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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Andrey Antukh <niwi@niwi.nz>
;; Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Juan de la Cruz <delacruzgarciajuan@gmail.com>
(ns uxbox.rstore
"Reactive storage management architecture helpers."
(:require [beicon.core :as rx]))
;; An abstraction for implement a simple state
;; transition. The `-apply-update` function receives
;; the state and shoudl return the transformed state.
(defprotocol UpdateEvent
(-apply-update [event state]))
;; An abstraction for perform some async stuff such
;; as communicate with api rest or other resources
;; that implies asynchronous access.
;; The `-apply-watch` receives the state and should
;; return a reactive stream of events (that can be
;; of `UpdateEvent`, `WatchEvent` or `EffectEvent`.
(defprotocol WatchEvent
(-apply-watch [event state s]))
;; An abstraction for perform just side effects. It
;; receives state and its return value is completly
;; ignored.
(defprotocol EffectEvent
(-apply-effect [event state]))
(defn update?
"Return `true` when `e` satisfies
the UpdateEvent protocol."
(satisfies? UpdateEvent e))
(defn watch?
"Return `true` when `e` satisfies
the WatchEvent protocol."
(satisfies? WatchEvent e))
(defn effect?
"Return `true` when `e` satisfies
the EffectEvent protocol."
(satisfies? EffectEvent e))
(extend-protocol UpdateEvent
(-apply-update [func state]
(func state)))
(defonce ^:private bus (rx/bus))
(defonce stream (rx/map identity bus))
(defn emit!
"Emits an event or a collection of them.
The order of events does not matters."
(rx/push! bus event))
([event & events]
(run! emit! (cons event events))))
(defrecord SwapState [f]
(-apply-update [_ state]
(f state)))
(defn swap
"A helper for just apply some function to state
without a need to declare additional event."
(->SwapState f))
(defn reset
"A event that resets the internal state with
the provided value."
(->SwapState (fn [_] v)))
(defn- on-error
"A default error handler."
(println "Unexpected error: " e)
(js/console.error e.stack)
(rx/throw e))
(defn init
"Initializes the stream event loop and
return a stream with model changes."
(let [watch-s (rx/filter watch? stream)
effect-s (rx/filter effect? stream)
update-s (rx/filter update? stream)
state-s (->> update-s
(rx/scan #(-apply-update %2 %1) state)
(rx/catch on-error)
(rx/retry 1024)
;; Process event sources: combine with the latest model and the result will be
;; pushed to the event-stream bus
(as-> watch-s $
(rx/with-latest-from vector state-s $)
(rx/flat-map (fn [[event model]] (-apply-watch event model stream)) $)
(rx/catch on-error $)
(rx/retry 1024 $)
(rx/on-value $ emit!))
;; Process effects: combine with the latest model to process the new effect
(as-> effect-s $
(rx/with-latest-from vector state-s $)
(rx/subscribe $ (fn [[event model]] (-apply-effect event model))))
;; Initialize the stream machinary with initial state.
(emit! (swap #(merge % state)))