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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
;; This is an example on how it can be executed:
;; clojure -Scp $(cat classpath) -M dev/script-fix-sobjects.clj
'[app.common.logging :as l]
'[app.common.data :as d]
'[app.db :as db]
'[app.storage :as sto]
'[app.storage.impl :as impl]
'[app.util.time :as dt]
'[integrant.core :as ig])
;; --- HELPERS
(l/info :hint "initializing script" :args *command-line-args*)
(def noop? (some #(= % "noop") *command-line-args*))
(def chunk-size 10)
(def sql:retrieve-sobjects-chunk
"SELECT * FROM storage_object
WHERE created_at < ? AND deleted_at is NULL
ORDER BY created_at desc LIMIT ?")
(defn get-chunk
[conn cursor]
(let [rows (db/exec! conn [sql:retrieve-sobjects-chunk cursor chunk-size])]
[(some->> rows peek :created-at) (seq rows)]))
(defn get-candidates
(->> (d/iteration (partial get-chunk conn)
:vf second
:kf first
:initk (dt/now))
(sequence cat)))
(def modules
[:app.main/default :app.worker/executor]
[:app.main/assets :app.storage.s3/backend]
[:app.main/assets :app.storage.fs/backend]])
(def system
(let [config (select-keys app.main/system-config modules)
config (-> config
(assoc :app.migrations/all {})
(assoc :app.metrics/metrics nil))]
(ig/load-namespaces config)
(-> config ig/prep ig/init)))
(defn update-fn
[{:keys [conn] :as storage} {:keys [id backend] :as row}]
(= backend "s3")
(l/info :hint "rename storage object backend"
:id id
:from-backend backend
:to-backend :assets-s3)
(assoc row :backend "assets-s3"))
(= backend "assets-s3")
(l/info :hint "ignoring storage object" :id id :backend backend)
(or (= backend "fs")
(= backend "assets-fs"))
(let [sobj (sto/row->storage-object row)
path (-> (sto/get-object-path storage sobj) deref)]
(l/info :hint "change storage object backend"
:id id
:from-backend backend
:to-backend :assets-s3)
(when-not noop?
(-> (impl/resolve-backend storage :assets-s3)
(impl/put-object sobj (sto/content path))
(assoc row :backend "assets-s3"))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "unexpected backend found"))))
(db/with-atomic [conn (:app.db/pool system)]
(let [storage (:app.storage/storage system)
storage (assoc storage :conn conn)]
(loop [items (get-candidates conn)]
(when-let [item (first items)]
(when-let [{:keys [id] :as row} (update-fn storage item)]
(db/update! conn :storage-object (dissoc row :id) {:id (:id item)}))
(recur (rest items))))
(when noop?
(throw (ex-info "explicit rollback" {})))))
(catch Throwable cause
(= "explicit rollback" (ex-message cause))
(l/warn :hint "transaction aborted")
(l/error :hint "unexpected exception" :cause cause))))
(ig/halt! system)
(System/exit 0)