import proc from "node:child_process"; import fs from "node:fs/promises"; import ph from "node:path"; import os from "node:os"; import url from "node:url"; import * as marked from "marked"; import SVGSpriter from "svg-sprite"; import Watcher from "watcher"; import gettext from "gettext-parser"; import l from "lodash"; import log from "fancy-log"; import mustache from "mustache"; import pLimit from "p-limit"; import ppt from "pretty-time"; import wpool from "workerpool"; function getCoreCount() { return os.cpus().length; } export const dirname = url.fileURLToPath(new URL(".", import.meta.url)); export function startWorker() { return wpool.pool(dirname + "/_worker.js", { maxWorkers: getCoreCount(), }); } export const isDebug = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production"; async function findFiles(basePath, predicate, options = {}) { predicate = predicate ?? function () { return true; }; let files = await fs.readdir(basePath, { recursive: options.recursive ?? false, }); files = => ph.join(basePath, path)); return files; } function syncDirs(originPath, destPath) { const command = `rsync -ar --delete ${originPath} ${destPath}`; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { proc.exec(command, (cause, stdout) => { if (cause) { reject(cause); } else { resolve(); } }); }); } export function isSassFile(path) { return path.endsWith(".scss"); } export function isSvgFile(path) { return path.endsWith(".svg"); } export function isJsFile(path) { return path.endsWith(".js"); } export async function compileSass(worker, path, options) { path = ph.resolve(path);"compile:", path); return worker.exec("compileSass", [path, options]); } export async function compileSassDebug(worker) { const result = await compileSass(worker, "resources/styles/debug.scss", {}); return `${result.css}\n`; } export async function compileSassStorybook(worker) { const limitFn = pLimit(4); const sourceDir = ph.join("src", "app", "main", "ui", "ds"); const dsFiles = (await fs.readdir(sourceDir, { recursive: true })) .filter(isSassFile) .map((filename) => ph.join(sourceDir, filename)); const procs = [compileSass(worker, "resources/styles/main-default.scss", {})]; for (let path of dsFiles) { const proc = limitFn(() => compileSass(worker, path, { modules: true })); procs.push(proc); } const result = await Promise.all(procs); return result.reduce( (acc, item) => { acc.index[item.outputPath] = item.css; acc.items.push(item.outputPath); return acc; }, { index: {}, items: [] }, ); } export async function compileSassAll(worker) { const limitFn = pLimit(4); const sourceDir = "src"; const isDesignSystemFile = (path) => { return path.startsWith("app/main/ui/ds/"); }; const isOldComponentSystemFile = (path) => { return path.startsWith("app/main/ui/components/"); }; let files = (await fs.readdir(sourceDir, { recursive: true })).filter( isSassFile, ); const appFiles = files .filter((path) => !isDesignSystemFile(path)) .filter((path) => !isOldComponentSystemFile(path)) .map((path) => ph.join(sourceDir, path)); const dsFiles = files .filter(isDesignSystemFile) .map((path) => ph.join(sourceDir, path)); const oldComponentsFiles = files .filter(isOldComponentSystemFile) .map((path) => ph.join(sourceDir, path)); const procs = [compileSass(worker, "resources/styles/main-default.scss", {})]; for (let path of [...oldComponentsFiles, ...dsFiles, ...appFiles]) { const proc = limitFn(() => compileSass(worker, path, { modules: true })); procs.push(proc); } const result = await Promise.all(procs); return result.reduce( (acc, item) => { acc.index[item.outputPath] = item.css; acc.items.push(item.outputPath); return acc; }, { index: {}, items: [] }, ); } export function concatSass(data) { const output = []; for (let path of data.items) { output.push(data.index[path]); } return output.join("\n"); } export async function watch(baseDir, predicate, callback) { predicate = predicate ?? (() => true); const watcher = new Watcher(baseDir, { persistent: true, recursive: true, }); watcher.on("change", (path) => { if (predicate(path)) { callback(path); } }); } async function readShadowManifest() { try { const manifestPath = "resources/public/js/manifest.json"; let content = await fs.readFile(manifestPath, { encoding: "utf8" }); content = JSON.parse(content); const index = { config: "js/config.js?ts=" +, polyfills: "js/polyfills.js?ts=" +, }; for (let item of content) { index[] = "js/" + item["output-name"]; } return index; } catch (cause) { return { config: "js/config.js", polyfills: "js/polyfills.js", main: "js/main.js", shared: "js/shared.js", worker: "js/worker.js", rasterizer: "js/rasterizer.js", }; } } async function renderTemplate(path, context = {}, partials = {}) { const content = await fs.readFile(path, { encoding: "utf-8" }); const ts = Math.floor(new Date()); context = Object.assign({}, context, { ts: ts, isDebug, }); return mustache.render(content, context, partials); } const renderer = { link(href, title, text) { return `${text}`; }, }; marked.use({ renderer }); async function readTranslations() { const langs = [ "ar", "ca", "de", "el", "en", "eu", "it", "es", "fa", "fr", "he", "nb_NO", "pl", "pt_BR", "ro", "id", "ru", "tr", "zh_CN", "zh_Hant", "hr", "gl", "pt_PT", "cs", "fo", "ko", "lv", "nl", // this happens when file does not matches correct // iso code for the language. ["ja_jp", "jpn_JP"], ["uk", "ukr_UA"], "ha", ]; const result = {}; for (let lang of langs) { let filename = `${lang}.po`; if (l.isArray(lang)) { filename = `${lang[1]}.po`; lang = lang[0]; } const content = await fs.readFile(`./translations/${filename}`, { encoding: "utf-8", }); lang = lang.toLowerCase(); const data = gettext.po.parse(content, "utf-8"); const trdata = data.translations[""]; for (let key of Object.keys(trdata)) { if (key === "") continue; const comments = trdata[key].comments || {}; if (l.isNil(result[key])) { result[key] = {}; } const isMarkdown = l.includes(comments.flag, "markdown"); const msgs = trdata[key].msgstr; if (msgs.length === 1) { let message = msgs[0]; if (isMarkdown) { message = marked.parseInline(message); } result[key][lang] = message; } else { result[key][lang] = => { if (isMarkdown) { return marked.parseInline(item); } else { return item; } }); } } } return result; } function filterTranslations(translations, langs = [], keyFilter) { const filteredEntries = Object.entries(translations) .filter(([translationKey, _]) => keyFilter(translationKey)) .map(([translationKey, value]) => { const langEntries = Object.entries(value).filter(([lang, _]) => langs.includes(lang), ); return [translationKey, Object.fromEntries(langEntries)]; }); return Object.fromEntries(filteredEntries); } async function generateSvgSprite(files, prefix) { const spriter = new SVGSpriter({ mode: { symbol: { inline: true }, }, }); for (let path of files) { const name = `${prefix}${ph.basename(path)}`; const content = await fs.readFile(path, { encoding: "utf-8" }); spriter.add(name, name, content); } const { result } = await spriter.compileAsync(); const resource = result.symbol.sprite; return resource.contents; } async function generateSvgSprites() { await fs.mkdir("resources/public/images/sprites/symbol/", { recursive: true, }); const icons = await findFiles("resources/images/icons/", isSvgFile); const iconsSprite = await generateSvgSprite(icons, "icon-"); await fs.writeFile( "resources/public/images/sprites/symbol/icons.svg", iconsSprite, ); const cursors = await findFiles("resources/images/cursors/", isSvgFile); const cursorsSprite = await generateSvgSprite(cursors, "cursor-"); await fs.writeFile( "resources/public/images/sprites/symbol/cursors.svg", cursorsSprite, ); const assets = await findFiles("resources/images/assets/", isSvgFile); const assetsSprite = await generateSvgSprite(assets, "asset-"); await fs.writeFile( "resources/public/images/sprites/assets.svg", assetsSprite, ); } async function generateTemplates() { const isDebug = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production"; await fs.mkdir("./resources/public/", { recursive: true }); let translations = await readTranslations(); const storybookTranslations = JSON.stringify( filterTranslations(translations, ["en"], (key) => key.startsWith("labels."), ), ); translations = JSON.stringify(translations); const manifest = await readShadowManifest(); let content; const iconsSprite = await fs.readFile( "resources/public/images/sprites/symbol/icons.svg", "utf8", ); const cursorsSprite = await fs.readFile( "resources/public/images/sprites/symbol/cursors.svg", "utf8", ); const assetsSprite = await fs.readFile( "resources/public/images/sprites/assets.svg", "utf-8", ); const partials = { "../public/images/sprites/symbol/icons.svg": iconsSprite, "../public/images/sprites/symbol/cursors.svg": cursorsSprite, "../public/images/sprites/assets.svg": assetsSprite, }; const pluginRuntimeUri = process.env.PENPOT_PLUGIN_DEV === "true" ? "http://localhost:4200" : "./plugins-runtime"; content = await renderTemplate( "resources/templates/index.mustache", { manifest: manifest, translations: JSON.stringify(translations), pluginRuntimeUri, isDebug, }, partials, ); await fs.writeFile("./resources/public/index.html", content); content = await renderTemplate( "resources/templates/challenge.mustache", {}, partials, ); await fs.writeFile("./resources/public/challenge.html", content); content = await renderTemplate( "resources/templates/preview-body.mustache", { manifest: manifest, }, partials, ); await fs.writeFile("./.storybook/preview-body.html", content); content = await renderTemplate( "resources/templates/preview-head.mustache", { manifest: manifest, translations: JSON.stringify(storybookTranslations), }, partials, ); await fs.writeFile("./.storybook/preview-head.html", content); content = await renderTemplate("resources/templates/render.mustache", { manifest: manifest, translations: JSON.stringify(translations), }); await fs.writeFile("./resources/public/render.html", content); content = await renderTemplate("resources/templates/rasterizer.mustache", { manifest: manifest, translations: JSON.stringify(translations), }); await fs.writeFile("./resources/public/rasterizer.html", content); } export async function compileStorybookStyles() { const worker = startWorker(); const start = process.hrtime();"init: compile storybook styles"); let result = await compileSassStorybook(worker); result = concatSass(result); await fs.mkdir("./resources/public/css", { recursive: true }); await fs.writeFile("./resources/public/css/ds.css", result); const end = process.hrtime(start);"done: compile storybook styles", `(${ppt(end)})`); worker.terminate(); } export async function compileStyles() { const worker = startWorker(); const start = process.hrtime();"init: compile styles"); let result = await compileSassAll(worker); result = concatSass(result); await fs.mkdir("./resources/public/css", { recursive: true }); await fs.writeFile("./resources/public/css/main.css", result); if (isDebug) { let debugCSS = await compileSassDebug(worker); await fs.writeFile("./resources/public/css/debug.css", debugCSS); } const end = process.hrtime(start);"done: compile styles", `(${ppt(end)})`); worker.terminate(); } export async function compileSvgSprites() { const start = process.hrtime();"init: compile svgsprite"); await generateSvgSprites(); const end = process.hrtime(start);"done: compile svgsprite", `(${ppt(end)})`); } export async function compileTemplates() { const start = process.hrtime();"init: compile templates"); await generateTemplates(); const end = process.hrtime(start);"done: compile templates", `(${ppt(end)})`); } export async function compilePolyfills() { const start = process.hrtime();"init: compile polyfills"); const files = await findFiles("resources/polyfills/", isJsFile); let result = []; for (let path of files) { const content = await fs.readFile(path, { encoding: "utf-8" }); result.push(content); } await fs.mkdir("./resources/public/js", { recursive: true }); fs.writeFile("resources/public/js/polyfills.js", result.join("\n")); const end = process.hrtime(start);"done: compile polyfills", `(${ppt(end)})`); } export async function copyAssets() { const start = process.hrtime();"init: copy assets"); await syncDirs("resources/images/", "resources/public/images/"); await syncDirs("resources/fonts/", "resources/public/fonts/"); await syncDirs( "resources/plugins-runtime/", "resources/public/plugins-runtime/", ); const end = process.hrtime(start);"done: copy assets", `(${ppt(end)})`); }