use skia_safe as skia; use skia_safe::gpu::{self, gl::FramebufferInfo, DirectContext}; use uuid::Uuid; use crate::shapes::Shape; use crate::state::State; extern "C" { pub fn emscripten_GetProcAddress( name: *const ::std::os::raw::c_char, ) -> *const ::std::os::raw::c_void; } pub(crate) struct GpuState { pub context: DirectContext, framebuffer_info: FramebufferInfo, } pub(crate) struct RenderState { pub gpu_state: GpuState, pub surface: skia::Surface, } impl RenderState { pub fn new(width: i32, height: i32) -> RenderState { let mut gpu_state = create_gpu_state(); let surface = create_surface(&mut gpu_state, width, height); RenderState { gpu_state, surface } } } pub(crate) fn init_gl() { unsafe { gl::load_with(|addr| { let addr = std::ffi::CString::new(addr).unwrap(); emscripten_GetProcAddress(addr.into_raw() as *const _) as *const _ }); } } /// This needs to be done once per WebGL context. pub(crate) fn create_gpu_state() -> GpuState { let interface = skia_safe::gpu::gl::Interface::new_native().unwrap(); let context = skia_safe::gpu::direct_contexts::make_gl(interface, None).unwrap(); let framebuffer_info = { let mut fboid: gl::types::GLint = 0; unsafe { gl::GetIntegerv(gl::FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &mut fboid) }; FramebufferInfo { fboid: fboid.try_into().unwrap(), format: skia_safe::gpu::gl::Format::RGBA8.into(), protected: skia_safe::gpu::Protected::No, } }; GpuState { context, framebuffer_info, } } /// Create the Skia surface that will be used for rendering. pub(crate) fn create_surface(gpu_state: &mut GpuState, width: i32, height: i32) -> skia::Surface { let backend_render_target = gpu::backend_render_targets::make_gl((width, height), 1, 8, gpu_state.framebuffer_info); gpu::surfaces::wrap_backend_render_target( &mut gpu_state.context, &backend_render_target, skia_safe::gpu::SurfaceOrigin::BottomLeft, skia_safe::ColorType::RGBA8888, None, None, ) .unwrap() } pub(crate) fn flush(state: &mut State) { state .render_state .gpu_state .context .flush_and_submit_surface(&mut state.render_state.surface, None); } pub(crate) fn translate(state: &mut State, dx: f32, dy: f32) { state.render_state.surface.canvas().translate((dx, dy)); } pub(crate) fn scale(state: &mut State, sx: f32, sy: f32) { state.render_state.surface.canvas().scale((sx, sy)); } pub(crate) fn render_shape_tree(state: &mut State, id: Uuid) { let shape = state.shapes.get(&id).unwrap(); // This is needed so the next non-children shape does not carry this shape's transform state.render_state.surface.canvas().save(); render_single_shape(&mut state.render_state.surface, shape); // draw all the children shapes let shape_ids = shape.children.clone(); for shape_id in shape_ids { render_shape_tree(state, shape_id); } state.render_state.surface.canvas().restore(); } fn render_single_shape(surface: &mut skia::Surface, shape: &Shape) { let r = skia::Rect::new( shape.selrect.x1, shape.selrect.y1, shape.selrect.x2, shape.selrect.y2, ); // Check transform-matrix code from common/src/app/common/geom/shapes/transforms.cljc let mut matrix = skia::Matrix::new_identity(); let (translate_x, translate_y) = shape.translation(); let (scale_x, scale_y) = shape.scale(); let (skew_x, skew_y) = shape.skew(); matrix.set_all( scale_x, skew_x, translate_x, skew_y, scale_y, translate_y, 0., 0., 1., ); let mut center =; matrix.post_translate(center); center.negate(); matrix.pre_translate(center); surface.canvas().concat(&matrix); for fill in shape.fills() { surface.canvas().draw_rect(r, &fill.to_paint()); } }