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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.util.code-gen
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.common.text :as txt]
[app.util.color :as uc]
[cuerdas.core :as str]))
(defn shadow->css [shadow]
(let [{:keys [style offset-x offset-y blur spread]} shadow
css-color (uc/color->background (:color shadow))]
(if (= style :inner-shadow) "inset " "")
(str/fmt "%spx %spx %spx %spx %s" offset-x offset-y blur spread css-color))))
(defn format-fill-color [_ shape]
(let [color {:color (:fill-color shape)
:opacity (:fill-opacity shape)
:gradient (:fill-color-gradient shape)}]
(uc/color->background color)))
(defn format-stroke [_ shape]
(let [width (:stroke-width shape)
style (let [style (:stroke-style shape)]
(when (keyword? style) (name style)))
color {:color (:stroke-color shape)
:opacity (:stroke-opacity shape)
:gradient (:stroke-color-gradient shape)}]
(if-not (= :none (:stroke-style shape))
(str/format "%spx %s %s" width style (uc/color->background color)))))
(def styles-data
{:layout {:props [:width :height :x :y :radius :rx :r1]
:to-prop {:x "left"
:y "top"
:rotation "transform"
:rx "border-radius"
:r1 "border-radius"}
:format {:rotation #(str/fmt "rotate(%sdeg)" %)
:r1 #(apply str/fmt "%spx, %spx, %spx, %spx" %)}
:multi {:r1 [:r1 :r2 :r3 :r4]}}
:fill {:props [:fill-color :fill-color-gradient]
:to-prop {:fill-color "background" :fill-color-gradient "background"}
:format {:fill-color format-fill-color :fill-color-gradient format-fill-color}}
:stroke {:props [:stroke-style]
:to-prop {:stroke-style "border"}
:format {:stroke-style format-stroke}}
:shadow {:props [:shadow]
:to-prop {:shadow :box-shadow}
:format {:shadow #(str/join ", " (map shadow->css %1))}}
:blur {:props [:blur]
:to-prop {:blur "filter"}
:format {:blur #(str/fmt "blur(%spx)" (:value %))}}})
(def style-text
{:props [:fill-color
:to-prop {:fill-color "color"}
:format {:font-family #(str "'" % "'")
:font-style #(str "'" % "'")
:font-size #(str % "px")
:line-height #(str % "px")
:letter-spacing #(str % "px")
:text-decoration name
:text-transform name
:fill-color format-fill-color}})
(defn generate-css-props
([values properties]
(generate-css-props values properties nil))
([values properties params]
(let [{:keys [to-prop format tab-size multi]
:or {to-prop {} tab-size 0 multi {}}} params
;; We allow the :format and :to-prop to be a map for different properties
;; or just a value for a single property. This code transform a single
;; property to a uniform one
properties (if-not (coll? properties) [properties] properties)
format (if (not (map? format))
(into {} (map #(vector % format) properties))
to-prop (if (not (map? to-prop))
(into {} (map #(vector % to-prop) properties))
get-value (fn [prop]
(if-let [props (prop multi)]
(map #(get values %) props)
(get values prop)))
null? (fn [value]
(if (coll? value)
(every? #(or (nil? %) (= % 0)) value)
(or (nil? value) (= value 0))))
default-format (fn [value] (str (mth/precision value 2) "px"))
format-property (fn [prop]
(let [css-prop (or (prop to-prop) (name prop))
format-fn (or (prop format) default-format)
css-val (format-fn (get-value prop) values)]
(when css-val
(str/repeat " " tab-size)
(str/fmt "%s: %s;" css-prop css-val)))))]
(->> properties
(remove #(null? (get-value %)))
(map format-property)
(filter (comp not nil?))
(str/join "\n")))))
(defn shape->properties [shape]
(let [props (->> styles-data vals (mapcat :props))
to-prop (->> styles-data vals (map :to-prop) (reduce merge))
format (->> styles-data vals (map :format) (reduce merge))
multi (->> styles-data vals (map :multi) (reduce merge))]
(generate-css-props shape props {:to-prop to-prop
:format format
:multi multi
:tab-size 2})))
(defn search-text-attrs
[node attrs]
(->> (txt/node-seq node)
(map #(select-keys % attrs))
(reduce d/merge)))
;; TODO: used on handoff
(defn parse-style-text-blocks
[node attrs]
[(rec-style-text-map [acc node style]
(let [node-style (merge style (select-keys node attrs))
head (or (-> acc first) [{} ""])
[head-style head-text] head
(:children node)
(reduce #(rec-style-text-map %1 %2 node-style) acc (:children node))
(not= head-style node-style)
(cons [node-style (:text node "")] acc)
(cons [node-style (str head-text "" (:text node))] (rest acc)))
;; We add an end-of-line when finish a paragraph
(if (= (:type node) "paragraph")
(let [[hs ht] (first new-acc)]
(cons [hs (str ht "\n")] (rest new-acc)))
(-> (rec-style-text-map [] node {})
(defn text->properties [shape]
(let [text-shape-style (select-keys styles-data [:layout :shadow :blur])
shape-props (->> text-shape-style vals (mapcat :props))
shape-to-prop (->> text-shape-style vals (map :to-prop) (reduce merge))
shape-format (->> text-shape-style vals (map :format) (reduce merge))
text-values (->> (search-text-attrs (:content shape) (conj (:props style-text) :fill-color-gradient))
(d/merge txt/default-text-attrs))]
[(generate-css-props shape
{:to-prop shape-to-prop
:format shape-format
:tab-size 2})
(generate-css-props text-values
(:props style-text)
{:to-prop (:to-prop style-text)
:format (:format style-text)
:tab-size 2})]))
(defn generate-css [shape]
(let [name (:name shape)
properties (if (= :text (:type shape))
(text->properties shape)
(shape->properties shape))
selector (str/css-selector name)
selector (if (str/starts-with? selector "-") (subs selector 1) selector)]
(str/join "\n" [(str/fmt "/* %s */" name)
(str/fmt ".%s {" selector)
(defn generate-style-code [type shapes]
(let [generate-style-fn (case type
"css" generate-css)]
(->> shapes
(map generate-style-fn)
(str/join "\n\n"))))