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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.common.media
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
(def valid-font-types #{"font/ttf" "font/woff", "font/otf"})
(def valid-image-types #{"image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/webp", "image/gif", "image/svg+xml"})
(def str-image-types (str/join "," valid-image-types))
(def str-font-types (str/join "," valid-font-types))
(defn format->extension
(case format
:png ".png"
:jpeg ".jpg"
:webp ".webp"
:gif ".gif"
:svg ".svg"))
(defn format->mtype
(case format
:png "image/png"
:jpeg "image/jpeg"
:jpg "image/jpeg"
:webp "image/webp"
:gif "image/gif"
:svg "image/svg+xml"
(defn mtype->format
(case mtype
"image/png" :png
"image/jpeg" :jpeg
"image/webp" :webp
"image/gif" :gif
"image/svg+xml" :svg
(def max-file-size (* 5 1024 1024))
(s/def ::id uuid?)
(s/def ::name string?)
(s/def ::width number?)
(s/def ::height number?)
(s/def ::created-at inst?)
(s/def ::modified-at inst?)
(s/def ::mtype string?)
(s/def ::uri string?)
(s/def ::media-object
(s/keys :req-un [::id
(defn parse-font-weight
(re-seq #"(?i)(?:hairline|thin)" variant) 100
(re-seq #"(?i)(?:extra\s*light|ultra\s*light)" variant) 200
(re-seq #"(?i)(?:light)" variant) 300
(re-seq #"(?i)(?:normal|regular)" variant) 400
(re-seq #"(?i)(?:medium)" variant) 500
(re-seq #"(?i)(?:semi\s*bold|demi\s*bold)" variant) 600
(re-seq #"(?i)(?:extra\s*bold|ultra\s*bold)" variant) 800
(re-seq #"(?i)(?:bold)" variant) 700
(re-seq #"(?i)(?:extra\s*black|ultra\s*black)" variant) 950
(re-seq #"(?i)(?:black|heavy)" variant) 900
:else 400))
(defn parse-font-style
(if (re-seq #"(?i)(?:italic)" variant)
(defn font-weight->name
(case weight
100 "Hairline"
200 "Extra Light"
300 "Light"
400 "Regular"
500 "Medium"
600 "Semi Bold"
700 "Bold"
800 "Extra Bold"
900 "Black"
950 "Extra Black"))