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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.main.snap
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.common.pages :as cp]
[app.common.uuid :refer [zero]]
[app.main.refs :as refs]
[app.main.worker :as uw]
[app.util.geom.snap-points :as sp]
[app.util.range-tree :as rt]
[beicon.core :as rx]
[clojure.set :as set]))
(defonce ^:private snap-accuracy 10)
(defonce ^:private snap-path-accuracy 10)
(defonce ^:private snap-distance-accuracy 10)
(defn- remove-from-snap-points
(fn [query-result]
(->> query-result
(map (fn [[value data]] [value (remove (comp remove-id? second) data)]))
(filter (fn [[_ data]] (not (empty? data)))))))
(defn- flatten-to-points
(mapcat (fn [[v data]] (map (fn [[point _]] point) data)) query-result))
(defn- calculate-distance [query-result point coord]
(->> query-result
(map (fn [[value data]] [(mth/abs (- value (coord point))) [(coord point) value]]))))
(defn- get-min-distance-snap [points coord]
(fn [query-result]
(->> points
(mapcat #(calculate-distance query-result % coord))
(apply min-key first)
(defn- snap-frame-id [shapes]
(let [frames (into #{} (map :frame-id shapes))]
;; Only shapes from one frame. The common is the only one
(= 0 (count frames)) (first frames)
;; Frames doesn't contain zero. So we take the first frame
(not (frames zero)) (-> shapes first :frame-id)
;; Otherwise the root frame is the common
:else zero)))
(defn get-snap-points [page-id frame-id filter-shapes point coord]
(let [value (get point coord)]
(->> (uw/ask! {:cmd :snaps/range-query
:page-id page-id
:frame-id frame-id
:coord coord
:ranges [[(- value 0.5) (+ value 0.5)]]})
(rx/map (remove-from-snap-points filter-shapes))
(rx/map flatten-to-points))))
(defn- search-snap
[page-id frame-id points coord filter-shapes zoom]
(let [snap-accuracy (/ snap-accuracy zoom)
ranges (->> points
(map coord)
(mapv #(vector (- % snap-accuracy)
(+ % snap-accuracy))))]
(->> (uw/ask! {:cmd :snaps/range-query
:page-id page-id
:frame-id frame-id
:coord coord
:ranges ranges})
(rx/map (remove-from-snap-points filter-shapes))
(rx/map (get-min-distance-snap points coord)))))
(defn snap->vector [[[from-x to-x] [from-y to-y]]]
(when (or from-x to-x from-y to-y)
(let [from (gpt/point (or from-x 0) (or from-y 0))
to (gpt/point (or to-x 0) (or to-y 0))]
(gpt/to-vec from to))))
(defn- closest-snap
[page-id frame-id points filter-shapes zoom]
(let [snap-x (search-snap page-id frame-id points :x filter-shapes zoom)
snap-y (search-snap page-id frame-id points :y filter-shapes zoom)]
(->> (rx/combine-latest snap-x snap-y)
(rx/map snap->vector))))
(defn sr-distance [coord sr1 sr2]
(let [c1 (if (= coord :x) :x1 :y1)
c2 (if (= coord :x) :x2 :y2)
dist (- (c1 sr2) (c2 sr1))]
(defn overlap? [coord sr1 sr2]
(let [c1 (if (= coord :x) :y1 :x1)
c2 (if (= coord :x) :y2 :x2)
s1c1 (c1 sr1)
s1c2 (c2 sr1)
s2c1 (c1 sr2)
s2c2 (c2 sr2)]
(or (and (>= s2c1 s1c1) (<= s2c1 s1c2))
(and (>= s2c2 s1c1) (<= s2c2 s1c2))
(and (>= s1c1 s2c1) (<= s1c1 s2c2))
(and (>= s1c2 s2c1) (<= s1c2 s2c2)))))
(defn calculate-snap [coord selrect shapes-lt shapes-gt zoom]
(let [snap-distance-accuracy (/ snap-distance-accuracy zoom)
dist-lt (fn [other] (sr-distance coord (:selrect other) selrect))
dist-gt (fn [other] (sr-distance coord selrect (:selrect other)))
;; Calculates the snap distance when in the middle of two shapes
(fn [[sh-lt sh-gt]]
;; To calculate the middle snap.
;; Given x, the distance to a left shape and y to a right shape
;; x - v = y + v => v = (x - y)/2
;; v will be the vector that we need to move the shape so it "snaps"
;; in the middle
(/ (- (dist-gt sh-gt)
(dist-lt sh-lt)) 2))
;; Calculates the distance between all the shapes given as argument
(fn [selrects]
(->> selrects
(sort-by coord)
(d/map-perm #(sr-distance coord %1 %2)
#(overlap? coord %1 %2)
(fn [acc val]
;; Using a number is faster than accesing the variable.
;; Keep up to date with `snap-distance-accuracy`
(if (and (<= val snap-distance-accuracy) (>= val (- snap-distance-accuracy)))
(min acc val)
;; Distance between the elements in an area, these are the snap
;; candidates to either side
lt-cand (inner-distance (mapv :selrect shapes-lt))
gt-cand (inner-distance (mapv :selrect shapes-gt))
;; Distance between the elements to either side and the current shape
;; this is the distance that will "snap"
lt-dist (into #{} (map dist-lt) shapes-lt)
gt-dist (into #{} (map dist-gt) shapes-gt)
;; Calculate the snaps, we need to reverse depending on area
lt-snap (d/join lt-cand lt-dist -)
gt-snap (d/join gt-dist gt-cand -)
;; Calculate snap-between
between-snap (->> (d/join shapes-lt shapes-gt)
(map between-snap))
;; Search the minimum snap
snap-list (-> [] (d/concat lt-snap) (d/concat gt-snap) (d/concat between-snap))
min-snap (reduce best-snap ##Inf snap-list)]
(if (mth/finite? min-snap) [0 min-snap] nil)))
(defn search-snap-distance [selrect coord shapes-lt shapes-gt zoom]
(->> (rx/combine-latest shapes-lt shapes-gt)
(rx/map (fn [[shapes-lt shapes-gt]]
(calculate-snap coord selrect shapes-lt shapes-gt zoom)))))
(defn select-shapes-area
[page-id shapes objects area-selrect]
(->> (uw/ask! {:cmd :selection/query
:page-id page-id
:frame-id (->> shapes first :frame-id)
:include-frames? true
:rect area-selrect})
(rx/map #(cp/clean-loops objects %))
(rx/map #(set/difference % (into #{} (map :id shapes))))
(rx/map (fn [ids] (map #(get objects %) ids)))))
(defn closest-distance-snap
[page-id shapes objects zoom movev]
(let [frame-id (snap-frame-id shapes)
frame (get objects frame-id)
selrect (->> shapes (map #(gsh/move % movev)) gsh/selection-rect)]
(->> (rx/of (vector frame selrect))
(fn [[frame selrect]]
(let [areas (->> (gsh/selrect->areas (or (:selrect frame)
(gsh/rect->selrect @refs/vbox)) selrect)
(d/mapm #(select-shapes-area page-id shapes objects %2)))
snap-x (search-snap-distance selrect :x (:left areas) (:right areas) zoom)
snap-y (search-snap-distance selrect :y (:top areas) (:bottom areas) zoom)]
(rx/combine-latest snap-x snap-y))))
(rx/map snap->vector))))
(defn closest-snap-point
[page-id shapes layout zoom point]
(let [frame-id (snap-frame-id shapes)
filter-shapes (into #{} (map :id shapes))
filter-shapes (fn [id] (if (= id :layout)
(or (not (contains? layout :display-grid))
(not (contains? layout :snap-grid)))
(or (filter-shapes id)
(not (contains? layout :dynamic-alignment)))))]
(->> (closest-snap page-id frame-id [point] filter-shapes zoom)
(rx/map #(or % (gpt/point 0 0)))
(rx/map #(gpt/add point %)))))
(defn closest-snap-move
[page-id shapes objects layout zoom movev]
(let [frame-id (snap-frame-id shapes)
filter-shapes (into #{} (map :id shapes))
filter-shapes (fn [id] (if (= id :layout)
(or (not (contains? layout :display-grid))
(not (contains? layout :snap-grid)))
(or (filter-shapes id)
(not (contains? layout :dynamic-alignment)))))
shape (if (> (count shapes) 1)
(->> shapes (map gsh/transform-shape) gsh/selection-rect (gsh/setup {:type :rect}))
(->> shapes (first)))
shapes-points (->> shape
;; Move the points in the translation vector
(map #(gpt/add % movev)))]
(->> (rx/merge (closest-snap page-id frame-id shapes-points filter-shapes zoom)
(when (contains? layout :dynamic-alignment)
(closest-distance-snap page-id shapes objects zoom movev)))
(rx/reduce gpt/min)
(rx/map #(or % (gpt/point 0 0))))))
(defn create-ranges
(create-ranges points #{}))
([points selected-points]
(let [selected-points (or selected-points #{})
(fn [coord]
(fn [tree point]
(rt/insert tree (get point coord) point)))
(fn [coord]
(->> points
(filter (comp not selected-points))
(reduce (into-tree coord) (rt/make-tree))))]
{:x (make-ranges :x)
:y (make-ranges :y)})))
(defn query-delta-point [ranges point precision]
(let [query-coord
(fn [point coord]
(let [pval (get point coord)]
(->> (rt/range-query (get ranges coord) (- pval precision) (+ pval precision))
;; We save the distance to the point and add the matching point to the points
(mapv (fn [[value points]]
[(- value pval)
(->> points (mapv #(vector point %)))])))))]
{:x (query-coord point :x)
:y (query-coord point :y)}))
(defn merge-matches
([] {:x nil :y nil})
([matches other]
(let [merge-coord
(fn [matches other]
(let [matches (into {} matches)
other (into {} other)
keys (set/union (keys matches) (keys other))]
(into {}
(map (fn [key]
(d/concat [] (get matches key []) (get other key []))]))
(-> matches
(update :x merge-coord (:x other))
(update :y merge-coord (:y other))))))
(defn min-match
[default matches]
(let [get-min
(fn [[cur-val :as current] [other-val :as other]]
(if (< (mth/abs cur-val) (mth/abs other-val))
(fn [matches]
(if (and (seq matches) (not (empty? matches)))
(->> matches (reduce get-min))
(-> matches
(update :x min-match-coord)
(update :y min-match-coord))))
(defn get-snap-delta-match
[points ranges accuracy]
(assert vector? points)
(->> points
(mapv #(query-delta-point ranges % accuracy))
(reduce merge-matches)
(min-match [0 nil])))
(defn get-snap-delta
[points ranges accuracy]
(-> (get-snap-delta-match points ranges accuracy)
(update :x first)
(update :y first)
(defn correct-snap-point
"Snaps a position given an old snap to a different position. We use this to provide a temporal
snap while the new is being processed."
[[position [snap-pos snap-delta]]]
(let [dx (if (not= 0 (:x snap-delta))
(- (+ (:x snap-pos) (:x snap-delta)) (:x position))
dy (if (not= 0 (:y snap-delta))
(- (+ (:y snap-pos) (:y snap-delta)) (:y position))
(cond-> position
(<= (mth/abs dx) snap-accuracy) (update :x + dx)
(<= (mth/abs dy) snap-accuracy) (update :y + dy))))