;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public ;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this ;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2016 Andrey Antukh (ns storages.impl "Implementation details and helpers." (:require [storages.proto :as pt] [storages.util :as util] [buddy.core.codecs :as codecs] [clojure.java.io :as io]) (:import java.io.File java.io.ByteArrayInputStream java.io.InputStream java.net.URL java.net.URI java.nio.file.Path java.nio.file.Paths java.nio.file.Files)) (extend-protocol pt/IContent String (-input-stream [v] (ByteArrayInputStream. (codecs/str->bytes v))) Path (-input-stream [v] (io/input-stream v)) File (-input-stream [v] (io/input-stream v)) URI (-input-stream [v] (io/input-stream v)) URL (-input-stream [v] (io/input-stream v)) InputStream (-input-stream [v] v) ratpack.http.TypedData (-input-stream [this] (.getInputStream this))) (extend-protocol pt/IUri URI (-uri [v] v) String (-uri [v] (URI. v))) (def ^:private empty-string-array (make-array String 0)) (extend-protocol pt/IPath Path (-path [v] v) URI (-path [v] (Paths/get v)) URL (-path [v] (Paths/get (.toURI v))) String (-path [v] (Paths/get v empty-string-array)) clojure.lang.Sequential (-path [v] (reduce #(.resolve %1 %2) (pt/-path (first v)) (map pt/-path (rest v))))) (defn- path->input-stream [^Path path] (Files/newInputStream path util/read-open-opts)) (defn- path->output-stream [^Path path] (Files/newOutputStream path util/write-open-opts)) (extend-type Path io/IOFactory (make-reader [path opts] (let [^InputStream is (path->input-stream path)] (io/make-reader is opts))) (make-writer [path opts] (let [^OutputStream os (path->output-stream path)] (io/make-writer os opts))) (make-input-stream [path opts] (let [^InputStream is (path->input-stream path)] (io/make-input-stream is opts))) (make-output-stream [path opts] (let [^OutputStream os (path->output-stream path)] (io/make-output-stream os opts)))) (extend-type ratpack.http.TypedData io/IOFactory (make-reader [td opts] (let [^InputStream is (.getInputStream td)] (io/make-reader is opts))) (make-writer [path opts] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "read only object"))) (make-input-stream [td opts] (let [^InputStream is (.getInputStream td)] (io/make-input-stream is opts))) (make-output-stream [path opts] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "read only object"))))