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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns app.main.data.workspace.notifications
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.files.changes :as cpc]
[app.common.schema :as sm]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.data.common :refer [handle-notification]]
[app.main.data.websocket :as dws]
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dch]
[app.main.data.workspace.libraries :as dwl]
[app.main.data.workspace.persistence :as dwp]
[app.util.globals :refer [global]]
[app.util.mouse :as mse]
[app.util.object :as obj]
[app.util.rxops :as rxs]
[app.util.time :as dt]
[beicon.v2.core :as rx]
[clojure.set :as set]
[potok.v2.core :as ptk]))
(declare process-message)
(declare handle-presence)
(declare handle-pointer-update)
(declare handle-file-change)
(declare handle-library-change)
(declare handle-pointer-send)
(declare handle-export-update)
(defn initialize
[team-id file-id]
(ptk/reify ::initialize
(watch [_ state stream]
(let [stoper (rx/filter (ptk/type? ::finalize) stream)
profile-id (:profile-id state)
initmsg [{:type :subscribe-file
:file-id file-id
:version (obj/get global "penpotVersion")}
{:type :subscribe-team
:team-id team-id}]
endmsg {:type :unsubscribe-file
:file-id file-id}
stream (->> (rx/merge
;; Send the subscription message
(->> (rx/from initmsg)
(rx/map dws/send))
;; Subscribe to notifications of the subscription
(->> stream
(rx/filter (ptk/type? ::dws/message))
(rx/map deref)
(rx/filter (fn [{:keys [subs-id] :as msg}]
(or (= subs-id uuid/zero)
(= subs-id profile-id)
(= subs-id team-id)
(= subs-id file-id))))
(rx/map process-message))
;; On reconnect, send again the subscription messages
(->> stream
(rx/filter (ptk/type? ::dws/opened))
(rx/mapcat #(->> (rx/from initmsg)
(rx/map dws/send))))
;; Emit presence event for current user;
;; this is because websocket server don't
;; emits this for the same user.
(rx/of (handle-presence {:type :connect
:session-id (:session-id state)
:profile-id (:profile-id state)}))
;; Emit to all other connected users the current pointer
;; position changes.
(->> stream
(rx/filter mse/pointer-event?)
(rx/filter #(= :viewport (mse/get-pointer-source %)))
(rx/pipe (rxs/throttle 100))
(rx/map #(handle-pointer-send file-id (:pt %)))))
(rx/take-until stoper))]
(rx/concat stream (rx/of (dws/send endmsg)))))))
(defn- process-message
[{:keys [type] :as msg}]
(case type
:join-file (handle-presence msg)
:leave-file (handle-presence msg)
:presence (handle-presence msg)
:disconnect (handle-presence msg)
:pointer-update (handle-pointer-update msg)
:file-change (handle-file-change msg)
:library-change (handle-library-change msg)
:notification (handle-notification msg)
(defn- handle-pointer-send
[file-id point]
(ptk/reify ::handle-pointer-send
(watch [_ state _]
(let [page-id (:current-page-id state)
message {:type :pointer-update
:file-id file-id
:page-id page-id
:position point}]
(rx/of (dws/send message))))))
;; --- Finalize Websocket
(defn finalize
(ptk/reify ::finalize))
;; --- Handle: Presence
(def ^:private presence-palette
#{"#f49ef7" ; pink
"#75cafc" ; blue
"#fdcf79" ; gold
"#a9bdfa" ; indigo
"#faa6b7" ; red
"#cbaaff" ; purple
"#f9b489" ; orange
"#dee563" ; yellow -> default presence color
"#b1e96f" ; lemon
(defn handle-presence
[{:keys [type session-id profile-id version] :as message}]
(letfn [(get-next-color [presence]
(let [xfm (comp (map second)
(map :color)
(remove nil?))
used (into #{} xfm presence)
avail (set/difference presence-palette used)]
(or (first avail) "var(--app-black)")))
(update-color [color presence]
(if (some? color)
(get-next-color presence)))
(update-session [session presence]
(-> session
(assoc :id session-id)
(assoc :profile-id profile-id)
(assoc :updated-at (dt/now))
(assoc :version version)
(update :color update-color presence)
(assoc :text-color "#000")))
(update-presence [presence]
(-> presence
(update session-id update-session presence)
(ptk/reify ::handle-presence
(update [_ state]
(if (or (= :disconnect type) (= :leave-file type))
(update state :workspace-presence dissoc session-id)
(update state :workspace-presence update-presence))))))
(defn handle-pointer-update
[{:keys [page-id session-id position] :as msg}]
(ptk/reify ::handle-pointer-update
(update [_ state]
(update-in state [:workspace-presence session-id]
(fn [session]
(assoc session
:point position
:updated-at (dt/now)
:page-id page-id))))))
(def ^:private
[:map {:title "handle-file-change"}
[:type :keyword]
[:profile-id ::sm/uuid]
[:file-id ::sm/uuid]
[:session-id ::sm/uuid]
[:revn :int]
[:changes ::cpc/changes]]))
(defn handle-file-change
[{:keys [file-id changes] :as msg}]
"expected valid arguments"
(sm/check! schema:handle-file-change msg))
(ptk/reify ::handle-file-change
(-deref [_] {:changes changes})
(watch [_ state _]
(let [page-id (:current-page-id state)
(fn [{:keys [type attr]}]
(and (= :set type) (= attr :position-data)))
;;(fn [{:keys [] :as op}]
;; (cond-> op
;; (position-data-operation? op)
;; (update :val with-meta {:session-id (:session-id msg)})))
(fn [change]
;; Remove the position data from remote operations. Will be changed localy, otherwise
;; creates a strange "out-of-sync" behaviour.
(cond-> change
(and (= page-id (:page-id change))
(= :mod-obj (:type change)))
(update :operations #(d/removev position-data-operation? %))))
(fn [[page-id changes]]
(dch/update-indices page-id changes))
;; We update `position-data` from the incoming message
changes (->> changes
(mapv update-position-data)
(d/removev (fn [change]
(and (= page-id (:page-id change))
(:ignore-remote? change)))))
changes-by-pages (group-by :page-id changes)]
(rx/of (dwp/shapes-changes-persisted file-id (assoc msg :changes changes)))
(when-not (empty? changes-by-pages)
(rx/from (map process-page-changes changes-by-pages))))))))
(def ^:private
[:map {:title "handle-library-change"}
[:type :keyword]
[:profile-id ::sm/uuid]
[:file-id ::sm/uuid]
[:session-id ::sm/uuid]
[:revn :int]
[:modified-at ::sm/inst]
[:changes ::cpc/changes]]))
(defn handle-library-change
[{:keys [file-id modified-at changes revn] :as msg}]
"expected valid arguments"
(sm/check! schema:handle-library-change msg))
(ptk/reify ::handle-library-change
(watch [_ state _]
(when (contains? (:workspace-libraries state) file-id)
(rx/of (dwl/ext-library-changed file-id modified-at revn changes)
(dwl/notify-sync-file file-id))))))