const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const l = require("lodash"); const CleanCSS = require("clean-css"); const gulp = require("gulp"); const gulpif = require("gulp-if"); const gzip = require("gulp-gzip"); const mustache = require("gulp-mustache"); const rename = require("gulp-rename"); const svgSprite = require("gulp-svg-sprite"); const mkdirp = require("mkdirp"); const rimraf = require("rimraf"); const sass = require("sass"); const autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer") const postcss = require("postcss") const mapStream = require("map-stream"); const paths = {}; paths.resources = "./resources/"; paths.output = "./resources/public/"; paths.dist = "./target/dist/"; paths.scss = "./resources/styles/**/*.scss"; /*********************************************** * Helpers ***********************************************/ function isProduction() { return (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"); } function scssPipeline(options) { const write = (_path, data) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.writeFile(_path, data, function(err) { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(); } }); }); }; const touch = (_path) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { return fs.utimes(file.path, new Date(), new Date(), () => { resolve(_path); }); }) }; const render = (input) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { sass.render({file: input}, async function(err, result) { if (err) { console.log(err.formatted); reject(err); } else { resolve(result.css); } }); }); }; const postprocess = (data, input, output) => { return postcss([autoprefixer]) .process(data, {map: false, from: input, to: output}) }; return function(next) { const input = options.input; const output = options.output; return mkdirp(path.dirname(output)) .then(() => render(input)) .then((res) => postprocess(res, input, output)) .then(async (res) => { await write(output, res); await touch(output); return res; }) .catch((err) => null) .then(() => { next(); }); }; } // Templates function readLocales() { const path = __dirname + "/resources/locales.json"; const content = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path, {encoding: "utf8"})); let result = {}; for (let key of Object.keys(content)) { const item = content[key]; if (l.isString(item)) { result[key] = {"en": item}; } else if (l.isPlainObject(item) && l.isPlainObject(item.translations)) { result[key] = item.translations; } } return JSON.stringify(result); } function readConfig(data) { const googleClientID = process.env.UXBOX_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID; const demoWarn = process.env.UXBOX_DEMO_WARNING; const deployDate = process.env.UXBOX_DEPLOY_DATE; const deployCommit = process.env.UXBOX_DEPLOY_COMMIT; let cfg = { demoWarning: demoWarn === "true" }; if (googleClientID !== undefined) { cfg.googleClientID = googleClientID; } if (deployDate !== undefined) { cfg.deployDate = deployDate; } if (deployCommit !== undefined) { cfg.deployCommit = deployCommit; } Object.assign(cfg, data); return JSON.stringify(cfg); } function readManifest(publicURI) { try { const path = __dirname + "/resources/public/js/manifest.json"; const content = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path, {encoding: "utf8"})); const index = {}; for (let item of content) { index[] = publicURI + "/js/" + item["output-name"]; }; return index; } catch (e) { console.error("Error on reading manifest, using default."); return { "main": publicURI + "/js/main.js", "shared": publicURI + "/js/shared.js", "worker": publicURI + "/js/worker.js" }; } } function touch() { return mapStream(function(file, cb) { if (file.isNull()) { return cb(null, file); } // Update file modification and access time return fs.utimes(file.path, new Date(), new Date(), () => { cb(null, file) }); }); } function templatePipeline(options) { return function() { const input = options.input; const output = options.output; const ts = Math.floor(new Date()); const publicURI = process.env.UXBOX_PUBLIC_URI || "http://localhost:3449"; const th = process.env.UXBOX_THEME || "default"; const themes = ["default"]; const locales = readLocales(); const manifest = readManifest(publicURI); const config = readConfig({ workerURI: manifest.worker, publicURI: publicURI }); const tmpl = mustache({ ts: ts, th: th, manifest: manifest, config: JSON.stringify(config), translations: JSON.stringify(locales), themes: JSON.stringify(themes), }); return gulp.src(input) .pipe(tmpl) .pipe(rename("index.html")) .pipe(gulp.dest(output)) .pipe(touch()); }; } /*********************************************** * Generic ***********************************************/ gulp.task("scss:main-default", scssPipeline({ input: paths.resources + "styles/main-default.scss", output: paths.output + "css/main-default.css" })); gulp.task("scss", gulp.parallel("scss:main-default")); gulp.task("svg:sprite", function() { return gulp.src(paths.resources + "images/icons/*.svg") .pipe(rename({prefix: "icon-"})) .pipe(svgSprite({mode:{symbol: {inline: false}}})) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.output + "images/svg-sprite/")); }); gulp.task("template:main", templatePipeline({ input: paths.resources + "templates/index.mustache", output: paths.output })); gulp.task("templates", gulp.series("template:main")); /*********************************************** * Development ***********************************************/ gulp.task("clean", function(next) { rimraf(paths.output, next); }); gulp.task("copy:assets:images", function() { return gulp.src(paths.resources + "images/**/*") .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.output + "images/")); }); gulp.task("copy:assets:fonts", function() { return gulp.src(paths.resources + "fonts/**/*") .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.output + "fonts/")); }); gulp.task("copy:assets", gulp.parallel("copy:assets:images", "copy:assets:fonts")); gulp.task("dev:dirs", function(next) { mkdirp("./resources/public/css/").then(() => next()) }); gulp.task("watch:main", function() {, gulp.series("scss")); + "images/**/*", gulp.series("svg:sprite", "copy:assets:images"));[paths.resources + "templates/*.mustache", paths.resources + "locales.json"], gulp.series("templates")); }); gulp.task("build", gulp.parallel("scss", "svg:sprite", "templates", "copy:assets")); gulp.task("watch", gulp.series( "dev:dirs", "build", "watch:main" )); /*********************************************** * Production ***********************************************/ gulp.task("dist:clean", function(next) { rimraf(paths.dist, next); }); gulp.task("dist:copy", function() { return gulp.src(paths.output + "**/*") .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist)); }); gulp.task("dist:gzip", function() { return gulp.src(`${paths.dist}**/!(*.gz|*.br|*.jpg|*.png)`) .pipe(gzip({gzipOptions: {level: 9}})) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist)); });