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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns debug
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.common.transit :as t]
[app.common.types.file :as ctf]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.data.workspace :as dw]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dwc]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.util.dom :as dom]
[app.util.object :as obj]
[app.util.timers :as timers]
[beicon.core :as rx]
[cljs.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[potok.core :as ptk]
[promesa.core :as p]))
(defn ^:export set-logging
(l/set-level! :app (keyword level)))
([ns level]
(l/set-level! (keyword ns) (keyword level))))
(def debug-options
#{;; Displays the bounding box for the shapes
;; Displays an overlay over the groups
;; Displays in the console log the events through the application
;; Display the boxes that represent the rotation and resize handlers
;; Displays the center of a selection
;; When active the single selection will not take into account previous transformations
;; this is useful to debug transforms
;; When active the thumbnails will be displayed with a sepia filter
;; When active we can check in the browser the export values
;; Show text fragments outlines
;; Disable thumbnail cache
;; Disable frame thumbnails
;; Force thumbnails always (independent of selection or zoom level)
;; Enable a widget to show the auto-layout drop-zones
;; Display the layout lines
;; Display the bounds for the hug content adjust
;; Makes the pixel grid red so its more visibile
;; Show the bounds relative to the parent
;; Show html text
;; Show history overlay
;; Show shape name and id
;; These events are excluded when we activate the :events flag
(def debug-exclude-events
(defonce ^:dynamic *debug* (atom #{#_:events}))
(defn debug-all! []
(reset! *debug* debug-options)
(js* "app.main.reinit()"))
(defn debug-none! []
(reset! *debug* #{})
(js* "app.main.reinit()"))
(defn debug! [option]
(swap! *debug* conj option)
(when (= :events option)
(set! st/*debug-events* true))
(js* "app.main.reinit()"))
(defn -debug! [option]
(swap! *debug* disj option)
(when (= :events option)
(set! st/*debug-events* false))
(js* "app.main.reinit()"))
(defn ^:export ^boolean debug?
(if *assert*
(boolean (@*debug* option))
(defn ^:export toggle-debug [name] (let [option (keyword name)]
(if (debug? option)
(-debug! option)
(debug! option))))
(defn ^:export debug-all [] (debug-all!))
(defn ^:export debug-none [] (debug-none!))
(defn ^:export tap
"Transducer function that can execute a side-effect `effect-fn` per input"
(fn [rf]
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result input]
(effect-fn input)
(rf result input)))))
(defn prettify
"Prepare x fror cleaner output when logged."
(map? x) (d/mapm #(prettify %2) x)
(vector? x) (mapv prettify x)
(seq? x) (map prettify x)
(set? x) (into #{} (map prettify x))
(number? x) (mth/precision x 4)
(uuid? x) (str "#uuid " x)
:else x))
(defn ^:export logjs
([str] (tap (partial logjs str)))
([str val]
(js/console.log str (clj->js (prettify val)))
(when (exists? js/window)
(set! (.-dbg ^js js/window) clj->js)
(set! (.-pp ^js js/window) pprint))
(defonce widget-style "
background: black;
bottom: 10px;
color: white;
height: 20px;
padding-left: 8px;
position: absolute;
right: 10px;
width: 40px;
z-index: 99999;
opacity: 0.5;
(defn ^:export fps
"Adds a widget to keep track of the average FPS's"
(let [last (volatile! (.now js/performance))
avg (volatile! 0)
node (-> (.createElement js/document "div")
(obj/set! "id" "fps")
(obj/set! "style" widget-style))
body (obj/get js/document "body")
do-thing (fn do-thing []
(fn []
(let [cur (.now js/performance)
ts (/ 1000 (* (- cur @last)))
val (+ @avg (* (- ts @avg) 0.1))]
(obj/set! node "innerText" val)
(vreset! last cur)
(vreset! avg val)
(.appendChild body node)
(defn ^:export dump-state []
(logjs "state" @st/state)
(defn ^:export dump-data []
(logjs "workspace-data" (get @st/state :workspace-data))
(defn ^:export dump-buffer []
(logjs "last-events" @st/last-events)
(defn ^:export get-state [str-path]
(let [path (->> (str/split str-path " ")
(map d/read-string)
(js/console.log (clj->js (get-in @st/state path))))
(defn dump-objects'
(let [page-id (get state :current-page-id)
objects (get-in state [:workspace-data :pages-index page-id :objects])]
(logjs "objects" objects)
(defn ^:export dump-objects
(dump-objects' @st/state))
(defn dump-object'
[state name]
(let [page-id (get state :current-page-id)
objects (get-in state [:workspace-data :pages-index page-id :objects])
result (or (d/seek (fn [[_ shape]] (= name (:name shape))) objects)
(get objects (uuid/uuid name)))]
(logjs name result)
(defn ^:export dump-object
(dump-object' @st/state name))
(defn dump-selected'
(let [page-id (get state :current-page-id)
objects (get-in state [:workspace-data :pages-index page-id :objects])
selected (get-in state [:workspace-local :selected])
result (->> selected (map (d/getf objects)))]
(logjs "selected" result)
(defn ^:export dump-selected
(dump-selected' @st/state))
(defn dump-tree'
([state] (dump-tree' state false false))
([state show-ids] (dump-tree' state show-ids false))
([state show-ids show-touched]
(let [page-id (get state :current-page-id)
file-data (get state :workspace-data)
libraries (get state :workspace-libraries)]
(ctf/dump-tree file-data page-id libraries show-ids show-touched))))
(defn ^:export dump-tree
([] (dump-tree' @st/state))
([show-ids] (dump-tree' @st/state show-ids))
([show-ids show-touched] (dump-tree' @st/state show-ids show-touched)))
(when *assert*
(defonce debug-subscription
(->> st/stream
(rx/filter ptk/event?)
(rx/filter (fn [s] (and (debug? :events)
(not (debug-exclude-events (ptk/type s))))))
(rx/subs #(println "[stream]: " (ptk/repr-event %))))))
(defn ^:export apply-changes
"Takes a Transit JSON changes"
[^string changes*]
(let [file-id (:current-file-id @st/state)
changes (t/decode-str changes*)]
(st/emit! (dwc/commit-changes {:redo-changes changes
:undo-changes []
:save-undo? true
:file-id file-id}))))
(defn ^:export fetch-apply
[^string url]
(-> (p/let [response (js/fetch url)]
(.text response))
(p/then apply-changes)))
(defn ^:export reset-viewport
(dw/update-viewport-position {:x (constantly 0) :y (constantly 0)})))
(defn ^:export hide-ui
(dw/toggle-layout-flag :hide-ui)))
(defn ^:export shortcuts
(letfn [(print-shortcuts [shortcuts]
(.table js/console
(->> shortcuts
(map (fn [[key {:keys [command]}]]
[(d/name key)
(if (vector? command)
(str/join " | " command)
(into {})
(let [style "font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.25rem;"]
(.log js/console "%c Dashboard" style)
(print-shortcuts app.main.data.dashboard.shortcuts/shortcuts)
(.log js/console "%c Workspace" style)
(print-shortcuts app.main.data.workspace.shortcuts/shortcuts)
(.log js/console "%c Path" style)
(print-shortcuts app.main.data.workspace.path.shortcuts/shortcuts)
(.log js/console "%c Viewer" style)
(print-shortcuts app.main.data.viewer.shortcuts/shortcuts)))
(defn ^:export nodeStats
(let [root-node (dom/query ".viewport .render-shapes")
num-nodes (->> (dom/seq-nodes root-node) count)]
#js {:number num-nodes}))
(defn modif->js
[modif-tree objects]
(clj->js (into {}
(map (fn [[k v]]
[(get-in objects [k :name]) v]))
(defn ^:export dump-modifiers
(let [page-id (get @st/state :current-page-id)
objects (get-in @st/state [:workspace-data :pages-index page-id :objects])]
(.log js/console (modif->js (:workspace-modifiers @st/state) objects)))
(defn ^:export set-workspace-read-only
(st/emit! (dw/set-workspace-read-only read-only?)))
(defn ^:export fix-orphan-shapes
(st/emit! (dw/fix-orphan-shapes)))