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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns common-tests.svg-path-test
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.common.svg.path :as svg.path]
[clojure.test :as t]
#?(:cljs [common-tests.arc-to-bezier :as impl])))
(t/deftest arc-to-bezier-1
(let [expected1 [-1.6697754290362354e-13
expected2 [346.33988979885567
(let [[result1 result2 :as total] (svg.path/arc->beziers* 0 0 30 50 0 0 1 162.55 162.45)]
(t/is (= (count total) 2))
(dotimes [i (count result1)]
(t/is (mth/close? (nth result1 i)
(nth expected1 i)
(dotimes [i (count result2)]
(t/is (mth/close? (nth result2 i)
(nth expected2 i)
;; "m -994.563 4564.1423 149.3086 -52.8821 30.1828 -1.9265 5.2446 -117.5157 98.6828 -43.7312 219.9492 9.5361 9.0977 121.0797 115.0586 12.7148 -1.1774 75.7109 134.7524 3.1787 -6.1008 85.0544 -137.3211 59.9137 -301.293 -1.0595 -51.375 25.7186 -261.0492 -7.706 " [[:x :number] [:y :number]]
(t/deftest extract-params-1
(let [expected [{:x -994.563, :y 4564.1423}
{:x 149.3086, :y -52.8821}
{:x 30.1828, :y -1.9265}
{:x 5.2446, :y -117.5157}
{:x 98.6828, :y -43.7312}
{:x 219.9492, :y 9.5361}
{:x 9.0977, :y 121.0797}
{:x 115.0586, :y 12.7148}
{:x -1.1774, :y 75.7109}
{:x 134.7524, :y 3.1787}
{:x -6.1008, :y 85.0544}
{:x -137.3211, :y 59.9137}
{:x -301.293, :y -1.0595}
{:x -51.375, :y 25.7186}
{:x -261.0492, :y -7.706}]
cmdstr (str "m -994.563 4564.1423 149.3086 -52.8821 30.1828 "
"-1.9265 5.2446 -117.5157 98.6828 -43.7312 219.9492 "
"9.5361 9.0977 121.0797 115.0586 12.7148 -1.1774 "
"75.7109 134.7524 3.1787 -6.1008 85.0544 -137.3211 "
"59.9137 -301.293 -1.0595 -51.375 25.7186 -261.0492 -7.706 ")
pattern [[:x :number] [:y :number]]]
(t/is (= expected (svg.path/extract-params cmdstr pattern)))))
(t/deftest extract-params-2
(let [expected [{:x -994.563, :y 4564.1423 :r 0}]
cmdstr (str "m -994.563 4564.1423 0")
pattern [[:x :number] [:y :number] [:r :flag]]]
(t/is (= expected (svg.path/extract-params cmdstr pattern)))))
(t/deftest extract-params-3
(let [cmdstr (str "a1.42 1.42 0 00-1.415-1.416 1.42 1.42 0 00-1.416 1.416 "
"1.42 1.42 0 001.416 1.415 1.42 1.42 0 001.415-1.415")
expected [{:rx 1.42, :ry 1.42, :x-axis-rotation 0.0, :large-arc-flag 0, :sweep-flag 0, :x -1.415, :y -1.416}
{:rx 1.42, :ry 1.42, :x-axis-rotation 0.0, :large-arc-flag 0, :sweep-flag 0, :x -1.416, :y 1.416}
{:rx 1.42, :ry 1.42, :x-axis-rotation 0.0, :large-arc-flag 0, :sweep-flag 0, :x 1.416, :y 1.415}
{:rx 1.42, :ry 1.42, :x-axis-rotation 0.0, :large-arc-flag 0, :sweep-flag 0, :x 1.415, :y -1.415}]
pattern [[:rx :number]
[:ry :number]
[:x-axis-rotation :number]
[:large-arc-flag :flag]
[:sweep-flag :flag]
[:x :number]
[:y :number]]
result (svg.path/extract-params cmdstr pattern)]
(t/is (= (nth result 0)
(nth expected 0)))
(t/is (= (nth result 1)
(nth expected 1)))
(t/is (= (nth result 2)
(nth expected 2)))
(t/is (= (nth result 3)
(nth expected 3)))
;; (str "M259.958 89.134c-6.88-.354-10.484-1.241-12.44-3.064-1.871-1.743-6.937-3.098-15.793-4.226-7.171-.913-17.179-2.279-22.24-3.034-5.06-.755-15.252-2.016-22.648-2.8-18.685-1.985-35.63-4.223-38.572-5.096-3.655-1.084-3.016-3.548.708-2.726 1.751.387 13.376 1.701 25.833 2.922 12.456 1.22 29.018 3.114 36.803 4.208 29.94 4.206 29.433 4.204 34.267.136 3.787-3.186 5.669-3.669 14.303-3.669 14.338 0 17.18 1.681 12.182 7.205-2.053 2.268-1.994 2.719.707 5.42 3.828 3.827 3.74 5.846-.238 5.5-1.752-.153-7.544-.502-12.872-.776zm7.563-3.194c0-.778-1.751-1.352-3.892-1.274l-3.893.141 3.539 1.133c1.946.624 3.698 1.197 3.893 1.414-2.83-.084-2.83-2.05 0-5.25 2.76-5.25 4.529 0 2.226 3.599 1.08 5.334-1.699zm8.114 0c2.486-2.746 2.473-2.83-.438-2.83-1.65 0-3.683 1.273-4.516 2.83-1.175 2.196-1.077 2.831.438 2.831 1.075 0 3.107-1.274 4.516-2.83zm7.814.674c2.858-3.444.476-4.085-3.033-.816-2.451 2.284-2.677 2.973-.975 2.973 1.22 0 3.023-.97 4.008-2.157zm-49.571-4.509c-1.168-.43-3.294-1.802-4.725-3.051-2.112-1.843-9.304-2.595-38.219-3.994-46.474-2.25-63-4.077-60.27-6.665.324-.308 9.507.261 20.406 1.264 10.9 1.003 31.16 2.258 45.024 2.789l25.207.964 4.625-3.527c4.313-3.29 5.41-3.474 16.24-2.732 6.389.438 11.981 1.388 12.428 2.111.447.723-.517 2.73-2.141 4.46l-2.954 3.144c1.607 1.697 3.308 3.289 5.049 4.845 3.248 2.189-5.438 1.289-8.678 1.284-5.428-.061-10.825-.463-11.992-.892zm12.74-3.242c-1.123-.694-2.36-.943-2.75-.554-.389.39.21 1.275 1.334 1.97 1.122.693 2.36.942 2.749.553.389-.39-.21-1.275-1.334-1.97zm-5.663 0a1.42 1.42 0 00-1.415-1.416 1.42 1.42 0 00-1.416 1.416 1.42 1.42 0 001.416 1.415 1.42 1.42 0 001.415-1.415zm-8.464-6.404c.984-1.187 1.35-2.598.813-3.135-1.181-1.18-5.408 1.297-6.184 3.624-.806 2.42 3.265 2.048 5.37-.49zm6.863.258c.867-1.045 1.163-2.313.658-2.819-1.063-1.062-4.719 1.631-4.719 3.476 0 1.864 2.274 1.496 4.061-.657zm8.792-.36c1.637-1.972 1.448-2.197-1.486-1.77-1.848.27-3.622 1.287-3.943 2.26-.838 2.547 3.212 2.181 5.429-.49zm32.443-4.11c-6.156-2.228-67.1-6.138-119.124-7.642-39.208-1.134-72.072-.928-94.618.593-6.617.446-19.681 1.16-29.03 1.587-15.798.72-17.183.573-19.588-2.085-4.498-4.97-2.544-7.857 6.39-9.44 4.394-.778 9.164-2.436 10.6-3.685 5.44-4.729 20.332-14.06 31.14-19.509C65.717 11.88 78.955 7.79 103.837 3.08 121.686-.3 125.552-.642 129.318.82c2.44.948 12.4 1.948 22.132 2.221 15.37.432 20.004 1.18 35.294 5.698 22.36 6.606 39.732 15.1 56.55 27.653 7.307 5.452 14.086 9.913 15.066 9.913.98 0 2.148.956 2.596 2.124.55 1.432 2.798 2.123 6.914 2.123 6.213 0 12.4 3.046 12.38 6.096-.012 1.75-6.502 5.353-9.118 5.063-.818-.09-3.717-.972-6.442-1.958zm-16.986-7.436c0-1.575-33.326-18.118-43.173-21.43-23.008-7.739-54.084-12.922-77.136-12.866-16.863.041-37.877 3.628-52.465 8.956-18.062 6.596-26.563 10.384-29.181 13.002-1.205 1.205-5.306 3.769-9.112 5.698-7.754 3.929-8.841 5.482-3.029 4.325 13.494-2.685 66.794-3.773 110.913-2.264 38.005 1.3 96.812 4.435 102.122 5.443.584.111 1.061-.277 1.061-.864zm-236.39-3.18c0-.78-1.592-1.416-3.539-1.416-1.946 0-3.538.637-3.538 1.415 0 .779 1.592 1.416 3.538 1.416 1.947 0 3.54-.637 3.54-1.416zm7.078-1.416c0-.779-.956-1.416-2.124-1.416-1.167 0-2.123.637-2.123 1.416 0 .778.956 1.415 2.123 1.415 1.168 0 2.124-.637 2.124-1.415zm11.734-4.437c3.278-1.661 6.278-3.483 6.667-4.048 1.366-1.98 20.645-11.231 32.557-15.622 11.862-4.372 36.546-9.865 44.327-9.865 3.485 0 3.867-.404 3.012-3.185-.538-1.752-1.177-3.41-1.42-3.685-.907-1.026-36.72 7.16-45.065 10.302-17.226 6.484-47.566 24.27-47.566 27.886 0 1.786.845 1.585 7.488-1.783zm206.254-5.577c-12.298-10.518-53.842-27.166-70.896-28.41-5.526-.404-6.3-.097-6.695 2.655-.33 2.307.402 3.275 2.831 3.742 32.436 6.237 52.205 12.315 66.975 20.594 11.904 6.673 14.477 7.141 7.785 1.419zM150.1 11.04c-1.949-3.64-7.568-4.078-6.886-.538.256 1.329 2.054 2.817 3.997 3.309 4.498 1.137 4.816.832 2.888-2.771zm6.756.94c-.248-1.752-1.026-3.185-1.727-3.185-.7 0-1.493 1.433-1.76 3.185-.328 2.152.232 3.185 1.727 3.185 1.485 0 2.064-1.047 1.76-3.185zm-30.178-2.458c0-2.303-.908-3.694-2.627-4.025-3.6-.694-5.23 1.301-4.22 5.166 1.216 4.647 6.847 3.709 6.847-1.14zm12.544 2.104c-.448-1.168-1.224-2.132-1.725-2.142-.5-.013-2.343-.404-4.095-.873-2.569-.689-3.185-.274-3.185 2.142 0 2.476.854 2.996 4.91 2.996 3.783 0 4.723-.487 4.095-2.123z")