# Common's guide # This section intends to have articles that related to both frontend and backend, such as: code style hints, architecture dicisions, etc... ## Assertions ## Penpot source code has this types of assertions: **assert**: just using the clojure builtin `assert` macro. Example: ```clojure (assert (number? 3) "optional message") ``` This asserts are only executed on development mode. On production environment all assets like this will be ignored by runtime. **spec/assert**: using the `app.common.spec/assert` macro. Also, if you are using clojure.spec, you have the spec based `clojure.spec.alpha/assert` macro. In the same way as the `clojure.core/assert`, on production environment this asserts will be removed by the compiler/runtime. Example: ````clojure (require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s] '[app.common.spec :as us]) (s/def ::number number?) (us/assert ::number 3) ``` In the same way as the `assert` macro, this performs the spec assertion only on development build. On production this code will completely removed. **spec/verify**: An assertion type that is executed always. Example: ```clojure (require '[app.common.spec :as us]) (us/verify ::number 3) ``` This macro enables you have assetions on production code. **Why don't use the `clojure.spec.alpha/assert` instead of the `app.common.spec/assert`?** The Penpot variant does not peforms additional runtime checks for know if asserts are disabled in "runtime". As a result it generates much simplier code at development and production builds.