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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns app.plugins.library
"RPC for plugins runtime."
[app.common.colors :as cc]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.schema :as sm]
[app.common.types.color :as ctc]
[app.common.types.file :as ctf]
[app.common.types.typography :as ctt]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.data.workspace :as dw]
[app.main.data.workspace.libraries :as dwl]
[app.main.data.workspace.texts :as dwt]
[app.main.repo :as rp]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.plugins.format :as format]
[app.plugins.parser :as parser]
[app.plugins.register :as r]
[app.plugins.shape :as shape]
[app.plugins.text :as text]
[app.plugins.utils :as u]
[app.util.object :as obj]
[beicon.v2.core :as rx]
[potok.v2.core :as ptk]))
(declare lib-color-proxy)
(declare lib-typography-proxy)
(defn lib-color-proxy? [p]
(obj/type-of? p "LibraryColorProxy"))
(defn lib-color-proxy
[plugin-id file-id id]
(assert (uuid? file-id))
(assert (uuid? id))
(obj/reify {:name "LibraryColorProxy"}
:$plugin {:enumerable false :get (constantly plugin-id)}
:$id {:enumerable false :get (constantly id)}
:$file {:enumerable false :get (constantly file-id)}
:id {:get (fn [] (dm/str id))}
:fileId {:get #(dm/str file-id)}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-color :name)
(fn [self value]
(not (string? value))
(u/display-not-valid :name value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :name "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [color (u/proxy->library-color self)
value (dm/str (d/nilv (:path color) "") " / " value)]
(st/emit! (dwl/rename-color file-id id value)))))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-color :path)
(fn [self value]
(not (string? value))
(u/display-not-valid :path value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :path "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [color (-> (u/proxy->library-color self)
(update :name #(str value " / " %)))]
(st/emit! (dwl/update-color color file-id)))))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-color :color)
(fn [self value]
(or (not (string? value)) (not (cc/valid-hex-color? value)))
(u/display-not-valid :color value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :color "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [color (-> (u/proxy->library-color self)
(assoc :color value))]
(st/emit! (dwl/update-color-data color file-id)))))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-color :opacity)
(fn [self value]
(or (not (number? value)) (< value 0) (> value 1))
(u/display-not-valid :opacity value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :opacity "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [color (-> (u/proxy->library-color self)
(assoc :opacity value))]
(st/emit! (dwl/update-color-data color file-id)))))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-color :gradient format/format-gradient)
(fn [self value]
(let [value (parser/parse-gradient value)]
(not (sm/validate ::ctc/gradient value))
(u/display-not-valid :gradient value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :gradient "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [color (-> (u/proxy->library-color self)
(assoc :gradient value))]
(st/emit! (dwl/update-color-data color file-id))))))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-color :image format/format-image)
(fn [self value]
(let [value (parser/parse-image-data value)]
(not (sm/validate ::ctc/image-color value))
(u/display-not-valid :image value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :image "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [color (-> (u/proxy->library-color self)
(assoc :image value))]
(st/emit! (dwl/update-color-data color file-id))))))}
(fn []
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :remove "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(st/emit! (dwl/delete-color {:id id}))))
(fn []
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :clone "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [color-id (uuid/next)
color (-> (u/locate-library-color file-id id)
(assoc :id color-id))]
(st/emit! (dwl/add-color color {:rename? false}))
(lib-color-proxy plugin-id id color-id))))
(fn []
(let [color (u/locate-library-color file-id id)]
{:fill-color (:color color)
:fill-opacity (:opacity color)
:fill-color-gradient (:gradient color)
:fill-color-ref-file file-id
:fill-color-ref-id id
:fill-image (:image color)})))
(fn []
(let [color (u/locate-library-color file-id id)]
{:stroke-color (:color color)
:stroke-opacity (:opacity color)
:stroke-color-gradient (:gradient color)
:stroke-color-ref-file file-id
:stroke-color-ref-id id
:stroke-image (:image color)
:stroke-style :solid
:stroke-alignment :inner})))
(fn [key]
(not (string? key))
(u/display-not-valid :getPluginData-key key)
(let [color (u/locate-library-color file-id id)]
(dm/get-in color [:plugin-data (keyword "plugin" (str plugin-id)) key]))))
(fn [key value]
(not= file-id (:current-file-id @st/state))
(u/display-not-valid :setPluginData-non-local-library file-id)
(not (string? key))
(u/display-not-valid :setPluginData-key key)
(and (some? value) (not (string? value)))
(u/display-not-valid :setPluginData-value value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :setPluginData "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(st/emit! (dw/set-plugin-data file-id :color id (keyword "plugin" (str plugin-id)) key value))))
(fn []
(let [color (u/locate-library-color file-id id)]
(apply array (keys (dm/get-in color [:plugin-data (keyword "plugin" (str plugin-id))])))))
(fn [namespace key]
(not (string? namespace))
(u/display-not-valid :getSharedPluginData-namespace namespace)
(not (string? key))
(u/display-not-valid :getSharedPluginData-key key)
(let [color (u/locate-library-color file-id id)]
(dm/get-in color [:plugin-data (keyword "shared" namespace) key]))))
(fn [namespace key value]
(not= file-id (:current-file-id @st/state))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData-non-local-library file-id)
(not (string? namespace))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData-namespace namespace)
(not (string? key))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData-key key)
(and (some? value) (not (string? value)))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData-value value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(st/emit! (dw/set-plugin-data file-id :color id (keyword "shared" namespace) key value))))
(fn [namespace]
(not (string? namespace))
(u/display-not-valid :getSharedPluginDataKeys-namespace namespace)
(let [color (u/locate-library-color file-id id)]
(apply array (keys (dm/get-in color [:plugin-data (keyword "shared" namespace)]))))))))
(defn lib-typography-proxy? [p]
(obj/type-of? p "LibraryTypographyProxy"))
(defn lib-typography-proxy
[plugin-id file-id id]
(assert (uuid? file-id))
(assert (uuid? id))
(obj/reify {:name "LibraryTypographyProxy"}
:$plugin {:name "" :enumerable false :get (constantly plugin-id)}
:$id {:name "" :enumerable false :get (constantly id)}
:$file {:name "" :enumerable false :get (constantly file-id)}
:id {:name "" :get (fn [_] (dm/str id))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-typography :name)
(fn [self value]
(not (string? value))
(u/display-not-valid :name value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :name "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [typo (u/proxy->library-typography self)
value (dm/str (d/nilv (:path typo) "") " / " value)]
(st/emit! (dwl/rename-typography file-id id value)))))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-typography :path)
(fn [self value]
(not (string? value))
(u/display-not-valid :path value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :path "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [typo (-> (u/proxy->library-typography self)
(update :name #(str value " / " %)))]
(st/emit! (dwl/update-typography typo file-id)))))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-typography :font-id)
(fn [self value]
(not (string? value))
(u/display-not-valid :fontId value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :fontId "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [typo (-> (u/proxy->library-typography self)
(assoc :font-id value))]
(st/emit! (dwl/update-typography typo file-id)))))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-typography :font-family)
(fn [self value]
(not (string? value))
(u/display-not-valid :fontFamily value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :fontFamily "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [typo (-> (u/proxy->library-typography self)
(assoc :font-family value))]
(st/emit! (dwl/update-typography typo file-id)))))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-typography :font-variant-id)
(fn [self value]
(not (string? value))
(u/display-not-valid :fontVariantId value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :fontVariantId "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [typo (-> (u/proxy->library-typography self)
(assoc :font-variant-id value))]
(st/emit! (dwl/update-typography typo file-id)))))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-typography :font-size)
(fn [self value]
(not (string? value))
(u/display-not-valid :fontSize value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :fontSize "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [typo (-> (u/proxy->library-typography self)
(assoc :font-size value))]
(st/emit! (dwl/update-typography typo file-id)))))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-typography :font-weight)
(fn [self value]
(not (string? value))
(u/display-not-valid :fontWeight value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :fontWeight "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [typo (-> (u/proxy->library-typography self)
(assoc :font-weight value))]
(st/emit! (dwl/update-typography typo file-id)))))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-typography :font-style)
(fn [self value]
(not (string? value))
(u/display-not-valid :fontStyle value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :fontStyle "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [typo (-> (u/proxy->library-typography self)
(assoc :font-style value))]
(st/emit! (dwl/update-typography typo file-id)))))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-typography :font-height)
(fn [self value]
(not (string? value))
(u/display-not-valid :lineHeight value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :lineHeight "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [typo (-> (u/proxy->library-typography self)
(assoc :font-height value))]
(st/emit! (dwl/update-typography typo file-id)))))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-typography :letter-spacing)
(fn [self value]
(not (string? value))
(u/display-not-valid :letterSpacing value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :letterSpacing "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [typo (-> (u/proxy->library-typography self)
(assoc :letter-spacing value))]
(st/emit! (dwl/update-typography typo file-id)))))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-typography :text-transform)
(fn [self value]
(not (string? value))
(u/display-not-valid :textTransform value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :textTransform "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [typo (-> (u/proxy->library-typography self)
(assoc :text-transform value))]
(st/emit! (dwl/update-typography typo file-id)))))}
(fn []
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :remove "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(st/emit! (dwl/delete-typography {:id id}))))
(fn []
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :clone "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [typo-id (uuid/next)
typo (-> (u/locate-library-typography file-id id)
(assoc :id typo-id))]
(st/emit! (dwl/add-typography typo false))
(lib-typography-proxy plugin-id id typo-id))))
(fn [shape]
(not (shape/shape-proxy? shape))
(u/display-not-valid :applyToText shape)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "content:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :applyToText "Plugin doesn't have 'content:write' permission")
(let [shape-id (obj/get shape "$id")
typography (u/locate-library-typography file-id id)]
(st/emit! (dwt/apply-typography #{shape-id} typography file-id)))))
(fn [range]
(not (text/text-range-proxy? range))
(u/display-not-valid :applyToText range)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "content:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :applyToText "Plugin doesn't have 'content:write' permission")
(let [shape-id (obj/get range "$id")
start (obj/get range "start")
end (obj/get range "end")
typography (u/locate-library-typography file-id id)
attrs (-> typography
(assoc :typography-ref-file file-id)
(assoc :typography-ref-id (:id typography))
(dissoc :id :name))]
(st/emit! (dwt/update-text-range shape-id start end attrs)))))
(fn [key]
(not (string? key))
(u/display-not-valid :typography-plugin-data-key key)
(let [typography (u/locate-library-typography file-id id)]
(dm/get-in typography [:plugin-data (keyword "plugin" (str plugin-id)) key]))))
(fn [key value]
(not= file-id (:current-file-id @st/state))
(u/display-not-valid :setPluginData-non-local-library file-id)
(not (string? key))
(u/display-not-valid :setPluginData-key key)
(and (some? value) (not (string? value)))
(u/display-not-valid :setPluginData-value value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :setPluginData "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(st/emit! (dw/set-plugin-data file-id :typography id (keyword "plugin" (str plugin-id)) key value))))
(fn []
(let [typography (u/locate-library-typography file-id id)]
(apply array (keys (dm/get-in typography [:plugin-data (keyword "plugin" (str plugin-id))])))))
(fn [namespace key]
(not (string? namespace))
(u/display-not-valid :getSharedPluginData-namespace namespace)
(not (string? key))
(u/display-not-valid :getSharedPluginData-key key)
(let [typography (u/locate-library-typography file-id id)]
(dm/get-in typography [:plugin-data (keyword "shared" namespace) key]))))
(fn [namespace key value]
(not= file-id (:current-file-id @st/state))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData-non-local-library file-id)
(not (string? namespace))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData-namespace namespace)
(not (string? key))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData-key key)
(and (some? value) (not (string? value)))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData-value value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(st/emit! (dw/set-plugin-data file-id :typography id (keyword "shared" namespace) key value))))
(fn [namespace]
(not (string? namespace))
(u/display-not-valid :getSharedPluginDataKeys-namespace namespace)
(let [typography (u/locate-library-typography file-id id)]
(apply array (keys (dm/get-in typography [:plugin-data (keyword "shared" namespace)]))))))))
(defn lib-component-proxy? [p]
(obj/type-of? p "LibraryComponentProxy"))
(defn lib-component-proxy
[plugin-id file-id id]
(assert (uuid? file-id))
(assert (uuid? id))
(obj/reify {:name "LibraryComponentProxy"}
:$plugin {:enumerable false :get (constantly plugin-id)}
:$id {:enumerable false :get (constantly id)}
:$file {:enumerable false :get (constantly file-id)}
:id {:get (fn [_] (dm/str id))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-component :name)
(fn [self value]
(not (string? value))
(u/display-not-valid :name value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :name "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [component (u/proxy->library-component self)
value (dm/str (d/nilv (:path component) "") " / " value)]
(st/emit! (dwl/rename-component id value)))))}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->library-component :path)
(fn [self value]
(not (string? value))
(u/display-not-valid :path value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :path "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [component (u/proxy->library-component self)
value (dm/str value " / " (:name component))]
(st/emit! (dwl/rename-component id value)))))}
(fn []
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :remove "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(st/emit! (dwl/delete-component {:id id}))))
(fn []
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "content:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :instance "Plugin doesn't have 'content:write' permission")
(let [id-ref (atom nil)]
(st/emit! (dwl/instantiate-component file-id id (gpt/point 0 0) {:id-ref id-ref :origin "plugin"}))
(shape/shape-proxy plugin-id @id-ref))))
(fn [key]
(not (string? key))
(u/display-not-valid :component-plugin-data-key key)
(let [component (u/locate-library-component file-id id)]
(dm/get-in component [:plugin-data (keyword "plugin" (str plugin-id)) key]))))
(fn [key value]
(not= file-id (:current-file-id @st/state))
(u/display-not-valid :setPluginData-non-local-library file-id)
(not (string? key))
(u/display-not-valid :setPluginData-key key)
(and (some? value) (not (string? value)))
(u/display-not-valid :setPluginData-value value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :setPluginData "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(st/emit! (dw/set-plugin-data file-id :component id (keyword "plugin" (str plugin-id)) key value))))
(fn []
(let [component (u/locate-library-component file-id id)]
(apply array (keys (dm/get-in component [:plugin-data (keyword "plugin" (str plugin-id))])))))
(fn [namespace key]
(not (string? namespace))
(u/display-not-valid :component-plugin-data-namespace namespace)
(not (string? key))
(u/display-not-valid :component-plugin-data-key key)
(let [component (u/locate-library-component file-id id)]
(dm/get-in component [:plugin-data (keyword "shared" namespace) key]))))
(fn [namespace key value]
(not= file-id (:current-file-id @st/state))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData-non-local-library file-id)
(not (string? namespace))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData-namespace namespace)
(not (string? key))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData-key key)
(and (some? value) (not (string? value)))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData-value value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(st/emit! (dw/set-plugin-data file-id :component id (keyword "shared" namespace) key value))))
(fn [namespace]
(not (string? namespace))
(u/display-not-valid :component-plugin-data-namespace namespace)
(let [component (u/locate-library-component file-id id)]
(apply array (keys (dm/get-in component [:plugin-data (keyword "shared" namespace)]))))))
(fn []
(let [file (u/locate-file file-id)
component (u/locate-library-component file-id id)
root (ctf/get-component-root (:data file) component)]
(when (some? root)
(shape/shape-proxy plugin-id file-id (:main-instance-page component) (:id root)))))))
(defn library-proxy? [p]
(obj/type-of? p "LibraryProxy"))
(defn library-proxy
[plugin-id file-id]
(assert (uuid? file-id) "File id not valid")
(obj/reify {:name "LibraryProxy"}
:$plugin {:enumerable false :get (constantly plugin-id)}
:$id {:enumerable false :get (constantly file-id)}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->file :id str)}
{:this true
:get #(-> % u/proxy->file :name)}
{:this true
(fn [_]
(let [file (u/locate-file file-id)
colors (->> file :data :colors keys (map #(lib-color-proxy plugin-id file-id %)))]
(apply array colors)))}
{:this true
(fn [_]
(let [file (u/locate-file file-id)
typographies (->> file :data :typographies keys (map #(lib-typography-proxy plugin-id file-id %)))]
(apply array typographies)))}
{:this true
(fn [_]
(let [file (u/locate-file file-id)
components (->> file
(remove (comp :deleted second))
(map first)
(map #(lib-component-proxy plugin-id file-id %)))]
(apply array components)))}
(fn []
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :createColor "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [color-id (uuid/next)]
(st/emit! (dwl/add-color {:id color-id :name "Color" :color "#000000" :opacity 1} {:rename? false}))
(lib-color-proxy plugin-id file-id color-id))))
(fn []
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :createTypography "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [typography-id (uuid/next)]
(st/emit! (dwl/add-typography (ctt/make-typography {:id typography-id :name "Typography"}) false))
(lib-typography-proxy plugin-id file-id typography-id))))
(fn [shapes]
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :createComponent "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(let [id-ref (atom nil)
ids (into #{} (map #(obj/get % "$id")) shapes)]
(st/emit! (dwl/add-component id-ref ids))
(lib-component-proxy plugin-id file-id @id-ref))))
;; Plugin data
(fn [key]
(not (string? key))
(u/display-not-valid :file-plugin-data-key key)
(let [file (u/locate-file file-id)]
(dm/get-in file [:data :plugin-data (keyword "plugin" (str plugin-id)) key]))))
(fn [key value]
(not (string? key))
(u/display-not-valid :setPluginData-key key)
(and (some? value) (not (string? value)))
(u/display-not-valid :setPluginData-value value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :setPluginData "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(st/emit! (dw/set-plugin-data file-id :file (keyword "plugin" (str plugin-id)) key value))))
(fn []
(let [file (u/locate-file file-id)]
(apply array (keys (dm/get-in file [:data :plugin-data (keyword "plugin" (str plugin-id))])))))
(fn [namespace key]
(not (string? namespace))
(u/display-not-valid :file-plugin-data-namespace namespace)
(not (string? key))
(u/display-not-valid :file-plugin-data-key key)
(let [file (u/locate-file file-id)]
(dm/get-in file [:data :plugin-data (keyword "shared" namespace) key]))))
(fn [namespace key value]
(not (string? namespace))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData-namespace namespace)
(not (string? key))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData-key key)
(and (some? value) (not (string? value)))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData-value value)
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :setSharedPluginData "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(st/emit! (dw/set-plugin-data file-id :file (keyword "shared" namespace) key value))))
(fn [namespace]
(not (string? namespace))
(u/display-not-valid :namespace namespace)
(let [file (u/locate-file file-id)]
(apply array (keys (dm/get-in file [:data :plugin-data (keyword "shared" namespace)]))))))))
(defn library-subcontext
(obj/reify {:name "PenpotLibrarySubcontext"}
:$plugin {:enumerable false :get (constantly plugin-id)}
{:get #(library-proxy plugin-id (:current-file-id @st/state))}
(fn []
(let [libraries (get @st/state :files)]
(apply array (->> libraries keys (map (partial library-proxy plugin-id))))))}
(fn []
(let [team-id (:current-team-id @st/state)]
(fn [resolve reject]
(let [current-libs (into #{} (map first) (get @st/state :files))]
(->> (rp/cmd! :get-team-shared-files {:team-id team-id})
(rx/map (fn [result]
(->> result
(filter #(not (contains? current-libs (:id %))))
(fn [{:keys [id name library-summary]}]
#js {:id (dm/str id)
:name name
:numColors (-> library-summary :colors :count)
:numComponents (-> library-summary :components :count)
:numTypographies (-> library-summary :typographies :count)}))
(apply array))))
(rx/subs! resolve reject)))))))
(fn [library-id]
(not (r/check-permission plugin-id "library:write"))
(u/display-not-valid :connectLibrary "Plugin doesn't have 'library:write' permission")
(fn [resolve reject]
(not (string? library-id))
(do (u/display-not-valid :connectLibrary library-id)
(reject nil))
(let [file-id (:current-file-id @st/state)
library-id (uuid/uuid library-id)]
(->> st/stream
(rx/filter (ptk/type? ::dwl/attach-library-finished))
(rx/take 1)
(rx/subs! #(resolve (library-proxy plugin-id library-id)) reject))
(st/emit! (dwl/link-file-to-library file-id library-id))))))))))