;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public ;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this ;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ;; ;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC (ns common-tests.logic.swap-as-override-test (:require [app.common.files.changes :as ch] [app.common.files.changes-builder :as pcb] [app.common.logic.libraries :as cll] [app.common.logic.shapes :as cls] [app.common.pprint :as pp] [app.common.test-helpers.components :as thc] [app.common.test-helpers.compositions :as tho] [app.common.test-helpers.files :as thf] [app.common.test-helpers.ids-map :as thi] [app.common.test-helpers.shapes :as ths] [app.common.types.component :as ctk] [app.common.types.container :as ctn] [app.common.types.file :as ctf] [app.common.uuid :as uuid] [clojure.test :as t])) (t/use-fixtures :each thi/test-fixture) (defn- setup [] (-> (thf/sample-file :file1) (tho/add-simple-component :component-1 :frame-component-1 :child-component-1 :child-params {:name "child-component-1" :type :rect :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#111111")}) (tho/add-simple-component :component-2 :frame-component-2 :child-component-2 :child-params {:name "child-component-2" :type :rect :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#222222")}) (tho/add-simple-component :component-3 :frame-component-3 :child-component-3 :child-params {:name "child-component-3" :type :rect :fills (ths/sample-fills-color :fill-color "#333333")}) (tho/add-frame :frame-icon-and-text) (thc/instantiate-component :component-1 :copy-component-1 :parent-label :frame-icon-and-text :children-labels [:component-1-icon-and-text]) (ths/add-sample-shape :text {:type :text :name "icon+text" :parent-label :frame-icon-and-text}) (thc/make-component :icon-and-text :frame-icon-and-text) (tho/add-frame :frame-panel) (thc/instantiate-component :icon-and-text :copy-icon-and-text :parent-label :frame-panel :children-labels [:icon-and-text-panel]) (thc/make-component :panel :frame-panel) (thc/instantiate-component :panel :copy-panel :children-labels [:copy-icon-and-text-panel]))) (defn- propagate-all-component-changes [file] (-> file (tho/propagate-component-changes :icon-and-text) (tho/propagate-component-changes :panel))) (defn- fill-colors [file] [(tho/bottom-fill-color file :frame-icon-and-text) (tho/bottom-fill-color file :frame-panel) (tho/bottom-fill-color file :copy-panel)]) (defn- validate [file validator] (validator file) file) ;; Related .penpot file: common/test/cases/xxxxxx (t/deftest swap-main-then-copy (-> (setup) ;; Swap icon in icon+text main. Check that it propagates to copies. (tho/swap-component-in-shape :copy-component-1 :component-2 :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#222222" "#222222" "#222222"]))) ;; Change color of icon in icon+text main. Check that it propagates to copies. (tho/update-bottom-color :frame-icon-and-text "#333333" :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#333333" "#333333" "#333333"]))) ;; Swap icon inside panel main. Check it propagates to panel copy. (tho/swap-component-in-first-child :copy-icon-and-text :component-1 :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#333333" "#111111" "#111111"]))) ;; Change color of icon in icon+text. Check that it does not propagate. (tho/update-bottom-color :frame-icon-and-text "#444444" :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#444444" "#111111" "#111111"]))) ;; Change color of icon in panel main. Check that it propagates. (tho/update-bottom-color :frame-panel "#555555" :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#444444" "#555555" "#555555"]))))) (t/deftest swap-copy-then-main (-> (setup) ;; Swap icon inside panel main. Check that it propagates to panel copy. (tho/swap-component-in-first-child :copy-icon-and-text :component-2 :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#111111" "#222222" "#222222"]))) ;; Change color of icon in icon+text. Check that it does not propagate. (tho/update-bottom-color :frame-icon-and-text "#333333" :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#333333" "#222222" "#222222"]))) ;;Change color of icon in panel main. Check that it propagates (tho/update-bottom-color :frame-panel "#444444" :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#333333" "#444444" "#444444"]))) ;; Swap icon in icon+text main. Check that it does not propagate. (tho/swap-component-in-shape :copy-component-1 :component-2 :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#222222" "#444444" "#444444"]))) ;; Change color of icon in icon+text. Check that it does not propagate. (tho/update-bottom-color :frame-icon-and-text "#555555" :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#555555" "#444444" "#444444"]))))) (t/deftest swap-copy-then-2nd-copy (-> (setup) ;; Swap icon inside panel main. Check that it propagates to panel copy. (tho/swap-component-in-first-child :copy-icon-and-text :component-2 :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#111111" "#222222" "#222222"]))) ;; Swap icon inside panel copy. (tho/swap-component-in-first-child :copy-icon-and-text-panel :component-1 :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#111111" "#222222" "#111111"]))) ;; Change color of icon in icon+text. Check that it does not propagate. (tho/update-bottom-color :frame-icon-and-text "#333333" :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#333333" "#222222" "#111111"]))) ;; Change color of icon in panel main. Check that it does not propagate. (tho/update-bottom-color :frame-panel "#444444" :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#333333" "#444444" "#111111"]))))) (t/deftest swap-2nd-copy-then-copy (-> (setup) ;; Swap icon inside panel copy (tho/swap-component-in-first-child :copy-icon-and-text-panel :component-2 :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#111111" "#111111" "#222222"]))) ;; Swap icon inside panel main. Check that it does not propagate. (tho/swap-component-in-first-child :copy-icon-and-text :component-3 :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#111111" "#333333" "#222222"]))) ;; Change color of icon in icon+text. Check that it does not propagate. (tho/update-bottom-color :frame-icon-and-text "#444444" :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#444444" "#333333" "#222222"]))) ;; Change color of icon in panel main. Check that it does not propagate. (tho/update-bottom-color :frame-panel "#555555" :propagate-fn propagate-all-component-changes) (validate #(t/is (= (fill-colors %) ["#444444" "#555555" "#222222"])))))