const E = globalThis, { Array: bs, Date: ws, FinalizationRegistry: gt, Float32Array: xs, JSON: Ss, Map: Ie, Math: Es, Number: ro, Object: nn, Promise: Ps, Proxy: br, Reflect: ks, RegExp: ze, Set: wt, String: ie, Symbol: At, WeakMap: Pe, WeakSet: xt } = globalThis, { // The feral Error constructor is safe for internal use, but must not be // revealed to post-lockdown code in any compartment including the start // compartment since in V8 at least it bears stack inspection capabilities. Error: le, RangeError: Ts, ReferenceError: et, SyntaxError: Gt, TypeError: v } = globalThis, { assign: wr, create: H, defineProperties: F, entries: te, freeze: y, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: ue, getOwnPropertyDescriptors: Ke, getOwnPropertyNames: Nt, getPrototypeOf: G, is: xr, isFrozen: Xc, isSealed: Qc, isExtensible: el, keys: no, prototype: oo, seal: tl, preventExtensions: Is, setPrototypeOf: so, values: ao, fromEntries: St } = nn, { species: Pn, toStringTag: Be, iterator: Ht, matchAll: io, unscopables: As, keyFor: Cs, for: rl } = At, { isInteger: Ns } = ro, { stringify: co } = Ss, { defineProperty: $s } = nn, L = (t, e, r) => { const n = $s(t, e, r); if (n !== t) throw v( `Please report that the original defineProperty silently failed to set ${co( ie(e) )}. (SES_DEFINE_PROPERTY_FAILED_SILENTLY)` ); return n; }, { apply: oe, construct: sr, get: Os, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: Rs, has: lo, isExtensible: Ms, ownKeys: nt, preventExtensions: Ls, set: uo } = ks, { isArray: mt, prototype: ke } = bs, { prototype: Et } = Ie, { prototype: Sr } = RegExp, { prototype: Vt } = wt, { prototype: $e } = ie, { prototype: Er } = Pe, { prototype: fo } = xt, { prototype: on } = Function, { prototype: po } = Ps, Fs = G(Uint8Array.prototype), { bind: kn } = on, k = kn.bind(, se = k(oo.hasOwnProperty), Ge = k(ke.filter), tt = k(ke.forEach), Pr = k(ke.includes), Pt = k(ke.join), de = ( /** @type {any} */ k( ), jr = k(ke.pop), ae = k(ke.push), Ds = k(ke.slice), js = k(ke.some), mo = k(ke.sort), Us = k(ke[Ht]), Ae = k(Et.set), Le = k(Et.get), kr = k(Et.has), Zs = k(Et.delete), zs = k(Et.entries), Bs = k(Et[Ht]), Tr = k(Vt.add); k(Vt.delete); const Tn = k(Vt.forEach), sn = k(Vt.has), Gs = k(Vt[Ht]), an = k(Sr.test), cn = k(Sr.exec), Hs = k(Sr[io]), ho = k($e.endsWith), Vs = k($e.includes), Ws = k($e.indexOf); k($e.match); const ar = ( /** @type {any} */ k($e.replace) ), qs = k($, ln = k($e.slice), go = k($e.split), yo = k($e.startsWith), Ks = k($e[Ht]), Js = k(Er.delete), M = k(Er.get), un = k(Er.has), ee = k(Er.set), Ir = k(fo.add), Wt = k(fo.has), Ys = k(on.toString), Xs = k(po.catch), dn = ( /** @type {any} */ k(po.then) ), Qs = gt && k(gt.prototype.register); gt && k(gt.prototype.unregister); const fn = y(H(null)), He = (t) => nn(t) === t, pn = (t) => t instanceof le, vo = eval, ye = Function, ea = () => { throw v('Cannot eval with evalTaming set to "noEval" (SES_NO_EVAL)'); }; function ta() { return this; } if (ta()) throw v("SES failed to initialize, sloppy mode (SES_NO_SLOPPY)"); const { freeze: Xe } = Object, { apply: ra } = Reflect, mn = (t) => (e, ...r) => ra(t, e, r), na = mn(Array.prototype.push), In = mn(Array.prototype.includes), oa = mn(String.prototype.split), Ye = JSON.stringify, Jt = (t, ...e) => { let r = t[0]; for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n += 1) r = `${r}${e[n]}${t[n + 1]}`; throw Error(r); }, _o = (t, e = !1) => { const r = [], n = (c, u, l = void 0) => { typeof c == "string" || Jt`Environment option name ${Ye(c)} must be a string.`, typeof u == "string" || Jt`Environment option default setting ${Ye( u )} must be a string.`; let d = u; const f = t.process || void 0, m = typeof f == "object" && f.env || void 0; if (typeof m == "object" && c in m) { e || na(r, c); const p = m[c]; typeof p == "string" || Jt`Environment option named ${Ye( c )}, if present, must have a corresponding string value, got ${Ye( p )}`, d = p; } return l === void 0 || d === u || In(l, d) || Jt`Unrecognized ${Ye(c)} value ${Ye( d )}. Expected one of ${Ye([u, ...l])}`, d; }; Xe(n); const a = (c) => { const u = n(c, ""); return Xe(u === "" ? [] : oa(u, ",")); }; Xe(a); const s = (c, u) => In(a(c), u), i = () => Xe([...r]); return Xe(i), Xe({ getEnvironmentOption: n, getEnvironmentOptionsList: a, environmentOptionsListHas: s, getCapturedEnvironmentOptionNames: i }); }; Xe(_o); const { getEnvironmentOption: me, getEnvironmentOptionsList: nl, environmentOptionsListHas: ol } = _o(globalThis, !0), ir = (t) => (t = `${t}`, t.length >= 1 && Vs("aeiouAEIOU", t[0]) ? `an ${t}` : `a ${t}`); y(ir); const bo = (t, e = void 0) => { const r = new wt(), n = (a, s) => { switch (typeof s) { case "object": { if (s === null) return null; if (sn(r, s)) return "[Seen]"; if (Tr(r, s), pn(s)) return `[${}: ${s.message}]`; if (Be in s) return `[${s[Be]}]`; if (mt(s)) return s; const i = no(s); if (i.length < 2) return s; let c = !0; for (let l = 1; l < i.length; l += 1) if (i[l - 1] >= i[l]) { c = !1; break; } if (c) return s; mo(i); const u = de(i, (l) => [l, s[l]]); return St(u); } case "function": return `[Function ${ || ""}]`; case "string": return yo(s, "[") ? `[${s}]` : s; case "undefined": case "symbol": return `[${ie(s)}]`; case "bigint": return `[${s}n]`; case "number": return xr(s, NaN) ? "[NaN]" : s === 1 / 0 ? "[Infinity]" : s === -1 / 0 ? "[-Infinity]" : s; default: return s; } }; try { return co(t, n, e); } catch { return "[Something that failed to stringify]"; } }; y(bo); const { isSafeInteger: sa } = Number, { freeze: ft } = Object, { toStringTag: aa } = Symbol, An = (t) => { const r = { next: void 0, prev: void 0, data: t }; return = r, r.prev = r, r; }, Cn = (t, e) => { if (t === e) throw TypeError("Cannot splice a cell into itself"); if ( !== e || e.prev !== e) throw TypeError("Expected self-linked cell"); const r = e, n =; return r.prev = t, = n, = r, n.prev = r, r; }, Or = (t) => { const { prev: e, next: r } = t; = r, r.prev = e, t.prev = t, = t; }, wo = (t) => { if (!sa(t) || t < 0) throw TypeError("keysBudget must be a safe non-negative integer number"); const e = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); let r = 0; const n = An(void 0), a = (d) => { const f = e.get(d); if (!(f === void 0 || === void 0)) return Or(f), Cn(n, f), f; }, s = (d) => a(d) !== void 0; ft(s); const i = (d) => { const f = a(d); return f && &&; }; ft(i); const c = (d, f) => { if (t < 1) return l; let m = a(d); if (m === void 0 && (m = An(void 0), Cn(n, m)), ! for (r += 1, = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), e.set(d, m); r > t; ) { const p = n.prev; Or(p), = void 0, r -= 1; } return, f), l; }; ft(c); const u = (d) => { const f = e.get(d); return f === void 0 || (Or(f), e.delete(d), === void 0) ? !1 : ( = void 0, r -= 1, !0); }; ft(u); const l = ft({ has: s, get: i, set: c, delete: u, // eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/check-types [ /** @type {typeof Symbol.toStringTag} */ aa ]: "LRUCacheMap" }); return l; }; ft(wo); const { freeze: rr } = Object, { isSafeInteger: ia } = Number, ca = 1e3, la = 100, xo = (t = ca, e = la) => { if (!ia(e) || e < 1) throw TypeError( "argsPerErrorBudget must be a safe positive integer number" ); const r = wo(t), n = (s, i) => { const c = r.get(s); c !== void 0 ? (c.length >= e && c.shift(), c.push(i)) : r.set(s, [i]); }; rr(n); const a = (s) => { const i = r.get(s); return r.delete(s), i; }; return rr(a), rr({ addLogArgs: n, takeLogArgsArray: a }); }; rr(xo); const yt = new Pe(), ot = (t, e = void 0) => { const r = y({ toString: y(() => bo(t, e)) }); return ee(yt, r, t), r; }; y(ot); const ua = y(/^[\w:-]( ?[\w:-])*$/), Ur = (t, e = void 0) => { if (typeof t != "string" || !an(ua, t)) return ot(t, e); const r = y({ toString: y(() => t) }); return ee(yt, r, t), r; }; y(Ur); const Ar = new Pe(), So = ({ template: t, args: e }) => { const r = [t[0]]; for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n += 1) { const a = e[n]; let s; un(yt, a) ? s = `${a}` : pn(a) ? s = `(${ir(})` : s = `(${ir(typeof a)})`, ae(r, s, t[n + 1]); } return Pt(r, ""); }, Eo = y({ toString() { const t = M(Ar, this); return t === void 0 ? "[Not a DetailsToken]" : So(t); } }); y(Eo.toString); const vt = (t, ...e) => { const r = y({ __proto__: Eo }); return ee(Ar, r, { template: t, args: e }), r; }; y(vt); const Po = (t, ...e) => (e = de( e, (r) => un(yt, r) ? r : ot(r) ), vt(t, ...e)); y(Po); const ko = ({ template: t, args: e }) => { const r = [t[0]]; for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n += 1) { let a = e[n]; un(yt, a) && (a = M(yt, a)); const s = ar(jr(r) || "", / $/, ""); s !== "" && ae(r, s); const i = ar(t[n + 1], /^ /, ""); ae(r, a, i); } return r[r.length - 1] === "" && jr(r), r; }, nr = new Pe(); let Zr = 0; const Nn = new Pe(), To = (t, e = => { let r = M(Nn, t); return r !== void 0 || (Zr += 1, r = `${e}#${Zr}`, ee(Nn, t, r)), r; }, zr = (t = vt`Assert failed`, e = E.Error, { errorName: r = void 0 } = {}) => { typeof t == "string" && (t = vt([t])); const n = M(Ar, t); if (n === void 0) throw v(`unrecognized details ${ot(t)}`); const a = So(n), s = new e(a); return ee(nr, s, ko(n)), r !== void 0 && To(s, r), s; }; y(zr); const { addLogArgs: da, takeLogArgsArray: fa } = xo(), Br = new Pe(), Io = (t, e) => { typeof e == "string" && (e = vt([e])); const r = M(Ar, e); if (r === void 0) throw v(`unrecognized details ${ot(e)}`); const n = ko(r), a = M(Br, t); if (a !== void 0) for (const s of a) s(t, n); else da(t, n); }; y(Io); const pa = (t) => { if (!("stack" in t)) return ""; const e = `${t.stack}`, r = Ws(e, ` `); return yo(e, " ") || r === -1 ? e : ln(e, r + 1); }, Gr = { getStackString: E.getStackString || pa, tagError: (t) => To(t), resetErrorTagNum: () => { Zr = 0; }, getMessageLogArgs: (t) => M(nr, t), takeMessageLogArgs: (t) => { const e = M(nr, t); return Js(nr, t), e; }, takeNoteLogArgsArray: (t, e) => { const r = fa(t); if (e !== void 0) { const n = M(Br, t); n ? ae(n, e) : ee(Br, t, [e]); } return r || []; } }; y(Gr); const Cr = (t = void 0, e = !1) => { const r = e ? Po : vt, n = r`Check failed`, a = (f = n, m = E.Error) => { const p = zr(f, m); throw t !== void 0 && t(p), p; }; y(a); const s = (f, ...m) => a(r(f, ...m)); function i(f, m = void 0, p = void 0) { f || a(m, p); } const c = (f, m, p = void 0, h = void 0) => { xr(f, m) || a( p || r`Expected ${f} is same as ${m}`, h || Ts ); }; y(c); const u = (f, m, p) => { if (typeof f !== m) { if (typeof m == "string" || s`${ot(m)} must be a string`, p === void 0) { const h = ir(m); p = r`${f} must be ${Ur(h)}`; } a(p, v); } }; y(u); const d = wr(i, { error: zr, fail: a, equal: c, typeof: u, string: (f, m = void 0) => u(f, "string", m), note: Io, details: r, Fail: s, quote: ot, bare: Ur, makeAssert: Cr }); return y(d); }; y(Cr); const Z = Cr(), Ao = ue( Fs, Be ); Z(Ao); const Co = Ao.get; Z(Co); const ma = (t) => oe(Co, t, []) !== void 0, ha = (t) => { const e = +ie(t); return Ns(e) && ie(e) === t; }, ga = (t) => { Is(t), tt(nt(t), (e) => { const r = ue(t, e); Z(r), ha(e) || L(t, e, { ...r, writable: !1, configurable: !1 }); }); }, ya = () => { if (typeof E.harden == "function") return E.harden; const t = new xt(), { harden: e } = { /** * @template T * @param {T} root * @returns {T} */ harden(r) { const n = new wt(), a = new Pe(); function s(d, f = void 0) { if (!He(d)) return; const m = typeof d; if (m !== "object" && m !== "function") throw v(`Unexpected typeof: ${m}`); Wt(t, d) || sn(n, d) || (Tr(n, d), ee(a, d, f)); } function i(d) { ma(d) ? ga(d) : y(d); const f = M(a, d) || "unknown", m = Ke(d), p = G(d); s(p, `${f}.__proto__`), tt(nt(m), (h) => { const _ = `${f}.${ie(h)}`, w = m[ /** @type {string} */ h ]; se(w, "value") ? s(w.value, `${_}`) : (s(w.get, `${_}(get)`), s(w.set, `${_}(set)`)); }); } function c() { Tn(n, i); } function u(d) { Ir(t, d); } function l() { Tn(n, u); } return s(r), c(), l(), r; } }; return e; }, No = { // *** Value Properties of the Global Object Infinity: 1 / 0, NaN: NaN, undefined: void 0 }, $o = { // *** Function Properties of the Global Object isFinite: "isFinite", isNaN: "isNaN", parseFloat: "parseFloat", parseInt: "parseInt", decodeURI: "decodeURI", decodeURIComponent: "decodeURIComponent", encodeURI: "encodeURI", encodeURIComponent: "encodeURIComponent", // *** Constructor Properties of the Global Object Array: "Array", ArrayBuffer: "ArrayBuffer", BigInt: "BigInt", BigInt64Array: "BigInt64Array", BigUint64Array: "BigUint64Array", Boolean: "Boolean", DataView: "DataView", EvalError: "EvalError", // Float16Array: "Float16Array", Float32Array: "Float32Array", Float64Array: "Float64Array", Int8Array: "Int8Array", Int16Array: "Int16Array", Int32Array: "Int32Array", Map: "Map", Number: "Number", Object: "Object", Promise: "Promise", Proxy: "Proxy", RangeError: "RangeError", ReferenceError: "ReferenceError", Set: "Set", String: "String", SyntaxError: "SyntaxError", TypeError: "TypeError", Uint8Array: "Uint8Array", Uint8ClampedArray: "Uint8ClampedArray", Uint16Array: "Uint16Array", Uint32Array: "Uint32Array", URIError: "URIError", WeakMap: "WeakMap", WeakSet: "WeakSet", // Iterator: "Iterator", // AsyncIterator: "AsyncIterator", // *** Other Properties of the Global Object JSON: "JSON", Reflect: "Reflect", // *** Annex B escape: "escape", unescape: "unescape", // ESNext lockdown: "lockdown", harden: "harden", HandledPromise: "HandledPromise" // TODO: Until Promise.delegate (see below). }, $n = { // *** Constructor Properties of the Global Object Date: "%InitialDate%", Error: "%InitialError%", RegExp: "%InitialRegExp%", // Omit `Symbol`, because we want the original to appear on the // start compartment without passing through the whitelist mechanism, since // we want to preserve all its properties, even if we never heard of them. // Symbol: '%InitialSymbol%', // *** Other Properties of the Global Object Math: "%InitialMath%", // ESNext // From Error-stack proposal // Only on initial global. No corresponding // powerless form for other globals. getStackString: "%InitialGetStackString%" // TODO // Need initial WeakRef and FinalizationGroup in // start compartment only. }, Oo = { // *** Constructor Properties of the Global Object Date: "%SharedDate%", Error: "%SharedError%", RegExp: "%SharedRegExp%", Symbol: "%SharedSymbol%", // *** Other Properties of the Global Object Math: "%SharedMath%" }, va = [ EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError ], Hr = { "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", length: "number", name: "string" // Do not specify "prototype" here, since only Function instances that can // be used as a constructor have a prototype property. For constructors, // since prototype properties are instance-specific, we define it there. }, _a = { // This property is not mentioned in ECMA 262, but is present in V8 and // necessary for lockdown to succeed. "[[Proto]]": "%AsyncFunctionPrototype%" }, o = Hr, On = _a, O = { get: o, set: "undefined" }, Te = { get: o, set: o }, Rn = (t) => t === O || t === Te; function lt(t) { return { // Properties of the NativeError Constructors "[[Proto]]": "%SharedError%", // NativeError.prototype prototype: t }; } function ut(t) { return { // Properties of the NativeError Prototype Objects "[[Proto]]": "%ErrorPrototype%", constructor: t, message: "string", name: "string", // Redundantly present only on v8. Safe to remove. toString: !1, // Superfluously present in some versions of V8. //,and%20node%2016.11. cause: !1 }; } function he(t) { return { // Properties of the TypedArray Constructors "[[Proto]]": "%TypedArray%", BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: "number", prototype: t }; } function ge(t) { return { // Properties of the TypedArray Prototype Objects "[[Proto]]": "%TypedArrayPrototype%", BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: "number", constructor: t }; } const Mn = { E: "number", LN10: "number", LN2: "number", LOG10E: "number", LOG2E: "number", PI: "number", SQRT1_2: "number", SQRT2: "number", "@@toStringTag": "string", abs: o, acos: o, acosh: o, asin: o, asinh: o, atan: o, atanh: o, atan2: o, cbrt: o, ceil: o, clz32: o, cos: o, cosh: o, exp: o, expm1: o, floor: o, fround: o, hypot: o, imul: o, log: o, log1p: o, log10: o, log2: o, max: o, min: o, pow: o, round: o, sign: o, sin: o, sinh: o, sqrt: o, tan: o, tanh: o, trunc: o, // See idiv: !1, // See idivmod: !1, // See imod: !1, // See imuldiv: !1, // See irem: !1, // See mod: !1, // See irandom: !1 }, cr = { // ECMA // The intrinsics object has no prototype to avoid conflicts. "[[Proto]]": null, // %ThrowTypeError% "%ThrowTypeError%": o, // *** The Global Object // *** Value Properties of the Global Object Infinity: "number", NaN: "number", undefined: "undefined", // *** Function Properties of the Global Object // eval "%UniqueEval%": o, isFinite: o, isNaN: o, parseFloat: o, parseInt: o, decodeURI: o, decodeURIComponent: o, encodeURI: o, encodeURIComponent: o, // *** Fundamental Objects Object: { // Properties of the Object Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", assign: o, create: o, defineProperties: o, defineProperty: o, entries: o, freeze: o, fromEntries: o, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: o, getOwnPropertyDescriptors: o, getOwnPropertyNames: o, getOwnPropertySymbols: o, getPrototypeOf: o, hasOwn: o, is: o, isExtensible: o, isFrozen: o, isSealed: o, keys: o, preventExtensions: o, prototype: "%ObjectPrototype%", seal: o, setPrototypeOf: o, values: o, // groupBy: o, // Seen on QuickJS __getClass: !1 }, "%ObjectPrototype%": { // Properties of the Object Prototype Object "[[Proto]]": null, constructor: "Object", hasOwnProperty: o, isPrototypeOf: o, propertyIsEnumerable: o, toLocaleString: o, toString: o, valueOf: o, // Annex B: Additional Properties of the Object.prototype Object // See note in header about the difference between [[Proto]] and --proto-- // special notations. "--proto--": Te, __defineGetter__: o, __defineSetter__: o, __lookupGetter__: o, __lookupSetter__: o }, "%UniqueFunction%": { // Properties of the Function Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", prototype: "%FunctionPrototype%" }, "%InertFunction%": { "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", prototype: "%FunctionPrototype%" }, "%FunctionPrototype%": { apply: o, bind: o, call: o, constructor: "%InertFunction%", toString: o, "@@hasInstance": o, // proposed but not yet std. To be removed if there caller: !1, // proposed but not yet std. To be removed if there arguments: !1, // Seen on QuickJS. TODO grab getter for use by console fileName: !1, // Seen on QuickJS. TODO grab getter for use by console lineNumber: !1 }, Boolean: { // Properties of the Boolean Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", prototype: "%BooleanPrototype%" }, "%BooleanPrototype%": { constructor: "Boolean", toString: o, valueOf: o }, "%SharedSymbol%": { // Properties of the Symbol Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", asyncDispose: "symbol", asyncIterator: "symbol", dispose: "symbol", for: o, hasInstance: "symbol", isConcatSpreadable: "symbol", iterator: "symbol", keyFor: o, match: "symbol", matchAll: "symbol", prototype: "%SymbolPrototype%", replace: "symbol", search: "symbol", species: "symbol", split: "symbol", toPrimitive: "symbol", toStringTag: "symbol", unscopables: "symbol", // Seen at core-js useSimple: !1, // Seen at core-js useSetter: !1, // Seen on QuickJS operatorSet: !1 }, "%SymbolPrototype%": { // Properties of the Symbol Prototype Object constructor: "%SharedSymbol%", description: O, toString: o, valueOf: o, "@@toPrimitive": o, "@@toStringTag": "string" }, "%InitialError%": { // Properties of the Error Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", prototype: "%ErrorPrototype%", // Non standard, v8 only, used by tap captureStackTrace: o, // Non standard, v8 only, used by tap, tamed to accessor stackTraceLimit: Te, // Non standard, v8 only, used by several, tamed to accessor prepareStackTrace: Te }, "%SharedError%": { // Properties of the Error Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", prototype: "%ErrorPrototype%", // Non standard, v8 only, used by tap captureStackTrace: o, // Non standard, v8 only, used by tap, tamed to accessor stackTraceLimit: Te, // Non standard, v8 only, used by several, tamed to accessor prepareStackTrace: Te }, "%ErrorPrototype%": { constructor: "%SharedError%", message: "string", name: "string", toString: o, // proposed de-facto, assumed TODO // Seen on FF Nightly 88.0a1 at: !1, // Seen on FF and XS stack: Te, // Superfluously present in some versions of V8. //,and%20node%2016.11. cause: !1 }, // NativeError EvalError: lt("%EvalErrorPrototype%"), RangeError: lt("%RangeErrorPrototype%"), ReferenceError: lt("%ReferenceErrorPrototype%"), SyntaxError: lt("%SyntaxErrorPrototype%"), TypeError: lt("%TypeErrorPrototype%"), URIError: lt("%URIErrorPrototype%"), "%EvalErrorPrototype%": ut("EvalError"), "%RangeErrorPrototype%": ut("RangeError"), "%ReferenceErrorPrototype%": ut("ReferenceError"), "%SyntaxErrorPrototype%": ut("SyntaxError"), "%TypeErrorPrototype%": ut("TypeError"), "%URIErrorPrototype%": ut("URIError"), // *** Numbers and Dates Number: { // Properties of the Number Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", EPSILON: "number", isFinite: o, isInteger: o, isNaN: o, isSafeInteger: o, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: "number", MAX_VALUE: "number", MIN_SAFE_INTEGER: "number", MIN_VALUE: "number", NaN: "number", NEGATIVE_INFINITY: "number", parseFloat: o, parseInt: o, POSITIVE_INFINITY: "number", prototype: "%NumberPrototype%" }, "%NumberPrototype%": { // Properties of the Number Prototype Object constructor: "Number", toExponential: o, toFixed: o, toLocaleString: o, toPrecision: o, toString: o, valueOf: o }, BigInt: { // Properties of the BigInt Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", asIntN: o, asUintN: o, prototype: "%BigIntPrototype%", // See bitLength: !1, // See fromArrayBuffer: !1, // Seen on QuickJS tdiv: !1, // Seen on QuickJS fdiv: !1, // Seen on QuickJS cdiv: !1, // Seen on QuickJS ediv: !1, // Seen on QuickJS tdivrem: !1, // Seen on QuickJS fdivrem: !1, // Seen on QuickJS cdivrem: !1, // Seen on QuickJS edivrem: !1, // Seen on QuickJS sqrt: !1, // Seen on QuickJS sqrtrem: !1, // Seen on QuickJS floorLog2: !1, // Seen on QuickJS ctz: !1 }, "%BigIntPrototype%": { constructor: "BigInt", toLocaleString: o, toString: o, valueOf: o, "@@toStringTag": "string" }, "%InitialMath%": { ...Mn, // `%InitialMath%.random()` has the standard unsafe behavior random: o }, "%SharedMath%": { ...Mn, // `%SharedMath%.random()` is tamed to always throw random: o }, "%InitialDate%": { // Properties of the Date Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", now: o, parse: o, prototype: "%DatePrototype%", UTC: o }, "%SharedDate%": { // Properties of the Date Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", // `` is tamed to always throw now: o, parse: o, prototype: "%DatePrototype%", UTC: o }, "%DatePrototype%": { constructor: "%SharedDate%", getDate: o, getDay: o, getFullYear: o, getHours: o, getMilliseconds: o, getMinutes: o, getMonth: o, getSeconds: o, getTime: o, getTimezoneOffset: o, getUTCDate: o, getUTCDay: o, getUTCFullYear: o, getUTCHours: o, getUTCMilliseconds: o, getUTCMinutes: o, getUTCMonth: o, getUTCSeconds: o, setDate: o, setFullYear: o, setHours: o, setMilliseconds: o, setMinutes: o, setMonth: o, setSeconds: o, setTime: o, setUTCDate: o, setUTCFullYear: o, setUTCHours: o, setUTCMilliseconds: o, setUTCMinutes: o, setUTCMonth: o, setUTCSeconds: o, toDateString: o, toISOString: o, toJSON: o, toLocaleDateString: o, toLocaleString: o, toLocaleTimeString: o, toString: o, toTimeString: o, toUTCString: o, valueOf: o, "@@toPrimitive": o, // Annex B: Additional Properties of the Date.prototype Object getYear: o, setYear: o, toGMTString: o }, // Text Processing String: { // Properties of the String Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", fromCharCode: o, fromCodePoint: o, prototype: "%StringPrototype%", raw: o, // See fromArrayBuffer: !1 }, "%StringPrototype%": { // Properties of the String Prototype Object length: "number", at: o, charAt: o, charCodeAt: o, codePointAt: o, concat: o, constructor: "String", endsWith: o, includes: o, indexOf: o, lastIndexOf: o, localeCompare: o, match: o, matchAll: o, normalize: o, padEnd: o, padStart: o, repeat: o, replace: o, replaceAll: o, // ES2021 search: o, slice: o, split: o, startsWith: o, substring: o, toLocaleLowerCase: o, toLocaleUpperCase: o, toLowerCase: o, toString: o, toUpperCase: o, trim: o, trimEnd: o, trimStart: o, valueOf: o, "@@iterator": o, // Annex B: Additional Properties of the String.prototype Object substr: o, anchor: o, big: o, blink: o, bold: o, fixed: o, fontcolor: o, fontsize: o, italics: o, link: o, small: o, strike: o, sub: o, sup: o, trimLeft: o, trimRight: o, // See compare: !1, // isWellFormed: o, toWellFormed: o, unicodeSets: o, // Seen on QuickJS __quote: !1 }, "%StringIteratorPrototype%": { "[[Proto]]": "%IteratorPrototype%", next: o, "@@toStringTag": "string" }, "%InitialRegExp%": { // Properties of the RegExp Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", prototype: "%RegExpPrototype%", "@@species": O, // The // are all optional, unsafe, and omitted input: !1, $_: !1, lastMatch: !1, "$&": !1, lastParen: !1, "$+": !1, leftContext: !1, "$`": !1, rightContext: !1, "$'": !1, $1: !1, $2: !1, $3: !1, $4: !1, $5: !1, $6: !1, $7: !1, $8: !1, $9: !1 }, "%SharedRegExp%": { // Properties of the RegExp Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", prototype: "%RegExpPrototype%", "@@species": O }, "%RegExpPrototype%": { // Properties of the RegExp Prototype Object constructor: "%SharedRegExp%", exec: o, dotAll: O, flags: O, global: O, hasIndices: O, ignoreCase: O, "@@match": o, "@@matchAll": o, multiline: O, "@@replace": o, "@@search": o, source: O, "@@split": o, sticky: O, test: o, toString: o, unicode: O, unicodeSets: O, // Annex B: Additional Properties of the RegExp.prototype Object compile: !1 // UNSAFE and suppressed. }, "%RegExpStringIteratorPrototype%": { // The %RegExpStringIteratorPrototype% Object "[[Proto]]": "%IteratorPrototype%", next: o, "@@toStringTag": "string" }, // Indexed Collections Array: { // Properties of the Array Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", from: o, isArray: o, of: o, prototype: "%ArrayPrototype%", "@@species": O, // Stage 3: // at: o, // fromAsync: o }, "%ArrayPrototype%": { // Properties of the Array Prototype Object at: o, length: "number", concat: o, constructor: "Array", copyWithin: o, entries: o, every: o, fill: o, filter: o, find: o, findIndex: o, flat: o, flatMap: o, forEach: o, includes: o, indexOf: o, join: o, keys: o, lastIndexOf: o, map: o, pop: o, push: o, reduce: o, reduceRight: o, reverse: o, shift: o, slice: o, some: o, sort: o, splice: o, toLocaleString: o, toString: o, unshift: o, values: o, "@@iterator": o, "@@unscopables": { "[[Proto]]": null, copyWithin: "boolean", entries: "boolean", fill: "boolean", find: "boolean", findIndex: "boolean", flat: "boolean", flatMap: "boolean", includes: "boolean", keys: "boolean", values: "boolean", // Failed tc39 proposal // Seen on FF Nightly 88.0a1 at: "boolean", // See findLast: "boolean", findLastIndex: "boolean", // toReversed: "boolean", toSorted: "boolean", toSpliced: "boolean", with: "boolean", // group: "boolean", groupToMap: "boolean", groupBy: "boolean" }, // See findLast: o, findLastIndex: o, // toReversed: o, toSorted: o, toSpliced: o, with: o, // group: o, // Not in proposal? Where? groupToMap: o, // Not in proposal? Where? groupBy: o }, "%ArrayIteratorPrototype%": { // The %ArrayIteratorPrototype% Object "[[Proto]]": "%IteratorPrototype%", next: o, "@@toStringTag": "string" }, // *** TypedArray Objects "%TypedArray%": { // Properties of the %TypedArray% Intrinsic Object "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", from: o, of: o, prototype: "%TypedArrayPrototype%", "@@species": O }, "%TypedArrayPrototype%": { at: o, buffer: O, byteLength: O, byteOffset: O, constructor: "%TypedArray%", copyWithin: o, entries: o, every: o, fill: o, filter: o, find: o, findIndex: o, forEach: o, includes: o, indexOf: o, join: o, keys: o, lastIndexOf: o, length: O, map: o, reduce: o, reduceRight: o, reverse: o, set: o, slice: o, some: o, sort: o, subarray: o, toLocaleString: o, toString: o, values: o, "@@iterator": o, "@@toStringTag": O, // See findLast: o, findLastIndex: o, // toReversed: o, toSorted: o, with: o }, // The TypedArray Constructors BigInt64Array: he("%BigInt64ArrayPrototype%"), BigUint64Array: he("%BigUint64ArrayPrototype%"), // Float16Array: he("%Float16ArrayPrototype%"), Float32Array: he("%Float32ArrayPrototype%"), Float64Array: he("%Float64ArrayPrototype%"), Int16Array: he("%Int16ArrayPrototype%"), Int32Array: he("%Int32ArrayPrototype%"), Int8Array: he("%Int8ArrayPrototype%"), Uint16Array: he("%Uint16ArrayPrototype%"), Uint32Array: he("%Uint32ArrayPrototype%"), Uint8Array: he("%Uint8ArrayPrototype%"), Uint8ClampedArray: he("%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%"), "%BigInt64ArrayPrototype%": ge("BigInt64Array"), "%BigUint64ArrayPrototype%": ge("BigUint64Array"), // "%Float16ArrayPrototype%": ge("Float16Array"), "%Float32ArrayPrototype%": ge("Float32Array"), "%Float64ArrayPrototype%": ge("Float64Array"), "%Int16ArrayPrototype%": ge("Int16Array"), "%Int32ArrayPrototype%": ge("Int32Array"), "%Int8ArrayPrototype%": ge("Int8Array"), "%Uint16ArrayPrototype%": ge("Uint16Array"), "%Uint32ArrayPrototype%": ge("Uint32Array"), "%Uint8ArrayPrototype%": ge("Uint8Array"), "%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%": ge("Uint8ClampedArray"), // *** Keyed Collections Map: { // Properties of the Map Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", "@@species": O, prototype: "%MapPrototype%", // groupBy: o }, "%MapPrototype%": { clear: o, constructor: "Map", delete: o, entries: o, forEach: o, get: o, has: o, keys: o, set: o, size: O, values: o, "@@iterator": o, "@@toStringTag": "string" }, "%MapIteratorPrototype%": { // The %MapIteratorPrototype% Object "[[Proto]]": "%IteratorPrototype%", next: o, "@@toStringTag": "string" }, Set: { // Properties of the Set Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", prototype: "%SetPrototype%", "@@species": O, // Seen on QuickJS groupBy: !1 }, "%SetPrototype%": { add: o, clear: o, constructor: "Set", delete: o, entries: o, forEach: o, has: o, keys: o, size: O, values: o, "@@iterator": o, "@@toStringTag": "string", // See intersection: o, // See union: o, // See difference: o, // See symmetricDifference: o, // See isSubsetOf: o, // See isSupersetOf: o, // See isDisjointFrom: o }, "%SetIteratorPrototype%": { // The %SetIteratorPrototype% Object "[[Proto]]": "%IteratorPrototype%", next: o, "@@toStringTag": "string" }, WeakMap: { // Properties of the WeakMap Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", prototype: "%WeakMapPrototype%" }, "%WeakMapPrototype%": { constructor: "WeakMap", delete: o, get: o, has: o, set: o, "@@toStringTag": "string" }, WeakSet: { // Properties of the WeakSet Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", prototype: "%WeakSetPrototype%" }, "%WeakSetPrototype%": { add: o, constructor: "WeakSet", delete: o, has: o, "@@toStringTag": "string" }, // *** Structured Data ArrayBuffer: { // Properties of the ArrayBuffer Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", isView: o, prototype: "%ArrayBufferPrototype%", "@@species": O, // See fromString: !1, // See fromBigInt: !1 }, "%ArrayBufferPrototype%": { byteLength: O, constructor: "ArrayBuffer", slice: o, "@@toStringTag": "string", // See concat: !1, // See transfer: o, resize: o, resizable: O, maxByteLength: O, // transferToFixedLength: o, detached: O }, // SharedArrayBuffer Objects SharedArrayBuffer: !1, // UNSAFE and purposely suppressed. "%SharedArrayBufferPrototype%": !1, // UNSAFE and purposely suppressed. DataView: { // Properties of the DataView Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: "number", // Non std but undeletable on Safari. prototype: "%DataViewPrototype%" }, "%DataViewPrototype%": { buffer: O, byteLength: O, byteOffset: O, constructor: "DataView", getBigInt64: o, getBigUint64: o, // getFloat16: o, getFloat32: o, getFloat64: o, getInt8: o, getInt16: o, getInt32: o, getUint8: o, getUint16: o, getUint32: o, setBigInt64: o, setBigUint64: o, // setFloat16: o, setFloat32: o, setFloat64: o, setInt8: o, setInt16: o, setInt32: o, setUint8: o, setUint16: o, setUint32: o, "@@toStringTag": "string" }, // Atomics Atomics: !1, // UNSAFE and suppressed. JSON: { parse: o, stringify: o, "@@toStringTag": "string", // rawJSON: o, isRawJSON: o }, // *** Control Abstraction Objects // Iterator: { // Properties of the Iterator Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", prototype: "%IteratorPrototype%", from: o }, "%IteratorPrototype%": { // The %IteratorPrototype% Object "@@iterator": o, // constructor: "Iterator", map: o, filter: o, take: o, drop: o, flatMap: o, reduce: o, toArray: o, forEach: o, some: o, every: o, find: o, "@@toStringTag": "string", // toAsync: o, // See "@@dispose": !1 }, // "%WrapForValidIteratorPrototype%": { "[[Proto]]": "%IteratorPrototype%", next: o, return: o }, // "%IteratorHelperPrototype%": { "[[Proto]]": "%IteratorPrototype%", next: o, return: o, "@@toStringTag": "string" }, // AsyncIterator: { // Properties of the Iterator Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", prototype: "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%", from: o }, "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%": { // The %AsyncIteratorPrototype% Object "@@asyncIterator": o, // constructor: "AsyncIterator", map: o, filter: o, take: o, drop: o, flatMap: o, reduce: o, toArray: o, forEach: o, some: o, every: o, find: o, "@@toStringTag": "string", // See "@@asyncDispose": !1 }, // "%WrapForValidAsyncIteratorPrototype%": { "[[Proto]]": "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%", next: o, return: o }, // "%AsyncIteratorHelperPrototype%": { "[[Proto]]": "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%", next: o, return: o, "@@toStringTag": "string" }, "%InertGeneratorFunction%": { // Properties of the GeneratorFunction Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%InertFunction%", prototype: "%Generator%" }, "%Generator%": { // Properties of the GeneratorFunction Prototype Object "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", constructor: "%InertGeneratorFunction%", prototype: "%GeneratorPrototype%", "@@toStringTag": "string" }, "%InertAsyncGeneratorFunction%": { // Properties of the AsyncGeneratorFunction Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%InertFunction%", prototype: "%AsyncGenerator%" }, "%AsyncGenerator%": { // Properties of the AsyncGeneratorFunction Prototype Object "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", constructor: "%InertAsyncGeneratorFunction%", prototype: "%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%", // length prop added here for React Native jsc-android // // length: "number", "@@toStringTag": "string" }, "%GeneratorPrototype%": { // Properties of the Generator Prototype Object "[[Proto]]": "%IteratorPrototype%", constructor: "%Generator%", next: o, return: o, throw: o, "@@toStringTag": "string" }, "%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%": { // Properties of the AsyncGenerator Prototype Object "[[Proto]]": "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%", constructor: "%AsyncGenerator%", next: o, return: o, throw: o, "@@toStringTag": "string" }, // TODO: To be replaced with Promise.delegate // // The HandledPromise global variable shimmed by `@agoric/eventual-send/shim` // implements an initial version of the eventual send specification at: // // // We will likely change this to add a property to Promise called // Promise.delegate and put static methods on it, which will necessitate // another whitelist change to update to the current proposed standard. HandledPromise: { "[[Proto]]": "Promise", applyFunction: o, applyFunctionSendOnly: o, applyMethod: o, applyMethodSendOnly: o, get: o, getSendOnly: o, prototype: "%PromisePrototype%", resolve: o }, Promise: { // Properties of the Promise Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", all: o, allSettled: o, // To transition from `false` to `fn` once we also have `AggregateError` // TODO any: !1, // ES2021 prototype: "%PromisePrototype%", race: o, reject: o, resolve: o, // withResolvers: o, "@@species": O }, "%PromisePrototype%": { // Properties of the Promise Prototype Object catch: o, constructor: "Promise", finally: o, then: o, "@@toStringTag": "string", // Non-standard, used in node to prevent async_hooks from breaking "UniqueSymbol(async_id_symbol)": Te, "UniqueSymbol(trigger_async_id_symbol)": Te, "UniqueSymbol(destroyed)": Te }, "%InertAsyncFunction%": { // Properties of the AsyncFunction Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%InertFunction%", prototype: "%AsyncFunctionPrototype%" }, "%AsyncFunctionPrototype%": { // Properties of the AsyncFunction Prototype Object "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", constructor: "%InertAsyncFunction%", // length prop added here for React Native jsc-android // // length: "number", "@@toStringTag": "string" }, // Reflection Reflect: { // The Reflect Object // Not a function object. apply: o, construct: o, defineProperty: o, deleteProperty: o, get: o, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: o, getPrototypeOf: o, has: o, isExtensible: o, ownKeys: o, preventExtensions: o, set: o, setPrototypeOf: o, "@@toStringTag": "string" }, Proxy: { // Properties of the Proxy Constructor "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", revocable: o }, // Appendix B // Annex B: Additional Properties of the Global Object escape: o, unescape: o, // Proposed "%UniqueCompartment%": { "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", prototype: "%CompartmentPrototype%", toString: o }, "%InertCompartment%": { "[[Proto]]": "%FunctionPrototype%", prototype: "%CompartmentPrototype%", toString: o }, "%CompartmentPrototype%": { constructor: "%InertCompartment%", evaluate: o, globalThis: O, name: O, import: On, load: On, importNow: o, module: o, "@@toStringTag": "string" }, lockdown: o, harden: { ...o, isFake: "boolean" }, "%InitialGetStackString%": o }, ba = (t) => typeof t == "function"; function wa(t, e, r) { if (se(t, e)) { const n = ue(t, e); if (!n || !xr(n.value, r.value) || n.get !== r.get || n.set !== r.set || n.writable !== r.writable || n.enumerable !== r.enumerable || n.configurable !== r.configurable) throw v(`Conflicting definitions of ${e}`); } L(t, e, r); } function xa(t, e) { for (const [r, n] of te(e)) wa(t, r, n); } function Ro(t, e) { const r = { __proto__: null }; for (const [n, a] of te(e)) se(t, n) && (r[a] = t[n]); return r; } const Mo = () => { const t = H(null); let e; const r = (c) => { xa(t, Ke(c)); }; y(r); const n = () => { for (const [c, u] of te(t)) { if (!He(u) || !se(u, "prototype")) continue; const l = cr[c]; if (typeof l != "object") throw v(`Expected permit object at whitelist.${c}`); const d = l.prototype; if (!d) throw v(`${c}.prototype property not whitelisted`); if (typeof d != "string" || !se(cr, d)) throw v(`Unrecognized ${c}.prototype whitelist entry`); const f = u.prototype; if (se(t, d)) { if (t[d] !== f) throw v(`Conflicting bindings of ${d}`); continue; } t[d] = f; } }; y(n); const a = () => (y(t), e = new xt(Ge(ao(t), ba)), t); y(a); const s = (c) => { if (!e) throw v( "isPseudoNative can only be called after finalIntrinsics" ); return Wt(e, c); }; y(s); const i = { addIntrinsics: r, completePrototypes: n, finalIntrinsics: a, isPseudoNative: s }; return y(i), r(No), r(Ro(E, $o)), i; }, Sa = (t) => { const { addIntrinsics: e, finalIntrinsics: r } = Mo(); return e(Ro(t, Oo)), r(); }; function Ea(t, e) { let r = !1; const n = (m, ...p) => (r || (console.groupCollapsed("Removing unpermitted intrinsics"), r = !0), console[m](...p)), a = ["undefined", "boolean", "number", "string", "symbol"], s = new Ie( At ? de( Ge( te(cr["%SharedSymbol%"]), ([m, p]) => p === "symbol" && typeof At[m] == "symbol" ), ([m]) => [At[m], `@@${m}`] ) : [] ); function i(m, p) { if (typeof p == "string") return p; const h = Le(s, p); if (typeof p == "symbol") { if (h) return h; { const _ = Cs(p); return _ !== void 0 ? `RegisteredSymbol(${_})` : `Unique${ie(p)}`; } } throw v(`Unexpected property name type ${m} ${p}`); } function c(m, p, h) { if (!He(p)) throw v(`Object expected: ${m}, ${p}, ${h}`); const _ = G(p); if (!(_ === null && h === null)) { if (h !== void 0 && typeof h != "string") throw v(`Malformed whitelist permit ${m}.__proto__`); if (_ !== t[h || "%ObjectPrototype%"]) throw v(`Unexpected intrinsic ${m}.__proto__ at ${h}`); } } function u(m, p, h, _) { if (typeof _ == "object") return f(m, p, _), !0; if (_ === !1) return !1; if (typeof _ == "string") { if (h === "prototype" || h === "constructor") { if (se(t, _)) { if (p !== t[_]) throw v(`Does not match whitelist ${m}`); return !0; } } else if (Pr(a, _)) { if (typeof p !== _) throw v( `At ${m} expected ${_} not ${typeof p}` ); return !0; } } throw v(`Unexpected whitelist permit ${_} at ${m}`); } function l(m, p, h, _) { const w = ue(p, h); if (!w) throw v(`Property ${h} not found at ${m}`); if (se(w, "value")) { if (Rn(_)) throw v(`Accessor expected at ${m}`); return u(m, w.value, h, _); } if (!Rn(_)) throw v(`Accessor not expected at ${m}`); return u(`${m}`, w.get, h, _.get) && u(`${m}`, w.set, h, _.set); } function d(m, p, h) { const _ = h === "__proto__" ? "--proto--" : h; if (se(p, _)) return p[_]; if (typeof m == "function" && se(Hr, _)) return Hr[_]; } function f(m, p, h) { if (p == null) return; const _ = h["[[Proto]]"]; c(m, p, _), typeof p == "function" && e(p); for (const w of nt(p)) { const I = i(m, w), N = `${m}.${I}`, T = d(p, h, I); if (!T || !l(N, p, w, T)) { T !== !1 && n("warn", `Removing ${N}`); try { delete p[w]; } catch (D) { if (w in p) { if (typeof p == "function" && w === "prototype" && (p.prototype = void 0, p.prototype === void 0)) { n( "warn", `Tolerating undeletable ${N} === undefined` ); continue; } n("error", `failed to delete ${N}`, D); } else n("error", `deleting ${N} threw`, D); throw D; } } } } try { f("intrinsics", t, cr); } finally { r && console.groupEnd(); } } function Pa() { try { ye.prototype.constructor("return 1"); } catch { return y({}); } const t = {}; function e(r, n, a) { let s; try { s = (0, eval)(a); } catch (u) { if (u instanceof Gt) return; throw u; } const i = G(s), c = function() { throw v( "Function.prototype.constructor is not a valid constructor." ); }; F(c, { prototype: { value: i }, name: { value: r, writable: !1, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 } }), F(i, { constructor: { value: c } }), c !== ye.prototype.constructor && so(c, ye.prototype.constructor), t[n] = c; } return e("Function", "%InertFunction%", "(function(){})"), e( "GeneratorFunction", "%InertGeneratorFunction%", "(function*(){})" ), e( "AsyncFunction", "%InertAsyncFunction%", "(async function(){})" ), e( "AsyncGeneratorFunction", "%InertAsyncGeneratorFunction%", "(async function*(){})" ), t; } function ka(t = "safe") { if (t !== "safe" && t !== "unsafe") throw v(`unrecognized dateTaming ${t}`); const e = ws, r = e.prototype, n = { /** * `` throw a `TypeError` starting with "secure mode". * See */ now() { throw v("secure mode Calling throws"); } }, a = ({ powers: c = "none" } = {}) => { let u; return c === "original" ? u = function(...d) { return === void 0 ? oe(e, void 0, d) : sr(e, d,; } : u = function(...d) { if ( === void 0) throw v( "secure mode Calling %SharedDate% constructor as a function throws" ); if (d.length === 0) throw v( "secure mode Calling new %SharedDate%() with no arguments throws" ); return sr(e, d,; }, F(u, { length: { value: 7 }, prototype: { value: r, writable: !1, enumerable: !1, configurable: !1 }, parse: { value: e.parse, writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }, UTC: { value: e.UTC, writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 } }), u; }, s = a({ powers: "original" }), i = a({ powers: "none" }); return F(s, { now: { value:, writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 } }), F(i, { now: { value:, writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 } }), F(r, { constructor: { value: i } }), { "%InitialDate%": s, "%SharedDate%": i }; } function Ta(t = "safe") { if (t !== "safe" && t !== "unsafe") throw v(`unrecognized mathTaming ${t}`); const e = Es, r = e, { random: n, ...a } = Ke(e), i = H(oo, { ...a, random: { value: { /** * `%SharedMath%.random()` throws a TypeError starting with "secure mode". * See */ random() { throw v("secure mode %SharedMath%.random() throws"); } }.random, writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 } }); return { "%InitialMath%": r, "%SharedMath%": i }; } function Ia(t = "safe") { if (t !== "safe" && t !== "unsafe") throw v(`unrecognized regExpTaming ${t}`); const e = ze.prototype, r = (s = {}) => { const i = function(...l) { return === void 0 ? ze(...l) : sr(ze, l,; }, c = ue(ze, Pn); if (!c) throw v("no RegExp[Symbol.species] descriptor"); return F(i, { length: { value: 2 }, prototype: { value: e, writable: !1, enumerable: !1, configurable: !1 }, [Pn]: c }), i; }, n = r(), a = r(); return t !== "unsafe" && delete e.compile, F(e, { constructor: { value: a } }), { "%InitialRegExp%": n, "%SharedRegExp%": a }; } const Aa = { "%ObjectPrototype%": { toString: !0 }, "%FunctionPrototype%": { toString: !0 // set by "rollup" }, "%ErrorPrototype%": { name: !0 // set by "precond", "ava", "node-fetch" }, "%IteratorPrototype%": { toString: !0, // constructor: !0, // [Be]: !0 } }, Lo = { "%ObjectPrototype%": { toString: !0, valueOf: !0 }, "%ArrayPrototype%": { toString: !0, push: !0, // set by "Google Analytics" concat: !0, // set by mobx generated code (old TS compiler?) [Ht]: !0 // set by mobx generated code (old TS compiler?) }, // Function.prototype has no 'prototype' property to enable. // Function instances have their own 'name' and 'length' properties // which are configurable and non-writable. Thus, they are already // non-assignable anyway. "%FunctionPrototype%": { constructor: !0, // set by "regenerator-runtime" bind: !0, // set by "underscore", "express" toString: !0 // set by "rollup" }, "%ErrorPrototype%": { constructor: !0, // set by "fast-json-patch", "node-fetch" message: !0, name: !0, // set by "precond", "ava", "node-fetch", "node 14" toString: !0 // set by "bluebird" }, "%TypeErrorPrototype%": { constructor: !0, // set by "readable-stream" message: !0, // set by "tape" name: !0 // set by "readable-stream", "node 14" }, "%SyntaxErrorPrototype%": { message: !0, // to match TypeErrorPrototype.message name: !0 // set by "node 14" }, "%RangeErrorPrototype%": { message: !0, // to match TypeErrorPrototype.message name: !0 // set by "node 14" }, "%URIErrorPrototype%": { message: !0, // to match TypeErrorPrototype.message name: !0 // set by "node 14" }, "%EvalErrorPrototype%": { message: !0, // to match TypeErrorPrototype.message name: !0 // set by "node 14" }, "%ReferenceErrorPrototype%": { message: !0, // to match TypeErrorPrototype.message name: !0 // set by "node 14" }, "%PromisePrototype%": { constructor: !0 // set by "core-js" }, "%TypedArrayPrototype%": "*", // set by "%Generator%": { constructor: !0, name: !0, toString: !0 }, "%IteratorPrototype%": { toString: !0, // constructor: !0, // [Be]: !0 } }, Ca = { ...Lo, /** * Rollup (as used at least by vega) and webpack * (as used at least by regenerator) both turn exports into assignments * to a big `exports` object that inherits directly from * `Object.prototype`. Some of the exported names we've seen include * `hasOwnProperty`, `constructor`, and `toString`. But the strategy used * by rollup and webpack potentionally turns any exported name * into an assignment rejected by the override mistake. That's why * the `severe` enablements takes the extreme step of enabling * everything on `Object.prototype`. * * In addition, code doing inheritance manually will often override * the `constructor` property on the new prototype by assignment. We've * seen this several times. * * The cost of enabling all these is that they create a miserable debugging * experience specifically on Node. * * explains how it confused the Node console. * * (TODO Reexamine the vscode situation. I think it may have improved * since the following paragraph was written.) * * The vscode debugger's object inspector shows the own data properties of * an object, which is typically what you want, but also shows both getter * and setter for every accessor property whether inherited or own. * With the `'*'` setting here, all the properties inherited from * `Object.prototype` are accessors, creating an unusable display as seen * at As explained at * * Open the triangles at the bottom of that section. */ "%ObjectPrototype%": "*", /** * The widely used Buffer defined at * on initialization, manually creates the equivalent of a subclass of * `TypedArray`, which it then initializes by assignment. These assignments * include enough of the `TypeArray` methods that here, the `severe` * enablements just enable them all. */ "%TypedArrayPrototype%": "*", /** * Needed to work with Immer before * is accepted. */ "%MapPrototype%": "*", /** * Needed to work with Immer before * is accepted. */ "%SetPrototype%": "*" }; function Na(t, e, r = []) { const n = new wt(r); function a(l, d, f, m) { if ("value" in m && m.configurable) { const { value: p } = m, h = sn(n, f), { get: _, set: w } = ue( { get [f]() { return p; }, set [f](I) { if (d === this) throw v( `Cannot assign to read only property '${ie( f )}' of '${l}'` ); se(this, f) ? this[f] = I : (h && console.error(v(`Override property ${f}`)), L(this, f, { value: I, writable: !0, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 })); } }, f ); L(_, "originalValue", { value: p, writable: !1, enumerable: !1, configurable: !1 }), L(d, f, { get: _, set: w, enumerable: m.enumerable, configurable: m.configurable }); } } function s(l, d, f) { const m = ue(d, f); m && a(l, d, f, m); } function i(l, d) { const f = Ke(d); f && tt(nt(f), (m) => a(l, d, m, f[m])); } function c(l, d, f) { for (const m of nt(f)) { const p = ue(d, m); if (!p || p.get || p.set) continue; const h = `${l}.${ie(m)}`, _ = f[m]; if (_ === !0) s(h, d, m); else if (_ === "*") i(h, p.value); else if (He(_)) c(h, p.value, _); else throw v(`Unexpected override enablement plan ${h}`); } } let u; switch (e) { case "min": { u = Aa; break; } case "moderate": { u = Lo; break; } case "severe": { u = Ca; break; } default: throw v(`unrecognized overrideTaming ${e}`); } c("root", t, u); } const { Fail: Vr, quote: lr } = Z, $a = /^(\w*[a-z])Locale([A-Z]\w*)$/, Fo = { // See localeCompare(t) { if (this === null || this === void 0) throw v( 'Cannot localeCompare with null or undefined "this" value' ); const e = `${this}`, r = `${t}`; return e < r ? -1 : e > r ? 1 : (e === r || Vr`expected ${lr(e)} and ${lr(r)} to compare`, 0); }, toString() { return `${this}`; } }, Oa = Fo.localeCompare, Ra = Fo.toString; function Ma(t, e = "safe") { if (e !== "safe" && e !== "unsafe") throw v(`unrecognized localeTaming ${e}`); if (e !== "unsafe") { L(ie.prototype, "localeCompare", { value: Oa }); for (const r of Nt(t)) { const n = t[r]; if (He(n)) for (const a of Nt(n)) { const s = cn($a, a); if (s) { typeof n[a] == "function" || Vr`expected ${lr(a)} to be a function`; const i = `${s[1]}${s[2]}`, c = n[i]; typeof c == "function" || Vr`function ${lr(i)} not found`, L(n, a, { value: c }); } } } L(ro.prototype, "toLocaleString", { value: Ra }); } } const La = (t) => ({ eval(r) { return typeof r != "string" ? r : t(r); } }).eval, { Fail: Ln } = Z, Fa = (t) => { const e = function(n) { const a = `${jr(arguments) || ""}`, s = `${Pt(arguments, ",")}`; new ye(s, ""), new ye(a); const i = `(function anonymous(${s} ) { ${a} })`; return t(i); }; return F(e, { // Ensure that any function created in any evaluator in a realm is an // instance of Function in any evaluator of the same realm. prototype: { value: ye.prototype, writable: !1, enumerable: !1, configurable: !1 } }), G(ye) === ye.prototype || Ln`Function prototype is the same accross compartments`, G(e) === ye.prototype || Ln`Function constructor prototype is the same accross compartments`, e; }, Da = (t) => { L( t, As, y( wr(H(null), { set: y(() => { throw v( "Cannot set Symbol.unscopables of a Compartment's globalThis" ); }), enumerable: !1, configurable: !1 }) ) ); }, Do = (t) => { for (const [e, r] of te(No)) L(t, e, { value: r, writable: !1, enumerable: !1, configurable: !1 }); }, jo = (t, { intrinsics: e, newGlobalPropertyNames: r, makeCompartmentConstructor: n, markVirtualizedNativeFunction: a }) => { for (const [i, c] of te($o)) se(e, c) && L(t, i, { value: e[c], writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }); for (const [i, c] of te(r)) se(e, c) && L(t, i, { value: e[c], writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }); const s = { globalThis: t }; s.Compartment = y( n( n, e, a ) ); for (const [i, c] of te(s)) L(t, i, { value: c, writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), typeof c == "function" && a(c); }, Wr = (t, e, r) => { { const n = y(La(e)); r(n), L(t, "eval", { value: n, writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }); } { const n = y(Fa(e)); r(n), L(t, "Function", { value: n, writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }); } }, { Fail: ja, quote: Uo } = Z, Zo = new br( fn, y({ get(t, e) { ja`Please report unexpected scope handler trap: ${Uo(ie(e))}`; } }) ), Ua = { get(t, e) { }, set(t, e, r) { throw et(`${ie(e)} is not defined`); }, has(t, e) { return e in E; }, // note: this is likely a bug of safari // getPrototypeOf(t) { return null; }, // See // TODO: report as bug to v8 or Chrome, and record issue link here. getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e) { const r = Uo(ie(e)); console.warn( `getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap on scopeTerminatorHandler for ${r}`, v().stack ); }, // See // TODO Report bug to JSC or Safari ownKeys(t) { return []; } }, zo = y( H( Zo, Ke(Ua) ) ), Za = new br( fn, zo ), Bo = (t) => { const e = { // inherit scopeTerminator behavior ...zo, // Redirect set properties to the globalObject. set(a, s, i) { return uo(t, s, i); }, // Always claim to have a potential property in order to be the recipient of a set has(a, s) { return !0; } }, r = y( H( Zo, Ke(e) ) ); return new br( fn, r ); }; y(Bo); const { Fail: za } = Z, Ba = () => { const t = H(null), e = y({ eval: { get() { return delete t.eval, vo; }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 } }), r = { evalScope: t, allowNextEvalToBeUnsafe() { const { revoked: n } = r; n !== null && za`a handler did not reset allowNextEvalToBeUnsafe ${n.err}`, F(t, e); }, /** @type {null | { err: any }} */ revoked: null }; return r; }, Fn = "\\s*[@#]\\s*([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)\\s*=\\s*([^\\s\\*]*)", Ga = new ze( `(?:\\s*//${Fn}|/\\*${Fn}\\s*\\*/)\\s*$` ), hn = (t) => { let e = ""; for (; t.length > 0; ) { const r = cn(Ga, t); if (r === null) break; t = ln(t, 0, t.length - r[0].length), r[3] === "sourceURL" ? e = r[4] : r[1] === "sourceURL" && (e = r[2]); } return e; }; function gn(t, e) { const r = qs(t, e); if (r < 0) return -1; const n = t[r] === ` ` ? 1 : 0; return go(ln(t, 0, r), ` `).length + n; } const Go = new ze("(?:)", "g"), Ho = (t) => { const e = gn(t, Go); if (e < 0) return t; const r = hn(t); throw Gt( `Possible HTML comment rejected at ${r}:${e}. (SES_HTML_COMMENT_REJECTED)` ); }, Vo = (t) => ar(t, Go, (r) => r[0] === "<" ? "< ! --" : "-- >"), Wo = new ze( "(^|[^.]|\\.\\.\\.)\\bimport(\\s*(?:\\(|/[/*]))", "g" ), qo = (t) => { const e = gn(t, Wo); if (e < 0) return t; const r = hn(t); throw Gt( `Possible import expression rejected at ${r}:${e}. (SES_IMPORT_REJECTED)` ); }, Ko = (t) => ar(t, Wo, (r, n, a) => `${n}__import__${a}`), Ha = new ze( "(^|[^.])\\beval(\\s*\\()", "g" ), Jo = (t) => { const e = gn(t, Ha); if (e < 0) return t; const r = hn(t); throw Gt( `Possible direct eval expression rejected at ${r}:${e}. (SES_EVAL_REJECTED)` ); }, Yo = (t) => (t = Ho(t), t = qo(t), t), Xo = (t, e) => { for (const r of e) t = r(t); return t; }; y({ rejectHtmlComments: y(Ho), evadeHtmlCommentTest: y(Vo), rejectImportExpressions: y(qo), evadeImportExpressionTest: y(Ko), rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions: y(Jo), mandatoryTransforms: y(Yo), applyTransforms: y(Xo) }); const Va = [ // Keywords "await", "break", "case", "catch", "class", "const", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "export", "extends", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "import", "in", "instanceof", "new", "return", "super", "switch", "this", "throw", "try", "typeof", "var", "void", "while", "with", "yield", // Also reserved when parsing strict mode code "let", "static", // Future Reserved Words "enum", // Also reserved when parsing strict mode code "implements", "package", "protected", "interface", "private", "public", // Reserved but not mentioned in specs "await", "null", "true", "false", "this", "arguments" ], Wa = /^[a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*$/, Dn = (t) => t !== "eval" && !Pr(Va, t) && an(Wa, t); function jn(t, e) { const r = ue(t, e); return r && // // The getters will not have .writable, don't let the falsyness of // 'undefined' trick us: test with === false, not ! . However descriptors // inherit from the (potentially poisoned) global object, so we might see // extra properties which weren't really there. Accessor properties have // 'get/set/enumerable/configurable', while data properties have // 'value/writable/enumerable/configurable'. r.configurable === !1 && r.writable === !1 && // // Checks for data properties because they're the only ones we can // optimize (accessors are most likely non-constant). Descriptors can't // can't have accessors and value properties at the same time, therefore // this check is sufficient. Using explicit own property deal with the // case where Object.prototype has been poisoned. se(r, "value"); } const qa = (t, e = {}) => { const r = Nt(t), n = Nt(e), a = Ge( n, (i) => Dn(i) && jn(e, i) ); return { globalObjectConstants: Ge( r, (i) => ( // Can't define a constant: it would prevent a // lookup on the endowments. !Pr(n, i) && Dn(i) && jn(t, i) ) ), moduleLexicalConstants: a }; }; function Un(t, e) { return t.length === 0 ? "" : `const {${Pt(t, ",")}} = this.${e};`; } const Ka = (t) => { const { globalObjectConstants: e, moduleLexicalConstants: r } = qa( t.globalObject, t.moduleLexicals ), n = Un( e, "globalObject" ), a = Un( r, "moduleLexicals" ), s = ye(` with (this.scopeTerminator) { with (this.globalObject) { with (this.moduleLexicals) { with (this.evalScope) { ${n} ${a} return function() { 'use strict'; return eval(arguments[0]); }; } } } } `); return oe(s, t, []); }, { Fail: Ja } = Z, yn = ({ globalObject: t, moduleLexicals: e = {}, globalTransforms: r = [], sloppyGlobalsMode: n = !1 }) => { const a = n ? Bo(t) : Za, s = Ba(), { evalScope: i } = s, c = y({ evalScope: i, moduleLexicals: e, globalObject: t, scopeTerminator: a }); let u; const l = () => { u || (u = Ka(c)); }; return { safeEvaluate: (f, m) => { const { localTransforms: p = [] } = m || {}; l(), f = Xo(f, [ ...p, ...r, Yo ]); let h; try { return s.allowNextEvalToBeUnsafe(), oe(u, t, [f]); } catch (_) { throw h = _, _; } finally { const _ = "eval" in i; delete i.eval, _ && (s.revoked = { err: h }, Ja`handler did not reset allowNextEvalToBeUnsafe ${h}`); } } }; }, Ya = ") { [native code] }"; let Rr; const Qo = () => { if (Rr === void 0) { const t = new xt(); L(on, "toString", { value: { toString() { const r = Ys(this); return ho(r, Ya) || !Wt(t, this) ? r : `function ${}() { [native code] }`; } }.toString }), Rr = y( (r) => Ir(t, r) ); } return Rr; }; function Xa(t = "safe") { if (t !== "safe" && t !== "unsafe") throw v(`unrecognized domainTaming ${t}`); if (t === "unsafe") return; const e = E.process || void 0; if (typeof e == "object") { const r = ue(e, "domain"); if (r !== void 0 && r.get !== void 0) throw v( "SES failed to lockdown, Node.js domains have been initialized (SES_NO_DOMAINS)" ); L(e, "domain", { value: null, configurable: !1, writable: !1, enumerable: !1 }); } } const es = y([ ["debug", "debug"], // (fmt?, ...args) verbose level on Chrome ["log", "log"], // (fmt?, ...args) info level on Chrome ["info", "info"], // (fmt?, ...args) ["warn", "warn"], // (fmt?, ...args) ["error", "error"], // (fmt?, ...args) ["trace", "log"], // (fmt?, ...args) ["dirxml", "log"], // (fmt?, ...args) ["group", "log"], // (fmt?, ...args) ["groupCollapsed", "log"] // (fmt?, ...args) ]), ts = y([ ["assert", "error"], // (value, fmt?, ...args) ["timeLog", "log"], // (label?, ...args) no fmt string // Insensitive to whether any argument is an error. All arguments can pass // thru to baseConsole as is. ["clear", void 0], // () ["count", "info"], // (label?) ["countReset", void 0], // (label?) ["dir", "log"], // (item, options?) ["groupEnd", "log"], // () // In theory tabular data may be or contain an error. However, we currently // do not detect these and may never. ["table", "log"], // (tabularData, properties?) ["time", "info"], // (label?) ["timeEnd", "info"], // (label?) // Node Inspector only, MDN, and TypeScript, but not whatwg ["profile", void 0], // (label?) ["profileEnd", void 0], // (label?) ["timeStamp", void 0] // (label?) ]), rs = y([, ...ts ]), Qa = (t, { shouldResetForDebugging: e = !1 } = {}) => { e && t.resetErrorTagNum(); let r = []; const n = St( de(rs, ([i, c]) => { const u = (...l) => { ae(r, [i, ...l]); }; return L(u, "name", { value: i }), [i, y(u)]; }) ); y(n); const a = () => { const i = y(r); return r = [], i; }; return y(a), y({ loggingConsole: ( /** @type {VirtualConsole} */ n ), takeLog: a }); }; y(Qa); const Tt = { NOTE: "ERROR_NOTE:", MESSAGE: "ERROR_MESSAGE:" }; y(Tt); const ns = (t, e) => { if (!t) return; const { getStackString: r, tagError: n, takeMessageLogArgs: a, takeNoteLogArgsArray: s } = e, i = (w, I) => de(w, (T) => pn(T) ? (ae(I, T), `(${n(T)})`) : T), c = (w, I, N, T, D) => { const U = n(I), q = N === Tt.MESSAGE ? `${U}:` : `${U} ${N}`, K = i(T, D); t[w](q, ...K); }, u = (w, I, N = void 0) => { if (I.length === 0) return; if (I.length === 1 && N === void 0) { f(w, I[0]); return; } let T; I.length === 1 ? T = "Nested error" : T = `Nested ${I.length} errors`, N !== void 0 && (T = `${T} under ${N}`),; try { for (const D of I) f(w, D); } finally { t.groupEnd(); } }, l = new xt(), d = (w) => (I, N) => { const T = []; c(w, I, Tt.NOTE, N, T), u(w, T, n(I)); }, f = (w, I) => { if (Wt(l, I)) return; const N = n(I); Ir(l, I); const T = [], D = a(I), U = s( I, d(w) ); D === void 0 ? t[w](`${N}:`, I.message) : c( w, I, Tt.MESSAGE, D, T ); let q = r(I); typeof q == "string" && q.length >= 1 && !ho(q, ` `) && (q += ` `), t[w](q); for (const K of U) c(w, I, Tt.NOTE, K, T); u(w, T, N); }, m = de(es, ([w, I]) => { const N = (...T) => { const D = [], U = i(T, D); t[w](...U), u(w, D); }; return L(N, "name", { value: w }), [w, y(N)]; }), p = Ge( ts, ([w, I]) => w in t ), h = de(p, ([w, I]) => { const N = (...T) => { t[w](...T); }; return L(N, "name", { value: w }), [w, y(N)]; }), _ = St([...m, ...h]); return ( /** @type {VirtualConsole} */ y(_) ); }; y(ns); const ei = (t, e, r = void 0) => { const n = Ge( rs, ([i, c]) => i in t ), a = de(n, ([i, c]) => [i, y((...l) => { (c === void 0 || e.canLog(c)) && t[i](...l); })]), s = St(a); return ( /** @type {VirtualConsole} */ y(s) ); }; y(ei); const Zn = (t) => { if (gt === void 0) return; let e = 0; const r = new Ie(), n = (d) => { Zs(r, d); }, a = new Pe(), s = (d) => { if (kr(r, d)) { const f = Le(r, d); n(d), t(f); } }, i = new gt(s); return { rejectionHandledHandler: (d) => { const f = M(a, d); n(f); }, unhandledRejectionHandler: (d, f) => { e += 1; const m = e; Ae(r, m, d), ee(a, f, m), Qs(i, f, m, f); }, processTerminationHandler: () => { for (const [d, f] of zs(r)) n(d), t(f); } }; }, Mr = (t) => { throw v(t); }, zn = (t, e) => y((...r) => oe(t, e, r)), ti = (t = "safe", e = "platform", r = "report", n = void 0) => { t === "safe" || t === "unsafe" || Mr(`unrecognized consoleTaming ${t}`); let a; n === void 0 ? a = Gr : a = { ...Gr, getStackString: n }; const s = ( /** @type {VirtualConsole} */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary typeof E.console < "u" ? E.console : typeof E.print == "function" ? ( // Make a good-enough console for eshost (including only functions that // log at a specific level with no special argument interpretation). // ((l) => y({ debug: l, log: l, info: l, warn: l, error: l }))( // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef zn(E.print) ) ) : void 0 ); if (s && s.log) for (const l of ["warn", "error"]) s[l] || L(s, l, { value: zn(s.log, s) }); const i = ( /** @type {VirtualConsole} */ t === "unsafe" ? s : ns(s, a) ), c = E.process || void 0; if (e !== "none" && typeof c == "object" && typeof c.on == "function") { let l; if (e === "platform" || e === "exit") { const { exit: d } = c; typeof d == "function" || Mr("missing process.exit"), l = () => d(c.exitCode || -1); } else e === "abort" && (l = c.abort, typeof l == "function" || Mr("missing process.abort")); c.on("uncaughtException", (d) => { i.error(d), l && l(); }); } if (r !== "none" && typeof c == "object" && typeof c.on == "function") { const d = Zn((f) => { i.error("SES_UNHANDLED_REJECTION:", f); }); d && (c.on("unhandledRejection", d.unhandledRejectionHandler), c.on("rejectionHandled", d.rejectionHandledHandler), c.on("exit", d.processTerminationHandler)); } const u = E.window || void 0; if (e !== "none" && typeof u == "object" && typeof u.addEventListener == "function" && u.addEventListener("error", (l) => { l.preventDefault(), i.error(l.error), (e === "exit" || e === "abort") && (u.location.href = "about:blank"); }), r !== "none" && typeof u == "object" && typeof u.addEventListener == "function") { const d = Zn((f) => { i.error("SES_UNHANDLED_REJECTION:", f); }); d && (u.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", (f) => { f.preventDefault(), d.unhandledRejectionHandler(f.reason, f.promise); }), u.addEventListener("rejectionhandled", (f) => { f.preventDefault(), d.rejectionHandledHandler(f.promise); }), u.addEventListener("beforeunload", (f) => { d.processTerminationHandler(); })); } return { console: i }; }, ri = [ // suppress 'getThis' definitely "getTypeName", // suppress 'getFunction' definitely "getFunctionName", "getMethodName", "getFileName", "getLineNumber", "getColumnNumber", "getEvalOrigin", "isToplevel", "isEval", "isNative", "isConstructor", "isAsync", // suppress 'isPromiseAll' for now // suppress 'getPromiseIndex' for now // Additional names found by experiment, absent from // "getPosition", "getScriptNameOrSourceURL", "toString" // TODO replace to use only whitelisted info ], ni = (t) => { const r = St(de(ri, (n) => { const a = t[n]; return [n, () => oe(a, t, [])]; })); return H(r, {}); }, oi = (t) => de(t, ni), si = /\/node_modules\//, ai = /^(?:node:)?internal\//, ii = /\/packages\/ses\/src\/error\/assert.js$/, ci = /\/packages\/eventual-send\/src\//, li = [ si, ai, ii, ci ], ui = (t) => { if (!t) return !0; for (const e of li) if (an(e, t)) return !1; return !0; }, di = /^((?:.*[( ])?)[:/\w_-]*\/\.\.\.\/(.+)$/, fi = /^((?:.*[( ])?)[:/\w_-]*\/(packages\/.+)$/, pi = [ di, fi ], mi = (t) => { for (const e of pi) { const r = cn(e, t); if (r) return Pt(Ds(r, 1), ""); } return t; }, hi = (t, e, r, n) => { const a = t.captureStackTrace, s = (p) => n === "verbose" ? !0 : ui(p.getFileName()), i = (p) => { let h = `${p}`; return n === "concise" && (h = mi(h)), ` at ${h}`; }, c = (p, h) => Pt( de(Ge(h, s), i), "" ), u = new Pe(), l = { // The optional `optFn` argument is for cutting off the bottom of // the stack --- for capturing the stack only above the topmost // call to that function. Since this isn't the "real" captureStackTrace // but instead calls the real one, if no other cutoff is provided, // we cut this one off. captureStackTrace(p, h = l.captureStackTrace) { if (typeof a == "function") { oe(a, t, [p, h]); return; } uo(p, "stack", ""); }, // Shim of proposed special power, to reside by default only // in the start compartment, for getting the stack traceback // string associated with an error. // See getStackString(p) { let h = M(u, p); if (h === void 0 && (p.stack, h = M(u, p), h || (h = { stackString: "" }, ee(u, p, h))), h.stackString !== void 0) return h.stackString; const _ = c(p, h.callSites); return ee(u, p, { stackString: _ }), _; }, prepareStackTrace(p, h) { if (r === "unsafe") { const _ = c(p, h); return ee(u, p, { stackString: _ }), `${p}${_}`; } else return ee(u, p, { callSites: h }), ""; } }, d = l.prepareStackTrace; t.prepareStackTrace = d; const f = new xt([d]), m = (p) => { if (Wt(f, p)) return p; const h = { prepareStackTrace(_, w) { return ee(u, _, { callSites: w }), p(_, oi(w)); } }; return Ir(f, h.prepareStackTrace), h.prepareStackTrace; }; return F(e, { captureStackTrace: { value: l.captureStackTrace, writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }, prepareStackTrace: { get() { return t.prepareStackTrace; }, set(p) { if (typeof p == "function") { const h = m(p); t.prepareStackTrace = h; } else t.prepareStackTrace = d; }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 } }), l.getStackString; }, Bn = ue(le.prototype, "stack"), Gn = Bn && Bn.get, gi = { getStackString(t) { return typeof Gn == "function" ? oe(Gn, t, []) : "stack" in t ? `${t.stack}` : ""; } }; function yi(t = "safe", e = "concise") { if (t !== "safe" && t !== "unsafe") throw v(`unrecognized errorTaming ${t}`); if (e !== "concise" && e !== "verbose") throw v(`unrecognized stackFiltering ${e}`); const r = le.prototype, n = typeof le.captureStackTrace == "function" ? "v8" : "unknown", { captureStackTrace: a } = le, s = (l = {}) => { const d = function(...m) { let p; return === void 0 ? p = oe(le, this, m) : p = sr(le, m,, n === "v8" && oe(a, le, [p, d]), p; }; return F(d, { length: { value: 1 }, prototype: { value: r, writable: !1, enumerable: !1, configurable: !1 } }), d; }, i = s({ powers: "original" }), c = s({ powers: "none" }); F(r, { constructor: { value: c } }); for (const l of va) so(l, c); F(i, { stackTraceLimit: { get() { if (typeof le.stackTraceLimit == "number") return le.stackTraceLimit; }, set(l) { if (typeof l == "number" && typeof le.stackTraceLimit == "number") { le.stackTraceLimit = l; return; } }, // WTF on v8 stackTraceLimit is enumerable enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 } }), F(c, { stackTraceLimit: { get() { }, set(l) { }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 } }), n === "v8" && F(c, { prepareStackTrace: { get() { return () => ""; }, set(l) { }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }, captureStackTrace: { value: (l, d) => { L(l, "stack", { value: "" }); }, writable: !1, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 } }); let u = gi.getStackString; return n === "v8" ? u = hi( le, i, t, e ) : t === "unsafe" ? F(r, { stack: { get() { return u(this); }, set(l) { F(this, { stack: { value: l, writable: !0, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 } }); } } }) : F(r, { stack: { get() { return `${this}`; }, set(l) { F(this, { stack: { value: l, writable: !0, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 } }); } } }), { "%InitialGetStackString%": u, "%InitialError%": i, "%SharedError%": c }; } const { Fail: vi, details: qr, quote: Re } = Z, os = () => { }, _i = (t, e) => y({ compartment: t, specifier: e }), bi = (t, e, r) => { const n = H(null); for (const a of t) { const s = e(a, r); n[a] = s; } return y(n); }, Hn = (t, e, r, n, a, s, i, c, u) => { const { resolveHook: l, moduleRecords: d } = M( t, r ), f = bi( a.imports, l, n ), m = y({ compartment: r, staticModuleRecord: a, moduleSpecifier: n, resolvedImports: f, importMeta: u }); for (const p of ao(f)) { const h = ur( t, e, r, p, s, i, c ); Tr( s, dn(h, os, (_) => { ae(c, _); }) ); } return Ae(d, n, m), m; }, wi = async (t, e, r, n, a, s, i) => { const { importHook: c, moduleMap: u, moduleMapHook: l, moduleRecords: d } = M( t, r ); let f = u[n]; if (f === void 0 && l !== void 0 && (f = l(n)), typeof f == "string") qr`Cannot map module ${Re(n)} to ${Re( f )} in parent compartment, not yet implemented`, v ); else if (f !== void 0) { const p = M(e, f); p === void 0 && qr`Cannot map module ${Re( n )} because the value is not a module exports namespace, or is from another realm`, et ); const h = await ur( t, e, p.compartment, p.specifier, a, s, i ); return Ae(d, n, h), h; } if (kr(d, n)) return Le(d, n); const m = await c(n); if ((m === null || typeof m != "object") && vi`importHook must return a promise for an object, for module ${Re( n )} in compartment ${Re(}`, m.specifier !== void 0) { if (m.record !== void 0) { if (m.compartment !== void 0) throw v( "Cannot redirect to an explicit record with a specified compartment" ); const { compartment: p = r, specifier: h = n, record: _, importMeta: w } = m, I = Hn( t, e, p, h, _, a, s, i, w ); return Ae(d, n, I), I; } if (m.compartment !== void 0) { if (m.importMeta !== void 0) throw v( "Cannot redirect to an implicit record with a specified importMeta" ); const p = await ur( t, e, m.compartment, m.specifier, a, s, i ); return Ae(d, n, p), p; } throw v("Unnexpected RedirectStaticModuleInterface record shape"); } return Hn( t, e, r, n, m, a, s, i ); }, ur = async (t, e, r, n, a, s, i) => { const { name: c } = M( t, r ); let u = Le(s, r); u === void 0 && (u = new Ie(), Ae(s, r, u)); let l = Le(u, n); return l !== void 0 || (l = Xs( wi( t, e, r, n, a, s, i ), (d) => { throw Z.note( d, qr`${d.message}, loading ${Re(n)} in compartment ${Re( c )}` ), d; } ), Ae(u, n, l)), l; }, Vn = async (t, e, r, n) => { const { name: a } = M( t, r ), s = new wt(), i = new Ie(), c = [], u = ur( t, e, r, n, s, i, c ); Tr( s, dn(u, os, (l) => { ae(c, l); }) ); for (const l of s) await l; if (c.length > 0) throw v( `Failed to load module ${Re(n)} in package ${Re( a )} (${c.length} underlying failures: ${Pt( de(c, (l) => l.message), ", " )}` ); }, { quote: dt } = Z, xi = () => { let t = !1; const e = H(null, { // Make this appear like an ESM module namespace object. [Be]: { value: "Module", writable: !1, enumerable: !1, configurable: !1 } }); return y({ activate() { t = !0; }, exportsTarget: e, exportsProxy: new br(e, { get(r, n, a) { if (!t) throw v( `Cannot get property ${dt( n )} of module exports namespace, the module has not yet begun to execute` ); return Os(e, n, a); }, set(r, n, a) { throw v( `Cannot set property ${dt(n)} of module exports namespace` ); }, has(r, n) { if (!t) throw v( `Cannot check property ${dt( n )}, the module has not yet begun to execute` ); return lo(e, n); }, deleteProperty(r, n) { throw v( `Cannot delete property ${dt(n)}s of module exports namespace` ); }, ownKeys(r) { if (!t) throw v( "Cannot enumerate keys, the module has not yet begun to execute" ); return nt(e); }, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, n) { if (!t) throw v( `Cannot get own property descriptor ${dt( n )}, the module has not yet begun to execute` ); return Rs(e, n); }, preventExtensions(r) { if (!t) throw v( "Cannot prevent extensions of module exports namespace, the module has not yet begun to execute" ); return Ls(e); }, isExtensible() { if (!t) throw v( "Cannot check extensibility of module exports namespace, the module has not yet begun to execute" ); return Ms(e); }, getPrototypeOf(r) { return null; }, setPrototypeOf(r, n) { throw v("Cannot set prototype of module exports namespace"); }, defineProperty(r, n, a) { throw v( `Cannot define property ${dt(n)} of module exports namespace` ); }, apply(r, n, a) { throw v( "Cannot call module exports namespace, it is not a function" ); }, construct(r, n) { throw v( "Cannot construct module exports namespace, it is not a constructor" ); } }) }); }, vn = (t, e, r, n) => { const { deferredExports: a } = e; if (!kr(a, n)) { const s = xi(); ee( r, s.exportsProxy, _i(t, n) ), Ae(a, n, s); } return Le(a, n); }, Si = (t, e) => { const { sloppyGlobalsMode: r = !1, __moduleShimLexicals__: n = void 0 } = e; let a; if (n === void 0 && !r) ({ safeEvaluate: a } = t); else { let { globalTransforms: s } = t; const { globalObject: i } = t; let c; n !== void 0 && (s = void 0, c = H( null, Ke(n) )), { safeEvaluate: a } = yn({ globalObject: i, moduleLexicals: c, globalTransforms: s, sloppyGlobalsMode: r }); } return { safeEvaluate: a }; }, ss = (t, e, r) => { if (typeof e != "string") throw v("first argument of evaluate() must be a string"); const { transforms: n = [], __evadeHtmlCommentTest__: a = !1, __evadeImportExpressionTest__: s = !1, __rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions__: i = !0 // Note default on } = r, c = [...n]; a === !0 && ae(c, Vo), s === !0 && ae(c, Ko), i === !0 && ae(c, Jo); const { safeEvaluate: u } = Si( t, r ); return u(e, { localTransforms: c }); }, { quote: Yt } = Z, Ei = (t, e, r, n, a, s) => { const { exportsProxy: i, exportsTarget: c, activate: u } = vn( r, M(t, r), n, a ), l = H(null); if (e.exports) { if (!mt(e.exports) || js(e.exports, (f) => typeof f != "string")) throw v( `SES third-party static module record "exports" property must be an array of strings for module ${a}` ); tt(e.exports, (f) => { let m = c[f]; const p = []; L(c, f, { get: () => m, set: (w) => { m = w; for (const I of p) I(w); }, enumerable: !0, configurable: !1 }), l[f] = (w) => { ae(p, w), w(m); }; }), l["*"] = (f) => { f(c); }; } const d = { activated: !1 }; return y({ notifiers: l, exportsProxy: i, execute() { if (lo(d, "errorFromExecute")) throw d.errorFromExecute; if (!d.activated) { u(), d.activated = !0; try { e.execute( c, r, s ); } catch (f) { throw d.errorFromExecute = f, f; } } } }); }, Pi = (t, e, r, n) => { const { compartment: a, moduleSpecifier: s, staticModuleRecord: i, importMeta: c } = r, { reexports: u = [], __syncModuleProgram__: l, __fixedExportMap__: d = {}, __liveExportMap__: f = {}, __reexportMap__: m = {}, __needsImportMeta__: p = !1, __syncModuleFunctor__: h } = i, _ = M(t, a), { __shimTransforms__: w, importMetaHook: I } = _, { exportsProxy: N, exportsTarget: T, activate: D } = vn( a, _, e, s ), U = H(null), q = H(null), K = H(null), De = H(null), fe = H(null); c && wr(fe, c), p && I && I(s, fe); const je = H(null), Je = H(null); tt(te(d), ([pe, [z]]) => { let B = je[z]; if (!B) { let X, Q = !0, ce = []; const J = () => { if (Q) throw et(`binding ${Yt(z)} not yet initialized`); return X; }, ve = y((_e) => { if (!Q) throw v( `Internal: binding ${Yt(z)} already initialized` ); X = _e; const En = ce; ce = null, Q = !1; for (const be of En || []) be(_e); return _e; }); B = { get: J, notify: (_e) => { _e !== ve && (Q ? ae(ce || [], _e) : _e(X)); } }, je[z] = B, K[z] = ve; } U[pe] = { get: B.get, set: void 0, enumerable: !0, configurable: !1 }, Je[pe] = B.notify; }), tt( te(f), ([pe, [z, B]]) => { let X = je[z]; if (!X) { let Q, ce = !0; const J = [], ve = () => { if (ce) throw et( `binding ${Yt(pe)} not yet initialized` ); return Q; }, ct = y((be) => { Q = be, ce = !1; for (const $r of J) $r(be); }), _e = (be) => { if (ce) throw et(`binding ${Yt(z)} not yet initialized`); Q = be; for (const $r of J) $r(be); }; X = { get: ve, notify: (be) => { be !== ct && (ae(J, be), ce || be(Q)); } }, je[z] = X, B && L(q, z, { get: ve, set: _e, enumerable: !0, configurable: !1 }), De[z] = ct; } U[pe] = { get: X.get, set: void 0, enumerable: !0, configurable: !1 }, Je[pe] = X.notify; } ); const Ue = (pe) => { pe(T); }; Je["*"] = Ue; function Kt(pe) { const z = H(null); z.default = !1; for (const [B, X] of pe) { const Q = Le(n, B); Q.execute(); const { notifiers: ce } = Q; for (const [J, ve] of X) { const ct = ce[J]; if (!ct) throw Gt( `The requested module '${B}' does not provide an export named '${J}'` ); for (const _e of ve) ct(_e); } if (Pr(u, B)) for (const [J, ve] of te( ce )) z[J] === void 0 ? z[J] = ve : z[J] = !1; if (m[B]) for (const [J, ve] of m[B]) z[ve] = ce[J]; } for (const [B, X] of te(z)) if (!Je[B] && X !== !1) { Je[B] = X; let Q; X((J) => Q = J), U[B] = { get() { return Q; }, set: void 0, enumerable: !0, configurable: !1 }; } tt( mo(no(U)), (B) => L(T, B, U[B]) ), y(T), D(); } let kt; h !== void 0 ? kt = h : kt = ss(_, l, { globalObject: a.globalThis, transforms: w, __moduleShimLexicals__: q }); let xn = !1, Sn; function _s() { if (kt) { const pe = kt; kt = null; try { pe( y({ imports: y(Kt), onceVar: y(K), liveVar: y(De), importMeta: fe }) ); } catch (z) { xn = !0, Sn = z; } } if (xn) throw Sn; } return y({ notifiers: Je, exportsProxy: N, execute: _s }); }, { Fail: Qe, quote: W } = Z, as = (t, e, r, n) => { const { name: a, moduleRecords: s } = M( t, r ), i = Le(s, n); if (i === void 0) throw et( `Missing link to module ${W(n)} from compartment ${W( a )}` ); return Ni(t, e, i); }; function ki(t) { return typeof t.__syncModuleProgram__ == "string"; } function Ti(t, e) { const { __fixedExportMap__: r, __liveExportMap__: n } = t; He(r) || Qe`Property '__fixedExportMap__' of a precompiled module record must be an object, got ${W( r )}, for module ${W(e)}`, He(n) || Qe`Property '__liveExportMap__' of a precompiled module record must be an object, got ${W( n )}, for module ${W(e)}`; } function Ii(t) { return typeof t.execute == "function"; } function Ai(t, e) { const { exports: r } = t; mt(r) || Qe`Property 'exports' of a third-party static module record must be an array, got ${W( r )}, for module ${W(e)}`; } function Ci(t, e) { He(t) || Qe`Static module records must be of type object, got ${W( t )}, for module ${W(e)}`; const { imports: r, exports: n, reexports: a = [] } = t; mt(r) || Qe`Property 'imports' of a static module record must be an array, got ${W( r )}, for module ${W(e)}`, mt(n) || Qe`Property 'exports' of a precompiled module record must be an array, got ${W( n )}, for module ${W(e)}`, mt(a) || Qe`Property 'reexports' of a precompiled module record must be an array if present, got ${W( a )}, for module ${W(e)}`; } const Ni = (t, e, r) => { const { compartment: n, moduleSpecifier: a, resolvedImports: s, staticModuleRecord: i } = r, { instances: c } = M(t, n); if (kr(c, a)) return Le(c, a); Ci(i, a); const u = new Ie(); let l; if (ki(i)) Ti(i, a), l = Pi( t, e, r, u ); else if (Ii(i)) Ai(i, a), l = Ei( t, i, n, e, a, s ); else throw v( `importHook must return a static module record, got ${W( i )}` ); Ae(c, a, l); for (const [d, f] of te(s)) { const m = as( t, e, n, f ); Ae(u, d, m); } return l; }, { quote: Lr } = Z, Ct = new Pe(), Oe = new Pe(), Xt = (t) => { const { importHook: e, resolveHook: r } = M(Oe, t); if (typeof e != "function" || typeof r != "function") throw v( "Compartment must be constructed with an importHook and a resolveHook for it to be able to load modules" ); }, _n = function(e = {}, r = {}, n = {}) { throw v( "Compartment.prototype.constructor is not a valid constructor." ); }, Wn = (t, e) => { const { execute: r, exportsProxy: n } = as( Oe, Ct, t, e ); return r(), n; }, bn = { constructor: _n, get globalThis() { return M(Oe, this).globalObject; }, get name() { return M(Oe, this).name; }, /** * @param {string} source is a JavaScript program grammar construction. * @param {object} [options] * @param {Array} [options.transforms] * @param {boolean} [options.sloppyGlobalsMode] * @param {object} [options.__moduleShimLexicals__] * @param {boolean} [options.__evadeHtmlCommentTest__] * @param {boolean} [options.__evadeImportExpressionTest__] * @param {boolean} [options.__rejectSomeDirectEvalExpressions__] */ evaluate(t, e = {}) { const r = M(Oe, this); return ss(r, t, e); }, module(t) { if (typeof t != "string") throw v("first argument of module() must be a string"); Xt(this); const { exportsProxy: e } = vn( this, M(Oe, this), Ct, t ); return e; }, async import(t) { if (typeof t != "string") throw v("first argument of import() must be a string"); return Xt(this), dn( Vn(Oe, Ct, this, t), () => ({ namespace: Wn( /** @type {Compartment} */ this, t ) }) ); }, async load(t) { if (typeof t != "string") throw v("first argument of load() must be a string"); return Xt(this), Vn(Oe, Ct, this, t); }, importNow(t) { if (typeof t != "string") throw v("first argument of importNow() must be a string"); return Xt(this), Wn( /** @type {Compartment} */ this, t ); } }; F(bn, { [Be]: { value: "Compartment", writable: !1, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 } }); F(_n, { prototype: { value: bn } }); const Kr = (t, e, r) => { function n(a = {}, s = {}, i = {}) { if ( === void 0) throw v( "Class constructor Compartment cannot be invoked without 'new'" ); const { name: c = "", transforms: u = [], __shimTransforms__: l = [], resolveHook: d, importHook: f, moduleMapHook: m, importMetaHook: p } = i, h = [...u, ...l], _ = new Ie(), w = new Ie(), I = new Ie(); for (const [D, U] of te(s || {})) { if (typeof U == "string") throw v( `Cannot map module ${Lr(D)} to ${Lr( U )} in parent compartment` ); if (M(Ct, U) === void 0) throw et( `Cannot map module ${Lr( D )} because it has no known compartment in this realm` ); } const N = {}; Da(N), Do(N); const { safeEvaluate: T } = yn({ globalObject: N, globalTransforms: h, sloppyGlobalsMode: !1 }); jo(N, { intrinsics: e, newGlobalPropertyNames: Oo, makeCompartmentConstructor: t, markVirtualizedNativeFunction: r }), Wr( N, T, r ), wr(N, a), ee(Oe, this, { name: `${c}`, globalTransforms: h, globalObject: N, safeEvaluate: T, resolveHook: d, importHook: f, moduleMap: s, moduleMapHook: m, importMetaHook: p, moduleRecords: _, __shimTransforms__: l, deferredExports: I, instances: w }); } return n.prototype = bn, n; }; function Fr(t) { return G(t).constructor; } function $i() { return arguments; } const Oi = () => { const t = ye.prototype.constructor, e = ue($i(), "callee"), r = e && e.get, n = Ks(new ie()), a = G(n), s = Sr[io] && Hs(/./), i = s && G(s), c = Us([]), u = G(c), l = G(xs), d = Bs(new Ie()), f = G(d), m = Gs(new wt()), p = G(m), h = G(u); function* _() { } const w = Fr(_), I = w.prototype; async function* N() { } const T = Fr( N ), D = T.prototype, U = D.prototype, q = G(U); async function K() { } const De = Fr(K), fe = { "%InertFunction%": t, "%ArrayIteratorPrototype%": u, "%InertAsyncFunction%": De, "%AsyncGenerator%": D, "%InertAsyncGeneratorFunction%": T, "%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%": U, "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%": q, "%Generator%": I, "%InertGeneratorFunction%": w, "%IteratorPrototype%": h, "%MapIteratorPrototype%": f, "%RegExpStringIteratorPrototype%": i, "%SetIteratorPrototype%": p, "%StringIteratorPrototype%": a, "%ThrowTypeError%": r, "%TypedArray%": l, "%InertCompartment%": _n }; return E.Iterator && (fe["%IteratorHelperPrototype%"] = G( // eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call E.Iterator.from([]).take(0) ), fe["%WrapForValidIteratorPrototype%"] = G( // eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call E.Iterator.from({ next() { } }) )), E.AsyncIterator && (fe["%AsyncIteratorHelperPrototype%"] = G( // eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call E.AsyncIterator.from([]).take(0) ), fe["%WrapForValidAsyncIteratorPrototype%"] = G( // eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call E.AsyncIterator.from({ next() { } }) )), fe; }, is = (t, e) => { if (e !== "safe" && e !== "unsafe") throw v(`unrecognized fakeHardenOption ${e}`); if (e === "safe" || (Object.isExtensible = () => !1, Object.isFrozen = () => !0, Object.isSealed = () => !0, Reflect.isExtensible = () => !1, t.isFake)) return t; const r = (n) => n; return r.isFake = !0, y(r); }; y(is); const Ri = () => { const t = At, e = t.prototype, r = { Symbol(s) { return t(s); } }.Symbol; F(e, { constructor: { value: r // leave other `constructor` attributes as is } }); const n = te( Ke(t) ), a = St( de(n, ([s, i]) => [ s, { ...i, configurable: !0 } ]) ); return F(r, a), { "%SharedSymbol%": r }; }, Mi = (t) => { try { return t(), !1; } catch { return !0; } }, qn = (t, e, r) => { if (t === void 0) return !1; const n = ue(t, e); if (!n || "value" in n) return !1; const { get: a, set: s } = n; if (typeof a != "function" || typeof s != "function" || a() !== r || oe(a, t, []) !== r) return !1; const i = "Seems to be a setter", c = { __proto__: null }; if (oe(s, c, [i]), c[e] !== i) return !1; const u = { __proto__: t }; return oe(s, u, [i]), u[e] !== i || !Mi(() => oe(s, t, [r])) || "originalValue" in a || n.configurable === !1 ? !1 : (L(t, e, { value: r, writable: !0, enumerable: n.enumerable, configurable: !0 }), !0); }, Li = (t) => { qn( t["%IteratorPrototype%"], "constructor", t.Iterator ), qn( t["%IteratorPrototype%"], Be, "Iterator" ); }, { Fail: Kn, details: Jn, quote: Yn } = Z; let Qt, er; const Fi = ya(), Di = () => { let t = !1; try { t = ye( "eval", "SES_changed", ` eval("SES_changed = true"); return SES_changed; ` )(vo, !1), t || delete E.SES_changed; } catch { t = !0; } if (!t) throw v( "SES cannot initialize unless 'eval' is the original intrinsic 'eval', suitable for direct-eval (dynamically scoped eval) (SES_DIRECT_EVAL)" ); }, cs = (t = {}) => { const { errorTaming: e = me("LOCKDOWN_ERROR_TAMING", "safe"), errorTrapping: r = ( /** @type {"platform" | "none" | "report" | "abort" | "exit" | undefined} */ me("LOCKDOWN_ERROR_TRAPPING", "platform") ), unhandledRejectionTrapping: n = ( /** @type {"none" | "report" | undefined} */ me("LOCKDOWN_UNHANDLED_REJECTION_TRAPPING", "report") ), regExpTaming: a = me("LOCKDOWN_REGEXP_TAMING", "safe"), localeTaming: s = me("LOCKDOWN_LOCALE_TAMING", "safe"), consoleTaming: i = ( /** @type {'unsafe' | 'safe' | undefined} */ me("LOCKDOWN_CONSOLE_TAMING", "safe") ), overrideTaming: c = me("LOCKDOWN_OVERRIDE_TAMING", "moderate"), stackFiltering: u = me("LOCKDOWN_STACK_FILTERING", "concise"), domainTaming: l = me("LOCKDOWN_DOMAIN_TAMING", "safe"), evalTaming: d = me("LOCKDOWN_EVAL_TAMING", "safeEval"), overrideDebug: f = Ge( go(me("LOCKDOWN_OVERRIDE_DEBUG", ""), ","), /** @param {string} debugName */ (Ue) => Ue !== "" ), __hardenTaming__: m = me("LOCKDOWN_HARDEN_TAMING", "safe"), dateTaming: p = "safe", // deprecated mathTaming: h = "safe", // deprecated ..._ } = t; d === "unsafeEval" || d === "safeEval" || d === "noEval" || Kn`lockdown(): non supported option evalTaming: ${Yn(d)}`; const w = nt(_); if (w.length === 0 || Kn`lockdown(): non supported option ${Yn(w)}`, Qt === void 0 || // eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call Jn`Already locked down at ${Qt} (SES_ALREADY_LOCKED_DOWN)`, v ), Qt = v("Prior lockdown (SES_ALREADY_LOCKED_DOWN)"), Qt.stack, Di(), E.Function.prototype.constructor !== E.Function && // @ts-ignore harden is absent on globalThis type def. typeof E.harden == "function" && // @ts-ignore lockdown is absent on globalThis type def. typeof E.lockdown == "function" && E.Date.prototype.constructor !== E.Date && typeof == "function" && // @ts-ignore does not recognize that Date constructor is a special // Function. // eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call xr(, NaN)) throw v( "Already locked down but not by this SES instance (SES_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES)" ); Xa(l); const N = Qo(), { addIntrinsics: T, completePrototypes: D, finalIntrinsics: U } = Mo(), q = is(Fi, m); T({ harden: q }), T(Pa()), T(ka(p)), T(yi(e, u)), T(Ta(h)), T(Ia(a)), T(Ri()), T(Oi()), D(); const K = U(), De = { __proto__: null }; typeof E.Buffer == "function" && (De.Buffer = E.Buffer); let fe; e !== "unsafe" && (fe = K["%InitialGetStackString%"]); const je = ti( i, r, n, fe ); if (E.console = /** @type {Console} */ je.console, typeof /** @type {any} */ je.console._times == "object" && (De.SafeMap = G( // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle /** @type {any} */ je.console._times )), e === "unsafe" && E.assert === Z && (E.assert = Cr(void 0, !0)), Ma(K, s), Li(K), Ea(K, N), Do(E), jo(E, { intrinsics: K, newGlobalPropertyNames: $n, makeCompartmentConstructor: Kr, markVirtualizedNativeFunction: N }), d === "noEval") Wr( E, ea, N ); else if (d === "safeEval") { const { safeEvaluate: Ue } = yn({ globalObject: E }); Wr( E, Ue, N ); } return () => { er === void 0 || // eslint-disable-next-line @endo/no-polymorphic-call Jn`Already locked down at ${er} (SES_ALREADY_LOCKED_DOWN)`, v ), er = v( "Prior lockdown (SES_ALREADY_LOCKED_DOWN)" ), er.stack, Na(K, c, f); const Ue = { intrinsics: K, hostIntrinsics: De, globals: { // Harden evaluators Function: E.Function, eval: E.eval, // @ts-ignore Compartment does exist on globalThis Compartment: E.Compartment, // Harden Symbol Symbol: E.Symbol } }; for (const Kt of Nt($n)) Ue.globals[Kt] = E[Kt]; return q(Ue), q; }; }; E.lockdown = (t) => { const e = cs(t); E.harden = e(); }; E.repairIntrinsics = (t) => { const e = cs(t); E.hardenIntrinsics = () => { E.harden = e(); }; }; const ji = Qo(); E.Compartment = Kr( Kr, Sa(E), ji ); E.assert = Z; const Ui = ` `; class Zi extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(), this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); } connectedCallback() { const e = this.getAttribute("title"), r = this.getAttribute("iframe-src"), n = Number(this.getAttribute("width") || "300"), a = Number(this.getAttribute("height") || "400"); if (!e || !r) throw new Error("title and iframe-src attributes are required"); if (!this.shadowRoot) throw new Error("Error creating shadow root"); const s = document.createElement("div"); 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(a) => Object.keys(a) : (a) => { const s = []; for (const i in a), i) && s.push(i); return s; }, t.find = (a, s) => { for (const i of a) if (s(i)) return i; }, t.isInteger = typeof Number.isInteger == "function" ? (a) => Number.isInteger(a) : (a) => typeof a == "number" && isFinite(a) && Math.floor(a) === a; function n(a, s = " | ") { return => typeof i == "string" ? `'${i}'` : i).join(s); } t.joinValues = n, t.jsonStringifyReplacer = (a, s) => typeof s == "bigint" ? s.toString() : s; })(R || (R = {})); var Jr; (function(t) { t.mergeShapes = (e, r) => ({ ...e, ...r // second overwrites first }); })(Jr || (Jr = {})); const b = R.arrayToEnum([ "string", "nan", "number", "integer", "float", "boolean", "date", "bigint", "symbol", "function", "undefined", "null", "array", "object", "unknown", "promise", "void", "never", "map", "set" ]), Ze = (t) => { switch (typeof t) { case "undefined": return b.undefined; case "string": return b.string; case "number": return isNaN(t) ? b.nan : b.number; case "boolean": return b.boolean; case "function": return b.function; case "bigint": return b.bigint; case "symbol": return b.symbol; case "object": return Array.isArray(t) ? b.array : t === null ? b.null : t.then && typeof t.then == "function" && t.catch && typeof t.catch == "function" ? b.promise : typeof Map < "u" && t instanceof Map ? : typeof Set < "u" && t instanceof Set ? b.set : typeof Date < "u" && t instanceof Date ? : b.object; default: return b.unknown; } }, g = R.arrayToEnum([ "invalid_type", "invalid_literal", "custom", "invalid_union", "invalid_union_discriminator", "invalid_enum_value", "unrecognized_keys", "invalid_arguments", "invalid_return_type", "invalid_date", "invalid_string", "too_small", "too_big", "invalid_intersection_types", "not_multiple_of", "not_finite" ]), zi = (t) => JSON.stringify(t, null, 2).replace(/"([^"]+)":/g, "$1:"); class xe extends Error { constructor(e) { super(), this.issues = [], this.addIssue = (n) => { this.issues = [...this.issues, n]; }, this.addIssues = (n = []) => { this.issues = [...this.issues, ...n]; }; const r =; Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(this, r) : this.__proto__ = r, = "ZodError", this.issues = e; } get errors() { return this.issues; } format(e) { const r = e || function(s) { return s.message; }, n = { _errors: [] }, a = (s) => { for (const i of s.issues) if (i.code === "invalid_union"); else if (i.code === "invalid_return_type") a(i.returnTypeError); else if (i.code === "invalid_arguments") a(i.argumentsError); else if (i.path.length === 0) n._errors.push(r(i)); else { let c = n, u = 0; for (; u < i.path.length; ) { const l = i.path[u]; u === i.path.length - 1 ? (c[l] = c[l] || { _errors: [] }, c[l]._errors.push(r(i))) : c[l] = c[l] || { _errors: [] }, c = c[l], u++; } } }; return a(this), n; } toString() { return this.message; } get message() { return JSON.stringify(this.issues, R.jsonStringifyReplacer, 2); } get isEmpty() { return this.issues.length === 0; } flatten(e = (r) => r.message) { const r = {}, n = []; for (const a of this.issues) a.path.length > 0 ? (r[a.path[0]] = r[a.path[0]] || [], r[a.path[0]].push(e(a))) : n.push(e(a)); return { formErrors: n, fieldErrors: r }; } get formErrors() { return this.flatten(); } } xe.create = (t) => new xe(t); const $t = (t, e) => { let r; switch (t.code) { case g.invalid_type: t.received === b.undefined ? r = "Required" : r = `Expected ${t.expected}, received ${t.received}`; break; case g.invalid_literal: r = `Invalid literal value, expected ${JSON.stringify(t.expected, R.jsonStringifyReplacer)}`; break; case g.unrecognized_keys: r = `Unrecognized key(s) in object: ${R.joinValues(t.keys, ", ")}`; break; case g.invalid_union: r = "Invalid input"; break; case g.invalid_union_discriminator: r = `Invalid discriminator value. Expected ${R.joinValues(t.options)}`; break; case g.invalid_enum_value: r = `Invalid enum value. Expected ${R.joinValues(t.options)}, received '${t.received}'`; break; case g.invalid_arguments: r = "Invalid function arguments"; break; case g.invalid_return_type: r = "Invalid function return type"; break; case g.invalid_date: r = "Invalid date"; break; case g.invalid_string: typeof t.validation == "object" ? "includes" in t.validation ? (r = `Invalid input: must include "${t.validation.includes}"`, typeof t.validation.position == "number" && (r = `${r} at one or more positions greater than or equal to ${t.validation.position}`)) : "startsWith" in t.validation ? r = `Invalid input: must start with "${t.validation.startsWith}"` : "endsWith" in t.validation ? r = `Invalid input: must end with "${t.validation.endsWith}"` : R.assertNever(t.validation) : t.validation !== "regex" ? r = `Invalid ${t.validation}` : r = "Invalid"; break; case g.too_small: t.type === "array" ? r = `Array must contain ${t.exact ? "exactly" : t.inclusive ? "at least" : "more than"} ${t.minimum} element(s)` : t.type === "string" ? r = `String must contain ${t.exact ? "exactly" : t.inclusive ? "at least" : "over"} ${t.minimum} character(s)` : t.type === "number" ? r = `Number must be ${t.exact ? "exactly equal to " : t.inclusive ? "greater than or equal to " : "greater than "}${t.minimum}` : t.type === "date" ? r = `Date must be ${t.exact ? "exactly equal to " : t.inclusive ? "greater than or equal to " : "greater than "}${new Date(Number(t.minimum))}` : r = "Invalid input"; break; case g.too_big: t.type === "array" ? r = `Array must contain ${t.exact ? "exactly" : t.inclusive ? "at most" : "less than"} ${t.maximum} element(s)` : t.type === "string" ? r = `String must contain ${t.exact ? "exactly" : t.inclusive ? "at most" : "under"} ${t.maximum} character(s)` : t.type === "number" ? r = `Number must be ${t.exact ? "exactly" : t.inclusive ? "less than or equal to" : "less than"} ${t.maximum}` : t.type === "bigint" ? r = `BigInt must be ${t.exact ? "exactly" : t.inclusive ? "less than or equal to" : "less than"} ${t.maximum}` : t.type === "date" ? r = `Date must be ${t.exact ? "exactly" : t.inclusive ? "smaller than or equal to" : "smaller than"} ${new Date(Number(t.maximum))}` : r = "Invalid input"; break; case g.custom: r = "Invalid input"; break; case g.invalid_intersection_types: r = "Intersection results could not be merged"; break; case g.not_multiple_of: r = `Number must be a multiple of ${t.multipleOf}`; break; case g.not_finite: r = "Number must be finite"; break; default: r = e.defaultError, R.assertNever(t); } return { message: r }; }; let ls = $t; function Bi(t) { ls = t; } function dr() { return ls; } const fr = (t) => { const { data: e, path: r, errorMaps: n, issueData: a } = t, s = [...r, ...a.path || []], i = { ...a, path: s }; let c = ""; const u = n.filter((l) => !!l).slice().reverse(); for (const l of u) c = l(i, { data: e, defaultError: c }).message; return { ...a, path: s, message: a.message || c }; }, Gi = []; function x(t, e) { const r = fr({ issueData: e, data:, path: t.path, errorMaps: [ t.common.contextualErrorMap, t.schemaErrorMap, dr(), $t // then global default map ].filter((n) => !!n) }); t.common.issues.push(r); } class Y { constructor() { this.value = "valid"; } dirty() { this.value === "valid" && (this.value = "dirty"); } abort() { this.value !== "aborted" && (this.value = "aborted"); } static mergeArray(e, r) { const n = []; for (const a of r) { if (a.status === "aborted") return A; a.status === "dirty" && e.dirty(), n.push(a.value); } return { status: e.value, value: n }; } static async mergeObjectAsync(e, r) { const n = []; for (const a of r) n.push({ key: await a.key, value: await a.value }); return Y.mergeObjectSync(e, n); } static mergeObjectSync(e, r) { const n = {}; for (const a of r) { const { key: s, value: i } = a; if (s.status === "aborted" || i.status === "aborted") return A; s.status === "dirty" && e.dirty(), i.status === "dirty" && e.dirty(), s.value !== "__proto__" && (typeof i.value < "u" || a.alwaysSet) && (n[s.value] = i.value); } return { status: e.value, value: n }; } } const A = Object.freeze({ status: "aborted" }), us = (t) => ({ status: "dirty", value: t }), re = (t) => ({ status: "valid", value: t }), Yr = (t) => t.status === "aborted", Xr = (t) => t.status === "dirty", Ot = (t) => t.status === "valid", pr = (t) => typeof Promise < "u" && t instanceof Promise; var S; (function(t) { t.errToObj = (e) => typeof e == "string" ? { message: e } : e || {}, t.toString = (e) => typeof e == "string" ? e : e == null ? void 0 : e.message; })(S || (S = {})); class Ce { constructor(e, r, n, a) { this._cachedPath = [], this.parent = e, = r, this._path = n, this._key = a; } get path() { return this._cachedPath.length || (this._key instanceof Array ? this._cachedPath.push(...this._path, ...this._key) : this._cachedPath.push(...this._path, this._key)), this._cachedPath; } } const Xn = (t, e) => { if (Ot(e)) return { success: !0, data: e.value }; if (!t.common.issues.length) throw new Error("Validation failed but no issues detected."); return { success: !1, get error() { if (this._error) return this._error; const r = new xe(t.common.issues); return this._error = r, this._error; } }; }; function C(t) { if (!t) return {}; const { errorMap: e, invalid_type_error: r, required_error: n, description: a } = t; if (e && (r || n)) throw new Error(`Can't use "invalid_type_error" or "required_error" in conjunction with custom error map.`); return e ? { errorMap: e, description: a } : { errorMap: (i, c) => i.code !== "invalid_type" ? { message: c.defaultError } : typeof > "u" ? { message: n ?? c.defaultError } : { message: r ?? c.defaultError }, description: a }; } class $ { constructor(e) { = this.safeParseAsync, this._def = e, this.parse = this.parse.bind(this), this.safeParse = this.safeParse.bind(this), this.parseAsync = this.parseAsync.bind(this), this.safeParseAsync = this.safeParseAsync.bind(this), =, this.refine = this.refine.bind(this), this.refinement = this.refinement.bind(this), this.superRefine = this.superRefine.bind(this), this.optional = this.optional.bind(this), this.nullable = this.nullable.bind(this), this.nullish = this.nullish.bind(this), this.array = this.array.bind(this), this.promise = this.promise.bind(this), this.or = this.or.bind(this), this.and = this.and.bind(this), this.transform = this.transform.bind(this), this.brand = this.brand.bind(this), this.default = this.default.bind(this), this.catch = this.catch.bind(this), this.describe = this.describe.bind(this), this.pipe = this.pipe.bind(this), this.readonly = this.readonly.bind(this), this.isNullable = this.isNullable.bind(this), this.isOptional = this.isOptional.bind(this); } get description() { return this._def.description; } _getType(e) { return Ze(; } _getOrReturnCtx(e, r) { return r || { common: e.parent.common, data:, parsedType: Ze(, schemaErrorMap: this._def.errorMap, path: e.path, parent: e.parent }; } _processInputParams(e) { return { status: new Y(), ctx: { common: e.parent.common, data:, parsedType: Ze(, schemaErrorMap: this._def.errorMap, path: e.path, parent: e.parent } }; } _parseSync(e) { const r = this._parse(e); if (pr(r)) throw new Error("Synchronous parse encountered promise."); return r; } _parseAsync(e) { const r = this._parse(e); return Promise.resolve(r); } parse(e, r) { const n = this.safeParse(e, r); if (n.success) return; throw n.error; } safeParse(e, r) { var n; const a = { common: { issues: [], async: (n = r == null ? void 0 : r.async) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : !1, contextualErrorMap: r == null ? void 0 : r.errorMap }, path: (r == null ? void 0 : r.path) || [], schemaErrorMap: this._def.errorMap, parent: null, data: e, parsedType: Ze(e) }, s = this._parseSync({ data: e, path: a.path, parent: a }); return Xn(a, s); } async parseAsync(e, r) { const n = await this.safeParseAsync(e, r); if (n.success) return; throw n.error; } async safeParseAsync(e, r) { const n = { common: { issues: [], contextualErrorMap: r == null ? void 0 : r.errorMap, async: !0 }, path: (r == null ? void 0 : r.path) || [], schemaErrorMap: this._def.errorMap, parent: null, data: e, parsedType: Ze(e) }, a = this._parse({ data: e, path: n.path, parent: n }), s = await (pr(a) ? a : Promise.resolve(a)); return Xn(n, s); } refine(e, r) { const n = (a) => typeof r == "string" || typeof r > "u" ? { message: r } : typeof r == "function" ? r(a) : r; return this._refinement((a, s) => { const i = e(a), c = () => s.addIssue({ code: g.custom, ...n(a) }); return typeof Promise < "u" && i instanceof Promise ? i.then((u) => u ? !0 : (c(), !1)) : i ? !0 : (c(), !1); }); } refinement(e, r) { return this._refinement((n, a) => e(n) ? !0 : (a.addIssue(typeof r == "function" ? r(n, a) : r), !1)); } _refinement(e) { return new Ee({ schema: this, typeName: P.ZodEffects, effect: { type: "refinement", refinement: e } }); } superRefine(e) { return this._refinement(e); } optional() { return Me.create(this, this._def); } nullable() { return it.create(this, this._def); } nullish() { return this.nullable().optional(); } array() { return Se.create(this, this._def); } promise() { return bt.create(this, this._def); } or(e) { return Ft.create([this, e], this._def); } and(e) { return Dt.create(this, e, this._def); } transform(e) { return new Ee({ ...C(this._def), schema: this, typeName: P.ZodEffects, effect: { type: "transform", transform: e } }); } default(e) { const r = typeof e == "function" ? e : () => e; return new Bt({ ...C(this._def), innerType: this, defaultValue: r, typeName: P.ZodDefault }); } brand() { return new fs({ typeName: P.ZodBranded, type: this, ...C(this._def) }); } catch(e) { const r = typeof e == "function" ? e : () => e; return new yr({ ...C(this._def), innerType: this, catchValue: r, typeName: P.ZodCatch }); } describe(e) { const r = this.constructor; return new r({ ...this._def, description: e }); } pipe(e) { return qt.create(this, e); } readonly() { return _r.create(this); } isOptional() { return this.safeParse(void 0).success; } isNullable() { return this.safeParse(null).success; } } const Hi = /^c[^\s-]{8,}$/i, Vi = /^[a-z][a-z0-9]*$/, Wi = /^[0-9A-HJKMNP-TV-Z]{26}$/, qi = /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/i, Ki = /^(?!\.)(?!.*\.\.)([A-Z0-9_+-\.]*)[A-Z0-9_+-]@([A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9\-]*\.)+[A-Z]{2,}$/i, Ji = "^(\\p{Extended_Pictographic}|\\p{Emoji_Component})+$"; let Dr; const Yi = /^(((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(1[0-9]{2})|([0-9]{1,2}))\.){3}((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(1[0-9]{2})|([0-9]{1,2}))$/, Xi = /^(([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){7}|::([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,6}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){1}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,5}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){2}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,4}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){3}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,3}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){4}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,2}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){5}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,1})([a-f0-9]{1,4}|(((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(1[0-9]{2})|([0-9]{1,2}))\.){3}((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(1[0-9]{2})|([0-9]{1,2})))$/, Qi = (t) => t.precision ? t.offset ? new RegExp(`^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\.\\d{${t.precision}}(([+-]\\d{2}(:?\\d{2})?)|Z)$`) : new RegExp(`^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\.\\d{${t.precision}}Z$`) : t.precision === 0 ? t.offset ? new RegExp("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}(([+-]\\d{2}(:?\\d{2})?)|Z)$") : new RegExp("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}Z$") : t.offset ? new RegExp("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}(\\.\\d+)?(([+-]\\d{2}(:?\\d{2})?)|Z)$") : new RegExp("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}(\\.\\d+)?Z$"); function ec(t, e) { return !!((e === "v4" || !e) && Yi.test(t) || (e === "v6" || !e) && Xi.test(t)); } class we extends $ { _parse(e) { if (this._def.coerce && ( = String(, this._getType(e) !== b.string) { const s = this._getOrReturnCtx(e); return x( s, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.string, received: s.parsedType } // ), A; } const n = new Y(); let a; for (const s of this._def.checks) if (s.kind === "min") < s.value && (a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), x(a, { code: g.too_small, minimum: s.value, type: "string", inclusive: !0, exact: !1, message: s.message }), n.dirty()); else if (s.kind === "max") > s.value && (a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), x(a, { code: g.too_big, maximum: s.value, type: "string", inclusive: !0, exact: !1, message: s.message }), n.dirty()); else if (s.kind === "length") { const i = > s.value, c = < s.value; (i || c) && (a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), i ? x(a, { code: g.too_big, maximum: s.value, type: "string", inclusive: !0, exact: !0, message: s.message }) : c && x(a, { code: g.too_small, minimum: s.value, type: "string", inclusive: !0, exact: !0, message: s.message }), n.dirty()); } else if (s.kind === "email") Ki.test( || (a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), x(a, { validation: "email", code: g.invalid_string, message: s.message }), n.dirty()); else if (s.kind === "emoji") Dr || (Dr = new RegExp(Ji, "u")), Dr.test( || (a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), x(a, { validation: "emoji", code: g.invalid_string, message: s.message }), n.dirty()); else if (s.kind === "uuid") qi.test( || (a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), x(a, { validation: "uuid", code: g.invalid_string, message: s.message }), n.dirty()); else if (s.kind === "cuid") Hi.test( || (a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), x(a, { validation: "cuid", code: g.invalid_string, message: s.message }), n.dirty()); else if (s.kind === "cuid2") Vi.test( || (a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), x(a, { validation: "cuid2", code: g.invalid_string, message: s.message }), n.dirty()); else if (s.kind === "ulid") Wi.test( || (a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), x(a, { validation: "ulid", code: g.invalid_string, message: s.message }), n.dirty()); else if (s.kind === "url") try { new URL(; } catch { a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), x(a, { validation: "url", code: g.invalid_string, message: s.message }), n.dirty(); } else s.kind === "regex" ? (s.regex.lastIndex = 0, s.regex.test( || (a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), x(a, { validation: "regex", code: g.invalid_string, message: s.message }), n.dirty())) : s.kind === "trim" ? = : s.kind === "includes" ?, s.position) || (a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), x(a, { code: g.invalid_string, validation: { includes: s.value, position: s.position }, message: s.message }), n.dirty()) : s.kind === "toLowerCase" ? = : s.kind === "toUpperCase" ? = : s.kind === "startsWith" ? || (a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), x(a, { code: g.invalid_string, validation: { startsWith: s.value }, message: s.message }), n.dirty()) : s.kind === "endsWith" ? || (a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), x(a, { code: g.invalid_string, validation: { endsWith: s.value }, message: s.message }), n.dirty()) : s.kind === "datetime" ? Qi(s).test( || (a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), x(a, { code: g.invalid_string, validation: "datetime", message: s.message }), n.dirty()) : s.kind === "ip" ? ec(, s.version) || (a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), x(a, { validation: "ip", code: g.invalid_string, message: s.message }), n.dirty()) : R.assertNever(s); return { status: n.value, value: }; } _regex(e, r, n) { return this.refinement((a) => e.test(a), { validation: r, code: g.invalid_string, ...S.errToObj(n) }); } _addCheck(e) { return new we({ ...this._def, checks: [...this._def.checks, e] }); } email(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "email", ...S.errToObj(e) }); } url(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "url", ...S.errToObj(e) }); } emoji(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "emoji", ...S.errToObj(e) }); } uuid(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "uuid", ...S.errToObj(e) }); } cuid(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "cuid", ...S.errToObj(e) }); } cuid2(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "cuid2", ...S.errToObj(e) }); } ulid(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "ulid", ...S.errToObj(e) }); } ip(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "ip", ...S.errToObj(e) }); } datetime(e) { var r; return typeof e == "string" ? this._addCheck({ kind: "datetime", precision: null, offset: !1, message: e }) : this._addCheck({ kind: "datetime", precision: typeof (e == null ? void 0 : e.precision) > "u" ? null : e == null ? void 0 : e.precision, offset: (r = e == null ? void 0 : e.offset) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : !1, ...S.errToObj(e == null ? void 0 : e.message) }); } regex(e, r) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "regex", regex: e, ...S.errToObj(r) }); } includes(e, r) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "includes", value: e, position: r == null ? void 0 : r.position, ...S.errToObj(r == null ? void 0 : r.message) }); } startsWith(e, r) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "startsWith", value: e, ...S.errToObj(r) }); } endsWith(e, r) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "endsWith", value: e, ...S.errToObj(r) }); } min(e, r) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "min", value: e, ...S.errToObj(r) }); } max(e, r) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "max", value: e, ...S.errToObj(r) }); } length(e, r) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "length", value: e, ...S.errToObj(r) }); } /** * @deprecated Use z.string().min(1) instead. * @see {@link ZodString.min} */ nonempty(e) { return this.min(1, S.errToObj(e)); } trim() { return new we({ ...this._def, checks: [...this._def.checks, { kind: "trim" }] }); } toLowerCase() { return new we({ ...this._def, checks: [...this._def.checks, { kind: "toLowerCase" }] }); } toUpperCase() { return new we({ ...this._def, checks: [...this._def.checks, { kind: "toUpperCase" }] }); } get isDatetime() { return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "datetime"); } get isEmail() { return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "email"); } get isURL() { return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "url"); } get isEmoji() { return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "emoji"); } get isUUID() { return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "uuid"); } get isCUID() { return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "cuid"); } get isCUID2() { return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "cuid2"); } get isULID() { return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "ulid"); } get isIP() { return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "ip"); } get minLength() { let e = null; for (const r of this._def.checks) r.kind === "min" && (e === null || r.value > e) && (e = r.value); return e; } get maxLength() { let e = null; for (const r of this._def.checks) r.kind === "max" && (e === null || r.value < e) && (e = r.value); return e; } } we.create = (t) => { var e; return new we({ checks: [], typeName: P.ZodString, coerce: (e = t == null ? void 0 : t.coerce) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : !1, ...C(t) }); }; function tc(t, e) { const r = (t.toString().split(".")[1] || "").length, n = (e.toString().split(".")[1] || "").length, a = r > n ? r : n, s = parseInt(t.toFixed(a).replace(".", "")), i = parseInt(e.toFixed(a).replace(".", "")); return s % i / Math.pow(10, a); } class Ve extends $ { constructor() { super(...arguments), this.min = this.gte, this.max = this.lte, this.step = this.multipleOf; } _parse(e) { if (this._def.coerce && ( = Number(, this._getType(e) !== b.number) { const s = this._getOrReturnCtx(e); return x(s, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.number, received: s.parsedType }), A; } let n; const a = new Y(); for (const s of this._def.checks) s.kind === "int" ? R.isInteger( || (n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, n), x(n, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: "integer", received: "float", message: s.message }), a.dirty()) : s.kind === "min" ? (s.inclusive ? < s.value : <= s.value) && (n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, n), x(n, { code: g.too_small, minimum: s.value, type: "number", inclusive: s.inclusive, exact: !1, message: s.message }), a.dirty()) : s.kind === "max" ? (s.inclusive ? > s.value : >= s.value) && (n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, n), x(n, { code: g.too_big, maximum: s.value, type: "number", inclusive: s.inclusive, exact: !1, message: s.message }), a.dirty()) : s.kind === "multipleOf" ? tc(, s.value) !== 0 && (n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, n), x(n, { code: g.not_multiple_of, multipleOf: s.value, message: s.message }), a.dirty()) : s.kind === "finite" ? Number.isFinite( || (n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, n), x(n, { code: g.not_finite, message: s.message }), a.dirty()) : R.assertNever(s); return { status: a.value, value: }; } gte(e, r) { return this.setLimit("min", e, !0, S.toString(r)); } gt(e, r) { return this.setLimit("min", e, !1, S.toString(r)); } lte(e, r) { return this.setLimit("max", e, !0, S.toString(r)); } lt(e, r) { return this.setLimit("max", e, !1, S.toString(r)); } setLimit(e, r, n, a) { return new Ve({ ...this._def, checks: [ ...this._def.checks, { kind: e, value: r, inclusive: n, message: S.toString(a) } ] }); } _addCheck(e) { return new Ve({ ...this._def, checks: [...this._def.checks, e] }); } int(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "int", message: S.toString(e) }); } positive(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "min", value: 0, inclusive: !1, message: S.toString(e) }); } negative(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "max", value: 0, inclusive: !1, message: S.toString(e) }); } nonpositive(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "max", value: 0, inclusive: !0, message: S.toString(e) }); } nonnegative(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "min", value: 0, inclusive: !0, message: S.toString(e) }); } multipleOf(e, r) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "multipleOf", value: e, message: S.toString(r) }); } finite(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "finite", message: S.toString(e) }); } safe(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "min", inclusive: !0, value: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, message: S.toString(e) })._addCheck({ kind: "max", inclusive: !0, value: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, message: S.toString(e) }); } get minValue() { let e = null; for (const r of this._def.checks) r.kind === "min" && (e === null || r.value > e) && (e = r.value); return e; } get maxValue() { let e = null; for (const r of this._def.checks) r.kind === "max" && (e === null || r.value < e) && (e = r.value); return e; } get isInt() { return !!this._def.checks.find((e) => e.kind === "int" || e.kind === "multipleOf" && R.isInteger(e.value)); } get isFinite() { let e = null, r = null; for (const n of this._def.checks) { if (n.kind === "finite" || n.kind === "int" || n.kind === "multipleOf") return !0; n.kind === "min" ? (r === null || n.value > r) && (r = n.value) : n.kind === "max" && (e === null || n.value < e) && (e = n.value); } return Number.isFinite(r) && Number.isFinite(e); } } Ve.create = (t) => new Ve({ checks: [], typeName: P.ZodNumber, coerce: (t == null ? void 0 : t.coerce) || !1, ...C(t) }); class We extends $ { constructor() { super(...arguments), this.min = this.gte, this.max = this.lte; } _parse(e) { if (this._def.coerce && ( = BigInt(, this._getType(e) !== b.bigint) { const s = this._getOrReturnCtx(e); return x(s, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.bigint, received: s.parsedType }), A; } let n; const a = new Y(); for (const s of this._def.checks) s.kind === "min" ? (s.inclusive ? < s.value : <= s.value) && (n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, n), x(n, { code: g.too_small, type: "bigint", minimum: s.value, inclusive: s.inclusive, message: s.message }), a.dirty()) : s.kind === "max" ? (s.inclusive ? > s.value : >= s.value) && (n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, n), x(n, { code: g.too_big, type: "bigint", maximum: s.value, inclusive: s.inclusive, message: s.message }), a.dirty()) : s.kind === "multipleOf" ? % s.value !== BigInt(0) && (n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, n), x(n, { code: g.not_multiple_of, multipleOf: s.value, message: s.message }), a.dirty()) : R.assertNever(s); return { status: a.value, value: }; } gte(e, r) { return this.setLimit("min", e, !0, S.toString(r)); } gt(e, r) { return this.setLimit("min", e, !1, S.toString(r)); } lte(e, r) { return this.setLimit("max", e, !0, S.toString(r)); } lt(e, r) { return this.setLimit("max", e, !1, S.toString(r)); } setLimit(e, r, n, a) { return new We({ ...this._def, checks: [ ...this._def.checks, { kind: e, value: r, inclusive: n, message: S.toString(a) } ] }); } _addCheck(e) { return new We({ ...this._def, checks: [...this._def.checks, e] }); } positive(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "min", value: BigInt(0), inclusive: !1, message: S.toString(e) }); } negative(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "max", value: BigInt(0), inclusive: !1, message: S.toString(e) }); } nonpositive(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "max", value: BigInt(0), inclusive: !0, message: S.toString(e) }); } nonnegative(e) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "min", value: BigInt(0), inclusive: !0, message: S.toString(e) }); } multipleOf(e, r) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "multipleOf", value: e, message: S.toString(r) }); } get minValue() { let e = null; for (const r of this._def.checks) r.kind === "min" && (e === null || r.value > e) && (e = r.value); return e; } get maxValue() { let e = null; for (const r of this._def.checks) r.kind === "max" && (e === null || r.value < e) && (e = r.value); return e; } } We.create = (t) => { var e; return new We({ checks: [], typeName: P.ZodBigInt, coerce: (e = t == null ? void 0 : t.coerce) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : !1, ...C(t) }); }; class Rt extends $ { _parse(e) { if (this._def.coerce && ( = !!, this._getType(e) !== b.boolean) { const n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e); return x(n, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.boolean, received: n.parsedType }), A; } return re(; } } Rt.create = (t) => new Rt({ typeName: P.ZodBoolean, coerce: (t == null ? void 0 : t.coerce) || !1, ...C(t) }); class st extends $ { _parse(e) { if (this._def.coerce && ( = new Date(, this._getType(e) !== { const s = this._getOrReturnCtx(e); return x(s, { code: g.invalid_type, expected:, received: s.parsedType }), A; } if (isNaN( { const s = this._getOrReturnCtx(e); return x(s, { code: g.invalid_date }), A; } const n = new Y(); let a; for (const s of this._def.checks) s.kind === "min" ? < s.value && (a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), x(a, { code: g.too_small, message: s.message, inclusive: !0, exact: !1, minimum: s.value, type: "date" }), n.dirty()) : s.kind === "max" ? > s.value && (a = this._getOrReturnCtx(e, a), x(a, { code: g.too_big, message: s.message, inclusive: !0, exact: !1, maximum: s.value, type: "date" }), n.dirty()) : R.assertNever(s); return { status: n.value, value: new Date( }; } _addCheck(e) { return new st({ ...this._def, checks: [...this._def.checks, e] }); } min(e, r) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "min", value: e.getTime(), message: S.toString(r) }); } max(e, r) { return this._addCheck({ kind: "max", value: e.getTime(), message: S.toString(r) }); } get minDate() { let e = null; for (const r of this._def.checks) r.kind === "min" && (e === null || r.value > e) && (e = r.value); return e != null ? new Date(e) : null; } get maxDate() { let e = null; for (const r of this._def.checks) r.kind === "max" && (e === null || r.value < e) && (e = r.value); return e != null ? new Date(e) : null; } } st.create = (t) => new st({ checks: [], coerce: (t == null ? void 0 : t.coerce) || !1, typeName: P.ZodDate, ...C(t) }); class mr extends $ { _parse(e) { if (this._getType(e) !== b.symbol) { const n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e); return x(n, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.symbol, received: n.parsedType }), A; } return re(; } } mr.create = (t) => new mr({ typeName: P.ZodSymbol, ...C(t) }); class Mt extends $ { _parse(e) { if (this._getType(e) !== b.undefined) { const n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e); return x(n, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.undefined, received: n.parsedType }), A; } return re(; } } Mt.create = (t) => new Mt({ typeName: P.ZodUndefined, ...C(t) }); class Lt extends $ { _parse(e) { if (this._getType(e) !== b.null) { const n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e); return x(n, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.null, received: n.parsedType }), A; } return re(; } } Lt.create = (t) => new Lt({ typeName: P.ZodNull, ...C(t) }); class _t extends $ { constructor() { super(...arguments), this._any = !0; } _parse(e) { return re(; } } _t.create = (t) => new _t({ typeName: P.ZodAny, ...C(t) }); class rt extends $ { constructor() { super(...arguments), this._unknown = !0; } _parse(e) { return re(; } } rt.create = (t) => new rt({ typeName: P.ZodUnknown, ...C(t) }); class Fe extends $ { _parse(e) { const r = this._getOrReturnCtx(e); return x(r, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.never, received: r.parsedType }), A; } } Fe.create = (t) => new Fe({ typeName: P.ZodNever, ...C(t) }); class hr extends $ { _parse(e) { if (this._getType(e) !== b.undefined) { const n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e); return x(n, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.void, received: n.parsedType }), A; } return re(; } } hr.create = (t) => new hr({ typeName: P.ZodVoid, ...C(t) }); class Se extends $ { _parse(e) { const { ctx: r, status: n } = this._processInputParams(e), a = this._def; if (r.parsedType !== b.array) return x(r, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.array, received: r.parsedType }), A; if (a.exactLength !== null) { const i = > a.exactLength.value, c = < a.exactLength.value; (i || c) && (x(r, { code: i ? g.too_big : g.too_small, minimum: c ? a.exactLength.value : void 0, maximum: i ? a.exactLength.value : void 0, type: "array", inclusive: !0, exact: !0, message: a.exactLength.message }), n.dirty()); } if (a.minLength !== null && < a.minLength.value && (x(r, { code: g.too_small, minimum: a.minLength.value, type: "array", inclusive: !0, exact: !1, message: a.minLength.message }), n.dirty()), a.maxLength !== null && > a.maxLength.value && (x(r, { code: g.too_big, maximum: a.maxLength.value, type: "array", inclusive: !0, exact: !1, message: a.maxLength.message }), n.dirty()), r.common.async) return Promise.all([].map((i, c) => a.type._parseAsync(new Ce(r, i, r.path, c)))).then((i) => Y.mergeArray(n, i)); const s = [].map((i, c) => a.type._parseSync(new Ce(r, i, r.path, c))); return Y.mergeArray(n, s); } get element() { return this._def.type; } min(e, r) { return new Se({ ...this._def, minLength: { value: e, message: S.toString(r) } }); } max(e, r) { return new Se({ ...this._def, maxLength: { value: e, message: S.toString(r) } }); } length(e, r) { return new Se({ ...this._def, exactLength: { value: e, message: S.toString(r) } }); } nonempty(e) { return this.min(1, e); } } Se.create = (t, e) => new Se({ type: t, minLength: null, maxLength: null, exactLength: null, typeName: P.ZodArray, ...C(e) }); function pt(t) { if (t instanceof j) { const e = {}; for (const r in t.shape) { const n = t.shape[r]; e[r] = Me.create(pt(n)); } return new j({ ...t._def, shape: () => e }); } else return t instanceof Se ? new Se({ ...t._def, type: pt(t.element) }) : t instanceof Me ? Me.create(pt(t.unwrap())) : t instanceof it ? it.create(pt(t.unwrap())) : t instanceof Ne ? Ne.create( => pt(e))) : t; } class j extends $ { constructor() { super(...arguments), this._cached = null, this.nonstrict = this.passthrough, this.augment = this.extend; } _getCached() { if (this._cached !== null) return this._cached; const e = this._def.shape(), r = R.objectKeys(e); return this._cached = { shape: e, keys: r }; } _parse(e) { if (this._getType(e) !== b.object) { const l = this._getOrReturnCtx(e); return x(l, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.object, received: l.parsedType }), A; } const { status: n, ctx: a } = this._processInputParams(e), { shape: s, keys: i } = this._getCached(), c = []; if (!(this._def.catchall instanceof Fe && this._def.unknownKeys === "strip")) for (const l in i.includes(l) || c.push(l); const u = []; for (const l of i) { const d = s[l], f =[l]; u.push({ key: { status: "valid", value: l }, value: d._parse(new Ce(a, f, a.path, l)), alwaysSet: l in }); } if (this._def.catchall instanceof Fe) { const l = this._def.unknownKeys; if (l === "passthrough") for (const d of c) u.push({ key: { status: "valid", value: d }, value: { status: "valid", value:[d] } }); else if (l === "strict") c.length > 0 && (x(a, { code: g.unrecognized_keys, keys: c }), n.dirty()); else if (l !== "strip") throw new Error("Internal ZodObject error: invalid unknownKeys value."); } else { const l = this._def.catchall; for (const d of c) { const f =[d]; u.push({ key: { status: "valid", value: d }, value: l._parse( new Ce(a, f, a.path, d) //, ctx.child(key), value, getParsedType(value) ), alwaysSet: d in }); } } return a.common.async ? Promise.resolve().then(async () => { const l = []; for (const d of u) { const f = await d.key; l.push({ key: f, value: await d.value, alwaysSet: d.alwaysSet }); } return l; }).then((l) => Y.mergeObjectSync(n, l)) : Y.mergeObjectSync(n, u); } get shape() { return this._def.shape(); } strict(e) { return S.errToObj, new j({ ...this._def, unknownKeys: "strict", ...e !== void 0 ? { errorMap: (r, n) => { var a, s, i, c; const u = (i = (s = (a = this._def).errorMap) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 :, r, n).message) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : n.defaultError; return r.code === "unrecognized_keys" ? { message: (c = S.errToObj(e).message) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : u } : { message: u }; } } : {} }); } strip() { return new j({ ...this._def, unknownKeys: "strip" }); } passthrough() { return new j({ ...this._def, unknownKeys: "passthrough" }); } // const AugmentFactory = // (def: Def) => // ( // augmentation: Augmentation // ): ZodObject< // extendShape, Augmentation>, // Def["unknownKeys"], // Def["catchall"] // > => { // return new ZodObject({ // ...def, // shape: () => ({ // ...def.shape(), // ...augmentation, // }), // }) as any; // }; extend(e) { return new j({ ...this._def, shape: () => ({ ...this._def.shape(), ...e }) }); } /** * Prior to zod@1.0.12 there was a bug in the * inferred type of merged objects. Please * upgrade if you are experiencing issues. */ merge(e) { return new j({ unknownKeys: e._def.unknownKeys, catchall: e._def.catchall, shape: () => ({ ...this._def.shape(), ...e._def.shape() }), typeName: P.ZodObject }); } // merge< // Incoming extends AnyZodObject, // Augmentation extends Incoming["shape"], // NewOutput extends { // [k in keyof Augmentation | keyof Output]: k extends keyof Augmentation // ? Augmentation[k]["_output"] // : k extends keyof Output // ? Output[k] // : never; // }, // NewInput extends { // [k in keyof Augmentation | keyof Input]: k extends keyof Augmentation // ? Augmentation[k]["_input"] // : k extends keyof Input // ? Input[k] // : never; // } // >( // merging: Incoming // ): ZodObject< // extendShape>, // Incoming["_def"]["unknownKeys"], // Incoming["_def"]["catchall"], // NewOutput, // NewInput // > { // const merged: any = new ZodObject({ // unknownKeys: merging._def.unknownKeys, // catchall: merging._def.catchall, // shape: () => // objectUtil.mergeShapes(this._def.shape(), merging._def.shape()), // typeName: ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodObject, // }) as any; // return merged; // } setKey(e, r) { return this.augment({ [e]: r }); } // merge( // merging: Incoming // ): //ZodObject = (merging) => { // ZodObject< // extendShape>, // Incoming["_def"]["unknownKeys"], // Incoming["_def"]["catchall"] // > { // // const mergedShape = objectUtil.mergeShapes( // // this._def.shape(), // // merging._def.shape() // // ); // const merged: any = new ZodObject({ // unknownKeys: merging._def.unknownKeys, // catchall: merging._def.catchall, // shape: () => // objectUtil.mergeShapes(this._def.shape(), merging._def.shape()), // typeName: ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodObject, // }) as any; // return merged; // } catchall(e) { return new j({ ...this._def, catchall: e }); } pick(e) { const r = {}; return R.objectKeys(e).forEach((n) => { e[n] && this.shape[n] && (r[n] = this.shape[n]); }), new j({ ...this._def, shape: () => r }); } omit(e) { const r = {}; return R.objectKeys(this.shape).forEach((n) => { e[n] || (r[n] = this.shape[n]); }), new j({ ...this._def, shape: () => r }); } /** * @deprecated */ deepPartial() { return pt(this); } partial(e) { const r = {}; return R.objectKeys(this.shape).forEach((n) => { const a = this.shape[n]; e && !e[n] ? r[n] = a : r[n] = a.optional(); }), new j({ ...this._def, shape: () => r }); } required(e) { const r = {}; return R.objectKeys(this.shape).forEach((n) => { if (e && !e[n]) r[n] = this.shape[n]; else { let s = this.shape[n]; for (; s instanceof Me; ) s = s._def.innerType; r[n] = s; } }), new j({ ...this._def, shape: () => r }); } keyof() { return ds(R.objectKeys(this.shape)); } } j.create = (t, e) => new j({ shape: () => t, unknownKeys: "strip", catchall: Fe.create(), typeName: P.ZodObject, ...C(e) }); j.strictCreate = (t, e) => new j({ shape: () => t, unknownKeys: "strict", catchall: Fe.create(), typeName: P.ZodObject, ...C(e) }); j.lazycreate = (t, e) => new j({ shape: t, unknownKeys: "strip", catchall: Fe.create(), typeName: P.ZodObject, ...C(e) }); class Ft extends $ { _parse(e) { const { ctx: r } = this._processInputParams(e), n = this._def.options; function a(s) { for (const c of s) if (c.result.status === "valid") return c.result; for (const c of s) if (c.result.status === "dirty") return r.common.issues.push(...c.ctx.common.issues), c.result; const i = => new xe(c.ctx.common.issues)); return x(r, { code: g.invalid_union, unionErrors: i }), A; } if (r.common.async) return Promise.all( (s) => { const i = { ...r, common: { ...r.common, issues: [] }, parent: null }; return { result: await s._parseAsync({ data:, path: r.path, parent: i }), ctx: i }; })).then(a); { let s; const i = []; for (const u of n) { const l = { ...r, common: { ...r.common, issues: [] }, parent: null }, d = u._parseSync({ data:, path: r.path, parent: l }); if (d.status === "valid") return d; d.status === "dirty" && !s && (s = { result: d, ctx: l }), l.common.issues.length && i.push(l.common.issues); } if (s) return r.common.issues.push(...s.ctx.common.issues), s.result; const c = => new xe(u)); return x(r, { code: g.invalid_union, unionErrors: c }), A; } } get options() { return this._def.options; } } Ft.create = (t, e) => new Ft({ options: t, typeName: P.ZodUnion, ...C(e) }); const or = (t) => t instanceof Ut ? or(t.schema) : t instanceof Ee ? or(t.innerType()) : t instanceof Zt ? [t.value] : t instanceof qe ? t.options : t instanceof zt ? Object.keys(t.enum) : t instanceof Bt ? or(t._def.innerType) : t instanceof Mt ? [void 0] : t instanceof Lt ? [null] : null; class Nr extends $ { _parse(e) { const { ctx: r } = this._processInputParams(e); if (r.parsedType !== b.object) return x(r, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.object, received: r.parsedType }), A; const n = this.discriminator, a =[n], s = this.optionsMap.get(a); return s ? r.common.async ? s._parseAsync({ data:, path: r.path, parent: r }) : s._parseSync({ data:, path: r.path, parent: r }) : (x(r, { code: g.invalid_union_discriminator, options: Array.from(this.optionsMap.keys()), path: [n] }), A); } get discriminator() { return this._def.discriminator; } get options() { return this._def.options; } get optionsMap() { return this._def.optionsMap; } /** * The constructor of the discriminated union schema. Its behaviour is very similar to that of the normal z.union() constructor. * However, it only allows a union of objects, all of which need to share a discriminator property. This property must * have a different value for each object in the union. * @param discriminator the name of the discriminator property * @param types an array of object schemas * @param params */ static create(e, r, n) { const a = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const s of r) { const i = or(s.shape[e]); if (!i) throw new Error(`A discriminator value for key \`${e}\` could not be extracted from all schema options`); for (const c of i) { if (a.has(c)) throw new Error(`Discriminator property ${String(e)} has duplicate value ${String(c)}`); a.set(c, s); } } return new Nr({ typeName: P.ZodDiscriminatedUnion, discriminator: e, options: r, optionsMap: a, ...C(n) }); } } function Qr(t, e) { const r = Ze(t), n = Ze(e); if (t === e) return { valid: !0, data: t }; if (r === b.object && n === b.object) { const a = R.objectKeys(e), s = R.objectKeys(t).filter((c) => a.indexOf(c) !== -1), i = { ...t, ...e }; for (const c of s) { const u = Qr(t[c], e[c]); if (!u.valid) return { valid: !1 }; i[c] =; } return { valid: !0, data: i }; } else if (r === b.array && n === b.array) { if (t.length !== e.length) return { valid: !1 }; const a = []; for (let s = 0; s < t.length; s++) { const i = t[s], c = e[s], u = Qr(i, c); if (!u.valid) return { valid: !1 }; a.push(; } return { valid: !0, data: a }; } else return r === && n === && +t == +e ? { valid: !0, data: t } : { valid: !1 }; } class Dt extends $ { _parse(e) { const { status: r, ctx: n } = this._processInputParams(e), a = (s, i) => { if (Yr(s) || Yr(i)) return A; const c = Qr(s.value, i.value); return c.valid ? ((Xr(s) || Xr(i)) && r.dirty(), { status: r.value, value: }) : (x(n, { code: g.invalid_intersection_types }), A); }; return n.common.async ? Promise.all([ this._def.left._parseAsync({ data:, path: n.path, parent: n }), this._def.right._parseAsync({ data:, path: n.path, parent: n }) ]).then(([s, i]) => a(s, i)) : a(this._def.left._parseSync({ data:, path: n.path, parent: n }), this._def.right._parseSync({ data:, path: n.path, parent: n })); } } Dt.create = (t, e, r) => new Dt({ left: t, right: e, typeName: P.ZodIntersection, ...C(r) }); class Ne extends $ { _parse(e) { const { status: r, ctx: n } = this._processInputParams(e); if (n.parsedType !== b.array) return x(n, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.array, received: n.parsedType }), A; if ( < this._def.items.length) return x(n, { code: g.too_small, minimum: this._def.items.length, inclusive: !0, exact: !1, type: "array" }), A; ! && > this._def.items.length && (x(n, { code: g.too_big, maximum: this._def.items.length, inclusive: !0, exact: !1, type: "array" }), r.dirty()); const s = [].map((i, c) => { const u = this._def.items[c] ||; return u ? u._parse(new Ce(n, i, n.path, c)) : null; }).filter((i) => !!i); return n.common.async ? Promise.all(s).then((i) => Y.mergeArray(r, i)) : Y.mergeArray(r, s); } get items() { return this._def.items; } rest(e) { return new Ne({ ...this._def, rest: e }); } } Ne.create = (t, e) => { if (!Array.isArray(t)) throw new Error("You must pass an array of schemas to z.tuple([ ... ])"); return new Ne({ items: t, typeName: P.ZodTuple, rest: null, ...C(e) }); }; class jt extends $ { get keySchema() { return this._def.keyType; } get valueSchema() { return this._def.valueType; } _parse(e) { const { status: r, ctx: n } = this._processInputParams(e); if (n.parsedType !== b.object) return x(n, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.object, received: n.parsedType }), A; const a = [], s = this._def.keyType, i = this._def.valueType; for (const c in a.push({ key: s._parse(new Ce(n, c, n.path, c)), value: i._parse(new Ce(n,[c], n.path, c)) }); return n.common.async ? Y.mergeObjectAsync(r, a) : Y.mergeObjectSync(r, a); } get element() { return this._def.valueType; } static create(e, r, n) { return r instanceof $ ? new jt({ keyType: e, valueType: r, typeName: P.ZodRecord, ...C(n) }) : new jt({ keyType: we.create(), valueType: e, typeName: P.ZodRecord, ...C(r) }); } } class gr extends $ { get keySchema() { return this._def.keyType; } get valueSchema() { return this._def.valueType; } _parse(e) { const { status: r, ctx: n } = this._processInputParams(e); if (n.parsedType !== return x(n, { code: g.invalid_type, expected:, received: n.parsedType }), A; const a = this._def.keyType, s = this._def.valueType, i = [].map(([c, u], l) => ({ key: a._parse(new Ce(n, c, n.path, [l, "key"])), value: s._parse(new Ce(n, u, n.path, [l, "value"])) })); if (n.common.async) { const c = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); return Promise.resolve().then(async () => { for (const u of i) { const l = await u.key, d = await u.value; if (l.status === "aborted" || d.status === "aborted") return A; (l.status === "dirty" || d.status === "dirty") && r.dirty(), c.set(l.value, d.value); } return { status: r.value, value: c }; }); } else { const c = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const u of i) { const l = u.key, d = u.value; if (l.status === "aborted" || d.status === "aborted") return A; (l.status === "dirty" || d.status === "dirty") && r.dirty(), c.set(l.value, d.value); } return { status: r.value, value: c }; } } } gr.create = (t, e, r) => new gr({ valueType: e, keyType: t, typeName: P.ZodMap, ...C(r) }); class at extends $ { _parse(e) { const { status: r, ctx: n } = this._processInputParams(e); if (n.parsedType !== b.set) return x(n, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.set, received: n.parsedType }), A; const a = this._def; a.minSize !== null && < a.minSize.value && (x(n, { code: g.too_small, minimum: a.minSize.value, type: "set", inclusive: !0, exact: !1, message: a.minSize.message }), r.dirty()), a.maxSize !== null && > a.maxSize.value && (x(n, { code: g.too_big, maximum: a.maxSize.value, type: "set", inclusive: !0, exact: !1, message: a.maxSize.message }), r.dirty()); const s = this._def.valueType; function i(u) { const l = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); for (const d of u) { if (d.status === "aborted") return A; d.status === "dirty" && r.dirty(), l.add(d.value); } return { status: r.value, value: l }; } const c = [].map((u, l) => s._parse(new Ce(n, u, n.path, l))); return n.common.async ? Promise.all(c).then((u) => i(u)) : i(c); } min(e, r) { return new at({ ...this._def, minSize: { value: e, message: S.toString(r) } }); } max(e, r) { return new at({ ...this._def, maxSize: { value: e, message: S.toString(r) } }); } size(e, r) { return this.min(e, r).max(e, r); } nonempty(e) { return this.min(1, e); } } at.create = (t, e) => new at({ valueType: t, minSize: null, maxSize: null, typeName: P.ZodSet, ...C(e) }); class ht extends $ { constructor() { super(...arguments), this.validate = this.implement; } _parse(e) { const { ctx: r } = this._processInputParams(e); if (r.parsedType !== b.function) return x(r, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.function, received: r.parsedType }), A; function n(c, u) { return fr({ data: c, path: r.path, errorMaps: [ r.common.contextualErrorMap, r.schemaErrorMap, dr(), $t ].filter((l) => !!l), issueData: { code: g.invalid_arguments, argumentsError: u } }); } function a(c, u) { return fr({ data: c, path: r.path, errorMaps: [ r.common.contextualErrorMap, r.schemaErrorMap, dr(), $t ].filter((l) => !!l), issueData: { code: g.invalid_return_type, returnTypeError: u } }); } const s = { errorMap: r.common.contextualErrorMap }, i =; if (this._def.returns instanceof bt) { const c = this; return re(async function(...u) { const l = new xe([]), d = await c._def.args.parseAsync(u, s).catch((p) => { throw l.addIssue(n(u, p)), l; }), f = await Reflect.apply(i, this, d); return await c._def.returns._def.type.parseAsync(f, s).catch((p) => { throw l.addIssue(a(f, p)), l; }); }); } else { const c = this; return re(function(...u) { const l = c._def.args.safeParse(u, s); if (!l.success) throw new xe([n(u, l.error)]); const d = Reflect.apply(i, this,, f = c._def.returns.safeParse(d, s); if (!f.success) throw new xe([a(d, f.error)]); return; }); } } parameters() { return this._def.args; } returnType() { return this._def.returns; } args(...e) { return new ht({ ...this._def, args: Ne.create(e).rest(rt.create()) }); } returns(e) { return new ht({ ...this._def, returns: e }); } implement(e) { return this.parse(e); } strictImplement(e) { return this.parse(e); } static create(e, r, n) { return new ht({ args: e || Ne.create([]).rest(rt.create()), returns: r || rt.create(), typeName: P.ZodFunction, ...C(n) }); } } class Ut extends $ { get schema() { return this._def.getter(); } _parse(e) { const { ctx: r } = this._processInputParams(e); return this._def.getter()._parse({ data:, path: r.path, parent: r }); } } Ut.create = (t, e) => new Ut({ getter: t, typeName: P.ZodLazy, ...C(e) }); class Zt extends $ { _parse(e) { if ( !== this._def.value) { const r = this._getOrReturnCtx(e); return x(r, { received:, code: g.invalid_literal, expected: this._def.value }), A; } return { status: "valid", value: }; } get value() { return this._def.value; } } Zt.create = (t, e) => new Zt({ value: t, typeName: P.ZodLiteral, ...C(e) }); function ds(t, e) { return new qe({ values: t, typeName: P.ZodEnum, ...C(e) }); } class qe extends $ { _parse(e) { if (typeof != "string") { const r = this._getOrReturnCtx(e), n = this._def.values; return x(r, { expected: R.joinValues(n), received: r.parsedType, code: g.invalid_type }), A; } if (this._def.values.indexOf( === -1) { const r = this._getOrReturnCtx(e), n = this._def.values; return x(r, { received:, code: g.invalid_enum_value, options: n }), A; } return re(; } get options() { return this._def.values; } get enum() { const e = {}; for (const r of this._def.values) e[r] = r; return e; } get Values() { const e = {}; for (const r of this._def.values) e[r] = r; return e; } get Enum() { const e = {}; for (const r of this._def.values) e[r] = r; return e; } extract(e) { return qe.create(e); } exclude(e) { return qe.create(this.options.filter((r) => !e.includes(r))); } } qe.create = ds; class zt extends $ { _parse(e) { const r = R.getValidEnumValues(this._def.values), n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e); if (n.parsedType !== b.string && n.parsedType !== b.number) { const a = R.objectValues(r); return x(n, { expected: R.joinValues(a), received: n.parsedType, code: g.invalid_type }), A; } if (r.indexOf( === -1) { const a = R.objectValues(r); return x(n, { received:, code: g.invalid_enum_value, options: a }), A; } return re(; } get enum() { return this._def.values; } } zt.create = (t, e) => new zt({ values: t, typeName: P.ZodNativeEnum, ...C(e) }); class bt extends $ { unwrap() { return this._def.type; } _parse(e) { const { ctx: r } = this._processInputParams(e); if (r.parsedType !== b.promise && r.common.async === !1) return x(r, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.promise, received: r.parsedType }), A; const n = r.parsedType === b.promise ? : Promise.resolve(; return re(n.then((a) => this._def.type.parseAsync(a, { path: r.path, errorMap: r.common.contextualErrorMap }))); } } bt.create = (t, e) => new bt({ type: t, typeName: P.ZodPromise, ...C(e) }); class Ee extends $ { innerType() { return this._def.schema; } sourceType() { return this._def.schema._def.typeName === P.ZodEffects ? this._def.schema.sourceType() : this._def.schema; } _parse(e) { const { status: r, ctx: n } = this._processInputParams(e), a = this._def.effect || null, s = { addIssue: (i) => { x(n, i), i.fatal ? r.abort() : r.dirty(); }, get path() { return n.path; } }; if (s.addIssue = s.addIssue.bind(s), a.type === "preprocess") { const i = a.transform(, s); return n.common.issues.length ? { status: "dirty", value: } : n.common.async ? Promise.resolve(i).then((c) => this._def.schema._parseAsync({ data: c, path: n.path, parent: n })) : this._def.schema._parseSync({ data: i, path: n.path, parent: n }); } if (a.type === "refinement") { const i = (c) => { const u = a.refinement(c, s); if (n.common.async) return Promise.resolve(u); if (u instanceof Promise) throw new Error("Async refinement encountered during synchronous parse operation. Use .parseAsync instead."); return c; }; if (n.common.async === !1) { const c = this._def.schema._parseSync({ data:, path: n.path, parent: n }); return c.status === "aborted" ? A : (c.status === "dirty" && r.dirty(), i(c.value), { status: r.value, value: c.value }); } else return this._def.schema._parseAsync({ data:, path: n.path, parent: n }).then((c) => c.status === "aborted" ? A : (c.status === "dirty" && r.dirty(), i(c.value).then(() => ({ status: r.value, value: c.value })))); } if (a.type === "transform") if (n.common.async === !1) { const i = this._def.schema._parseSync({ data:, path: n.path, parent: n }); if (!Ot(i)) return i; const c = a.transform(i.value, s); if (c instanceof Promise) throw new Error("Asynchronous transform encountered during synchronous parse operation. Use .parseAsync instead."); return { status: r.value, value: c }; } else return this._def.schema._parseAsync({ data:, path: n.path, parent: n }).then((i) => Ot(i) ? Promise.resolve(a.transform(i.value, s)).then((c) => ({ status: r.value, value: c })) : i); R.assertNever(a); } } Ee.create = (t, e, r) => new Ee({ schema: t, typeName: P.ZodEffects, effect: e, ...C(r) }); Ee.createWithPreprocess = (t, e, r) => new Ee({ schema: e, effect: { type: "preprocess", transform: t }, typeName: P.ZodEffects, ...C(r) }); class Me extends $ { _parse(e) { return this._getType(e) === b.undefined ? re(void 0) : this._def.innerType._parse(e); } unwrap() { return this._def.innerType; } } Me.create = (t, e) => new Me({ innerType: t, typeName: P.ZodOptional, ...C(e) }); class it extends $ { _parse(e) { return this._getType(e) === b.null ? re(null) : this._def.innerType._parse(e); } unwrap() { return this._def.innerType; } } it.create = (t, e) => new it({ innerType: t, typeName: P.ZodNullable, ...C(e) }); class Bt extends $ { _parse(e) { const { ctx: r } = this._processInputParams(e); let n =; return r.parsedType === b.undefined && (n = this._def.defaultValue()), this._def.innerType._parse({ data: n, path: r.path, parent: r }); } removeDefault() { return this._def.innerType; } } Bt.create = (t, e) => new Bt({ innerType: t, typeName: P.ZodDefault, defaultValue: typeof e.default == "function" ? e.default : () => e.default, ...C(e) }); class yr extends $ { _parse(e) { const { ctx: r } = this._processInputParams(e), n = { ...r, common: { ...r.common, issues: [] } }, a = this._def.innerType._parse({ data:, path: n.path, parent: { ...n } }); return pr(a) ? a.then((s) => ({ status: "valid", value: s.status === "valid" ? s.value : this._def.catchValue({ get error() { return new xe(n.common.issues); }, input: }) })) : { status: "valid", value: a.status === "valid" ? a.value : this._def.catchValue({ get error() { return new xe(n.common.issues); }, input: }) }; } removeCatch() { return this._def.innerType; } } yr.create = (t, e) => new yr({ innerType: t, typeName: P.ZodCatch, catchValue: typeof e.catch == "function" ? e.catch : () => e.catch, ...C(e) }); class vr extends $ { _parse(e) { if (this._getType(e) !== b.nan) { const n = this._getOrReturnCtx(e); return x(n, { code: g.invalid_type, expected: b.nan, received: n.parsedType }), A; } return { status: "valid", value: }; } } vr.create = (t) => new vr({ typeName: P.ZodNaN, ...C(t) }); const rc = Symbol("zod_brand"); class fs extends $ { _parse(e) { const { ctx: r } = this._processInputParams(e), n =; return this._def.type._parse({ data: n, path: r.path, parent: r }); } unwrap() { return this._def.type; } } class qt extends $ { _parse(e) { const { status: r, ctx: n } = this._processInputParams(e); if (n.common.async) return (async () => { const s = await{ data:, path: n.path, parent: n }); return s.status === "aborted" ? A : s.status === "dirty" ? (r.dirty(), us(s.value)) : this._def.out._parseAsync({ data: s.value, path: n.path, parent: n }); })(); { const a ={ data:, path: n.path, parent: n }); return a.status === "aborted" ? A : a.status === "dirty" ? (r.dirty(), { status: "dirty", value: a.value }) : this._def.out._parseSync({ data: a.value, path: n.path, parent: n }); } } static create(e, r) { return new qt({ in: e, out: r, typeName: P.ZodPipeline }); } } class _r extends $ { _parse(e) { const r = this._def.innerType._parse(e); return Ot(r) && (r.value = Object.freeze(r.value)), r; } } _r.create = (t, e) => new _r({ innerType: t, typeName: P.ZodReadonly, ...C(e) }); const ps = (t, e = {}, r) => t ? _t.create().superRefine((n, a) => { var s, i; if (!t(n)) { const c = typeof e == "function" ? e(n) : typeof e == "string" ? { message: e } : e, u = (i = (s = c.fatal) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : r) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : !0, l = typeof c == "string" ? { message: c } : c; a.addIssue({ code: "custom", ...l, fatal: u }); } }) : _t.create(), nc = { object: j.lazycreate }; var P; (function(t) { t.ZodString = "ZodString", t.ZodNumber = "ZodNumber", t.ZodNaN = "ZodNaN", t.ZodBigInt = "ZodBigInt", t.ZodBoolean = "ZodBoolean", t.ZodDate = "ZodDate", t.ZodSymbol = "ZodSymbol", t.ZodUndefined = "ZodUndefined", t.ZodNull = "ZodNull", t.ZodAny = "ZodAny", t.ZodUnknown = "ZodUnknown", t.ZodNever = "ZodNever", t.ZodVoid = "ZodVoid", t.ZodArray = "ZodArray", t.ZodObject = "ZodObject", t.ZodUnion = "ZodUnion", t.ZodDiscriminatedUnion = "ZodDiscriminatedUnion", t.ZodIntersection = "ZodIntersection", t.ZodTuple = "ZodTuple", t.ZodRecord = "ZodRecord", t.ZodMap = "ZodMap", t.ZodSet = "ZodSet", t.ZodFunction = "ZodFunction", t.ZodLazy = "ZodLazy", t.ZodLiteral = "ZodLiteral", t.ZodEnum = "ZodEnum", t.ZodEffects = "ZodEffects", t.ZodNativeEnum = "ZodNativeEnum", t.ZodOptional = "ZodOptional", t.ZodNullable = "ZodNullable", t.ZodDefault = "ZodDefault", t.ZodCatch = "ZodCatch", t.ZodPromise = "ZodPromise", t.ZodBranded = "ZodBranded", t.ZodPipeline = "ZodPipeline", t.ZodReadonly = "ZodReadonly"; })(P || (P = {})); const oc = (t, e = { message: `Input not instance of ${}` }) => ps((r) => r instanceof t, e), ms = we.create, hs = Ve.create, sc = vr.create, ac = We.create, gs = Rt.create, ic = st.create, cc = mr.create, lc = Mt.create, uc = Lt.create, dc = _t.create, fc = rt.create, pc = Fe.create, mc = hr.create, hc = Se.create, gc = j.create, yc = j.strictCreate, vc = Ft.create, _c = Nr.create, bc = Dt.create, wc = Ne.create, xc = jt.create, Sc = gr.create, Ec = at.create, Pc = ht.create, kc = Ut.create, Tc = Zt.create, Ic = qe.create, Ac = zt.create, Cc = bt.create, Qn = Ee.create, Nc = Me.create, $c = it.create, Oc = Ee.createWithPreprocess, Rc = qt.create, Mc = () => ms().optional(), Lc = () => hs().optional(), Fc = () => gs().optional(), Dc = { string: (t) => we.create({ ...t, coerce: !0 }), number: (t) => Ve.create({ ...t, coerce: !0 }), boolean: (t) => Rt.create({ ...t, coerce: !0 }), bigint: (t) => We.create({ ...t, coerce: !0 }), date: (t) => st.create({ ...t, coerce: !0 }) }, jc = A; var V = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, defaultErrorMap: $t, setErrorMap: Bi, getErrorMap: dr, makeIssue: fr, EMPTY_PATH: Gi, addIssueToContext: x, ParseStatus: Y, INVALID: A, DIRTY: us, OK: re, isAborted: Yr, isDirty: Xr, isValid: Ot, isAsync: pr, get util() { return R; }, get objectUtil() { return Jr; }, ZodParsedType: b, getParsedType: Ze, ZodType: $, ZodString: we, ZodNumber: Ve, ZodBigInt: We, ZodBoolean: Rt, ZodDate: st, ZodSymbol: mr, ZodUndefined: Mt, ZodNull: Lt, ZodAny: _t, ZodUnknown: rt, ZodNever: Fe, ZodVoid: hr, ZodArray: Se, ZodObject: j, ZodUnion: Ft, ZodDiscriminatedUnion: Nr, ZodIntersection: Dt, ZodTuple: Ne, ZodRecord: jt, ZodMap: gr, ZodSet: at, ZodFunction: ht, ZodLazy: Ut, ZodLiteral: Zt, ZodEnum: qe, ZodNativeEnum: zt, ZodPromise: bt, ZodEffects: Ee, ZodTransformer: Ee, ZodOptional: Me, ZodNullable: it, ZodDefault: Bt, ZodCatch: yr, ZodNaN: vr, BRAND: rc, ZodBranded: fs, ZodPipeline: qt, ZodReadonly: _r, custom: ps, Schema: $, ZodSchema: $, late: nc, get ZodFirstPartyTypeKind() { return P; }, coerce: Dc, any: dc, array: hc, bigint: ac, boolean: gs, date: ic, discriminatedUnion: _c, effect: Qn, enum: Ic, function: Pc, instanceof: oc, intersection: bc, lazy: kc, literal: Tc, map: Sc, nan: sc, nativeEnum: Ac, never: pc, null: uc, nullable: $c, number: hs, object: gc, oboolean: Fc, onumber: Lc, optional: Nc, ostring: Mc, pipeline: Rc, preprocess: Oc, promise: Cc, record: xc, set: Ec, strictObject: yc, string: ms, symbol: cc, transformer: Qn, tuple: wc, undefined: lc, union: vc, unknown: fc, void: mc, NEVER: jc, ZodIssueCode: g, quotelessJson: zi, ZodError: xe }); const Uc = V.object({ name: V.string(), code: V.string().url(), permissions: V.array( V.enum([ "page:read", "page:write", "file:read", "file:write", "selection:read" ]) ) }); function ys(t) { return fetch(t).then((e) => e.json()).then((e) => { if (!Uc.safeParse(e).success) throw new Error("Invalid plugin manifest"); return e; }).catch((e) => { throw console.error(e), e; }); } function Zc(t) { return fetch(t).then((e) => e.text()); } async function zc(t) { const e = await ys(t.manifest), r = await Zc(e.code); return { manifest: e, code: r }; } function wn(t, e) { t.setAttribute("data-theme", e); } function Bc(t, e, r, n) { const a = document.createElement("plugin-modal"); return wn(a, r), a.setAttribute("title", t), a.setAttribute("iframe-src", e), a.setAttribute("width", String(n.width || 300)), a.setAttribute("height", String(n.height || 400)), document.body.appendChild(a), a; } const Gc = V.object({ width: V.number().positive(), height: V.number().positive() }), Hc = V.function().args(V.string(), V.string(), V.enum(["dark", "light"]), Gc).implement((t, e, r, n) => Bc(t, e, r, n)), en = [ "pagechange", "filechange", "selectionchange", "themechange" ]; let tn = [], ne = null; const It = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); window.addEventListener("message", (t) => { for (const e of tn) e(; }); function Vc(t, e) { t === "themechange" && ne && wn(ne, e), (It.get(t) || []).forEach((n) => n(e)); } function Wc(t, e) { const r = () => { ne == null || ne.removeEventListener("close", r), ne && ne.remove(), tn = [], ne = null; }, n = (s) => { if (!e.permissions.includes(s)) throw new Error(`Permission ${s} is not granted`); }; return { ui: { open: (s, i, c) => { const u = t.getTheme(); ne = Hc(s, i, u, c), wn(ne, u), ne.addEventListener("close", r, { once: !0 }); }, sendMessage(s) { const i = new CustomEvent("message", { detail: s }); ne == null || ne.dispatchEvent(i); }, onMessage: (s) => { V.function().parse(s), tn.push(s); } }, log: console.log, setTimeout: V.function().args(V.function(), V.number()).implement((s, i) => { setTimeout(s, i); }), closePlugin: r, on(s, i) { V.enum(en).parse(s), V.function().parse(i), s === "pagechange" ? n("page:read") : s === "filechange" ? n("file:read") : s === "selectionchange" && n("selection:read"); const c = It.get(s) || []; c.push(i), It.set(s, c); }, off(s, i) { V.enum(en).parse(s), V.function().parse(i); const c = It.get(s) || []; It.set( s, c.filter((u) => u !== i) ); }, // Penpot State API getFile() { return n("file:read"), t.getFile(); }, getCurrentPage() { return n("page:read"), t.getCurrentPage(); }, getPage() { return n("page:read"), t.getPage(); }, getSelected() { return n("selection:read"), t.getSelected(); }, getSelectedShapes() { return n("selection:read"), t.getSelectedShapes(); }, getTheme() { return t.getTheme(); }, fetch }; } let eo = !1, tr, rn = null; function qc(t) { rn = t; } const vs = async function(t) { const { code: e, manifest: r } = await zc(t); try { eo || (eo = !0, hardenIntrinsics()), tr && tr.closePlugin(), rn ? (tr = Wc(rn, r), new Compartment({ penpot: harden(tr) }).evaluate(e)) : console.error("Cannot find Penpot Context"); } catch (n) { console.error(n); } }, Kc = ` `, to = (t) => { === "INSTALLER-MODAL" && t.stopImmediatePropagation(); }; class Jc extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(), this.dialog = null, this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); } createPlugin(e, r) { var c, u; const n = document.createElement("li"); n.classList.add("plugin"), n.textContent = e; const a = document.createElement("div"); a.classList.add("actions"); const s = document.createElement("button"); s.classList.add("button"), s.textContent = "Open", s.type = "button", s.addEventListener("click", () => { this.closeModal(), vs({ manifest: r }); }), a.appendChild(s); const i = document.createElement("button"); i.classList.add("button", "remove"), i.textContent = "Remove", i.type = "button", i.addEventListener("click", () => { n.remove(); const d = this.getPlugins().filter((f) => f.url !== r); this.savePlugins(d); }), a.appendChild(i), n.appendChild(a), (u = (c = this.dialog) == null ? void 0 : c.querySelector(".plugins-list")) == null || u.prepend(n); } loadPluginList() { const e = this.getPlugins(); for (const r of e) this.createPlugin(, r.url); } getPlugins() { const e = localStorage.getItem("plugins"); return e ? JSON.parse(e) : []; } savePlugins(e) { localStorage.setItem("plugins", JSON.stringify(e)); } submitNewPlugin(e) { e.preventDefault(); const n ="input"); if (!n) return; const a = n.value; n.value = "", ys(a).then((s) => { if (this.createPlugin(, a), !localStorage.getItem("plugins")) localStorage.setItem( "plugins", JSON.stringify([{ name:, url: a }]) ); else { const c = this.getPlugins(); c.push({ name:, url: a }), this.savePlugins(c); } this.error(!1); }).catch((s) => { console.error(s), this.error(!0); }); } error(e) { var r, n; (n = (r = this.dialog) == null ? void 0 : r.querySelector(".error")) == null || n.classList.toggle("show", e); } connectedCallback() { var r; if (!this.shadowRoot) throw new Error("Error creating shadow root"); this.dialog = document.createElement("dialog"), this.dialog.innerHTML = `


Error instaling plugin
    `, (r = this.dialog.querySelector(".close")) == null || r.addEventListener("click", () => { this.closeModal(); }), this.shadowRoot.appendChild(this.dialog), this.dialog.addEventListener("submit", (n) => { this.submitNewPlugin(n); }), this.loadPluginList(); const e = document.createElement("style"); e.textContent = ` * { font-family worksans, sans-serif } ::backdrop { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); } dialog { border: 0; width: 700px; height: 500px; padding: 20px; background-color: white; border-radius: 10px; flex-direction: column; display: none; } dialog[open] { display: flex; } .header { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } h1 { margin: 0; margin-block-end: 10px; } ul { padding: 0; } li { list-style: none; } .input { display: flex; border: 1px solid; border-radius: calc( 0.25rem * 2); font-size: 12px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.4; outline: none; padding-block: calc( 0.25rem * 2); padding-inline: calc( 0.25rem * 2); background-color: #f3f4f6; border-color: #f3f4f6; color: #000; &:hover { background-color: #eef0f2; border-color: #eef0f2; } &:focus { background-color: #ffffff border-color: ##6911d4; } } button { background: transparent; border: 0; cursor: pointer; } .button { border: 1px solid transparent; font-weight: 500; font-size: 12px; border-radius: 8px; line-height: 1.2; padding: 8px 24px 8px 24px; text-transform: uppercase; background-color: #7EFFF5; border: 1px solid 7EFFF5; outline: 2px solid transparent; &:hover:not(:disabled) { cursor: pointer; } &:focus-visible { outline: none; } } .remove { background-color: #ff3277; border: 1px solid #ff3277; outline: 2px solid transparent; } form { display: flex; gap: 10px; margin-block-end: 20px; } .url-input { inline-size: 400px; } .plugins-list { display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 10px; } .plugin { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } .actions { display: flex; gap: 10px; } .error { display: none; color: red; &.show { display: block; } } `, this.shadowRoot.appendChild(e); } closeModal() { var e, r; (r = (e = this.shadowRoot) == null ? void 0 : e.querySelector("dialog")) == null || r.close(), window.removeEventListener("paste", to, !0); } openModal() { var e, r; (r = (e = this.shadowRoot) == null ? void 0 : e.querySelector("dialog")) == null || r.showModal(), window.addEventListener("paste", to, !0); } } function Yc() { customElements.define("installer-modal", Jc); const t = document.createElement("installer-modal"); document.body.appendChild(t), document.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => { var r; e.key.toUpperCase() === "I" && e.ctrlKey && ((r = document.querySelector("installer-modal")) == null || r.openModal()); }); } console.log("Loading plugin system"); repairIntrinsics({ evalTaming: "unsafeEval" }); globalThis.initPluginsRuntime = (t) => { if (t) { console.log("Initialize context"), globalThis.ɵcontext = t, globalThis.ɵloadPlugin = vs, Yc(), qc(t); for (const e of en) t.addListener(e, Vc.bind(null, e)); } }; //#