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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
;; defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
;; Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Andrey Antukh <niwi@niwi.nz>
(ns uxbox.common.pages
"A common (clj/cljs) functions and specs for pages."
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[uxbox.common.data :as d]
[uxbox.common.exceptions :as ex]
[uxbox.common.spec :as us]))
;; --- Specs
(s/def ::id uuid?)
(s/def ::shape-id uuid?)
(s/def ::session-id uuid?)
(s/def ::name string?)
;; Page Options
(s/def ::grid-x number?)
(s/def ::grid-y number?)
(s/def ::grid-color string?)
(s/def ::options
(s/keys :opt-un [::grid-y
;; Page Data related
(s/def ::blocked boolean?)
(s/def ::collapsed boolean?)
(s/def ::content string?)
(s/def ::fill-color string?)
(s/def ::fill-opacity number?)
(s/def ::font-family string?)
(s/def ::font-size number?)
(s/def ::font-style string?)
(s/def ::font-weight string?)
(s/def ::hidden boolean?)
(s/def ::letter-spacing number?)
(s/def ::line-height number?)
(s/def ::locked boolean?)
(s/def ::page-id uuid?)
(s/def ::proportion number?)
(s/def ::proportion-lock boolean?)
(s/def ::rx number?)
(s/def ::ry number?)
(s/def ::stroke-color string?)
(s/def ::stroke-opacity number?)
(s/def ::stroke-style #{:none :solid :dotted :dashed :mixed})
(s/def ::stroke-width number?)
(s/def ::text-align #{"left" "right" "center" "justify"})
(s/def ::type #{:rect :path :circle :image :text :canvas :curve :icon :frame})
(s/def ::x number?)
(s/def ::y number?)
(s/def ::cx number?)
(s/def ::cy number?)
(s/def ::width number?)
(s/def ::height number?)
(s/def ::index integer?)
(s/def ::shape-attrs
(s/keys :opt-un [::blocked
::rx ::ry
::cx ::cy
::x ::y
::width ::height]))
(s/def ::minimal-shape
(s/keys :req-un [::type ::name]
:opt-un [::id]))
(s/def ::shape
(s/and ::minimal-shape ::shape-attrs
(s/keys :opt-un [::id])))
(s/def ::shapes (s/coll-of uuid? :kind vector?))
(s/def ::canvas (s/coll-of uuid? :kind vector?))
(s/def ::objects
(s/map-of uuid? ::shape))
(s/def ::data
(s/keys :req-un [::options
(s/def ::attr keyword?)
(s/def ::val any?)
(s/def ::frame-id uuid?)
(s/def ::loc #{:top :bottom :up :down})
(defmulti operation-spec-impl :type)
(defmethod operation-spec-impl :set [_]
(s/keys :req-un [::attr ::val]))
(defmethod operation-spec-impl :abs-order [_]
(s/keys :req-un [::id ::index]))
(defmethod operation-spec-impl :rel-order [_]
(s/keys :req-un [::id ::loc]))
(s/def ::operation (s/multi-spec operation-spec-impl :type))
(s/def ::operations (s/coll-of ::operation))
(defmulti change-spec-impl :type)
(defmethod change-spec-impl :add-obj [_]
(s/keys :req-un [::id ::frame-id ::obj]
:opt-un [::session-id]))
(defmethod change-spec-impl :mod-obj [_]
(s/keys :req-un [::id ::operations]
:opt-un [::session-id]))
(defmethod change-spec-impl :del-obj [_]
(s/keys :req-un [::id]
:opt-un [::session-id]))
(defmethod change-spec-impl :mov-obj [_]
(s/keys :req-un [::id ::frame-id]
:opt-un [::session-id]))
(s/def ::change (s/multi-spec change-spec-impl :type))
(s/def ::changes (s/coll-of ::change))
(def root #uuid "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
(def default-page-data
"A reference value of the empty page data."
{:version 3
:options {}
{:id root
:type :frame
:name "root"
:shapes []}}})
;; --- Changes Processing Impl
(defmulti process-change
(fn [data change] (:type change)))
(defmulti process-operation
(fn [_ op] (:type op)))
(defn process-changes
[data items]
(->> (us/verify ::changes items)
(reduce #(or (process-change %1 %2) %1) data)))
(defmethod process-change :add-obj
[data {:keys [id obj frame-id index] :as change}]
(assert (contains? (:objects data) frame-id) "process-change/add-obj")
(let [obj (assoc obj
:frame-id frame-id
:id id)]
(-> data
(update :objects assoc id obj)
(update-in [:objects frame-id :shapes]
(fn [shapes]
(some #{id} shapes)
(nil? index)
(conj shapes id)
(let [[before after] (split-at index shapes)]
(d/concat [] before [id] after))))))))
(defmethod process-change :mod-obj
[data {:keys [id operations] :as change}]
(assert (contains? (:objects data) id) "process-change/mod-obj")
(update-in data [:objects id]
#(reduce process-operation % operations)))
(defmethod process-change :mov-obj
[data {:keys [id frame-id] :as change}]
(assert (contains? (:objects data) frame-id))
(let [frame-id' (get-in data [:objects id :frame-id])]
(when (not= frame-id frame-id')
(-> data
(update-in [:objects frame-id' :shapes] (fn [s] (filterv #(not= % id) s)))
(update-in [:objects id] assoc :frame-id frame-id)
(update-in [:objects frame-id :shapes] conj id)))))
(defmethod process-change :del-obj
[data {:keys [id] :as change}]
(when-let [{:keys [frame-id shapes] :as obj} (get-in data [:objects id])]
(let [data (update data :objects dissoc id)]
(cond-> data
(contains? (:objects data) frame-id)
(update-in [:objects frame-id :shapes] (fn [s] (filterv #(not= % id) s)))
(seq shapes) ; Recursive delete all dependend objects
(as-> $ (reduce #(process-change %1 {:type :del-obj :id %2}) $ shapes))))))
(defmethod process-operation :set
[shape op]
(let [attr (:attr op)
val (:val op)]
(if (nil? val)
(dissoc shape attr)
(assoc shape attr val))))
(defmethod process-operation :abs-order
[obj {:keys [id index]}]
(assert (vector? (:shapes obj)) ":shapes should be a vector")
(update obj :shapes (fn [items]
(let [[b a] (->> (remove #(= % id) items)
(split-at index))]
(vec (concat b [id] a))))))
(defmethod process-operation :rel-order
[obj {:keys [id loc] :as change}]
(assert (vector? (:shapes obj)) ":shapes should be a vector")
(let [shapes (:shapes obj)
cindex (d/index-of shapes id)
nindex (case loc
:top 0
:down (min (- (count shapes) 1) (inc cindex))
:up (max 0 (- cindex 1))
:bottom (- (count shapes) 1))]
(update obj :shapes
(fn [shapes]
(let [[fst snd] (->> (remove #(= % id) shapes)
(split-at nindex))]
(d/concat [] fst [id] snd))))))
(defmethod process-operation :default
[shape op]
(ex/raise :type :operation-not-implemented
:context {:type (:type op)}))