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;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
(ns app.render-wasm.api
"A WASM based render API"
[app.common.data.macros :as dm]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.config :as cf]
[app.render-wasm.helpers :as h]
[app.util.functions :as fns]
[app.util.http :as http]
[app.util.webapi :as wapi]
[beicon.v2.core :as rx]
[goog.object :as gobj]
[promesa.core :as p]))
(defonce internal-frame-id nil)
(defonce internal-module #js {})
(defonce use-dpr? (contains? cf/flags :render-wasm-dpr))
(def dpr
(if use-dpr? js/window.devicePixelRatio 1.0))
;; This should never be called from the outside.
;; This function receives a "time" parameter that we're not using but maybe in the future could be useful (it is the time since
;; the window started rendering elements so it could be useful to measure time between frames).
(defn- render
(h/call internal-module "_render")
(set! internal-frame-id nil))
(defn- render-without-cache
(h/call internal-module "_render_without_cache")
(set! internal-frame-id nil))
(defn- rgba-from-hex
"Takes a hex color in #rrggbb format, and an opacity value from 0 to 1 and returns its 32-bit rgba representation"
[hex opacity]
(let [rgb (js/parseInt (subs hex 1) 16)
a (mth/floor (* (or opacity 1) 0xff))]
;; rgba >>> 0 so we have an unsigned representation
(unsigned-bit-shift-right (bit-or (bit-shift-left a 24) rgb) 0)))
(defn- rgba-bytes-from-hex
"Takes a hex color in #rrggbb format, and an opacity value from 0 to 1 and returns an array with its r g b a values"
[hex opacity]
(let [rgb (js/parseInt (subs hex 1) 16)
a (mth/floor (* (or opacity 1) 0xff))
;; rgba >>> 0 so we have an unsigned representation
r (bit-shift-right rgb 16)
g (bit-and (bit-shift-right rgb 8) 255)
b (bit-and rgb 255)]
[r g b a]))
(defn cancel-render
(when internal-frame-id
(js/cancelAnimationFrame internal-frame-id)
(set! internal-frame-id nil)))
(defn request-render
(when internal-frame-id (cancel-render))
(set! internal-frame-id (js/requestAnimationFrame render)))
(defn use-shape
(let [buffer (uuid/get-u32 id)]
(h/call internal-module "_use_shape"
(aget buffer 0)
(aget buffer 1)
(aget buffer 2)
(aget buffer 3))))
(defn set-shape-selrect
(h/call internal-module "_set_shape_selrect"
(dm/get-prop selrect :x1)
(dm/get-prop selrect :y1)
(dm/get-prop selrect :x2)
(dm/get-prop selrect :y2)))
(defn set-shape-transform
(h/call internal-module "_set_shape_transform"
(dm/get-prop transform :a)
(dm/get-prop transform :b)
(dm/get-prop transform :c)
(dm/get-prop transform :d)
(dm/get-prop transform :e)
(dm/get-prop transform :f)))
(defn set-shape-rotation
(h/call internal-module "_set_shape_rotation" rotation))
(defn set-shape-children
(h/call internal-module "_clear_shape_children")
(run! (fn [id]
(let [buffer (uuid/get-u32 id)]
(h/call internal-module "_add_shape_child"
(aget buffer 0)
(aget buffer 1)
(aget buffer 2)
(aget buffer 3))))
(defn- store-image
(let [buffer (uuid/get-u32 id)
url (cf/resolve-file-media {:id id})]
(->> (http/send! {:method :get
:uri url
:response-type :blob})
(rx/map :body)
(rx/mapcat wapi/read-file-as-array-buffer)
(rx/map (fn [image]
(let [image-size (.-byteLength image)
image-ptr (h/call internal-module "_alloc_bytes" image-size)
heap (gobj/get ^js internal-module "HEAPU8")
mem (js/Uint8Array. (.-buffer heap) image-ptr image-size)]
(.set mem (js/Uint8Array. image))
(h/call internal-module "_store_image"
(aget buffer 0)
(aget buffer 1)
(aget buffer 2)
(aget buffer 3)
(defn set-shape-fills
(h/call internal-module "_clear_shape_fills")
(keep (fn [fill]
(let [opacity (or (:fill-opacity fill) 1.0)
color (:fill-color fill)
gradient (:fill-color-gradient fill)
image (:fill-image fill)]
(some? color)
(let [rgba (rgba-from-hex color opacity)]
(h/call internal-module "_add_shape_solid_fill" rgba))
(and (some? gradient) (= (:type gradient) :linear))
(let [stops (:stops gradient)
n-stops (count stops)
mem-size (* 5 n-stops)
stops-ptr (h/call internal-module "_alloc_bytes" mem-size)
heap (gobj/get ^js internal-module "HEAPU8")
mem (js/Uint8Array. (.-buffer heap) stops-ptr mem-size)]
(h/call internal-module "_add_shape_linear_fill"
(:start-x gradient)
(:start-y gradient)
(:end-x gradient)
(:end-y gradient)
(.set mem (js/Uint8Array. (clj->js (flatten (map (fn [stop]
(let [[r g b a] (rgba-bytes-from-hex (:color stop) (:opacity stop))
offset (:offset stop)]
[r g b a (* 100 offset)]))
(h/call internal-module "_add_shape_fill_stops" stops-ptr n-stops))
(some? image)
(let [id (dm/get-prop image :id)
buffer (uuid/get-u32 id)
cached-image? (h/call internal-module "_is_image_cached" (aget buffer 0) (aget buffer 1) (aget buffer 2) (aget buffer 3))]
(h/call internal-module "_add_shape_image_fill"
(aget buffer 0)
(aget buffer 1)
(aget buffer 2)
(aget buffer 3)
(dm/get-prop image :width)
(dm/get-prop image :height))
(when (== cached-image? 0)
(store-image id))))))
(defn- translate-blend-mode
(case blend-mode
:normal 3
:darken 16
:multiply 24
:color-burn 19
:lighten 17
:screen 14
:color-dodge 18
:overlay 15
:soft-light 21
:hard-light 20
:difference 22
:exclusion 23
:hue 25
:saturation 26
:color 27
:luminosity 28
(defn set-shape-blend-mode
;; These values correspond to skia::BlendMode representation
;; https://rust-skia.github.io/doc/skia_safe/enum.BlendMode.html
(h/call internal-module "_set_shape_blend_mode" (translate-blend-mode blend-mode)))
(defn set-shape-opacity
(h/call internal-module "_set_shape_opacity" (or opacity 1)))
(defn set-shape-hidden
(h/call internal-module "_set_shape_hidden" hidden))
(def debounce-render-without-cache (fns/debounce render-without-cache 100))
(defn set-view
[zoom vbox]
(h/call internal-module "_set_view" zoom (- (:x vbox)) (- (:y vbox)))
(h/call internal-module "_navigate")
(defn set-objects
(let [shapes (into [] (vals objects))
total-shapes (count shapes)
(loop [index 0 pending []]
(if (< index total-shapes)
(let [shape (nth shapes index)
id (dm/get-prop shape :id)
selrect (dm/get-prop shape :selrect)
rotation (dm/get-prop shape :rotation)
transform (dm/get-prop shape :transform)
fills (dm/get-prop shape :fills)
children (dm/get-prop shape :shapes)
blend-mode (dm/get-prop shape :blend-mode)
opacity (dm/get-prop shape :opacity)
hidden (dm/get-prop shape :hidden)]
(use-shape id)
(set-shape-selrect selrect)
(set-shape-rotation rotation)
(set-shape-transform transform)
(set-shape-blend-mode blend-mode)
(set-shape-children children)
(set-shape-opacity opacity)
(set-shape-hidden hidden)
(let [pending-fills (doall (set-shape-fills fills))]
(recur (inc index) (into pending pending-fills))))
(when-let [pending (seq pending)]
(->> (rx/from pending)
(rx/mapcat identity)
(rx/reduce conj [])
(rx/subs! request-render)))))
(def ^:private canvas-options
#js {:antialias false
:depth true
:stencil true
:alpha true})
(defn clear-canvas
;; TODO: perform corresponding cleaning
(defn resize-viewbox
[width height]
(h/call internal-module "_resize_viewbox" width height))
(defn assign-canvas
(let [gl (unchecked-get internal-module "GL")
context (.getContext ^js canvas "webgl2" canvas-options)
;; Register the context with emscripten
handle (.registerContext ^js gl context #js {"majorVersion" 2})]
(.makeContextCurrent ^js gl handle)
;; Initialize Wasm Render Engine
(h/call internal-module "_init" (/ (.-width ^js canvas) dpr) (/ (.-height ^js canvas) dpr))
(h/call internal-module "_set_render_options" 0x01 dpr))
(set! (.-width canvas) (* dpr (.-clientWidth ^js canvas)))
(set! (.-height canvas) (* dpr (.-clientHeight ^js canvas))))
(defonce module
(if (exists? js/dynamicImport)
(let [uri (cf/resolve-static-asset "js/render_wasm.js")]
(->> (js/dynamicImport (str uri))
(p/mcat (fn [module]
(let [default (unchecked-get module "default")]
(p/fmap (fn [module]
(set! internal-module module)
(p/merr (fn [cause]
(js/console.error cause)
(p/resolved false)))))
(p/resolved false))))