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(ns uxbox.tests.test-pages
(:require [clojure.test :as t]
[promesa.core :as p]
[suricatta.core :as sc]
[uxbox.util.uuid :as uuid]
[uxbox.db :as db]
[uxbox.http :as http]
[uxbox.services.projects :as uspr]
[uxbox.services.pages :as uspg]
[uxbox.services :as usv]
[uxbox.tests.helpers :as th]))
(t/use-fixtures :once th/state-init)
(t/use-fixtures :each th/database-reset)
(t/deftest test-http-page-create
(with-open [conn (db/connection)]
(let [user (th/create-user conn 1)
proj (uspr/create-project conn {:user (:id user) :name "proj1"})]
(th/with-server {:handler @http/app}
(let [uri (str th/+base-url+ "/api/pages")
params {:body {:project (:id proj)
:name "page1"
:data "1"
:metadata "1"
:width 200
:height 200
:layout "mobile"}}
[status data] (th/http-post user uri params)]
;; (println "RESPONSE:" status data)
(t/is (= 201 status))
(t/is (= (:data (:body params)) (:data data)))
(t/is (= (:user data) (:id user)))
(t/is (= (:name data) "page1")))))))
(t/deftest test-http-page-update
(with-open [conn (db/connection)]
(let [user (th/create-user conn 1)
proj (uspr/create-project conn {:user (:id user) :name "proj1"})
data {:id (uuid/random)
:user (:id user)
:project (:id proj)
:version 0
:data "1"
:metadata "2"
:name "page1"
:width 200
:height 200
:layout "mobil"}
page (uspg/create-page conn data)]
(th/with-server {:handler @http/app}
(let [uri (str th/+base-url+ (str "/api/pages/" (:id page)))
params {:body (assoc page :data "3")}
[status page'] (th/http-put user uri params)]
;; (println "RESPONSE:" status page')
(t/is (= 200 status))
(t/is (= "3" (:data page')))
(t/is (= 1 (:version page')))
(t/is (= (:user page') (:id user)))
(t/is (= (:name data) "page1")))))))
(t/deftest test-http-page-update-metadata
(with-open [conn (db/connection)]
(let [user (th/create-user conn 1)
proj (uspr/create-project conn {:user (:id user) :name "proj1"})
data {:id (uuid/random)
:user (:id user)
:project (:id proj)
:version 0
:data "1"
:metadata "2"
:name "page1"
:width 200
:height 200
:layout "mobil"}
page (uspg/create-page conn data)]
(th/with-server {:handler @http/app}
(let [uri (str th/+base-url+ (str "/api/pages/" (:id page) "/metadata"))
params {:body (assoc page :data "3")}
[status page'] (th/http-put user uri params)]
;; (println "RESPONSE:" status page')
(t/is (= 200 status))
(t/is (= "1" (:data page')))
(t/is (= 1 (:version page')))
(t/is (= (:user page') (:id user)))
(t/is (= (:name data) "page1")))))))
(t/deftest test-http-page-delete
(with-open [conn (db/connection)]
(let [user (th/create-user conn 1)
proj (uspr/create-project conn {:user (:id user) :name "proj1"})
data {:id (uuid/random)
:user (:id user)
:project (:id proj)
:version 0
:data "1"
:metadata "2"
:name "page1"
:width 200
:height 200
:layout "mobil"}
page (uspg/create-page conn data)]
(th/with-server {:handler @http/app}
(let [uri (str th/+base-url+ (str "/api/pages/" (:id page)))
[status response] (th/http-delete user uri)]
;; (println "RESPONSE:" status response)
(t/is (= 204 status))
(let [sqlv ["SELECT * FROM pages WHERE \"user\"=? AND deleted_at is null"
(:id user)]
result (sc/fetch conn sqlv)]
(t/is (empty? result))))))))
(t/deftest test-http-page-list-by-project
(with-open [conn (db/connection)]
(let [user (th/create-user conn 1)
proj1 (uspr/create-project conn {:user (:id user) :name "proj1"})
proj2 (uspr/create-project conn {:user (:id user) :name "proj2"})
data {:user (:id user)
:version 0
:data "1"
:metadata "2"
:name "page1"
:width 200
:height 200
:layout "mobil"}
page1 (uspg/create-page conn (assoc data :project (:id proj1)))
page2 (uspg/create-page conn (assoc data :project (:id proj2)))]
(th/with-server {:handler @http/app}
(let [uri (str th/+base-url+ (str "/api/pages?project=" (:id proj1)))
[status response] (th/http-get user uri)]
;; (println "RESPONSE:" status response)
(t/is (= 200 status))
(t/is (= 1 (count response)))
(t/is (= (:id (first response)) (:id page1))))))))
(t/deftest test-http-page-history-retrieve
(with-open [conn (db/connection)]
(let [user (th/create-user conn 1)
proj (uspr/create-project conn {:user (:id user) :name "proj1"})
data {:id (uuid/random)
:user (:id user)
:project (:id proj)
:version 0
:data "1"
:metadata "2"
:name "page1"
:width 200
:height 200
:layout "mobil"}
page (uspg/create-page conn data)]
(dotimes [i 100]
(let [page (uspg/get-page-by-id conn (:id data))]
(uspg/update-page conn (assoc page :data (str i)))))
;; Check inserted history
(let [sqlv ["SELECT * FROM pages_history WHERE page=?" (:id data)]
result (sc/fetch conn sqlv)]
(t/is (= (count result) 101)))
;; Check retrieve all items
(th/with-server {:handler @http/app}
(let [uri (str th/+base-url+ "/api/pages/" (:id page) "/history")
[status result] (th/http-get user uri nil)]
;; (println "RESPONSE:" status result)
(t/is (= (count result) 10))
(t/is (= 200 status))
(t/is (= 100 (:version (first result))))
(let [params {:query {:since (:version (last result))
:max 20}}
[status result] (th/http-get user uri params)]
;; (println "RESPONSE:" status result)
(t/is (= (count result) 20))
(t/is (= 200 status))
(t/is (= 90 (:version (first result))))))
(t/deftest test-http-page-history-update
(with-open [conn (db/connection)]
(let [user (th/create-user conn 1)
proj (uspr/create-project conn {:user (:id user) :name "proj1"})
data {:id (uuid/random)
:user (:id user)
:project (:id proj)
:version 0
:data "1"
:metadata "2"
:name "page1"
:width 200
:height 200
:layout "mobil"}
page (uspg/create-page conn data)]
(dotimes [i 10]
(let [page (uspg/get-page-by-id conn (:id data))]
(uspg/update-page conn (assoc page :data (str i)))))
;; Check inserted history
(let [sql (str "SELECT * FROM pages_history "
" WHERE page=? ORDER BY created_at DESC")
result (sc/fetch conn [sql (:id data)])
item (first result)]
(th/with-server {:handler @http/app}
(let [uri (str th/+base-url+
"/api/pages/" (:id page)
"/history/" (:id item))
params {:body {:label "test" :pinned true}}
[status data] (th/http-put user uri params)]
;; (println "RESPONSE:" status data)
(t/is (= 200 status))
(t/is (= (:id data) (:id item))))))
(let [sql (str "SELECT * FROM pages_history "
" WHERE page=? AND pinned = true "
" ORDER BY created_at DESC")
result (sc/fetch-one conn [sql (:id data)])]
(t/is (= "test" (:label result)))
(t/is (= true (:pinned result)))))))