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// Snap.svg 0.4.1
// Copyright (c) 2013 – 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// build: 2015-04-13
// Copyright (c) 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ \\
// │ Eve 0.4.2 - JavaScript Events Library │ \\
// ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ \\
// │ Author Dmitry Baranovskiy (http://dmitry.baranovskiy.com/) │ \\
// └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ \\
(function (glob) {
var version = "0.4.2",
has = "hasOwnProperty",
separator = /[\.\/]/,
comaseparator = /\s*,\s*/,
wildcard = "*",
fun = function () {},
numsort = function (a, b) {
return a - b;
events = {n: {}},
firstDefined = function () {
for (var i = 0, ii = this.length; i < ii; i++) {
if (typeof this[i] != "undefined") {
return this[i];
lastDefined = function () {
var i = this.length;
while (--i) {
if (typeof this[i] != "undefined") {
return this[i];
* eve
[ method ]
* Fires event with given `name`, given scope and other parameters.
> Arguments
- name (string) name of the *event*, dot (`.`) or slash (`/`) separated
- scope (object) context for the event handlers
- varargs (...) the rest of arguments will be sent to event handlers
= (object) array of returned values from the listeners. Array has two methods `.firstDefined()` and `.lastDefined()` to get first or last not `undefined` value.
eve = function (name, scope) {
name = String(name);
var e = events,
oldstop = stop,
args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2),
listeners = eve.listeners(name),
z = 0,
f = false,
indexed = [],
queue = {},
out = [],
ce = current_event,
errors = [];
out.firstDefined = firstDefined;
out.lastDefined = lastDefined;
current_event = name;
stop = 0;
for (var i = 0, ii = listeners.length; i < ii; i++) if ("zIndex" in listeners[i]) {
if (listeners[i].zIndex < 0) {
queue[listeners[i].zIndex] = listeners[i];
while (indexed[z] < 0) {
l = queue[indexed[z++]];
out.push(l.apply(scope, args));
if (stop) {
stop = oldstop;
return out;
for (i = 0; i < ii; i++) {
l = listeners[i];
if ("zIndex" in l) {
if (l.zIndex == indexed[z]) {
out.push(l.apply(scope, args));
if (stop) {
do {
l = queue[indexed[z]];
l && out.push(l.apply(scope, args));
if (stop) {
} while (l)
} else {
queue[l.zIndex] = l;
} else {
out.push(l.apply(scope, args));
if (stop) {
stop = oldstop;
current_event = ce;
return out;
// Undocumented. Debug only.
eve._events = events;
* eve.listeners
[ method ]
* Internal method which gives you array of all event handlers that will be triggered by the given `name`.
> Arguments
- name (string) name of the event, dot (`.`) or slash (`/`) separated
= (array) array of event handlers
eve.listeners = function (name) {
var names = name.split(separator),
e = events,
es = [e],
out = [];
for (i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) {
nes = [];
for (j = 0, jj = es.length; j < jj; j++) {
e = es[j].n;
items = [e[names[i]], e[wildcard]];
k = 2;
while (k--) {
item = items[k];
if (item) {
out = out.concat(item.f || []);
es = nes;
return out;
* eve.on
[ method ]
* Binds given event handler with a given name. You can use wildcards “`*`” for the names:
| eve.on("*.under.*", f);
| eve("mouse.under.floor"); // triggers f
* Use @eve to trigger the listener.
> Arguments
- name (string) name of the event, dot (`.`) or slash (`/`) separated, with optional wildcards
- f (function) event handler function
= (function) returned function accepts a single numeric parameter that represents z-index of the handler. It is an optional feature and only used when you need to ensure that some subset of handlers will be invoked in a given order, despite of the order of assignment.
> Example:
| eve.on("mouse", eatIt)(2);
| eve.on("mouse", scream);
| eve.on("mouse", catchIt)(1);
* This will ensure that `catchIt` function will be called before `eatIt`.
* If you want to put your handler before non-indexed handlers, specify a negative value.
* Note: I assume most of the time you don’t need to worry about z-index, but it’s nice to have this feature “just in case”.
eve.on = function (name, f) {
name = String(name);
if (typeof f != "function") {
return function () {};
var names = name.split(comaseparator);
for (var i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) {
(function (name) {
var names = name.split(separator),
e = events,
for (var i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) {
e = e.n;
e = e.hasOwnProperty(names[i]) && e[names[i]] || (e[names[i]] = {n: {}});
e.f = e.f || [];
for (i = 0, ii = e.f.length; i < ii; i++) if (e.f[i] == f) {
exist = true;
!exist && e.f.push(f);
return function (zIndex) {
if (+zIndex == +zIndex) {
f.zIndex = +zIndex;
* eve.f
[ method ]
* Returns function that will fire given event with optional arguments.
* Arguments that will be passed to the result function will be also
* concated to the list of final arguments.
| el.onclick = eve.f("click", 1, 2);
| eve.on("click", function (a, b, c) {
| console.log(a, b, c); // 1, 2, [event object]
| });
> Arguments
- event (string) event name
- varargs (…) and any other arguments
= (function) possible event handler function
eve.f = function (event) {
var attrs = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
return function () {
eve.apply(null, [event, null].concat(attrs).concat([].slice.call(arguments, 0)));
* eve.stop
[ method ]
* Is used inside an event handler to stop the event, preventing any subsequent listeners from firing.
eve.stop = function () {
stop = 1;
* eve.nt
[ method ]
* Could be used inside event handler to figure out actual name of the event.
> Arguments
- subname (string) #optional subname of the event
= (string) name of the event, if `subname` is not specified
* or
= (boolean) `true`, if current event’s name contains `subname`
eve.nt = function (subname) {
if (subname) {
return new RegExp("(?:\\.|\\/|^)" + subname + "(?:\\.|\\/|$)").test(current_event);
return current_event;
* eve.nts
[ method ]
* Could be used inside event handler to figure out actual name of the event.
= (array) names of the event
eve.nts = function () {
return current_event.split(separator);
* eve.off
[ method ]
* Removes given function from the list of event listeners assigned to given name.
* If no arguments specified all the events will be cleared.
> Arguments
- name (string) name of the event, dot (`.`) or slash (`/`) separated, with optional wildcards
- f (function) event handler function
* eve.unbind
[ method ]
* See @eve.off
eve.off = eve.unbind = function (name, f) {
if (!name) {
eve._events = events = {n: {}};
var names = name.split(comaseparator);
if (names.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) {
eve.off(names[i], f);
names = name.split(separator);
var e,
i, ii, j, jj,
cur = [events];
for (i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < cur.length; j += splice.length - 2) {
splice = [j, 1];
e = cur[j].n;
if (names[i] != wildcard) {
if (e[names[i]]) {
} else {
for (key in e) if (e[has](key)) {
cur.splice.apply(cur, splice);
for (i = 0, ii = cur.length; i < ii; i++) {
e = cur[i];
while (e.n) {
if (f) {
if (e.f) {
for (j = 0, jj = e.f.length; j < jj; j++) if (e.f[j] == f) {
e.f.splice(j, 1);
!e.f.length && delete e.f;
for (key in e.n) if (e.n[has](key) && e.n[key].f) {
var funcs = e.n[key].f;
for (j = 0, jj = funcs.length; j < jj; j++) if (funcs[j] == f) {
funcs.splice(j, 1);
!funcs.length && delete e.n[key].f;
} else {
delete e.f;
for (key in e.n) if (e.n[has](key) && e.n[key].f) {
delete e.n[key].f;
e = e.n;
* eve.once
[ method ]
* Binds given event handler with a given name to only run once then unbind itself.
| eve.once("login", f);
| eve("login"); // triggers f
| eve("login"); // no listeners
* Use @eve to trigger the listener.
> Arguments
- name (string) name of the event, dot (`.`) or slash (`/`) separated, with optional wildcards
- f (function) event handler function
= (function) same return function as @eve.on
eve.once = function (name, f) {
var f2 = function () {
eve.unbind(name, f2);
return f.apply(this, arguments);
return eve.on(name, f2);
* eve.version
[ property (string) ]
* Current version of the library.
eve.version = version;
eve.toString = function () {
return "You are running Eve " + version;
(typeof module != "undefined" && module.exports) ? (module.exports = eve) : (typeof define === "function" && define.amd ? (define("eve", [], function() { return eve; })) : (glob.eve = eve));
(function (glob, factory) {
// AMD support
if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) {
// Define as an anonymous module
define(["eve"], function (eve) {
return factory(glob, eve);
} else if (typeof exports != 'undefined') {
// Next for Node.js or CommonJS
var eve = require('eve');
module.exports = factory(glob, eve);
} else {
// Browser globals (glob is window)
// Snap adds itself to window
factory(glob, glob.eve);
}(window || this, function (window, eve) {
// Copyright (c) 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
var mina = (function (eve) {
var animations = {},
requestAnimFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function (callback) {
setTimeout(callback, 16);
isArray = Array.isArray || function (a) {
return a instanceof Array ||
Object.prototype.toString.call(a) == "[object Array]";
idgen = 0,
idprefix = "M" + (+new Date).toString(36),
ID = function () {
return idprefix + (idgen++).toString(36);
diff = function (a, b, A, B) {
if (isArray(a)) {
res = [];
for (var i = 0, ii = a.length; i < ii; i++) {
res[i] = diff(a[i], b, A[i], B);
return res;
var dif = (A - a) / (B - b);
return function (bb) {
return a + dif * (bb - b);
timer = Date.now || function () {
return +new Date;
sta = function (val) {
var a = this;
if (val == null) {
return a.s;
var ds = a.s - val;
a.b += a.dur * ds;
a.B += a.dur * ds;
a.s = val;
speed = function (val) {
var a = this;
if (val == null) {
return a.spd;
a.spd = val;
duration = function (val) {
var a = this;
if (val == null) {
return a.dur;
a.s = a.s * val / a.dur;
a.dur = val;
stopit = function () {
var a = this;
delete animations[a.id];
eve("mina.stop." + a.id, a);
pause = function () {
var a = this;
if (a.pdif) {
delete animations[a.id];
a.pdif = a.get() - a.b;
resume = function () {
var a = this;
if (!a.pdif) {
a.b = a.get() - a.pdif;
delete a.pdif;
animations[a.id] = a;
update = function () {
var a = this,
if (isArray(a.start)) {
res = [];
for (var j = 0, jj = a.start.length; j < jj; j++) {
res[j] = +a.start[j] +
(a.end[j] - a.start[j]) * a.easing(a.s);
} else {
res = +a.start + (a.end - a.start) * a.easing(a.s);
frame = function () {
var len = 0;
for (var i in animations) if (animations.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var a = animations[i],
b = a.get(),
a.s = (b - a.b) / (a.dur / a.spd);
if (a.s >= 1) {
delete animations[i];
a.s = 1;
(function (a) {
setTimeout(function () {
eve("mina.finish." + a.id, a);
len && requestAnimFrame(frame);
* mina
[ method ]
* Generic animation of numbers
- a (number) start _slave_ number
- A (number) end _slave_ number
- b (number) start _master_ number (start time in general case)
- B (number) end _master_ number (end time in gereal case)
- get (function) getter of _master_ number (see @mina.time)
- set (function) setter of _slave_ number
- easing (function) #optional easing function, default is @mina.linear
= (object) animation descriptor
o {
o id (string) animation id,
o start (number) start _slave_ number,
o end (number) end _slave_ number,
o b (number) start _master_ number,
o s (number) animation status (0..1),
o dur (number) animation duration,
o spd (number) animation speed,
o get (function) getter of _master_ number (see @mina.time),
o set (function) setter of _slave_ number,
o easing (function) easing function, default is @mina.linear,
o status (function) status getter/setter,
o speed (function) speed getter/setter,
o duration (function) duration getter/setter,
o stop (function) animation stopper
o pause (function) pauses the animation
o resume (function) resumes the animation
o update (function) calles setter with the right value of the animation
o }
mina = function (a, A, b, B, get, set, easing) {
var anim = {
id: ID(),
start: a,
end: A,
b: b,
s: 0,
dur: B - b,
spd: 1,
get: get,
set: set,
easing: easing || mina.linear,
status: sta,
speed: speed,
duration: duration,
stop: stopit,
pause: pause,
resume: resume,
update: update
animations[anim.id] = anim;
var len = 0, i;
for (i in animations) if (animations.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (len == 2) {
len == 1 && requestAnimFrame(frame);
return anim;
* mina.time
[ method ]
* Returns the current time. Equivalent to:
| function () {
| return (new Date).getTime();
| }
mina.time = timer;
* mina.getById
[ method ]
* Returns an animation by its id
- id (string) animation's id
= (object) See @mina
mina.getById = function (id) {
return animations[id] || null;
* mina.linear
[ method ]
* Default linear easing
- n (number) input 0..1
= (number) output 0..1
mina.linear = function (n) {
return n;
* mina.easeout
[ method ]
* Easeout easing
- n (number) input 0..1
= (number) output 0..1
mina.easeout = function (n) {
return Math.pow(n, 1.7);
* mina.easein
[ method ]
* Easein easing
- n (number) input 0..1
= (number) output 0..1
mina.easein = function (n) {
return Math.pow(n, .48);
* mina.easeinout
[ method ]
* Easeinout easing
- n (number) input 0..1
= (number) output 0..1
mina.easeinout = function (n) {
if (n == 1) {
return 1;
if (n == 0) {
return 0;
var q = .48 - n / 1.04,
Q = Math.sqrt(.1734 + q * q),
x = Q - q,
X = Math.pow(Math.abs(x), 1 / 3) * (x < 0 ? -1 : 1),
y = -Q - q,
Y = Math.pow(Math.abs(y), 1 / 3) * (y < 0 ? -1 : 1),
t = X + Y + .5;
return (1 - t) * 3 * t * t + t * t * t;
* mina.backin
[ method ]
* Backin easing
- n (number) input 0..1
= (number) output 0..1
mina.backin = function (n) {
if (n == 1) {
return 1;
var s = 1.70158;
return n * n * ((s + 1) * n - s);
* mina.backout
[ method ]
* Backout easing
- n (number) input 0..1
= (number) output 0..1
mina.backout = function (n) {
if (n == 0) {
return 0;
n = n - 1;
var s = 1.70158;
return n * n * ((s + 1) * n + s) + 1;
* mina.elastic
[ method ]
* Elastic easing
- n (number) input 0..1
= (number) output 0..1
mina.elastic = function (n) {
if (n == !!n) {
return n;
return Math.pow(2, -10 * n) * Math.sin((n - .075) *
(2 * Math.PI) / .3) + 1;
* mina.bounce
[ method ]
* Bounce easing
- n (number) input 0..1
= (number) output 0..1
mina.bounce = function (n) {
var s = 7.5625,
p = 2.75,
if (n < (1 / p)) {
l = s * n * n;
} else {
if (n < (2 / p)) {
n -= (1.5 / p);
l = s * n * n + .75;
} else {
if (n < (2.5 / p)) {
n -= (2.25 / p);
l = s * n * n + .9375;
} else {
n -= (2.625 / p);
l = s * n * n + .984375;
return l;
window.mina = mina;
return mina;
})(typeof eve == "undefined" ? function () {} : eve);
// Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
var Snap = (function(root) {
Snap.version = "0.4.0";
* Snap
[ method ]
* Creates a drawing surface or wraps existing SVG element.
- width (number|string) width of surface
- height (number|string) height of surface
* or
- DOM (SVGElement) element to be wrapped into Snap structure
* or
- array (array) array of elements (will return set of elements)
* or
- query (string) CSS query selector
= (object) @Element
function Snap(w, h) {
if (w) {
if (w.nodeType) {
return wrap(w);
if (is(w, "array") && Snap.set) {
return Snap.set.apply(Snap, w);
if (w instanceof Element) {
return w;
if (h == null) {
w = glob.doc.querySelector(String(w));
return wrap(w);
w = w == null ? "100%" : w;
h = h == null ? "100%" : h;
return new Paper(w, h);
Snap.toString = function () {
return "Snap v" + this.version;
Snap._ = {};
var glob = {
win: root.window,
doc: root.window.document
Snap._.glob = glob;
var has = "hasOwnProperty",
Str = String,
toFloat = parseFloat,
toInt = parseInt,
math = Math,
mmax = math.max,
mmin = math.min,
abs = math.abs,
pow = math.pow,
PI = math.PI,
round = math.round,
E = "",
S = " ",
objectToString = Object.prototype.toString,
ISURL = /^url\(['"]?([^\)]+?)['"]?\)$/i,
colourRegExp = /^\s*((#[a-f\d]{6})|(#[a-f\d]{3})|rgba?\(\s*([\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?(?:\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?)?)\s*\)|hsba?\(\s*([\d\.]+(?:deg|\xb0|%)?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+(?:%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+)?%?)\s*\)|hsla?\(\s*([\d\.]+(?:deg|\xb0|%)?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+(?:%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+)?%?)\s*\))\s*$/i,
bezierrg = /^(?:cubic-)?bezier\(([^,]+),([^,]+),([^,]+),([^\)]+)\)/,
reURLValue = /^url\(#?([^)]+)\)$/,
separator = Snap._.separator = /[,\s]+/,
whitespace = /[\s]/g,
commaSpaces = /[\s]*,[\s]*/,
hsrg = {hs: 1, rg: 1},
pathCommand = /([a-z])[\s,]*((-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[\-+]?\d+)?[\s]*,?[\s]*)+)/ig,
tCommand = /([rstm])[\s,]*((-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[\-+]?\d+)?[\s]*,?[\s]*)+)/ig,
pathValues = /(-?\d*\.?\d*(?:e[\-+]?\\d+)?)[\s]*,?[\s]*/ig,
idgen = 0,
idprefix = "S" + (+new Date).toString(36),
ID = function (el) {
return (el && el.type ? el.type : E) + idprefix + (idgen++).toString(36);
xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
hub = {},
URL = Snap.url = function (url) {
return "url('#" + url + "')";
function $(el, attr) {
if (attr) {
if (el == "#text") {
el = glob.doc.createTextNode(attr.text || attr["#text"] || "");
if (el == "#comment") {
el = glob.doc.createComment(attr.text || attr["#text"] || "");
if (typeof el == "string") {
el = $(el);
if (typeof attr == "string") {
if (el.nodeType == 1) {
if (attr.substring(0, 6) == "xlink:") {
return el.getAttributeNS(xlink, attr.substring(6));
if (attr.substring(0, 4) == "xml:") {
return el.getAttributeNS(xmlns, attr.substring(4));
return el.getAttribute(attr);
} else if (attr == "text") {
return el.nodeValue;
} else {
return null;
if (el.nodeType == 1) {
for (var key in attr) if (attr[has](key)) {
var val = Str(attr[key]);
if (val) {
if (key.substring(0, 6) == "xlink:") {
el.setAttributeNS(xlink, key.substring(6), val);
} else if (key.substring(0, 4) == "xml:") {
el.setAttributeNS(xmlns, key.substring(4), val);
} else {
el.setAttribute(key, val);
} else {
} else if ("text" in attr) {
el.nodeValue = attr.text;
} else {
el = glob.doc.createElementNS(xmlns, el);
return el;
Snap._.$ = $;
Snap._.id = ID;
function getAttrs(el) {
var attrs = el.attributes,
out = {};
for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
if (attrs[i].namespaceURI == xlink) {
name = "xlink:";
} else {
name = "";
name += attrs[i].name;
out[name] = attrs[i].textContent;
return out;
function is(o, type) {
type = Str.prototype.toLowerCase.call(type);
if (type == "finite") {
return isFinite(o);
if (type == "array" &&
(o instanceof Array || Array.isArray && Array.isArray(o))) {
return true;
return (type == "null" && o === null) ||
(type == typeof o && o !== null) ||
(type == "object" && o === Object(o)) ||
objectToString.call(o).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase() == type;
* Snap.format
[ method ]
* Replaces construction of type `{<name>}` to the corresponding argument
- token (string) string to format
- json (object) object which properties are used as a replacement
= (string) formatted string
> Usage
| // this draws a rectangular shape equivalent to "M10,20h40v50h-40z"
| paper.path(Snap.format("M{x},{y}h{dim.width}v{dim.height}h{dim['negative width']}z", {
| x: 10,
| y: 20,
| dim: {
| width: 40,
| height: 50,
| "negative width": -40
| }
| }));
Snap.format = (function () {
var tokenRegex = /\{([^\}]+)\}/g,
objNotationRegex = /(?:(?:^|\.)(.+?)(?=\[|\.|$|\()|\[('|")(.+?)\2\])(\(\))?/g, // matches .xxxxx or ["xxxxx"] to run over object properties
replacer = function (all, key, obj) {
var res = obj;
key.replace(objNotationRegex, function (all, name, quote, quotedName, isFunc) {
name = name || quotedName;
if (res) {
if (name in res) {
res = res[name];
typeof res == "function" && isFunc && (res = res());
res = (res == null || res == obj ? all : res) + "";
return res;
return function (str, obj) {
return Str(str).replace(tokenRegex, function (all, key) {
return replacer(all, key, obj);
function clone(obj) {
if (typeof obj == "function" || Object(obj) !== obj) {
return obj;
var res = new obj.constructor;
for (var key in obj) if (obj[has](key)) {
res[key] = clone(obj[key]);
return res;
Snap._.clone = clone;
function repush(array, item) {
for (var i = 0, ii = array.length; i < ii; i++) if (array[i] === item) {
return array.push(array.splice(i, 1)[0]);
function cacher(f, scope, postprocessor) {
function newf() {
var arg = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0),
args = arg.join("\u2400"),
cache = newf.cache = newf.cache || {},
count = newf.count = newf.count || [];
if (cache[has](args)) {
repush(count, args);
return postprocessor ? postprocessor(cache[args]) : cache[args];
count.length >= 1e3 && delete cache[count.shift()];
cache[args] = f.apply(scope, arg);
return postprocessor ? postprocessor(cache[args]) : cache[args];
return newf;
Snap._.cacher = cacher;
function angle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
if (x3 == null) {
var x = x1 - x2,
y = y1 - y2;
if (!x && !y) {
return 0;
return (180 + math.atan2(-y, -x) * 180 / PI + 360) % 360;
} else {
return angle(x1, y1, x3, y3) - angle(x2, y2, x3, y3);
function rad(deg) {
return deg % 360 * PI / 180;
function deg(rad) {
return rad * 180 / PI % 360;
function x_y() {
return this.x + S + this.y;
function x_y_w_h() {
return this.x + S + this.y + S + this.width + " \xd7 " + this.height;
* Snap.rad
[ method ]
* Transform angle to radians
- deg (number) angle in degrees
= (number) angle in radians
Snap.rad = rad;
* Snap.deg
[ method ]
* Transform angle to degrees
- rad (number) angle in radians
= (number) angle in degrees
Snap.deg = deg;
* Snap.sin
[ method ]
* Equivalent to `Math.sin()` only works with degrees, not radians.
- angle (number) angle in degrees
= (number) sin
Snap.sin = function (angle) {
return math.sin(Snap.rad(angle));
* Snap.tan
[ method ]
* Equivalent to `Math.tan()` only works with degrees, not radians.
- angle (number) angle in degrees
= (number) tan
Snap.tan = function (angle) {
return math.tan(Snap.rad(angle));
* Snap.cos
[ method ]
* Equivalent to `Math.cos()` only works with degrees, not radians.
- angle (number) angle in degrees
= (number) cos
Snap.cos = function (angle) {
return math.cos(Snap.rad(angle));
* Snap.asin
[ method ]
* Equivalent to `Math.asin()` only works with degrees, not radians.
- num (number) value
= (number) asin in degrees
Snap.asin = function (num) {
return Snap.deg(math.asin(num));
* Snap.acos
[ method ]
* Equivalent to `Math.acos()` only works with degrees, not radians.
- num (number) value
= (number) acos in degrees
Snap.acos = function (num) {
return Snap.deg(math.acos(num));
* Snap.atan
[ method ]
* Equivalent to `Math.atan()` only works with degrees, not radians.
- num (number) value
= (number) atan in degrees
Snap.atan = function (num) {
return Snap.deg(math.atan(num));
* Snap.atan2
[ method ]
* Equivalent to `Math.atan2()` only works with degrees, not radians.
- num (number) value
= (number) atan2 in degrees
Snap.atan2 = function (num) {
return Snap.deg(math.atan2(num));
* Snap.angle
[ method ]
* Returns an angle between two or three points
> Parameters
- x1 (number) x coord of first point
- y1 (number) y coord of first point
- x2 (number) x coord of second point
- y2 (number) y coord of second point
- x3 (number) #optional x coord of third point
- y3 (number) #optional y coord of third point
= (number) angle in degrees
Snap.angle = angle;
* Snap.len
[ method ]
* Returns distance between two points
> Parameters
- x1 (number) x coord of first point
- y1 (number) y coord of first point
- x2 (number) x coord of second point
- y2 (number) y coord of second point
= (number) distance
Snap.len = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return Math.sqrt(Snap.len2(x1, y1, x2, y2));
* Snap.len2
[ method ]
* Returns squared distance between two points
> Parameters
- x1 (number) x coord of first point
- y1 (number) y coord of first point
- x2 (number) x coord of second point
- y2 (number) y coord of second point
= (number) distance
Snap.len2 = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return (x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2);
* Snap.closestPoint
[ method ]
* Returns closest point to a given one on a given path.
> Parameters
- path (Element) path element
- x (number) x coord of a point
- y (number) y coord of a point
= (object) in format
x (number) x coord of the point on the path
y (number) y coord of the point on the path
length (number) length of the path to the point
distance (number) distance from the given point to the path
// Copied from http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/8027637
Snap.closestPoint = function (path, x, y) {
function distance2(p) {
var dx = p.x - x,
dy = p.y - y;
return dx * dx + dy * dy;
var pathNode = path.node,
pathLength = pathNode.getTotalLength(),
precision = pathLength / pathNode.pathSegList.numberOfItems * .125,
bestDistance = Infinity;
// linear scan for coarse approximation
for (var scan, scanLength = 0, scanDistance; scanLength <= pathLength; scanLength += precision) {
if ((scanDistance = distance2(scan = pathNode.getPointAtLength(scanLength))) < bestDistance) {
best = scan, bestLength = scanLength, bestDistance = scanDistance;
// binary search for precise estimate
precision *= .5;
while (precision > .5) {
var before,
if ((beforeLength = bestLength - precision) >= 0 && (beforeDistance = distance2(before = pathNode.getPointAtLength(beforeLength))) < bestDistance) {
best = before, bestLength = beforeLength, bestDistance = beforeDistance;
} else if ((afterLength = bestLength + precision) <= pathLength && (afterDistance = distance2(after = pathNode.getPointAtLength(afterLength))) < bestDistance) {
best = after, bestLength = afterLength, bestDistance = afterDistance;
} else {
precision *= .5;
best = {
x: best.x,
y: best.y,
length: bestLength,
distance: Math.sqrt(bestDistance)
return best;
* Snap.is
[ method ]
* Handy replacement for the `typeof` operator
- o (…) any object or primitive
- type (string) name of the type, e.g., `string`, `function`, `number`, etc.
= (boolean) `true` if given value is of given type
Snap.is = is;
* Snap.snapTo
[ method ]
* Snaps given value to given grid
- values (array|number) given array of values or step of the grid
- value (number) value to adjust
- tolerance (number) #optional maximum distance to the target value that would trigger the snap. Default is `10`.
= (number) adjusted value
Snap.snapTo = function (values, value, tolerance) {
tolerance = is(tolerance, "finite") ? tolerance : 10;
if (is(values, "array")) {
var i = values.length;
while (i--) if (abs(values[i] - value) <= tolerance) {
return values[i];
} else {
values = +values;
var rem = value % values;
if (rem < tolerance) {
return value - rem;
if (rem > values - tolerance) {
return value - rem + values;
return value;
// Colour
* Snap.getRGB
[ method ]
* Parses color string as RGB object
- color (string) color string in one of the following formats:
# <ul>
# <li>Color name (<code>red</code>, <code>green</code>, <code>cornflowerblue</code>, etc)</li>
# <li>#••• — shortened HTML color: (<code>#000</code>, <code>#fc0</code>, etc.)</li>
# <li>#•••••• — full length HTML color: (<code>#000000</code>, <code>#bd2300</code>)</li>
# <li>rgb(•••, •••, •••) — red, green and blue channels values: (<code>rgb(200, 100, 0)</code>)</li>
# <li>rgba(•••, •••, •••, •••) — also with opacity</li>
# <li>rgb(•••%, •••%, •••%) — same as above, but in %: (<code>rgb(100%, 175%, 0%)</code>)</li>
# <li>rgba(•••%, •••%, •••%, •••%) — also with opacity</li>
# <li>hsb(•••, •••, •••) — hue, saturation and brightness values: (<code>hsb(0.5, 0.25, 1)</code>)</li>
# <li>hsba(•••, •••, •••, •••) — also with opacity</li>
# <li>hsb(•••%, •••%, •••%) — same as above, but in %</li>
# <li>hsba(•••%, •••%, •••%, •••%) — also with opacity</li>
# <li>hsl(•••, •••, •••) — hue, saturation and luminosity values: (<code>hsb(0.5, 0.25, 0.5)</code>)</li>
# <li>hsla(•••, •••, •••, •••) — also with opacity</li>
# <li>hsl(•••%, •••%, •••%) — same as above, but in %</li>
# <li>hsla(•••%, •••%, •••%, •••%) — also with opacity</li>
# </ul>
* Note that `%` can be used any time: `rgb(20%, 255, 50%)`.
= (object) RGB object in the following format:
o {
o r (number) red,
o g (number) green,
o b (number) blue,
o hex (string) color in HTML/CSS format: #••••••,
o error (boolean) true if string can't be parsed
o }
Snap.getRGB = cacher(function (colour) {
if (!colour || !!((colour = Str(colour)).indexOf("-") + 1)) {
return {r: -1, g: -1, b: -1, hex: "none", error: 1, toString: rgbtoString};
if (colour == "none") {
return {r: -1, g: -1, b: -1, hex: "none", toString: rgbtoString};
!(hsrg[has](colour.toLowerCase().substring(0, 2)) || colour.charAt() == "#") && (colour = toHex(colour));
if (!colour) {
return {r: -1, g: -1, b: -1, hex: "none", error: 1, toString: rgbtoString};
var res,
rgb = colour.match(colourRegExp);
if (rgb) {
if (rgb[2]) {
blue = toInt(rgb[2].substring(5), 16);
green = toInt(rgb[2].substring(3, 5), 16);
red = toInt(rgb[2].substring(1, 3), 16);
if (rgb[3]) {
blue = toInt((t = rgb[3].charAt(3)) + t, 16);
green = toInt((t = rgb[3].charAt(2)) + t, 16);
red = toInt((t = rgb[3].charAt(1)) + t, 16);
if (rgb[4]) {
values = rgb[4].split(commaSpaces);
red = toFloat(values[0]);
values[0].slice(-1) == "%" && (red *= 2.55);
green = toFloat(values[1]);
values[1].slice(-1) == "%" && (green *= 2.55);
blue = toFloat(values[2]);
values[2].slice(-1) == "%" && (blue *= 2.55);
rgb[1].toLowerCase().slice(0, 4) == "rgba" && (opacity = toFloat(values[3]));
values[3] && values[3].slice(-1) == "%" && (opacity /= 100);
if (rgb[5]) {
values = rgb[5].split(commaSpaces);
red = toFloat(values[0]);
values[0].slice(-1) == "%" && (red /= 100);
green = toFloat(values[1]);
values[1].slice(-1) == "%" && (green /= 100);
blue = toFloat(values[2]);
values[2].slice(-1) == "%" && (blue /= 100);
(values[0].slice(-3) == "deg" || values[0].slice(-1) == "\xb0") && (red /= 360);
rgb[1].toLowerCase().slice(0, 4) == "hsba" && (opacity = toFloat(values[3]));
values[3] && values[3].slice(-1) == "%" && (opacity /= 100);
return Snap.hsb2rgb(red, green, blue, opacity);
if (rgb[6]) {
values = rgb[6].split(commaSpaces);
red = toFloat(values[0]);
values[0].slice(-1) == "%" && (red /= 100);
green = toFloat(values[1]);
values[1].slice(-1) == "%" && (green /= 100);
blue = toFloat(values[2]);
values[2].slice(-1) == "%" && (blue /= 100);
(values[0].slice(-3) == "deg" || values[0].slice(-1) == "\xb0") && (red /= 360);
rgb[1].toLowerCase().slice(0, 4) == "hsla" && (opacity = toFloat(values[3]));
values[3] && values[3].slice(-1) == "%" && (opacity /= 100);
return Snap.hsl2rgb(red, green, blue, opacity);
red = mmin(math.round(red), 255);
green = mmin(math.round(green), 255);
blue = mmin(math.round(blue), 255);
opacity = mmin(mmax(opacity, 0), 1);
rgb = {r: red, g: green, b: blue, toString: rgbtoString};
rgb.hex = "#" + (16777216 | blue | (green << 8) | (red << 16)).toString(16).slice(1);
rgb.opacity = is(opacity, "finite") ? opacity : 1;
return rgb;
return {r: -1, g: -1, b: -1, hex: "none", error: 1, toString: rgbtoString};
}, Snap);
* Snap.hsb
[ method ]
* Converts HSB values to a hex representation of the color
- h (number) hue
- s (number) saturation
- b (number) value or brightness
= (string) hex representation of the color
Snap.hsb = cacher(function (h, s, b) {
return Snap.hsb2rgb(h, s, b).hex;
* Snap.hsl
[ method ]
* Converts HSL values to a hex representation of the color
- h (number) hue
- s (number) saturation
- l (number) luminosity
= (string) hex representation of the color
Snap.hsl = cacher(function (h, s, l) {
return Snap.hsl2rgb(h, s, l).hex;
* Snap.rgb
[ method ]
* Converts RGB values to a hex representation of the color
- r (number) red
- g (number) green
- b (number) blue
= (string) hex representation of the color
Snap.rgb = cacher(function (r, g, b, o) {
if (is(o, "finite")) {
var round = math.round;
return "rgba(" + [round(r), round(g), round(b), +o.toFixed(2)] + ")";
return "#" + (16777216 | b | (g << 8) | (r << 16)).toString(16).slice(1);
var toHex = function (color) {
var i = glob.doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || glob.doc.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0],
red = "rgb(255, 0, 0)";
toHex = cacher(function (color) {
if (color.toLowerCase() == "red") {
return red;
i.style.color = red;
i.style.color = color;
var out = glob.doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(i, E).getPropertyValue("color");
return out == red ? null : out;
return toHex(color);
hsbtoString = function () {
return "hsb(" + [this.h, this.s, this.b] + ")";
hsltoString = function () {
return "hsl(" + [this.h, this.s, this.l] + ")";
rgbtoString = function () {
return this.opacity == 1 || this.opacity == null ?
this.hex :
"rgba(" + [this.r, this.g, this.b, this.opacity] + ")";
prepareRGB = function (r, g, b) {
if (g == null && is(r, "object") && "r" in r && "g" in r && "b" in r) {
b = r.b;
g = r.g;
r = r.r;
if (g == null && is(r, string)) {
var clr = Snap.getRGB(r);
r = clr.r;
g = clr.g;
b = clr.b;
if (r > 1 || g > 1 || b > 1) {
r /= 255;
g /= 255;
b /= 255;
return [r, g, b];
packageRGB = function (r, g, b, o) {
r = math.round(r * 255);
g = math.round(g * 255);
b = math.round(b * 255);
var rgb = {
r: r,
g: g,
b: b,
opacity: is(o, "finite") ? o : 1,
hex: Snap.rgb(r, g, b),
toString: rgbtoString
is(o, "finite") && (rgb.opacity = o);
return rgb;
* Snap.color
[ method ]
* Parses the color string and returns an object featuring the color's component values
- clr (string) color string in one of the supported formats (see @Snap.getRGB)
= (object) Combined RGB/HSB object in the following format:
o {
o r (number) red,
o g (number) green,
o b (number) blue,
o hex (string) color in HTML/CSS format: #••••••,
o error (boolean) `true` if string can't be parsed,
o h (number) hue,
o s (number) saturation,
o v (number) value (brightness),
o l (number) lightness
o }
Snap.color = function (clr) {
var rgb;
if (is(clr, "object") && "h" in clr && "s" in clr && "b" in clr) {
rgb = Snap.hsb2rgb(clr);
clr.r = rgb.r;
clr.g = rgb.g;
clr.b = rgb.b;
clr.opacity = 1;
clr.hex = rgb.hex;
} else if (is(clr, "object") && "h" in clr && "s" in clr && "l" in clr) {
rgb = Snap.hsl2rgb(clr);
clr.r = rgb.r;
clr.g = rgb.g;
clr.b = rgb.b;
clr.opacity = 1;
clr.hex = rgb.hex;
} else {
if (is(clr, "string")) {
clr = Snap.getRGB(clr);
if (is(clr, "object") && "r" in clr && "g" in clr && "b" in clr && !("error" in clr)) {
rgb = Snap.rgb2hsl(clr);
clr.h = rgb.h;
clr.s = rgb.s;
clr.l = rgb.l;
rgb = Snap.rgb2hsb(clr);
clr.v = rgb.b;
} else {
clr = {hex: "none"};
clr.r = clr.g = clr.b = clr.h = clr.s = clr.v = clr.l = -1;
clr.error = 1;
clr.toString = rgbtoString;
return clr;
* Snap.hsb2rgb
[ method ]
* Converts HSB values to an RGB object
- h (number) hue
- s (number) saturation
- v (number) value or brightness
= (object) RGB object in the following format:
o {
o r (number) red,
o g (number) green,
o b (number) blue,
o hex (string) color in HTML/CSS format: #••••••
o }
Snap.hsb2rgb = function (h, s, v, o) {
if (is(h, "object") && "h" in h && "s" in h && "b" in h) {
v = h.b;
s = h.s;
o = h.o;
h = h.h;
h *= 360;
var R, G, B, X, C;
h = (h % 360) / 60;
C = v * s;
X = C * (1 - abs(h % 2 - 1));
R = G = B = v - C;
h = ~~h;
R += [C, X, 0, 0, X, C][h];
G += [X, C, C, X, 0, 0][h];
B += [0, 0, X, C, C, X][h];
return packageRGB(R, G, B, o);
* Snap.hsl2rgb
[ method ]
* Converts HSL values to an RGB object
- h (number) hue
- s (number) saturation
- l (number) luminosity
= (object) RGB object in the following format:
o {
o r (number) red,
o g (number) green,
o b (number) blue,
o hex (string) color in HTML/CSS format: #••••••
o }
Snap.hsl2rgb = function (h, s, l, o) {
if (is(h, "object") && "h" in h && "s" in h && "l" in h) {
l = h.l;
s = h.s;
h = h.h;
if (h > 1 || s > 1 || l > 1) {
h /= 360;
s /= 100;
l /= 100;
h *= 360;
var R, G, B, X, C;
h = (h % 360) / 60;
C = 2 * s * (l < .5 ? l : 1 - l);
X = C * (1 - abs(h % 2 - 1));
R = G = B = l - C / 2;
h = ~~h;
R += [C, X, 0, 0, X, C][h];
G += [X, C, C, X, 0, 0][h];
B += [0, 0, X, C, C, X][h];
return packageRGB(R, G, B, o);
* Snap.rgb2hsb
[ method ]
* Converts RGB values to an HSB object
- r (number) red
- g (number) green
- b (number) blue
= (object) HSB object in the following format:
o {
o h (number) hue,
o s (number) saturation,
o b (number) brightness
o }
Snap.rgb2hsb = function (r, g, b) {
b = prepareRGB(r, g, b);
r = b[0];
g = b[1];
b = b[2];
var H, S, V, C;
V = mmax(r, g, b);
C = V - mmin(r, g, b);
H = (C == 0 ? null :
V == r ? (g - b) / C :
V == g ? (b - r) / C + 2 :
(r - g) / C + 4
H = ((H + 360) % 6) * 60 / 360;
S = C == 0 ? 0 : C / V;
return {h: H, s: S, b: V, toString: hsbtoString};
* Snap.rgb2hsl
[ method ]
* Converts RGB values to an HSL object
- r (number) red
- g (number) green
- b (number) blue
= (object) HSL object in the following format:
o {
o h (number) hue,
o s (number) saturation,
o l (number) luminosity
o }
Snap.rgb2hsl = function (r, g, b) {
b = prepareRGB(r, g, b);
r = b[0];
g = b[1];
b = b[2];
var H, S, L, M, m, C;
M = mmax(r, g, b);
m = mmin(r, g, b);
C = M - m;
H = (C == 0 ? null :
M == r ? (g - b) / C :
M == g ? (b - r) / C + 2 :
(r - g) / C + 4);
H = ((H + 360) % 6) * 60 / 360;
L = (M + m) / 2;
S = (C == 0 ? 0 :
L < .5 ? C / (2 * L) :
C / (2 - 2 * L));
return {h: H, s: S, l: L, toString: hsltoString};
// Transformations
* Snap.parsePathString
[ method ]
* Utility method
* Parses given path string into an array of arrays of path segments
- pathString (string|array) path string or array of segments (in the last case it is returned straight away)
= (array) array of segments
Snap.parsePathString = function (pathString) {
if (!pathString) {
return null;
var pth = Snap.path(pathString);
if (pth.arr) {
return Snap.path.clone(pth.arr);
var paramCounts = {a: 7, c: 6, o: 2, h: 1, l: 2, m: 2, r: 4, q: 4, s: 4, t: 2, v: 1, u: 3, z: 0},
data = [];
if (is(pathString, "array") && is(pathString[0], "array")) { // rough assumption
data = Snap.path.clone(pathString);
if (!data.length) {
Str(pathString).replace(pathCommand, function (a, b, c) {
var params = [],
name = b.toLowerCase();
c.replace(pathValues, function (a, b) {
b && params.push(+b);
if (name == "m" && params.length > 2) {
data.push([b].concat(params.splice(0, 2)));
name = "l";
b = b == "m" ? "l" : "L";
if (name == "o" && params.length == 1) {
data.push([b, params[0]]);
if (name == "r") {
} else while (params.length >= paramCounts[name]) {
data.push([b].concat(params.splice(0, paramCounts[name])));
if (!paramCounts[name]) {
data.toString = Snap.path.toString;
pth.arr = Snap.path.clone(data);
return data;
* Snap.parseTransformString
[ method ]
* Utility method
* Parses given transform string into an array of transformations
- TString (string|array) transform string or array of transformations (in the last case it is returned straight away)
= (array) array of transformations
var parseTransformString = Snap.parseTransformString = function (TString) {
if (!TString) {
return null;
var paramCounts = {r: 3, s: 4, t: 2, m: 6},
data = [];
if (is(TString, "array") && is(TString[0], "array")) { // rough assumption
data = Snap.path.clone(TString);
if (!data.length) {
Str(TString).replace(tCommand, function (a, b, c) {
var params = [],
name = b.toLowerCase();
c.replace(pathValues, function (a, b) {
b && params.push(+b);
data.toString = Snap.path.toString;
return data;
function svgTransform2string(tstr) {
var res = [];
tstr = tstr.replace(/(?:^|\s)(\w+)\(([^)]+)\)/g, function (all, name, params) {
params = params.split(/\s*,\s*|\s+/);
if (name == "rotate" && params.length == 1) {
params.push(0, 0);
if (name == "scale") {
if (params.length > 2) {
params = params.slice(0, 2);
} else if (params.length == 2) {
params.push(0, 0);
if (params.length == 1) {
params.push(params[0], 0, 0);
if (name == "skewX") {
res.push(["m", 1, 0, math.tan(rad(params[0])), 1, 0, 0]);
} else if (name == "skewY") {
res.push(["m", 1, math.tan(rad(params[0])), 0, 1, 0, 0]);
} else {
return all;
return res;
Snap._.svgTransform2string = svgTransform2string;
Snap._.rgTransform = /^[a-z][\s]*-?\.?\d/i;
function transform2matrix(tstr, bbox) {
var tdata = parseTransformString(tstr),
m = new Snap.Matrix;
if (tdata) {
for (var i = 0, ii = tdata.length; i < ii; i++) {
var t = tdata[i],
tlen = t.length,
command = Str(t[0]).toLowerCase(),
absolute = t[0] != command,
inver = absolute ? m.invert() : 0,
if (command == "t" && tlen == 2){
m.translate(t[1], 0);
} else if (command == "t" && tlen == 3) {
if (absolute) {
x1 = inver.x(0, 0);
y1 = inver.y(0, 0);
x2 = inver.x(t[1], t[2]);
y2 = inver.y(t[1], t[2]);
m.translate(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
} else {
m.translate(t[1], t[2]);
} else if (command == "r") {
if (tlen == 2) {
bb = bb || bbox;
m.rotate(t[1], bb.x + bb.width / 2, bb.y + bb.height / 2);
} else if (tlen == 4) {
if (absolute) {
x2 = inver.x(t[2], t[3]);
y2 = inver.y(t[2], t[3]);
m.rotate(t[1], x2, y2);
} else {
m.rotate(t[1], t[2], t[3]);
} else if (command == "s") {
if (tlen == 2 || tlen == 3) {
bb = bb || bbox;
m.scale(t[1], t[tlen - 1], bb.x + bb.width / 2, bb.y + bb.height / 2);
} else if (tlen == 4) {
if (absolute) {
x2 = inver.x(t[2], t[3]);
y2 = inver.y(t[2], t[3]);
m.scale(t[1], t[1], x2, y2);
} else {
m.scale(t[1], t[1], t[2], t[3]);
} else if (tlen == 5) {
if (absolute) {
x2 = inver.x(t[3], t[4]);
y2 = inver.y(t[3], t[4]);
m.scale(t[1], t[2], x2, y2);
} else {
m.scale(t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]);
} else if (command == "m" && tlen == 7) {
m.add(t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6]);
return m;
Snap._.transform2matrix = transform2matrix;
Snap._unit2px = unit2px;
var contains = glob.doc.contains || glob.doc.compareDocumentPosition ?
function (a, b) {
var adown = a.nodeType == 9 ? a.documentElement : a,
bup = b && b.parentNode;
return a == bup || !!(bup && bup.nodeType == 1 && (
adown.contains ?
adown.contains(bup) :
a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition(bup) & 16
} :
function (a, b) {
if (b) {
while (b) {
b = b.parentNode;
if (b == a) {
return true;
return false;
function getSomeDefs(el) {
var p = (el.node.ownerSVGElement && wrap(el.node.ownerSVGElement)) ||
(el.node.parentNode && wrap(el.node.parentNode)) ||
Snap.select("svg") ||
Snap(0, 0),
pdefs = p.select("defs"),
defs = pdefs == null ? false : pdefs.node;
if (!defs) {
defs = make("defs", p.node).node;
return defs;
function getSomeSVG(el) {
return el.node.ownerSVGElement && wrap(el.node.ownerSVGElement) || Snap.select("svg");
Snap._.getSomeDefs = getSomeDefs;
Snap._.getSomeSVG = getSomeSVG;
function unit2px(el, name, value) {
var svg = getSomeSVG(el).node,
out = {},
mgr = svg.querySelector(".svg---mgr");
if (!mgr) {
mgr = $("rect");
$(mgr, {x: -9e9, y: -9e9, width: 10, height: 10, "class": "svg---mgr", fill: "none"});
function getW(val) {
if (val == null) {
return E;
if (val == +val) {
return val;
$(mgr, {width: val});
try {
return mgr.getBBox().width;
} catch (e) {
return 0;
function getH(val) {
if (val == null) {
return E;
if (val == +val) {
return val;
$(mgr, {height: val});
try {
return mgr.getBBox().height;
} catch (e) {
return 0;
function set(nam, f) {
if (name == null) {
out[nam] = f(el.attr(nam) || 0);
} else if (nam == name) {
out = f(value == null ? el.attr(nam) || 0 : value);
switch (el.type) {
case "rect":
set("rx", getW);
set("ry", getH);
case "image":
set("width", getW);
set("height", getH);
case "text":
set("x", getW);
set("y", getH);
case "circle":
set("cx", getW);
set("cy", getH);
set("r", getW);
case "ellipse":
set("cx", getW);
set("cy", getH);
set("rx", getW);
set("ry", getH);
case "line":
set("x1", getW);
set("x2", getW);
set("y1", getH);
set("y2", getH);
case "marker":
set("refX", getW);
set("markerWidth", getW);
set("refY", getH);
set("markerHeight", getH);
case "radialGradient":
set("fx", getW);
set("fy", getH);
case "tspan":
set("dx", getW);
set("dy", getH);
set(name, getW);
return out;
* Snap.select
[ method ]
* Wraps a DOM element specified by CSS selector as @Element
- query (string) CSS selector of the element
= (Element) the current element
Snap.select = function (query) {
query = Str(query).replace(/([^\\]):/g, "$1\\:");
return wrap(glob.doc.querySelector(query));
* Snap.selectAll
[ method ]
* Wraps DOM elements specified by CSS selector as set or array of @Element
- query (string) CSS selector of the element
= (Element) the current element
Snap.selectAll = function (query) {
var nodelist = glob.doc.querySelectorAll(query),
set = (Snap.set || Array)();
for (var i = 0; i < nodelist.length; i++) {
return set;
function add2group(list) {
if (!is(list, "array")) {
list = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
var i = 0,
j = 0,
node = this.node;
while (this[i]) delete this[i++];
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i].type == "set") {
list[i].forEach(function (el) {
} else {
var children = node.childNodes;
for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
this[j++] = wrap(children[i]);
return this;
// Hub garbage collector every 10s
setInterval(function () {
for (var key in hub) if (hub[has](key)) {
var el = hub[key],
node = el.node;
if (el.type != "svg" && !node.ownerSVGElement || el.type == "svg" && (!node.parentNode || "ownerSVGElement" in node.parentNode && !node.ownerSVGElement)) {
delete hub[key];
}, 1e4);
function Element(el) {
if (el.snap in hub) {
return hub[el.snap];
var svg;
try {
svg = el.ownerSVGElement;
} catch(e) {}
* Element.node
[ property (object) ]
* Gives you a reference to the DOM object, so you can assign event handlers or just mess around.
> Usage
| // draw a circle at coordinate 10,10 with radius of 10
| var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10);
| c.node.onclick = function () {
| c.attr("fill", "red");
| };
this.node = el;
if (svg) {
this.paper = new Paper(svg);
* Element.type
[ property (string) ]
* SVG tag name of the given element.
this.type = el.tagName || el.nodeName;
var id = this.id = ID(this);
this.anims = {};
this._ = {
transform: []
el.snap = id;
hub[id] = this;
if (this.type == "g") {
this.add = add2group;
if (this.type in {g: 1, mask: 1, pattern: 1, symbol: 1}) {
for (var method in Paper.prototype) if (Paper.prototype[has](method)) {
this[method] = Paper.prototype[method];
* Element.attr
[ method ]
* Gets or sets given attributes of the element.
- params (object) contains key-value pairs of attributes you want to set
* or
- param (string) name of the attribute
= (Element) the current element
* or
= (string) value of attribute
> Usage
| el.attr({
| fill: "#fc0",
| stroke: "#000",
| strokeWidth: 2, // CamelCase...
| "fill-opacity": 0.5, // or dash-separated names
| width: "*=2" // prefixed values
| });
| console.log(el.attr("fill")); // #fc0
* Prefixed values in format `"+=10"` supported. All four operations
* (`+`, `-`, `*` and `/`) could be used. Optionally you can use units for `+`
* and `-`: `"+=2em"`.
Element.prototype.attr = function (params, value) {
var el = this,
node = el.node;
if (!params) {
if (node.nodeType != 1) {
return {
text: node.nodeValue
var attr = node.attributes,
out = {};
for (var i = 0, ii = attr.length; i < ii; i++) {
out[attr[i].nodeName] = attr[i].nodeValue;
return out;
if (is(params, "string")) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
var json = {};
json[params] = value;
params = json;
} else {
return eve("snap.util.getattr." + params, el).firstDefined();
for (var att in params) {
if (params[has](att)) {
eve("snap.util.attr." + att, el, params[att]);
return el;
* Snap.parse
[ method ]
* Parses SVG fragment and converts it into a @Fragment
- svg (string) SVG string
= (Fragment) the @Fragment
Snap.parse = function (svg) {
var f = glob.doc.createDocumentFragment(),
full = true,
div = glob.doc.createElement("div");
svg = Str(svg);
if (!svg.match(/^\s*<\s*svg(?:\s|>)/)) {
svg = "<svg>" + svg + "</svg>";
full = false;
div.innerHTML = svg;
svg = div.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
if (svg) {
if (full) {
f = svg;
} else {
while (svg.firstChild) {
return new Fragment(f);
function Fragment(frag) {
this.node = frag;
* Snap.fragment
[ method ]
* Creates a DOM fragment from a given list of elements or strings
- varargs (…) SVG string
= (Fragment) the @Fragment
Snap.fragment = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0),
f = glob.doc.createDocumentFragment();
for (var i = 0, ii = args.length; i < ii; i++) {
var item = args[i];
if (item.node && item.node.nodeType) {
if (item.nodeType) {
if (typeof item == "string") {
return new Fragment(f);
function make(name, parent) {
var res = $(name);
var el = wrap(res);
return el;
function Paper(w, h) {
var res,
proto = Paper.prototype;
if (w && w.tagName == "svg") {
if (w.snap in hub) {
return hub[w.snap];
var doc = w.ownerDocument;
res = new Element(w);
desc = w.getElementsByTagName("desc")[0];
defs = w.getElementsByTagName("defs")[0];
if (!desc) {
desc = $("desc");
desc.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("Created with Snap"));
if (!defs) {
defs = $("defs");
res.defs = defs;
for (var key in proto) if (proto[has](key)) {
res[key] = proto[key];
res.paper = res.root = res;
} else {
res = make("svg", glob.doc.body);
$(res.node, {
height: h,
version: 1.1,
width: w,
xmlns: xmlns
return res;
function wrap(dom) {
if (!dom) {
return dom;
if (dom instanceof Element || dom instanceof Fragment) {
return dom;
if (dom.tagName && dom.tagName.toLowerCase() == "svg") {
return new Paper(dom);
if (dom.tagName && dom.tagName.toLowerCase() == "object" && dom.type == "image/svg+xml") {
return new Paper(dom.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0]);
return new Element(dom);
Snap._.make = make;
Snap._.wrap = wrap;
* Paper.el
[ method ]
* Creates an element on paper with a given name and no attributes
- name (string) tag name
- attr (object) attributes
= (Element) the current element
> Usage
| var c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10); // is the same as...
| var c = paper.el("circle").attr({
| cx: 10,
| cy: 10,
| r: 10
| });
| // and the same as
| var c = paper.el("circle", {
| cx: 10,
| cy: 10,
| r: 10
| });
Paper.prototype.el = function (name, attr) {
var el = make(name, this.node);
attr && el.attr(attr);
return el;
* Element.children
[ method ]
* Returns array of all the children of the element.
= (array) array of Elements
Element.prototype.children = function () {
var out = [],
ch = this.node.childNodes;
for (var i = 0, ii = ch.length; i < ii; i++) {
out[i] = Snap(ch[i]);
return out;
function jsonFiller(root, o) {
for (var i = 0, ii = root.length; i < ii; i++) {
var item = {
type: root[i].type,
attr: root[i].attr()
children = root[i].children();
if (children.length) {
jsonFiller(children, item.childNodes = []);
* Element.toJSON
[ method ]
* Returns object representation of the given element and all its children.
= (object) in format
o {
o type (string) this.type,
o attr (object) attributes map,
o childNodes (array) optional array of children in the same format
o }
Element.prototype.toJSON = function () {
var out = [];
jsonFiller([this], out);
return out[0];
// default
eve.on("snap.util.getattr", function () {
var att = eve.nt();
att = att.substring(att.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
var css = att.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (letter) {
return "-" + letter.toLowerCase();
if (cssAttr[has](css)) {
return this.node.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.node, null).getPropertyValue(css);
} else {
return $(this.node, att);
var cssAttr = {
"alignment-baseline": 0,
"baseline-shift": 0,
"clip": 0,
"clip-path": 0,
"clip-rule": 0,
"color": 0,
"color-interpolation": 0,
"color-interpolation-filters": 0,
"color-profile": 0,
"color-rendering": 0,
"cursor": 0,
"direction": 0,
"display": 0,
"dominant-baseline": 0,
"enable-background": 0,
"fill": 0,
"fill-opacity": 0,
"fill-rule": 0,
"filter": 0,
"flood-color": 0,
"flood-opacity": 0,
"font": 0,
"font-family": 0,
"font-size": 0,
"font-size-adjust": 0,
"font-stretch": 0,
"font-style": 0,
"font-variant": 0,
"font-weight": 0,
"glyph-orientation-horizontal": 0,
"glyph-orientation-vertical": 0,
"image-rendering": 0,
"kerning": 0,
"letter-spacing": 0,
"lighting-color": 0,
"marker": 0,
"marker-end": 0,
"marker-mid": 0,
"marker-start": 0,
"mask": 0,
"opacity": 0,
"overflow": 0,
"pointer-events": 0,
"shape-rendering": 0,
"stop-color": 0,
"stop-opacity": 0,
"stroke": 0,
"stroke-dasharray": 0,
"stroke-dashoffset": 0,
"stroke-linecap": 0,
"stroke-linejoin": 0,
"stroke-miterlimit": 0,
"stroke-opacity": 0,
"stroke-width": 0,
"text-anchor": 0,
"text-decoration": 0,
"text-rendering": 0,
"unicode-bidi": 0,
"visibility": 0,
"word-spacing": 0,
"writing-mode": 0
eve.on("snap.util.attr", function (value) {
var att = eve.nt(),
attr = {};
att = att.substring(att.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
attr[att] = value;
var style = att.replace(/-(\w)/gi, function (all, letter) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
css = att.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function (letter) {
return "-" + letter.toLowerCase();
if (cssAttr[has](css)) {
this.node.style[style] = value == null ? E : value;
} else {
$(this.node, attr);
(function (proto) {}(Paper.prototype));
// simple ajax
* Snap.ajax
[ method ]
* Simple implementation of Ajax
- url (string) URL
- postData (object|string) data for post request
- callback (function) callback
- scope (object) #optional scope of callback
* or
- url (string) URL
- callback (function) callback
- scope (object) #optional scope of callback
= (XMLHttpRequest) the XMLHttpRequest object, just in case
Snap.ajax = function (url, postData, callback, scope){
var req = new XMLHttpRequest,
id = ID();
if (req) {
if (is(postData, "function")) {
scope = callback;
callback = postData;
postData = null;
} else if (is(postData, "object")) {
var pd = [];
for (var key in postData) if (postData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
pd.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(postData[key]));
postData = pd.join("&");
req.open((postData ? "POST" : "GET"), url, true);
if (postData) {
req.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
req.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
if (callback) {
eve.once("snap.ajax." + id + ".0", callback);
eve.once("snap.ajax." + id + ".200", callback);
eve.once("snap.ajax." + id + ".304", callback);
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (req.readyState != 4) return;
eve("snap.ajax." + id + "." + req.status, scope, req);
if (req.readyState == 4) {
return req;
return req;
* Snap.load
[ method ]
* Loads external SVG file as a @Fragment (see @Snap.ajax for more advanced AJAX)
- url (string) URL
- callback (function) callback
- scope (object) #optional scope of callback
Snap.load = function (url, callback, scope) {
Snap.ajax(url, function (req) {
var f = Snap.parse(req.responseText);
scope ? callback.call(scope, f) : callback(f);
var getOffset = function (elem) {
var box = elem.getBoundingClientRect(),
doc = elem.ownerDocument,
body = doc.body,
docElem = doc.documentElement,
clientTop = docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0, clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0,
top = box.top + (g.win.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop || body.scrollTop ) - clientTop,
left = box.left + (g.win.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft) - clientLeft;
return {
y: top,
x: left
* Snap.getElementByPoint
[ method ]
* Returns you topmost element under given point.
= (object) Snap element object
- x (number) x coordinate from the top left corner of the window
- y (number) y coordinate from the top left corner of the window
> Usage
| Snap.getElementByPoint(mouseX, mouseY).attr({stroke: "#f00"});
Snap.getElementByPoint = function (x, y) {
var paper = this,
svg = paper.canvas,
target = glob.doc.elementFromPoint(x, y);
if (glob.win.opera && target.tagName == "svg") {
var so = getOffset(target),
sr = target.createSVGRect();
sr.x = x - so.x;
sr.y = y - so.y;
sr.width = sr.height = 1;
var hits = target.getIntersectionList(sr, null);
if (hits.length) {
target = hits[hits.length - 1];
if (!target) {
return null;
return wrap(target);
* Snap.plugin
[ method ]
* Let you write plugins. You pass in a function with five arguments, like this:
| Snap.plugin(function (Snap, Element, Paper, global, Fragment) {
| Snap.newmethod = function () {};
| Element.prototype.newmethod = function () {};
| Paper.prototype.newmethod = function () {};
| });
* Inside the function you have access to all main objects (and their
* prototypes). This allow you to extend anything you want.
- f (function) your plugin body
Snap.plugin = function (f) {
f(Snap, Element, Paper, glob, Fragment);
glob.win.Snap = Snap;
return Snap;
}(window || this));
// Copyright (c) 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Snap.plugin(function (Snap, Element, Paper, glob, Fragment) {
var elproto = Element.prototype,
is = Snap.is,
Str = String,
unit2px = Snap._unit2px,
$ = Snap._.$,
make = Snap._.make,
getSomeDefs = Snap._.getSomeDefs,
has = "hasOwnProperty",
wrap = Snap._.wrap;
* Element.getBBox
[ method ]
* Returns the bounding box descriptor for the given element
= (object) bounding box descriptor:
o {
o cx: (number) x of the center,
o cy: (number) x of the center,
o h: (number) height,
o height: (number) height,
o path: (string) path command for the box,
o r0: (number) radius of a circle that fully encloses the box,
o r1: (number) radius of the smallest circle that can be enclosed,
o r2: (number) radius of the largest circle that can be enclosed,
o vb: (string) box as a viewbox command,
o w: (number) width,
o width: (number) width,
o x2: (number) x of the right side,
o x: (number) x of the left side,
o y2: (number) y of the bottom edge,
o y: (number) y of the top edge
o }
elproto.getBBox = function (isWithoutTransform) {
if (!Snap.Matrix || !Snap.path) {
return this.node.getBBox();
var el = this,
m = new Snap.Matrix;
if (el.removed) {
return Snap._.box();
while (el.type == "use") {
if (!isWithoutTransform) {
m = m.add(el.transform().localMatrix.translate(el.attr("x") || 0, el.attr("y") || 0));
if (el.original) {
el = el.original;
} else {
var href = el.attr("xlink:href");
el = el.original = el.node.ownerDocument.getElementById(href.substring(href.indexOf("#") + 1));
var _ = el._,
pathfinder = Snap.path.get[el.type] || Snap.path.get.deflt;
try {
if (isWithoutTransform) {
_.bboxwt = pathfinder ? Snap.path.getBBox(el.realPath = pathfinder(el)) : Snap._.box(el.node.getBBox());
return Snap._.box(_.bboxwt);
} else {
el.realPath = pathfinder(el);
el.matrix = el.transform().localMatrix;
_.bbox = Snap.path.getBBox(Snap.path.map(el.realPath, m.add(el.matrix)));
return Snap._.box(_.bbox);
} catch (e) {
// Firefox doesn’t give you bbox of hidden element
return Snap._.box();
var propString = function () {
return this.string;
function extractTransform(el, tstr) {
if (tstr == null) {
var doReturn = true;
if (el.type == "linearGradient" || el.type == "radialGradient") {
tstr = el.node.getAttribute("gradientTransform");
} else if (el.type == "pattern") {
tstr = el.node.getAttribute("patternTransform");
} else {
tstr = el.node.getAttribute("transform");
if (!tstr) {
return new Snap.Matrix;
tstr = Snap._.svgTransform2string(tstr);
} else {
if (!Snap._.rgTransform.test(tstr)) {
tstr = Snap._.svgTransform2string(tstr);
} else {
tstr = Str(tstr).replace(/\.{3}|\u2026/g, el._.transform || "");
if (is(tstr, "array")) {
tstr = Snap.path ? Snap.path.toString.call(tstr) : Str(tstr);
el._.transform = tstr;
var m = Snap._.transform2matrix(tstr, el.getBBox(1));
if (doReturn) {
return m;
} else {
el.matrix = m;
* Element.transform
[ method ]
* Gets or sets transformation of the element
- tstr (string) transform string in Snap or SVG format
= (Element) the current element
* or
= (object) transformation descriptor:
o {
o string (string) transform string,
o globalMatrix (Matrix) matrix of all transformations applied to element or its parents,
o localMatrix (Matrix) matrix of transformations applied only to the element,
o diffMatrix (Matrix) matrix of difference between global and local transformations,
o global (string) global transformation as string,
o local (string) local transformation as string,
o toString (function) returns `string` property
o }
elproto.transform = function (tstr) {
var _ = this._;
if (tstr == null) {
var papa = this,
global = new Snap.Matrix(this.node.getCTM()),
local = extractTransform(this),
ms = [local],
m = new Snap.Matrix,
localString = local.toTransformString(),
string = Str(local) == Str(this.matrix) ?
Str(_.transform) : localString;
while (papa.type != "svg" && (papa = papa.parent())) {
i = ms.length;
while (i--) {
return {
string: string,
globalMatrix: global,
totalMatrix: m,
localMatrix: local,
diffMatrix: global.clone().add(local.invert()),
global: global.toTransformString(),
total: m.toTransformString(),
local: localString,
toString: propString
if (tstr instanceof Snap.Matrix) {
this.matrix = tstr;
this._.transform = tstr.toTransformString();
} else {
extractTransform(this, tstr);
if (this.node) {
if (this.type == "linearGradient" || this.type == "radialGradient") {
$(this.node, {gradientTransform: this.matrix});
} else if (this.type == "pattern") {
$(this.node, {patternTransform: this.matrix});
} else {
$(this.node, {transform: this.matrix});
return this;
* Element.parent
[ method ]
* Returns the element's parent
= (Element) the parent element
elproto.parent = function () {
return wrap(this.node.parentNode);
* Element.append
[ method ]
* Appends the given element to current one
- el (Element|Set) element to append
= (Element) the parent element
* Element.add
[ method ]
* See @Element.append
elproto.append = elproto.add = function (el) {
if (el) {
if (el.type == "set") {
var it = this;
el.forEach(function (el) {
return this;
el = wrap(el);
el.paper = this.paper;
return this;
* Element.appendTo
[ method ]
* Appends the current element to the given one
- el (Element) parent element to append to
= (Element) the child element
elproto.appendTo = function (el) {
if (el) {
el = wrap(el);
return this;
* Element.prepend
[ method ]
* Prepends the given element to the current one
- el (Element) element to prepend
= (Element) the parent element
elproto.prepend = function (el) {
if (el) {
if (el.type == "set") {
var it = this,
el.forEach(function (el) {
if (first) {
} else {
first = el;
return this;
el = wrap(el);
var parent = el.parent();
this.node.insertBefore(el.node, this.node.firstChild);
this.add && this.add();
el.paper = this.paper;
this.parent() && this.parent().add();
parent && parent.add();
return this;
* Element.prependTo
[ method ]
* Prepends the current element to the given one
- el (Element) parent element to prepend to
= (Element) the child element
elproto.prependTo = function (el) {
el = wrap(el);
return this;
* Element.before
[ method ]
* Inserts given element before the current one
- el (Element) element to insert
= (Element) the parent element
elproto.before = function (el) {
if (el.type == "set") {
var it = this;
el.forEach(function (el) {
var parent = el.parent();
it.node.parentNode.insertBefore(el.node, it.node);
parent && parent.add();
return this;
el = wrap(el);
var parent = el.parent();
this.node.parentNode.insertBefore(el.node, this.node);
this.parent() && this.parent().add();
parent && parent.add();
el.paper = this.paper;
return this;
* Element.after
[ method ]
* Inserts given element after the current one
- el (Element) element to insert
= (Element) the parent element
elproto.after = function (el) {
el = wrap(el);
var parent = el.parent();
if (this.node.nextSibling) {
this.node.parentNode.insertBefore(el.node, this.node.nextSibling);
} else {
this.parent() && this.parent().add();
parent && parent.add();
el.paper = this.paper;
return this;
* Element.insertBefore
[ method ]
* Inserts the element after the given one
- el (Element) element next to whom insert to
= (Element) the parent element
elproto.insertBefore = function (el) {
el = wrap(el);
var parent = this.parent();
el.node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.node, el.node);
this.paper = el.paper;
parent && parent.add();
el.parent() && el.parent().add();
return this;
* Element.insertAfter
[ method ]
* Inserts the element after the given one
- el (Element) element next to whom insert to
= (Element) the parent element
elproto.insertAfter = function (el) {
el = wrap(el);
var parent = this.parent();
el.node.parentNode.insertBefore(this.node, el.node.nextSibling);
this.paper = el.paper;
parent && parent.add();
el.parent() && el.parent().add();
return this;
* Element.remove
[ method ]
* Removes element from the DOM
= (Element) the detached element
elproto.remove = function () {
var parent = this.parent();
this.node.parentNode && this.node.parentNode.removeChild(this.node);
delete this.paper;
this.removed = true;
parent && parent.add();
return this;
* Element.select
[ method ]
* Gathers the nested @Element matching the given set of CSS selectors
- query (string) CSS selector
= (Element) result of query selection
elproto.select = function (query) {
return wrap(this.node.querySelector(query));
* Element.selectAll
[ method ]
* Gathers nested @Element objects matching the given set of CSS selectors
- query (string) CSS selector
= (Set|array) result of query selection
elproto.selectAll = function (query) {
var nodelist = this.node.querySelectorAll(query),
set = (Snap.set || Array)();
for (var i = 0; i < nodelist.length; i++) {
return set;
* Element.asPX
[ method ]
* Returns given attribute of the element as a `px` value (not %, em, etc.)
- attr (string) attribute name
- value (string) #optional attribute value
= (Element) result of query selection
elproto.asPX = function (attr, value) {
if (value == null) {
value = this.attr(attr);
return +unit2px(this, attr, value);
// SIERRA Element.use(): I suggest adding a note about how to access the original element the returned <use> instantiates. It's a part of SVG with which ordinary web developers may be least familiar.
* Element.use
[ method ]
* Creates a `<use>` element linked to the current element
= (Element) the `<use>` element
elproto.use = function () {
var use,
id = this.node.id;
if (!id) {
id = this.id;
$(this.node, {
id: id
if (this.type == "linearGradient" || this.type == "radialGradient" ||
this.type == "pattern") {
use = make(this.type, this.node.parentNode);
} else {
use = make("use", this.node.parentNode);
$(use.node, {
"xlink:href": "#" + id
use.original = this;
return use;
function fixids(el) {
var els = el.selectAll("*"),
url = /^\s*url\(("|'|)(.*)\1\)\s*$/,
ids = [],
uses = {};
function urltest(it, name) {
var val = $(it.node, name);
val = val && val.match(url);
val = val && val[2];
if (val && val.charAt() == "#") {
val = val.substring(1);
} else {
if (val) {
uses[val] = (uses[val] || []).concat(function (id) {
var attr = {};
attr[name] = URL(id);
$(it.node, attr);
function linktest(it) {
var val = $(it.node, "xlink:href");
if (val && val.charAt() == "#") {
val = val.substring(1);
} else {
if (val) {
uses[val] = (uses[val] || []).concat(function (id) {
it.attr("xlink:href", "#" + id);
for (var i = 0, ii = els.length; i < ii; i++) {
it = els[i];
urltest(it, "fill");
urltest(it, "stroke");
urltest(it, "filter");
urltest(it, "mask");
urltest(it, "clip-path");
var oldid = $(it.node, "id");
if (oldid) {
$(it.node, {id: it.id});
old: oldid,
id: it.id
for (i = 0, ii = ids.length; i < ii; i++) {
var fs = uses[ids[i].old];
if (fs) {
for (var j = 0, jj = fs.length; j < jj; j++) {
* Element.clone
[ method ]
* Creates a clone of the element and inserts it after the element
= (Element) the clone
elproto.clone = function () {
var clone = wrap(this.node.cloneNode(true));
if ($(clone.node, "id")) {
$(clone.node, {id: clone.id});
return clone;
* Element.toDefs
[ method ]
* Moves element to the shared `<defs>` area
= (Element) the element
elproto.toDefs = function () {
var defs = getSomeDefs(this);
return this;
* Element.toPattern
[ method ]
* Creates a `<pattern>` element from the current element
* To create a pattern you have to specify the pattern rect:
- x (string|number)
- y (string|number)
- width (string|number)
- height (string|number)
= (Element) the `<pattern>` element
* You can use pattern later on as an argument for `fill` attribute:
| var p = paper.path("M10-5-10,15M15,0,0,15M0-5-20,15").attr({
| fill: "none",
| stroke: "#bada55",
| strokeWidth: 5
| }).pattern(0, 0, 10, 10),
| c = paper.circle(200, 200, 100);
| c.attr({
| fill: p
| });
elproto.pattern = elproto.toPattern = function (x, y, width, height) {
var p = make("pattern", getSomeDefs(this));
if (x == null) {
x = this.getBBox();
if (is(x, "object") && "x" in x) {
y = x.y;
width = x.width;
height = x.height;
x = x.x;
$(p.node, {
x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
height: height,
patternUnits: "userSpaceOnUse",
id: p.id,
viewBox: [x, y, width, height].join(" ")
return p;
// SIERRA Element.marker(): clarify what a reference point is. E.g., helps you offset the object from its edge such as when centering it over a path.
// SIERRA Element.marker(): I suggest the method should accept default reference point values. Perhaps centered with (refX = width/2) and (refY = height/2)? Also, couldn't it assume the element's current _width_ and _height_? And please specify what _x_ and _y_ mean: offsets? If so, from where? Couldn't they also be assigned default values?
* Element.marker
[ method ]
* Creates a `<marker>` element from the current element
* To create a marker you have to specify the bounding rect and reference point:
- x (number)
- y (number)
- width (number)
- height (number)
- refX (number)
- refY (number)
= (Element) the `<marker>` element
* You can specify the marker later as an argument for `marker-start`, `marker-end`, `marker-mid`, and `marker` attributes. The `marker` attribute places the marker at every point along the path, and `marker-mid` places them at every point except the start and end.
// TODO add usage for markers
elproto.marker = function (x, y, width, height, refX, refY) {
var p = make("marker", getSomeDefs(this));
if (x == null) {
x = this.getBBox();
if (is(x, "object") && "x" in x) {
y = x.y;
width = x.width;
height = x.height;
refX = x.refX || x.cx;
refY = x.refY || x.cy;
x = x.x;
$(p.node, {
viewBox: [x, y, width, height].join(" "),
markerWidth: width,
markerHeight: height,
orient: "auto",
refX: refX || 0,
refY: refY || 0,
id: p.id
return p;
// animation
function slice(from, to, f) {
return function (arr) {
var res = arr.slice(from, to);
if (res.length == 1) {
res = res[0];
return f ? f(res) : res;
var Animation = function (attr, ms, easing, callback) {
if (typeof easing == "function" && !easing.length) {
callback = easing;
easing = mina.linear;
this.attr = attr;
this.dur = ms;
easing && (this.easing = easing);
callback && (this.callback = callback);
Snap._.Animation = Animation;
* Snap.animation
[ method ]
* Creates an animation object
- attr (object) attributes of final destination
- duration (number) duration of the animation, in milliseconds
- easing (function) #optional one of easing functions of @mina or custom one
- callback (function) #optional callback function that fires when animation ends
= (object) animation object
Snap.animation = function (attr, ms, easing, callback) {
return new Animation(attr, ms, easing, callback);
* Element.inAnim
[ method ]
* Returns a set of animations that may be able to manipulate the current element
= (object) in format:
o {
o anim (object) animation object,
o mina (object) @mina object,
o curStatus (number) 0..1 — status of the animation: 0 — just started, 1 — just finished,
o status (function) gets or sets the status of the animation,
o stop (function) stops the animation
o }
elproto.inAnim = function () {
var el = this,
res = [];
for (var id in el.anims) if (el.anims[has](id)) {
(function (a) {
anim: new Animation(a._attrs, a.dur, a.easing, a._callback),
mina: a,
curStatus: a.status(),
status: function (val) {
return a.status(val);
stop: function () {
return res;
* Snap.animate
[ method ]
* Runs generic animation of one number into another with a caring function
- from (number|array) number or array of numbers
- to (number|array) number or array of numbers
- setter (function) caring function that accepts one number argument
- duration (number) duration, in milliseconds
- easing (function) #optional easing function from @mina or custom
- callback (function) #optional callback function to execute when animation ends
= (object) animation object in @mina format
o {
o id (string) animation id, consider it read-only,
o duration (function) gets or sets the duration of the animation,
o easing (function) easing,
o speed (function) gets or sets the speed of the animation,
o status (function) gets or sets the status of the animation,
o stop (function) stops the animation
o }
| var rect = Snap().rect(0, 0, 10, 10);
| Snap.animate(0, 10, function (val) {
| rect.attr({
| x: val
| });
| }, 1000);
| // in given context is equivalent to
| rect.animate({x: 10}, 1000);
Snap.animate = function (from, to, setter, ms, easing, callback) {
if (typeof easing == "function" && !easing.length) {
callback = easing;
easing = mina.linear;
var now = mina.time(),
anim = mina(from, to, now, now + ms, mina.time, setter, easing);
callback && eve.once("mina.finish." + anim.id, callback);
return anim;
* Element.stop
[ method ]
* Stops all the animations for the current element
= (Element) the current element
elproto.stop = function () {
var anims = this.inAnim();
for (var i = 0, ii = anims.length; i < ii; i++) {
return this;
* Element.animate
[ method ]
* Animates the given attributes of the element
- attrs (object) key-value pairs of destination attributes
- duration (number) duration of the animation in milliseconds
- easing (function) #optional easing function from @mina or custom
- callback (function) #optional callback function that executes when the animation ends
= (Element) the current element
elproto.animate = function (attrs, ms, easing, callback) {
if (typeof easing == "function" && !easing.length) {
callback = easing;
easing = mina.linear;
if (attrs instanceof Animation) {
callback = attrs.callback;
easing = attrs.easing;
ms = attrs.dur;
attrs = attrs.attr;
var fkeys = [], tkeys = [], keys = {}, from, to, f, eq,
el = this;
for (var key in attrs) if (attrs[has](key)) {
if (el.equal) {
eq = el.equal(key, Str(attrs[key]));
from = eq.from;
to = eq.to;
f = eq.f;
} else {
from = +el.attr(key);
to = +attrs[key];
var len = is(from, "array") ? from.length : 1;
keys[key] = slice(fkeys.length, fkeys.length + len, f);
fkeys = fkeys.concat(from);
tkeys = tkeys.concat(to);
var now = mina.time(),
anim = mina(fkeys, tkeys, now, now + ms, mina.time, function (val) {
var attr = {};
for (var key in keys) if (keys[has](key)) {
attr[key] = keys[key](val);
}, easing);
el.anims[anim.id] = anim;
anim._attrs = attrs;
anim._callback = callback;
eve("snap.animcreated." + el.id, anim);
eve.once("mina.finish." + anim.id, function () {
delete el.anims[anim.id];
callback && callback.call(el);
eve.once("mina.stop." + anim.id, function () {
delete el.anims[anim.id];
return el;
var eldata = {};
* Element.data
[ method ]
* Adds or retrieves given value associated with given key. (Don’t confuse
* with `data-` attributes)
* See also @Element.removeData
- key (string) key to store data
- value (any) #optional value to store
= (object) @Element
* or, if value is not specified:
= (any) value
> Usage
| for (var i = 0, i < 5, i++) {
| paper.circle(10 + 15 * i, 10, 10)
| .attr({fill: "#000"})
| .data("i", i)
| .click(function () {
| alert(this.data("i"));
| });
| }
elproto.data = function (key, value) {
var data = eldata[this.id] = eldata[this.id] || {};
if (arguments.length == 0){
eve("snap.data.get." + this.id, this, data, null);
return data;
if (arguments.length == 1) {
if (Snap.is(key, "object")) {
for (var i in key) if (key[has](i)) {
this.data(i, key[i]);
return this;
eve("snap.data.get." + this.id, this, data[key], key);
return data[key];
data[key] = value;
eve("snap.data.set." + this.id, this, value, key);
return this;
* Element.removeData
[ method ]
* Removes value associated with an element by given key.
* If key is not provided, removes all the data of the element.
- key (string) #optional key
= (object) @Element
elproto.removeData = function (key) {
if (key == null) {
eldata[this.id] = {};
} else {
eldata[this.id] && delete eldata[this.id][key];
return this;
* Element.outerSVG
[ method ]
* Returns SVG code for the element, equivalent to HTML's `outerHTML`.
* See also @Element.innerSVG
= (string) SVG code for the element
* Element.toString
[ method ]
* See @Element.outerSVG
elproto.outerSVG = elproto.toString = toString(1);
* Element.innerSVG
[ method ]
* Returns SVG code for the element's contents, equivalent to HTML's `innerHTML`
= (string) SVG code for the element
elproto.innerSVG = toString();
function toString(type) {
return function () {
var res = type ? "<" + this.type : "",
attr = this.node.attributes,
chld = this.node.childNodes;
if (type) {
for (var i = 0, ii = attr.length; i < ii; i++) {
res += " " + attr[i].name + '="' +
attr[i].value.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"';
if (chld.length) {
type && (res += ">");
for (i = 0, ii = chld.length; i < ii; i++) {
if (chld[i].nodeType == 3) {
res += chld[i].nodeValue;
} else if (chld[i].nodeType == 1) {
res += wrap(chld[i]).toString();
type && (res += "</" + this.type + ">");
} else {
type && (res += "/>");
return res;
elproto.toDataURL = function () {
if (window && window.btoa) {
var bb = this.getBBox(),
svg = Snap.format('<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="{width}" height="{height}" viewBox="{x} {y} {width} {height}">{contents}</svg>', {
x: +bb.x.toFixed(3),
y: +bb.y.toFixed(3),
width: +bb.width.toFixed(3),
height: +bb.height.toFixed(3),
contents: this.outerSVG()
return "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(svg)));
* Fragment.select
[ method ]
* See @Element.select
Fragment.prototype.select = elproto.select;
* Fragment.selectAll
[ method ]
* See @Element.selectAll
Fragment.prototype.selectAll = elproto.selectAll;
// Copyright (c) 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Snap.plugin(function (Snap, Element, Paper, glob, Fragment) {
var objectToString = Object.prototype.toString,
Str = String,
math = Math,
E = "";
function Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (b == null && objectToString.call(a) == "[object SVGMatrix]") {
this.a = a.a;
this.b = a.b;
this.c = a.c;
this.d = a.d;
this.e = a.e;
this.f = a.f;
if (a != null) {
this.a = +a;
this.b = +b;
this.c = +c;
this.d = +d;
this.e = +e;
this.f = +f;
} else {
this.a = 1;
this.b = 0;
this.c = 0;
this.d = 1;
this.e = 0;
this.f = 0;
(function (matrixproto) {
* Matrix.add
[ method ]
* Adds the given matrix to existing one
- a (number)
- b (number)
- c (number)
- d (number)
- e (number)
- f (number)
* or
- matrix (object) @Matrix
matrixproto.add = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var out = [[], [], []],
m = [[this.a, this.c, this.e], [this.b, this.d, this.f], [0, 0, 1]],
matrix = [[a, c, e], [b, d, f], [0, 0, 1]],
x, y, z, res;
if (a && a instanceof Matrix) {
matrix = [[a.a, a.c, a.e], [a.b, a.d, a.f], [0, 0, 1]];
for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
res = 0;
for (z = 0; z < 3; z++) {
res += m[x][z] * matrix[z][y];
out[x][y] = res;
this.a = out[0][0];
this.b = out[1][0];
this.c = out[0][1];
this.d = out[1][1];
this.e = out[0][2];
this.f = out[1][2];
return this;
* Matrix.invert
[ method ]
* Returns an inverted version of the matrix
= (object) @Matrix
matrixproto.invert = function () {
var me = this,
x = me.a * me.d - me.b * me.c;
return new Matrix(me.d / x, -me.b / x, -me.c / x, me.a / x, (me.c * me.f - me.d * me.e) / x, (me.b * me.e - me.a * me.f) / x);
* Matrix.clone
[ method ]
* Returns a copy of the matrix
= (object) @Matrix
matrixproto.clone = function () {
return new Matrix(this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d, this.e, this.f);
* Matrix.translate
[ method ]
* Translate the matrix
- x (number) horizontal offset distance
- y (number) vertical offset distance
matrixproto.translate = function (x, y) {
return this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y);
* Matrix.scale
[ method ]
* Scales the matrix
- x (number) amount to be scaled, with `1` resulting in no change
- y (number) #optional amount to scale along the vertical axis. (Otherwise `x` applies to both axes.)
- cx (number) #optional horizontal origin point from which to scale
- cy (number) #optional vertical origin point from which to scale
* Default cx, cy is the middle point of the element.
matrixproto.scale = function (x, y, cx, cy) {
y == null && (y = x);
(cx || cy) && this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, cx, cy);
this.add(x, 0, 0, y, 0, 0);
(cx || cy) && this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, -cx, -cy);
return this;
* Matrix.rotate
[ method ]
* Rotates the matrix
- a (number) angle of rotation, in degrees
- x (number) horizontal origin point from which to rotate
- y (number) vertical origin point from which to rotate
matrixproto.rotate = function (a, x, y) {
a = Snap.rad(a);
x = x || 0;
y = y || 0;
var cos = +math.cos(a).toFixed(9),
sin = +math.sin(a).toFixed(9);
this.add(cos, sin, -sin, cos, x, y);
return this.add(1, 0, 0, 1, -x, -y);
* Matrix.x
[ method ]
* Returns x coordinate for given point after transformation described by the matrix. See also @Matrix.y
- x (number)
- y (number)
= (number) x
matrixproto.x = function (x, y) {
return x * this.a + y * this.c + this.e;
* Matrix.y
[ method ]
* Returns y coordinate for given point after transformation described by the matrix. See also @Matrix.x
- x (number)
- y (number)
= (number) y
matrixproto.y = function (x, y) {
return x * this.b + y * this.d + this.f;
matrixproto.get = function (i) {
return +this[Str.fromCharCode(97 + i)].toFixed(4);
matrixproto.toString = function () {
return "matrix(" + [this.get(0), this.get(1), this.get(2), this.get(3), this.get(4), this.get(5)].join() + ")";
matrixproto.offset = function () {
return [this.e.toFixed(4), this.f.toFixed(4)];
function norm(a) {
return a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1];
function normalize(a) {
var mag = math.sqrt(norm(a));
a[0] && (a[0] /= mag);
a[1] && (a[1] /= mag);
* Matrix.determinant
[ method ]
* Finds determinant of the given matrix.
= (number) determinant
matrixproto.determinant = function () {
return this.a * this.d - this.b * this.c;
* Matrix.split
[ method ]
* Splits matrix into primitive transformations
= (object) in format:
o dx (number) translation by x
o dy (number) translation by y
o scalex (number) scale by x
o scaley (number) scale by y
o shear (number) shear
o rotate (number) rotation in deg
o isSimple (boolean) could it be represented via simple transformations
matrixproto.split = function () {
var out = {};
// translation
out.dx = this.e;
out.dy = this.f;
// scale and shear
var row = [[this.a, this.c], [this.b, this.d]];
out.scalex = math.sqrt(norm(row[0]));
out.shear = row[0][0] * row[1][0] + row[0][1] * row[1][1];
row[1] = [row[1][0] - row[0][0] * out.shear, row[1][1] - row[0][1] * out.shear];
out.scaley = math.sqrt(norm(row[1]));
out.shear /= out.scaley;
if (this.determinant() < 0) {
out.scalex = -out.scalex;
// rotation
var sin = -row[0][1],
cos = row[1][1];
if (cos < 0) {
out.rotate = Snap.deg(math.acos(cos));
if (sin < 0) {
out.rotate = 360 - out.rotate;
} else {
out.rotate = Snap.deg(math.asin(sin));
out.isSimple = !+out.shear.toFixed(9) && (out.scalex.toFixed(9) == out.scaley.toFixed(9) || !out.rotate);
out.isSuperSimple = !+out.shear.toFixed(9) && out.scalex.toFixed(9) == out.scaley.toFixed(9) && !out.rotate;
out.noRotation = !+out.shear.toFixed(9) && !out.rotate;
return out;
* Matrix.toTransformString
[ method ]
* Returns transform string that represents given matrix
= (string) transform string
matrixproto.toTransformString = function (shorter) {
var s = shorter || this.split();
if (!+s.shear.toFixed(9)) {
s.scalex = +s.scalex.toFixed(4);
s.scaley = +s.scaley.toFixed(4);
s.rotate = +s.rotate.toFixed(4);
return (s.dx || s.dy ? "t" + [+s.dx.toFixed(4), +s.dy.toFixed(4)] : E) +
(s.scalex != 1 || s.scaley != 1 ? "s" + [s.scalex, s.scaley, 0, 0] : E) +
(s.rotate ? "r" + [+s.rotate.toFixed(4), 0, 0] : E);
} else {
return "m" + [this.get(0), this.get(1), this.get(2), this.get(3), this.get(4), this.get(5)];
* Snap.Matrix
[ method ]
* Matrix constructor, extend on your own risk.
* To create matrices use @Snap.matrix.
Snap.Matrix = Matrix;
* Snap.matrix
[ method ]
* Utility method
* Returns a matrix based on the given parameters
- a (number)
- b (number)
- c (number)
- d (number)
- e (number)
- f (number)
* or
- svgMatrix (SVGMatrix)
= (object) @Matrix
Snap.matrix = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
return new Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f);
// Copyright (c) 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Snap.plugin(function (Snap, Element, Paper, glob, Fragment) {
var has = "hasOwnProperty",
make = Snap._.make,
wrap = Snap._.wrap,
is = Snap.is,
getSomeDefs = Snap._.getSomeDefs,
reURLValue = /^url\(#?([^)]+)\)$/,
$ = Snap._.$,
URL = Snap.url,
Str = String,
separator = Snap._.separator,
E = "";
// Attributes event handlers
eve.on("snap.util.attr.mask", function (value) {
if (value instanceof Element || value instanceof Fragment) {
if (value instanceof Fragment && value.node.childNodes.length == 1) {
value = value.node.firstChild;
value = wrap(value);
if (value.type == "mask") {
var mask = value;
} else {
mask = make("mask", getSomeDefs(this));
!mask.node.id && $(mask.node, {
id: mask.id
$(this.node, {
mask: URL(mask.id)
(function (clipIt) {
eve.on("snap.util.attr.clip", clipIt);
eve.on("snap.util.attr.clip-path", clipIt);
eve.on("snap.util.attr.clipPath", clipIt);
}(function (value) {
if (value instanceof Element || value instanceof Fragment) {
if (value.type == "clipPath") {
var clip = value;
} else {
clip = make("clipPath", getSomeDefs(this));
!clip.node.id && $(clip.node, {
id: clip.id
$(this.node, {
"clip-path": URL(clip.node.id || clip.id)
function fillStroke(name) {
return function (value) {
if (value instanceof Fragment && value.node.childNodes.length == 1 &&
(value.node.firstChild.tagName == "radialGradient" ||
value.node.firstChild.tagName == "linearGradient" ||
value.node.firstChild.tagName == "pattern")) {
value = value.node.firstChild;
value = wrap(value);
if (value instanceof Element) {
if (value.type == "radialGradient" || value.type == "linearGradient"
|| value.type == "pattern") {
if (!value.node.id) {
$(value.node, {
id: value.id
var fill = URL(value.node.id);
} else {
fill = value.attr(name);
} else {
fill = Snap.color(value);
if (fill.error) {
var grad = Snap(getSomeDefs(this).ownerSVGElement).gradient(value);
if (grad) {
if (!grad.node.id) {
$(grad.node, {
id: grad.id
fill = URL(grad.node.id);
} else {
fill = value;
} else {
fill = Str(fill);
var attrs = {};
attrs[name] = fill;
$(this.node, attrs);
this.node.style[name] = E;
eve.on("snap.util.attr.fill", fillStroke("fill"));
eve.on("snap.util.attr.stroke", fillStroke("stroke"));
var gradrg = /^([lr])(?:\(([^)]*)\))?(.*)$/i;
eve.on("snap.util.grad.parse", function parseGrad(string) {
string = Str(string);
var tokens = string.match(gradrg);
if (!tokens) {
return null;
var type = tokens[1],
params = tokens[2],
stops = tokens[3];
params = params.split(/\s*,\s*/).map(function (el) {
return +el == el ? +el : el;
if (params.length == 1 && params[0] == 0) {
params = [];
stops = stops.split("-");
stops = stops.map(function (el) {
el = el.split(":");
var out = {
color: el[0]
if (el[1]) {
out.offset = parseFloat(el[1]);
return out;
return {
type: type,
params: params,
stops: stops
eve.on("snap.util.attr.d", function (value) {
if (is(value, "array") && is(value[0], "array")) {
value = Snap.path.toString.call(value);
value = Str(value);
if (value.match(/[ruo]/i)) {
value = Snap.path.toAbsolute(value);
$(this.node, {d: value});
eve.on("snap.util.attr.#text", function (value) {
value = Str(value);
var txt = glob.doc.createTextNode(value);
while (this.node.firstChild) {
eve.on("snap.util.attr.path", function (value) {
this.attr({d: value});
eve.on("snap.util.attr.class", function (value) {
this.node.className.baseVal = value;
eve.on("snap.util.attr.viewBox", function (value) {
var vb;
if (is(value, "object") && "x" in value) {
vb = [value.x, value.y, value.width, value.height].join(" ");
} else if (is(value, "array")) {
vb = value.join(" ");
} else {
vb = value;
$(this.node, {
viewBox: vb
eve.on("snap.util.attr.transform", function (value) {
eve.on("snap.util.attr.r", function (value) {
if (this.type == "rect") {
$(this.node, {
rx: value,
ry: value
eve.on("snap.util.attr.textpath", function (value) {
if (this.type == "text") {
var id, tp, node;
if (!value && this.textPath) {
tp = this.textPath;
while (tp.node.firstChild) {
delete this.textPath;
if (is(value, "string")) {
var defs = getSomeDefs(this),
path = wrap(defs.parentNode).path(value);
id = path.id;
path.attr({id: id});
} else {
value = wrap(value);
if (value instanceof Element) {
id = value.attr("id");
if (!id) {
id = value.id;
value.attr({id: id});
if (id) {
tp = this.textPath;
node = this.node;
if (tp) {
tp.attr({"xlink:href": "#" + id});
} else {
tp = $("textPath", {
"xlink:href": "#" + id
while (node.firstChild) {
this.textPath = wrap(tp);
eve.on("snap.util.attr.text", function (value) {
if (this.type == "text") {
var i = 0,
node = this.node,
tuner = function (chunk) {
var out = $("tspan");
if (is(chunk, "array")) {
for (var i = 0; i < chunk.length; i++) {
} else {
out.normalize && out.normalize();
return out;
while (node.firstChild) {
var tuned = tuner(value);
while (tuned.firstChild) {
function setFontSize(value) {
if (value == +value) {
value += "px";
this.node.style.fontSize = value;
eve.on("snap.util.attr.fontSize", setFontSize)(-1);
eve.on("snap.util.attr.font-size", setFontSize)(-1);
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.transform", function () {
return this.transform();
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.textpath", function () {
return this.textPath;
// Markers
(function () {
function getter(end) {
return function () {
var style = glob.doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.node, null).getPropertyValue("marker-" + end);
if (style == "none") {
return style;
} else {
return Snap(glob.doc.getElementById(style.match(reURLValue)[1]));
function setter(end) {
return function (value) {
var name = "marker" + end.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + end.substring(1);
if (value == "" || !value) {
this.node.style[name] = "none";
if (value.type == "marker") {
var id = value.node.id;
if (!id) {
$(value.node, {id: value.id});
this.node.style[name] = URL(id);
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.marker-end", getter("end"))(-1);
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.markerEnd", getter("end"))(-1);
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.marker-start", getter("start"))(-1);
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.markerStart", getter("start"))(-1);
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.marker-mid", getter("mid"))(-1);
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.markerMid", getter("mid"))(-1);
eve.on("snap.util.attr.marker-end", setter("end"))(-1);
eve.on("snap.util.attr.markerEnd", setter("end"))(-1);
eve.on("snap.util.attr.marker-start", setter("start"))(-1);
eve.on("snap.util.attr.markerStart", setter("start"))(-1);
eve.on("snap.util.attr.marker-mid", setter("mid"))(-1);
eve.on("snap.util.attr.markerMid", setter("mid"))(-1);
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.r", function () {
if (this.type == "rect" && $(this.node, "rx") == $(this.node, "ry")) {
return $(this.node, "rx");
function textExtract(node) {
var out = [];
var children = node.childNodes;
for (var i = 0, ii = children.length; i < ii; i++) {
var chi = children[i];
if (chi.nodeType == 3) {
if (chi.tagName == "tspan") {
if (chi.childNodes.length == 1 && chi.firstChild.nodeType == 3) {
} else {
return out;
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.text", function () {
if (this.type == "text" || this.type == "tspan") {
var out = textExtract(this.node);
return out.length == 1 ? out[0] : out;
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.#text", function () {
return this.node.textContent;
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.viewBox", function () {
var vb = $(this.node, "viewBox");
if (vb) {
vb = vb.split(separator);
return Snap._.box(+vb[0], +vb[1], +vb[2], +vb[3]);
} else {
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.points", function () {
var p = $(this.node, "points");
if (p) {
return p.split(separator);
} else {
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.path", function () {
var p = $(this.node, "d");
return p;
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.class", function () {
return this.node.className.baseVal;
function getFontSize() {
return this.node.style.fontSize;
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.fontSize", getFontSize)(-1);
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.font-size", getFontSize)(-1);
// Copyright (c) 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Snap.plugin(function (Snap, Element, Paper, glob, Fragment) {
var rgNotSpace = /\S+/g,
rgBadSpace = /[\t\r\n\f]/g,
rgTrim = /(^\s+|\s+$)/g,
Str = String,
elproto = Element.prototype;
* Element.addClass
[ method ]
* Adds given class name or list of class names to the element.
- value (string) class name or space separated list of class names
= (Element) original element.
elproto.addClass = function (value) {
var classes = Str(value || "").match(rgNotSpace) || [],
elem = this.node,
className = elem.className.baseVal,
curClasses = className.match(rgNotSpace) || [],
if (classes.length) {
j = 0;
while ((clazz = classes[j++])) {
pos = curClasses.indexOf(clazz);
if (!~pos) {
finalValue = curClasses.join(" ");
if (className != finalValue) {
elem.className.baseVal = finalValue;
return this;
* Element.removeClass
[ method ]
* Removes given class name or list of class names from the element.
- value (string) class name or space separated list of class names
= (Element) original element.
elproto.removeClass = function (value) {
var classes = Str(value || "").match(rgNotSpace) || [],
elem = this.node,
className = elem.className.baseVal,
curClasses = className.match(rgNotSpace) || [],
if (curClasses.length) {
j = 0;
while ((clazz = classes[j++])) {
pos = curClasses.indexOf(clazz);
if (~pos) {
curClasses.splice(pos, 1);
finalValue = curClasses.join(" ");
if (className != finalValue) {
elem.className.baseVal = finalValue;
return this;
* Element.hasClass
[ method ]
* Checks if the element has a given class name in the list of class names applied to it.
- value (string) class name
= (boolean) `true` if the element has given class
elproto.hasClass = function (value) {
var elem = this.node,
className = elem.className.baseVal,
curClasses = className.match(rgNotSpace) || [];
return !!~curClasses.indexOf(value);
* Element.toggleClass
[ method ]
* Add or remove one or more classes from the element, depending on either
* the class’s presence or the value of the `flag` argument.
- value (string) class name or space separated list of class names
- flag (boolean) value to determine whether the class should be added or removed
= (Element) original element.
elproto.toggleClass = function (value, flag) {
if (flag != null) {
if (flag) {
return this.addClass(value);
} else {
return this.removeClass(value);
var classes = (value || "").match(rgNotSpace) || [],
elem = this.node,
className = elem.className.baseVal,
curClasses = className.match(rgNotSpace) || [],
j = 0;
while ((clazz = classes[j++])) {
pos = curClasses.indexOf(clazz);
if (~pos) {
curClasses.splice(pos, 1);
} else {
finalValue = curClasses.join(" ");
if (className != finalValue) {
elem.className.baseVal = finalValue;
return this;
// Copyright (c) 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Snap.plugin(function (Snap, Element, Paper, glob, Fragment) {
var operators = {
"+": function (x, y) {
return x + y;
"-": function (x, y) {
return x - y;
"/": function (x, y) {
return x / y;
"*": function (x, y) {
return x * y;
Str = String,
reUnit = /[a-z]+$/i,
reAddon = /^\s*([+\-\/*])\s*=\s*([\d.eE+\-]+)\s*([^\d\s]+)?\s*$/;
function getNumber(val) {
return val;
function getUnit(unit) {
return function (val) {
return +val.toFixed(3) + unit;
eve.on("snap.util.attr", function (val) {
var plus = Str(val).match(reAddon);
if (plus) {
var evnt = eve.nt(),
name = evnt.substring(evnt.lastIndexOf(".") + 1),
a = this.attr(name),
atr = {};
var unit = plus[3] || "",
aUnit = a.match(reUnit),
op = operators[plus[1]];
if (aUnit && aUnit == unit) {
val = op(parseFloat(a), +plus[2]);
} else {
a = this.asPX(name);
val = op(this.asPX(name), this.asPX(name, plus[2] + unit));
if (isNaN(a) || isNaN(val)) {
atr[name] = val;
eve.on("snap.util.equal", function (name, b) {
var A, B, a = Str(this.attr(name) || ""),
el = this,
bplus = Str(b).match(reAddon);
if (bplus) {
var unit = bplus[3] || "",
aUnit = a.match(reUnit),
op = operators[bplus[1]];
if (aUnit && aUnit == unit) {
return {
from: parseFloat(a),
to: op(parseFloat(a), +bplus[2]),
f: getUnit(aUnit)
} else {
a = this.asPX(name);
return {
from: a,
to: op(a, this.asPX(name, bplus[2] + unit)),
f: getNumber
// Copyright (c) 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Snap.plugin(function (Snap, Element, Paper, glob, Fragment) {
var proto = Paper.prototype,
is = Snap.is;
* Paper.rect
[ method ]
* Draws a rectangle
- x (number) x coordinate of the top left corner
- y (number) y coordinate of the top left corner
- width (number) width
- height (number) height
- rx (number) #optional horizontal radius for rounded corners, default is 0
- ry (number) #optional vertical radius for rounded corners, default is rx or 0
= (object) the `rect` element
> Usage
| // regular rectangle
| var c = paper.rect(10, 10, 50, 50);
| // rectangle with rounded corners
| var c = paper.rect(40, 40, 50, 50, 10);
proto.rect = function (x, y, w, h, rx, ry) {
var attr;
if (ry == null) {
ry = rx;
if (is(x, "object") && x == "[object Object]") {
attr = x;
} else if (x != null) {
attr = {
x: x,
y: y,
width: w,
height: h
if (rx != null) {
attr.rx = rx;
attr.ry = ry;
return this.el("rect", attr);
* Paper.circle
[ method ]
* Draws a circle
- x (number) x coordinate of the centre
- y (number) y coordinate of the centre
- r (number) radius
= (object) the `circle` element
> Usage
| var c = paper.circle(50, 50, 40);
proto.circle = function (cx, cy, r) {
var attr;
if (is(cx, "object") && cx == "[object Object]") {
attr = cx;
} else if (cx != null) {
attr = {
cx: cx,
cy: cy,
r: r
return this.el("circle", attr);
var preload = (function () {
function onerror() {
return function (src, f) {
var img = glob.doc.createElement("img"),
body = glob.doc.body;
img.style.cssText = "position:absolute;left:-9999em;top:-9999em";
img.onload = function () {
img.onload = img.onerror = null;
img.onerror = onerror;
img.src = src;
* Paper.image
[ method ]
* Places an image on the surface
- src (string) URI of the source image
- x (number) x offset position
- y (number) y offset position
- width (number) width of the image
- height (number) height of the image
= (object) the `image` element
* or
= (object) Snap element object with type `image`
> Usage
| var c = paper.image("apple.png", 10, 10, 80, 80);
proto.image = function (src, x, y, width, height) {
var el = this.el("image");
if (is(src, "object") && "src" in src) {
} else if (src != null) {
var set = {
"xlink:href": src,
preserveAspectRatio: "none"
if (x != null && y != null) {
set.x = x;
set.y = y;
if (width != null && height != null) {
set.width = width;
set.height = height;
} else {
preload(src, function () {
Snap._.$(el.node, {
width: this.offsetWidth,
height: this.offsetHeight
Snap._.$(el.node, set);
return el;
* Paper.ellipse
[ method ]
* Draws an ellipse
- x (number) x coordinate of the centre
- y (number) y coordinate of the centre
- rx (number) horizontal radius
- ry (number) vertical radius
= (object) the `ellipse` element
> Usage
| var c = paper.ellipse(50, 50, 40, 20);
proto.ellipse = function (cx, cy, rx, ry) {
var attr;
if (is(cx, "object") && cx == "[object Object]") {
attr = cx;
} else if (cx != null) {
attr ={
cx: cx,
cy: cy,
rx: rx,
ry: ry
return this.el("ellipse", attr);
// SIERRA Paper.path(): Unclear from the link what a Catmull-Rom curveto is, and why it would make life any easier.
* Paper.path
[ method ]
* Creates a `<path>` element using the given string as the path's definition
- pathString (string) #optional path string in SVG format
* Path string consists of one-letter commands, followed by comma seprarated arguments in numerical form. Example:
| "M10,20L30,40"
* This example features two commands: `M`, with arguments `(10, 20)` and `L` with arguments `(30, 40)`. Uppercase letter commands express coordinates in absolute terms, while lowercase commands express them in relative terms from the most recently declared coordinates.
# <p>Here is short list of commands available, for more details see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathData" title="Details of a path's data attribute's format are described in the SVG specification.">SVG path string format</a> or <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en/SVG/Tutorial/Paths">article about path strings at MDN</a>.</p>
# <table><thead><tr><th>Command</th><th>Name</th><th>Parameters</th></tr></thead><tbody>
# <tr><td>M</td><td>moveto</td><td>(x y)+</td></tr>
# <tr><td>Z</td><td>closepath</td><td>(none)</td></tr>
# <tr><td>L</td><td>lineto</td><td>(x y)+</td></tr>
# <tr><td>H</td><td>horizontal lineto</td><td>x+</td></tr>
# <tr><td>V</td><td>vertical lineto</td><td>y+</td></tr>
# <tr><td>C</td><td>curveto</td><td>(x1 y1 x2 y2 x y)+</td></tr>
# <tr><td>S</td><td>smooth curveto</td><td>(x2 y2 x y)+</td></tr>
# <tr><td>Q</td><td>quadratic Bézier curveto</td><td>(x1 y1 x y)+</td></tr>
# <tr><td>T</td><td>smooth quadratic Bézier curveto</td><td>(x y)+</td></tr>
# <tr><td>A</td><td>elliptical arc</td><td>(rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y)+</td></tr>
# <tr><td>R</td><td><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catmull–Rom_spline#Catmull.E2.80.93Rom_spline">Catmull-Rom curveto</a>*</td><td>x1 y1 (x y)+</td></tr></tbody></table>
* * _Catmull-Rom curveto_ is a not standard SVG command and added to make life easier.
* Note: there is a special case when a path consists of only three commands: `M10,10R…z`. In this case the path connects back to its starting point.
> Usage
| var c = paper.path("M10 10L90 90");
| // draw a diagonal line:
| // move to 10,10, line to 90,90
proto.path = function (d) {
var attr;
if (is(d, "object") && !is(d, "array")) {
attr = d;
} else if (d) {
attr = {d: d};
return this.el("path", attr);
* Paper.g
[ method ]
* Creates a group element
- varargs (…) #optional elements to nest within the group
= (object) the `g` element
> Usage
| var c1 = paper.circle(),
| c2 = paper.rect(),
| g = paper.g(c2, c1); // note that the order of elements is different
* or
| var c1 = paper.circle(),
| c2 = paper.rect(),
| g = paper.g();
| g.add(c2, c1);
* Paper.group
[ method ]
* See @Paper.g
proto.group = proto.g = function (first) {
var attr,
el = this.el("g");
if (arguments.length == 1 && first && !first.type) {
} else if (arguments.length) {
el.add(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0));
return el;
* Paper.svg
[ method ]
* Creates a nested SVG element.
- x (number) @optional X of the element
- y (number) @optional Y of the element
- width (number) @optional width of the element
- height (number) @optional height of the element
- vbx (number) @optional viewbox X
- vby (number) @optional viewbox Y
- vbw (number) @optional viewbox width
- vbh (number) @optional viewbox height
= (object) the `svg` element
proto.svg = function (x, y, width, height, vbx, vby, vbw, vbh) {
var attrs = {};
if (is(x, "object") && y == null) {
attrs = x;
} else {
if (x != null) {
attrs.x = x;
if (y != null) {
attrs.y = y;
if (width != null) {
attrs.width = width;
if (height != null) {
attrs.height = height;
if (vbx != null && vby != null && vbw != null && vbh != null) {
attrs.viewBox = [vbx, vby, vbw, vbh];
return this.el("svg", attrs);
* Paper.mask
[ method ]
* Equivalent in behaviour to @Paper.g, except it’s a mask.
= (object) the `mask` element
proto.mask = function (first) {
var attr,
el = this.el("mask");
if (arguments.length == 1 && first && !first.type) {
} else if (arguments.length) {
el.add(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0));
return el;
* Paper.ptrn
[ method ]
* Equivalent in behaviour to @Paper.g, except it’s a pattern.
- x (number) @optional X of the element
- y (number) @optional Y of the element
- width (number) @optional width of the element
- height (number) @optional height of the element
- vbx (number) @optional viewbox X
- vby (number) @optional viewbox Y
- vbw (number) @optional viewbox width
- vbh (number) @optional viewbox height
= (object) the `pattern` element
proto.ptrn = function (x, y, width, height, vx, vy, vw, vh) {
if (is(x, "object")) {
var attr = x;
} else {
attr = {patternUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"};
if (x) {
attr.x = x;
if (y) {
attr.y = y;
if (width != null) {
attr.width = width;
if (height != null) {
attr.height = height;
if (vx != null && vy != null && vw != null && vh != null) {
attr.viewBox = [vx, vy, vw, vh];
} else {
attr.viewBox = [x || 0, y || 0, width || 0, height || 0];
return this.el("pattern", attr);
* Paper.use
[ method ]
* Creates a <use> element.
- id (string) @optional id of element to link
* or
- id (Element) @optional element to link
= (object) the `use` element
proto.use = function (id) {
if (id != null) {
if (id instanceof Element) {
if (!id.attr("id")) {
id.attr({id: Snap._.id(id)});
id = id.attr("id");
if (String(id).charAt() == "#") {
id = id.substring(1);
return this.el("use", {"xlink:href": "#" + id});
} else {
return Element.prototype.use.call(this);
* Paper.symbol
[ method ]
* Creates a <symbol> element.
- vbx (number) @optional viewbox X
- vby (number) @optional viewbox Y
- vbw (number) @optional viewbox width
- vbh (number) @optional viewbox height
= (object) the `symbol` element
proto.symbol = function (vx, vy, vw, vh) {
var attr = {};
if (vx != null && vy != null && vw != null && vh != null) {
attr.viewBox = [vx, vy, vw, vh];
return this.el("symbol", attr);
* Paper.text
[ method ]
* Draws a text string
- x (number) x coordinate position
- y (number) y coordinate position
- text (string|array) The text string to draw or array of strings to nest within separate `<tspan>` elements
= (object) the `text` element
> Usage
| var t1 = paper.text(50, 50, "Snap");
| var t2 = paper.text(50, 50, ["S","n","a","p"]);
| // Text path usage
| t1.attr({textpath: "M10,10L100,100"});
| // or
| var pth = paper.path("M10,10L100,100");
| t1.attr({textpath: pth});
proto.text = function (x, y, text) {
var attr = {};
if (is(x, "object")) {
attr = x;
} else if (x != null) {
attr = {
x: x,
y: y,
text: text || ""
return this.el("text", attr);
* Paper.line
[ method ]
* Draws a line
- x1 (number) x coordinate position of the start
- y1 (number) y coordinate position of the start
- x2 (number) x coordinate position of the end
- y2 (number) y coordinate position of the end
= (object) the `line` element
> Usage
| var t1 = paper.line(50, 50, 100, 100);
proto.line = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var attr = {};
if (is(x1, "object")) {
attr = x1;
} else if (x1 != null) {
attr = {
x1: x1,
x2: x2,
y1: y1,
y2: y2
return this.el("line", attr);
* Paper.polyline
[ method ]
* Draws a polyline
- points (array) array of points
* or
- varargs (…) points
= (object) the `polyline` element
> Usage
| var p1 = paper.polyline([10, 10, 100, 100]);
| var p2 = paper.polyline(10, 10, 100, 100);
proto.polyline = function (points) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
points = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
var attr = {};
if (is(points, "object") && !is(points, "array")) {
attr = points;
} else if (points != null) {
attr = {points: points};
return this.el("polyline", attr);
* Paper.polygon
[ method ]
* Draws a polygon. See @Paper.polyline
proto.polygon = function (points) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
points = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
var attr = {};
if (is(points, "object") && !is(points, "array")) {
attr = points;
} else if (points != null) {
attr = {points: points};
return this.el("polygon", attr);
// gradients
(function () {
var $ = Snap._.$;
// gradients' helpers
function Gstops() {
return this.selectAll("stop");
function GaddStop(color, offset) {
var stop = $("stop"),
attr = {
offset: +offset + "%"
color = Snap.color(color);
attr["stop-color"] = color.hex;
if (color.opacity < 1) {
attr["stop-opacity"] = color.opacity;
$(stop, attr);
return this;
function GgetBBox() {
if (this.type == "linearGradient") {
var x1 = $(this.node, "x1") || 0,
x2 = $(this.node, "x2") || 1,
y1 = $(this.node, "y1") || 0,
y2 = $(this.node, "y2") || 0;
return Snap._.box(x1, y1, math.abs(x2 - x1), math.abs(y2 - y1));
} else {
var cx = this.node.cx || .5,
cy = this.node.cy || .5,
r = this.node.r || 0;
return Snap._.box(cx - r, cy - r, r * 2, r * 2);
function gradient(defs, str) {
var grad = eve("snap.util.grad.parse", null, str).firstDefined(),
if (!grad) {
return null;
if (grad.type.toLowerCase() == "l") {
el = gradientLinear.apply(0, grad.params);
} else {
el = gradientRadial.apply(0, grad.params);
if (grad.type != grad.type.toLowerCase()) {
$(el.node, {
gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
var stops = grad.stops,
len = stops.length,
start = 0,
j = 0;
function seed(i, end) {
var step = (end - start) / (i - j);
for (var k = j; k < i; k++) {
stops[k].offset = +(+start + step * (k - j)).toFixed(2);
j = i;
start = end;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) if ("offset" in stops[i]) {
seed(i, stops[i].offset);
stops[len].offset = stops[len].offset || 100;
seed(len, stops[len].offset);
for (i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
var stop = stops[i];
el.addStop(stop.color, stop.offset);
return el;
function gradientLinear(defs, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var el = Snap._.make("linearGradient", defs);
el.stops = Gstops;
el.addStop = GaddStop;
el.getBBox = GgetBBox;
if (x1 != null) {
$(el.node, {
x1: x1,
y1: y1,
x2: x2,
y2: y2
return el;
function gradientRadial(defs, cx, cy, r, fx, fy) {
var el = Snap._.make("radialGradient", defs);
el.stops = Gstops;
el.addStop = GaddStop;
el.getBBox = GgetBBox;
if (cx != null) {
$(el.node, {
cx: cx,
cy: cy,
r: r
if (fx != null && fy != null) {
$(el.node, {
fx: fx,
fy: fy
return el;
* Paper.gradient
[ method ]
* Creates a gradient element
- gradient (string) gradient descriptor
> Gradient Descriptor
* The gradient descriptor is an expression formatted as
* follows: `<type>(<coords>)<colors>`. The `<type>` can be
* either linear or radial. The uppercase `L` or `R` letters
* indicate absolute coordinates offset from the SVG surface.
* Lowercase `l` or `r` letters indicate coordinates
* calculated relative to the element to which the gradient is
* applied. Coordinates specify a linear gradient vector as
* `x1`, `y1`, `x2`, `y2`, or a radial gradient as `cx`, `cy`,
* `r` and optional `fx`, `fy` specifying a focal point away
* from the center of the circle. Specify `<colors>` as a list
* of dash-separated CSS color values. Each color may be
* followed by a custom offset value, separated with a colon
* character.
> Examples
* Linear gradient, relative from top-left corner to bottom-right
* corner, from black through red to white:
| var g = paper.gradient("l(0, 0, 1, 1)#000-#f00-#fff");
* Linear gradient, absolute from (0, 0) to (100, 100), from black
* through red at 25% to white:
| var g = paper.gradient("L(0, 0, 100, 100)#000-#f00:25-#fff");
* Radial gradient, relative from the center of the element with radius
* half the width, from black to white:
| var g = paper.gradient("r(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)#000-#fff");
* To apply the gradient:
| paper.circle(50, 50, 40).attr({
| fill: g
| });
= (object) the `gradient` element
proto.gradient = function (str) {
return gradient(this.defs, str);
proto.gradientLinear = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return gradientLinear(this.defs, x1, y1, x2, y2);
proto.gradientRadial = function (cx, cy, r, fx, fy) {
return gradientRadial(this.defs, cx, cy, r, fx, fy);
* Paper.toString
[ method ]
* Returns SVG code for the @Paper
= (string) SVG code for the @Paper
proto.toString = function () {
var doc = this.node.ownerDocument,
f = doc.createDocumentFragment(),
d = doc.createElement("div"),
svg = this.node.cloneNode(true),
Snap._.$(svg, {xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"});
res = d.innerHTML;
return res;
* Paper.toDataURL
[ method ]
* Returns SVG code for the @Paper as Data URI string.
= (string) Data URI string
proto.toDataURL = function () {
if (window && window.btoa) {
return "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(this)));
* Paper.clear
[ method ]
* Removes all child nodes of the paper, except <defs>.
proto.clear = function () {
var node = this.node.firstChild,
while (node) {
next = node.nextSibling;
if (node.tagName != "defs") {
} else {
proto.clear.call({node: node});
node = next;
// Copyright (c) 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Snap.plugin(function (Snap, Element, Paper, glob) {
var elproto = Element.prototype,
is = Snap.is,
clone = Snap._.clone,
has = "hasOwnProperty",
p2s = /,?([a-z]),?/gi,
toFloat = parseFloat,
math = Math,
PI = math.PI,
mmin = math.min,
mmax = math.max,
pow = math.pow,
abs = math.abs;
function paths(ps) {
var p = paths.ps = paths.ps || {};
if (p[ps]) {
p[ps].sleep = 100;
} else {
p[ps] = {
sleep: 100
setTimeout(function () {
for (var key in p) if (p[has](key) && key != ps) {
!p[key].sleep && delete p[key];
return p[ps];
function box(x, y, width, height) {
if (x == null) {
x = y = width = height = 0;
if (y == null) {
y = x.y;
width = x.width;
height = x.height;
x = x.x;
return {
x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
w: width,
height: height,
h: height,
x2: x + width,
y2: y + height,
cx: x + width / 2,
cy: y + height / 2,
r1: math.min(width, height) / 2,
r2: math.max(width, height) / 2,
r0: math.sqrt(width * width + height * height) / 2,
path: rectPath(x, y, width, height),
vb: [x, y, width, height].join(" ")
function toString() {
return this.join(",").replace(p2s, "$1");
function pathClone(pathArray) {
var res = clone(pathArray);
res.toString = toString;
return res;
function getPointAtSegmentLength(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, length) {
if (length == null) {
return bezlen(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y);
} else {
return findDotsAtSegment(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y,
getTotLen(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, length));
function getLengthFactory(istotal, subpath) {
function O(val) {
return +(+val).toFixed(3);
return Snap._.cacher(function (path, length, onlystart) {
if (path instanceof Element) {
path = path.attr("d");
path = path2curve(path);
var x, y, p, l, sp = "", subpaths = {}, point,
len = 0;
for (var i = 0, ii = path.length; i < ii; i++) {
p = path[i];
if (p[0] == "M") {
x = +p[1];
y = +p[2];
} else {
l = getPointAtSegmentLength(x, y, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6]);
if (len + l > length) {
if (subpath && !subpaths.start) {
point = getPointAtSegmentLength(x, y, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], length - len);
sp += [
"C" + O(point.start.x),
if (onlystart) {return sp;}
subpaths.start = sp;
sp = [
"M" + O(point.x),
O(point.y) + "C" + O(point.n.x),
len += l;
x = +p[5];
y = +p[6];
if (!istotal && !subpath) {
point = getPointAtSegmentLength(x, y, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], length - len);
return point;
len += l;
x = +p[5];
y = +p[6];
sp += p.shift() + p;
subpaths.end = sp;
point = istotal ? len : subpath ? subpaths : findDotsAtSegment(x, y, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], 1);
return point;
}, null, Snap._.clone);
var getTotalLength = getLengthFactory(1),
getPointAtLength = getLengthFactory(),
getSubpathsAtLength = getLengthFactory(0, 1);
function findDotsAtSegment(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, t) {
var t1 = 1 - t,
t13 = pow(t1, 3),
t12 = pow(t1, 2),
t2 = t * t,
t3 = t2 * t,
x = t13 * p1x + t12 * 3 * t * c1x + t1 * 3 * t * t * c2x + t3 * p2x,
y = t13 * p1y + t12 * 3 * t * c1y + t1 * 3 * t * t * c2y + t3 * p2y,
mx = p1x + 2 * t * (c1x - p1x) + t2 * (c2x - 2 * c1x + p1x),
my = p1y + 2 * t * (c1y - p1y) + t2 * (c2y - 2 * c1y + p1y),
nx = c1x + 2 * t * (c2x - c1x) + t2 * (p2x - 2 * c2x + c1x),
ny = c1y + 2 * t * (c2y - c1y) + t2 * (p2y - 2 * c2y + c1y),
ax = t1 * p1x + t * c1x,
ay = t1 * p1y + t * c1y,
cx = t1 * c2x + t * p2x,
cy = t1 * c2y + t * p2y,
alpha = (90 - math.atan2(mx - nx, my - ny) * 180 / PI);
// (mx > nx || my < ny) && (alpha += 180);
return {
x: x,
y: y,
m: {x: mx, y: my},
n: {x: nx, y: ny},
start: {x: ax, y: ay},
end: {x: cx, y: cy},
alpha: alpha
function bezierBBox(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y) {
if (!Snap.is(p1x, "array")) {
p1x = [p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y];
var bbox = curveDim.apply(null, p1x);
return box(
bbox.max.x - bbox.min.x,
bbox.max.y - bbox.min.y
function isPointInsideBBox(bbox, x, y) {
return x >= bbox.x &&
x <= bbox.x + bbox.width &&
y >= bbox.y &&
y <= bbox.y + bbox.height;
function isBBoxIntersect(bbox1, bbox2) {
bbox1 = box(bbox1);
bbox2 = box(bbox2);
return isPointInsideBBox(bbox2, bbox1.x, bbox1.y)
|| isPointInsideBBox(bbox2, bbox1.x2, bbox1.y)
|| isPointInsideBBox(bbox2, bbox1.x, bbox1.y2)
|| isPointInsideBBox(bbox2, bbox1.x2, bbox1.y2)
|| isPointInsideBBox(bbox1, bbox2.x, bbox2.y)
|| isPointInsideBBox(bbox1, bbox2.x2, bbox2.y)
|| isPointInsideBBox(bbox1, bbox2.x, bbox2.y2)
|| isPointInsideBBox(bbox1, bbox2.x2, bbox2.y2)
|| (bbox1.x < bbox2.x2 && bbox1.x > bbox2.x
|| bbox2.x < bbox1.x2 && bbox2.x > bbox1.x)
&& (bbox1.y < bbox2.y2 && bbox1.y > bbox2.y
|| bbox2.y < bbox1.y2 && bbox2.y > bbox1.y);
function base3(t, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
var t1 = -3 * p1 + 9 * p2 - 9 * p3 + 3 * p4,
t2 = t * t1 + 6 * p1 - 12 * p2 + 6 * p3;
return t * t2 - 3 * p1 + 3 * p2;
function bezlen(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, z) {
if (z == null) {
z = 1;
z = z > 1 ? 1 : z < 0 ? 0 : z;
var z2 = z / 2,
n = 12,
Tvalues = [-.1252,.1252,-.3678,.3678,-.5873,.5873,-.7699,.7699,-.9041,.9041,-.9816,.9816],
Cvalues = [0.2491,0.2491,0.2335,0.2335,0.2032,0.2032,0.1601,0.1601,0.1069,0.1069,0.0472,0.0472],
sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var ct = z2 * Tvalues[i] + z2,
xbase = base3(ct, x1, x2, x3, x4),
ybase = base3(ct, y1, y2, y3, y4),
comb = xbase * xbase + ybase * ybase;
sum += Cvalues[i] * math.sqrt(comb);
return z2 * sum;
function getTotLen(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, ll) {
if (ll < 0 || bezlen(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) < ll) {
var t = 1,
step = t / 2,
t2 = t - step,
e = .01;
l = bezlen(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, t2);
while (abs(l - ll) > e) {
step /= 2;
t2 += (l < ll ? 1 : -1) * step;
l = bezlen(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, t2);
return t2;
function intersect(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) {
if (
mmax(x1, x2) < mmin(x3, x4) ||
mmin(x1, x2) > mmax(x3, x4) ||
mmax(y1, y2) < mmin(y3, y4) ||
mmin(y1, y2) > mmax(y3, y4)
) {
var nx = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (x3 - x4) - (x1 - x2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4),
ny = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4),
denominator = (x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4);
if (!denominator) {
var px = nx / denominator,
py = ny / denominator,
px2 = +px.toFixed(2),
py2 = +py.toFixed(2);
if (
px2 < +mmin(x1, x2).toFixed(2) ||
px2 > +mmax(x1, x2).toFixed(2) ||
px2 < +mmin(x3, x4).toFixed(2) ||
px2 > +mmax(x3, x4).toFixed(2) ||
py2 < +mmin(y1, y2).toFixed(2) ||
py2 > +mmax(y1, y2).toFixed(2) ||
py2 < +mmin(y3, y4).toFixed(2) ||
py2 > +mmax(y3, y4).toFixed(2)
) {
return {x: px, y: py};
function inter(bez1, bez2) {
return interHelper(bez1, bez2);
function interCount(bez1, bez2) {
return interHelper(bez1, bez2, 1);
function interHelper(bez1, bez2, justCount) {
var bbox1 = bezierBBox(bez1),
bbox2 = bezierBBox(bez2);
if (!isBBoxIntersect(bbox1, bbox2)) {
return justCount ? 0 : [];
var l1 = bezlen.apply(0, bez1),
l2 = bezlen.apply(0, bez2),
n1 = ~~(l1 / 8),
n2 = ~~(l2 / 8),
dots1 = [],
dots2 = [],
xy = {},
res = justCount ? 0 : [];
for (var i = 0; i < n1 + 1; i++) {
var p = findDotsAtSegment.apply(0, bez1.concat(i / n1));
dots1.push({x: p.x, y: p.y, t: i / n1});
for (i = 0; i < n2 + 1; i++) {
p = findDotsAtSegment.apply(0, bez2.concat(i / n2));
dots2.push({x: p.x, y: p.y, t: i / n2});
for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < n2; j++) {
var di = dots1[i],
di1 = dots1[i + 1],
dj = dots2[j],
dj1 = dots2[j + 1],
ci = abs(di1.x - di.x) < .001 ? "y" : "x",
cj = abs(dj1.x - dj.x) < .001 ? "y" : "x",
is = intersect(di.x, di.y, di1.x, di1.y, dj.x, dj.y, dj1.x, dj1.y);
if (is) {
if (xy[is.x.toFixed(4)] == is.y.toFixed(4)) {
xy[is.x.toFixed(4)] = is.y.toFixed(4);
var t1 = di.t + abs((is[ci] - di[ci]) / (di1[ci] - di[ci])) * (di1.t - di.t),
t2 = dj.t + abs((is[cj] - dj[cj]) / (dj1[cj] - dj[cj])) * (dj1.t - dj.t);
if (t1 >= 0 && t1 <= 1 && t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1) {
if (justCount) {
} else {
x: is.x,
y: is.y,
t1: t1,
t2: t2
return res;
function pathIntersection(path1, path2) {
return interPathHelper(path1, path2);
function pathIntersectionNumber(path1, path2) {
return interPathHelper(path1, path2, 1);
function interPathHelper(path1, path2, justCount) {
path1 = path2curve(path1);
path2 = path2curve(path2);
var x1, y1, x2, y2, x1m, y1m, x2m, y2m, bez1, bez2,
res = justCount ? 0 : [];
for (var i = 0, ii = path1.length; i < ii; i++) {
var pi = path1[i];
if (pi[0] == "M") {
x1 = x1m = pi[1];
y1 = y1m = pi[2];
} else {
if (pi[0] == "C") {
bez1 = [x1, y1].concat(pi.slice(1));
x1 = bez1[6];
y1 = bez1[7];
} else {
bez1 = [x1, y1, x1, y1, x1m, y1m, x1m, y1m];
x1 = x1m;
y1 = y1m;
for (var j = 0, jj = path2.length; j < jj; j++) {
var pj = path2[j];
if (pj[0] == "M") {
x2 = x2m = pj[1];
y2 = y2m = pj[2];
} else {
if (pj[0] == "C") {
bez2 = [x2, y2].concat(pj.slice(1));
x2 = bez2[6];
y2 = bez2[7];
} else {
bez2 = [x2, y2, x2, y2, x2m, y2m, x2m, y2m];
x2 = x2m;
y2 = y2m;
var intr = interHelper(bez1, bez2, justCount);
if (justCount) {
res += intr;
} else {
for (var k = 0, kk = intr.length; k < kk; k++) {
intr[k].segment1 = i;
intr[k].segment2 = j;
intr[k].bez1 = bez1;
intr[k].bez2 = bez2;
res = res.concat(intr);
return res;
function isPointInsidePath(path, x, y) {
var bbox = pathBBox(path);
return isPointInsideBBox(bbox, x, y) &&
interPathHelper(path, [["M", x, y], ["H", bbox.x2 + 10]], 1) % 2 == 1;
function pathBBox(path) {
var pth = paths(path);
if (pth.bbox) {
return clone(pth.bbox);
if (!path) {
return box();
path = path2curve(path);
var x = 0,
y = 0,
X = [],
Y = [],
for (var i = 0, ii = path.length; i < ii; i++) {
p = path[i];
if (p[0] == "M") {
x = p[1];
y = p[2];
} else {
var dim = curveDim(x, y, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6]);
X = X.concat(dim.min.x, dim.max.x);
Y = Y.concat(dim.min.y, dim.max.y);
x = p[5];
y = p[6];
var xmin = mmin.apply(0, X),
ymin = mmin.apply(0, Y),
xmax = mmax.apply(0, X),
ymax = mmax.apply(0, Y),
bb = box(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);
pth.bbox = clone(bb);
return bb;
function rectPath(x, y, w, h, r) {
if (r) {
return [
["M", +x + (+r), y],
["l", w - r * 2, 0],
["a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, r, r],
["l", 0, h - r * 2],
["a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, -r, r],
["l", r * 2 - w, 0],
["a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, -r, -r],
["l", 0, r * 2 - h],
["a", r, r, 0, 0, 1, r, -r],
var res = [["M", x, y], ["l", w, 0], ["l", 0, h], ["l", -w, 0], ["z"]];
res.toString = toString;
return res;
function ellipsePath(x, y, rx, ry, a) {
if (a == null && ry == null) {
ry = rx;
x = +x;
y = +y;
rx = +rx;
ry = +ry;
if (a != null) {
var rad = Math.PI / 180,
x1 = x + rx * Math.cos(-ry * rad),
x2 = x + rx * Math.cos(-a * rad),
y1 = y + rx * Math.sin(-ry * rad),
y2 = y + rx * Math.sin(-a * rad),
res = [["M", x1, y1], ["A", rx, rx, 0, +(a - ry > 180), 0, x2, y2]];
} else {
res = [
["M", x, y],
["m", 0, -ry],
["a", rx, ry, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2 * ry],
["a", rx, ry, 0, 1, 1, 0, -2 * ry],
res.toString = toString;
return res;
var unit2px = Snap._unit2px,
getPath = {
path: function (el) {
return el.attr("path");
circle: function (el) {
var attr = unit2px(el);
return ellipsePath(attr.cx, attr.cy, attr.r);
ellipse: function (el) {
var attr = unit2px(el);
return ellipsePath(attr.cx || 0, attr.cy || 0, attr.rx, attr.ry);
rect: function (el) {
var attr = unit2px(el);
return rectPath(attr.x || 0, attr.y || 0, attr.width, attr.height, attr.rx, attr.ry);
image: function (el) {
var attr = unit2px(el);
return rectPath(attr.x || 0, attr.y || 0, attr.width, attr.height);
line: function (el) {
return "M" + [el.attr("x1") || 0, el.attr("y1") || 0, el.attr("x2"), el.attr("y2")];
polyline: function (el) {
return "M" + el.attr("points");
polygon: function (el) {
return "M" + el.attr("points") + "z";
deflt: function (el) {
var bbox = el.node.getBBox();
return rectPath(bbox.x, bbox.y, bbox.width, bbox.height);
function pathToRelative(pathArray) {
var pth = paths(pathArray),
lowerCase = String.prototype.toLowerCase;
if (pth.rel) {
return pathClone(pth.rel);
if (!Snap.is(pathArray, "array") || !Snap.is(pathArray && pathArray[0], "array")) {
pathArray = Snap.parsePathString(pathArray);
var res = [],
x = 0,
y = 0,
mx = 0,
my = 0,
start = 0;
if (pathArray[0][0] == "M") {
x = pathArray[0][1];
y = pathArray[0][2];
mx = x;
my = y;
res.push(["M", x, y]);
for (var i = start, ii = pathArray.length; i < ii; i++) {
var r = res[i] = [],
pa = pathArray[i];
if (pa[0] != lowerCase.call(pa[0])) {
r[0] = lowerCase.call(pa[0]);
switch (r[0]) {
case "a":
r[1] = pa[1];
r[2] = pa[2];
r[3] = pa[3];
r[4] = pa[4];
r[5] = pa[5];
r[6] = +(pa[6] - x).toFixed(3);
r[7] = +(pa[7] - y).toFixed(3);
case "v":
r[1] = +(pa[1] - y).toFixed(3);
case "m":
mx = pa[1];
my = pa[2];
for (var j = 1, jj = pa.length; j < jj; j++) {
r[j] = +(pa[j] - ((j % 2) ? x : y)).toFixed(3);
} else {
r = res[i] = [];
if (pa[0] == "m") {
mx = pa[1] + x;
my = pa[2] + y;
for (var k = 0, kk = pa.length; k < kk; k++) {
res[i][k] = pa[k];
var len = res[i].length;
switch (res[i][0]) {
case "z":
x = mx;
y = my;
case "h":
x += +res[i][len - 1];
case "v":
y += +res[i][len - 1];
x += +res[i][len - 2];
y += +res[i][len - 1];
res.toString = toString;
pth.rel = pathClone(res);
return res;
function pathToAbsolute(pathArray) {
var pth = paths(pathArray);
if (pth.abs) {
return pathClone(pth.abs);
if (!is(pathArray, "array") || !is(pathArray && pathArray[0], "array")) { // rough assumption
pathArray = Snap.parsePathString(pathArray);
if (!pathArray || !pathArray.length) {
return [["M", 0, 0]];
var res = [],
x = 0,
y = 0,
mx = 0,
my = 0,
start = 0,
if (pathArray[0][0] == "M") {
x = +pathArray[0][1];
y = +pathArray[0][2];
mx = x;
my = y;
res[0] = ["M", x, y];
var crz = pathArray.length == 3 &&
pathArray[0][0] == "M" &&
pathArray[1][0].toUpperCase() == "R" &&
pathArray[2][0].toUpperCase() == "Z";
for (var r, pa, i = start, ii = pathArray.length; i < ii; i++) {
res.push(r = []);
pa = pathArray[i];
pa0 = pa[0];
if (pa0 != pa0.toUpperCase()) {
r[0] = pa0.toUpperCase();
switch (r[0]) {
case "A":
r[1] = pa[1];
r[2] = pa[2];
r[3] = pa[3];
r[4] = pa[4];
r[5] = pa[5];
r[6] = +pa[6] + x;
r[7] = +pa[7] + y;
case "V":
r[1] = +pa[1] + y;
case "H":
r[1] = +pa[1] + x;
case "R":
var dots = [x, y].concat(pa.slice(1));
for (var j = 2, jj = dots.length; j < jj; j++) {
dots[j] = +dots[j] + x;
dots[++j] = +dots[j] + y;
res = res.concat(catmullRom2bezier(dots, crz));
case "O":
dots = ellipsePath(x, y, pa[1], pa[2]);
res = res.concat(dots);
case "U":
res = res.concat(ellipsePath(x, y, pa[1], pa[2], pa[3]));
r = ["U"].concat(res[res.length - 1].slice(-2));
case "M":
mx = +pa[1] + x;
my = +pa[2] + y;
for (j = 1, jj = pa.length; j < jj; j++) {
r[j] = +pa[j] + ((j % 2) ? x : y);
} else if (pa0 == "R") {
dots = [x, y].concat(pa.slice(1));
res = res.concat(catmullRom2bezier(dots, crz));
r = ["R"].concat(pa.slice(-2));
} else if (pa0 == "O") {
dots = ellipsePath(x, y, pa[1], pa[2]);
res = res.concat(dots);
} else if (pa0 == "U") {
res = res.concat(ellipsePath(x, y, pa[1], pa[2], pa[3]));
r = ["U"].concat(res[res.length - 1].slice(-2));
} else {
for (var k = 0, kk = pa.length; k < kk; k++) {
r[k] = pa[k];
pa0 = pa0.toUpperCase();
if (pa0 != "O") {
switch (r[0]) {
case "Z":
x = +mx;
y = +my;
case "H":
x = r[1];
case "V":
y = r[1];
case "M":
mx = r[r.length - 2];
my = r[r.length - 1];
x = r[r.length - 2];
y = r[r.length - 1];
res.toString = toString;
pth.abs = pathClone(res);
return res;
function l2c(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return [x1, y1, x2, y2, x2, y2];
function q2c(x1, y1, ax, ay, x2, y2) {
var _13 = 1 / 3,
_23 = 2 / 3;
return [
_13 * x1 + _23 * ax,
_13 * y1 + _23 * ay,
_13 * x2 + _23 * ax,
_13 * y2 + _23 * ay,
function a2c(x1, y1, rx, ry, angle, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag, x2, y2, recursive) {
// for more information of where this math came from visit:
// http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/implnote.html#ArcImplementationNotes
var _120 = PI * 120 / 180,
rad = PI / 180 * (+angle || 0),
res = [],
rotate = Snap._.cacher(function (x, y, rad) {
var X = x * math.cos(rad) - y * math.sin(rad),
Y = x * math.sin(rad) + y * math.cos(rad);
return {x: X, y: Y};
if (!recursive) {
xy = rotate(x1, y1, -rad);
x1 = xy.x;
y1 = xy.y;
xy = rotate(x2, y2, -rad);
x2 = xy.x;
y2 = xy.y;
var cos = math.cos(PI / 180 * angle),
sin = math.sin(PI / 180 * angle),
x = (x1 - x2) / 2,
y = (y1 - y2) / 2;
var h = (x * x) / (rx * rx) + (y * y) / (ry * ry);
if (h > 1) {
h = math.sqrt(h);
rx = h * rx;
ry = h * ry;
var rx2 = rx * rx,
ry2 = ry * ry,
k = (large_arc_flag == sweep_flag ? -1 : 1) *
math.sqrt(abs((rx2 * ry2 - rx2 * y * y - ry2 * x * x) / (rx2 * y * y + ry2 * x * x))),
cx = k * rx * y / ry + (x1 + x2) / 2,
cy = k * -ry * x / rx + (y1 + y2) / 2,
f1 = math.asin(((y1 - cy) / ry).toFixed(9)),
f2 = math.asin(((y2 - cy) / ry).toFixed(9));
f1 = x1 < cx ? PI - f1 : f1;
f2 = x2 < cx ? PI - f2 : f2;
f1 < 0 && (f1 = PI * 2 + f1);
f2 < 0 && (f2 = PI * 2 + f2);
if (sweep_flag && f1 > f2) {
f1 = f1 - PI * 2;
if (!sweep_flag && f2 > f1) {
f2 = f2 - PI * 2;
} else {
f1 = recursive[0];
f2 = recursive[1];
cx = recursive[2];
cy = recursive[3];
var df = f2 - f1;
if (abs(df) > _120) {
var f2old = f2,
x2old = x2,
y2old = y2;
f2 = f1 + _120 * (sweep_flag && f2 > f1 ? 1 : -1);
x2 = cx + rx * math.cos(f2);
y2 = cy + ry * math.sin(f2);
res = a2c(x2, y2, rx, ry, angle, 0, sweep_flag, x2old, y2old, [f2, f2old, cx, cy]);
df = f2 - f1;
var c1 = math.cos(f1),
s1 = math.sin(f1),
c2 = math.cos(f2),
s2 = math.sin(f2),
t = math.tan(df / 4),
hx = 4 / 3 * rx * t,
hy = 4 / 3 * ry * t,
m1 = [x1, y1],
m2 = [x1 + hx * s1, y1 - hy * c1],
m3 = [x2 + hx * s2, y2 - hy * c2],
m4 = [x2, y2];
m2[0] = 2 * m1[0] - m2[0];
m2[1] = 2 * m1[1] - m2[1];
if (recursive) {
return [m2, m3, m4].concat(res);
} else {
res = [m2, m3, m4].concat(res).join().split(",");
var newres = [];
for (var i = 0, ii = res.length; i < ii; i++) {
newres[i] = i % 2 ? rotate(res[i - 1], res[i], rad).y : rotate(res[i], res[i + 1], rad).x;
return newres;
function findDotAtSegment(p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y, t) {
var t1 = 1 - t;
return {
x: pow(t1, 3) * p1x + pow(t1, 2) * 3 * t * c1x + t1 * 3 * t * t * c2x + pow(t, 3) * p2x,
y: pow(t1, 3) * p1y + pow(t1, 2) * 3 * t * c1y + t1 * 3 * t * t * c2y + pow(t, 3) * p2y
// Returns bounding box of cubic bezier curve.
// Source: http://blog.hackers-cafe.net/2009/06/how-to-calculate-bezier-curves-bounding.html
// Original version: NISHIO Hirokazu
// Modifications: https://github.com/timo22345
function curveDim(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
var tvalues = [],
bounds = [[], []],
a, b, c, t, t1, t2, b2ac, sqrtb2ac;
for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (i == 0) {
b = 6 * x0 - 12 * x1 + 6 * x2;
a = -3 * x0 + 9 * x1 - 9 * x2 + 3 * x3;
c = 3 * x1 - 3 * x0;
} else {
b = 6 * y0 - 12 * y1 + 6 * y2;
a = -3 * y0 + 9 * y1 - 9 * y2 + 3 * y3;
c = 3 * y1 - 3 * y0;
if (abs(a) < 1e-12) {
if (abs(b) < 1e-12) {
t = -c / b;
if (0 < t && t < 1) {
b2ac = b * b - 4 * c * a;
sqrtb2ac = math.sqrt(b2ac);
if (b2ac < 0) {
t1 = (-b + sqrtb2ac) / (2 * a);
if (0 < t1 && t1 < 1) {
t2 = (-b - sqrtb2ac) / (2 * a);
if (0 < t2 && t2 < 1) {
var x, y, j = tvalues.length,
jlen = j,
while (j--) {
t = tvalues[j];
mt = 1 - t;
bounds[0][j] = (mt * mt * mt * x0) + (3 * mt * mt * t * x1) + (3 * mt * t * t * x2) + (t * t * t * x3);
bounds[1][j] = (mt * mt * mt * y0) + (3 * mt * mt * t * y1) + (3 * mt * t * t * y2) + (t * t * t * y3);
bounds[0][jlen] = x0;
bounds[1][jlen] = y0;
bounds[0][jlen + 1] = x3;
bounds[1][jlen + 1] = y3;
bounds[0].length = bounds[1].length = jlen + 2;
return {
min: {x: mmin.apply(0, bounds[0]), y: mmin.apply(0, bounds[1])},
max: {x: mmax.apply(0, bounds[0]), y: mmax.apply(0, bounds[1])}
function path2curve(path, path2) {
var pth = !path2 && paths(path);
if (!path2 && pth.curve) {
return pathClone(pth.curve);
var p = pathToAbsolute(path),
p2 = path2 && pathToAbsolute(path2),
attrs = {x: 0, y: 0, bx: 0, by: 0, X: 0, Y: 0, qx: null, qy: null},
attrs2 = {x: 0, y: 0, bx: 0, by: 0, X: 0, Y: 0, qx: null, qy: null},
processPath = function (path, d, pcom) {
var nx, ny;
if (!path) {
return ["C", d.x, d.y, d.x, d.y, d.x, d.y];
!(path[0] in {T: 1, Q: 1}) && (d.qx = d.qy = null);
switch (path[0]) {
case "M":
d.X = path[1];
d.Y = path[2];
case "A":
path = ["C"].concat(a2c.apply(0, [d.x, d.y].concat(path.slice(1))));
case "S":
if (pcom == "C" || pcom == "S") { // In "S" case we have to take into account, if the previous command is C/S.
nx = d.x * 2 - d.bx; // And reflect the previous
ny = d.y * 2 - d.by; // command's control point relative to the current point.
else { // or some else or nothing
nx = d.x;
ny = d.y;
path = ["C", nx, ny].concat(path.slice(1));
case "T":
if (pcom == "Q" || pcom == "T") { // In "T" case we have to take into account, if the previous command is Q/T.
d.qx = d.x * 2 - d.qx; // And make a reflection similar
d.qy = d.y * 2 - d.qy; // to case "S".
else { // or something else or nothing
d.qx = d.x;
d.qy = d.y;
path = ["C"].concat(q2c(d.x, d.y, d.qx, d.qy, path[1], path[2]));
case "Q":
d.qx = path[1];
d.qy = path[2];
path = ["C"].concat(q2c(d.x, d.y, path[1], path[2], path[3], path[4]));
case "L":
path = ["C"].concat(l2c(d.x, d.y, path[1], path[2]));
case "H":
path = ["C"].concat(l2c(d.x, d.y, path[1], d.y));
case "V":
path = ["C"].concat(l2c(d.x, d.y, d.x, path[1]));
case "Z":
path = ["C"].concat(l2c(d.x, d.y, d.X, d.Y));
return path;
fixArc = function (pp, i) {
if (pp[i].length > 7) {
var pi = pp[i];
while (pi.length) {
pcoms1[i] = "A"; // if created multiple C:s, their original seg is saved
p2 && (pcoms2[i] = "A"); // the same as above
pp.splice(i++, 0, ["C"].concat(pi.splice(0, 6)));
pp.splice(i, 1);
ii = mmax(p.length, p2 && p2.length || 0);
fixM = function (path1, path2, a1, a2, i) {
if (path1 && path2 && path1[i][0] == "M" && path2[i][0] != "M") {
path2.splice(i, 0, ["M", a2.x, a2.y]);
a1.bx = 0;
a1.by = 0;
a1.x = path1[i][1];
a1.y = path1[i][2];
ii = mmax(p.length, p2 && p2.length || 0);
pcoms1 = [], // path commands of original path p
pcoms2 = [], // path commands of original path p2
pfirst = "", // temporary holder for original path command
pcom = ""; // holder for previous path command of original path
for (var i = 0, ii = mmax(p.length, p2 && p2.length || 0); i < ii; i++) {
p[i] && (pfirst = p[i][0]); // save current path command
if (pfirst != "C") // C is not saved yet, because it may be result of conversion
pcoms1[i] = pfirst; // Save current path command
i && ( pcom = pcoms1[i - 1]); // Get previous path command pcom
p[i] = processPath(p[i], attrs, pcom); // Previous path command is inputted to processPath
if (pcoms1[i] != "A" && pfirst == "C") pcoms1[i] = "C"; // A is the only command
// which may produce multiple C:s
// so we have to make sure that C is also C in original path
fixArc(p, i); // fixArc adds also the right amount of A:s to pcoms1
if (p2) { // the same procedures is done to p2
p2[i] && (pfirst = p2[i][0]);
if (pfirst != "C") {
pcoms2[i] = pfirst;
i && (pcom = pcoms2[i - 1]);
p2[i] = processPath(p2[i], attrs2, pcom);
if (pcoms2[i] != "A" && pfirst == "C") {
pcoms2[i] = "C";
fixArc(p2, i);
fixM(p, p2, attrs, attrs2, i);
fixM(p2, p, attrs2, attrs, i);
var seg = p[i],
seg2 = p2 && p2[i],
seglen = seg.length,
seg2len = p2 && seg2.length;
attrs.x = seg[seglen - 2];
attrs.y = seg[seglen - 1];
attrs.bx = toFloat(seg[seglen - 4]) || attrs.x;
attrs.by = toFloat(seg[seglen - 3]) || attrs.y;
attrs2.bx = p2 && (toFloat(seg2[seg2len - 4]) || attrs2.x);
attrs2.by = p2 && (toFloat(seg2[seg2len - 3]) || attrs2.y);
attrs2.x = p2 && seg2[seg2len - 2];
attrs2.y = p2 && seg2[seg2len - 1];
if (!p2) {
pth.curve = pathClone(p);
return p2 ? [p, p2] : p;
function mapPath(path, matrix) {
if (!matrix) {
return path;
var x, y, i, j, ii, jj, pathi;
path = path2curve(path);
for (i = 0, ii = path.length; i < ii; i++) {
pathi = path[i];
for (j = 1, jj = pathi.length; j < jj; j += 2) {
x = matrix.x(pathi[j], pathi[j + 1]);
y = matrix.y(pathi[j], pathi[j + 1]);
pathi[j] = x;
pathi[j + 1] = y;
return path;
// http://schepers.cc/getting-to-the-point
function catmullRom2bezier(crp, z) {
var d = [];
for (var i = 0, iLen = crp.length; iLen - 2 * !z > i; i += 2) {
var p = [
{x: +crp[i - 2], y: +crp[i - 1]},
{x: +crp[i], y: +crp[i + 1]},
{x: +crp[i + 2], y: +crp[i + 3]},
{x: +crp[i + 4], y: +crp[i + 5]}
if (z) {
if (!i) {
p[0] = {x: +crp[iLen - 2], y: +crp[iLen - 1]};
} else if (iLen - 4 == i) {
p[3] = {x: +crp[0], y: +crp[1]};
} else if (iLen - 2 == i) {
p[2] = {x: +crp[0], y: +crp[1]};
p[3] = {x: +crp[2], y: +crp[3]};
} else {
if (iLen - 4 == i) {
p[3] = p[2];
} else if (!i) {
p[0] = {x: +crp[i], y: +crp[i + 1]};
(-p[0].x + 6 * p[1].x + p[2].x) / 6,
(-p[0].y + 6 * p[1].y + p[2].y) / 6,
(p[1].x + 6 * p[2].x - p[3].x) / 6,
(p[1].y + 6*p[2].y - p[3].y) / 6,
return d;
// export
Snap.path = paths;
* Snap.path.getTotalLength
[ method ]
* Returns the length of the given path in pixels
- path (string) SVG path string
= (number) length
Snap.path.getTotalLength = getTotalLength;
* Snap.path.getPointAtLength
[ method ]
* Returns the coordinates of the point located at the given length along the given path
- path (string) SVG path string
- length (number) length, in pixels, from the start of the path, excluding non-rendering jumps
= (object) representation of the point:
o {
o x: (number) x coordinate,
o y: (number) y coordinate,
o alpha: (number) angle of derivative
o }
Snap.path.getPointAtLength = getPointAtLength;
* Snap.path.getSubpath
[ method ]
* Returns the subpath of a given path between given start and end lengths
- path (string) SVG path string
- from (number) length, in pixels, from the start of the path to the start of the segment
- to (number) length, in pixels, from the start of the path to the end of the segment
= (string) path string definition for the segment
Snap.path.getSubpath = function (path, from, to) {
if (this.getTotalLength(path) - to < 1e-6) {
return getSubpathsAtLength(path, from).end;
var a = getSubpathsAtLength(path, to, 1);
return from ? getSubpathsAtLength(a, from).end : a;
* Element.getTotalLength
[ method ]
* Returns the length of the path in pixels (only works for `path` elements)
= (number) length
elproto.getTotalLength = function () {
if (this.node.getTotalLength) {
return this.node.getTotalLength();
// SIERRA Element.getPointAtLength()/Element.getTotalLength(): If a <path> is broken into different segments, is the jump distance to the new coordinates set by the _M_ or _m_ commands calculated as part of the path's total length?
* Element.getPointAtLength
[ method ]
* Returns coordinates of the point located at the given length on the given path (only works for `path` elements)
- length (number) length, in pixels, from the start of the path, excluding non-rendering jumps
= (object) representation of the point:
o {
o x: (number) x coordinate,
o y: (number) y coordinate,
o alpha: (number) angle of derivative
o }
elproto.getPointAtLength = function (length) {
return getPointAtLength(this.attr("d"), length);
// SIERRA Element.getSubpath(): Similar to the problem for Element.getPointAtLength(). Unclear how this would work for a segmented path. Overall, the concept of _subpath_ and what I'm calling a _segment_ (series of non-_M_ or _Z_ commands) is unclear.
* Element.getSubpath
[ method ]
* Returns subpath of a given element from given start and end lengths (only works for `path` elements)
- from (number) length, in pixels, from the start of the path to the start of the segment
- to (number) length, in pixels, from the start of the path to the end of the segment
= (string) path string definition for the segment
elproto.getSubpath = function (from, to) {
return Snap.path.getSubpath(this.attr("d"), from, to);
Snap._.box = box;
* Snap.path.findDotsAtSegment
[ method ]
* Utility method
* Finds dot coordinates on the given cubic beziér curve at the given t
- p1x (number) x of the first point of the curve
- p1y (number) y of the first point of the curve
- c1x (number) x of the first anchor of the curve
- c1y (number) y of the first anchor of the curve
- c2x (number) x of the second anchor of the curve
- c2y (number) y of the second anchor of the curve
- p2x (number) x of the second point of the curve
- p2y (number) y of the second point of the curve
- t (number) position on the curve (0..1)
= (object) point information in format:
o {
o x: (number) x coordinate of the point,
o y: (number) y coordinate of the point,
o m: {
o x: (number) x coordinate of the left anchor,
o y: (number) y coordinate of the left anchor
o },
o n: {
o x: (number) x coordinate of the right anchor,
o y: (number) y coordinate of the right anchor
o },
o start: {
o x: (number) x coordinate of the start of the curve,
o y: (number) y coordinate of the start of the curve
o },
o end: {
o x: (number) x coordinate of the end of the curve,
o y: (number) y coordinate of the end of the curve
o },
o alpha: (number) angle of the curve derivative at the point
o }
Snap.path.findDotsAtSegment = findDotsAtSegment;
* Snap.path.bezierBBox
[ method ]
* Utility method
* Returns the bounding box of a given cubic beziér curve
- p1x (number) x of the first point of the curve
- p1y (number) y of the first point of the curve
- c1x (number) x of the first anchor of the curve
- c1y (number) y of the first anchor of the curve
- c2x (number) x of the second anchor of the curve
- c2y (number) y of the second anchor of the curve
- p2x (number) x of the second point of the curve
- p2y (number) y of the second point of the curve
* or
- bez (array) array of six points for beziér curve
= (object) bounding box
o {
o x: (number) x coordinate of the left top point of the box,
o y: (number) y coordinate of the left top point of the box,
o x2: (number) x coordinate of the right bottom point of the box,
o y2: (number) y coordinate of the right bottom point of the box,
o width: (number) width of the box,
o height: (number) height of the box
o }
Snap.path.bezierBBox = bezierBBox;
* Snap.path.isPointInsideBBox
[ method ]
* Utility method
* Returns `true` if given point is inside bounding box
- bbox (string) bounding box
- x (string) x coordinate of the point
- y (string) y coordinate of the point
= (boolean) `true` if point is inside
Snap.path.isPointInsideBBox = isPointInsideBBox;
Snap.closest = function (x, y, X, Y) {
var r = 100,
b = box(x - r / 2, y - r / 2, r, r),
inside = [],
getter = X[0].hasOwnProperty("x") ? function (i) {
return {
x: X[i].x,
y: X[i].y
} : function (i) {
return {
x: X[i],
y: Y[i]
found = 0;
while (r <= 1e6 && !found) {
for (var i = 0, ii = X.length; i < ii; i++) {
var xy = getter(i);
if (isPointInsideBBox(b, xy.x, xy.y)) {
if (!found) {
r *= 2;
b = box(x - r / 2, y - r / 2, r, r)
if (r == 1e6) {
var len = Infinity,
for (i = 0, ii = inside.length; i < ii; i++) {
var l = Snap.len(x, y, inside[i].x, inside[i].y);
if (len > l) {
len = l;
inside[i].len = l;
res = inside[i];
return res;
* Snap.path.isBBoxIntersect
[ method ]
* Utility method
* Returns `true` if two bounding boxes intersect
- bbox1 (string) first bounding box
- bbox2 (string) second bounding box
= (boolean) `true` if bounding boxes intersect
Snap.path.isBBoxIntersect = isBBoxIntersect;
* Snap.path.intersection
[ method ]
* Utility method
* Finds intersections of two paths
- path1 (string) path string
- path2 (string) path string
= (array) dots of intersection
o [
o {
o x: (number) x coordinate of the point,
o y: (number) y coordinate of the point,
o t1: (number) t value for segment of path1,
o t2: (number) t value for segment of path2,
o segment1: (number) order number for segment of path1,
o segment2: (number) order number for segment of path2,
o bez1: (array) eight coordinates representing beziér curve for the segment of path1,
o bez2: (array) eight coordinates representing beziér curve for the segment of path2
o }
o ]
Snap.path.intersection = pathIntersection;
Snap.path.intersectionNumber = pathIntersectionNumber;
* Snap.path.isPointInside
[ method ]
* Utility method
* Returns `true` if given point is inside a given closed path.
* Note: fill mode doesn’t affect the result of this method.
- path (string) path string
- x (number) x of the point
- y (number) y of the point
= (boolean) `true` if point is inside the path
Snap.path.isPointInside = isPointInsidePath;
* Snap.path.getBBox
[ method ]
* Utility method
* Returns the bounding box of a given path
- path (string) path string
= (object) bounding box
o {
o x: (number) x coordinate of the left top point of the box,
o y: (number) y coordinate of the left top point of the box,
o x2: (number) x coordinate of the right bottom point of the box,
o y2: (number) y coordinate of the right bottom point of the box,
o width: (number) width of the box,
o height: (number) height of the box
o }
Snap.path.getBBox = pathBBox;
Snap.path.get = getPath;
* Snap.path.toRelative
[ method ]
* Utility method
* Converts path coordinates into relative values
- path (string) path string
= (array) path string
Snap.path.toRelative = pathToRelative;
* Snap.path.toAbsolute
[ method ]
* Utility method
* Converts path coordinates into absolute values
- path (string) path string
= (array) path string
Snap.path.toAbsolute = pathToAbsolute;
* Snap.path.toCubic
[ method ]
* Utility method
* Converts path to a new path where all segments are cubic beziér curves
- pathString (string|array) path string or array of segments
= (array) array of segments
Snap.path.toCubic = path2curve;
* Snap.path.map
[ method ]
* Transform the path string with the given matrix
- path (string) path string
- matrix (object) see @Matrix
= (string) transformed path string
Snap.path.map = mapPath;
Snap.path.toString = toString;
Snap.path.clone = pathClone;
// Copyright (c) 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Snap.plugin(function (Snap, Element, Paper, glob) {
var mmax = Math.max,
mmin = Math.min;
// Set
var Set = function (items) {
this.items = [];
this.bindings = {};
this.length = 0;
this.type = "set";
if (items) {
for (var i = 0, ii = items.length; i < ii; i++) {
if (items[i]) {
this[this.items.length] = this.items[this.items.length] = items[i];
setproto = Set.prototype;
* Set.push
[ method ]
* Adds each argument to the current set
= (object) original element
setproto.push = function () {
var item,
for (var i = 0, ii = arguments.length; i < ii; i++) {
item = arguments[i];
if (item) {
len = this.items.length;
this[len] = this.items[len] = item;
return this;
* Set.pop
[ method ]
* Removes last element and returns it
= (object) element
setproto.pop = function () {
this.length && delete this[this.length--];
return this.items.pop();
* Set.forEach
[ method ]
* Executes given function for each element in the set
* If the function returns `false`, the loop stops running.
- callback (function) function to run
- thisArg (object) context object for the callback
= (object) Set object
setproto.forEach = function (callback, thisArg) {
for (var i = 0, ii = this.items.length; i < ii; i++) {
if (callback.call(thisArg, this.items[i], i) === false) {
return this;
return this;
* Set.animate
[ method ]
* Animates each element in set in sync.
- attrs (object) key-value pairs of destination attributes
- duration (number) duration of the animation in milliseconds
- easing (function) #optional easing function from @mina or custom
- callback (function) #optional callback function that executes when the animation ends
* or
- animation (array) array of animation parameter for each element in set in format `[attrs, duration, easing, callback]`
> Usage
| // animate all elements in set to radius 10
| set.animate({r: 10}, 500, mina.easein);
| // or
| // animate first element to radius 10, but second to radius 20 and in different time
| set.animate([{r: 10}, 500, mina.easein], [{r: 20}, 1500, mina.easein]);
= (Element) the current element
setproto.animate = function (attrs, ms, easing, callback) {
if (typeof easing == "function" && !easing.length) {
callback = easing;
easing = mina.linear;
if (attrs instanceof Snap._.Animation) {
callback = attrs.callback;
easing = attrs.easing;
ms = easing.dur;
attrs = attrs.attr;
var args = arguments;
if (Snap.is(attrs, "array") && Snap.is(args[args.length - 1], "array")) {
var each = true;
var begin,
handler = function () {
if (begin) {
this.b = begin;
} else {
begin = this.b;
cb = 0,
set = this,
callbacker = callback && function () {
if (++cb == set.length) {
return this.forEach(function (el, i) {
eve.once("snap.animcreated." + el.id, handler);
if (each) {
args[i] && el.animate.apply(el, args[i]);
} else {
el.animate(attrs, ms, easing, callbacker);
setproto.remove = function () {
while (this.length) {
return this;
* Set.bind
[ method ]
* Specifies how to handle a specific attribute when applied
* to a set.
- attr (string) attribute name
- callback (function) function to run
* or
- attr (string) attribute name
- element (Element) specific element in the set to apply the attribute to
* or
- attr (string) attribute name
- element (Element) specific element in the set to apply the attribute to
- eattr (string) attribute on the element to bind the attribute to
= (object) Set object
setproto.bind = function (attr, a, b) {
var data = {};
if (typeof a == "function") {
this.bindings[attr] = a;
} else {
var aname = b || attr;
this.bindings[attr] = function (v) {
data[aname] = v;
return this;
setproto.attr = function (value) {
var unbound = {};
for (var k in value) {
if (this.bindings[k]) {
} else {
unbound[k] = value[k];
for (var i = 0, ii = this.items.length; i < ii; i++) {
return this;
* Set.clear
[ method ]
* Removes all elements from the set
setproto.clear = function () {
while (this.length) {
* Set.splice
[ method ]
* Removes range of elements from the set
- index (number) position of the deletion
- count (number) number of element to remove
- insertion… (object) #optional elements to insert
= (object) set elements that were deleted
setproto.splice = function (index, count, insertion) {
index = index < 0 ? mmax(this.length + index, 0) : index;
count = mmax(0, mmin(this.length - index, count));
var tail = [],
todel = [],
args = [],
for (i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
todel.push(this[index + i]);
for (; i < this.length - index; i++) {
tail.push(this[index + i]);
var arglen = args.length;
for (i = 0; i < arglen + tail.length; i++) {
this.items[index + i] = this[index + i] = i < arglen ? args[i] : tail[i - arglen];
i = this.items.length = this.length -= count - arglen;
while (this[i]) {
delete this[i++];
return new Set(todel);
* Set.exclude
[ method ]
* Removes given element from the set
- element (object) element to remove
= (boolean) `true` if object was found and removed from the set
setproto.exclude = function (el) {
for (var i = 0, ii = this.length; i < ii; i++) if (this[i] == el) {
this.splice(i, 1);
return true;
return false;
setproto.insertAfter = function (el) {
var i = this.items.length;
while (i--) {
return this;
setproto.getBBox = function () {
var x = [],
y = [],
x2 = [],
y2 = [];
for (var i = this.items.length; i--;) if (!this.items[i].removed) {
var box = this.items[i].getBBox();
x2.push(box.x + box.width);
y2.push(box.y + box.height);
x = mmin.apply(0, x);
y = mmin.apply(0, y);
x2 = mmax.apply(0, x2);
y2 = mmax.apply(0, y2);
return {
x: x,
y: y,
x2: x2,
y2: y2,
width: x2 - x,
height: y2 - y,
cx: x + (x2 - x) / 2,
cy: y + (y2 - y) / 2
setproto.clone = function (s) {
s = new Set;
for (var i = 0, ii = this.items.length; i < ii; i++) {
return s;
setproto.toString = function () {
return "Snap\u2018s set";
setproto.type = "set";
// export
Snap.Set = Set;
Snap.set = function () {
var set = new Set;
if (arguments.length) {
set.push.apply(set, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0));
return set;
// Copyright (c) 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Snap.plugin(function (Snap, Element, Paper, glob) {
var names = {},
reUnit = /[a-z]+$/i,
Str = String;
names.stroke = names.fill = "colour";
function getEmpty(item) {
var l = item[0];
switch (l.toLowerCase()) {
case "t": return [l, 0, 0];
case "m": return [l, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
case "r": if (item.length == 4) {
return [l, 0, item[2], item[3]];
} else {
return [l, 0];
case "s": if (item.length == 5) {
return [l, 1, 1, item[3], item[4]];
} else if (item.length == 3) {
return [l, 1, 1];
} else {
return [l, 1];
function equaliseTransform(t1, t2, getBBox) {
t2 = Str(t2).replace(/\.{3}|\u2026/g, t1);
t1 = Snap.parseTransformString(t1) || [];
t2 = Snap.parseTransformString(t2) || [];
var maxlength = Math.max(t1.length, t2.length),
from = [],
to = [],
i = 0, j, jj,
tt1, tt2;
for (; i < maxlength; i++) {
tt1 = t1[i] || getEmpty(t2[i]);
tt2 = t2[i] || getEmpty(tt1);
if ((tt1[0] != tt2[0]) ||
(tt1[0].toLowerCase() == "r" && (tt1[2] != tt2[2] || tt1[3] != tt2[3])) ||
(tt1[0].toLowerCase() == "s" && (tt1[3] != tt2[3] || tt1[4] != tt2[4]))
) {
t1 = Snap._.transform2matrix(t1, getBBox());
t2 = Snap._.transform2matrix(t2, getBBox());
from = [["m", t1.a, t1.b, t1.c, t1.d, t1.e, t1.f]];
to = [["m", t2.a, t2.b, t2.c, t2.d, t2.e, t2.f]];
from[i] = [];
to[i] = [];
for (j = 0, jj = Math.max(tt1.length, tt2.length); j < jj; j++) {
j in tt1 && (from[i][j] = tt1[j]);
j in tt2 && (to[i][j] = tt2[j]);
return {
from: path2array(from),
to: path2array(to),
f: getPath(from)
function getNumber(val) {
return val;
function getUnit(unit) {
return function (val) {
return +val.toFixed(3) + unit;
function getViewBox(val) {
return val.join(" ");
function getColour(clr) {
return Snap.rgb(clr[0], clr[1], clr[2]);
function getPath(path) {
var k = 0, i, ii, j, jj, out, a, b = [];
for (i = 0, ii = path.length; i < ii; i++) {
out = "[";
a = ['"' + path[i][0] + '"'];
for (j = 1, jj = path[i].length; j < jj; j++) {
a[j] = "val[" + (k++) + "]";
out += a + "]";
b[i] = out;
return Function("val", "return Snap.path.toString.call([" + b + "])");
function path2array(path) {
var out = [];
for (var i = 0, ii = path.length; i < ii; i++) {
for (var j = 1, jj = path[i].length; j < jj; j++) {
return out;
function isNumeric(obj) {
return isFinite(parseFloat(obj));
function arrayEqual(arr1, arr2) {
if (!Snap.is(arr1, "array") || !Snap.is(arr2, "array")) {
return false;
return arr1.toString() == arr2.toString();
Element.prototype.equal = function (name, b) {
return eve("snap.util.equal", this, name, b).firstDefined();
eve.on("snap.util.equal", function (name, b) {
var A, B, a = Str(this.attr(name) || ""),
el = this;
if (isNumeric(a) && isNumeric(b)) {
return {
from: parseFloat(a),
to: parseFloat(b),
f: getNumber
if (names[name] == "colour") {
A = Snap.color(a);
B = Snap.color(b);
return {
from: [A.r, A.g, A.b, A.opacity],
to: [B.r, B.g, B.b, B.opacity],
f: getColour
if (name == "viewBox") {
A = this.attr(name).vb.split(" ").map(Number);
B = b.split(" ").map(Number);
return {
from: A,
to: B,
f: getViewBox
if (name == "transform" || name == "gradientTransform" || name == "patternTransform") {
if (b instanceof Snap.Matrix) {
b = b.toTransformString();
if (!Snap._.rgTransform.test(b)) {
b = Snap._.svgTransform2string(b);
return equaliseTransform(a, b, function () {
return el.getBBox(1);
if (name == "d" || name == "path") {
A = Snap.path.toCubic(a, b);
return {
from: path2array(A[0]),
to: path2array(A[1]),
f: getPath(A[0])
if (name == "points") {
A = Str(a).split(Snap._.separator);
B = Str(b).split(Snap._.separator);
return {
from: A,
to: B,
f: function (val) { return val; }
var aUnit = a.match(reUnit),
bUnit = Str(b).match(reUnit);
if (aUnit && arrayEqual(aUnit, bUnit)) {
return {
from: parseFloat(a),
to: parseFloat(b),
f: getUnit(aUnit)
} else {
return {
from: this.asPX(name),
to: this.asPX(name, b),
f: getNumber
// Copyright (c) 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Snap.plugin(function (Snap, Element, Paper, glob) {
var elproto = Element.prototype,
has = "hasOwnProperty",
supportsTouch = "createTouch" in glob.doc,
events = [
"click", "dblclick", "mousedown", "mousemove", "mouseout",
"mouseover", "mouseup", "touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend",
touchMap = {
mousedown: "touchstart",
mousemove: "touchmove",
mouseup: "touchend"
getScroll = function (xy, el) {
var name = xy == "y" ? "scrollTop" : "scrollLeft",
doc = el && el.node ? el.node.ownerDocument : glob.doc;
return doc[name in doc.documentElement ? "documentElement" : "body"][name];
preventDefault = function () {
this.returnValue = false;
preventTouch = function () {
return this.originalEvent.preventDefault();
stopPropagation = function () {
this.cancelBubble = true;
stopTouch = function () {
return this.originalEvent.stopPropagation();
addEvent = function (obj, type, fn, element) {
var realName = supportsTouch && touchMap[type] ? touchMap[type] : type,
f = function (e) {
var scrollY = getScroll("y", element),
scrollX = getScroll("x", element);
if (supportsTouch && touchMap[has](type)) {
for (var i = 0, ii = e.targetTouches && e.targetTouches.length; i < ii; i++) {
if (e.targetTouches[i].target == obj || obj.contains(e.targetTouches[i].target)) {
var olde = e;
e = e.targetTouches[i];
e.originalEvent = olde;
e.preventDefault = preventTouch;
e.stopPropagation = stopTouch;
var x = e.clientX + scrollX,
y = e.clientY + scrollY;
return fn.call(element, e, x, y);
if (type !== realName) {
obj.addEventListener(type, f, false);
obj.addEventListener(realName, f, false);
return function () {
if (type !== realName) {
obj.removeEventListener(type, f, false);
obj.removeEventListener(realName, f, false);
return true;
drag = [],
dragMove = function (e) {
var x = e.clientX,
y = e.clientY,
scrollY = getScroll("y"),
scrollX = getScroll("x"),
j = drag.length;
while (j--) {
dragi = drag[j];
if (supportsTouch) {
var i = e.touches && e.touches.length,
while (i--) {
touch = e.touches[i];
if (touch.identifier == dragi.el._drag.id || dragi.el.node.contains(touch.target)) {
x = touch.clientX;
y = touch.clientY;
(e.originalEvent ? e.originalEvent : e).preventDefault();
} else {
var node = dragi.el.node,
next = node.nextSibling,
parent = node.parentNode,
display = node.style.display;
// glob.win.opera && parent.removeChild(node);
// node.style.display = "none";
// o = dragi.el.paper.getElementByPoint(x, y);
// node.style.display = display;
// glob.win.opera && (next ? parent.insertBefore(node, next) : parent.appendChild(node));
// o && eve("snap.drag.over." + dragi.el.id, dragi.el, o);
x += scrollX;
y += scrollY;
eve("snap.drag.move." + dragi.el.id, dragi.move_scope || dragi.el, x - dragi.el._drag.x, y - dragi.el._drag.y, x, y, e);
dragUp = function (e) {
var i = drag.length,
while (i--) {
dragi = drag[i];
dragi.el._drag = {};
eve("snap.drag.end." + dragi.el.id, dragi.end_scope || dragi.start_scope || dragi.move_scope || dragi.el, e);
eve.off("snap.drag.*." + dragi.el.id);
drag = [];
* Element.click
[ method ]
* Adds a click event handler to the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.unclick
[ method ]
* Removes a click event handler from the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.dblclick
[ method ]
* Adds a double click event handler to the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.undblclick
[ method ]
* Removes a double click event handler from the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.mousedown
[ method ]
* Adds a mousedown event handler to the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.unmousedown
[ method ]
* Removes a mousedown event handler from the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.mousemove
[ method ]
* Adds a mousemove event handler to the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.unmousemove
[ method ]
* Removes a mousemove event handler from the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.mouseout
[ method ]
* Adds a mouseout event handler to the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.unmouseout
[ method ]
* Removes a mouseout event handler from the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.mouseover
[ method ]
* Adds a mouseover event handler to the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.unmouseover
[ method ]
* Removes a mouseover event handler from the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.mouseup
[ method ]
* Adds a mouseup event handler to the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.unmouseup
[ method ]
* Removes a mouseup event handler from the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.touchstart
[ method ]
* Adds a touchstart event handler to the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.untouchstart
[ method ]
* Removes a touchstart event handler from the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.touchmove
[ method ]
* Adds a touchmove event handler to the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.untouchmove
[ method ]
* Removes a touchmove event handler from the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.touchend
[ method ]
* Adds a touchend event handler to the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.untouchend
[ method ]
* Removes a touchend event handler from the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.touchcancel
[ method ]
* Adds a touchcancel event handler to the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
* Element.untouchcancel
[ method ]
* Removes a touchcancel event handler from the element
- handler (function) handler for the event
= (object) @Element
for (var i = events.length; i--;) {
(function (eventName) {
Snap[eventName] = elproto[eventName] = function (fn, scope) {
if (Snap.is(fn, "function")) {
this.events = this.events || [];
name: eventName,
f: fn,
unbind: addEvent(this.node || document, eventName, fn, scope || this)
} else {
for (var i = 0, ii = this.events.length; i < ii; i++) if (this.events[i].name == eventName) {
try {
} catch (e) {}
return this;
Snap["un" + eventName] =
elproto["un" + eventName] = function (fn) {
var events = this.events || [],
l = events.length;
while (l--) if (events[l].name == eventName &&
(events[l].f == fn || !fn)) {
events.splice(l, 1);
!events.length && delete this.events;
return this;
return this;
* Element.hover
[ method ]
* Adds hover event handlers to the element
- f_in (function) handler for hover in
- f_out (function) handler for hover out
- icontext (object) #optional context for hover in handler
- ocontext (object) #optional context for hover out handler
= (object) @Element
elproto.hover = function (f_in, f_out, scope_in, scope_out) {
return this.mouseover(f_in, scope_in).mouseout(f_out, scope_out || scope_in);
* Element.unhover
[ method ]
* Removes hover event handlers from the element
- f_in (function) handler for hover in
- f_out (function) handler for hover out
= (object) @Element
elproto.unhover = function (f_in, f_out) {
return this.unmouseover(f_in).unmouseout(f_out);
var draggable = [];
// SIERRA unclear what _context_ refers to for starting, ending, moving the drag gesture.
// SIERRA Element.drag(): _x position of the mouse_: Where are the x/y values offset from?
// SIERRA Element.drag(): much of this member's doc appears to be duplicated for some reason.
// SIERRA Unclear about this sentence: _Additionally following drag events will be triggered: drag.start.<id> on start, drag.end.<id> on end and drag.move.<id> on every move._ Is there a global _drag_ object to which you can assign handlers keyed by an element's ID?
* Element.drag
[ method ]
* Adds event handlers for an element's drag gesture
- onmove (function) handler for moving
- onstart (function) handler for drag start
- onend (function) handler for drag end
- mcontext (object) #optional context for moving handler
- scontext (object) #optional context for drag start handler
- econtext (object) #optional context for drag end handler
* Additionaly following `drag` events are triggered: `drag.start.<id>` on start,
* `drag.end.<id>` on end and `drag.move.<id>` on every move. When element is dragged over another element
* `drag.over.<id>` fires as well.
* Start event and start handler are called in specified context or in context of the element with following parameters:
o x (number) x position of the mouse
o y (number) y position of the mouse
o event (object) DOM event object
* Move event and move handler are called in specified context or in context of the element with following parameters:
o dx (number) shift by x from the start point
o dy (number) shift by y from the start point
o x (number) x position of the mouse
o y (number) y position of the mouse
o event (object) DOM event object
* End event and end handler are called in specified context or in context of the element with following parameters:
o event (object) DOM event object
= (object) @Element
elproto.drag = function (onmove, onstart, onend, move_scope, start_scope, end_scope) {
var el = this;
if (!arguments.length) {
var origTransform;
return el.drag(function (dx, dy) {
transform: origTransform + (origTransform ? "T" : "t") + [dx, dy]
}, function () {
origTransform = this.transform().local;
function start(e, x, y) {
(e.originalEvent || e).preventDefault();
el._drag.x = x;
el._drag.y = y;
el._drag.id = e.identifier;
!drag.length && Snap.mousemove(dragMove).mouseup(dragUp);
drag.push({el: el, move_scope: move_scope, start_scope: start_scope, end_scope: end_scope});
onstart && eve.on("snap.drag.start." + el.id, onstart);
onmove && eve.on("snap.drag.move." + el.id, onmove);
onend && eve.on("snap.drag.end." + el.id, onend);
eve("snap.drag.start." + el.id, start_scope || move_scope || el, x, y, e);
function init(e, x, y) {
eve("snap.draginit." + el.id, el, e, x, y);
eve.on("snap.draginit." + el.id, start);
el._drag = {};
draggable.push({el: el, start: start, init: init});
return el;
* Element.onDragOver
[ method ]
* Shortcut to assign event handler for `drag.over.<id>` event, where `id` is the element's `id` (see @Element.id)
- f (function) handler for event, first argument would be the element you are dragging over
// elproto.onDragOver = function (f) {
// f ? eve.on("snap.drag.over." + this.id, f) : eve.unbind("snap.drag.over." + this.id);
// };
* Element.undrag
[ method ]
* Removes all drag event handlers from the given element
elproto.undrag = function () {
var i = draggable.length;
while (i--) if (draggable[i].el == this) {
draggable.splice(i, 1);
eve.unbind("snap.drag.*." + this.id);
eve.unbind("snap.draginit." + this.id);
!draggable.length && Snap.unmousemove(dragMove).unmouseup(dragUp);
return this;
// Copyright (c) 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Snap.plugin(function (Snap, Element, Paper, glob) {
var elproto = Element.prototype,
pproto = Paper.prototype,
rgurl = /^\s*url\((.+)\)/,
Str = String,
$ = Snap._.$;
Snap.filter = {};
* Paper.filter
[ method ]
* Creates a `<filter>` element
- filstr (string) SVG fragment of filter provided as a string
= (object) @Element
* Note: It is recommended to use filters embedded into the page inside an empty SVG element.
> Usage
| var f = paper.filter('<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="2"/>'),
| c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10).attr({
| filter: f
| });
pproto.filter = function (filstr) {
var paper = this;
if (paper.type != "svg") {
paper = paper.paper;
var f = Snap.parse(Str(filstr)),
id = Snap._.id(),
width = paper.node.offsetWidth,
height = paper.node.offsetHeight,
filter = $("filter");
$(filter, {
id: id,
filterUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
return new Element(filter);
eve.on("snap.util.getattr.filter", function () {
var p = $(this.node, "filter");
if (p) {
var match = Str(p).match(rgurl);
return match && Snap.select(match[1]);
eve.on("snap.util.attr.filter", function (value) {
if (value instanceof Element && value.type == "filter") {
var id = value.node.id;
if (!id) {
$(value.node, {id: value.id});
id = value.id;
$(this.node, {
filter: Snap.url(id)
if (!value || value == "none") {
* Snap.filter.blur
[ method ]
* Returns an SVG markup string for the blur filter
- x (number) amount of horizontal blur, in pixels
- y (number) #optional amount of vertical blur, in pixels
= (string) filter representation
> Usage
| var f = paper.filter(Snap.filter.blur(5, 10)),
| c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10).attr({
| filter: f
| });
Snap.filter.blur = function (x, y) {
if (x == null) {
x = 2;
var def = y == null ? x : [x, y];
return Snap.format('\<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="{def}"/>', {
def: def
Snap.filter.blur.toString = function () {
return this();
* Snap.filter.shadow
[ method ]
* Returns an SVG markup string for the shadow filter
- dx (number) #optional horizontal shift of the shadow, in pixels
- dy (number) #optional vertical shift of the shadow, in pixels
- blur (number) #optional amount of blur
- color (string) #optional color of the shadow
- opacity (number) #optional `0..1` opacity of the shadow
* or
- dx (number) #optional horizontal shift of the shadow, in pixels
- dy (number) #optional vertical shift of the shadow, in pixels
- color (string) #optional color of the shadow
- opacity (number) #optional `0..1` opacity of the shadow
* which makes blur default to `4`. Or
- dx (number) #optional horizontal shift of the shadow, in pixels
- dy (number) #optional vertical shift of the shadow, in pixels
- opacity (number) #optional `0..1` opacity of the shadow
= (string) filter representation
> Usage
| var f = paper.filter(Snap.filter.shadow(0, 2, 3)),
| c = paper.circle(10, 10, 10).attr({
| filter: f
| });
Snap.filter.shadow = function (dx, dy, blur, color, opacity) {
if (typeof blur == "string") {
color = blur;
opacity = color;
blur = 4;
if (typeof color != "string") {
opacity = color;
color = "#000";
color = color || "#000";
if (blur == null) {
blur = 4;
if (opacity == null) {
opacity = 1;
if (dx == null) {
dx = 0;
dy = 2;
if (dy == null) {
dy = dx;
color = Snap.color(color);
return Snap.format('<feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="{blur}"/><feOffset dx="{dx}" dy="{dy}" result="offsetblur"/><feFlood flood-color="{color}"/><feComposite in2="offsetblur" operator="in"/><feComponentTransfer><feFuncA type="linear" slope="{opacity}"/></feComponentTransfer><feMerge><feMergeNode/><feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"/></feMerge>', {
color: color,
dx: dx,
dy: dy,
blur: blur,
opacity: opacity
Snap.filter.shadow.toString = function () {
return this();
* Snap.filter.grayscale
[ method ]
* Returns an SVG markup string for the grayscale filter
- amount (number) amount of filter (`0..1`)
= (string) filter representation
Snap.filter.grayscale = function (amount) {
if (amount == null) {
amount = 1;
return Snap.format('<feColorMatrix type="matrix" values="{a} {b} {c} 0 0 {d} {e} {f} 0 0 {g} {b} {h} 0 0 0 0 0 1 0"/>', {
a: 0.2126 + 0.7874 * (1 - amount),
b: 0.7152 - 0.7152 * (1 - amount),
c: 0.0722 - 0.0722 * (1 - amount),
d: 0.2126 - 0.2126 * (1 - amount),
e: 0.7152 + 0.2848 * (1 - amount),
f: 0.0722 - 0.0722 * (1 - amount),
g: 0.2126 - 0.2126 * (1 - amount),
h: 0.0722 + 0.9278 * (1 - amount)
Snap.filter.grayscale.toString = function () {
return this();
* Snap.filter.sepia
[ method ]
* Returns an SVG markup string for the sepia filter
- amount (number) amount of filter (`0..1`)
= (string) filter representation
Snap.filter.sepia = function (amount) {
if (amount == null) {
amount = 1;
return Snap.format('<feColorMatrix type="matrix" values="{a} {b} {c} 0 0 {d} {e} {f} 0 0 {g} {h} {i} 0 0 0 0 0 1 0"/>', {
a: 0.393 + 0.607 * (1 - amount),
b: 0.769 - 0.769 * (1 - amount),
c: 0.189 - 0.189 * (1 - amount),
d: 0.349 - 0.349 * (1 - amount),
e: 0.686 + 0.314 * (1 - amount),
f: 0.168 - 0.168 * (1 - amount),
g: 0.272 - 0.272 * (1 - amount),
h: 0.534 - 0.534 * (1 - amount),
i: 0.131 + 0.869 * (1 - amount)
Snap.filter.sepia.toString = function () {
return this();
* Snap.filter.saturate
[ method ]
* Returns an SVG markup string for the saturate filter
- amount (number) amount of filter (`0..1`)
= (string) filter representation
Snap.filter.saturate = function (amount) {
if (amount == null) {
amount = 1;
return Snap.format('<feColorMatrix type="saturate" values="{amount}"/>', {
amount: 1 - amount
Snap.filter.saturate.toString = function () {
return this();
* Snap.filter.hueRotate
[ method ]
* Returns an SVG markup string for the hue-rotate filter
- angle (number) angle of rotation
= (string) filter representation
Snap.filter.hueRotate = function (angle) {
angle = angle || 0;
return Snap.format('<feColorMatrix type="hueRotate" values="{angle}"/>', {
angle: angle
Snap.filter.hueRotate.toString = function () {
return this();
* Snap.filter.invert
[ method ]
* Returns an SVG markup string for the invert filter
- amount (number) amount of filter (`0..1`)
= (string) filter representation
Snap.filter.invert = function (amount) {
if (amount == null) {
amount = 1;
// <feColorMatrix type="matrix" values="-1 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB"/>
return Snap.format('<feComponentTransfer><feFuncR type="table" tableValues="{amount} {amount2}"/><feFuncG type="table" tableValues="{amount} {amount2}"/><feFuncB type="table" tableValues="{amount} {amount2}"/></feComponentTransfer>', {
amount: amount,
amount2: 1 - amount
Snap.filter.invert.toString = function () {
return this();
* Snap.filter.brightness
[ method ]
* Returns an SVG markup string for the brightness filter
- amount (number) amount of filter (`0..1`)
= (string) filter representation
Snap.filter.brightness = function (amount) {
if (amount == null) {
amount = 1;
return Snap.format('<feComponentTransfer><feFuncR type="linear" slope="{amount}"/><feFuncG type="linear" slope="{amount}"/><feFuncB type="linear" slope="{amount}"/></feComponentTransfer>', {
amount: amount
Snap.filter.brightness.toString = function () {
return this();
* Snap.filter.contrast
[ method ]
* Returns an SVG markup string for the contrast filter
- amount (number) amount of filter (`0..1`)
= (string) filter representation
Snap.filter.contrast = function (amount) {
if (amount == null) {
amount = 1;
return Snap.format('<feComponentTransfer><feFuncR type="linear" slope="{amount}" intercept="{amount2}"/><feFuncG type="linear" slope="{amount}" intercept="{amount2}"/><feFuncB type="linear" slope="{amount}" intercept="{amount2}"/></feComponentTransfer>', {
amount: amount,
amount2: .5 - amount / 2
Snap.filter.contrast.toString = function () {
return this();
// Copyright (c) 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Snap.plugin(function (Snap, Element, Paper, glob, Fragment) {
var box = Snap._.box,
is = Snap.is,
firstLetter = /^[^a-z]*([tbmlrc])/i,
toString = function () {
return "T" + this.dx + "," + this.dy;
* Element.getAlign
[ method ]
* Returns shift needed to align the element relatively to given element.
* If no elements specified, parent `<svg>` container will be used.
- el (object) @optional alignment element
- way (string) one of six values: `"top"`, `"middle"`, `"bottom"`, `"left"`, `"center"`, `"right"`
= (object|string) Object in format `{dx: , dy: }` also has a string representation as a transformation string
> Usage
| el.transform(el.getAlign(el2, "top"));
* or
| var dy = el.getAlign(el2, "top").dy;
Element.prototype.getAlign = function (el, way) {
if (way == null && is(el, "string")) {
way = el;
el = null;
el = el || this.paper;
var bx = el.getBBox ? el.getBBox() : box(el),
bb = this.getBBox(),
out = {};
way = way && way.match(firstLetter);
way = way ? way[1].toLowerCase() : "c";
switch (way) {
case "t":
out.dx = 0;
out.dy = bx.y - bb.y;
case "b":
out.dx = 0;
out.dy = bx.y2 - bb.y2;
case "m":
out.dx = 0;
out.dy = bx.cy - bb.cy;
case "l":
out.dx = bx.x - bb.x;
out.dy = 0;
case "r":
out.dx = bx.x2 - bb.x2;
out.dy = 0;
out.dx = bx.cx - bb.cx;
out.dy = 0;
out.toString = toString;
return out;
* Element.align
[ method ]
* Aligns the element relatively to given one via transformation.
* If no elements specified, parent `<svg>` container will be used.
- el (object) @optional alignment element
- way (string) one of six values: `"top"`, `"middle"`, `"bottom"`, `"left"`, `"center"`, `"right"`
= (object) this element
> Usage
| el.align(el2, "top");
* or
| el.align("middle");
Element.prototype.align = function (el, way) {
return this.transform("..." + this.getAlign(el, way));
return Snap;