;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public ;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this ;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ;; ;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC (ns backend-tests.util-objects-map-test (:require [app.common.schema.generators :as sg] [app.common.transit :as transit] [app.common.types.shape :as cts] [app.common.uuid :as uuid] [app.util.fressian :as fres] [app.util.objects-map :as omap] [backend-tests.helpers :as th] [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]] [clojure.test :as t] [clojure.test.check.generators :as cg])) (t/deftest basic-operations (t/testing "assoc" (let [id (uuid/custom 0 1) id' (uuid/custom 0 2) obj (-> (omap/create) (assoc id {:foo 1}))] (t/is (not= id id')) (t/is (not (contains? obj id'))) (t/is (contains? obj id)))) (t/testing "dissoc" (let [id (uuid/custom 0 1) obj (-> (omap/create) (assoc id {:foo 1}))] (t/is (contains? obj id)) (let [obj (dissoc obj id)] (t/is (not (contains? obj id)))))) (t/testing "seq" (let [id (uuid/custom 0 1) obj (-> (omap/create) (assoc id 1))] (t/is (contains? obj id)) (let [[entry] (seq obj)] (t/is (map-entry? entry)) (t/is (= (key entry) id)) (t/is (= (val entry) 1))))) (t/testing "cons & count" (let [obj (into (omap/create) [[uuid/zero 1]])] (t/is (contains? obj uuid/zero)) (t/is (= 1 (count obj))) (t/is (omap/objects-map? obj)))) (t/testing "wrap" (let [obj1 (omap/wrap {}) tmp (omap/create) obj2 (omap/wrap tmp)] (t/is (omap/objects-map? obj1)) (t/is (omap/objects-map? obj2)) (t/is (identical? tmp obj2)) (t/is (= 0 (count obj1))) (t/is (= 0 (count obj2))))) (t/testing "error on non-uuid keys" (let [obj (omap/wrap {})] (t/is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (assoc obj :foo "bar"))))) ) (t/deftest internal-operation (t/testing "modified & compact" (let [id1 (uuid/custom 0 1) id2 (uuid/custom 0 2) obj (omap/wrap {id1 1 id2 2})] (t/is (= 2 (count obj))) (t/is (omap/modified? obj)) (omap/compact! obj) (t/is (not (omap/modified? obj))) (t/is (bytes? (deref obj))))) (t/testing "low-level serialize/deserialize" (let [id1 (uuid/custom 0 1) id2 (uuid/custom 0 2) obj1 (omap/wrap {id1 1 id2 2}) obj2 (omap/create (deref obj1))] (t/is (= (get obj1 id1) (get obj2 id1))) (t/is (= (get obj1 id2) (get obj2 id2))) (t/is (= (count obj1) (count obj2))) (t/is (= (hash obj1) (hash obj2))))) ) (t/deftest internal-encode-decode (sg/check! (sg/for [data (->> (cg/map cg/uuid (sg/generator ::cts/shape)) (cg/not-empty))] (let [obj1 (omap/wrap data) obj2 (omap/create (deref obj1)) obj3 (assoc obj2 uuid/zero 1) obj4 (omap/create (deref obj3))] ;; (app.common.pprint/pprint data) (t/is (= (hash obj1) (hash obj2))) (t/is (not= (hash obj2) (hash obj3))) (t/is (bytes? (deref obj3))) (t/is (pos? (alength (deref obj3)))) (t/is (= (hash obj3) (hash obj4))))))) (t/deftest fressian-encode-decode (sg/check! (sg/for [data (->> (cg/map cg/uuid (sg/generator ::cts/shape)) (cg/not-empty) (cg/fmap omap/wrap) (cg/fmap (fn [o] {:objects o})))] (let [res (-> data fres/encode fres/decode)] (t/is (contains? res :objects)) (t/is (omap/objects-map? (:objects res))) (t/is (= (count (:objects data)) (count (:objects res)))) (t/is (= (hash (:objects data)) (hash (:objects res)))))))) (t/deftest transit-encode-decode (sg/check! (sg/for [data (->> (cg/map cg/uuid (sg/generator ::cts/shape)) (cg/not-empty) (cg/fmap omap/wrap) (cg/fmap (fn [o] {:objects o})))] (let [res (-> data transit/encode transit/decode)] ;; (app.common.pprint/pprint data) ;; (app.common.pprint/pprint res) (doseq [[k v] (:objects res)] (t/is (= v (get-in data [:objects k])))) (t/is (contains? res :objects)) (t/is (contains? data :objects)) (t/is (omap/objects-map? (:objects data))) (t/is (not (omap/objects-map? (:objects res)))) (t/is (= (count (:objects data)) (count (:objects res))))))))