mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 14:51:37 -05:00
Also optimizes some functions for faster shape and rect props access (there is still a lot of work ahead optimizing the rest of the functions) Also normalizes shape creation and validation for ensuring correct setup of all the mandatory properties.
744 lines
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744 lines
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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns common-tests.pages-test
[app.common.files.features :as ffeat]
[app.common.pages :as cp]
[app.common.types.file :as ctf]
[app.common.types.shape :as cts]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[clojure.test :as t]))
(defn- make-file-data
[file-id page-id]
(binding [ffeat/*current* #{"components/v2"}]
(ctf/make-file-data file-id page-id)))
(t/deftest process-change-set-option
(let [file-id (uuid/custom 2 2)
page-id (uuid/custom 1 1)
data (make-file-data file-id page-id)]
(t/testing "Sets option single"
(let [chg {:type :set-option
:page-id page-id
:option :test
:value "test"}
res (cp/process-changes data [chg])]
(t/is (= "test" (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :options :test])))))
(t/testing "Sets option nested"
(let [chgs [{:type :set-option
:page-id page-id
:option [:values :test :a]
:value "a"}
{:type :set-option
:page-id page-id
:option [:values :test :b]
:value "b"}]
res (cp/process-changes data chgs)]
(t/is (= {:a "a" :b "b"}
(get-in res [:pages-index page-id :options :values :test])))))
(t/testing "Remove option single"
(let [chg {:type :set-option
:page-id page-id
:option :test
:value nil}
res (cp/process-changes data [chg])]
(t/is (empty? (keys (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :options]))))))
(t/testing "Remove option nested 1"
(let [chgs [{:type :set-option
:page-id page-id
:option [:values :test :a]
:value "a"}
{:type :set-option
:page-id page-id
:option [:values :test :b]
:value "b"}
{:type :set-option
:page-id page-id
:option [:values :test]
:value nil}]
res (cp/process-changes data chgs)]
(t/is (empty? (keys (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :options]))))))
(t/testing "Remove option nested 2"
(let [chgs [{:type :set-option
:option [:values :test1 :a]
:page-id page-id
:value "a"}
{:type :set-option
:option [:values :test2 :b]
:page-id page-id
:value "b"}
{:type :set-option
:page-id page-id
:option [:values :test2]
:value nil}]
res (cp/process-changes data chgs)]
(t/is (= [:test1] (keys (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :options :values]))))))
(t/deftest process-change-add-obj
(let [file-id (uuid/custom 2 2)
page-id (uuid/custom 1 1)
data (make-file-data file-id page-id)
id-a (uuid/custom 2 1)
id-b (uuid/custom 2 2)
id-c (uuid/custom 2 3)]
(t/testing "Adds single object"
(let [chg {:type :add-obj
:page-id page-id
:id id-a
:parent-id uuid/zero
:frame-id uuid/zero
:obj (cts/setup-shape
{:frame-id uuid/zero
:parent-id uuid/zero
:id id-a
:type :rect
:name "rect"})}
res (cp/process-changes data [chg])]
(let [objects (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects])]
(t/is (= 2 (count objects)))
(t/is (= (:obj chg) (get objects id-a)))
(t/is (= [id-a] (get-in objects [uuid/zero :shapes]))))))
(t/testing "Adds several objects with different indexes"
(let [chg (fn [id index]
{:type :add-obj
:page-id page-id
:id id
:frame-id uuid/zero
:index index
:obj (cts/setup-shape
{:id id
:frame-id uuid/zero
:type :rect
:name (str id)})})
res (cp/process-changes data [(chg id-a 0)
(chg id-b 0)
(chg id-c 1)])]
;; (clojure.pprint/pprint data)
;; (clojure.pprint/pprint res)
(let [objects (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects])]
(t/is (= 4 (count objects)))
(t/is (not (nil? (get objects id-a))))
(t/is (not (nil? (get objects id-b))))
(t/is (not (nil? (get objects id-c))))
(t/is (= [id-b id-c id-a] (get-in objects [uuid/zero :shapes]))))))
(t/deftest process-change-mod-obj
(let [file-id (uuid/custom 2 2)
page-id (uuid/custom 1 1)
data (make-file-data file-id page-id)]
(t/testing "simple mod-obj"
(let [chg {:type :mod-obj
:page-id page-id
:id uuid/zero
:operations [{:type :set
:attr :name
:val "foobar"}]}
res (cp/process-changes data [chg])]
(let [objects (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects])]
(t/is (= "foobar" (get-in objects [uuid/zero :name]))))))
(t/testing "mod-obj for not existing shape"
(let [chg {:type :mod-obj
:page-id page-id
:id (uuid/next)
:operations [{:type :set
:attr :name
:val "foobar"}]}
res (cp/process-changes data [chg])]
(t/is (= res data))))
;; (t/deftest process-change-del-obj
;; (let [file-id (uuid/custom 2 2)
;; page-id (uuid/custom 1 1)
;; id (uuid/custom 2 1)
;; data (make-file-data file-id page-id)
;; data (-> data
;; (assoc-in [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero :shapes] [id])
;; (assoc-in [:pages-index page-id :objects id]
;; {:id id
;; :frame-id uuid/zero
;; :type :rect
;; :name "rect"}))]
;; (t/testing "delete"
;; (let [chg {:type :del-obj
;; :page-id page-id
;; :id id}
;; res (cp/process-changes data [chg])]
;; (let [objects (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects])]
;; (t/is (= 1 (count objects)))
;; (t/is (= [] (get-in objects [uuid/zero :shapes]))))))
;; (t/testing "delete idempotency"
;; (let [chg {:type :del-obj
;; :page-id page-id
;; :id id}
;; res1 (cp/process-changes data [chg])
;; res2 (cp/process-changes res1 [chg])]
;; (t/is (= res1 res2))
;; (let [objects (get-in res1 [:pages-index page-id :objects])]
;; (t/is (= 1 (count objects)))
;; (t/is (= [] (get-in objects [uuid/zero :shapes]))))))))
;; (t/deftest process-change-move-objects
;; (let [frame-a-id (uuid/custom 0 1)
;; frame-b-id (uuid/custom 0 2)
;; group-a-id (uuid/custom 0 3)
;; group-b-id (uuid/custom 0 4)
;; rect-a-id (uuid/custom 0 5)
;; rect-b-id (uuid/custom 0 6)
;; rect-c-id (uuid/custom 0 7)
;; rect-d-id (uuid/custom 0 8)
;; rect-e-id (uuid/custom 0 9)
;; file-id (uuid/custom 2 2)
;; page-id (uuid/custom 1 1)
;; data (make-file-data file-id page-id)
;; data (update-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects]
;; #(-> %
;; (assoc-in [uuid/zero :shapes] [frame-a-id frame-b-id])
;; (assoc-in [frame-a-id]
;; {:id frame-a-id
;; :parent-id uuid/zero
;; :frame-id uuid/zero
;; :name "Frame a"
;; :shapes [group-a-id group-b-id rect-e-id]
;; :type :frame})
;; (assoc-in [frame-b-id]
;; {:id frame-b-id
;; :parent-id uuid/zero
;; :frame-id uuid/zero
;; :name "Frame b"
;; :shapes []
;; :type :frame})
;; ;; Groups
;; (assoc-in [group-a-id]
;; {:id group-a-id
;; :name "Group A"
;; :type :group
;; :parent-id frame-a-id
;; :frame-id frame-a-id
;; :shapes [rect-a-id rect-b-id rect-c-id]})
;; (assoc-in [group-b-id]
;; {:id group-b-id
;; :name "Group B"
;; :type :group
;; :parent-id frame-a-id
;; :frame-id frame-a-id
;; :shapes [rect-d-id]})
;; ;; Shapes
;; (assoc-in [rect-a-id]
;; {:id rect-a-id
;; :name "Rect A"
;; :type :rect
;; :parent-id group-a-id
;; :frame-id frame-a-id})
;; (assoc-in [rect-b-id]
;; {:id rect-b-id
;; :name "Rect B"
;; :type :rect
;; :parent-id group-a-id
;; :frame-id frame-a-id})
;; (assoc-in [rect-c-id]
;; {:id rect-c-id
;; :name "Rect C"
;; :type :rect
;; :parent-id group-a-id
;; :frame-id frame-a-id})
;; (assoc-in [rect-d-id]
;; {:id rect-d-id
;; :name "Rect D"
;; :parent-id group-b-id
;; :type :rect
;; :frame-id frame-a-id})
;; (assoc-in [rect-e-id]
;; {:id rect-e-id
;; :name "Rect E"
;; :type :rect
;; :parent-id frame-a-id
;; :frame-id frame-a-id})))]
;; (t/testing "Create new group an add objects from the same group"
;; (let [new-group-id (uuid/next)
;; changes [{:type :add-obj
;; :page-id page-id
;; :id new-group-id
;; :frame-id frame-a-id
;; :obj {:id new-group-id
;; :type :group
;; :frame-id frame-a-id
;; :name "Group C"}}
;; {:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :parent-id new-group-id
;; :shapes [rect-b-id rect-c-id]}]
;; res (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; ;; (clojure.pprint/pprint data)
;; ;; (println "===============")
;; ;; (clojure.pprint/pprint res)
;; (let [objects (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects])]
;; (t/is (= [group-a-id group-b-id rect-e-id new-group-id]
;; (get-in objects [frame-a-id :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [rect-b-id rect-c-id]
;; (get-in objects [new-group-id :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [rect-a-id]
;; (get-in objects [group-a-id :shapes]))))))
;; (t/testing "Move elements to an existing group at index"
;; (let [changes [{:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :parent-id group-b-id
;; :index 0
;; :shapes [rect-a-id rect-c-id]}]
;; res (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; (let [objects (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects])]
;; (t/is (= [group-a-id group-b-id rect-e-id]
;; (get-in objects [frame-a-id :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [rect-b-id]
;; (get-in objects [group-a-id :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [rect-a-id rect-c-id rect-d-id]
;; (get-in objects [group-b-id :shapes]))))))
;; (t/testing "Move elements from group and frame to an existing group at index"
;; (let [changes [{:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :parent-id group-b-id
;; :index 0
;; :shapes [rect-a-id rect-e-id]}]
;; res (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; (let [objects (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects])]
;; (t/is (= [group-a-id group-b-id]
;; (get-in objects [frame-a-id :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [rect-b-id rect-c-id]
;; (get-in objects [group-a-id :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [rect-a-id rect-e-id rect-d-id]
;; (get-in objects [group-b-id :shapes]))))))
;; (t/testing "Move elements from several groups"
;; (let [changes [{:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :parent-id group-b-id
;; :index 0
;; :shapes [rect-a-id rect-e-id]}]
;; res (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; (let [objects (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects])]
;; (t/is (= [group-a-id group-b-id]
;; (get-in objects [frame-a-id :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [rect-b-id rect-c-id]
;; (get-in objects [group-a-id :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [rect-a-id rect-e-id rect-d-id]
;; (get-in objects [group-b-id :shapes]))))))
;; (t/testing "Move all elements from a group"
;; (let [changes [{:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :parent-id group-a-id
;; :shapes [rect-d-id]}]
;; res (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; (let [objects (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects])]
;; (t/is (= [group-a-id group-b-id rect-e-id]
;; (get-in objects [frame-a-id :shapes])))
;; (t/is (empty? (get-in objects [group-b-id :shapes]))))))
;; (t/testing "Move elements to a group with different frame"
;; (let [changes [{:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :parent-id frame-b-id
;; :shapes [group-a-id]}]
;; res (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; ;; (pprint (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects]))
;; ;; (println "==========")
;; ;; (pprint (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects]))
;; (let [objects (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects])]
;; (t/is (= [group-b-id rect-e-id] (get-in objects [frame-a-id :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [group-a-id] (get-in objects [frame-b-id :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= frame-b-id (get-in objects [group-a-id :frame-id])))
;; (t/is (= frame-b-id (get-in objects [rect-a-id :frame-id])))
;; (t/is (= frame-b-id (get-in objects [rect-b-id :frame-id])))
;; (t/is (= frame-b-id (get-in objects [rect-c-id :frame-id]))))))
;; (t/testing "Move elements to frame zero"
;; (let [changes [{:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :parent-id uuid/zero
;; :shapes [group-a-id]
;; :index 0}]
;; res (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; (let [objects (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects])]
;; ;; (pprint (get-in data [:objects uuid/zero]))
;; ;; (println "==========")
;; ;; (pprint (get-in objects [uuid/zero]))
;; (t/is (= [group-a-id frame-a-id frame-b-id]
;; (get-in objects [uuid/zero :shapes]))))))
;; (t/testing "Don't allow to move inside self"
;; (let [changes [{:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :parent-id group-a-id
;; :shapes [group-a-id]}]
;; res (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; (t/is (= data res))))
;; ))
;; (t/deftest process-change-mov-objects-regression
;; (let [shape-1-id (uuid/custom 2 1)
;; shape-2-id (uuid/custom 2 2)
;; shape-3-id (uuid/custom 2 3)
;; frame-id (uuid/custom 1 1)
;; file-id (uuid/custom 4 4)
;; page-id (uuid/custom 0 1)
;; changes [{:type :add-obj
;; :id frame-id
;; :page-id page-id
;; :parent-id uuid/zero
;; :frame-id uuid/zero
;; :obj {:type :frame
;; :name "Frame"}}
;; {:type :add-obj
;; :page-id page-id
;; :frame-id frame-id
;; :parent-id frame-id
;; :id shape-1-id
;; :obj {:type :rect
;; :name "Shape 1"}}
;; {:type :add-obj
;; :page-id page-id
;; :id shape-2-id
;; :parent-id uuid/zero
;; :frame-id uuid/zero
;; :obj {:type :rect
;; :name "Shape 2"}}
;; {:type :add-obj
;; :page-id page-id
;; :id shape-3-id
;; :parent-id uuid/zero
;; :frame-id uuid/zero
;; :obj {:type :rect
;; :name "Shape 3"}}
;; ]
;; data (make-file-data file-id page-id)
;; data (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; (t/testing "preserve order on multiple shape mov 1"
;; (let [changes [{:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :shapes [shape-2-id shape-3-id]
;; :parent-id uuid/zero
;; :index 0}]
;; res (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; ;; (println "==> BEFORE")
;; ;; (pprint (get-in data [:objects]))
;; ;; (println "==> AFTER")
;; ;; (pprint (get-in res [:objects]))
;; (t/is (= [frame-id shape-2-id shape-3-id]
;; (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [shape-2-id shape-3-id frame-id]
;; (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero :shapes])))))
;; (t/testing "preserve order on multiple shape mov 1"
;; (let [changes [{:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :shapes [shape-3-id shape-2-id]
;; :parent-id uuid/zero
;; :index 0}]
;; res (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; ;; (println "==> BEFORE")
;; ;; (pprint (get-in data [:objects]))
;; ;; (println "==> AFTER")
;; ;; (pprint (get-in res [:objects]))
;; (t/is (= [frame-id shape-2-id shape-3-id]
;; (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [shape-3-id shape-2-id frame-id]
;; (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero :shapes])))))
;; (t/testing "move inside->outside-inside"
;; (let [changes [{:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :shapes [shape-2-id]
;; :parent-id frame-id}
;; {:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :shapes [shape-2-id]
;; :parent-id uuid/zero}]
;; res (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; (t/is (= (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects shape-1-id :frame-id])
;; (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects shape-1-id :frame-id])))
;; (t/is (= (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects shape-2-id :frame-id])
;; (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects shape-2-id :frame-id])))))
;; ))
;; (t/deftest process-change-move-objects-2
;; (let [shape-1-id (uuid/custom 1 1)
;; shape-2-id (uuid/custom 1 2)
;; shape-3-id (uuid/custom 1 3)
;; shape-4-id (uuid/custom 1 4)
;; group-1-id (uuid/custom 1 5)
;; file-id (uuid/custom 1 6)
;; page-id (uuid/custom 0 1)
;; changes [{:type :add-obj
;; :page-id page-id
;; :id shape-1-id
;; :frame-id uuid/zero
;; :obj {:id shape-1-id
;; :type :rect
;; :name "Shape a"}}
;; {:type :add-obj
;; :page-id page-id
;; :id shape-2-id
;; :frame-id uuid/zero
;; :obj {:id shape-2-id
;; :type :rect
;; :name "Shape b"}}
;; {:type :add-obj
;; :page-id page-id
;; :id shape-3-id
;; :frame-id uuid/zero
;; :obj {:id shape-3-id
;; :type :rect
;; :name "Shape c"}}
;; {:type :add-obj
;; :page-id page-id
;; :id shape-4-id
;; :frame-id uuid/zero
;; :obj {:id shape-4-id
;; :type :rect
;; :name "Shape d"}}
;; {:type :add-obj
;; :page-id page-id
;; :id group-1-id
;; :frame-id uuid/zero
;; :obj {:id group-1-id
;; :type :group
;; :name "Group"}}
;; {:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :parent-id group-1-id
;; :shapes [shape-1-id shape-2-id]}]
;; data (make-file-data file-id page-id)
;; data (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; (t/testing "case 1"
;; (let [changes [{:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :parent-id uuid/zero
;; :index 2
;; :shapes [shape-3-id]}]
;; res (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; ;; Before
;; (t/is (= [shape-3-id shape-4-id group-1-id]
;; (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero :shapes])))
;; ;; After
;; (t/is (= [shape-4-id shape-3-id group-1-id]
;; (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero :shapes])))
;; ;; (pprint (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero]))
;; ;; (pprint (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero]))
;; ))
;; (t/testing "case 2"
;; (let [changes [{:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :parent-id group-1-id
;; :index 2
;; :shapes [shape-3-id]}]
;; res (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; ;; Before
;; (t/is (= [shape-3-id shape-4-id group-1-id]
;; (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [shape-1-id shape-2-id]
;; (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id :shapes])))
;; ;; After:
;; (t/is (= [shape-4-id group-1-id]
;; (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [shape-1-id shape-2-id shape-3-id]
;; (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id :shapes])))
;; ;; (pprint (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id]))
;; ;; (pprint (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id]))
;; ))
;; (t/testing "case 3"
;; (let [changes [{:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :parent-id group-1-id
;; :index 1
;; :shapes [shape-3-id]}]
;; res (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; ;; Before
;; (t/is (= [shape-3-id shape-4-id group-1-id]
;; (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [shape-1-id shape-2-id]
;; (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id :shapes])))
;; ;; After
;; (t/is (= [shape-4-id group-1-id]
;; (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [shape-1-id shape-3-id shape-2-id]
;; (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id :shapes])))
;; ;; (pprint (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id]))
;; ;; (pprint (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id]))
;; ))
;; (t/testing "case 4"
;; (let [changes [{:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :parent-id group-1-id
;; :index 0
;; :shapes [shape-3-id]}]
;; res (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; ;; Before
;; (t/is (= [shape-3-id shape-4-id group-1-id]
;; (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [shape-1-id shape-2-id]
;; (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id :shapes])))
;; ;; After
;; (t/is (= [shape-4-id group-1-id]
;; (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [shape-3-id shape-1-id shape-2-id]
;; (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id :shapes])))
;; ;; (pprint (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id]))
;; ;; (pprint (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id]))
;; ))
;; (t/testing "case 5"
;; (let [changes [{:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :parent-id uuid/zero
;; :index 0
;; :shapes [shape-2-id]}]
;; res (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; ;; (pprint (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero]))
;; ;; (pprint (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero]))
;; ;; (pprint (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id]))
;; ;; (pprint (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id]))
;; ;; Before
;; (t/is (= [shape-3-id shape-4-id group-1-id]
;; (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [shape-1-id shape-2-id]
;; (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id :shapes])))
;; ;; After
;; (t/is (= [shape-2-id shape-3-id shape-4-id group-1-id]
;; (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [shape-1-id]
;; (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id :shapes])))
;; ))
;; (t/testing "case 6"
;; (let [changes [{:type :mov-objects
;; :page-id page-id
;; :parent-id uuid/zero
;; :index 0
;; :shapes [shape-2-id shape-1-id]}]
;; res (cp/process-changes data changes)]
;; ;; (pprint (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero]))
;; ;; (pprint (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero]))
;; ;; (pprint (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id]))
;; ;; (pprint (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id]))
;; ;; Before
;; (t/is (= [shape-3-id shape-4-id group-1-id]
;; (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero :shapes])))
;; (t/is (= [shape-1-id shape-2-id]
;; (get-in data [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id :shapes])))
;; ;; After
;; (t/is (= [shape-2-id shape-1-id shape-3-id shape-4-id group-1-id]
;; (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects uuid/zero :shapes])))
;; (t/is (not= nil
;; (get-in res [:pages-index page-id :objects group-1-id])))
;; ))
;; ))