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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns common-tests.logic.comp-creation-test
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.files.changes-builder :as pcb]
[app.common.files.shapes-helpers :as cfsh]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.logic.libraries :as cll]
[app.common.logic.shapes :as cls]
[app.common.test-helpers.components :as thc]
[app.common.test-helpers.compositions :as tho]
[app.common.test-helpers.files :as thf]
[app.common.test-helpers.ids-map :as thi]
[app.common.test-helpers.shapes :as ths]
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
[app.common.types.components-list :as ctkl]
[app.common.types.shape-tree :as ctst]
[clojure.test :as t]))
(t/use-fixtures :each thi/test-fixture)
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-single-frame
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(ths/add-sample-shape :frame1 :type :frame))
page (thf/current-page file)
frame1 (ths/get-shape file :frame1)
;; ==== Action
[_ component-id changes]
(cll/generate-add-component (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
(:id page)
(:id file)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component (thc/get-component-by-id file' component-id)
root (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:main-instance-id component))
frame1' (ths/get-shape file' :frame1)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? component))
(t/is (some? root))
(t/is (some? frame1'))
(t/is (= (:id root) (:id frame1')))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance? root))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance-of? (:id root) (:id page) component))))
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-single-shape
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(ths/add-sample-shape :shape1 :type :rect))
page (thf/current-page file)
shape1 (ths/get-shape file :shape1)
;; ==== Action
[_ component-id changes]
(cll/generate-add-component (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
(:id page)
(:id file)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component (thc/get-component-by-id file' component-id)
root (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:main-instance-id component))
shape1' (ths/get-shape file' :shape1)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? component))
(t/is (some? root))
(t/is (some? shape1'))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? root shape1'))
(t/is (= (:type root) :frame))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance? root))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance-of? (:id root) (:id page) component))))
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-several-shapes
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(ths/add-sample-shape :shape1 :type :rect)
(ths/add-sample-shape :shape2 :type :rect))
page (thf/current-page file)
shape1 (ths/get-shape file :shape1)
shape2 (ths/get-shape file :shape2)
;; ==== Action
[_ component-id changes]
(cll/generate-add-component (pcb/empty-changes)
[shape1 shape2]
(:objects page)
(:id page)
(:id file)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component (thc/get-component-by-id file' component-id)
root (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:main-instance-id component))
shape1' (ths/get-shape file' :shape1)
shape2' (ths/get-shape file' :shape2)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? component))
(t/is (some? root))
(t/is (some? shape1'))
(t/is (some? shape2'))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? root shape1'))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? root shape2'))
(t/is (= (:type root) :frame))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance? root))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance-of? (:id root) (:id page) component))))
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-several-frames
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(ths/add-sample-shape :frame1 :type :frame)
(ths/add-sample-shape :frame2 :type :frame))
page (thf/current-page file)
frame1 (ths/get-shape file :frame1)
frame2 (ths/get-shape file :frame2)
;; ==== Action
[_ component-id changes]
(cll/generate-add-component (pcb/empty-changes)
[frame1 frame2]
(:objects page)
(:id page)
(:id file)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component (thc/get-component-by-id file' component-id)
root (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:main-instance-id component))
frame1' (ths/get-shape file' :frame1)
frame2' (ths/get-shape file' :frame2)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? component))
(t/is (some? root))
(t/is (some? frame1'))
(t/is (some? frame2'))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? root frame1'))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? root frame2'))
(t/is (= (:type root) :frame))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance? root))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance-of? (:id root) (:id page) component))))
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-frame-with-children
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(ths/add-sample-shape :frame1 :type :frame)
(ths/add-sample-shape :shape1 :type :rect :parent-label :frame1)
(ths/add-sample-shape :shape2 :type :rect :parent-label :frame1))
page (thf/current-page file)
frame1 (ths/get-shape file :frame1)
;; ==== Action
[_ component-id changes]
(cll/generate-add-component (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
(:id page)
(:id file)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component (thc/get-component-by-id file' component-id)
root (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:main-instance-id component))
frame1' (ths/get-shape file' :frame1)
shape1' (ths/get-shape file' :shape1)
shape2' (ths/get-shape file' :shape2)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? component))
(t/is (some? root))
(t/is (some? frame1'))
(t/is (= (:id root) (:id frame1')))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? frame1' shape1'))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? frame1' shape2'))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance? root))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance-of? (:id root) (:id page) component))))
(t/deftest test-add-component-from-copy
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
page (thf/current-page file)
copy1-root (ths/get-shape file :copy1-root)
;; ==== Action
[_ component2-id changes]
(cll/generate-add-component (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
(:id page)
(:id file)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component2' (thc/get-component-by-id file' component2-id)
root2' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:main-instance-id component2'))
copy1-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy1-root)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? component2'))
(t/is (some? root2'))
(t/is (some? copy1-root'))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? root2' copy1-root'))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance? root2'))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance-of? (:id root2') (:id page) component2'))))
(t/deftest test-rename-component
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component :component1
:name "Test component before"))
component (thc/get-component file :component1)
;; ==== Action
changes (cll/generate-rename-component (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id component)
"Test component after"
(:data file)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component' (thc/get-component file' :component1)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (= (:name component') "Test component after"))))
(t/deftest test-duplicate-component
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component :component1
component (thc/get-component file :component1)
;; ==== Action
changes (cll/generate-duplicate-component (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id component)
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
components' (ctkl/components-seq (:data file'))
component1' (d/seek #(= (:id %) (thi/id :component1)) components')
component2' (d/seek #(not= (:id %) (thi/id :component1)) components')
root1' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:main-instance-id component1'))
root2' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:main-instance-id component2'))
child1' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes root1')))
child2' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes root2')))]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (= 2 (count components')))
(t/is (some? component1'))
(t/is (some? component2'))
(t/is (some? root1'))
(t/is (some? root2'))
(t/is (= (thi/id :main1-root) (:id root1')))
(t/is (not= (thi/id :main1-root) (:id root2')))
(t/is (some? child1'))
(t/is (some? child2'))
(t/is (= (thi/id :main1-child) (:id child1')))
(t/is (not= (thi/id :main1-child) (:id child2')))))
(t/deftest test-delete-component
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
page (thf/current-page file)
root (ths/get-shape file :main1-root)
;; ==== Action
[_ changes]
(cls/generate-delete-shapes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
#{(:id root)}
{:components-v2 true})
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component1' (thc/get-component file' :component1 :include-deleted? true)
copy1-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy1-root)
main1-root' (ths/get-shape file' :main1-root)
main1-child' (ths/get-shape file' :main1-child)
saved-objects (:objects component1')
saved-main1-root' (get saved-objects (thi/id :main1-root))
saved-main1-child' (get saved-objects (thi/id :main1-child))]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (true? (:deleted component1')))
(t/is (some? copy1-root'))
(t/is (nil? main1-root'))
(t/is (nil? main1-child'))
(t/is (some? saved-main1-root'))
(t/is (some? saved-main1-child'))))
(t/deftest test-restore-component
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
page (thf/current-page file)
root (ths/get-shape file :main1-root)
;; ==== Action
[_ changes]
(cls/generate-delete-shapes (pcb/empty-changes)
(:objects page)
#{(:id root)}
{:components-v2 true})
file-deleted (thf/apply-changes file changes)
page-deleted (thf/current-page file-deleted)
changes (cll/generate-restore-component (pcb/empty-changes)
(:data file-deleted)
(thi/id :component1)
(:id file-deleted)
(:objects page-deleted))
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component1' (thc/get-component file' :component1 :include-deleted? false)
copy1-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy1-root)
main1-root' (ths/get-shape file' :main1-root)
main1-child' (ths/get-shape file' :main1-child)
saved-objects' (:objects component1')]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (nil? (:deleted component1')))
(t/is (some? copy1-root'))
(t/is (some? main1-root'))
(t/is (some? main1-child'))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance? main1-root'))
(t/is (ctk/main-instance-of? (:id main1-root') (:id page) component1'))
(t/is (nil? saved-objects'))))
(t/deftest test-instantiate-component
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component :component1
page (thf/current-page file)
component (thc/get-component file :component1)
;; ==== Action
[new-shape changes]
(cll/generate-instantiate-component (-> (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page)) ;; This may not be moved to generate
(pcb/with-objects (:objects page))) ;; because in some cases the objects
(:objects page) ;; not the same as those on the page
(:id file)
(:id component)
(gpt/point 1000 1000)
{(:id file) file})
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component' (thc/get-component file' :component1)
main1-root' (ths/get-shape file' :main1-root)
main1-child' (ths/get-shape file' :main1-child)
copy1-root' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:id new-shape))
copy1-child' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes copy1-root')))]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? main1-root'))
(t/is (some? main1-child'))
(t/is (some? copy1-root'))
(t/is (some? copy1-child'))
(t/is (ctk/instance-root? copy1-root'))
(t/is (ctk/instance-of? copy1-root' (:id file') (:id component')))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? main1-root' copy1-root' true))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? main1-child' copy1-child' true))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? copy1-root' copy1-child'))))
(t/deftest test-instantiate-component-from-lib
(let [;; ==== Setup
library (-> (thf/sample-file :library1)
(tho/add-simple-component :component1
file (thf/sample-file :file1)
page (thf/current-page file)
component (thc/get-component library :component1)
;; ==== Action
[new-shape changes]
(cll/generate-instantiate-component (-> (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
(pcb/with-objects (:objects page)))
(:objects page)
(:id library)
(:id component)
(gpt/point 1000 1000)
{(:id file) file
(:id library) library})
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component' (thc/get-component library :component1)
main1-root' (ths/get-shape library :main1-root)
main1-child' (ths/get-shape library :main1-child)
copy1-root' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:id new-shape))
copy1-child' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes copy1-root')))]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? main1-root'))
(t/is (some? main1-child'))
(t/is (some? copy1-root'))
(t/is (some? copy1-child'))
(t/is (ctk/instance-root? copy1-root'))
(t/is (ctk/instance-of? copy1-root' (:id library) (:id component')))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? main1-root' copy1-root' true))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? main1-child' copy1-child' true))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? copy1-root' copy1-child'))))
(t/deftest test-instantiate-nested-component
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-nested-component :component1
page (thf/current-page file)
component (thc/get-component file :component1)
;; ==== Action
[new-shape changes]
(cll/generate-instantiate-component (-> (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
(pcb/with-objects (:objects page)))
(:objects page)
(:id file)
(:id component)
(gpt/point 1000 1000)
{(:id file) file})
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component' (thc/get-component file' :component1)
main1-root' (ths/get-shape file' :main1-root)
main1-child' (ths/get-shape file' :main1-child)
copy1-root' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:id new-shape))
copy1-child' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes copy1-root')))]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? main1-root'))
(t/is (some? main1-child'))
(t/is (some? copy1-root'))
(t/is (some? copy1-child'))
(t/is (ctk/instance-root? copy1-root'))
(t/is (ctk/instance-of? copy1-root' (:id file') (:id component')))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? main1-root' copy1-root' true))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? main1-child' copy1-child' true))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? copy1-root' copy1-child'))))
(t/deftest test-instantiate-nested-component-from-lib
(let [;; ==== Setup
library (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-nested-component :component1
file (thf/sample-file :file1)
page (thf/current-page file)
component (thc/get-component library :component1)
;; ==== Action
[new-shape changes]
(cll/generate-instantiate-component (-> (pcb/empty-changes nil (:id page))
(pcb/with-objects (:objects page)))
(:objects page)
(:id library)
(:id component)
(gpt/point 1000 1000)
{(:id file) file
(:id library) library})
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
component' (thc/get-component library :component1)
main1-root' (ths/get-shape library :main1-root)
main1-child' (ths/get-shape library :main1-child)
copy1-root' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (:id new-shape))
copy1-child' (ths/get-shape-by-id file' (first (:shapes copy1-root')))]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? main1-root'))
(t/is (some? main1-child'))
(t/is (some? copy1-root'))
(t/is (some? copy1-child'))
(t/is (ctk/instance-root? copy1-root'))
(t/is (ctk/instance-of? copy1-root' (:id library) (:id component')))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? main1-root' copy1-root' true))
(t/is (ctk/is-main-of? main1-child' copy1-child' true))
(t/is (ctst/parent-of? copy1-root' copy1-child'))))
(t/deftest test-detach-copy
(let [;; ==== Setup
file (-> (thf/sample-file :file1)
(tho/add-simple-component-with-copy :component1
page (thf/current-page file)
copy1-root (ths/get-shape file :copy1-root)
;; ==== Action
changes (cll/generate-detach-component (pcb/empty-changes)
(:id copy1-root)
(:data file)
(:id page)
{(:id file) file})
file' (thf/apply-changes file changes)
;; ==== Get
copy1-root' (ths/get-shape file' :copy1-root)]
;; ==== Check
(t/is (some? copy1-root'))
(t/is (not (ctk/instance-head? copy1-root')))
(t/is (not (ctk/in-component-copy? copy1-root')))))