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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.common.geom.point
(:refer-clojure :exclude [divide min max])
#?(:cljs [cljs.pprint :as pp]
:clj [clojure.pprint :as pp])
#?(:cljs [cljs.core :as c]
:clj [clojure.core :as c])
[app.common.math :as mth]))
;; --- Point Impl
(defrecord Point [x y])
(defn s [{:keys [x y]}] (str "(" x "," y ")"))
(defn ^boolean point?
"Return true if `v` is Point instance."
(instance? Point v))
(defn ^boolean point-like?
[{:keys [x y] :as v}]
(and (map? v)
(not (nil? x))
(not (nil? y))
(number? x)
(number? y)))
(defn point
"Create a Point instance."
([] (Point. 0 0))
(point? v)
(Point. (:x v) (:y v))
(number? v)
(point v v)
(point-like? v)
(point (:x v) (:y v))
(throw (ex-info "Invalid arguments" {:v v}))))
([x y]
(Point. x y)))
(defn angle->point [{:keys [x y]} angle distance]
(+ x (* distance (mth/cos angle)))
(- y (* distance (mth/sin angle)))))
(defn add
"Returns the addition of the supplied value to both
coordinates of the point as a new point."
[{x :x y :y :as p} {ox :x oy :y :as other}]
(assert (point? p))
(assert (point? other))
(Point. (+ x ox) (+ y oy)))
(defn subtract
"Returns the subtraction of the supplied value to both
coordinates of the point as a new point."
[{x :x y :y :as p} {ox :x oy :y :as other}]
(assert (point? p))
(assert (point? other))
(Point. (- x ox) (- y oy)))
(defn multiply
"Returns the subtraction of the supplied value to both
coordinates of the point as a new point."
[{x :x y :y :as p} {ox :x oy :y :as other}]
(assert (point? p))
(assert (point? other))
(Point. (* x ox) (* y oy)))
(defn divide
[{x :x y :y :as p} {ox :x oy :y :as other}]
(assert (point? p))
(assert (point? other))
(Point. (/ x ox) (/ y oy)))
(defn min
([] (min nil nil))
([p1] (min p1 nil))
([{x1 :x y1 :y :as p1} {x2 :x y2 :y :as p2}]
(nil? p1) p2
(nil? p2) p1
:else (Point. (c/min x1 x2) (c/min y1 y2)))))
(defn max
([] (max nil nil))
([p1] (max p1 nil))
([{x1 :x y1 :y :as p1} {x2 :x y2 :y :as p2}]
(nil? p1) p2
(nil? p2) p1
:else (Point. (c/max x1 x2) (c/max y1 y2)))))
(defn inverse
[{:keys [x y] :as p}]
(assert (point? p))
(Point. (/ 1 x) (/ 1 y)))
(defn negate
[{x :x y :y :as p}]
(assert (point? p))
(Point. (- x) (- y)))
(defn distance
"Calculate the distance between two points."
[{x :x y :y :as p} {ox :x oy :y :as other}]
(assert (point? p))
(assert (point? other))
(let [dx (- x ox)
dy (- y oy)]
(-> (mth/sqrt (+ (mth/pow dx 2)
(mth/pow dy 2)))
(mth/precision 6))))
(defn length
[{x :x y :y :as p}]
(assert (point? p))
(mth/sqrt (+ (mth/pow x 2)
(mth/pow y 2))))
(defn angle
"Returns the smaller angle between two vectors.
If the second vector is not provided, the angle
will be measured from x-axis."
([{x :x y :y :as p}]
(-> (mth/atan2 y x)
([p center]
(angle (subtract p center))))
(defn angle-with-other
"Consider point as vector and calculate
the angle between two vectors."
[{x :x y :y :as p} {ox :x oy :y :as other}]
(assert (point? p))
(assert (point? other))
(let [length-p (length p)
length-other (length other)]
(if (or (mth/almost-zero? length-p)
(mth/almost-zero? length-other))
(let [a (/ (+ (* x ox)
(* y oy))
(* length-p length-other))
a (mth/acos (if (< a -1) -1 (if (> a 1) 1 a)))
d (-> (mth/degrees a)
(mth/precision 6))]
(if (mth/nan? d) 0 d)))))
(defn angle-sign [v1 v2]
(if (> (* (:y v1) (:x v2)) (* (:x v1) (:y v2))) -1 1))
(defn update-angle
"Update the angle of the point."
[p angle]
(assert (point? p))
(assert (number? angle))
(let [len (length p)
angle (mth/radians angle)]
(Point. (* (mth/cos angle) len)
(* (mth/sin angle) len))))
(defn quadrant
"Return the quadrant of the angle of the point."
[{:keys [x y] :as p}]
(assert (point? p))
(if (>= x 0)
(if (>= y 0) 1 4)
(if (>= y 0) 2 3)))
(defn round
"Change the precision of the point coordinates."
([point] (round point 0))
([{:keys [x y] :as p} decimanls]
(assert (point? p))
(assert (number? decimanls))
(Point. (mth/precision x decimanls)
(mth/precision y decimanls))))
(defn transform
"Transform a point applying a matrix transfomation."
[{:keys [x y] :as p} {:keys [a b c d e f]}]
(assert (point? p))
(Point. (+ (* x a) (* y c) e)
(+ (* x b) (* y d) f)))
;; Vector functions
(defn to-vec [p1 p2]
(subtract p2 p1))
(defn scale [v scalar]
(-> v
(update :x * scalar)
(update :y * scalar)))
(defn dot [{x1 :x y1 :y} {x2 :x y2 :y}]
(+ (* x1 x2) (* y1 y2)))
(defn unit [v]
(let [v-length (length v)]
(divide v (point v-length v-length))))
(defn project
"V1 perpendicular projection on vector V2"
[v1 v2]
(let [v2-unit (unit v2)
scalar-proj (dot v1 v2-unit)]
(scale v2-unit scalar-proj)))
(defn center-points
"Centroid of a group of points"
(let [k (point (count points))]
(reduce #(add %1 (divide %2 k)) (point) points)))
(defn normal-left
"Returns the normal unit vector on the left side"
[{:keys [x y]}]
(unit (point (- y) x)))
(defn normal-right
"Returns the normal unit vector on the right side"
[{:keys [x y]}]
(unit (point y (- x))))
(defn point-line-distance
"Returns the distance from a point to a line defined by two points"
[point line-point1 line-point2]
(let [{x0 :x y0 :y} point
{x1 :x y1 :y} line-point1
{x2 :x y2 :y} line-point2
num (mth/abs
(+ (* x0 (- y2 y1))
(- (* y0 (- x2 x1)))
(* x2 y1)
(- (* y2 x1))))
dist (distance line-point2 line-point1)]
(/ num dist)))
(defn almost-zero? [{:keys [x y] :as p}]
(assert (point? p))
(and (mth/almost-zero? x)
(mth/almost-zero? y)))
(defn line-val
"Given a line with two points p1-p2 and a 'percent'. Returns the point in the vector
generated by these two points. For example: for p1=(0,0) p2=(1,1) and v=0.25 will return
the point (0.25, 0.25)"
[p1 p2 v]
(let [v (-> (to-vec p1 p2)
(scale v))]
(add p1 v)))
(defn rotate
"Rotates the point around center with an angle"
[{px :x py :y} {cx :x cy :y} angle]
(let [angle (mth/radians angle)
x (+ (* (mth/cos angle) (- px cx))
(* (mth/sin angle) (- py cy) -1)
y (+ (* (mth/sin angle) (- px cx))
(* (mth/cos angle) (- py cy))
(point x y)))
(defn scale-from
"Moves a point in the vector that creates with center with a scale
[point center value]
(add point
(-> (to-vec center point)
(scale value))))
;; --- Debug
(defmethod pp/simple-dispatch Point [obj] (pr obj))