPrototype%"),
Uint32Array: Se("%Uint32ArrayPrototype%"),
Uint8ClampedArray: Se("%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%"),
Uint8Array: {
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-arraybuffer-base64
fromBase64: a,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-arraybuffer-base64
fromHex: a
"%BigInt64ArrayPrototype%": xe("BigInt64Array"),
"%BigUint64ArrayPrototype%": xe("BigUint64Array"),
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-float16array
"%Float16ArrayPrototype%": xe("Float16Array"),
"%Float32ArrayPrototype%": xe("Float32Array"),
"%Float64ArrayPrototype%": xe("Float64Array"),
"%Int16ArrayPrototype%": xe("Int16Array"),
"%Int32ArrayPrototype%": xe("Int32Array"),
"%Int8ArrayPrototype%": xe("Int8Array"),
"%Uint16ArrayPrototype%": xe("Uint16Array"),
"%Uint32ArrayPrototype%": xe("Uint32Array"),
"%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%": xe("Uint8ClampedArray"),
"%Uint8ArrayPrototype%": {
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-arraybuffer-base64
setFromBase64: a,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-arraybuffer-base64
setFromHex: a,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-arraybuffer-base64
toBase64: a,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-arraybuffer-base64
toHex: a
// *** Keyed Collections
Map: {
// Properties of the Map Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
"@@species": M,
prototype: "%MapPrototype%",
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-array-grouping
groupBy: a
"%MapPrototype%": {
clear: a,
constructor: "Map",
delete: a,
entries: a,
forEach: a,
get: a,
has: a,
keys: a,
set: a,
size: M,
values: a,
"@@iterator": a,
"@@toStringTag": "string"
"%MapIteratorPrototype%": {
// The %MapIteratorPrototype% Object
"[[Proto]]": "%IteratorPrototype%",
next: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string"
Set: {
// Properties of the Set Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
prototype: "%SetPrototype%",
"@@species": M,
// Seen on QuickJS
groupBy: !1
"%SetPrototype%": {
add: a,
clear: a,
constructor: "Set",
delete: a,
entries: a,
forEach: a,
has: a,
keys: a,
size: M,
values: a,
"@@iterator": a,
"@@toStringTag": "string",
// See https://github.com/tc39/proposal-set-methods
intersection: a,
// See https://github.com/tc39/proposal-set-methods
union: a,
// See https://github.com/tc39/proposal-set-methods
difference: a,
// See https://github.com/tc39/proposal-set-methods
symmetricDifference: a,
// See https://github.com/tc39/proposal-set-methods
isSubsetOf: a,
// See https://github.com/tc39/proposal-set-methods
isSupersetOf: a,
// See https://github.com/tc39/proposal-set-methods
isDisjointFrom: a
"%SetIteratorPrototype%": {
// The %SetIteratorPrototype% Object
"[[Proto]]": "%IteratorPrototype%",
next: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string"
WeakMap: {
// Properties of the WeakMap Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
prototype: "%WeakMapPrototype%"
"%WeakMapPrototype%": {
constructor: "WeakMap",
delete: a,
get: a,
has: a,
set: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string"
WeakSet: {
// Properties of the WeakSet Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
prototype: "%WeakSetPrototype%"
"%WeakSetPrototype%": {
add: a,
constructor: "WeakSet",
delete: a,
has: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string"
// *** Structured Data
ArrayBuffer: {
// Properties of the ArrayBuffer Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
isView: a,
prototype: "%ArrayBufferPrototype%",
"@@species": M,
// See https://github.com/Moddable-OpenSource/moddable/issues/523
fromString: !1,
// See https://github.com/Moddable-OpenSource/moddable/issues/523
fromBigInt: !1
"%ArrayBufferPrototype%": {
byteLength: M,
constructor: "ArrayBuffer",
slice: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string",
// See https://github.com/Moddable-OpenSource/moddable/issues/523
concat: !1,
// See https://github.com/tc39/proposal-resizablearraybuffer
transfer: a,
resize: a,
resizable: M,
maxByteLength: M,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-arraybuffer-transfer
transferToFixedLength: a,
detached: M
// SharedArrayBuffer Objects
SharedArrayBuffer: !1,
// UNSAFE and purposely suppressed.
"%SharedArrayBufferPrototype%": !1,
// UNSAFE and purposely suppressed.
DataView: {
// Properties of the DataView Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
// Non std but undeletable on Safari.
prototype: "%DataViewPrototype%"
"%DataViewPrototype%": {
buffer: M,
byteLength: M,
byteOffset: M,
constructor: "DataView",
getBigInt64: a,
getBigUint64: a,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-float16array
getFloat16: a,
getFloat32: a,
getFloat64: a,
getInt8: a,
getInt16: a,
getInt32: a,
getUint8: a,
getUint16: a,
getUint32: a,
setBigInt64: a,
setBigUint64: a,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-float16array
setFloat16: a,
setFloat32: a,
setFloat64: a,
setInt8: a,
setInt16: a,
setInt32: a,
setUint8: a,
setUint16: a,
setUint32: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string"
// Atomics
Atomics: !1,
// UNSAFE and suppressed.
parse: a,
stringify: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string",
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-json-parse-with-source/
rawJSON: a,
isRawJSON: a
// *** Control Abstraction Objects
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-iterator-helpers
Iterator: {
// Properties of the Iterator Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
prototype: "%IteratorPrototype%",
from: a
"%IteratorPrototype%": {
// The %IteratorPrototype% Object
"@@iterator": a,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-iterator-helpers
constructor: "Iterator",
map: a,
filter: a,
take: a,
drop: a,
flatMap: a,
reduce: a,
toArray: a,
forEach: a,
some: a,
every: a,
find: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string",
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-async-iterator-helpers
toAsync: a,
// See https://github.com/Moddable-OpenSource/moddable/issues/523#issuecomment-1942904505
"@@dispose": !1
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-iterator-helpers
"%WrapForValidIteratorPrototype%": {
"[[Proto]]": "%IteratorPrototype%",
next: a,
return: a
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-iterator-helpers
"%IteratorHelperPrototype%": {
"[[Proto]]": "%IteratorPrototype%",
next: a,
return: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string"
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-async-iterator-helpers
AsyncIterator: {
// Properties of the Iterator Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
prototype: "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%",
from: a
"%AsyncIteratorPrototype%": {
// The %AsyncIteratorPrototype% Object
"@@asyncIterator": a,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-async-iterator-helpers
constructor: "AsyncIterator",
map: a,
filter: a,
take: a,
drop: a,
flatMap: a,
reduce: a,
toArray: a,
forEach: a,
some: a,
every: a,
find: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string",
// See https://github.com/Moddable-OpenSource/moddable/issues/523#issuecomment-1942904505
"@@asyncDispose": !1
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-async-iterator-helpers
"%WrapForValidAsyncIteratorPrototype%": {
"[[Proto]]": "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%",
next: a,
return: a
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-async-iterator-helpers
"%AsyncIteratorHelperPrototype%": {
"[[Proto]]": "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%",
next: a,
return: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string"
"%InertGeneratorFunction%": {
// Properties of the GeneratorFunction Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%InertFunction%",
prototype: "%Generator%"
"%Generator%": {
// Properties of the GeneratorFunction Prototype Object
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
constructor: "%InertGeneratorFunction%",
prototype: "%GeneratorPrototype%",
"@@toStringTag": "string"
"%InertAsyncGeneratorFunction%": {
// Properties of the AsyncGeneratorFunction Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%InertFunction%",
prototype: "%AsyncGenerator%"
"%AsyncGenerator%": {
// Properties of the AsyncGeneratorFunction Prototype Object
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
constructor: "%InertAsyncGeneratorFunction%",
prototype: "%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%",
// length prop added here for React Native jsc-android
// https://github.com/endojs/endo/issues/660
// https://github.com/react-native-community/jsc-android-buildscripts/issues/181
length: "number",
"@@toStringTag": "string"
"%GeneratorPrototype%": {
// Properties of the Generator Prototype Object
"[[Proto]]": "%IteratorPrototype%",
constructor: "%Generator%",
next: a,
return: a,
throw: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string"
"%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%": {
// Properties of the AsyncGenerator Prototype Object
"[[Proto]]": "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%",
constructor: "%AsyncGenerator%",
next: a,
return: a,
throw: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string"
// TODO: To be replaced with Promise.delegate
// The HandledPromise global variable shimmed by `@agoric/eventual-send/shim`
// implements an initial version of the eventual send specification at:
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-eventual-send
// We will likely change this to add a property to Promise called
// Promise.delegate and put static methods on it, which will necessitate
// another permits change to update to the current proposed standard.
HandledPromise: {
"[[Proto]]": "Promise",
applyFunction: a,
applyFunctionSendOnly: a,
applyMethod: a,
applyMethodSendOnly: a,
get: a,
getSendOnly: a,
prototype: "%PromisePrototype%",
resolve: a
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-source-phase-imports?tab=readme-ov-file#js-module-source
ModuleSource: {
"[[Proto]]": "%AbstractModuleSource%",
prototype: "%ModuleSourcePrototype%"
"%ModuleSourcePrototype%": {
"[[Proto]]": "%AbstractModuleSourcePrototype%",
constructor: "ModuleSource",
"@@toStringTag": "string",
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-compartments
bindings: M,
needsImport: M,
needsImportMeta: M
"%AbstractModuleSource%": {
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
prototype: "%AbstractModuleSourcePrototype%"
"%AbstractModuleSourcePrototype%": {
constructor: "%AbstractModuleSource%"
Promise: {
// Properties of the Promise Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
all: a,
allSettled: a,
// https://github.com/Agoric/SES-shim/issues/550
any: a,
prototype: "%PromisePrototype%",
race: a,
reject: a,
resolve: a,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-promise-with-resolvers
withResolvers: a,
"@@species": M,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-promise-try
try: a
"%PromisePrototype%": {
// Properties of the Promise Prototype Object
catch: a,
constructor: "Promise",
finally: a,
then: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string",
// Non-standard, used in node to prevent async_hooks from breaking
"UniqueSymbol(async_id_symbol)": Le,
"UniqueSymbol(trigger_async_id_symbol)": Le,
"UniqueSymbol(destroyed)": Le
"%InertAsyncFunction%": {
// Properties of the AsyncFunction Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%InertFunction%",
prototype: "%AsyncFunctionPrototype%"
"%AsyncFunctionPrototype%": {
// Properties of the AsyncFunction Prototype Object
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
constructor: "%InertAsyncFunction%",
// length prop added here for React Native jsc-android
// https://github.com/endojs/endo/issues/660
// https://github.com/react-native-community/jsc-android-buildscripts/issues/181
length: "number",
"@@toStringTag": "string"
// Reflection
Reflect: {
// The Reflect Object
// Not a function object.
apply: a,
construct: a,
defineProperty: a,
deleteProperty: a,
get: a,
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: a,
getPrototypeOf: a,
has: a,
isExtensible: a,
ownKeys: a,
preventExtensions: a,
set: a,
setPrototypeOf: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string"
Proxy: {
// Properties of the Proxy Constructor
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
revocable: a
// Appendix B
// Annex B: Additional Properties of the Global Object
escape: a,
unescape: a,
// Proposed
"%UniqueCompartment%": {
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
prototype: "%CompartmentPrototype%",
toString: a
"%InertCompartment%": {
"[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%",
prototype: "%CompartmentPrototype%",
toString: a
"%CompartmentPrototype%": {
constructor: "%InertCompartment%",
evaluate: a,
globalThis: M,
name: M,
import: no,
load: no,
importNow: a,
module: a,
"@@toStringTag": "string"
lockdown: a,
harden: { ...a, isFake: "boolean" },
"%InitialGetStackString%": a
}, oi = (t) => typeof t == "function";
function si(t, e, r) {
if (Q(t, e)) {
const n = ee(t, e);
if (!n || !Zr(n.value, r.value) || n.get !== r.get || n.set !== r.set || n.writable !== r.writable || n.enumerable !== r.enumerable || n.configurable !== r.configurable)
throw _(`Conflicting definitions of ${e}`);
D(t, e, r);
function ai(t, e) {
for (const [r, n] of me(e))
si(t, r, n);
function hs(t, e) {
const r = { __proto__: null };
for (const [n, o] of me(e))
Q(t, n) && (r[o] = t[n]);
return r;
const ms = (t) => {
const e = H(null);
let r;
const n = (l) => {
ai(e, Be(l));
const o = () => {
for (const [l, u] of me(e)) {
if (!ke(u) || !Q(u, "prototype"))
const d = Cr[l];
if (typeof d != "object")
throw _(`Expected permit object at permits.${l}`);
const f = d.prototype;
if (!f) {
if (typeof f != "string" || !Q(Cr, f))
throw _(`Unrecognized ${l}.prototype permits entry`);
const h = u.prototype;
if (Q(e, f)) {
if (e[f] !== h)
throw _(`Conflicting bindings of ${f}`);
e[f] = h;
const s = () => (y(e), r = new Ut(et(Ro(e), oi)), e);
const i = (l) => {
if (!r)
throw _(
"isPseudoNative can only be called after finalIntrinsics"
return lr(r, l);
const c = {
addIntrinsics: n,
completePrototypes: o,
finalIntrinsics: s,
isPseudoNative: i
return y(c), n(us), n(hs(x, ds)), c;
}, ii = (t, e) => {
const { addIntrinsics: r, finalIntrinsics: n } = ms(e);
return r(hs(t, fs)), n();
function ci(t, e, r) {
const n = ["undefined", "boolean", "number", "string", "symbol"], o = new $e(
At ? de(
([f, h]) => h === "symbol" && typeof At[f] == "symbol"
([f]) => [At[f], `@@${f}`]
) : []
function s(f, h) {
if (typeof h == "string")
return h;
const p = Ke(o, h);
if (typeof h == "symbol") {
if (p)
return p;
const m = pa(h);
return m !== void 0 ? `RegisteredSymbol(${m})` : `Unique${_e(h)}`;
throw _(`Unexpected property name type ${f} ${h}`);
function i(f, h, p) {
if (!ke(h))
throw _(`Object expected: ${f}, ${h}, ${p}`);
const m = G(h);
if (!(m === null && p === null)) {
if (p !== void 0 && typeof p != "string")
throw _(`Malformed permit ${f}.__proto__`);
if (m !== t[p || "%ObjectPrototype%"])
throw _(
`Unexpected [[Prototype]] at ${f}.__proto__ (expected ${p || "%ObjectPrototype%"})`
function c(f, h, p, m) {
if (typeof m == "object")
return d(f, h, m), !0;
if (m === !1)
return !1;
if (typeof m == "string") {
if (p === "prototype" || p === "constructor") {
if (Q(t, m)) {
if (h !== t[m])
throw _(`Does not match permit for ${f}`);
return !0;
} else if (Hr(n, m)) {
if (typeof h !== m)
throw _(
`At ${f} expected ${m} not ${typeof h}`
return !0;
throw _(
`Unexpected property ${p} with permit ${m} at ${f}`
function l(f, h, p, m) {
const A = ee(h, p);
if (!A)
throw _(`Property ${p} not found at ${f}`);
if (Q(A, "value")) {
if (oo(m))
throw _(`Accessor expected at ${f}`);
return c(f, A.value, p, m);
if (!oo(m))
throw _(`Accessor not expected at ${f}`);
return c(`${f}<get>`, A.get, p, m.get) && c(`${f}<set>`, A.set, p, m.set);
function u(f, h, p) {
const m = p === "__proto__" ? "--proto--" : p;
if (Q(h, m))
return h[m];
if (typeof f == "function" && Q(vn, m))
return vn[m];
function d(f, h, p) {
if (h == null)
const m = p["[[Proto]]"];
i(f, h, m), typeof h == "function" && e(h);
for (const A of qe(h)) {
const S = s(f, A), w = `${f}.${S}`, R = u(h, p, S);
(!R || !l(w, h, A, R)) && ls(h, A, R === !1, w, r);
d("intrinsics", t, Cr);
function li() {
try {
Ee.prototype.constructor("return 1");
} catch {
return y({});
const t = {};
function e(r, n, o) {
let s;
try {
s = (0, eval)(o);
} catch (l) {
if (l instanceof ir)
throw l;
const i = G(s), c = function() {
throw _(
"Function.prototype.constructor is not a valid constructor."
B(c, {
prototype: { value: i },
name: {
value: r,
writable: !1,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
}), B(i, {
constructor: { value: c }
}), c !== Ee.prototype.constructor && wr(c, Ee.prototype.constructor), t[n] = c;
return e("Function", "%InertFunction%", "(function(){})"), e(
), e(
"(async function(){})"
), e(
"(async function*(){})"
), t;
function ui(t = "safe") {
if (t !== "safe" && t !== "unsafe")
throw _(`unrecognized dateTaming ${t}`);
const e = oa, r = e.prototype, n = {
* `%SharedDate%.now()` throw a `TypeError` starting with "secure mode".
* See https://github.com/endojs/endo/issues/910#issuecomment-1581855420
now() {
throw _("secure mode Calling %SharedDate%.now() throws");
}, o = ({ powers: c = "none" } = {}) => {
let l;
return c === "original" ? l = function(...d) {
return new.target === void 0 ? ue(e, void 0, d) : Sr(e, d, new.target);
} : l = function(...d) {
if (new.target === void 0)
throw _(
"secure mode Calling %SharedDate% constructor as a function throws"
if (d.length === 0)
throw _(
"secure mode Calling new %SharedDate%() with no arguments throws"
return Sr(e, d, new.target);
}, B(l, {
length: { value: 7 },
prototype: {
value: r,
writable: !1,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !1
parse: {
value: e.parse,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
UTC: {
value: e.UTC,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
}), l;
}, s = o({ powers: "original" }), i = o({ powers: "none" });
return B(s, {
now: {
value: e.now,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
}), B(i, {
now: {
value: n.now,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
}), B(r, {
constructor: { value: i }
}), {
"%InitialDate%": s,
"%SharedDate%": i
function di(t = "safe") {
if (t !== "safe" && t !== "unsafe")
throw _(`unrecognized mathTaming ${t}`);
const e = ia, r = e, { random: n, ...o } = Be(e), i = H(zr, {
random: {
value: {
* `%SharedMath%.random()` throws a TypeError starting with "secure mode".
* See https://github.com/endojs/endo/issues/910#issuecomment-1581855420
random() {
throw _("secure mode %SharedMath%.random() throws");
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
return {
"%InitialMath%": r,
"%SharedMath%": i
function fi(t = "safe") {
if (t !== "safe" && t !== "unsafe")
throw _(`unrecognized regExpTaming ${t}`);
const e = Xe.prototype, r = (s = {}) => {
const i = function(...l) {
return new.target === void 0 ? Xe(...l) : Sr(Xe, l, new.target);
if (B(i, {
length: { value: 2 },
prototype: {
value: e,
writable: !1,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !1
}), nn) {
const c = ee(
if (!c)
throw _("no RegExp[Symbol.species] descriptor");
B(i, {
[nn]: c
return i;
}, n = r(), o = r();
return t !== "unsafe" && delete e.compile, B(e, {
constructor: { value: o }
}), {
"%InitialRegExp%": n,
"%SharedRegExp%": o
const pi = {
"%ObjectPrototype%": {
toString: !0
"%FunctionPrototype%": {
toString: !0
// set by "rollup"
"%ErrorPrototype%": {
name: !0
// set by "precond", "ava", "node-fetch"
"%IteratorPrototype%": {
toString: !0,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-iterator-helpers
constructor: !0,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-iterator-helpers
[Qe]: !0
}, gs = {
"%ObjectPrototype%": {
toString: !0,
valueOf: !0
"%ArrayPrototype%": {
toString: !0,
push: !0,
// set by "Google Analytics"
concat: !0,
// set by mobx generated code (old TS compiler?)
[De]: !0
// set by mobx generated code (old TS compiler?)
// Function.prototype has no 'prototype' property to enable.
// Function instances have their own 'name' and 'length' properties
// which are configurable and non-writable. Thus, they are already
// non-assignable anyway.
"%FunctionPrototype%": {
constructor: !0,
// set by "regenerator-runtime"
bind: !0,
// set by "underscore", "express"
toString: !0
// set by "rollup"
"%ErrorPrototype%": {
constructor: !0,
// set by "fast-json-patch", "node-fetch"
message: !0,
name: !0,
// set by "precond", "ava", "node-fetch", "node 14"
toString: !0
// set by "bluebird"
"%TypeErrorPrototype%": {
constructor: !0,
// set by "readable-stream"
message: !0,
// set by "tape"
name: !0
// set by "readable-stream", "node 14"
"%SyntaxErrorPrototype%": {
message: !0,
// to match TypeErrorPrototype.message
name: !0
// set by "node 14"
"%RangeErrorPrototype%": {
message: !0,
// to match TypeErrorPrototype.message
name: !0
// set by "node 14"
"%URIErrorPrototype%": {
message: !0,
// to match TypeErrorPrototype.message
name: !0
// set by "node 14"
"%EvalErrorPrototype%": {
message: !0,
// to match TypeErrorPrototype.message
name: !0
// set by "node 14"
"%ReferenceErrorPrototype%": {
message: !0,
// to match TypeErrorPrototype.message
name: !0
// set by "node 14"
// https://github.com/endojs/endo/issues/550
"%AggregateErrorPrototype%": {
message: !0,
// to match TypeErrorPrototype.message
name: !0
// set by "node 14"?
"%PromisePrototype%": {
constructor: !0
// set by "core-js"
"%TypedArrayPrototype%": "*",
// set by https://github.com/feross/buffer
"%Generator%": {
constructor: !0,
name: !0,
toString: !0
"%IteratorPrototype%": {
toString: !0,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-iterator-helpers
constructor: !0,
// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-iterator-helpers
[Qe]: !0
}, hi = {
* Rollup (as used at least by vega) and webpack
* (as used at least by regenerator) both turn exports into assignments
* to a big `exports` object that inherits directly from
* `Object.prototype`. Some of the exported names we've seen include
* `hasOwnProperty`, `constructor`, and `toString`. But the strategy used
* by rollup and webpack potentionally turns any exported name
* into an assignment rejected by the override mistake. That's why
* the `severe` enablements takes the extreme step of enabling
* everything on `Object.prototype`.
* In addition, code doing inheritance manually will often override
* the `constructor` property on the new prototype by assignment. We've
* seen this several times.
* The cost of enabling all these is that they create a miserable debugging
* experience specifically on Node.
* https://github.com/Agoric/agoric-sdk/issues/2324
* explains how it confused the Node console.
* (TODO Reexamine the vscode situation. I think it may have improved
* since the following paragraph was written.)
* The vscode debugger's object inspector shows the own data properties of
* an object, which is typically what you want, but also shows both getter
* and setter for every accessor property whether inherited or own.
* With the `'*'` setting here, all the properties inherited from
* `Object.prototype` are accessors, creating an unusable display as seen
* at As explained at
* https://github.com/endojs/endo/blob/master/packages/ses/docs/lockdown.md#overridetaming-options
* Open the triangles at the bottom of that section.
"%ObjectPrototype%": "*",
* The widely used Buffer defined at https://github.com/feross/buffer
* on initialization, manually creates the equivalent of a subclass of
* `TypedArray`, which it then initializes by assignment. These assignments
* include enough of the `TypeArray` methods that here, the `severe`
* enablements just enable them all.
"%TypedArrayPrototype%": "*",
* Needed to work with Immer before https://github.com/immerjs/immer/pull/914
* is accepted.
"%MapPrototype%": "*",
* Needed to work with Immer before https://github.com/immerjs/immer/pull/914
* is accepted.
"%SetPrototype%": "*"
function mi(t, e, { warn: r }, n = []) {
const o = new Dt(n);
function s(d, f, h, p) {
if ("value" in p && p.configurable) {
const { value: m } = p, A = Cn(o, h), { get: S, set: w } = ee(
get [h]() {
return m;
set [h](R) {
if (f === this)
throw _(
`Cannot assign to read only property '${_e(
)}' of '${d}'`
Q(this, h) ? this[h] = R : (A && r(_(`Override property ${h}`)), D(this, h, {
value: R,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
D(S, "originalValue", {
value: m,
writable: !1,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !1
}), D(f, h, {
get: S,
set: w,
enumerable: p.enumerable,
configurable: p.configurable
function i(d, f, h) {
const p = ee(f, h);
p && s(d, f, h, p);
function c(d, f) {
const h = Be(f);
h && ht(qe(h), (p) => s(d, f, p, h[p]));
function l(d, f, h) {
for (const p of qe(h)) {
const m = ee(f, p);
if (!m || m.get || m.set)
const A = `${d}.${_e(p)}`, S = h[p];
if (S === !0)
i(A, f, p);
else if (S === "*")
c(A, m.value);
else if (ke(S))
l(A, m.value, S);
throw _(`Unexpected override enablement plan ${A}`);
let u;
switch (e) {
case "min": {
u = pi;
case "moderate": {
u = gs;
case "severe": {
u = hi;
throw _(`unrecognized overrideTaming ${e}`);
l("root", t, u);
const { Fail: bn, quote: Rr } = Y, gi = /^(\w*[a-z])Locale([A-Z]\w*)$/, ys = {
// See https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-string.prototype.localecompare
localeCompare(t) {
if (this === null || this === void 0)
throw _(
'Cannot localeCompare with null or undefined "this" value'
const e = `${this}`, r = `${t}`;
return e < r ? -1 : e > r ? 1 : (e === r || bn`expected ${Rr(e)} and ${Rr(r)} to compare`, 0);
toString() {
return `${this}`;
}, yi = ys.localeCompare, _i = ys.toString;
function vi(t, e = "safe") {
if (e !== "safe" && e !== "unsafe")
throw _(`unrecognized localeTaming ${e}`);
if (e !== "unsafe") {
D(_e.prototype, "localeCompare", {
value: yi
for (const r of Nt(t)) {
const n = t[r];
if (ke(n))
for (const o of Nt(n)) {
const s = $n(gi, o);
if (s) {
typeof n[o] == "function" || bn`expected ${Rr(o)} to be a function`;
const i = `${s[1]}${s[2]}`, c = n[i];
typeof c == "function" || bn`function ${Rr(i)} not found`, D(n, o, { value: c });
D(Io.prototype, "toLocaleString", {
value: _i
const bi = (t) => ({
eval(r) {
return typeof r != "string" ? r : t(r);
}).eval, { Fail: ao } = Y, wi = (t) => {
const e = function(n) {
const o = `${Er(arguments) || ""}`, s = `${Zt(arguments, ",")}`;
new Ee(s, ""), new Ee(o);
const i = `(function anonymous(${s}
) {
return t(i);
return B(e, {
// Ensure that any function created in any evaluator in a realm is an
// instance of Function in any evaluator of the same realm.
prototype: {
value: Ee.prototype,
writable: !1,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !1
}), G(Ee) === Ee.prototype || ao`Function prototype is the same accross compartments`, G(e) === Ee.prototype || ao`Function constructor prototype is the same accross compartments`, e;
}, Si = (t) => {
jr(H(null), {
set: y(() => {
throw _(
"Cannot set Symbol.unscopables of a Compartment's globalThis"
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !1
}, _s = (t) => {
for (const [e, r] of me(us))
D(t, e, {
value: r,
writable: !1,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !1
}, vs = (t, {
intrinsics: e,
newGlobalPropertyNames: r,
makeCompartmentConstructor: n,
markVirtualizedNativeFunction: o,
parentCompartment: s
}) => {
for (const [c, l] of me(ds))
Q(e, l) && D(t, c, {
value: e[l],
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
for (const [c, l] of me(r))
Q(e, l) && D(t, c, {
value: e[l],
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
const i = {
globalThis: t
i.Compartment = y(
for (const [c, l] of me(i))
D(t, c, {
value: l,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
}), typeof l == "function" && o(l);
}, wn = (t, e, r) => {
const n = y(bi(e));
r(n), D(t, "eval", {
value: n,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
const n = y(wi(e));
r(n), D(t, "Function", {
value: n,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
}, { Fail: xi, quote: bs } = Y, ws = new Ur(
get(t, e) {
xi`Please report unexpected scope handler trap: ${bs(_e(e))}`;
), Ei = {
get(t, e) {
set(t, e, r) {
throw Wt(`${_e(e)} is not defined`);
has(t, e) {
return e in x;
// note: this is likely a bug of safari
// https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=195534
getPrototypeOf(t) {
return null;
// See https://github.com/endojs/endo/issues/1510
// TODO: report as bug to v8 or Chrome, and record issue link here.
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e) {
const r = bs(_e(e));
`getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap on scopeTerminatorHandler for ${r}`,
// See https://github.com/endojs/endo/issues/1490
// TODO Report bug to JSC or Safari
ownKeys(t) {
return [];
}, Ss = y(
), ki = new Ur(
), xs = (t) => {
const e = {
// inherit scopeTerminator behavior
// Redirect set properties to the globalObject.
set(o, s, i) {
return Mo(t, s, i);
// Always claim to have a potential property in order to be the recipient of a set
has(o, s) {
return !0;
}, r = y(
return new Ur(
const { Fail: Pi } = Y, Ai = () => {
const t = H(null), e = y({
eval: {
get() {
return delete t.eval, Ko;
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
}), r = {
evalScope: t,
allowNextEvalToBeUnsafe() {
const { revoked: n } = r;
n !== null && Pi`a handler did not reset allowNextEvalToBeUnsafe ${n.err}`, B(t, e);
/** @type {null | { err: any }} */
revoked: null
return r;
}, io = "\\s*[@#]\\s*([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)\\s*=\\s*([^\\s\\*]*)", Ti = new Xe(
), Fn = (t) => {
let e = "<unknown>";
for (; t.length > 0; ) {
const r = $n(Ti, t);
if (r === null)
t = Nn(t, 0, t.length - r[0].length), r[3] === "sourceURL" ? e = r[4] : r[1] === "sourceURL" && (e = r[2]);
return e;
function Dn(t, e) {
const r = $a(t, e);
if (r < 0)
return -1;
const n = t[r] === `
` ? 1 : 0;
return On(Nn(t, 0, r), `
`).length + n;
const Es = new Xe("(?:<!--|-->)", "g"), ks = (t) => {
const e = Dn(t, Es);
if (e < 0)
return t;
const r = Fn(t);
throw ir(
`Possible HTML comment rejected at ${r}:${e}. (SES_HTML_COMMENT_REJECTED)`
}, Ps = (t) => Pr(t, Es, (r) => r[0] === "<" ? "< ! --" : "-- >"), As = new Xe(
), Ts = (t) => {
const e = Dn(t, As);
if (e < 0)
return t;
const r = Fn(t);
throw ir(
`Possible import expression rejected at ${r}:${e}. (SES_IMPORT_REJECTED)`
}, Is = (t) => Pr(t, As, (r, n, o) => `${n}__import__${o}`), Ii = new Xe(
), Cs = (t) => {
const e = Dn(t, Ii);
if (e < 0)
return t;
const r = Fn(t);
throw ir(
`Possible direct eval expression rejected at ${r}:${e}. (SES_EVAL_REJECTED)`
}, Rs = (t) => (t = ks(t), t = Ts(t), t), $s = (t, e) => {
for (const r of e)
t = r(t);
return t;
rejectHtmlComments: y(ks),
evadeHtmlCommentTest: y(Ps),
rejectImportExpressions: y(Ts),
evadeImportExpressionTest: y(Is),
rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions: y(Cs),
mandatoryTransforms: y(Rs),
applyTransforms: y($s)
const Ci = [
// Keywords
// Also reserved when parsing strict mode code
// Future Reserved Words
// Also reserved when parsing strict mode code
// Reserved but not mentioned in specs
], Ri = /^[a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*$/, co = (t) => t !== "eval" && !Hr(Ci, t) && Rn(Ri, t);
function lo(t, e) {
const r = ee(t, e);
return r && //
// The getters will not have .writable, don't let the falsyness of
// 'undefined' trick us: test with === false, not ! . However descriptors
// inherit from the (potentially poisoned) global object, so we might see
// extra properties which weren't really there. Accessor properties have
// 'get/set/enumerable/configurable', while data properties have
// 'value/writable/enumerable/configurable'.
r.configurable === !1 && r.writable === !1 && //
// Checks for data properties because they're the only ones we can
// optimize (accessors are most likely non-constant). Descriptors can't
// can't have accessors and value properties at the same time, therefore
// this check is sufficient. Using explicit own property deal with the
// case where Object.prototype has been poisoned.
Q(r, "value");
const $i = (t, e = {}) => {
const r = Nt(t), n = Nt(e), o = et(
(i) => co(i) && lo(e, i)
return {
globalObjectConstants: et(
(i) => (
// Can't define a constant: it would prevent a
// lookup on the endowments.
!Hr(n, i) && co(i) && lo(t, i)
moduleLexicalConstants: o
function uo(t, e) {
return t.length === 0 ? "" : `const {${Zt(t, ",")}} = this.${e};`;
const Ni = (t) => {
const { globalObjectConstants: e, moduleLexicalConstants: r } = $i(
), n = uo(
), o = uo(
), s = Ee(`
with (this.scopeTerminator) {
with (this.globalObject) {
with (this.moduleLexicals) {
with (this.evalScope) {
return function() {
'use strict';
return eval(arguments[0]);
return ue(s, t, []);
}, { Fail: Oi } = Y, Un = ({
globalObject: t,
moduleLexicals: e = {},
globalTransforms: r = [],
sloppyGlobalsMode: n = !1
}) => {
const o = n ? xs(t) : ki, s = Ai(), { evalScope: i } = s, c = y({
evalScope: i,
moduleLexicals: e,
globalObject: t,
scopeTerminator: o
let l;
const u = () => {
l || (l = Ni(c));
return { safeEvaluate: (f, h) => {
const { localTransforms: p = [] } = h || {};
u(), f = $s(f, [
let m;
try {
return s.allowNextEvalToBeUnsafe(), ue(l, t, [f]);
} catch (A) {
throw m = A, A;
} finally {
const A = "eval" in i;
delete i.eval, A && (s.revoked = { err: m }, Oi`handler did not reset allowNextEvalToBeUnsafe ${m}`);
} };
}, Mi = ") { [native code] }";
let ln;
const Ns = () => {
if (ln === void 0) {
const t = new Ut();
D(Vr, "toString", {
value: {
toString() {
const r = Ma(this);
return Bo(r, Mi) || !lr(t, this) ? r : `function ${this.name}() { [native code] }`;
}), ln = y(
(r) => qr(t, r)
return ln;
function Li(t = "safe") {
if (t !== "safe" && t !== "unsafe")
throw _(`unrecognized domainTaming ${t}`);
if (t === "unsafe")
const e = x.process || void 0;
if (typeof e == "object") {
const r = ee(e, "domain");
if (r !== void 0 && r.get !== void 0)
throw _(
"SES failed to lockdown, Node.js domains have been initialized (SES_NO_DOMAINS)"
D(e, "domain", {
value: null,
configurable: !1,
writable: !1,
enumerable: !1
const Fi = () => {
const t = {}, e = x.ModuleSource;
if (e !== void 0) {
let n = function() {
var r = n;
t.ModuleSource = e;
const o = G(e);
o === Vr ? (wr(e, n), t["%AbstractModuleSource%"] = n, t["%AbstractModuleSourcePrototype%"] = n.prototype) : (t["%AbstractModuleSource%"] = o, t["%AbstractModuleSourcePrototype%"] = o.prototype);
const s = e.prototype;
s !== void 0 && (t["%ModuleSourcePrototype%"] = s, G(s) === zr && wr(e.prototype, n.prototype));
return t;
}, jn = y([
["debug", "debug"],
// (fmt?, ...args) verbose level on Chrome
["log", "log"],
// (fmt?, ...args) info level on Chrome
["info", "info"],
// (fmt?, ...args)
["warn", "warn"],
// (fmt?, ...args)
["error", "error"],
// (fmt?, ...args)
["trace", "log"],
// (fmt?, ...args)
["dirxml", "log"],
// (fmt?, ...args) but TS typed (...data)
["group", "log"],
// (fmt?, ...args) but TS typed (...label)
["groupCollapsed", "log"]
// (fmt?, ...args) but TS typed (...label)
]), Zn = y([
["assert", "error"],
// (value, fmt?, ...args)
["timeLog", "log"],
// (label?, ...args) no fmt string
// Insensitive to whether any argument is an error. All arguments can pass
// thru to baseConsole as is.
["clear", void 0],
// ()
["count", "info"],
// (label?)
["countReset", void 0],
// (label?)
["dir", "log"],
// (item, options?)
["groupEnd", "log"],
// ()
// In theory tabular data may be or contain an error. However, we currently
// do not detect these and may never.
["table", "log"],
// (tabularData, properties?)
["time", "info"],
// (label?)
["timeEnd", "info"],
// (label?)
// Node Inspector only, MDN, and TypeScript, but not whatwg
["profile", void 0],
// (label?)
["profileEnd", void 0],
// (label?)
["timeStamp", void 0]
// (label?)
]), Os = y([
]), Di = (t, { shouldResetForDebugging: e = !1 } = {}) => {
e && t.resetErrorTagNum();
let r = [];
const n = bt(
de(Os, ([i, c]) => {
const l = (...u) => {
ne(r, [i, ...u]);
return D(l, "name", { value: i }), [i, y(l)];
const o = () => {
const i = y(r);
return r = [], i;
return y(o), y({ loggingConsole: (
/** @type {VirtualConsole} */
), takeLog: o });
const dt = {
CAUSE: "cause:",
ERRORS: "errors:"
const zn = (t, e) => {
if (!t)
const { getStackString: r, tagError: n, takeMessageLogArgs: o, takeNoteLogArgsArray: s } = e, i = (S, w) => de(S, (T) => Kr(T) ? (ne(w, T), `(${n(T)})`) : T), c = (S, w, R, T, j) => {
const I = n(w), L = R === dt.MESSAGE ? `${I}:` : `${I} ${R}`, Z = i(T, j);
t[S](L, ...Z);
}, l = (S, w, R = void 0) => {
if (w.length === 0)
if (w.length === 1 && R === void 0) {
f(S, w[0]);
let T;
w.length === 1 ? T = "Nested error" : T = `Nested ${w.length} errors`, R !== void 0 && (T = `${T} under ${R}`), t.group(T);
try {
for (const j of w)
f(S, j);
} finally {
}, u = new Ut(), d = (S) => (w, R) => {
const T = [];
c(S, w, dt.NOTE, R, T), l(S, T, n(w));
}, f = (S, w) => {
if (lr(u, w))
const R = n(w);
qr(u, w);
const T = [], j = o(w), I = s(
j === void 0 ? t[S](`${R}:`, w.message) : c(
let L = r(w);
typeof L == "string" && L.length >= 1 && !Bo(L, `
`) && (L += `
`), t[S](L), w.cause && c(S, w, dt.CAUSE, [w.cause], T), w.errors && c(S, w, dt.ERRORS, w.errors, T);
for (const Z of I)
c(S, w, dt.NOTE, Z, T);
l(S, T, R);
}, h = de(jn, ([S, w]) => {
const R = (...T) => {
const j = [], I = i(T, j);
t[S] && t[S](...I), l(S, j);
return D(R, "name", { value: S }), [S, y(R)];
}), p = et(
([S, w]) => S in t
), m = de(p, ([S, w]) => {
const R = (...T) => {
return D(R, "name", { value: S }), [S, y(R)];
}), A = bt([...h, ...m]);
return (
/** @type {VirtualConsole} */
const Ui = (t, e, r) => {
const [n, ...o] = On(t, e), s = jo(o, (i) => [e, ...r, i]);
return ["", n, ...s];
}, Ms = (t) => y((r) => {
const n = [], o = (...l) => (n.length > 0 && (l = jo(
(u) => typeof u == "string" && Go(u, `
`) ? Ui(u, `
`, n) : [u]
), l = [...n, ...l]), r(...l)), s = (l, u) => ({ [l]: (...d) => u(...d) })[l], i = bt([
...de(jn, ([l]) => [
s(l, o)
...de(Zn, ([l]) => [
s(l, (...u) => o(l, ...u))
for (const l of ["group", "groupCollapsed"])
i[l] ? i[l] = s(l, (...u) => {
u.length >= 1 && o(...u), ne(n, " ");
}) : i[l] = () => {
return i.groupEnd ? i.groupEnd = s("groupEnd", (...l) => {
}) : i.groupEnd = () => {
}, harden(i), zn(
/** @type {VirtualConsole} */
const ji = (t, e, r = void 0) => {
const n = et(
([i, c]) => i in t
), o = de(n, ([i, c]) => [i, y((...u) => {
(c === void 0 || e.canLog(c)) && t[i](...u);
})]), s = bt(o);
return (
/** @type {VirtualConsole} */
const fo = (t) => {
if ($t === void 0)
let e = 0;
const r = new $e(), n = (d) => {
Pa(r, d);
}, o = new ze(), s = (d) => {
if (Wr(r, d)) {
const f = Ke(r, d);
n(d), t(f);
}, i = new $t(s);
return {
rejectionHandledHandler: (d) => {
const f = z(o, d);
unhandledRejectionHandler: (d, f) => {
e += 1;
const h = e;
pe(r, h, d), he(o, f, h), La(i, f, h, f);
processTerminationHandler: () => {
for (const [d, f] of Aa(r))
n(d), t(f);
}, un = (t) => {
throw _(t);
}, po = (t, e) => y((...r) => ue(t, e, r)), Zi = (t = "safe", e = "platform", r = "report", n = void 0) => {
t === "safe" || t === "unsafe" || un(`unrecognized consoleTaming ${t}`);
let o;
n === void 0 ? o = Ir : o = {
getStackString: n
const s = (
/** @type {VirtualConsole} */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
typeof x.console < "u" ? x.console : typeof x.print == "function" ? (
// Make a good-enough console for eshost (including only functions that
// log at a specific level with no special argument interpretation).
// https://console.spec.whatwg.org/#logging
((u) => y({ debug: u, log: u, info: u, warn: u, error: u }))(
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
) : void 0
if (s && s.log)
for (const u of ["warn", "error"])
s[u] || D(s, u, {
value: po(s.log, s)
const i = (
/** @type {VirtualConsole} */
t === "unsafe" ? s : zn(s, o)
), c = x.process || void 0;
if (e !== "none" && typeof c == "object" && typeof c.on == "function") {
let u;
if (e === "platform" || e === "exit") {
const { exit: d } = c;
typeof d == "function" || un("missing process.exit"), u = () => d(c.exitCode || -1);
} else e === "abort" && (u = c.abort, typeof u == "function" || un("missing process.abort"));
c.on("uncaughtException", (d) => {
i.error("SES_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION:", d), u && u();
if (r !== "none" && typeof c == "object" && typeof c.on == "function") {
const d = fo((f) => {
d && (c.on("unhandledRejection", d.unhandledRejectionHandler), c.on("rejectionHandled", d.rejectionHandledHandler), c.on("exit", d.processTerminationHandler));
const l = x.window || void 0;
if (e !== "none" && typeof l == "object" && typeof l.addEventListener == "function" && l.addEventListener("error", (u) => {
u.preventDefault(), i.error("SES_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION:", u.error), (e === "exit" || e === "abort") && (l.location.href = "about:blank");
}), r !== "none" && typeof l == "object" && typeof l.addEventListener == "function") {
const d = fo((f) => {
d && (l.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", (f) => {
f.preventDefault(), d.unhandledRejectionHandler(f.reason, f.promise);
}), l.addEventListener("rejectionhandled", (f) => {
f.preventDefault(), d.rejectionHandledHandler(f.promise);
}), l.addEventListener("beforeunload", (f) => {
return { console: i };
}, zi = [
// suppress 'getThis' definitely
// suppress 'getFunction' definitely
// suppress 'isPromiseAll' for now
// suppress 'getPromiseIndex' for now
// Additional names found by experiment, absent from
// https://v8.dev/docs/stack-trace-api
// TODO replace to use only permitted info
], Bi = (t) => {
const r = bt(de(zi, (n) => {
const o = t[n];
return [n, () => ue(o, t, [])];
return H(r, {});
}, Gi = (t) => de(t, Bi), Vi = /\/node_modules\//, Hi = /^(?:node:)?internal\//, Wi = /\/packages\/ses\/src\/error\/assert.js$/, qi = /\/packages\/eventual-send\/src\//, Ki = [
], Yi = (t) => {
if (!t)
return !0;
for (const e of Ki)
if (Rn(e, t))
return !1;
return !0;
}, Ji = /^((?:.*[( ])?)[:/\w_-]*\/\.\.\.\/(.+)$/, Xi = /^((?:.*[( ])?)[:/\w_-]*\/(packages\/.+)$/, Qi = [
], ec = (t) => {
for (const e of Qi) {
const r = $n(e, t);
if (r)
return Zt(wa(r, 1), "");
return t;
}, tc = (t, e, r, n) => {
if (r === "unsafe-debug")
throw _(
"internal: v8+unsafe-debug special case should already be done"
const o = t.captureStackTrace, s = (p) => n === "verbose" ? !0 : Yi(p.getFileName()), i = (p) => {
let m = `${p}`;
return n === "concise" && (m = ec(m)), `
at ${m}`;
}, c = (p, m) => Zt(
de(et(m, s), i),
), l = new ze(), u = {
// The optional `optFn` argument is for cutting off the bottom of
// the stack --- for capturing the stack only above the topmost
// call to that function. Since this isn't the "real" captureStackTrace
// but instead calls the real one, if no other cutoff is provided,
// we cut this one off.
captureStackTrace(p, m = u.captureStackTrace) {
if (typeof o == "function") {
ue(o, t, [p, m]);
Mo(p, "stack", "");
// Shim of proposed special power, to reside by default only
// in the start compartment, for getting the stack traceback
// string associated with an error.
// See https://tc39.es/proposal-error-stacks/
getStackString(p) {
let m = z(l, p);
if (m === void 0 && (p.stack, m = z(l, p), m || (m = { stackString: "" }, he(l, p, m))), m.stackString !== void 0)
return m.stackString;
const A = c(p, m.callSites);
return he(l, p, { stackString: A }), A;
prepareStackTrace(p, m) {
if (r === "unsafe") {
const A = c(p, m);
return he(l, p, { stackString: A }), `${p}${A}`;
} else
return he(l, p, { callSites: m }), "";
}, d = u.prepareStackTrace;
t.prepareStackTrace = d;
const f = new Ut([d]), h = (p) => {
if (lr(f, p))
return p;
const m = {
prepareStackTrace(A, S) {
return he(l, A, { callSites: S }), p(A, Gi(S));
return qr(f, m.prepareStackTrace), m.prepareStackTrace;
return B(e, {
captureStackTrace: {
value: u.captureStackTrace,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
prepareStackTrace: {
get() {
return t.prepareStackTrace;
set(p) {
if (typeof p == "function") {
const m = h(p);
t.prepareStackTrace = m;
} else
t.prepareStackTrace = d;
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
}), u.getStackString;
}, ho = ee(le.prototype, "stack"), mo = ho && ho.get, rc = {
getStackString(t) {
return typeof mo == "function" ? ue(mo, t, []) : "stack" in t ? `${t.stack}` : "";
let hr = rc.getStackString;
function nc(t = "safe", e = "concise") {
if (t !== "safe" && t !== "unsafe" && t !== "unsafe-debug")
throw _(`unrecognized errorTaming ${t}`);
if (e !== "concise" && e !== "verbose")
throw _(`unrecognized stackFiltering ${e}`);
const r = le.prototype, { captureStackTrace: n } = le, o = typeof n == "function" ? "v8" : "unknown", s = (l = {}) => {
const u = function(...f) {
let h;
return new.target === void 0 ? h = ue(le, this, f) : h = Sr(le, f, new.target), o === "v8" && ue(n, le, [h, u]), h;
return B(u, {
length: { value: 1 },
prototype: {
value: r,
writable: !1,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !1
}), u;
}, i = s({ powers: "original" }), c = s({ powers: "none" });
B(r, {
constructor: { value: c }
for (const l of ps)
wr(l, c);
if (B(i, {
stackTraceLimit: {
get() {
if (typeof le.stackTraceLimit == "number")
return le.stackTraceLimit;
set(l) {
if (typeof l == "number" && typeof le.stackTraceLimit == "number") {
le.stackTraceLimit = l;
// WTF on v8 stackTraceLimit is enumerable
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
}), t === "unsafe-debug" && o === "v8") {
B(i, {
prepareStackTrace: {
get() {
return le.prepareStackTrace;
set(u) {
le.prepareStackTrace = u;
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
captureStackTrace: {
value: le.captureStackTrace,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
const l = Be(i);
return B(c, {
stackTraceLimit: l.stackTraceLimit,
prepareStackTrace: l.prepareStackTrace,
captureStackTrace: l.captureStackTrace
}), {
"%InitialGetStackString%": hr,
"%InitialError%": i,
"%SharedError%": c
return B(c, {
stackTraceLimit: {
get() {
set(l) {
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
}), o === "v8" && B(c, {
prepareStackTrace: {
get() {
return () => "";
set(l) {
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
captureStackTrace: {
value: (l, u) => {
D(l, "stack", {
value: ""
writable: !1,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
}), o === "v8" ? hr = tc(
) : t === "unsafe" || t === "unsafe-debug" ? B(r, {
stack: {
get() {
return hr(this);
set(l) {
B(this, {
stack: {
value: l,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}) : B(r, {
stack: {
get() {
return `${this}`;
set(l) {
B(this, {
stack: {
value: l,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), {
"%InitialGetStackString%": hr,
"%InitialError%": i,
"%SharedError%": c
const oc = () => {
}, sc = async (t, e, r) => {
await null;
const n = t(...e);
let o = kr(n);
for (; !o.done; )
try {
const s = await o.value;
o = kr(n, s);
} catch (s) {
o = Vo(n, r(s));
return o.value;
}, ac = (t, e) => {
const r = t(...e);
let n = kr(r);
for (; !n.done; )
try {
n = kr(r, n.value);
} catch (o) {
n = Vo(r, o);
return n.value;
}, ic = (t, e) => y({ compartment: t, specifier: e }), cc = (t, e, r) => {
const n = H(null);
for (const o of t) {
const s = e(o, r);
n[o] = s;
return y(n);
}, Bt = (t, e, r, n, o, s, i, c, l) => {
const { resolveHook: u, name: d } = z(
), { imports: f } = o;
if (!pt(f) || Zo(f, (m) => typeof m != "string"))
throw Ce(
re`Invalid module source: 'imports' must be an array of strings, got ${f} for module ${U(n)} of compartment ${U(d)}`
const h = cc(f, u, n), p = y({
compartment: r,
moduleSource: o,
moduleSpecifier: n,
resolvedImports: h,
importMeta: l
for (const m of Ro(h))
s(It, [
return p;
function* lc(t, e, r, n, o, s, i) {
const {
importHook: c,
importNowHook: l,
moduleMap: u,
moduleMapHook: d,
moduleRecords: f,
parentCompartment: h
} = z(t, r);
if (Wr(f, n))
return Ke(f, n);
let p = u[n];
if (p === void 0 && d !== void 0 && (p = d(n)), p === void 0) {
const m = s(c, l);
if (m === void 0) {
const A = s(
throw Ce(
re`${Tr(A)} needed to load module ${U(
)} in compartment ${U(r.name)}`
p = m(n), Tt(e, p) || (p = yield p);
if (typeof p == "string")
throw Ce(
re`Cannot map module ${U(n)} to ${U(
)} in parent compartment, use {source} module descriptor`,
if (ke(p)) {
let m = z(e, p);
if (m !== void 0 && (p = m), p.namespace !== void 0) {
if (typeof p.namespace == "string") {
const {
compartment: w = h,
namespace: R
} = p;
if (!ke(w) || !Tt(t, w))
throw Ce(
re`Invalid compartment in module descriptor for specifier ${U(n)} in compartment ${U(r.name)}`
const T = yield It(
return pe(f, n, T), T;
if (ke(p.namespace)) {
const { namespace: w } = p;
if (m = z(e, w), m !== void 0)
p = m;
else {
const R = Nt(w), I = Bt(
imports: [],
exports: R,
execute(L) {
for (const Z of R)
L[Z] = w[Z];
void 0
return pe(f, n, I), I;
} else
throw Ce(
re`Invalid compartment in module descriptor for specifier ${U(n)} in compartment ${U(r.name)}`
if (p.source !== void 0)
if (typeof p.source == "string") {
const {
source: w,
specifier: R = n,
compartment: T = h,
importMeta: j = void 0
} = p, I = yield It(
), { moduleSource: L } = I, Z = Bt(
return pe(f, n, Z), Z;
} else {
const {
source: w,
specifier: R = n,
importMeta: T
} = p, j = Bt(
return pe(f, n, j), j;
if (p.archive !== void 0)
throw Ce(
re`Unsupported archive module descriptor for specifier ${U(n)} in compartment ${U(r.name)}`
if (p.record !== void 0) {
const {
compartment: w = r,
specifier: R = n,
record: T,
importMeta: j
} = p, I = Bt(
return pe(f, n, I), pe(f, R, I), I;
if (p.compartment !== void 0 && p.specifier !== void 0) {
if (!ke(p.compartment) || !Tt(t, p.compartment) || typeof p.specifier != "string")
throw Ce(
re`Invalid compartment in module descriptor for specifier ${U(n)} in compartment ${U(r.name)}`
const w = yield It(
return pe(f, n, w), w;
const S = Bt(
return pe(f, n, S), S;
} else
throw Ce(
re`module descriptor must be a string or object for specifier ${U(
)} in compartment ${U(r.name)}`
const It = (t, e, r, n, o, s, i) => {
const { name: c } = z(
let l = Ke(i, r);
l === void 0 && (l = new $e(), pe(i, r, l));
let u = Ke(l, n);
return u !== void 0 || (u = s(sc, ac)(
(d) => {
throw Jr(
re`${d.message}, loading ${U(n)} in compartment ${U(
), d;
), pe(l, n, u)), u;
}, uc = () => {
const t = new Dt(), e = [];
return { enqueueJob: (o, s) => {
qo(o(...s), oc, (i) => {
ne(e, i);
}, drainQueue: async () => {
await null;
for (const o of t)
await o;
return e;
} };
}, Ls = ({ errors: t, errorPrefix: e }) => {
if (t.length > 0) {
const r = ce("COMPARTMENT_LOAD_ERRORS", "", ["verbose"]) === "verbose";
throw _(
`${e} (${t.length} underlying failures: ${Zt(
de(t, (n) => n.message + (r ? n.stack : "")),
", "
}, dc = (t, e) => e, fc = (t, e) => t, go = async (t, e, r, n) => {
const { name: o } = z(
), s = new $e(), { enqueueJob: i, drainQueue: c } = uc();
i(It, [
const l = await c();
errors: l,
errorPrefix: `Failed to load module ${U(n)} in package ${U(
}, pc = (t, e, r, n) => {
const { name: o } = z(
), s = new $e(), i = [], c = (l, u) => {
try {
} catch (d) {
ne(i, d);
c(It, [
]), Ls({
errors: i,
errorPrefix: `Failed to load module ${U(n)} in package ${U(
}, { quote: xt } = Y, hc = () => {
let t = !1;
const e = H(null, {
// Make this appear like an ESM module namespace object.
[Qe]: {
value: "Module",
writable: !1,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !1
return y({
activate() {
t = !0;
exportsTarget: e,
exportsProxy: new Ur(e, {
get(r, n, o) {
if (!t)
throw _(
`Cannot get property ${xt(
)} of module exports namespace, the module has not yet begun to execute`
return ya(e, n, o);
set(r, n, o) {
throw _(
`Cannot set property ${xt(n)} of module exports namespace`
has(r, n) {
if (!t)
throw _(
`Cannot check property ${xt(
)}, the module has not yet begun to execute`
return Oo(e, n);
deleteProperty(r, n) {
throw _(
`Cannot delete property ${xt(n)}s of module exports namespace`
ownKeys(r) {
if (!t)
throw _(
"Cannot enumerate keys, the module has not yet begun to execute"
return qe(e);
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, n) {
if (!t)
throw _(
`Cannot get own property descriptor ${xt(
)}, the module has not yet begun to execute`
return _a(e, n);
preventExtensions(r) {
if (!t)
throw _(
"Cannot prevent extensions of module exports namespace, the module has not yet begun to execute"
return ba(e);
isExtensible() {
if (!t)
throw _(
"Cannot check extensibility of module exports namespace, the module has not yet begun to execute"
return va(e);
getPrototypeOf(r) {
return null;
setPrototypeOf(r, n) {
throw _("Cannot set prototype of module exports namespace");
defineProperty(r, n, o) {
throw _(
`Cannot define property ${xt(n)} of module exports namespace`
apply(r, n, o) {
throw _(
"Cannot call module exports namespace, it is not a function"
construct(r, n) {
throw _(
"Cannot construct module exports namespace, it is not a constructor"
}, Bn = (t, e, r, n) => {
const { deferredExports: o } = e;
if (!Wr(o, n)) {
const s = hc();
ic(t, n)
), pe(o, n, s);
return Ke(o, n);
}, mc = (t, e) => {
const { sloppyGlobalsMode: r = !1, __moduleShimLexicals__: n = void 0 } = e;
let o;
if (n === void 0 && !r)
({ safeEvaluate: o } = t);
else {
let { globalTransforms: s } = t;
const { globalObject: i } = t;
let c;
n !== void 0 && (s = void 0, c = H(
)), { safeEvaluate: o } = Un({
globalObject: i,
moduleLexicals: c,
globalTransforms: s,
sloppyGlobalsMode: r
return { safeEvaluate: o };
}, Fs = (t, e, r) => {
if (typeof e != "string")
throw _("first argument of evaluate() must be a string");
const {
transforms: n = [],
__evadeHtmlCommentTest__: o = !1,
__evadeImportExpressionTest__: s = !1,
__rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions__: i = !0
// Note default on
} = r, c = [...n];
o === !0 && ne(c, Ps), s === !0 && ne(c, Is), i === !0 && ne(c, Cs);
const { safeEvaluate: l } = mc(
return l(e, {
localTransforms: c
}, { quote: mr } = Y, gc = (t, e, r, n, o, s) => {
const { exportsProxy: i, exportsTarget: c, activate: l } = Bn(
z(t, r),
), u = H(null);
if (e.exports) {
if (!pt(e.exports) || Zo(e.exports, (f) => typeof f != "string"))
throw _(
`SES virtual module source "exports" property must be an array of strings for module ${o}`
ht(e.exports, (f) => {
let h = c[f];
const p = [];
D(c, f, {
get: () => h,
set: (S) => {
h = S;
for (const w of p)
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !1
}), u[f] = (S) => {
ne(p, S), S(h);
}), u["*"] = (f) => {
const d = {
activated: !1
return y({
notifiers: u,
exportsProxy: i,
execute() {
if (Oo(d, "errorFromExecute"))
throw d.errorFromExecute;
if (!d.activated) {
l(), d.activated = !0;
try {
e.execute(c, r, s);
} catch (f) {
throw d.errorFromExecute = f, f;
}, yc = (t, e, r, n) => {
const {
compartment: o,
moduleSpecifier: s,
moduleSource: i,
importMeta: c
} = r, {
reexports: l = [],
__syncModuleProgram__: u,
__fixedExportMap__: d = {},
__liveExportMap__: f = {},
__reexportMap__: h = {},
__needsImportMeta__: p = !1,
__syncModuleFunctor__: m
} = i, A = z(t, o), { __shimTransforms__: S, importMetaHook: w } = A, { exportsProxy: R, exportsTarget: T, activate: j } = Bn(
), I = H(null), L = H(null), Z = H(null), se = H(null), J = H(null);
c && jr(J, c), p && w && w(s, J);
const be = H(null), Me = H(null);
ht(me(d), ([we, [W]]) => {
let q = be[W];
if (!q) {
let ae, ie = !0, ge = [];
const te = () => {
if (ie)
throw Wt(`binding ${mr(W)} not yet initialized`);
return ae;
}, Ae = y((Te) => {
if (!ie)
throw _(
`Internal: binding ${mr(W)} already initialized`
ae = Te;
const Wn = ge;
ge = null, ie = !1;
for (const Ie of Wn || [])
return Te;
q = {
get: te,
notify: (Te) => {
Te !== Ae && (ie ? ne(ge || [], Te) : Te(ae));
}, be[W] = q, Z[W] = Ae;
I[we] = {
get: q.get,
set: void 0,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !1
}, Me[we] = q.notify;
}), ht(
([we, [W, q]]) => {
let ae = be[W];
if (!ae) {
let ie, ge = !0;
const te = [], Ae = () => {
if (ge)
throw Wt(
`binding ${mr(we)} not yet initialized`
return ie;
}, St = y((Ie) => {
ie = Ie, ge = !1;
for (const en of te)
}), Te = (Ie) => {
if (ge)
throw Wt(`binding ${mr(W)} not yet initialized`);
ie = Ie;
for (const en of te)
ae = {
get: Ae,
notify: (Ie) => {
Ie !== St && (ne(te, Ie), ge || Ie(ie));
}, be[W] = ae, q && D(L, W, {
get: Ae,
set: Te,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !1
}), se[W] = St;
I[we] = {
get: ae.get,
set: void 0,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !1
}, Me[we] = ae.notify;
const dr = (we) => {
Me["*"] = dr;
function zt(we) {
const W = H(null);
W.default = !1;
for (const [q, ae] of we) {
const ie = Ke(n, q);
const { notifiers: ge } = ie;
for (const [te, Ae] of ae) {
const St = ge[te];
if (!St)
throw ir(
`The requested module '${q}' does not provide an export named '${te}'`
for (const Te of Ae)
if (Hr(l, q))
for (const [te, Ae] of me(
W[te] === void 0 ? W[te] = Ae : W[te] = !1;
if (h[q])
for (const [te, Ae] of h[q])
W[Ae] = ge[te];
for (const [q, ae] of me(W))
if (!Me[q] && ae !== !1) {
Me[q] = ae;
let ie;
ae((te) => ie = te), I[q] = {
get() {
return ie;
set: void 0,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !1
(q) => D(T, q, I[q])
), y(T), j();
let wt;
m !== void 0 ? wt = m : wt = Fs(A, u, {
globalObject: o.globalThis,
transforms: S,
__moduleShimLexicals__: L
let Pe = !1, st;
function ra() {
if (wt) {
const we = wt;
wt = null;
try {
imports: y(zt),
onceVar: y(Z),
liveVar: y(se),
importMeta: J
} catch (W) {
Pe = !0, st = W;
if (Pe)
throw st;
return y({
notifiers: Me,
exportsProxy: R,
execute: ra
}, { Fail: ft, quote: X } = Y, Ds = (t, e, r, n) => {
const { name: o, moduleRecords: s } = z(
), i = Ke(s, n);
if (i === void 0)
throw Wt(
`Missing link to module ${X(n)} from compartment ${X(
return xc(t, e, i);
function _c(t) {
return typeof t.__syncModuleProgram__ == "string";
function vc(t, e) {
const { __fixedExportMap__: r, __liveExportMap__: n } = t;
ke(r) || ft`Property '__fixedExportMap__' of a precompiled module source must be an object, got ${X(
)}, for module ${X(e)}`, ke(n) || ft`Property '__liveExportMap__' of a precompiled module source must be an object, got ${X(
)}, for module ${X(e)}`;
function bc(t) {
return typeof t.execute == "function";
function wc(t, e) {
const { exports: r } = t;
pt(r) || ft`Invalid module source: 'exports' of a virtual module source must be an array, got ${X(
)}, for module ${X(e)}`;
function Sc(t, e) {
ke(t) || ft`Invalid module source: must be of type object, got ${X(
)}, for module ${X(e)}`;
const { imports: r, exports: n, reexports: o = [] } = t;
pt(r) || ft`Invalid module source: 'imports' must be an array, got ${X(
)}, for module ${X(e)}`, pt(n) || ft`Invalid module source: 'exports' must be an array, got ${X(
)}, for module ${X(e)}`, pt(o) || ft`Invalid module source: 'reexports' must be an array if present, got ${X(
)}, for module ${X(e)}`;
const xc = (t, e, r) => {
const { compartment: n, moduleSpecifier: o, resolvedImports: s, moduleSource: i } = r, { instances: c } = z(t, n);
if (Wr(c, o))
return Ke(c, o);
Sc(i, o);
const l = new $e();
let u;
if (_c(i))
vc(i, o), u = yc(
else if (bc(i))
wc(i, o), u = gc(
throw _(`Invalid module source, got ${X(i)}`);
pe(c, o, u);
for (const [d, f] of me(s)) {
const h = Ds(
pe(l, d, h);
return u;
}, Gt = new ze(), Fe = new ze(), Gn = function(e = {}, r = {}, n = {}) {
throw _(
"Compartment.prototype.constructor is not a valid constructor."
}, yo = (t, e) => {
const { execute: r, exportsProxy: n } = Ds(
return r(), n;
}, Vn = {
constructor: Gn,
get globalThis() {
return z(Fe, this).globalObject;
get name() {
return z(Fe, this).name;
* @param {string} source is a JavaScript program grammar construction.
* @param {object} [options]
* @param {Array<import('./lockdown-shim').Transform>} [options.transforms]
* @param {boolean} [options.sloppyGlobalsMode]
* @param {object} [options.__moduleShimLexicals__]
* @param {boolean} [options.__evadeHtmlCommentTest__]
* @param {boolean} [options.__evadeImportExpressionTest__]
* @param {boolean} [options.__rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions__]
evaluate(t, e = {}) {
const r = z(Fe, this);
return Fs(r, t, e);
module(t) {
if (typeof t != "string")
throw _("first argument of module() must be a string");
const { exportsProxy: e } = Bn(
z(Fe, this),
return e;
async import(t) {
const { noNamespaceBox: e } = z(Fe, this);
if (typeof t != "string")
throw _("first argument of import() must be a string");
return qo(
go(Fe, Gt, this, t),
() => {
const r = yo(
/** @type {Compartment} */
return e ? r : { namespace: r };
async load(t) {
if (typeof t != "string")
throw _("first argument of load() must be a string");
return go(Fe, Gt, this, t);
importNow(t) {
if (typeof t != "string")
throw _("first argument of importNow() must be a string");
return pc(Fe, Gt, this, t), yo(
/** @type {Compartment} */
B(Vn, {
[Qe]: {
value: "Compartment",
writable: !1,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
B(Gn, {
prototype: { value: Vn }
const Ec = (...t) => {
if (t.length === 0)
return {};
if (t.length === 1 && typeof t[0] == "object" && t[0] !== null && "__options__" in t[0]) {
const { __options__: e, ...r } = t[0];
return Y(
e === !0,
`Compartment constructor only supports true __options__ sigil, got ${e}`
), r;
} else {
const [
e = (
/** @type {Map<string, any>} */
r = (
/** @type {Map<string, ModuleDescriptor>} */
n = {}
] = t;
return to(
void 0,
"Compartment constructor must receive either a module map argument or modules option, not both"
), to(
void 0,
"Compartment constructor must receive either globals argument or option, not both"
), {
globals: e,
modules: r
}, Sn = (t, e, r, n = void 0) => {
function o(...s) {
if (new.target === void 0)
throw _(
"Class constructor Compartment cannot be invoked without 'new'"
const {
name: i = "<unknown>",
transforms: c = [],
__shimTransforms__: l = [],
globals: u = {},
modules: d = {},
resolveHook: f,
importHook: h,
importNowHook: p,
moduleMapHook: m,
importMetaHook: A,
__noNamespaceBox__: S = !1
} = Ec(...s), w = [...c, ...l], R = { __proto__: null, ...u }, T = { __proto__: null, ...d }, j = new $e(), I = new $e(), L = new $e(), Z = {};
Si(Z), _s(Z);
const { safeEvaluate: se } = Un({
globalObject: Z,
globalTransforms: w,
sloppyGlobalsMode: !1
vs(Z, {
intrinsics: e,
newGlobalPropertyNames: fs,
makeCompartmentConstructor: t,
parentCompartment: this,
markVirtualizedNativeFunction: r
}), wn(
), jr(Z, R), he(Fe, this, {
name: `${i}`,
globalTransforms: w,
globalObject: Z,
safeEvaluate: se,
resolveHook: f,
importHook: h,
importNowHook: p,
moduleMap: T,
moduleMapHook: m,
importMetaHook: A,
moduleRecords: j,
__shimTransforms__: l,
deferredExports: L,
instances: I,
parentCompartment: n,
noNamespaceBox: S
return o.prototype = Vn, o;
function dn(t) {
return G(t).constructor;
function kc() {
return arguments;
const Pc = () => {
const t = Ee.prototype.constructor, e = ee(kc(), "callee"), r = e && e.get, n = Na(new _e()), o = G(n), s = Br[$o] && Ca(/./), i = s && G(s), c = Sa([]), l = G(c), u = G(sa), d = Ta(new $e()), f = G(d), h = Ia(new Dt()), p = G(h), m = G(l);
function* A() {
const S = dn(A), w = S.prototype;
async function* R() {
const T = dn(
), j = T.prototype, I = j.prototype, L = G(I);
async function Z() {
const se = dn(Z), J = {
"%InertFunction%": t,
"%ArrayIteratorPrototype%": l,
"%InertAsyncFunction%": se,
"%AsyncGenerator%": j,
"%InertAsyncGeneratorFunction%": T,
"%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%": I,
"%AsyncIteratorPrototype%": L,
"%Generator%": w,
"%InertGeneratorFunction%": S,
"%IteratorPrototype%": m,
"%MapIteratorPrototype%": f,
"%RegExpStringIteratorPrototype%": i,
"%SetIteratorPrototype%": p,
"%StringIteratorPrototype%": o,
"%ThrowTypeError%": r,
"%TypedArray%": u,
"%InertCompartment%": Gn
return x.Iterator && (J["%IteratorHelperPrototype%"] = G(
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
), J["%WrapForValidIteratorPrototype%"] = G(
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
next() {
return { value: void 0 };
)), x.AsyncIterator && (J["%AsyncIteratorHelperPrototype%"] = G(
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
), J["%WrapForValidAsyncIteratorPrototype%"] = G(
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
x.AsyncIterator.from({ next() {
} })
)), J;
}, Us = (t, e) => {
if (e !== "safe" && e !== "unsafe")
throw _(`unrecognized fakeHardenOption ${e}`);
if (e === "safe" || (Object.isExtensible = () => !1, Object.isFrozen = () => !0, Object.isSealed = () => !0, Reflect.isExtensible = () => !1, t.isFake))
return t;
const r = (n) => n;
return r.isFake = !0, y(r);
const Ac = () => {
const t = At, e = t.prototype, r = Wo(At, void 0);
B(e, {
constructor: {
value: r
// leave other `constructor` attributes as is
const n = me(
), o = bt(
de(n, ([s, i]) => [
{ ...i, configurable: !0 }
return B(r, o), { "%SharedSymbol%": r };
}, Tc = (t) => {
try {
return t(), !1;
} catch {
return !0;
}, _o = (t, e, r) => {
if (t === void 0)
return !1;
const n = ee(t, e);
if (!n || "value" in n)
return !1;
const { get: o, set: s } = n;
if (typeof o != "function" || typeof s != "function" || o() !== r || ue(o, t, []) !== r)
return !1;
const i = "Seems to be a setter", c = { __proto__: null };
if (ue(s, c, [i]), c[e] !== i)
return !1;
const l = { __proto__: t };
return ue(s, l, [i]), l[e] !== i || !Tc(() => ue(s, t, [r])) || "originalValue" in o || n.configurable === !1 ? !1 : (D(t, e, {
value: r,
writable: !0,
enumerable: n.enumerable,
configurable: !0
}), !0);
}, Ic = (t) => {
), _o(
}, Cc = () => {
const t = on[De];
D(on, De, {
configurable: !0,
get() {
return t;
set(e) {
this !== on && (Q(this, De) && (this[De] = e), D(this, De, {
value: e,
writable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}, Rc = () => {
if (typeof xr.transfer == "function")
return {};
const t = x.structuredClone;
return typeof t != "function" ? {} : (D(xr, "transfer", {
// @ts-expect-error
value: {
* @param {number} [newLength]
transfer(r = void 0) {
const n = Ea(this);
if (r === void 0 || r === n)
return t(this, { transfer: [this] });
if (typeof r != "number")
throw _("transfer newLength if provided must be a number");
if (r > n) {
const o = new To(r), s = new mn(this), i = new mn(o);
return ka(i, s), t(this, { transfer: [this] }), o;
} else {
const o = xa(this, 0, r);
return t(this, { transfer: [this] }), o;
writable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
configurable: !0
}), {});
}, gr = (t) => {
let e = !1;
const r = (...n) => {
e ? t(" ", ...n) : t(...n);
return (
/** @type {GroupReporter} */
warn(...n) {
error(...n) {
groupCollapsed(...n) {
Y(!e), t(...n), e = !0;
groupEnd() {
e = !1;
}, vo = () => {
}, js = (t) => {
if (t === "none")
return gr(vo);
if (t !== "platform" && t !== "console")
throw new _(`Invalid lockdown reporting option: ${t}`);
if (t === "console" || x.window === x || x.importScripts !== void 0)
return console;
if (x.console !== void 0) {
const e = x.console, r = Wo(e.error, e);
return gr(r);
return x.print !== void 0 ? gr(x.print) : gr(vo);
}, bo = (t, e, r) => {
const { warn: n, error: o, groupCollapsed: s, groupEnd: i } = e;
let c = !1;
try {
return r({
warn(...l) {
c || (s(t), c = !0), n(...l);
error(...l) {
c || (s(t), c = !0), o(...l);
} finally {
c && i();
}, { Fail: fn, details: wo, quote: pn } = Y;
let yr, _r;
const $c = ri(), Nc = () => {
let t = !1;
try {
t = Ee(
` eval("SES_changed = true");
return SES_changed;
)(Ko, !1), t || delete x.SES_changed;
} catch {
t = !0;
if (!t)
throw _(
"SES cannot initialize unless 'eval' is the original intrinsic 'eval', suitable for direct-eval (dynamically scoped eval) (SES_DIRECT_EVAL)"
}, Zs = (t = {}) => {
const {
errorTaming: e = ce("LOCKDOWN_ERROR_TAMING", "safe"),
errorTrapping: r = (
/** @type {"platform" | "none" | "report" | "abort" | "exit"} */
reporting: n = (
/** @type {"platform" | "console" | "none"} */
ce("LOCKDOWN_REPORTING", "platform")
unhandledRejectionTrapping: o = (
/** @type {"none" | "report"} */
regExpTaming: s = ce("LOCKDOWN_REGEXP_TAMING", "safe"),
localeTaming: i = ce("LOCKDOWN_LOCALE_TAMING", "safe"),
consoleTaming: c = (
/** @type {'unsafe' | 'safe'} */
overrideTaming: l = (
/** @type {'moderate' | 'min' | 'severe'} */
stackFiltering: u = ce("LOCKDOWN_STACK_FILTERING", "concise"),
domainTaming: d = ce("LOCKDOWN_DOMAIN_TAMING", "safe"),
evalTaming: f = ce("LOCKDOWN_EVAL_TAMING", "safeEval"),
overrideDebug: h = et(
/** @param {string} debugName */
(Pe) => Pe !== ""
legacyRegeneratorRuntimeTaming: p = ce(
__hardenTaming__: m = ce("LOCKDOWN_HARDEN_TAMING", "safe"),
dateTaming: A = "safe",
// deprecated
mathTaming: S = "safe",
// deprecated
} = t;
p === "safe" || p === "unsafe-ignore" || fn`lockdown(): non supported option legacyRegeneratorRuntimeTaming: ${pn(p)}`, f === "unsafeEval" || f === "safeEval" || f === "noEval" || fn`lockdown(): non supported option evalTaming: ${pn(f)}`;
const R = qe(w);
R.length === 0 || fn`lockdown(): non supported option ${pn(R)}`;
const T = js(n);
if (yr === void 0 || // eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
wo`Already locked down at ${yr} (SES_ALREADY_LOCKED_DOWN)`,
), yr = _("Prior lockdown (SES_ALREADY_LOCKED_DOWN)"), yr.stack, Nc(), x.Function.prototype.constructor !== x.Function && // @ts-ignore harden is absent on globalThis type def.
typeof x.harden == "function" && // @ts-ignore lockdown is absent on globalThis type def.
typeof x.lockdown == "function" && x.Date.prototype.constructor !== x.Date && typeof x.Date.now == "function" && // @ts-ignore does not recognize that Date constructor is a special
// Function.
// eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
Zr(x.Date.prototype.constructor.now(), NaN))
throw _(
"Already locked down but not by this SES instance (SES_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES)"
const I = Ns(), { addIntrinsics: L, completePrototypes: Z, finalIntrinsics: se } = ms(T), J = Us($c, m);
L({ harden: J }), L(li()), L(ui(A)), L(nc(e, u)), L(di(S)), L(fi(s)), L(Ac()), L(Rc()), L(Fi()), L(Pc()), Z();
const be = se(), Me = { __proto__: null };
typeof x.Buffer == "function" && (Me.Buffer = x.Buffer);
let dr;
e === "safe" && (dr = be["%InitialGetStackString%"]);
const zt = Zi(
if (x.console = /** @type {Console} */
zt.console, typeof /** @type {any} */
zt.console._times == "object" && (Me.SafeMap = G(
// eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle
/** @type {any} */
)), (e === "unsafe" || e === "unsafe-debug") && x.assert === Y && (x.assert = Xr(void 0, !0)), vi(be, i), Ic(be), bo(
"SES Removing unpermitted intrinsics",
(Pe) => ci(
), _s(x), vs(x, {
intrinsics: be,
newGlobalPropertyNames: ro,
makeCompartmentConstructor: Sn,
markVirtualizedNativeFunction: I
}), f === "noEval")
else if (f === "safeEval") {
const { safeEvaluate: Pe } = Un({ globalObject: x });
return () => {
_r === void 0 || // eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call
wo`Already locked down at ${_r} (SES_ALREADY_LOCKED_DOWN)`,
), _r = _(
"Prior lockdown (SES_ALREADY_LOCKED_DOWN)"
), _r.stack, bo(
"SES Enabling property overrides",
(st) => mi(
), p === "unsafe-ignore" && Cc();
const Pe = {
intrinsics: be,
hostIntrinsics: Me,
globals: {
// Harden evaluators
Function: x.Function,
eval: x.eval,
// @ts-ignore Compartment does exist on globalThis
Compartment: x.Compartment,
// Harden Symbol
Symbol: x.Symbol
for (const st of Nt(ro))
Pe.globals[st] = x[st];
return J(Pe), J;
x.lockdown = (t) => {
const e = Zs(t);
x.harden = e();
x.repairIntrinsics = (t) => {
const e = Zs(t);
x.hardenIntrinsics = () => {
x.harden = e();
const Oc = Ns(), Mc = js("none");
x.Compartment = Sn(
// Any reporting that would need to be done should have already been done
// during `lockdown()`.
// See https://github.com/endojs/endo/pull/2624#discussion_r1840979770
ii(x, Mc),
x.assert = Y;
const Lc = Ms(Ir), Fc = ha(
x[Fc] = Lc;
const Dc = (t, e = t, r) => {
let n = { x: 0, y: 0 }, o = { x: 0, y: 0 }, s = { x: 0, y: 0 };
const i = (u) => {
const { clientX: d, clientY: f } = u, h = d - s.x + o.x, p = f - s.y + o.y;
n = { x: h, y: p }, e.style.transform = `translate(${h}px, ${p}px)`, r == null || r();
}, c = () => {
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", i), document.removeEventListener("mouseup", c);
}, l = (u) => {
s = { x: u.clientX, y: u.clientY }, o = { x: n.x, y: n.y }, document.addEventListener("mousemove", i), document.addEventListener("mouseup", c);
return t.addEventListener("mousedown", l), c;
}, Uc = `:host{--spacing-4: .25rem;--spacing-8: calc(var(--spacing-4) * 2);--spacing-12: calc(var(--spacing-4) * 3);--spacing-16: calc(var(--spacing-4) * 4);--spacing-20: calc(var(--spacing-4) * 5);--spacing-24: calc(var(--spacing-4) * 6);--spacing-28: calc(var(--spacing-4) * 7);--spacing-32: calc(var(--spacing-4) * 8);--spacing-36: calc(var(--spacing-4) * 9);--spacing-40: calc(var(--spacing-4) * 10);--font-weight-regular: 400;--font-weight-bold: 500;--font-line-height-s: 1.2;--font-line-height-m: 1.4;--font-line-height-l: 1.5;--font-size-s: 12px;--font-size-m: 14px;--font-size-l: 16px}[data-theme]{background-color:var(--color-background-primary);color:var(--color-foreground-secondary)}::-webkit-resizer{display:none}.wrapper{position:absolute;inset-block-start:var(--modal-block-start);inset-inline-start:var(--modal-inline-start);z-index:1000;padding:10px;border-radius:15px;border:2px solid var(--color-background-quaternary);box-shadow:0 0 10px #0000004d;overflow:hidden;min-inline-size:25px;min-block-size:200px;resize:both}.wrapper:after{content:"";cursor:se-resize;inline-size:1rem;block-size:1rem;background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg%20width='16.022'%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20height='16.022'%20viewBox='-0.011%20-0.011%2016.022%2016.022'%20fill='none'%3e%3cg%20data-testid='Group'%3e%3cg%20data-testid='Path'%3e%3cpath%20d='M.011%2015.917%2015.937-.011'%20class='fills'/%3e%3cg%20class='strokes'%3e%3cpath%20d='M.011%2015.917%2015.937-.011'%20style='fill:%20none;%20stroke-width:%201;%20stroke:%20rgb(111,%20111,%20111);%20stroke-opacity:%201;%20stroke-linecap:%20round;'%20class='stroke-shape'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/g%3e%3cg%20data-testid='Path'%3e%3cpath%20d='m11.207%2014.601%203.361-3.401'%20class='fills'/%3e%3cg%20class='strokes'%3e%3cpath%20d='m11.207%2014.601%203.361-3.401'%20style='fill:%20none;%20stroke-width:%201;%20stroke:%20rgb(111,%20111,%20111);%20stroke-opacity:%201;%20stroke-linecap:%20round;'%20class='stroke-shape'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/g%3e%3cg%20data-testid='Path'%3e%3cpath%20d='m4.884%2016.004%2011.112-11.17'%20class='fills'/%3e%3cg%20class='strokes'%3e%3cpath%20d='m4.884%2016.004%2011.112-11.17'%20style='fill:%20none;%20stroke-width:%201;%20stroke:%20rgb(111,%20111,%20111);%20stroke-opacity:%201;%20stroke-linecap:%20round;'%20class='stroke-shape'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/svg%3e");background-position:center;right:5px;bottom:5px;pointer-events:none;position:absolute}.inner{padding:10px;cursor:grab;box-sizing:border-box;display:flex;flex-direction:column;overflow:hidden;block-size:100%}.inner>*{flex:1}.inner>.header{flex:0}.header{align-items:center;display:flex;justify-content:space-between;border-block-end:2px solid var(--color-background-quaternary);padding-block-end:var(--spacing-4)}button{background:transparent;border:0;cursor:pointer;padding:0}h1{font-size:var(--font-size-s);font-weight:var(--font-weight-bold);margin:0;margin-inline-end:var(--spacing-4);-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none}iframe{border:none;inline-size:100%;block-size:100%}`;
function jc(t, e, r, n, o) {
const s = document.createElement("plugin-modal");
const { width: i } = zs(s, n == null ? void 0 : n.width, n == null ? void 0 : n.height), c = {
blockStart: 40,
// To be able to resize the element as expected the position must be absolute from the right.
// This value is the length of the window minus the width of the element plus the width of the design tab.
inlineStart: window.innerWidth - i - 290
return s.style.setProperty(
), s.style.setProperty(
), s.setAttribute("title", t), s.setAttribute("iframe-src", e), o && s.setAttribute("allow-downloads", "true"), document.body.appendChild(s), s;
function zs(t, e = 335, r = 590) {
const s = e > window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth - 290 : e, i = parseInt(
t.style.getPropertyValue("--modal-block-start") || "40",
), c = window.innerHeight - i;
return e = Math.min(e, s), r = Math.min(r, c), e = Math.max(e, 200), r = Math.max(r, 200), t.wrapper.style.width = `${e}px`, t.wrapper.style.minWidth = `${e}px`, t.wrapper.style.height = `${r}px`, t.wrapper.style.minHeight = `${r}px`, { width: e, height: r };
const Zc = `
<svg width="16" height="16"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none"><g class="fills"><rect rx="0" ry="0" width="16" height="16" class="frame-background"/></g><g class="frame-children"><path d="M11.997 3.997 8 8l-3.997 4.003m-.006-8L8 8l4.003 3.997" class="fills"/><g class="strokes"><path d="M11.997 3.997 8 8l-3.997 4.003m-.006-8L8 8l4.003 3.997" style="fill: none; stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(143, 157, 163); stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-linecap: round;" class="stroke-shape"/></g></g></svg>`;
var We, Rt;
class zc extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
tn(this, We);
tn(this, Rt);
this.wrapper = document.createElement("div"), fr(this, We, document.createElement("div")), fr(this, Rt, null), this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" });
setTheme(r) {
this.wrapper && this.wrapper.setAttribute("data-theme", r);
resize(r, n) {
this.wrapper && zs(this, r, n);
disconnectedCallback() {
var r;
(r = at(this, Rt)) == null || r.call(this);
calculateZIndex() {
const r = document.querySelectorAll("plugin-modal"), n = Array.from(r).filter((s) => s !== this).map((s) => Number(s.style.zIndex)), o = Math.max(...n, 0);
this.style.zIndex = (o + 1).toString();
connectedCallback() {
const r = this.getAttribute("title"), n = this.getAttribute("iframe-src"), o = this.getAttribute("allow-downloads") || !1;
if (!r || !n)
throw new Error("title and iframe-src attributes are required");
if (!this.shadowRoot)
throw new Error("Error creating shadow root");
at(this, We).classList.add("inner"), this.wrapper.classList.add("wrapper"), this.wrapper.style.maxInlineSize = "90vw", this.wrapper.style.maxBlockSize = "90vh", fr(this, Rt, Dc(at(this, We), this.wrapper, () => {
const s = document.createElement("div");
const i = document.createElement("h1");
i.textContent = r, s.appendChild(i);
const c = document.createElement("button");
c.setAttribute("type", "button"), c.innerHTML = `<div class="close">${Zc}</div>`, c.addEventListener("click", () => {
this.shadowRoot && this.shadowRoot.dispatchEvent(
new CustomEvent("close", {
composed: !0,
bubbles: !0
}), s.appendChild(c);
const l = document.createElement("iframe");
l.src = n, l.allow = "", l.sandbox.add(
), o && l.sandbox.add("allow-downloads"), l.addEventListener("load", () => {
var d;
(d = this.shadowRoot) == null || d.dispatchEvent(
new CustomEvent("load", {
composed: !0,
bubbles: !0
}), this.addEventListener("message", (d) => {
l.contentWindow && l.contentWindow.postMessage(d.detail, "*");
}), this.shadowRoot.appendChild(this.wrapper), this.wrapper.appendChild(at(this, We)), at(this, We).appendChild(s), at(this, We).appendChild(l);
const u = document.createElement("style");
u.textContent = Uc, this.shadowRoot.appendChild(u), this.calculateZIndex();
size() {
const r = Number(this.wrapper.style.width.replace("px", "") || "300"), n = Number(this.wrapper.style.height.replace("px", "") || "400");
return { width: r, height: n };
We = new WeakMap(), Rt = new WeakMap();
customElements.define("plugin-modal", zc);
var F;
(function(t) {
t.assertEqual = (o) => o;
function e(o) {
t.assertIs = e;
function r(o) {
throw new Error();
t.assertNever = r, t.arrayToEnum = (o) => {
const s = {};
for (const i of o)
s[i] = i;
return s;
}, t.getValidEnumValues = (o) => {
const s = t.objectKeys(o).filter((c) => typeof o[o[c]] != "number"), i = {};
for (const c of s)
i[c] = o[c];
return t.objectValues(i);
}, t.objectValues = (o) => t.objectKeys(o).map(function(s) {
return o[s];
}), t.objectKeys = typeof Object.keys == "function" ? (o) => Object.keys(o) : (o) => {
const s = [];
for (const i in o)
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, i) && s.push(i);
return s;
}, t.find = (o, s) => {
for (const i of o)
if (s(i))
return i;
}, t.isInteger = typeof Number.isInteger == "function" ? (o) => Number.isInteger(o) : (o) => typeof o == "number" && isFinite(o) && Math.floor(o) === o;
function n(o, s = " | ") {
return o.map((i) => typeof i == "string" ? `'${i}'` : i).join(s);
t.joinValues = n, t.jsonStringifyReplacer = (o, s) => typeof s == "bigint" ? s.toString() : s;
})(F || (F = {}));
var xn;
(function(t) {
t.mergeShapes = (e, r) => ({
// second overwrites first
})(xn || (xn = {}));
const b = F.arrayToEnum([
]), He = (t) => {
switch (typeof t) {
case "undefined":
return b.undefined;
case "string":
return b.string;
case "number":
return isNaN(t) ? b.nan : b.number;
case "boolean":
return b.boolean;
case "function":
return b.function;
case "bigint":
return b.bigint;
case "symbol":
return b.symbol;
case "object":
return Array.isArray(t) ? b.array : t === null ? b.null : t.then && typeof t.then == "function" && t.catch && typeof t.catch == "function" ? b.promise : typeof Map < "u" && t instanceof Map ? b.map : typeof Set < "u" && t instanceof Set ? b.set : typeof Date < "u" && t instanceof Date ? b.date : b.object;
return b.unknown;
}, g = F.arrayToEnum([
]), Bc = (t) => JSON.stringify(t, null, 2).replace(/"([^"]+)":/g, "$1:");
class ye extends Error {
get errors() {
return this.issues;
constructor(e) {
super(), this.issues = [], this.addIssue = (n) => {
this.issues = [...this.issues, n];
}, this.addIssues = (n = []) => {
this.issues = [...this.issues, ...n];
const r = new.target.prototype;
Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(this, r) : this.__proto__ = r, this.name = "ZodError", this.issues = e;
format(e) {
const r = e || function(s) {
return s.message;
}, n = { _errors: [] }, o = (s) => {
for (const i of s.issues)
if (i.code === "invalid_union")
else if (i.code === "invalid_return_type")
else if (i.code === "invalid_arguments")
else if (i.path.length === 0)
else {
let c = n, l = 0;
for (; l < i.path.length; ) {
const u = i.path[l];
l === i.path.length - 1 ? (c[u] = c[u] || { _errors: [] }, c[u]._errors.push(r(i))) : c[u] = c[u] || { _errors: [] }, c = c[u], l++;
return o(this), n;
static assert(e) {
if (!(e instanceof ye))
throw new Error(`Not a ZodError: ${e}`);
toString() {
return this.message;
get message() {
return JSON.stringify(this.issues, F.jsonStringifyReplacer, 2);
get isEmpty() {
return this.issues.length === 0;
flatten(e = (r) => r.message) {
const r = {}, n = [];
for (const o of this.issues)
o.path.length > 0 ? (r[o.path[0]] = r[o.path[0]] || [], r[o.path[0]].push(e(o))) : n.push(e(o));
return { formErrors: n, fieldErrors: r };
get formErrors() {
return this.flatten();
ye.create = (t) => new ye(t);
const Mt = (t, e) => {
let r;
switch (t.code) {
case g.invalid_type:
t.received === b.undefined ? r = "Required" : r = `Expected ${t.expected}, received ${t.received}`;
case g.invalid_literal:
r = `Invalid literal value, expected ${JSON.stringify(t.expected, F.jsonStringifyReplacer)}`;
case g.unrecognized_keys:
r = `Unrecognized key(s) in object: ${F.joinValues(t.keys, ", ")}`;
case g.invalid_union:
r = "Invalid input";
case g.invalid_union_discriminator:
r = `Invalid discriminator value. Expected ${F.joinValues(t.options)}`;
case g.invalid_enum_value:
r = `Invalid enum value. Expected ${F.joinValues(t.options)}, received '${t.received}'`;
case g.invalid_arguments:
r = "Invalid function arguments";
case g.invalid_return_type:
r = "Invalid function return type";
case g.invalid_date:
r = "Invalid date";
case g.invalid_string:
typeof t.validation == "object" ? "includes" in t.validation ? (r = `Invalid input: must include "${t.validation.includes}"`, typeof t.validation.position == "number" && (r = `${r} at one or more positions greater than or equal to ${t.validation.position}`)) : "startsWith" in t.validation ? r = `Invalid input: must start with "${t.validation.startsWith}"` : "endsWith" in t.validation ? r = `Invalid input: must end with "${t.validation.endsWith}"` : F.assertNever(t.validation) : t.validation !== "regex" ? r = `Invalid ${t.validation}` : r = "Invalid";
case g.too_small:
t.type === "array" ? r = `Array must contain ${t.exact ? "exactly" : t.inclusive ? "at least" : "more than"} ${t.minimum} element(s)` : t.type === "string" ? r = `String must contain ${t.exact ? "exactly" : t.inclusive ? "at least" : "over"} ${t.minimum} character(s)` : t.type === "number" ? r = `Number must be ${t.exact ? "exactly equal to " : t.inclusive ? "greater than or equal to " : "greater than "}${t.minimum}` : t.type === "date" ? r = `Date must be ${t.exact ? "exactly equal to " : t.inclusive ? "greater than or equal to " : "greater than "}${new Date(Number(t.minimum))}` : r = "Invalid input";
case g.too_big:
t.type === "array" ? r = `Array must contain ${t.exact ? "exactly" : t.inclusive ? "at most" : "less than"} ${t.maximum} element(s)` : t.type === "string" ? r = `String must contain ${t.exact ? "exactly" : t.inclusive ? "at most" : "under"} ${t.maximum} character(s)` : t.type === "number" ? r = `Number must be ${t.exact ? "exactly" : t.inclusive ? "less than or equal to" : "less than"} ${t.maximum}` : t.type === "bigint" ? r = `BigInt must be ${t.exact ? "exactly" : t.inclusive ? "less than or equal to" : "less than"} ${t.maximum}` : t.type === "date" ? r = `Date must be ${t.exact ? "exactly" : t.inclusive ? "smaller than or equal to" : "smaller than"} ${new Date(Number(t.maximum))}` : r = "Invalid input";
case g.custom:
r = "Invalid input";
case g.invalid_intersection_types:
r = "Intersection results could not be merged";
case g.not_multiple_of:
r = `Number must be a multiple of ${t.multipleOf}`;
case g.not_finite:
r = "Number must be finite";
r = e.defaultError, F.assertNever(t);
return { message: r };
let Bs = Mt;
function Gc(t) {
Bs = t;
function $r() {
return Bs;
const Nr = (t) => {
const { data: e, path: r, errorMaps: n, issueData: o } = t, s = [...r, ...o.path || []], i = {
path: s
if (o.message !== void 0)
return {
path: s,
message: o.message
let c = "";
const l = n.filter((u) => !!u).slice().reverse();
for (const u of l)
c = u(i, { data: e, defaultError: c }).message;
return {
path: s,
message: c
}, Vc = [];
function v(t, e) {
const r = $r(), n = Nr({
issueData: e,
data: t.data,
path: t.path,
errorMaps: [
// contextual error map is first priority
// then schema-bound map if available
// then global override map
r === Mt ? void 0 : Mt
// then global default map
].filter((o) => !!o)
class oe {
constructor() {
this.value = "valid";
dirty() {
this.value === "valid" && (this.value = "dirty");
abort() {
this.value !== "aborted" && (this.value = "aborted");
static mergeArray(e, r) {
const n = [];
for (const o of r) {
if (o.status === "aborted")
return $;
o.status === "dirty" && e.dirty(), n.push(o.value);
return { status: e.value, value: n };
static async mergeObjectAsync(e, r) {
const n = [];
for (const o of r) {
const s = await o.key, i = await o.value;
key: s,
value: i
return oe.mergeObjectSync(e, n);
static mergeObjectSync(e, r) {
const n = {};
for (const o of r) {
const { key: s, value: i } = o;
if (s.status === "aborted" || i.status === "aborted")
return $;
s.status === "dirty" && e.dirty(), i.status === "dirty" && e.dirty(), s.value !== "__proto__" && (typeof i.value < "u" || o.alwaysSet) && (n[s.value] = i.value);
return { status: e.value, value: n };
const $ = Object.freeze({
status: "aborted"
}), Pt = (t) => ({ status: "dirty", value: t }), fe = (t) => ({ status: "valid", value: t }), En = (t) => t.status === "aborted", kn = (t) => t.status === "dirty", yt = (t) => t.status === "valid", qt = (t) => typeof Promise < "u" && t instanceof Promise;
function Or(t, e, r, n) {
if (typeof e == "function" ? t !== e || !0 : !e.has(t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
return e.get(t);
function Gs(t, e, r, n, o) {
if (typeof e == "function" ? t !== e || !0 : !e.has(t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it");
return e.set(t, r), r;
var E;
(function(t) {
t.errToObj = (e) => typeof e == "string" ? { message: e } : e || {}, t.toString = (e) => typeof e == "string" ? e : e == null ? void 0 : e.message;
})(E || (E = {}));
var Vt, Ht;
class je {
constructor(e, r, n, o) {
this._cachedPath = [], this.parent = e, this.data = r, this._path = n, this._key = o;
get path() {
return this._cachedPath.length || (this._key instanceof Array ? this._cachedPath.push(...this._path, ...this._key) : this._cachedPath.push(...this._path, this._key)), this._cachedPath;
const So = (t, e) => {
if (yt(e))
return { success: !0, data: e.value };
if (!t.common.issues.length)
throw new Error("Validation failed but no issues detected.");
return {
success: !1,
get error() {
if (this._error)
return this._error;
const r = new ye(t.common.issues);
return this._error = r, this._error;
function N(t) {
if (!t)
return {};
const { errorMap: e, invalid_type_error: r, required_error: n, description: o } = t;
if (e && (r || n))
throw new Error(`Can't use "invalid_type_error" or "required_error" in conjunction with custom error map.`);
return e ? { errorMap: e, description: o } : { errorMap: (i, c) => {
var l, u;
const { message: d } = t;
return i.code === "invalid_enum_value" ? { message: d ?? c.defaultError } : typeof c.data > "u" ? { message: (l = d ?? n) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : c.defaultError } : i.code !== "invalid_type" ? { message: c.defaultError } : { message: (u = d ?? r) !== null && u !== void 0 ? u : c.defaultError };
}, description: o };
class O {
get description() {
return this._def.description;
_getType(e) {
return He(e.data);
_getOrReturnCtx(e, r) {
return r || {
common: e.parent.common,
data: e.data,
parsedType: He(e.data),
schemaErrorMap: this._def.errorMap,
path: e.path,
parent: e.parent
_processInputParams(e) {
return {
status: new oe(),
ctx: {
common: e.parent.common,
data: e.data,
parsedType: He(e.data),
schemaErrorMap: this._def.errorMap,
path: e.path,
parent: e.parent
_parseSync(e) {
const r = this._parse(e);
if (qt(r))
throw new Error("Synchronous parse encountered promise.");
return r;
_parseAsync(e) {
const r = this._parse(e);
return Promise.resolve(r);
parse(e, r) {
const n = this.safeParse(e, r);
if (n.success)
return n.data;
throw n.error;
safeParse(e, r) {
var n;
const o = {
common: {
issues: [],
async: (n = r == null ? void 0 : r.async) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : !1,
contextualErrorMap: r == null ? void 0 : r.errorMap
path: (r == null ? void 0 : r.path) || [],
schemaErrorMap: this._def.errorMap,
parent: null,
data: e,
parsedType: He(e)
}, s = this._parseSync({ data: e, path: o.path, parent: o });
return So(o, s);
"~validate"(e) {
var r, n;
const o = {
common: {
issues: [],
async: !!this["~standard"].async
path: [],
schemaErrorMap: this._def.errorMap,
parent: null,
data: e,
parsedType: He(e)
if (!this["~standard"].async)
try {
const s = this._parseSync({ data: e, path: [], parent: o });
return yt(s) ? {
value: s.value
} : {
issues: o.common.issues
} catch (s) {
!((n = (r = s == null ? void 0 : s.message) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.toLowerCase()) === null || n === void 0) && n.includes("encountered") && (this["~standard"].async = !0), o.common = {
issues: [],
async: !0
return this._parseAsync({ data: e, path: [], parent: o }).then((s) => yt(s) ? {
value: s.value
} : {
issues: o.common.issues
async parseAsync(e, r) {
const n = await this.safeParseAsync(e, r);
if (n.success)
return n.data;
throw n.error;
async safeParseAsync(e, r) {
const n = {
common: {
issues: [],
contextualErrorMap: r == null ? void 0 : r.errorMap,
async: !0
path: (r == null ? void 0 : r.path) || [],
schemaErrorMap: this._def.errorMap,
parent: null,
data: e,
parsedType: He(e)
}, o = this._parse({ data: e, path: n.path, parent: n }), s = await (qt(o) ? o : Promise.resolve(o));
return So(n, s);
refine(e, r) {
const n = (o) => typeof r == "string" || typeof r > "u" ? { message: r } : typeof r == "function" ? r(o) : r;
return this._refinement((o, s) => {
const i = e(o), c = () => s.addIssue({
code: g.custom,
return typeof Promise < "u" && i instanceof Promise ? i.then((l) => l ? !0 : (c(), !1)) : i ? !0 : (c(), !1);
refinement(e, r) {
return this._refinement((n, o) => e(n) ? !0 : (o.addIssue(typeof r == "function" ? r(n, o) : r), !1));
_refinement(e) {
return new Oe({
schema: this,
typeName: C.ZodEffects,
effect: { type: "refinement", refinement: e }
superRefine(e) {
return this._refinement(e);
constructor(e) {
this.spa = this.safeParseAsync, this._def = e, this.parse = this.parse.bind(this), this.safeParse = this.safeParse.bind(this), this.parseAsync = this.parseAsync.bind(this), this.safeParseAsync = this.safeParseAsync.bind(this), this.spa = this.spa.bind(this), this.refine = this.refine.bind(this), this.refinement = this.refinement.bind(this), this.superRefine = this.superRefine.bind(this), this.optional = this.optional.bind(this), this.nullable = this.nullable.bind(this), this.nullish = this.nullish.bind(this), this.array = this.array.bind(this), this.promise = this.promise.bind(this), this.or = this.or.bind(this), this.and = this.and.bind(this), this.transform = this.transform.bind(this), this.brand = this.brand.bind(this), this.default = this.default.bind(this), this.catch = this.catch.bind(this), this.describe = this.describe.bind(this), this.pipe = this.pipe.bind(this), this.readonly = this.readonly.bind(this), this.isNullable = this.isNullable.bind(this), this.isOptional = this.isOptional.bind(this), this["~standard"] = {
version: 1,
vendor: "zod",
validate: (r) => this["~validate"](r)
optional() {
return Ue.create(this, this._def);
nullable() {
return ot.create(this, this._def);
nullish() {
return this.nullable().optional();
array() {
return Ne.create(this);
promise() {
return Ft.create(this, this._def);
or(e) {
return Xt.create([this, e], this._def);
and(e) {
return Qt.create(this, e, this._def);
transform(e) {
return new Oe({
schema: this,
typeName: C.ZodEffects,
effect: { type: "transform", transform: e }
default(e) {
const r = typeof e == "function" ? e : () => e;
return new or({
innerType: this,
defaultValue: r,
typeName: C.ZodDefault
brand() {
return new Hn({
typeName: C.ZodBranded,
type: this,
catch(e) {
const r = typeof e == "function" ? e : () => e;
return new sr({
innerType: this,
catchValue: r,
typeName: C.ZodCatch
describe(e) {
const r = this.constructor;
return new r({
description: e
pipe(e) {
return ur.create(this, e);
readonly() {
return ar.create(this);
isOptional() {
return this.safeParse(void 0).success;
isNullable() {
return this.safeParse(null).success;
const Hc = /^c[^\s-]{8,}$/i, Wc = /^[0-9a-z]+$/, qc = /^[0-9A-HJKMNP-TV-Z]{26}$/i, Kc = /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/i, Yc = /^[a-z0-9_-]{21}$/i, Jc = /^[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\.[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\.[A-Za-z0-9-_]*$/, Xc = /^[-+]?P(?!$)(?:(?:[-+]?\d+Y)|(?:[-+]?\d+[.,]\d+Y$))?(?:(?:[-+]?\d+M)|(?:[-+]?\d+[.,]\d+M$))?(?:(?:[-+]?\d+W)|(?:[-+]?\d+[.,]\d+W$))?(?:(?:[-+]?\d+D)|(?:[-+]?\d+[.,]\d+D$))?(?:T(?=[\d+-])(?:(?:[-+]?\d+H)|(?:[-+]?\d+[.,]\d+H$))?(?:(?:[-+]?\d+M)|(?:[-+]?\d+[.,]\d+M$))?(?:[-+]?\d+(?:[.,]\d+)?S)?)??$/, Qc = /^(?!\.)(?!.*\.\.)([A-Z0-9_'+\-\.]*)[A-Z0-9_+-]@([A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9\-]*\.)+[A-Z]{2,}$/i, el = "^(\\p{Extended_Pictographic}|\\p{Emoji_Component})+$";
let hn;
const tl = /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])$/, rl = /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\/(3[0-2]|[12]?[0-9])$/, nl = /^(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}:((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))$/, ol = /^(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}:((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))\/(12[0-8]|1[01][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])$/, sl = /^([0-9a-zA-Z+/]{4})*(([0-9a-zA-Z+/]{2}==)|([0-9a-zA-Z+/]{3}=))?$/, al = /^([0-9a-zA-Z-_]{4})*(([0-9a-zA-Z-_]{2}(==)?)|([0-9a-zA-Z-_]{3}(=)?))?$/, Vs = "((\\d\\d[2468][048]|\\d\\d[13579][26]|\\d\\d0[48]|[02468][048]00|[13579][26]00)-02-29|\\d{4}-((0[13578]|1[02])-(0[1-9]|[12]\\d|3[01])|(0[469]|11)-(0[1-9]|[12]\\d|30)|(02)-(0[1-9]|1\\d|2[0-8])))", il = new RegExp(`^${Vs}$`);
function Hs(t) {
let e = "([01]\\d|2[0-3]):[0-5]\\d:[0-5]\\d";
return t.precision ? e = `${e}\\.\\d{${t.precision}}` : t.precision == null && (e = `${e}(\\.\\d+)?`), e;
function cl(t) {
return new RegExp(`^${Hs(t)}$`);
function Ws(t) {
let e = `${Vs}T${Hs(t)}`;
const r = [];
return r.push(t.local ? "Z?" : "Z"), t.offset && r.push("([+-]\\d{2}:?\\d{2})"), e = `${e}(${r.join("|")})`, new RegExp(`^${e}$`);
function ll(t, e) {
return !!((e === "v4" || !e) && tl.test(t) || (e === "v6" || !e) && nl.test(t));
function ul(t, e) {
if (!Jc.test(t))
return !1;
try {
const [r] = t.split("."), n = r.replace(/-/g, "+").replace(/_/g, "/").padEnd(r.length + (4 - r.length % 4) % 4, "="), o = JSON.parse(atob(n));
return !(typeof o != "object" || o === null || !o.typ || !o.alg || e && o.alg !== e);
} catch {
return !1;
function dl(t, e) {
return !!((e === "v4" || !e) && rl.test(t) || (e === "v6" || !e) && ol.test(t));
class Re extends O {
_parse(e) {
if (this._def.coerce && (e.data = String(e.data)), this._getType(e) !== b.string) {
const s = this._getOrReturnCtx(e);
return v(s, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.string,
received: s.parsedType
}), $;
const n = new oe();
let o;
for (const s of this._def.checks)
if (s.kind === "min")
e.data.length < s.value && (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
code: g.too_small,
minimum: s.value,
type: "string",
inclusive: !0,
exact: !1,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty());
else if (s.kind === "max")
e.data.length > s.value && (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
code: g.too_big,
maximum: s.value,
type: "string",
inclusive: !0,
exact: !1,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty());
else if (s.kind === "length") {
const i = e.data.length > s.value, c = e.data.length < s.value;
(i || c) && (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), i ? v(o, {
code: g.too_big,
maximum: s.value,
type: "string",
inclusive: !0,
exact: !0,
message: s.message
}) : c && v(o, {
code: g.too_small,
minimum: s.value,
type: "string",
inclusive: !0,
exact: !0,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty());
} else if (s.kind === "email")
Qc.test(e.data) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
validation: "email",
code: g.invalid_string,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty());
else if (s.kind === "emoji")
hn || (hn = new RegExp(el, "u")), hn.test(e.data) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
validation: "emoji",
code: g.invalid_string,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty());
else if (s.kind === "uuid")
Kc.test(e.data) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
validation: "uuid",
code: g.invalid_string,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty());
else if (s.kind === "nanoid")
Yc.test(e.data) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
validation: "nanoid",
code: g.invalid_string,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty());
else if (s.kind === "cuid")
Hc.test(e.data) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
validation: "cuid",
code: g.invalid_string,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty());
else if (s.kind === "cuid2")
Wc.test(e.data) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
validation: "cuid2",
code: g.invalid_string,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty());
else if (s.kind === "ulid")
qc.test(e.data) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
validation: "ulid",
code: g.invalid_string,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty());
else if (s.kind === "url")
try {
new URL(e.data);
} catch {
o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
validation: "url",
code: g.invalid_string,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty();
else s.kind === "regex" ? (s.regex.lastIndex = 0, s.regex.test(e.data) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
validation: "regex",
code: g.invalid_string,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty())) : s.kind === "trim" ? e.data = e.data.trim() : s.kind === "includes" ? e.data.includes(s.value, s.position) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
code: g.invalid_string,
validation: { includes: s.value, position: s.position },
message: s.message
}), n.dirty()) : s.kind === "toLowerCase" ? e.data = e.data.toLowerCase() : s.kind === "toUpperCase" ? e.data = e.data.toUpperCase() : s.kind === "startsWith" ? e.data.startsWith(s.value) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
code: g.invalid_string,
validation: { startsWith: s.value },
message: s.message
}), n.dirty()) : s.kind === "endsWith" ? e.data.endsWith(s.value) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
code: g.invalid_string,
validation: { endsWith: s.value },
message: s.message
}), n.dirty()) : s.kind === "datetime" ? Ws(s).test(e.data) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
code: g.invalid_string,
validation: "datetime",
message: s.message
}), n.dirty()) : s.kind === "date" ? il.test(e.data) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
code: g.invalid_string,
validation: "date",
message: s.message
}), n.dirty()) : s.kind === "time" ? cl(s).test(e.data) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
code: g.invalid_string,
validation: "time",
message: s.message
}), n.dirty()) : s.kind === "duration" ? Xc.test(e.data) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
validation: "duration",
code: g.invalid_string,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty()) : s.kind === "ip" ? ll(e.data, s.version) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
validation: "ip",
code: g.invalid_string,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty()) : s.kind === "jwt" ? ul(e.data, s.alg) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
validation: "jwt",
code: g.invalid_string,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty()) : s.kind === "cidr" ? dl(e.data, s.version) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
validation: "cidr",
code: g.invalid_string,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty()) : s.kind === "base64" ? sl.test(e.data) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
validation: "base64",
code: g.invalid_string,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty()) : s.kind === "base64url" ? al.test(e.data) || (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
validation: "base64url",
code: g.invalid_string,
message: s.message
}), n.dirty()) : F.assertNever(s);
return { status: n.value, value: e.data };
_regex(e, r, n) {
return this.refinement((o) => e.test(o), {
validation: r,
code: g.invalid_string,
_addCheck(e) {
return new Re({
checks: [...this._def.checks, e]
email(e) {
return this._addCheck({ kind: "email", ...E.errToObj(e) });
url(e) {
return this._addCheck({ kind: "url", ...E.errToObj(e) });
emoji(e) {
return this._addCheck({ kind: "emoji", ...E.errToObj(e) });
uuid(e) {
return this._addCheck({ kind: "uuid", ...E.errToObj(e) });
nanoid(e) {
return this._addCheck({ kind: "nanoid", ...E.errToObj(e) });
cuid(e) {
return this._addCheck({ kind: "cuid", ...E.errToObj(e) });
cuid2(e) {
return this._addCheck({ kind: "cuid2", ...E.errToObj(e) });
ulid(e) {
return this._addCheck({ kind: "ulid", ...E.errToObj(e) });
base64(e) {
return this._addCheck({ kind: "base64", ...E.errToObj(e) });
base64url(e) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "base64url",
jwt(e) {
return this._addCheck({ kind: "jwt", ...E.errToObj(e) });
ip(e) {
return this._addCheck({ kind: "ip", ...E.errToObj(e) });
cidr(e) {
return this._addCheck({ kind: "cidr", ...E.errToObj(e) });
datetime(e) {
var r, n;
return typeof e == "string" ? this._addCheck({
kind: "datetime",
precision: null,
offset: !1,
local: !1,
message: e
}) : this._addCheck({
kind: "datetime",
precision: typeof (e == null ? void 0 : e.precision) > "u" ? null : e == null ? void 0 : e.precision,
offset: (r = e == null ? void 0 : e.offset) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : !1,
local: (n = e == null ? void 0 : e.local) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : !1,
...E.errToObj(e == null ? void 0 : e.message)
date(e) {
return this._addCheck({ kind: "date", message: e });
time(e) {
return typeof e == "string" ? this._addCheck({
kind: "time",
precision: null,
message: e
}) : this._addCheck({
kind: "time",
precision: typeof (e == null ? void 0 : e.precision) > "u" ? null : e == null ? void 0 : e.precision,
...E.errToObj(e == null ? void 0 : e.message)
duration(e) {
return this._addCheck({ kind: "duration", ...E.errToObj(e) });
regex(e, r) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "regex",
regex: e,
includes(e, r) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "includes",
value: e,
position: r == null ? void 0 : r.position,
...E.errToObj(r == null ? void 0 : r.message)
startsWith(e, r) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "startsWith",
value: e,
endsWith(e, r) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "endsWith",
value: e,
min(e, r) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "min",
value: e,
max(e, r) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "max",
value: e,
length(e, r) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "length",
value: e,
* Equivalent to `.min(1)`
nonempty(e) {
return this.min(1, E.errToObj(e));
trim() {
return new Re({
checks: [...this._def.checks, { kind: "trim" }]
toLowerCase() {
return new Re({
checks: [...this._def.checks, { kind: "toLowerCase" }]
toUpperCase() {
return new Re({
checks: [...this._def.checks, { kind: "toUpperCase" }]
get isDatetime() {
return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "datetime");
get isDate() {
return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "date");
get isTime() {
return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "time");
get isDuration() {
return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "duration");
get isEmail() {
return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "email");
get isURL() {
return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "url");
get isEmoji() {
return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "emoji");
get isUUID() {
return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "uuid");
get isNANOID() {
return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "nanoid");
get isCUID() {
return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "cuid");
get isCUID2() {
return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "cuid2");
get isULID() {
return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "ulid");
get isIP() {
return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "ip");
get isCIDR() {
return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "cidr");
get isBase64() {
return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "base64");
get isBase64url() {
return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "base64url");
get minLength() {
let e = null;
for (const r of this._def.checks)
r.kind === "min" && (e === null || r.value > e) && (e = r.value);
return e;
get maxLength() {
let e = null;
for (const r of this._def.checks)
r.kind === "max" && (e === null || r.value < e) && (e = r.value);
return e;
Re.create = (t) => {
var e;
return new Re({
checks: [],
typeName: C.ZodString,
coerce: (e = t == null ? void 0 : t.coerce) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : !1,
function fl(t, e) {
const r = (t.toString().split(".")[1] || "").length, n = (e.toString().split(".")[1] || "").length, o = r > n ? r : n, s = parseInt(t.toFixed(o).replace(".", "")), i = parseInt(e.toFixed(o).replace(".", ""));
return s % i / Math.pow(10, o);
class tt extends O {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.min = this.gte, this.max = this.lte, this.step = this.multipleOf;
_parse(e) {
if (this._def.coerce && (e.data = Number(e.data)), this._getType(e) !== b.number) {
const s = this._getOrReturnCtx(e);
return v(s, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.number,
received: s.parsedType
}), $;
let n;
const o = new oe();
for (const s of this._def.checks)
s.kind === "int" ? F.isInteger(e.data) || (n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, n), v(n, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: "integer",
received: "float",
message: s.message
}), o.dirty()) : s.kind === "min" ? (s.inclusive ? e.data < s.value : e.data <= s.value) && (n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, n), v(n, {
code: g.too_small,
minimum: s.value,
type: "number",
inclusive: s.inclusive,
exact: !1,
message: s.message
}), o.dirty()) : s.kind === "max" ? (s.inclusive ? e.data > s.value : e.data >= s.value) && (n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, n), v(n, {
code: g.too_big,
maximum: s.value,
type: "number",
inclusive: s.inclusive,
exact: !1,
message: s.message
}), o.dirty()) : s.kind === "multipleOf" ? fl(e.data, s.value) !== 0 && (n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, n), v(n, {
code: g.not_multiple_of,
multipleOf: s.value,
message: s.message
}), o.dirty()) : s.kind === "finite" ? Number.isFinite(e.data) || (n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, n), v(n, {
code: g.not_finite,
message: s.message
}), o.dirty()) : F.assertNever(s);
return { status: o.value, value: e.data };
gte(e, r) {
return this.setLimit("min", e, !0, E.toString(r));
gt(e, r) {
return this.setLimit("min", e, !1, E.toString(r));
lte(e, r) {
return this.setLimit("max", e, !0, E.toString(r));
lt(e, r) {
return this.setLimit("max", e, !1, E.toString(r));
setLimit(e, r, n, o) {
return new tt({
checks: [
kind: e,
value: r,
inclusive: n,
message: E.toString(o)
_addCheck(e) {
return new tt({
checks: [...this._def.checks, e]
int(e) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "int",
message: E.toString(e)
positive(e) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "min",
value: 0,
inclusive: !1,
message: E.toString(e)
negative(e) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "max",
value: 0,
inclusive: !1,
message: E.toString(e)
nonpositive(e) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "max",
value: 0,
inclusive: !0,
message: E.toString(e)
nonnegative(e) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "min",
value: 0,
inclusive: !0,
message: E.toString(e)
multipleOf(e, r) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "multipleOf",
value: e,
message: E.toString(r)
finite(e) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "finite",
message: E.toString(e)
safe(e) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "min",
inclusive: !0,
value: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,
message: E.toString(e)
kind: "max",
inclusive: !0,
value: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,
message: E.toString(e)
get minValue() {
let e = null;
for (const r of this._def.checks)
r.kind === "min" && (e === null || r.value > e) && (e = r.value);
return e;
get maxValue() {
let e = null;
for (const r of this._def.checks)
r.kind === "max" && (e === null || r.value < e) && (e = r.value);
return e;
get isInt() {
return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "int" || e.kind === "multipleOf" && F.isInteger(e.value));
get isFinite() {
let e = null, r = null;
for (const n of this._def.checks) {
if (n.kind === "finite" || n.kind === "int" || n.kind === "multipleOf")
return !0;
n.kind === "min" ? (r === null || n.value > r) && (r = n.value) : n.kind === "max" && (e === null || n.value < e) && (e = n.value);
return Number.isFinite(r) && Number.isFinite(e);
tt.create = (t) => new tt({
checks: [],
typeName: C.ZodNumber,
coerce: (t == null ? void 0 : t.coerce) || !1,
class rt extends O {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.min = this.gte, this.max = this.lte;
_parse(e) {
if (this._def.coerce)
try {
e.data = BigInt(e.data);
} catch {
return this._getInvalidInput(e);
if (this._getType(e) !== b.bigint)
return this._getInvalidInput(e);
let n;
const o = new oe();
for (const s of this._def.checks)
s.kind === "min" ? (s.inclusive ? e.data < s.value : e.data <= s.value) && (n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, n), v(n, {
code: g.too_small,
type: "bigint",
minimum: s.value,
inclusive: s.inclusive,
message: s.message
}), o.dirty()) : s.kind === "max" ? (s.inclusive ? e.data > s.value : e.data >= s.value) && (n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, n), v(n, {
code: g.too_big,
type: "bigint",
maximum: s.value,
inclusive: s.inclusive,
message: s.message
}), o.dirty()) : s.kind === "multipleOf" ? e.data % s.value !== BigInt(0) && (n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, n), v(n, {
code: g.not_multiple_of,
multipleOf: s.value,
message: s.message
}), o.dirty()) : F.assertNever(s);
return { status: o.value, value: e.data };
_getInvalidInput(e) {
const r = this._getOrReturnCtx(e);
return v(r, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.bigint,
received: r.parsedType
}), $;
gte(e, r) {
return this.setLimit("min", e, !0, E.toString(r));
gt(e, r) {
return this.setLimit("min", e, !1, E.toString(r));
lte(e, r) {
return this.setLimit("max", e, !0, E.toString(r));
lt(e, r) {
return this.setLimit("max", e, !1, E.toString(r));
setLimit(e, r, n, o) {
return new rt({
checks: [
kind: e,
value: r,
inclusive: n,
message: E.toString(o)
_addCheck(e) {
return new rt({
checks: [...this._def.checks, e]
positive(e) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "min",
value: BigInt(0),
inclusive: !1,
message: E.toString(e)
negative(e) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "max",
value: BigInt(0),
inclusive: !1,
message: E.toString(e)
nonpositive(e) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "max",
value: BigInt(0),
inclusive: !0,
message: E.toString(e)
nonnegative(e) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "min",
value: BigInt(0),
inclusive: !0,
message: E.toString(e)
multipleOf(e, r) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "multipleOf",
value: e,
message: E.toString(r)
get minValue() {
let e = null;
for (const r of this._def.checks)
r.kind === "min" && (e === null || r.value > e) && (e = r.value);
return e;
get maxValue() {
let e = null;
for (const r of this._def.checks)
r.kind === "max" && (e === null || r.value < e) && (e = r.value);
return e;
rt.create = (t) => {
var e;
return new rt({
checks: [],
typeName: C.ZodBigInt,
coerce: (e = t == null ? void 0 : t.coerce) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : !1,
class Kt extends O {
_parse(e) {
if (this._def.coerce && (e.data = !!e.data), this._getType(e) !== b.boolean) {
const n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e);
return v(n, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.boolean,
received: n.parsedType
}), $;
return fe(e.data);
Kt.create = (t) => new Kt({
typeName: C.ZodBoolean,
coerce: (t == null ? void 0 : t.coerce) || !1,
class _t extends O {
_parse(e) {
if (this._def.coerce && (e.data = new Date(e.data)), this._getType(e) !== b.date) {
const s = this._getOrReturnCtx(e);
return v(s, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.date,
received: s.parsedType
}), $;
if (isNaN(e.data.getTime())) {
const s = this._getOrReturnCtx(e);
return v(s, {
code: g.invalid_date
}), $;
const n = new oe();
let o;
for (const s of this._def.checks)
s.kind === "min" ? e.data.getTime() < s.value && (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
code: g.too_small,
message: s.message,
inclusive: !0,
exact: !1,
minimum: s.value,
type: "date"
}), n.dirty()) : s.kind === "max" ? e.data.getTime() > s.value && (o = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, o), v(o, {
code: g.too_big,
message: s.message,
inclusive: !0,
exact: !1,
maximum: s.value,
type: "date"
}), n.dirty()) : F.assertNever(s);
return {
status: n.value,
value: new Date(e.data.getTime())
_addCheck(e) {
return new _t({
checks: [...this._def.checks, e]
min(e, r) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "min",
value: e.getTime(),
message: E.toString(r)
max(e, r) {
return this._addCheck({
kind: "max",
value: e.getTime(),
message: E.toString(r)
get minDate() {
let e = null;
for (const r of this._def.checks)
r.kind === "min" && (e === null || r.value > e) && (e = r.value);
return e != null ? new Date(e) : null;
get maxDate() {
let e = null;
for (const r of this._def.checks)
r.kind === "max" && (e === null || r.value < e) && (e = r.value);
return e != null ? new Date(e) : null;
_t.create = (t) => new _t({
checks: [],
coerce: (t == null ? void 0 : t.coerce) || !1,
typeName: C.ZodDate,
class Mr extends O {
_parse(e) {
if (this._getType(e) !== b.symbol) {
const n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e);
return v(n, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.symbol,
received: n.parsedType
}), $;
return fe(e.data);
Mr.create = (t) => new Mr({
typeName: C.ZodSymbol,
class Yt extends O {
_parse(e) {
if (this._getType(e) !== b.undefined) {
const n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e);
return v(n, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.undefined,
received: n.parsedType
}), $;
return fe(e.data);
Yt.create = (t) => new Yt({
typeName: C.ZodUndefined,
class Jt extends O {
_parse(e) {
if (this._getType(e) !== b.null) {
const n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e);
return v(n, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.null,
received: n.parsedType
}), $;
return fe(e.data);
Jt.create = (t) => new Jt({
typeName: C.ZodNull,
class Lt extends O {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this._any = !0;
_parse(e) {
return fe(e.data);
Lt.create = (t) => new Lt({
typeName: C.ZodAny,
class mt extends O {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this._unknown = !0;
_parse(e) {
return fe(e.data);
mt.create = (t) => new mt({
typeName: C.ZodUnknown,
class Ye extends O {
_parse(e) {
const r = this._getOrReturnCtx(e);
return v(r, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.never,
received: r.parsedType
}), $;
Ye.create = (t) => new Ye({
typeName: C.ZodNever,
class Lr extends O {
_parse(e) {
if (this._getType(e) !== b.undefined) {
const n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e);
return v(n, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.void,
received: n.parsedType
}), $;
return fe(e.data);
Lr.create = (t) => new Lr({
typeName: C.ZodVoid,
class Ne extends O {
_parse(e) {
const { ctx: r, status: n } = this._processInputParams(e), o = this._def;
if (r.parsedType !== b.array)
return v(r, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.array,
received: r.parsedType
}), $;
if (o.exactLength !== null) {
const i = r.data.length > o.exactLength.value, c = r.data.length < o.exactLength.value;
(i || c) && (v(r, {
code: i ? g.too_big : g.too_small,
minimum: c ? o.exactLength.value : void 0,
maximum: i ? o.exactLength.value : void 0,
type: "array",
inclusive: !0,
exact: !0,
message: o.exactLength.message
}), n.dirty());
if (o.minLength !== null && r.data.length < o.minLength.value && (v(r, {
code: g.too_small,
minimum: o.minLength.value,
type: "array",
inclusive: !0,
exact: !1,
message: o.minLength.message
}), n.dirty()), o.maxLength !== null && r.data.length > o.maxLength.value && (v(r, {
code: g.too_big,
maximum: o.maxLength.value,
type: "array",
inclusive: !0,
exact: !1,
message: o.maxLength.message
}), n.dirty()), r.common.async)
return Promise.all([...r.data].map((i, c) => o.type._parseAsync(new je(r, i, r.path, c)))).then((i) => oe.mergeArray(n, i));
const s = [...r.data].map((i, c) => o.type._parseSync(new je(r, i, r.path, c)));
return oe.mergeArray(n, s);
get element() {
return this._def.type;
min(e, r) {
return new Ne({
minLength: { value: e, message: E.toString(r) }
max(e, r) {
return new Ne({
maxLength: { value: e, message: E.toString(r) }
length(e, r) {
return new Ne({
exactLength: { value: e, message: E.toString(r) }
nonempty(e) {
return this.min(1, e);
Ne.create = (t, e) => new Ne({
type: t,
minLength: null,
maxLength: null,
exactLength: null,
typeName: C.ZodArray,
function kt(t) {
if (t instanceof V) {
const e = {};
for (const r in t.shape) {
const n = t.shape[r];
e[r] = Ue.create(kt(n));
return new V({
shape: () => e
} else return t instanceof Ne ? new Ne({
type: kt(t.element)
}) : t instanceof Ue ? Ue.create(kt(t.unwrap())) : t instanceof ot ? ot.create(kt(t.unwrap())) : t instanceof Ze ? Ze.create(t.items.map((e) => kt(e))) : t;
class V extends O {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this._cached = null, this.nonstrict = this.passthrough, this.augment = this.extend;
_getCached() {
if (this._cached !== null)
return this._cached;
const e = this._def.shape(), r = F.objectKeys(e);
return this._cached = { shape: e, keys: r };
_parse(e) {
if (this._getType(e) !== b.object) {
const u = this._getOrReturnCtx(e);
return v(u, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.object,
received: u.parsedType
}), $;
const { status: n, ctx: o } = this._processInputParams(e), { shape: s, keys: i } = this._getCached(), c = [];
if (!(this._def.catchall instanceof Ye && this._def.unknownKeys === "strip"))
for (const u in o.data)
i.includes(u) || c.push(u);
const l = [];
for (const u of i) {
const d = s[u], f = o.data[u];
key: { status: "valid", value: u },
value: d._parse(new je(o, f, o.path, u)),
alwaysSet: u in o.data
if (this._def.catchall instanceof Ye) {
const u = this._def.unknownKeys;
if (u === "passthrough")
for (const d of c)
key: { status: "valid", value: d },
value: { status: "valid", value: o.data[d] }
else if (u === "strict")
c.length > 0 && (v(o, {
code: g.unrecognized_keys,
keys: c
}), n.dirty());
else if (u !== "strip") throw new Error("Internal ZodObject error: invalid unknownKeys value.");
} else {
const u = this._def.catchall;
for (const d of c) {
const f = o.data[d];
key: { status: "valid", value: d },
value: u._parse(
new je(o, f, o.path, d)
//, ctx.child(key), value, getParsedType(value)
alwaysSet: d in o.data
return o.common.async ? Promise.resolve().then(async () => {
const u = [];
for (const d of l) {
const f = await d.key, h = await d.value;
key: f,
value: h,
alwaysSet: d.alwaysSet
return u;
}).then((u) => oe.mergeObjectSync(n, u)) : oe.mergeObjectSync(n, l);
get shape() {
return this._def.shape();
strict(e) {
return E.errToObj, new V({
unknownKeys: "strict",
...e !== void 0 ? {
errorMap: (r, n) => {
var o, s, i, c;
const l = (i = (s = (o = this._def).errorMap) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s.call(o, r, n).message) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : n.defaultError;
return r.code === "unrecognized_keys" ? {
message: (c = E.errToObj(e).message) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : l
} : {
message: l
} : {}
strip() {
return new V({
unknownKeys: "strip"
passthrough() {
return new V({
unknownKeys: "passthrough"
// const AugmentFactory =
// <Def extends ZodObjectDef>(def: Def) =>
// <Augmentation extends ZodRawShape>(
// augmentation: Augmentation
// ): ZodObject<
// extendShape<ReturnType<Def["shape"]>, Augmentation>,
// Def["unknownKeys"],
// Def["catchall"]
// > => {
// return new ZodObject({
// ...def,
// shape: () => ({
// ...def.shape(),
// ...augmentation,
// }),
// }) as any;
// };
extend(e) {
return new V({
shape: () => ({
* Prior to zod@1.0.12 there was a bug in the
* inferred type of merged objects. Please
* upgrade if you are experiencing issues.
merge(e) {
return new V({
unknownKeys: e._def.unknownKeys,
catchall: e._def.catchall,
shape: () => ({
typeName: C.ZodObject
// merge<
// Incoming extends AnyZodObject,
// Augmentation extends Incoming["shape"],
// NewOutput extends {
// [k in keyof Augmentation | keyof Output]: k extends keyof Augmentation
// ? Augmentation[k]["_output"]
// : k extends keyof Output
// ? Output[k]
// : never;
// },
// NewInput extends {
// [k in keyof Augmentation | keyof Input]: k extends keyof Augmentation
// ? Augmentation[k]["_input"]
// : k extends keyof Input
// ? Input[k]
// : never;
// }
// >(
// merging: Incoming
// ): ZodObject<
// extendShape<T, ReturnType<Incoming["_def"]["shape"]>>,
// Incoming["_def"]["unknownKeys"],
// Incoming["_def"]["catchall"],
// NewOutput,
// NewInput
// > {
// const merged: any = new ZodObject({
// unknownKeys: merging._def.unknownKeys,
// catchall: merging._def.catchall,
// shape: () =>
// objectUtil.mergeShapes(this._def.shape(), merging._def.shape()),
// typeName: ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodObject,
// }) as any;
// return merged;
// }
setKey(e, r) {
return this.augment({ [e]: r });
// merge<Incoming extends AnyZodObject>(
// merging: Incoming
// ): //ZodObject<T & Incoming["_shape"], UnknownKeys, Catchall> = (merging) => {
// ZodObject<
// extendShape<T, ReturnType<Incoming["_def"]["shape"]>>,
// Incoming["_def"]["unknownKeys"],
// Incoming["_def"]["catchall"]
// > {
// // const mergedShape = objectUtil.mergeShapes(
// // this._def.shape(),
// // merging._def.shape()
// // );
// const merged: any = new ZodObject({
// unknownKeys: merging._def.unknownKeys,
// catchall: merging._def.catchall,
// shape: () =>
// objectUtil.mergeShapes(this._def.shape(), merging._def.shape()),
// typeName: ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodObject,
// }) as any;
// return merged;
// }
catchall(e) {
return new V({
catchall: e
pick(e) {
const r = {};
return F.objectKeys(e).forEach((n) => {
e[n] && this.shape[n] && (r[n] = this.shape[n]);
}), new V({
shape: () => r
omit(e) {
const r = {};
return F.objectKeys(this.shape).forEach((n) => {
e[n] || (r[n] = this.shape[n]);
}), new V({
shape: () => r
* @deprecated
deepPartial() {
return kt(this);
partial(e) {
const r = {};
return F.objectKeys(this.shape).forEach((n) => {
const o = this.shape[n];
e && !e[n] ? r[n] = o : r[n] = o.optional();
}), new V({
shape: () => r
required(e) {
const r = {};
return F.objectKeys(this.shape).forEach((n) => {
if (e && !e[n])
r[n] = this.shape[n];
else {
let s = this.shape[n];
for (; s instanceof Ue; )
s = s._def.innerType;
r[n] = s;
}), new V({
shape: () => r
keyof() {
return qs(F.objectKeys(this.shape));
V.create = (t, e) => new V({
shape: () => t,
unknownKeys: "strip",
catchall: Ye.create(),
typeName: C.ZodObject,
V.strictCreate = (t, e) => new V({
shape: () => t,
unknownKeys: "strict",
catchall: Ye.create(),
typeName: C.ZodObject,
V.lazycreate = (t, e) => new V({
shape: t,
unknownKeys: "strip",
catchall: Ye.create(),
typeName: C.ZodObject,
class Xt extends O {
_parse(e) {
const { ctx: r } = this._processInputParams(e), n = this._def.options;
function o(s) {
for (const c of s)
if (c.result.status === "valid")
return c.result;
for (const c of s)
if (c.result.status === "dirty")
return r.common.issues.push(...c.ctx.common.issues), c.result;
const i = s.map((c) => new ye(c.ctx.common.issues));
return v(r, {
code: g.invalid_union,
unionErrors: i
}), $;
if (r.common.async)
return Promise.all(n.map(async (s) => {
const i = {
common: {
issues: []
parent: null
return {
result: await s._parseAsync({
data: r.data,
path: r.path,
parent: i
ctx: i
let s;
const i = [];
for (const l of n) {
const u = {
common: {
issues: []
parent: null
}, d = l._parseSync({
data: r.data,
path: r.path,
parent: u
if (d.status === "valid")
return d;
d.status === "dirty" && !s && (s = { result: d, ctx: u }), u.common.issues.length && i.push(u.common.issues);
if (s)
return r.common.issues.push(...s.ctx.common.issues), s.result;
const c = i.map((l) => new ye(l));
return v(r, {
code: g.invalid_union,
unionErrors: c
}), $;
get options() {
return this._def.options;
Xt.create = (t, e) => new Xt({
options: t,
typeName: C.ZodUnion,
const Ve = (t) => t instanceof tr ? Ve(t.schema) : t instanceof Oe ? Ve(t.innerType()) : t instanceof rr ? [t.value] : t instanceof nt ? t.options : t instanceof nr ? F.objectValues(t.enum) : t instanceof or ? Ve(t._def.innerType) : t instanceof Yt ? [void 0] : t instanceof Jt ? [null] : t instanceof Ue ? [void 0, ...Ve(t.unwrap())] : t instanceof ot ? [null, ...Ve(t.unwrap())] : t instanceof Hn || t instanceof ar ? Ve(t.unwrap()) : t instanceof sr ? Ve(t._def.innerType) : [];
class Qr extends O {
_parse(e) {
const { ctx: r } = this._processInputParams(e);
if (r.parsedType !== b.object)
return v(r, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.object,
received: r.parsedType
}), $;
const n = this.discriminator, o = r.data[n], s = this.optionsMap.get(o);
return s ? r.common.async ? s._parseAsync({
data: r.data,
path: r.path,
parent: r
}) : s._parseSync({
data: r.data,
path: r.path,
parent: r
}) : (v(r, {
code: g.invalid_union_discriminator,
options: Array.from(this.optionsMap.keys()),
path: [n]
}), $);
get discriminator() {
return this._def.discriminator;
get options() {
return this._def.options;
get optionsMap() {
return this._def.optionsMap;
* The constructor of the discriminated union schema. Its behaviour is very similar to that of the normal z.union() constructor.
* However, it only allows a union of objects, all of which need to share a discriminator property. This property must
* have a different value for each object in the union.
* @param discriminator the name of the discriminator property
* @param types an array of object schemas
* @param params
static create(e, r, n) {
const o = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const s of r) {
const i = Ve(s.shape[e]);
if (!i.length)
throw new Error(`A discriminator value for key \`${e}\` could not be extracted from all schema options`);
for (const c of i) {
if (o.has(c))
throw new Error(`Discriminator property ${String(e)} has duplicate value ${String(c)}`);
o.set(c, s);
return new Qr({
typeName: C.ZodDiscriminatedUnion,
discriminator: e,
options: r,
optionsMap: o,
function Pn(t, e) {
const r = He(t), n = He(e);
if (t === e)
return { valid: !0, data: t };
if (r === b.object && n === b.object) {
const o = F.objectKeys(e), s = F.objectKeys(t).filter((c) => o.indexOf(c) !== -1), i = { ...t, ...e };
for (const c of s) {
const l = Pn(t[c], e[c]);
if (!l.valid)
return { valid: !1 };
i[c] = l.data;
return { valid: !0, data: i };
} else if (r === b.array && n === b.array) {
if (t.length !== e.length)
return { valid: !1 };
const o = [];
for (let s = 0; s < t.length; s++) {
const i = t[s], c = e[s], l = Pn(i, c);
if (!l.valid)
return { valid: !1 };
return { valid: !0, data: o };
} else return r === b.date && n === b.date && +t == +e ? { valid: !0, data: t } : { valid: !1 };
class Qt extends O {
_parse(e) {
const { status: r, ctx: n } = this._processInputParams(e), o = (s, i) => {
if (En(s) || En(i))
return $;
const c = Pn(s.value, i.value);
return c.valid ? ((kn(s) || kn(i)) && r.dirty(), { status: r.value, value: c.data }) : (v(n, {
code: g.invalid_intersection_types
}), $);
return n.common.async ? Promise.all([
data: n.data,
path: n.path,
parent: n
data: n.data,
path: n.path,
parent: n
]).then(([s, i]) => o(s, i)) : o(this._def.left._parseSync({
data: n.data,
path: n.path,
parent: n
}), this._def.right._parseSync({
data: n.data,
path: n.path,
parent: n
Qt.create = (t, e, r) => new Qt({
left: t,
right: e,
typeName: C.ZodIntersection,
class Ze extends O {
_parse(e) {
const { status: r, ctx: n } = this._processInputParams(e);
if (n.parsedType !== b.array)
return v(n, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.array,
received: n.parsedType
}), $;
if (n.data.length < this._def.items.length)
return v(n, {
code: g.too_small,
minimum: this._def.items.length,
inclusive: !0,
exact: !1,
type: "array"
}), $;
!this._def.rest && n.data.length > this._def.items.length && (v(n, {
code: g.too_big,
maximum: this._def.items.length,
inclusive: !0,
exact: !1,
type: "array"
}), r.dirty());
const s = [...n.data].map((i, c) => {
const l = this._def.items[c] || this._def.rest;
return l ? l._parse(new je(n, i, n.path, c)) : null;
}).filter((i) => !!i);
return n.common.async ? Promise.all(s).then((i) => oe.mergeArray(r, i)) : oe.mergeArray(r, s);
get items() {
return this._def.items;
rest(e) {
return new Ze({
rest: e
Ze.create = (t, e) => {
if (!Array.isArray(t))
throw new Error("You must pass an array of schemas to z.tuple([ ... ])");
return new Ze({
items: t,
typeName: C.ZodTuple,
rest: null,
class er extends O {
get keySchema() {
return this._def.keyType;
get valueSchema() {
return this._def.valueType;
_parse(e) {
const { status: r, ctx: n } = this._processInputParams(e);
if (n.parsedType !== b.object)
return v(n, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.object,
received: n.parsedType
}), $;
const o = [], s = this._def.keyType, i = this._def.valueType;
for (const c in n.data)
key: s._parse(new je(n, c, n.path, c)),
value: i._parse(new je(n, n.data[c], n.path, c)),
alwaysSet: c in n.data
return n.common.async ? oe.mergeObjectAsync(r, o) : oe.mergeObjectSync(r, o);
get element() {
return this._def.valueType;
static create(e, r, n) {
return r instanceof O ? new er({
keyType: e,
valueType: r,
typeName: C.ZodRecord,
}) : new er({
keyType: Re.create(),
valueType: e,
typeName: C.ZodRecord,
class Fr extends O {
get keySchema() {
return this._def.keyType;
get valueSchema() {
return this._def.valueType;
_parse(e) {
const { status: r, ctx: n } = this._processInputParams(e);
if (n.parsedType !== b.map)
return v(n, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.map,
received: n.parsedType
}), $;
const o = this._def.keyType, s = this._def.valueType, i = [...n.data.entries()].map(([c, l], u) => ({
key: o._parse(new je(n, c, n.path, [u, "key"])),
value: s._parse(new je(n, l, n.path, [u, "value"]))
if (n.common.async) {
const c = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
return Promise.resolve().then(async () => {
for (const l of i) {
const u = await l.key, d = await l.value;
if (u.status === "aborted" || d.status === "aborted")
return $;
(u.status === "dirty" || d.status === "dirty") && r.dirty(), c.set(u.value, d.value);
return { status: r.value, value: c };
} else {
const c = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const l of i) {
const u = l.key, d = l.value;
if (u.status === "aborted" || d.status === "aborted")
return $;
(u.status === "dirty" || d.status === "dirty") && r.dirty(), c.set(u.value, d.value);
return { status: r.value, value: c };
Fr.create = (t, e, r) => new Fr({
valueType: e,
keyType: t,
typeName: C.ZodMap,
class vt extends O {
_parse(e) {
const { status: r, ctx: n } = this._processInputParams(e);
if (n.parsedType !== b.set)
return v(n, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.set,
received: n.parsedType
}), $;
const o = this._def;
o.minSize !== null && n.data.size < o.minSize.value && (v(n, {
code: g.too_small,
minimum: o.minSize.value,
type: "set",
inclusive: !0,
exact: !1,
message: o.minSize.message
}), r.dirty()), o.maxSize !== null && n.data.size > o.maxSize.value && (v(n, {
code: g.too_big,
maximum: o.maxSize.value,
type: "set",
inclusive: !0,
exact: !1,
message: o.maxSize.message
}), r.dirty());
const s = this._def.valueType;
function i(l) {
const u = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
for (const d of l) {
if (d.status === "aborted")
return $;
d.status === "dirty" && r.dirty(), u.add(d.value);
return { status: r.value, value: u };
const c = [...n.data.values()].map((l, u) => s._parse(new je(n, l, n.path, u)));
return n.common.async ? Promise.all(c).then((l) => i(l)) : i(c);
min(e, r) {
return new vt({
minSize: { value: e, message: E.toString(r) }
max(e, r) {
return new vt({
maxSize: { value: e, message: E.toString(r) }
size(e, r) {
return this.min(e, r).max(e, r);
nonempty(e) {
return this.min(1, e);
vt.create = (t, e) => new vt({
valueType: t,
minSize: null,
maxSize: null,
typeName: C.ZodSet,
class Ct extends O {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), this.validate = this.implement;
_parse(e) {
const { ctx: r } = this._processInputParams(e);
if (r.parsedType !== b.function)
return v(r, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.function,
received: r.parsedType
}), $;
function n(c, l) {
return Nr({
data: c,
path: r.path,
errorMaps: [
].filter((u) => !!u),
issueData: {
code: g.invalid_arguments,
argumentsError: l
function o(c, l) {
return Nr({
data: c,
path: r.path,
errorMaps: [
].filter((u) => !!u),
issueData: {
code: g.invalid_return_type,
returnTypeError: l
const s = { errorMap: r.common.contextualErrorMap }, i = r.data;
if (this._def.returns instanceof Ft) {
const c = this;
return fe(async function(...l) {
const u = new ye([]), d = await c._def.args.parseAsync(l, s).catch((p) => {
throw u.addIssue(n(l, p)), u;
}), f = await Reflect.apply(i, this, d);
return await c._def.returns._def.type.parseAsync(f, s).catch((p) => {
throw u.addIssue(o(f, p)), u;
} else {
const c = this;
return fe(function(...l) {
const u = c._def.args.safeParse(l, s);
if (!u.success)
throw new ye([n(l, u.error)]);
const d = Reflect.apply(i, this, u.data), f = c._def.returns.safeParse(d, s);
if (!f.success)
throw new ye([o(d, f.error)]);
return f.data;
parameters() {
return this._def.args;
returnType() {
return this._def.returns;
args(...e) {
return new Ct({
args: Ze.create(e).rest(mt.create())
returns(e) {
return new Ct({
returns: e
implement(e) {
return this.parse(e);
strictImplement(e) {
return this.parse(e);
static create(e, r, n) {
return new Ct({
args: e || Ze.create([]).rest(mt.create()),
returns: r || mt.create(),
typeName: C.ZodFunction,
class tr extends O {
get schema() {
return this._def.getter();
_parse(e) {
const { ctx: r } = this._processInputParams(e);
return this._def.getter()._parse({ data: r.data, path: r.path, parent: r });
tr.create = (t, e) => new tr({
getter: t,
typeName: C.ZodLazy,
class rr extends O {
_parse(e) {
if (e.data !== this._def.value) {
const r = this._getOrReturnCtx(e);
return v(r, {
received: r.data,
code: g.invalid_literal,
expected: this._def.value
}), $;
return { status: "valid", value: e.data };
get value() {
return this._def.value;
rr.create = (t, e) => new rr({
value: t,
typeName: C.ZodLiteral,
function qs(t, e) {
return new nt({
values: t,
typeName: C.ZodEnum,
class nt extends O {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), Vt.set(this, void 0);
_parse(e) {
if (typeof e.data != "string") {
const r = this._getOrReturnCtx(e), n = this._def.values;
return v(r, {
expected: F.joinValues(n),
received: r.parsedType,
code: g.invalid_type
}), $;
if (Or(this, Vt) || Gs(this, Vt, new Set(this._def.values)), !Or(this, Vt).has(e.data)) {
const r = this._getOrReturnCtx(e), n = this._def.values;
return v(r, {
received: r.data,
code: g.invalid_enum_value,
options: n
}), $;
return fe(e.data);
get options() {
return this._def.values;
get enum() {
const e = {};
for (const r of this._def.values)
e[r] = r;
return e;
get Values() {
const e = {};
for (const r of this._def.values)
e[r] = r;
return e;
get Enum() {
const e = {};
for (const r of this._def.values)
e[r] = r;
return e;
extract(e, r = this._def) {
return nt.create(e, {
exclude(e, r = this._def) {
return nt.create(this.options.filter((n) => !e.includes(n)), {
Vt = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
nt.create = qs;
class nr extends O {
constructor() {
super(...arguments), Ht.set(this, void 0);
_parse(e) {
const r = F.getValidEnumValues(this._def.values), n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e);
if (n.parsedType !== b.string && n.parsedType !== b.number) {
const o = F.objectValues(r);
return v(n, {
expected: F.joinValues(o),
received: n.parsedType,
code: g.invalid_type
}), $;
if (Or(this, Ht) || Gs(this, Ht, new Set(F.getValidEnumValues(this._def.values))), !Or(this, Ht).has(e.data)) {
const o = F.objectValues(r);
return v(n, {
received: n.data,
code: g.invalid_enum_value,
options: o
}), $;
return fe(e.data);
get enum() {
return this._def.values;
Ht = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
nr.create = (t, e) => new nr({
values: t,
typeName: C.ZodNativeEnum,
class Ft extends O {
unwrap() {
return this._def.type;
_parse(e) {
const { ctx: r } = this._processInputParams(e);
if (r.parsedType !== b.promise && r.common.async === !1)
return v(r, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.promise,
received: r.parsedType
}), $;
const n = r.parsedType === b.promise ? r.data : Promise.resolve(r.data);
return fe(n.then((o) => this._def.type.parseAsync(o, {
path: r.path,
errorMap: r.common.contextualErrorMap
Ft.create = (t, e) => new Ft({
type: t,
typeName: C.ZodPromise,
class Oe extends O {
innerType() {
return this._def.schema;
sourceType() {
return this._def.schema._def.typeName === C.ZodEffects ? this._def.schema.sourceType() : this._def.schema;
_parse(e) {
const { status: r, ctx: n } = this._processInputParams(e), o = this._def.effect || null, s = {
addIssue: (i) => {
v(n, i), i.fatal ? r.abort() : r.dirty();
get path() {
return n.path;
if (s.addIssue = s.addIssue.bind(s), o.type === "preprocess") {
const i = o.transform(n.data, s);
if (n.common.async)
return Promise.resolve(i).then(async (c) => {
if (r.value === "aborted")
return $;
const l = await this._def.schema._parseAsync({
data: c,
path: n.path,
parent: n
return l.status === "aborted" ? $ : l.status === "dirty" || r.value === "dirty" ? Pt(l.value) : l;
if (r.value === "aborted")
return $;
const c = this._def.schema._parseSync({
data: i,
path: n.path,
parent: n
return c.status === "aborted" ? $ : c.status === "dirty" || r.value === "dirty" ? Pt(c.value) : c;
if (o.type === "refinement") {
const i = (c) => {
const l = o.refinement(c, s);
if (n.common.async)
return Promise.resolve(l);
if (l instanceof Promise)
throw new Error("Async refinement encountered during synchronous parse operation. Use .parseAsync instead.");
return c;
if (n.common.async === !1) {
const c = this._def.schema._parseSync({
data: n.data,
path: n.path,
parent: n
return c.status === "aborted" ? $ : (c.status === "dirty" && r.dirty(), i(c.value), { status: r.value, value: c.value });
} else
return this._def.schema._parseAsync({ data: n.data, path: n.path, parent: n }).then((c) => c.status === "aborted" ? $ : (c.status === "dirty" && r.dirty(), i(c.value).then(() => ({ status: r.value, value: c.value }))));
if (o.type === "transform")
if (n.common.async === !1) {
const i = this._def.schema._parseSync({
data: n.data,
path: n.path,
parent: n
if (!yt(i))
return i;
const c = o.transform(i.value, s);
if (c instanceof Promise)
throw new Error("Asynchronous transform encountered during synchronous parse operation. Use .parseAsync instead.");
return { status: r.value, value: c };
} else
return this._def.schema._parseAsync({ data: n.data, path: n.path, parent: n }).then((i) => yt(i) ? Promise.resolve(o.transform(i.value, s)).then((c) => ({ status: r.value, value: c })) : i);
Oe.create = (t, e, r) => new Oe({
schema: t,
typeName: C.ZodEffects,
effect: e,
Oe.createWithPreprocess = (t, e, r) => new Oe({
schema: e,
effect: { type: "preprocess", transform: t },
typeName: C.ZodEffects,
class Ue extends O {
_parse(e) {
return this._getType(e) === b.undefined ? fe(void 0) : this._def.innerType._parse(e);
unwrap() {
return this._def.innerType;
Ue.create = (t, e) => new Ue({
innerType: t,
typeName: C.ZodOptional,
class ot extends O {
_parse(e) {
return this._getType(e) === b.null ? fe(null) : this._def.innerType._parse(e);
unwrap() {
return this._def.innerType;
ot.create = (t, e) => new ot({
innerType: t,
typeName: C.ZodNullable,
class or extends O {
_parse(e) {
const { ctx: r } = this._processInputParams(e);
let n = r.data;
return r.parsedType === b.undefined && (n = this._def.defaultValue()), this._def.innerType._parse({
data: n,
path: r.path,
parent: r
removeDefault() {
return this._def.innerType;
or.create = (t, e) => new or({
innerType: t,
typeName: C.ZodDefault,
defaultValue: typeof e.default == "function" ? e.default : () => e.default,
class sr extends O {
_parse(e) {
const { ctx: r } = this._processInputParams(e), n = {
common: {
issues: []
}, o = this._def.innerType._parse({
data: n.data,
path: n.path,
parent: {
return qt(o) ? o.then((s) => ({
status: "valid",
value: s.status === "valid" ? s.value : this._def.catchValue({
get error() {
return new ye(n.common.issues);
input: n.data
})) : {
status: "valid",
value: o.status === "valid" ? o.value : this._def.catchValue({
get error() {
return new ye(n.common.issues);
input: n.data
removeCatch() {
return this._def.innerType;
sr.create = (t, e) => new sr({
innerType: t,
typeName: C.ZodCatch,
catchValue: typeof e.catch == "function" ? e.catch : () => e.catch,
class Dr extends O {
_parse(e) {
if (this._getType(e) !== b.nan) {
const n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e);
return v(n, {
code: g.invalid_type,
expected: b.nan,
received: n.parsedType
}), $;
return { status: "valid", value: e.data };
Dr.create = (t) => new Dr({
typeName: C.ZodNaN,
const pl = Symbol("zod_brand");
class Hn extends O {
_parse(e) {
const { ctx: r } = this._processInputParams(e), n = r.data;
return this._def.type._parse({
data: n,
path: r.path,
parent: r
unwrap() {
return this._def.type;
class ur extends O {
_parse(e) {
const { status: r, ctx: n } = this._processInputParams(e);
if (n.common.async)
return (async () => {
const s = await this._def.in._parseAsync({
data: n.data,
path: n.path,
parent: n
return s.status === "aborted" ? $ : s.status === "dirty" ? (r.dirty(), Pt(s.value)) : this._def.out._parseAsync({
data: s.value,
path: n.path,
parent: n
const o = this._def.in._parseSync({
data: n.data,
path: n.path,
parent: n
return o.status === "aborted" ? $ : o.status === "dirty" ? (r.dirty(), {
status: "dirty",
value: o.value
}) : this._def.out._parseSync({
data: o.value,
path: n.path,
parent: n
static create(e, r) {
return new ur({
in: e,
out: r,
typeName: C.ZodPipeline
class ar extends O {
_parse(e) {
const r = this._def.innerType._parse(e), n = (o) => (yt(o) && (o.value = Object.freeze(o.value)), o);
return qt(r) ? r.then((o) => n(o)) : n(r);
unwrap() {
return this._def.innerType;
ar.create = (t, e) => new ar({
innerType: t,
typeName: C.ZodReadonly,
function Ks(t, e = {}, r) {
return t ? Lt.create().superRefine((n, o) => {
var s, i;
if (!t(n)) {
const c = typeof e == "function" ? e(n) : typeof e == "string" ? { message: e } : e, l = (i = (s = c.fatal) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : r) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : !0, u = typeof c == "string" ? { message: c } : c;
o.addIssue({ code: "custom", ...u, fatal: l });
}) : Lt.create();
const hl = {
object: V.lazycreate
var C;
(function(t) {
t.ZodString = "ZodString", t.ZodNumber = "ZodNumber", t.ZodNaN = "ZodNaN", t.ZodBigInt = "ZodBigInt", t.ZodBoolean = "ZodBoolean", t.ZodDate = "ZodDate", t.ZodSymbol = "ZodSymbol", t.ZodUndefined = "ZodUndefined", t.ZodNull = "ZodNull", t.ZodAny = "ZodAny", t.ZodUnknown = "ZodUnknown", t.ZodNever = "ZodNever", t.ZodVoid = "ZodVoid", t.ZodArray = "ZodArray", t.ZodObject = "ZodObject", t.ZodUnion = "ZodUnion", t.ZodDiscriminatedUnion = "ZodDiscriminatedUnion", t.ZodIntersection = "ZodIntersection", t.ZodTuple = "ZodTuple", t.ZodRecord = "ZodRecord", t.ZodMap = "ZodMap", t.ZodSet = "ZodSet", t.ZodFunction = "ZodFunction", t.ZodLazy = "ZodLazy", t.ZodLiteral = "ZodLiteral", t.ZodEnum = "ZodEnum", t.ZodEffects = "ZodEffects", t.ZodNativeEnum = "ZodNativeEnum", t.ZodOptional = "ZodOptional", t.ZodNullable = "ZodNullable", t.ZodDefault = "ZodDefault", t.ZodCatch = "ZodCatch", t.ZodPromise = "ZodPromise", t.ZodBranded = "ZodBranded", t.ZodPipeline = "ZodPipeline", t.ZodReadonly = "ZodReadonly";
})(C || (C = {}));
const ml = (t, e = {
message: `Input not instance of ${t.name}`
}) => Ks((r) => r instanceof t, e), Ys = Re.create, Js = tt.create, gl = Dr.create, yl = rt.create, Xs = Kt.create, _l = _t.create, vl = Mr.create, bl = Yt.create, wl = Jt.create, Sl = Lt.create, xl = mt.create, El = Ye.create, kl = Lr.create, Pl = Ne.create, Al = V.create, Tl = V.strictCreate, Il = Xt.create, Cl = Qr.create, Rl = Qt.create, $l = Ze.create, Nl = er.create, Ol = Fr.create, Ml = vt.create, Ll = Ct.create, Fl = tr.create, Dl = rr.create, Ul = nt.create, jl = nr.create, Zl = Ft.create, xo = Oe.create, zl = Ue.create, Bl = ot.create, Gl = Oe.createWithPreprocess, Vl = ur.create, Hl = () => Ys().optional(), Wl = () => Js().optional(), ql = () => Xs().optional(), Kl = {
string: (t) => Re.create({ ...t, coerce: !0 }),
number: (t) => tt.create({ ...t, coerce: !0 }),
boolean: (t) => Kt.create({
coerce: !0
bigint: (t) => rt.create({ ...t, coerce: !0 }),
date: (t) => _t.create({ ...t, coerce: !0 })
}, Yl = $;
var K = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
defaultErrorMap: Mt,
setErrorMap: Gc,
getErrorMap: $r,
makeIssue: Nr,
addIssueToContext: v,
ParseStatus: oe,
OK: fe,
isAborted: En,
isDirty: kn,
isValid: yt,
isAsync: qt,
get util() {
return F;
get objectUtil() {
return xn;
ZodParsedType: b,
getParsedType: He,
ZodType: O,
datetimeRegex: Ws,
ZodString: Re,
ZodNumber: tt,
ZodBigInt: rt,
ZodBoolean: Kt,
ZodDate: _t,
ZodSymbol: Mr,
ZodUndefined: Yt,
ZodNull: Jt,
ZodAny: Lt,
ZodUnknown: mt,
ZodNever: Ye,
ZodVoid: Lr,
ZodArray: Ne,
ZodObject: V,
ZodUnion: Xt,
ZodDiscriminatedUnion: Qr,
ZodIntersection: Qt,
ZodTuple: Ze,
ZodRecord: er,
ZodMap: Fr,
ZodSet: vt,
ZodFunction: Ct,
ZodLazy: tr,
ZodLiteral: rr,
ZodEnum: nt,
ZodNativeEnum: nr,
ZodPromise: Ft,
ZodEffects: Oe,
ZodTransformer: Oe,
ZodOptional: Ue,
ZodNullable: ot,
ZodDefault: or,
ZodCatch: sr,
ZodNaN: Dr,
BRAND: pl,
ZodBranded: Hn,
ZodPipeline: ur,
ZodReadonly: ar,
custom: Ks,
Schema: O,
ZodSchema: O,
late: hl,
get ZodFirstPartyTypeKind() {
return C;
coerce: Kl,
any: Sl,
array: Pl,
bigint: yl,
boolean: Xs,
date: _l,
discriminatedUnion: Cl,
effect: xo,
enum: Ul,
function: Ll,
instanceof: ml,
intersection: Rl,
lazy: Fl,
literal: Dl,
map: Ol,
nan: gl,
nativeEnum: jl,
never: El,
null: wl,
nullable: Bl,
number: Js,
object: Al,
oboolean: ql,
onumber: Wl,
optional: zl,
ostring: Hl,
pipeline: Vl,
preprocess: Gl,
promise: Zl,
record: Nl,
set: Ml,
strictObject: Tl,
string: Ys,
symbol: vl,
transformer: xo,
tuple: $l,
undefined: bl,
union: Il,
unknown: xl,
void: kl,
ZodIssueCode: g,
quotelessJson: Bc,
ZodError: ye
const Jl = K.object({
pluginId: K.string(),
name: K.string(),
host: K.string().url(),
code: K.string(),
icon: K.string().optional(),
description: K.string().max(200).optional(),
permissions: K.array(
function Qs(t, e) {
return new URL(e, t).toString();
function Xl(t) {
return fetch(t).then((e) => e.json()).then((e) => {
if (!Jl.safeParse(e).success)
throw new Error("Invalid plugin manifest");
return e;
}).catch((e) => {
throw console.error(e), e;
function Eo(t) {
return !t.host && !t.code.startsWith("http") ? Promise.resolve(t.code) : fetch(Qs(t.host, t.code)).then((e) => {
if (e.ok)
return e.text();
throw new Error("Failed to load plugin code");
const ea = K.object({
width: K.number().positive(),
height: K.number().positive()
}), Ql = K.function().args(
K.enum(["dark", "light"]),
).implement((t, e, r, n, o) => jc(t, e, r, n, o));
async function eu(t, e, r, n) {
let o = await Eo(e), s = !1, i = !1, c = null, l = [];
const u = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), d = !!e.permissions.find(
(I) => I === "allow:downloads"
), f = t.addListener("themechange", (I) => {
c == null || c.setTheme(I);
}), h = t.addListener("finish", () => {
A(), t == null || t.removeListener(h);
let p = [];
const m = () => {
j(f), p.forEach((I) => {
}), l = [], p = [];
}, A = () => {
m(), u.forEach(clearTimeout), u.clear(), c && (c.removeEventListener("close", A), c.remove(), c = null), i = !0, r();
}, S = async () => {
if (!s) {
s = !0;
m(), o = await Eo(e), n(o);
}, w = (I, L, Z) => {
const se = t.theme, J = Qs(e.host, L);
(c == null ? void 0 : c.getAttribute("iframe-src")) !== J && (c = Ql(I, J, se, Z, d), c.setTheme(se), c.addEventListener("close", A, {
once: !0
}), c.addEventListener("load", S));
}, R = (I) => {
}, T = (I, L, Z) => {
const se = t.addListener(
(...J) => {
i || L(...J);
return p.push(se), se;
}, j = (I) => {
return {
close: A,
destroyListener: j,
openModal: w,
resizeModal: (I, L) => {
ea.parse({ width: I, height: L }), c && c.resize(I, L);
getModal: () => c,
registerListener: T,
registerMessageCallback: R,
sendMessage: (I) => {
l.forEach((L) => L(I));
get manifest() {
return e;
get context() {
return t;
get timeouts() {
return u;
get code() {
return o;
const tu = [
function ru(t) {
const e = (n) => {
if (!t.manifest.permissions.includes(n))
throw new Error(`Permission ${n} is not granted`);
return {
penpot: {
ui: {
open: (n, o, s) => {
t.openModal(n, o, s);
get size() {
var n;
return ((n = t.getModal()) == null ? void 0 : n.size()) || null;
resize: (n, o) => t.resizeModal(n, o),
sendMessage(n) {
var s;
const o = new CustomEvent("message", {
detail: n
(s = t.getModal()) == null || s.dispatchEvent(o);
onMessage: (n) => {
K.function().parse(n), t.registerMessageCallback(n);
utils: {
geometry: {
center(n) {
return window.app.plugins.public_utils.centerShapes(n);
types: {
isBoard(n) {
return n.type === "board";
isGroup(n) {
return n.type === "group";
isMask(n) {
return n.type === "group" && n.isMask();
isBool(n) {
return n.type === "boolean";
isRectangle(n) {
return n.type === "rectangle";
isPath(n) {
return n.type === "path";
isText(n) {
return n.type === "text";
isEllipse(n) {
return n.type === "ellipse";
isSVG(n) {
return n.type === "svg-raw";
closePlugin: () => {
on(n, o, s) {
return K.enum(tu).parse(n), K.function().parse(o), e("content:read"), t.registerListener(n, o, s);
off(n) {
// Penpot State API
get root() {
return e("content:read"), t.context.root;
get currentFile() {
return e("content:read"), t.context.currentFile;
get currentPage() {
return e("content:read"), t.context.currentPage;
get selection() {
return e("content:read"), t.context.selection;
set selection(n) {
e("content:read"), t.context.selection = n;
get viewport() {
return t.context.viewport;
get history() {
return t.context.history;
get library() {
return e("library:read"), t.context.library;
get fonts() {
return e("content:read"), t.context.fonts;
get currentUser() {
return e("user:read"), t.context.currentUser;
get activeUsers() {
return e("user:read"), t.context.activeUsers;
shapesColors(n) {
return e("content:read"), t.context.shapesColors(n);
replaceColor(n, o, s) {
return e("content:write"), t.context.replaceColor(n, o, s);
get theme() {
return t.context.theme;
createBoard() {
return e("content:write"), t.context.createBoard();
createRectangle() {
return e("content:write"), t.context.createRectangle();
createEllipse() {
return e("content:write"), t.context.createEllipse();
createText(n) {
return e("content:write"), t.context.createText(n);
createPath() {
return e("content:write"), t.context.createPath();
createBoolean(n, o) {
return e("content:write"), t.context.createBoolean(n, o);
createShapeFromSvg(n) {
return e("content:write"), t.context.createShapeFromSvg(n);
createShapeFromSvgWithImages(n) {
return e("content:write"), t.context.createShapeFromSvgWithImages(n);
group(n) {
return e("content:write"), t.context.group(n);
ungroup(n, ...o) {
e("content:write"), t.context.ungroup(n, ...o);
uploadMediaUrl(n, o) {
return e("content:write"), t.context.uploadMediaUrl(n, o);
uploadMediaData(n, o, s) {
return e("content:write"), t.context.uploadMediaData(n, o, s);
generateMarkup(n, o) {
return e("content:read"), t.context.generateMarkup(n, o);
generateStyle(n, o) {
return e("content:read"), t.context.generateStyle(n, o);
openViewer() {
e("content:read"), t.context.openViewer();
createPage() {
return e("content:write"), t.context.createPage();
openPage(n) {
e("content:read"), t.context.openPage(n);
alignHorizontal(n, o) {
e("content:write"), t.context.alignHorizontal(n, o);
alignVertical(n, o) {
e("content:write"), t.context.alignVertical(n, o);
distributeHorizontal(n) {
e("content:write"), t.context.distributeHorizontal(n);
distributeVertical(n) {
e("content:write"), t.context.distributeVertical(n);
flatten(n) {
return e("content:write"), t.context.flatten(n);
let ko = !1;
const k = {
hardenIntrinsics: () => {
ko || (ko = !0, hardenIntrinsics());
createCompartment: (t) => new Compartment(t),
harden: (t) => harden(t),
safeReturn(t) {
return t == null ? t : harden(t);
function nu(t) {
const e = ru(t), r = {
get(c, l, u) {
const d = Reflect.get(c, l, u);
return typeof d == "function" ? function(...f) {
const h = d.apply(c, f);
return k.safeReturn(h);
} : k.safeReturn(d);
}, n = new Proxy(e.penpot, r), o = (c, l) => {
const u = {
credentials: "omit",
headers: {
...l == null ? void 0 : l.headers,
Authorization: ""
return fetch(c, u).then((d) => {
const f = {
ok: d.ok,
status: d.status,
statusText: d.statusText,
url: d.url,
text: d.text.bind(d),
json: d.json.bind(d)
return k.safeReturn(f);
}, s = {
penpot: n,
fetch: k.harden(o),
setTimeout: k.harden(
(...[c, l]) => {
const u = setTimeout(() => {
}, l);
return t.timeouts.add(u), k.safeReturn(u);
clearTimeout: k.harden((c) => {
clearTimeout(c), t.timeouts.delete(c);
isFinite: k.harden(isFinite),
isNaN: k.harden(isNaN),
parseFloat: k.harden(parseFloat),
parseInt: k.harden(parseInt),
decodeURI: k.harden(decodeURI),
decodeURIComponent: k.harden(decodeURIComponent),
encodeURI: k.harden(encodeURI),
encodeURIComponent: k.harden(encodeURIComponent),
Object: k.harden(Object),
Boolean: k.harden(Boolean),
Symbol: k.harden(Symbol),
Number: k.harden(Number),
BigInt: k.harden(BigInt),
Math: k.harden(Math),
Date: k.harden(Date),
String: k.harden(String),
RegExp: k.harden(RegExp),
Array: k.harden(Array),
Int8Array: k.harden(Int8Array),
Uint8Array: k.harden(Uint8Array),
Uint8ClampedArray: k.harden(Uint8ClampedArray),
Int16Array: k.harden(Int16Array),
Uint16Array: k.harden(Uint16Array),
Int32Array: k.harden(Int32Array),
Uint32Array: k.harden(Uint32Array),
BigInt64Array: k.harden(BigInt64Array),
BigUint64Array: k.harden(BigUint64Array),
Float32Array: k.harden(Float32Array),
Float64Array: k.harden(Float64Array),
Map: k.harden(Map),
Set: k.harden(Set),
WeakMap: k.harden(WeakMap),
WeakSet: k.harden(WeakSet),
ArrayBuffer: k.harden(ArrayBuffer),
DataView: k.harden(DataView),
Atomics: k.harden(Atomics),
JSON: k.harden(JSON),
Promise: k.harden(Promise),
Proxy: k.harden(Proxy),
Intl: k.harden(Intl),
// Window properties
console: k.harden(window.console),
devicePixelRatio: k.harden(window.devicePixelRatio),
atob: k.harden(window.atob),
btoa: k.harden(window.btoa),
structuredClone: k.harden(window.structuredClone)
}, i = k.createCompartment(s);
return {
evaluate: () => {
cleanGlobalThis: () => {
Object.keys(s).forEach((c) => {
delete i.globalThis[c];
compartment: i
async function ou(t, e, r) {
const n = async () => {
try {
} catch (i) {
console.error(i), o.close();
}, o = await eu(
function() {
s.cleanGlobalThis(), r();
function() {
), s = nu(o);
return n(), {
plugin: o,
manifest: e,
compartment: s
let gt = [], An = null;
function su(t) {
An = t;
const Po = () => {
gt.forEach((t) => {
}), gt = [];
window.addEventListener("message", (t) => {
try {
for (const e of gt)
} catch (e) {
const au = async function(t, e) {
try {
const r = An && An(t.pluginId);
if (!r)
const n = await ou(
() => {
gt = gt.filter((o) => o !== n), e && e();
} catch (r) {
Po(), console.error(r);
}, ta = async function(t, e) {
au(t, e);
}, iu = async function(t) {
const e = await Xl(t);
}, cu = function(t) {
const e = gt.find((r) => r.manifest.pluginId === t);
e && e.plugin.close();
console.log("%c[PLUGINS] Loading plugin system", "color: #008d7c");
evalTaming: "unsafeEval",
stackFiltering: "verbose",
errorTaming: "unsafe",
consoleTaming: "unsafe",
errorTrapping: "none",
unhandledRejectionTrapping: "none"
const Ao = globalThis;
Ao.initPluginsRuntime = (t) => {
try {
console.log("%c[PLUGINS] Initialize runtime", "color: #008d7c"), su(t), Ao.ɵcontext = t("TEST"), globalThis.ɵloadPlugin = ta, globalThis.ɵloadPluginByUrl = iu, globalThis.ɵunloadPlugin = cu;
} catch (e) {
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map