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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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;; Copyright (c) 2020 UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.migrations.migration-0023
[app.db :as db]
[app.util.blob :as blob]))
(defn decode-row
[{:keys [data] :as row}]
(when row
(cond-> row
data (assoc :data (blob/decode data)))))
(defn retrieve-files
(->> (db/exec! conn ["select * from file;"])
(map decode-row)))
(defn retrieve-pages
[conn file-id]
(->> (db/query conn :page {:file-id file-id})
(map decode-row)
(sort-by :ordering)))
(def empty-file-data
{:version 1
:pages []
:pages-index {}})
(defn pages->data
(reduce (fn [acc {:keys [id data name] :as page}]
(let [data (-> data
(dissoc :version)
(assoc :id id :name name))]
(-> acc
(update :pages (fnil conj []) id)
(update :pages-index assoc id data))))
(defn migrate-file
[conn {:keys [id] :as file}]
(let [pages (retrieve-pages conn (:id file))
data (pages->data pages)]
(db/update! conn :file
{:data (blob/encode data)}
{:id id})))
(defn migrate
(let [files (retrieve-files conn)]
(doseq [file files]
(when (nil? (:data file))
(migrate-file conn file)))
(db/exec-one! conn ["drop table page cascade;"])))