import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test"; import DashboardPage from "../pages/DashboardPage"; test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await DashboardPage.init(page); }); test("Dashboad page has title ", async ({ page }) => { const dashboardPage = new DashboardPage(page); await dashboardPage.goToWorkspace(); await expect(; await expect(dashboardPage.titleLabel).toBeVisible(); }); test("User can create a new project", async ({ page }) => { const dashboardPage = new DashboardPage(page); await dashboardPage.setupNewProject(); await dashboardPage.goToWorkspace(); await; await expect(dashboardPage.projectName).toBeVisible(); }); test("User goes to draft page", async ({ page }) => { const dashboardPage = new DashboardPage(page); await dashboardPage.setupDraftsEmpty(); await dashboardPage.goToWorkspace(); await; await expect(dashboardPage.draftTitle).toBeVisible(); }); test("User loads the draft page", async ({ page }) => { const dashboardPage = new DashboardPage(page); await dashboardPage.setupDrafts(); await dashboardPage.goToDrafts(); await expect(dashboardPage.draftsFile).toBeVisible(); });