#!/usr/bin/env bash # NOTE: this script should be called from the parent directory to # properly work. set -ex export INCLUDE_STORYBOOK=${BUILD_STORYBOOK:-no}; export CURRENT_VERSION=$1; export BUILD_DATE=$(date -R); export CURRENT_HASH=${CURRENT_HASH:-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)}; export EXTRA_PARAMS=$SHADOWCLJS_EXTRA_PARAMS; export TS=$(date +%s); # Some cljs reacts on this environment variable for define more # performant code on macros (example: rumext) export NODE_ENV=production; yarn install || exit 1; rm -rf resources/public; rm -rf target/dist; yarn run build:app --config-merge "{:release-version \"${CURRENT_HASH}-${TS}\"}" $EXTRA_PARAMS || exit 1 yarn run build:app:libs || exit 1; yarn run build:app:assets || exit 1; mkdir -p target/dist; rsync -avr resources/public/ target/dist/ sed -i -re "s/\%version\%/$CURRENT_VERSION/g" ./target/dist/index.html; sed -i -re "s/\%buildDate\%/$BUILD_DATE/g" ./target/dist/index.html; if [ "$INCLUDE_STORYBOOK" = "yes" ]; then # build storybook yarn run build:storybook || exit 1; rsync -avr storybook-static/ target/dist/storybook-static; fi