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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns frontend-tests.plugins.context-shapes-test
[app.common.math :as m]
[app.common.test-helpers.files :as cthf]
[app.common.test-helpers.ids-map :as cthi]
[app.common.test-helpers.shapes :as cths]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.plugins.api :as api]
[cljs.test :as t :include-macros true]
[frontend-tests.helpers.state :as ths]))
(t/deftest test-common-shape-properties
(let [;; ==== Setup
(ths/setup-store (cthf/sample-file :file1 :page-label :page1))
_ (set! st/state store)
context (api/create-context "TEST")
page (. context -currentPage)
shape (.createRectangle context)
#(vector :workspace-data :pages-index (aget page "$id") :objects (aget shape "$id") %)]
(t/testing "Basic shape properites"
(t/testing " - name"
(set! (.-name shape) "TEST")
(t/is (= (.-name shape) "TEST"))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :name)) "TEST")))
(t/testing " - x"
(set! (.-x shape) 10)
(t/is (= (.-x shape) 10))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :x)) 10))
(set! (.-x shape) "fail")
(t/is (= (.-x shape) 10))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :x)) 10)))
(t/testing " - y"
(set! (.-y shape) 50)
(t/is (= (.-y shape) 50))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :y)) 50))
(set! (.-y shape) "fail")
(t/is (= (.-y shape) 50))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :y)) 50)))
(t/testing " - resize"
(.resize shape 250 300)
(t/is (= (.-width shape) 250))
(t/is (= (.-height shape) 300))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :width)) 250))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :height)) 300))
(.resize shape 0 0)
(t/is (= (.-width shape) 250))
(t/is (= (.-height shape) 300))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :width)) 250))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :height)) 300)))
(t/testing " - blocked"
(set! (.-blocked shape) true)
(t/is (= (.-blocked shape) true))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :blocked)) true))
(set! (.-blocked shape) false)
(t/is (= (.-blocked shape) false))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :blocked)) false)))
(t/testing " - hidden"
(set! (.-hidden shape) true)
(t/is (= (.-hidden shape) true))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :hidden)) true))
(set! (.-hidden shape) false)
(t/is (= (.-hidden shape) false))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :hidden)) false)))
(t/testing " - proportionLock"
(set! (.-proportionLock shape) true)
(t/is (= (.-proportionLock shape) true))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :proportion-lock)) true)))
(t/testing " - constraintsHorizontal"
(set! (.-constraintsHorizontal shape) "fail")
(t/is (not= (.-constraintsHorizontal shape) "fail"))
(t/is (not= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :constraints-h)) "fail"))
(set! (.-constraintsHorizontal shape) "right")
(t/is (= (.-constraintsHorizontal shape) "right"))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :constraints-h)) :right)))
(t/testing " - constraintsVertical"
(set! (.-constraintsVertical shape) "fail")
(t/is (not= (.-constraintsVertical shape) "fail"))
(t/is (not= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :constraints-v)) "fail"))
(set! (.-constraintsVertical shape) "bottom")
(t/is (= (.-constraintsVertical shape) "bottom"))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :constraints-v)) :bottom)))
(t/testing " - borderRadius"
(set! (.-borderRadius shape) 10)
(t/is (= (.-borderRadius shape) 10))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :r1)) 10))
(set! (.-borderRadiusTopLeft shape) 20)
(t/is (= (.-borderRadiusTopLeft shape) 20))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :r1)) 20))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :r2)) 10))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :r3)) 10))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :r4)) 10))
(set! (.-borderRadiusTopRight shape) 30)
(set! (.-borderRadiusBottomRight shape) 40)
(set! (.-borderRadiusBottomLeft shape) 50)
(t/is (= (.-borderRadiusTopRight shape) 30))
(t/is (= (.-borderRadiusBottomRight shape) 40))
(t/is (= (.-borderRadiusBottomLeft shape) 50))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :r1)) 20))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :r2)) 30))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :r3)) 40))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :r4)) 50)))
(t/testing " - opacity"
(set! (.-opacity shape) 0.5)
(t/is (= (.-opacity shape) 0.5))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :opacity)) 0.5)))
(t/testing " - blendMode"
(set! (.-blendMode shape) "multiply")
(t/is (= (.-blendMode shape) "multiply"))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :blend-mode)) :multiply))
(set! (.-blendMode shape) "fail")
(t/is (= (.-blendMode shape) "multiply"))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :blend-mode)) :multiply)))
(t/testing " - shadows"
(let [shadow #js {:style "drop-shadow"
:color #js {:color "#FABADA" :opacity 1}}]
(set! (.-shadows shape) #js [shadow])
(let [shadow-id (uuid/uuid (aget (aget (aget shape "shadows") 0) "id"))]
(t/is (= (-> (. shape -shadows) (aget 0) (aget "style")) "drop-shadow"))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :shadow)) [{:id shadow-id
:style :drop-shadow
:offset-x 4
:offset-y 4
:blur 4
:spread 0
:color {:color "#fabada" :opacity 1}
:hidden false}]))))
(let [shadow #js {:style "fail"}]
(set! (.-shadows shape) #js [shadow])
(t/is (= (-> (. shape -shadows) (aget 0) (aget "style")) "drop-shadow"))))
(t/testing " - blur"
(set! (.-blur shape) #js {:value 10})
(t/is (= (-> (. shape -blur) (aget "type")) "layer-blur"))
(t/is (= (-> (. shape -blur) (aget "value")) 10))
(t/is (= (-> (. shape -blur) (aget "hidden")) false))
(let [id (-> (. shape -blur) (aget "id") uuid/uuid)]
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :blur)) {:id id :type :layer-blur :value 10 :hidden false}))))
(t/testing " - exports"
(set! (.-exports shape) #js [#js {:type "pdf" :scale 2 :suffix "test"}])
(t/is (= (-> (. shape -exports) (aget 0) (aget "type")) "pdf"))
(t/is (= (-> (. shape -exports) (aget 0) (aget "scale")) 2))
(t/is (= (-> (. shape -exports) (aget 0) (aget "suffix")) "test"))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :exports)) [{:type :pdf :scale 2 :suffix "test"}]))
(set! (.-exports shape) #js [#js {:type 10 :scale 2 :suffix "test"}])
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :exports)) [{:type :pdf :scale 2 :suffix "test"}])))
(t/testing " - flipX"
(set! (.-flipX shape) true)
(t/is (= (.-flipX shape) true))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :flip-x)) true)))
(t/testing " - flipY"
(set! (.-flipY shape) true)
(t/is (= (.-flipY shape) true))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :flip-y)) true)))
(t/testing " - rotation"
(set! (.-rotation shape) 45)
(t/is (= (.-rotation shape) 45))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :rotation)) 45))
(set! (.-rotation shape) 0)
(t/is (= (.-rotation shape) 0))
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :rotation)) 0)))
(t/testing " - fills"
(set! (.-fills shape) #js [#js {:fillColor 100}])
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :fills)) [{:fill-color "#B1B2B5" :fill-opacity 1}]))
(t/is (= (-> (. shape -fills) (aget 0) (aget "fillColor")) "#B1B2B5"))
(set! (.-fills shape) #js [#js {:fillColor "#fabada" :fillOpacity 1}])
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :fills)) [{:fill-color "#fabada" :fill-opacity 1}]))
(t/is (= (-> (. shape -fills) (aget 0) (aget "fillColor")) "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (-> (. shape -fills) (aget 0) (aget "fillOpacity")) 1)))
(t/testing " - strokes"
(set! (.-strokes shape) #js [#js {:strokeColor "#fabada" :strokeOpacity 1 :strokeWidth 5}])
(t/is (= (get-in @store (get-shape-path :strokes)) [{:stroke-color "#fabada" :stroke-opacity 1 :stroke-width 5}]))
(t/is (= (-> (. shape -strokes) (aget 0) (aget "strokeColor")) "#fabada"))
(t/is (= (-> (. shape -strokes) (aget 0) (aget "strokeOpacity")) 1))
(t/is (= (-> (. shape -strokes) (aget 0) (aget "strokeWidth")) 5))))
(t/testing "Relative properties"
(let [board (.createBoard context)]
(set! (.-x board) 100)
(set! (.-y board) 200)
(t/is (= (.-x board) 100))
(t/is (= (.-y board) 200))
(.appendChild board shape)
(t/testing " - boardX"
(set! (.-boardX shape) 10)
(t/is (m/close? (.-boardX shape) 10))
(t/is (m/close? (.-x shape) 110))
(t/is (m/close? (get-in @store (get-shape-path :x)) 110)))
(t/testing " - boardY"
(set! (.-boardY shape) 20)
(t/is (m/close? (.-boardY shape) 20))
(t/is (m/close? (.-y shape) 220))
(t/is (m/close? (get-in @store (get-shape-path :y)) 220)))
(t/testing " - parentX"
(set! (.-parentX shape) 30)
(t/is (m/close? (.-parentX shape) 30))
(t/is (m/close? (.-x shape) 130))
(t/is (m/close? (get-in @store (get-shape-path :x)) 130)))
(t/testing " - parentY"
(set! (.-parentY shape) 40)
(t/is (m/close? (.-parentY shape) 40))
(t/is (m/close? (.-y shape) 240))
(t/is (m/close? (get-in @store (get-shape-path :y)) 240)))))
(t/testing "Clone")
(t/testing "Remove")))