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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.main.ui.shapes.attrs
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.spec.radius :as ctr]
[app.common.spec.shape :refer [stroke-caps-line stroke-caps-marker]]
[app.main.ui.context :as muc]
[app.util.object :as obj]
[app.util.svg :as usvg]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[rumext.alpha :as mf]))
(defn- stroke-type->dasharray
[width style]
(let [values (case style
:mixed [5 5 1 5]
;; We want 0 so they are circles
:dotted [(- width) 5]
:dashed [10 10]
(->> values (map #(+ % width)) (str/join ","))))
(defn- truncate-side
[shape ra-attr rb-attr dimension-attr]
(let [ra (ra-attr shape)
rb (rb-attr shape)
dimension (dimension-attr shape)]
(if (<= (+ ra rb) dimension)
[ra rb]
[(/ (* ra dimension) (+ ra rb))
(/ (* rb dimension) (+ ra rb))])))
(defn- truncate-radius
(let [[r-top-left r-top-right]
(truncate-side shape :r1 :r2 :width)
[r-right-top r-right-bottom]
(truncate-side shape :r2 :r3 :height)
[r-bottom-right r-bottom-left]
(truncate-side shape :r3 :r4 :width)
[r-left-bottom r-left-top]
(truncate-side shape :r4 :r1 :height)]
[(min r-top-left r-left-top)
(min r-top-right r-right-top)
(min r-right-bottom r-bottom-right)
(min r-bottom-left r-left-bottom)]))
(defn add-border-radius [attrs shape]
(case (ctr/radius-mode shape)
(obj/merge! attrs #js {:rx (:rx shape)
:ry (:ry shape)})
(let [[r1 r2 r3 r4] (truncate-radius shape)
top (- (:width shape) r1 r2)
right (- (:height shape) r2 r3)
bottom (- (:width shape) r3 r4)
left (- (:height shape) r4 r1)]
(obj/merge! attrs #js {:d (str "M" (+ (:x shape) r1) "," (:y shape) " "
"h" top " "
"a" r2 "," r2 " 0 0 1 " r2 "," r2 " "
"v" right " "
"a" r3 "," r3 " 0 0 1 " (- r3) "," r3 " "
"h" (- bottom) " "
"a" r4 "," r4 " 0 0 1 " (- r4) "," (- r4) " "
"v" (- left) " "
"a" r1 "," r1 " 0 0 1 " r1 "," (- r1) " "
(defn add-fill [attrs shape render-id index]
(let [
fill-attrs (cond
(contains? shape :fill-image)
(let [fill-image-id (str "fill-image-" render-id)]
{:fill (str/format "url(#%s)" fill-image-id)})
(contains? shape :fill-color-gradient)
(let [fill-color-gradient-id (str "fill-color-gradient_" render-id "_" index)]
{:fill (str/format "url(#%s)" fill-color-gradient-id)})
(contains? shape :fill-color)
{:fill (:fill-color shape)}
;; If contains svg-attrs the origin is svg. If it's not svg origin
;; we setup the default fill as transparent (instead of black)
(and (not (contains? shape :svg-attrs))
(not (#{:svg-raw :group} (:type shape))))
{:fill "none"}
fill-attrs (cond-> fill-attrs
(contains? shape :fill-opacity)
(assoc :fillOpacity (:fill-opacity shape)))]
(obj/merge! attrs (clj->js fill-attrs))))
(defn add-stroke [attrs shape render-id]
(let [stroke-style (:stroke-style shape :none)
stroke-color-gradient-id (str "stroke-color-gradient_" render-id)
stroke-width (:stroke-width shape 1)]
(if (not= stroke-style :none)
(let [stroke-attrs
(cond-> {:strokeWidth stroke-width}
(:stroke-color-gradient shape)
(assoc :stroke (str/format "url(#%s)" stroke-color-gradient-id))
(and (not (:stroke-color-gradient shape))
(:stroke-color shape nil))
(assoc :stroke (:stroke-color shape nil))
(and (not (:stroke-color-gradient shape))
(:stroke-opacity shape nil))
(assoc :strokeOpacity (:stroke-opacity shape nil))
(not= stroke-style :svg)
(assoc :strokeDasharray (stroke-type->dasharray stroke-width stroke-style))
;; For simple line caps we use svg stroke-line-cap attribute. This
;; only works if all caps are the same and we are not using the tricks
;; for inner or outer strokes.
(and (stroke-caps-line (:stroke-cap-start shape))
(= (:stroke-cap-start shape) (:stroke-cap-end shape))
(not (#{:inner :outer} (:stroke-alignment shape)))
(not= :dotted stroke-style))
(assoc :strokeLinecap (:stroke-cap-start shape))
(= :dotted stroke-style)
(assoc :strokeLinecap "round")
;; For other cap types we use markers.
(and (or (stroke-caps-marker (:stroke-cap-start shape))
(and (stroke-caps-line (:stroke-cap-start shape))
(not= (:stroke-cap-start shape) (:stroke-cap-end shape))))
(not (#{:inner :outer} (:stroke-alignment shape))))
(assoc :markerStart
(str/format "url(#marker-%s-%s)" render-id (name (:stroke-cap-start shape))))
(and (or (stroke-caps-marker (:stroke-cap-end shape))
(and (stroke-caps-line (:stroke-cap-end shape))
(not= (:stroke-cap-start shape) (:stroke-cap-end shape))))
(not (#{:inner :outer} (:stroke-alignment shape))))
(assoc :markerEnd
(str/format "url(#marker-%s-%s)" render-id (name (:stroke-cap-end shape)))))]
(obj/merge! attrs (clj->js stroke-attrs)))
(defn add-layer-props [attrs shape]
(cond-> attrs
(:opacity shape)
(obj/set! "opacity" (:opacity shape))))
(defn extract-svg-attrs
[render-id svg-defs svg-attrs]
(let [replace-id (fn [id]
(if (contains? svg-defs id)
(str render-id "-" id)
svg-attrs (-> svg-attrs
(usvg/update-attr-ids replace-id)
(dissoc :id))
attrs (-> svg-attrs (dissoc :style) (clj->js))
styles (-> svg-attrs (:style {}) (clj->js))]
[attrs styles]))
(defn add-style-attrs
([props shape]
(let [render-id (mf/use-ctx muc/render-ctx)]
(add-style-attrs props shape render-id)))
([props shape render-id]
(let [svg-defs (:svg-defs shape {})
svg-attrs (:svg-attrs shape {})
[svg-attrs svg-styles]
(extract-svg-attrs render-id svg-defs svg-attrs)
styles (-> (obj/get props "style" (obj/new))
(obj/merge! svg-styles)
(add-stroke shape render-id)
(add-layer-props shape))
styles (cond (or (some? (:fill-image shape))
(= :image (:type shape))
(> (count (:fills shape)) 1)
(some #(some? (:fill-color-gradient %)) (:fills shape)))
(obj/set! styles "fill" (str "url(#fill-" render-id ")"))
;; imported svgs can have fill and fill-opacity attributes
(obj/contains? svg-styles "fill")
(-> styles
(obj/set! "fill" (obj/get svg-styles "fill"))
(obj/set! "fillOpacity" (obj/get svg-styles "fillOpacity")))
(add-fill styles (d/without-nils (get-in shape [:fills 0])) render-id 0))]
(-> props
(obj/merge! svg-attrs)
(add-border-radius shape)
(obj/set! "style" styles)))))
(defn extract-style-attrs
(-> (obj/new)
(add-style-attrs shape)))
(defn extract-fill-attrs
[shape index]
(let [render-id (mf/use-ctx muc/render-ctx)
fill-styles (-> (obj/get shape "style" (obj/new))
(add-fill shape render-id index))]
(-> (obj/new)
(obj/set! "style" fill-styles))))
(defn extract-border-radius-attrs
(-> (obj/new)
(add-border-radius shape)))